Chapter 15: Ponyville Confidential

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It was a nice day out in Ponyville today as many ponies were out today. . . but it wasn't a normal day as if seeing ponies walk around town everyday. Apparently, a newspapers have been trending all over Ponyville with the enigmatic title, Gabby Gums and a lot of ponies have been interested ever since it got out to the entire town.

We now see the all knowing Hero of Ponyville as he was on his way to go to the spa and relax with his friends and he sees everypony around reading newspapers which confuses him.

(Y/N): What's with all of the newspapers? I haven't seen anything like this be popular in Ponyville before.

Mayor Mare then walks out of the town hall to approach (Y/N).

Mayor Mare: (Y/N), have you just said that you do not know what's been so popular around Ponyville right now?

(Y/N) turns to the mayor and nods at that.

Mayor Mare then pulls out a rolled up newspaper that she had and tosses it to (Y/N) which he catches.

Mayor Mare: There has been funny columns trending all over Ponyville and get this. . . Gabby Gums who is the pony who has been publishing these stories is from the Foal Free Press.

This intrigues (Y/N) as he opens the newspaper up to read what Mayor Mare is talking about.

Mayor Mare: They've have doing a wonderful job with keeping everypony entertained with all of the gossip going around, that they just had to be expanded to the Ponyville News Stand. I gave them authorization of allowing the foals to publish their stories out to all of Ponyville.

As Mayor Mare was speaking, (Y/N) continues to read the newspaper and as he reads it, he was slowly getting an uneasy look from reading it.

Mayor Mare: To me, this should keep many more ponies occupied for the day and not have them be so dull. Don't you agree, (Y/N)?

When (Y/N) finishes reading the newspaper, he cringes at it as if he knows that there is something wrong with all of the stories in it. He then looks up at the mayor confused.

(Y/N): And. . . you're okay with this?

Mayor Mare: Of course.

(Y/N): You're okay with titles like, "Epic Rainfail" or "Cranky Doodle's Toupee Collection?"

Mayor Mare: *laughs* I know. It's wonderful stories isn't it?

(Y/N): Uh. . . well. . . while some of these are indeed true, you do know that it's talking about the ponies' private lives right?

Mayor Mare: All the more why it's interesting and great gossip. I mean look at those well-abiding citizens over there.

Mayor Mare points to a direction which (Y/N) turns to and he sees the two besties Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon laughing together at the newpaper that they were reading. He raises an eyebrow at this and looks at the newspaper that he's holding before handing it back to Mayor Mare.

(Y/N): Gabby Gums? Not interested.

Mayor Mare: Really? It's very entertaining.

(Y/N): Maybe for you, but I don't really like that kind of gossip too much. It's a little bit too personal for my liking.

Mayor Mare: Well, if you say so. Where are you heading off to now, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Going to go and relax with my friends at the spa. They're expecting me there any minute now actually.

Mayor Mare: Okay then. If you don't like Gabby Gums then I won't judge you for it, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Thank you and please. . . be careful of what you read in those newspapers. They all might not be for everypony.

Mayor Mare: Will do.

(Y/N) nods at that as he flies off to go and meet up with his friends at the Ponyville Spa, however as he goes off, the mayor turns to a page that makes her gasp in shock.

Mayor Mare: H-How did this get into the newspaper?! How did somepony know that I dye my mane?!

At the Ponyville Spa, The Mane 7 minus Rainbow Dash was enjoying their time together at the spa as Rarity, (Y/N), Twilight, Applejack, and Spike are relaxing on the lounge chairs in various ways. Twilight reads the Foal Free Press with a crimp secured on the pink streak in her tail. Applejack lies on her belly with a blanket draped over her, Spike has cucumber slices on his eyes while laying on his back, (Y/N) was laying on his belly as well with hot stones on his back and a blanket over his flank area, and finally Rarity, in her favorite robe, had a towel around her mane and is reading a copy of her Gabby Gums as Lotus looks after her. Fluttershy and Pinkie are in the tub with manes their wrapped in towels.

Rarity: Oh, this is the life, isn't it, everypony? The best hooficure I've ever had!

A pony then gives Applejack a vigorous massage as she was enjoying it.

Applejack: *voice vibrating* You said it, ooh. . .

(Y/N): *relieved sigh* This treatment, I'll definitely feel for the next few days.

Spike: *sighs* I agree, I don't know if I've ever been so relaxed.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash bursts in the room.

Rainbow Dash: You guys!

Spike bolts upright with a yell as the cucumber slices pop off his eyes and land on Rainbow's as she gallops in with a newspaper in her teeth that she sits down.

Rainbow Dash: The new Gabby Gums just came out! "The Great and Powerful Trixie's Secrets Revealed!"

Rarity: We already read that one, Rainbow Dash. Come on, relax, have a hooficure, it feels amazing.

Rainbow Dash pulls one of the slices off her face with her tongue and gulps it down.

Rainbow Dash: Did you forget who you're talking to? The day I get a hooficure is the day I turn in my daredevil license.

(Y/N): Tch. Tomboy.

Rainbow Dash: Hey! I haven't even got to read the Gabby Gums yet.

Spike then reaches in to grab the cucumber slice still on her eye.

Spike: Well, do it quietly, will ya?

He then opens her mouth and takes the one that she swallowed back out and puts it back on his other eye despite the fact that she just swallowed it.

Spike: Some of us are trying to unwind!

Twilight Sparkle: I like Gabby Gums too, but don't you think she can be a little mean?

(Y/N): Mean? Try straight up being just a complete snake. No, even worse! Snooping snakes!

Applejack: She's not a snake, (Y/N), she's a hoot!

Twilight then reads another title in the Gabby Gums newspaper and finds herself staring straight at a picture of Princess Celestia caught in the act of gorging herself on cake.

Twilight Sparkle: No, (Y/N)'s right. "Celestia Just Like Us"? Gabby Gums doesn't value anypony's privacy.

Rarity: Oh, lighten up, you two, it's nothing but harmless gossip!

(Y/N): Well yeah, gossip that can potentially be humiliating for someponies.

Pinkie then splashes out of the tub.

Pinkie Pie: Oh come on, (Y/N), it's all entertaining to read. I mean listen to this one. "Mayor Not Naturally Gray!" The Mayor in a mane dyeing scandal? Who wouldn't wanna read that?

She holds a newspaper up in front of herself, framing a photo of Mayor Mare and gray mane dye she is applying to cover her mane's natural color which is bright pink.

(Y/N): Popularity is no excuse for something that's personal and private for ponies. It's could be funny for one pony, but very embarrassing for the other.

Lotus applies some polish onto Twilight's hooves and Aloe appears to take the hot stones off of (Y/N)'s back.

Twilight Sparkle: I agree. I just can't help feeling sorry for the ponies featured in her columns.

Rainbow Dash: Are you kidding? Do you know how awesome it is to get your name in the paper?

(Y/N): One that features one of your most embarrassing secrets?

Rainbow Dash then looks up and thinks to herself about that.

Rainbow Dash: Well. . . when you put it that way. . .

Rarity: Don't listen to him, Rainbow Dash. Even if it was partially embarrassing, I would still give a laugh at it. In the meantime, why don't you join me in one of these delicious hooficures?

Twilight rolls her eyes good-humoredly and smiles toward Rainbow to tell her to go ahead.

Rainbow Dash: It's that good, huh? Well, maybe just one little hoof.

What the Mane 7 didn't notice was that a small Pegasus with a camera around him took a peek inside of the spa.

Rainbow Dash then walks over to an empty lounge chair next to Rarity and sits on her back stretched out. Lotus then attempts to give Rainbow a hooficure, but every time she tries to get a file near a rear hoof, she twitches one or both of them out of the way. Rainbow then chews her lower lip and shakes all over as if the file were a red-hot branding iron. Before its tip can make contact with her hoof, she jumps up off the chair with a yell and hovers above it.

Rainbow Dash: Forget it, I don't like ponies touching my hooves.

She then flies back to the newspaper that she dropped on the floor.

Rainbow Dash: Man. . . I'd love it if Gabby Gums did a story on me.

Spike: She did one on me.

Mane 7: WHAT?!

The Mane 7 instantly gathered around Spike from that and their sudden attention scares the cucumbers off his eyes and a cry from his mouth.

At the Ponyville schoolhouse, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are seen in front of a desk in the printing room as the trio were the infamous Gabby Gums trying to sell out all of their gossip around Ponyville. They were being journalists for their school this year so that they can finally get their Cutie Marks, but in order for them to try and accomplish their feats, they have to follow the editor in chief who is none other than the spoiled brat, Diamond Tiara. They tried to publish some vague stories out to the school, but Diamond Tiara wasn't not happy with that type of paper, so the Cutie Mark Crusaders instead made some rude, yet funny gossip about someponies which Diamond Tiara opened up to and allowed them to continue publishing their columns all around Ponyville.

Diamond Tiara sits in a high-backed chair behind a desk and has put the photo of herself on the wall. A layout table stands in one corner as a young colt named Shady squirts ink into a printing press, and two other young ponies, Ruby Pinch and Truffle are busy at the typewriters. The floor and machinery are liberally besmirched with pigment, as are Shady and the apron he wears.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders place down a photo of Spike at the desk doing his best ladies'-dragon impression that involved him wearing a fez, velvet bathrobe, and pipe emitting bubbles.

Apple Bloom: "Exclusive! Local Dragon Tells All! Spike opens up about Canterlot, naps, and his favorite jams!"

Scootaloo: It's our best column yet!

Diamond Tiara however was not happy with that type of news as she jumps on the desk and glares at them.

Diamond Tiara: More like your worst column yet! Gabby Gums didn't become the biggest thing in Ponyville with namby-pamby stories like this!

She throws the photo in their faces on the end of this and stalks out of the room angrily leaving the trio wincing at their failed attempt.

Apple Bloom: *sighs* Yeah, she's right. This column is a little softer than our usual gossip.

Sweetie Belle: Were you guys feeling guilty about all the gossip too? Like. . . maybe we could be hurting other ponies' feelings?

Apple Bloom: Yeah, I didn't wanna say anything because everypony loves Gabby Gums so much, but. . . I was sorta hoping we could start writing more stories like this one.

Scootaloo: Me too.

Sweetie Belle then picks the photo in her mouth, drops it into a trash can, and addresses the others resolutely.

Sweetie Belle: If we're gonna get our Cutie Marks, we've got to give the ponies what they want.

Each of them reluctantly raise their hooves before bumping them together, but they let out a slight moan that they had to continue their gossip on everypony.

The next day at Sugarcube Corner, the Mane 7 excluding Rainbow Dash were all gathered around each other reading the Gabby Gums newspaper once again, but this time they started to have different on what they think of on the Gabby Gums newspapers as Applejack shows her friends a newspaper of her that is apparently of her snoozing under a tree.

Applejack: "Applejack Asleep on the Job!" Can y'all believe this?! And this one: "Big McIntosh – What's He Hiding?"

She turns the page and shows a picture of the red stallion with Twilight's old Smarty Pants doll on his grip from Lesson Zero.

Applejack: Who the hay does this Gabby Gums think she is?!

(Y/N): You know, I wouldn't say I told you so, but. . .

Applejack then glares at him.

Applejack: Don't even think about it.

(Y/N): *quickly* . . .Told you so!

Applejack then throws a rolled up newspaper in (Y/N)'s face.

(Y/N): Ow!

Twilight then brings up a photo of herself pontificating over a book in the library.

Twilight Sparkle: Listen to this one. "Twilight Sparkle: I Was a Canterlot Snob. A well-placed scaly source close to the prissy pony says Twilight Sparkle thinks Ponyville is nothing but muddy roads and low-class rubes."

Twilight then angrily glares at Spike.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike!

Standing by the front door, he is so surprised by her outburst that he yells and belches fire over the paper in his hands and nothing is left but a charred ball.

Twilight Sparkle: How could you say such a thing?

Spike: Well, I didn't! Gabby Gums made that up! I never said anything like that!

(Y/N): This is what I'm telling you everypony! Gabby Gums is nothing, but a crazy and uncontrollable liar! She's posting what she wants so that other ponies can laugh at the gossip given and think that it's true.

Rarity: (Y/N), please! She's just a harmless schoolpony engaged in a little harmless gossip. You're really making too big a deal out of this.

(Y/N): Too big?! Rarity, this is starting to affect our friends and you're saying that it's no big deal at all?!

Rarity: It's just entertainment.

Twilight Sparkle: But think of the controversy! For all we know, they're all lies! Gabby Gums prints whatever she wants! She doesn't care whose reputation she destroys! "Fluttershy Has Tail Extensions!"

Twilight turns a page with her magic to bring up a profile shot of Fluttershy, with several red arrows pointing at her tail which appear to be rather longer than normal. Fluttershy got so mortified, that she silently sinks from view behind a ledge.

Twilight Sparkle: "Pinkie Pie is an Out-of-Control Party Animal!"

On another page Pinkie is standing in a full punchbowl with a lampshade on her head. A party is in full swing, but a horrified mare is trying to flee the scene.

Pinkie Pie: What?!

Pinkie immediately yanks the paper back to look at what Gabby Gums said in complete shock before crying.

Pinkie Pie: It's true! I do have a problem!

Pinkie then drops to the floor crying and (Y/N) walks up to her and pats her on the head to calm her down a bit.

(Y/N): Look at that. It's getting so bad it's hurting other ponies feelings.

Twilight then reads another page and Applejack and Fluttershy read it along with her.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, look! According to this one, the Cakes are breaking up!

Mr. and Mrs. Cake then immediately zip in from that as they hold a tray of cupcakes.

Mrs. Cake: We are?!

(Y/N): Now we definitely know that's a lie.

A loud crash is then heard at the door which has just been knocked off the hinges by Rainbow Dash and a huge mound of papers she is carrying.

Rainbow Dash: Well, my life is officially over. Gabby Gums has made it to Cloudsdale.

Rainbow Dash pulls out a newspaper that bears a picture of her during Lotus' attempted hoof-filing in the spa. However, she is smiling, suggesting that Featherweight either doctored it or snapped at just the right moment to capture that expression.

Twilight Sparkle: "Rainbow Dash: Speed Demon or Super Softie"?!

Rainbow Dash: I grabbed as many copies as I could, but it was too late! I'm a laughing stock!

She then drops to the floor dramatically in distraught of the news.

(Y/N): See Rarity? Do you see my point now? This is all going to far that it's now just straight up mean and humiliating.

Rarity: Honestly, you ponies have no sense of humor.

(Y/N) then rushes to Rarity angrily who was still reading a magazine.

(Y/N): Oh, really?!

(Y/N) then turns a page to show Rarity another page, and this one had her on it. Rarity looks at it for a second before going wide-eyed to see herself, sprawled out on her favorite fainting couch and in full meltdown mode.

(Y/N): "The Drama-Queen Diaries." Does that sound funny to see yourself like that?!

Rarity: I'll. . . I'll. . . I'LL DESTROY HER!!! She's reprinted my diary! How could Gabby Gums possibly get access to my private diary?!

Twilight then turns to another page in a newspaper and what she saw on it next made her gasp like she had seen a ghost. She covers her mouth in complete shock.

Twilight Sparkle: You guys! This one maybe the worst one yet!

Pinkie Pie: How come?

Twilight Sparkle: I-It's about (Y/N)! Come look!

(Y/N): Me?! What could Gabby Gums possibly get to embarrass me?!

The girls swiftly run to Twilight to read the headline that was about (Y/N) and when they read it, they all had the same reactions that Twilight had. They all jaw dropped as they slowly turned their heads to (Y/N) which just straight up gives him a worried look and his ears lay flat.

(Y/N): I shouldn't even know, should I?

The mares all looked at each other nervously, but didn't say a word. (Y/N) sighs worriedly as he slowly and reluctantly walks towards them and he reads the headline that was about him and after he read it. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

He jaw dropped so wide that it could possibly either hit the floor or straight up break. After a few more seconds he shakes his head to regain his composure and just had a surprised look in general.

(Y/N): WHAT?!?!

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah. . . "The Mystery about the Hero of Ponyville's Gender."

Twilight shows a picture to (Y/N) that had him and the other mares in a group hug and he was in the middle of it.

(Y/N): I'M NOT A GIRL!! Just because I hang around six mares week after week, says nothing about my gender!

Rainbow Dash: Well hey, don't ask. Don't tell.

Everypony angrily glares at Rainbow Dash as she flinches.

Rainbow Dash: Whoa! I was joking, okay!?

Twilight Sparkle: We've got to put a stop to this once and for all! Sweetie Belle's on the newspaper staff. Maybe she knows who Gabby Gums is.

(Y/N): I wonder if the Cutie Mark Crusaders are involved in this at all to be honest. They did say that they were on the journal team for their school.

Applejack: Sugarcube, I doubt Apple Bloom would have the audacity to even post things about her own sister.

Rarity: And my sister would never associate with anyone as beastly as Gabby Gums! I resent you even suggesting such a thing, (Y/N)! Why, she's the most innocent, most lovely-

Rarity is now at Carousel Boutique as she takes a look in Sweetie Belle's saddlebag and finds that she was hiding none other than. . .

You guessed it! Her private diary!

Rarity: MOST EVIL PONY IN EQUESTRIA! How could my own sister steal my private diary? How could my own sister be. . . Gabby Gums?!

Rarity instantly rushes to her living area and kicks the door open to find Sweetie Belle on the floor looking at a notepad.

Rarity: Et tu, Gabby Gums?!

Sweetie Belle instantly stood up in shock from that.

Sweetie Belle: *gasps* You know?! How'd you find out?!

Rarity shows her both the newspaper that had her on it and her private diary.

Rarity: The gilded pages of your betrayal!

Sweetie Belle: Oh, yeah.

Rarity: How could you do this to me?! You stole my secret diary and published it for all the world to read! Gossip can be a very hurtful thing. It is an invasion of privacy, just like when I snooped through your saddlebag. You didn't like that much, did you?

Sweetie Belle: No. . .

Rarity: What is important is that you understand how your column makes the ponies that you're writing about feel!

Sweetie Belle: I do understand, and we've all been feeling guilty, but we just want our Cutie Marks so badly!

Rarity then puts her hoof on her shoulder.

Rarity: Do you really think that writing nasty things and making everypony feel horrible is your destiny?

Sweetie Belle: Well, when you put it that way. . .

Sweetie Belle knew at this point that with Rarity knowing her and her friends as Gabby Gums, things were just going to get worse if they continue to do it. She told the other Cutie Mark Crusaders everything and they all knew that they just couldn't be journalists anymore if they hurt everypony that they gossip about that involved their embarrassing stories. They decided to go back to the schoolhouse and announce their resignation to Diamond Tiara of their journals, but. . .

Diamond Tiara: No! I won't let you quit!

Sweetie Belle: But the gossip we've been printing is hurting everypony's feelings!

Diamond Tiara: Feelings?! I don't care about feelings! Gabby Gums is my bread and butter, and I'm not gonna let you goody-two-horseshoes take that away from me!

Sweetie Belle: We're sorry, Diamond Tiara, but we've made our decision.

Scootaloo: Yeah, you can't force us to keep gossiping.

Diamond Tiara scowls at that, but it soon shifts into a calculating smile, and she holds up a file folder over her shoulder.

Diamond Tiara: When you see these. . . you may not want to quit after all.

The folder is thrown across, spilling out three full-color pictures when it hits the floor at the trio's feet. They suck in a disbelieving gasp at what they see next.

They're were embarrassing photos of them Sweetie having been pressed into modeling duty in a peacock looking costume, Scootaloo was in a mud puddle underneath the birds' nest, and there a photo of a page in Granny Smith's album with a picture of a double-diapered baby Apple Bloom.

When they each see these photos of themselves, they blush at those seeing that Diamond Tiara found that out.

Diamond Tiara: I told Featherweight to document everything and that's exactly what he did.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders see the camera Pegasus who has stuck his camera into the office through the open window and takes another shot.

Diamond Tiara sweeps the photos up and Scootaloo tries to grab them.

Scootaloo: Gimme those!

Diamond Tiara: Sorry, girls, property of the Foal Free Press. And if Gabby Gums really does go into retirement, I'll need something to fill that empty column space.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are shocked by this. Diamond Tiara is actually going through extreme lengths to keep Gabby Gums going, and if they stop. . . she'll blackmail them and expose their embarrassing photos to all of Ponyville to laugh at.

Diamond Tiara: Now get out there and bring me more Gabby Gums!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were now walking out in the meadows of Ponyville trying to think about what they should do in order to either get out of their blackmailing situation or just try and get a column in general so they can't get blackmailed at all.

Sweetie Belle: We'll find a way out of this, girls.

Scootaloo: We'll need to find somepony to get a column on.

However, the three weren't looking where they were going as they bump into somepony and that pony that they bumped into was none other than (Y/N) who had a stern look on his face.

(Y/N): Hello, "Gabby Gums."

Sweetie Belle: *gasps* How did you know?

(Y/N): Rarity told me everything. In fact, the entire town knows about how you three went around showing everypony around town the embarrassing stories of their lives.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were surprised from that until Scootaloo speaks up.

Scootaloo: Don't suppose. . . you'd let us write a column on you?

(Y/N) deepens his glare at the trio as the flinched from that.

(Y/N): You three should be ashamed of yourselves. The citizens around the town are just not going to be unhappy if they see you, they'll shut you out. All of these stories that you've been publishing have caused nothing, but damage to anypony that you gossip about. Even in some cases, you lied! You made up stories that weren't even actually true! And calling me a girl!? For Celestia's sake, don't you three feel any guilt at all?!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all grew sad looks from that as they answer (Y/N)'s question.

Sweetie Belle: Of course, we felt some guilt. I told Rarity the same thing.

(Y/N): Just one question. Why'd you do it?

Apple Bloom: We joined the journal team 'cause we were so desperate to earn our Cutie Marks. We didn't think it would come to this though.

(Y/N): I can understand that you three want your Cutie Marks so bad in your life. And I obviously understand that you're trying all kinds of new things in order to get them. But going THIS far?! You all have your own reputations as Gabby Gums ruined already with all of this!

Scootaloo: We know and we're sorry, (Y/N). Really, we are.

The three fillies then crouch to the ground in front of (Y/N) as if begging for forgiveness in him. He looks down at the three fillies and sighs.

(Y/N): Look, why are you even continuing this? Everypony is just going to reject your offer at this point to get a column to publish.

Apple Bloom: But we need one! Just one! Of anypony!

(Y/N): Ugh! Why are you so desperate?! Doesn't anypony else in your class think that this is a bad idea?

Sweetie Belle: No. . . not really.

(Y/N): Don't you have an editor as well? What do they have to say about it?

Scootaloo: They're completely okay with it. So until now, we didn't think it would be much of a problem. And she loved the columns that we gave her.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at that last part.

(Y/N): She? Who's this "she"?

Scootaloo goes wide-eyed as she realizing what she just said and the two other beside her get a worried look as they don't know what they should respond with. They then turn around and get into a huddle for a second.

Scootaloo: *whispers* What should we do? If we sell out Diamond Tiara, she'll sure to have our faces spread across the whole town!

Apple Bloom: *whispers* I don't know, but we're in a cornered right now. The biggest conundrum ever!

Sweetie Belle: *whispers* We have two options: A. Tell (Y/N) about Diamond Tiara so that he can tell the whole town as well and then get blackmailed in the end. B. Lie about not knowing who the editor is and not get blackmailed at all.

Apple Bloom: *whispers* I don't know y'all. He's right though. We've done too much already and we'll just make it worse if we do more.

Scootaloo: *whispers* But we can't let our faces in those photos get shown.

Sweetie Belle: *whispers* Hold on! Don't you think we should tell (Y/N) about that too?

Scootaloo: Huh?

Sweetie Belle: *whispers* He's an understanding type of guy. Maybe instead of doing a column on him, he could probably help us with not getting blackmailed.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo look at each other from that and smiled.

Scootaloo: *whispers* True, he does nothing but help others out.

Apple Bloom: *whispers* And in the end it works out for everypony. Come on, let's tell him about Diamond Tiara and I'm sure we'll be able to be clear of those darn photos in the end.

Sweetie Belle: *whispers* We can trust him. I'm sure he'll think of something.

(Y/N): Ahem. I'm waiting. . .

The Cutie Mark Crusaders look back to see (Y/N) tapping his hoof on the ground impatiently and they looked at each other and nodded before walking up to him.

Apple Bloom: (Y/N). . . apparently we haven't told ya the whole truth. We're not really the ones who are deciding what should be published around Ponyville.

Sweetie Belle: There is an editor-in-chief who actually is in charge from choosing the stories to making sure it gets to press on time.

Scootaloo: We got a new one this year and. . . she's not really cooperative at all.

(Y/N): She must sound like somepony who's really got some nerve. Who is it?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: Diamond Tiara.

(Y/N) goes shocked from that as he knew Diamond Tiara was known for trying to get her way no matter what others think.

(Y/N): Diamond Tiara!?

Apple Bloom: Yeah, she's been deciding all of this time of what get's published or not.

(Y/N): That spoiled brat! It all makes sense now! Let me make a hunch and say that she's ordering everypony around to make newspapers for her own amusement and doesn't care about what she publishes as long as it's entertaining for her.

Sweetie Belle: That's pretty much the whole story.

(Y/N): Don't you girls want to stop this?! Can't you quit if you don't want to work for her?

Apple Bloom: Of course, we wanted to quit! But we had no way out!

(Y/N): What do you mean no way out?

Scootaloo then get's a nervous look.

Scootaloo: Uh. . . she may have forced us in a way and now we're having to publish stories nonstop.

(Y/N): In what way?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were hesitant to answer that as they all look to the ground with nervous looks.

(Y/N): Girls, I want to get you out of this, but I can't if you don't give me all of the details. Tell me, how is she forcing you to keep working for her?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders took a deep breath before answering (Y/N)'s question.

Sweetie Belle: She got some embarrassing looking photos of us from when we were trying to get some other columns to publish out there in the town and she threatened us that if we don't continue being Gabby Gums then she'd reveal those photos and get us exposed.

(Y/N) was so shocked to hear that, he then got a serious look.

(Y/N): We need to go and inform your sisters and the rest of my friends about this!

Apple Bloom: But how? With us being known as Gabby Gums, they'll for sure not even listen to us.

(Y/N) then get's a determined look as he smiles at the trio.

(Y/N): Well. . . they'll listen to me.

(Y/N) let's all of his friends know to meet him at Sugarcube Corner. It involved him getting through some obstacles, such as Rainbow Dash sitting on a ton of rain clouds, Twilight putting a force field around the library, getting Fluttershy to calm down and not cry, and even Applejack was reluctant to go with (Y/N) after he mentioned Gabby Gums, but if it was important, then she'll come along.

At the bakery, The Mane 7 and The Cutie Mark Crusaders are there as (Y/N) explained everything what was going on, why the Cutie Mark Crusaders kept posting the embarrassing stories about everypony, and the true culprit behind the whole Gabby Gums columns.

Applejack: So let me get this straight, these three have been in the journaling team and were forced to keep publishing those stories of us all cause of some bully at their school named Diamond Tiara?

(Y/N): In a nutshell? Yes, that's a very good summary.

Rarity then rushes up to Sweetie Belle in shock from this.

Rarity: Sweetie Belle, why haven't you ever told me that this was all cause of some fillies scandal?!

Sweetie Belle: We didn't think it would be a big deal until now.

Applejack: And Apple Bloom, why haven't you told anything about it either?

Apple Bloom: Well. . . who would believe that ponies at such a young age would be going over this limit all cause of Diamond Tiara?

Applejack: Me! I'm your big sister! We could've told Granny Smith as well. We would've had the situation handled by now.

Twilight Sparkle: This is bad, everypony. If Diamond Tiara out of control like this then we need to stop her before she embarrasses somepony else.

(Y/N): It's not just somepony else, Twilight. Diamond Tiara also blackmailed them. If they don't publish a Gabby Gums post by tonight, it'll turn into "The CMC's exposed."

The rest of the Mane 7 gasp at that except for Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Actually, I think a better title would be "CMC's: The Explosion of Embarrassment."

Twilight Sparkle: That's NOT the important part of the situation, Pinkie!

Rainbow Dash then flies up to Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash: Come on kid, you gotta pony up! Show those bullies whose boss!

(Y/N): Rainbow Dash, we're not using brute force! Everypony around Ponyville needs to know this, starting with Cheerilee.

Rarity: So darling as usual you have a plan?

(Y/N) smirks from that.

(Y/N): A great plan! One that will settle the Gabby Gums once and for all! We're not going to let Diamond Tiara get her way! She may think that she can sit back and watch all of Ponyville be her own movie to watch, but a spoiled brat like that doesn't what adults like us can do!

Fluttershy: So what do we do first?

(Y/N): I need you all to go and inform Mayor Mare that she should schedule a town meeting this evening near the town hall.

Scootaloo: Well, what about us?

(Y/N): You three are going to announce the true story of why Gabby Gums came to be. "Including" Diamond Tiara.

Apple Bloom: What?! But if we say her name, she'll for sure expose us!

(Y/N): Don't worry, I intend to make sure that doesn't happen. Trust me everypony, I've got this!

The Mane 6 nod at that as they all run out of the bakery so that they can get the entire plan done. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were very nervous which (Y/N) notices and he goes up to them with a beaming smile.

(Y/N): I promise you girls that I won't and I mean AT ALL let you get humiliated. Okay?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders gave smiles back to (Y/N) as they all then exit the library to execute the plan.

At the Ponyville Schoolhouse, (Y/N) lands right in front of the front door to it and knocks on it. Out came an Earth pony mare with a pale, light grayish rose mane and tail with light ceriseish stripes. She had grayish harlequin eyes, a moderate cerise coat, and her Cutie Mark was three smiling faced flowers. This was the teacher of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Ponyville schoolhouse in general, Cheerilee.

Cheerilee: Hello, (Y/N). I didn't think I would see you here today. Is there something you need from me today?

(Y/N): As a matter of fact Cheerilee, I do. I need to tell you about one of the students in your class, Diamond Tiara.

Cheerilee was confused at why (Y/N) would ask her about one of her students.

Cheerilee: Diamond Tiara? About what?

(Y/N): I think you have given her a little too much authority.

Cheerilee: What do you mean?

(Y/N): She apparently has been getting into some trouble as I've heard from three of your other students, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo that she's been forcing others to publish only what seems interesting to her. You heard of Gabby Gums all across Ponyville right?

Cheerilee: Yes, I did indeed also hear that it was of the three fillies that you speak of.

(Y/N): I need to tell you that it's not entirely their fault. You assigned Diamond Tiara as the editor-in-chief from what they've told me right?

Cheerilee: *nods* Correct.

(Y/N): She's told them to post all of those stories that are embarrassing everypony out there. The three fillies made some other columns, but Diamond Tiara rejected their opinions.

Cheerilee: *gasps* She didn't?

(Y/N): Oh Miss Cheerilee, but she did. And not only that, they wanted to not take orders from her anymore and quit, but Diamond Tiara instead did something that definitely breaks school rules.

Cheerilee was listening as much as she could and at this point, she could tell what (Y/N) was saying was very serious.

(Y/N): Diamond Tiara blackmailed your students.

Cheerilee gasps at that before getting a serious look.

Cheerilee: She is definitely to be in so much trouble! Thank you for telling this as soon as you could (Y/N).

(Y/N): No problem. As far as I know though, if she is kicked off the team, she'll know that the fillies sold her out. Is there a bigger authority that we can seek out?

Cheerilee thinks for a minute before getting an idea.

Cheerilee: There is one pony that we can let know and he is in fact related to Diamond Tiara.

(Y/N): Who is it?

Later in the evening, lots of ponies were gathered outside the town hall as the Mane 6 told Mayor Mare to hold a town meeting out in all of Ponyville and she was seen up on the stage announcing what this meeting is about. Diamond Tiara is seen among the crowd of ponies with an irritated look on her face.

Diamond Tiara: This better be something good if it involved that all students in the school have to meet here. Those Blank Flanks haven't even reached their quota on the Gabby Gums yet. When this over, I'll probably have those photos published.

Mayor Mare then proceeds to give the crowd her explanation of why they were gathered there.

Mayor Mare: I'm sure you all are very confused of why we held such an abrupt meeting today here in Ponyville. Surprisingly, this was actually appointed by our Hero of Ponyville, (Y/N) (L/N) from what his friends have told me.

Diamond Tiara softly blows raspberries at that.

Diamond Tiara: *sarcastically* The Hero of Ponyville? Well this is will be rich.

Mayor Mare: As you all know, we've been seeing a lot of the Gabby Gums news around Ponyville and we've all been getting different opinions on it.

Diamond Tiara got intrigued when she mentioned Gabby Gums.

Mayor Mare: It's has indeed become scandalous, and I believe these three little fillies who have been appointed to me as well will tell us why.

Mayor Mare then moves aside as after she walks to the side, The Cutie Mark Crusaders come up on the stage with guilty looks on their faces. Diamond Tiara got shocked to see them up on stage and the crowd was not happy at all to see them up on stage either since everypony knows of them being Gabby Gums.

Scootaloo: Hello, everypony. . .

Apple Bloom: It's us. . .

Sweetie Belle: We're. . . Gabby Gums.

The crowd starts to let out a little bit of angry chatter and Diamond Tiara who was in the crowd smiled a little thinking that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were selling themselves out.

Apple Bloom: Yes, we're three little fillies and we're responsible for the publishing of all of the Gabby Gums columns.

Sweetie Belle: However, we didn't come here to say any else humiliating. . . we want to apologize for the pain and embarrassment we've caused.

Diamond Tiara goes wide-eyed from that and the crowd was also surprised to hear that.

Scootaloo: As the popularity of our column grew, we got swept up in the hype. We knew that what we were doing didn't feel quite right, but we ignored the guilt because everypony seemed to want to read what we were writing.

Sweetie Belle: But in the end, all it did was cause others to get embarrassed from what we published.

Apple Bloom: So we're up here right now to not only apologize, but also reveal the true culprit of why we became Gabby Gums.

The crowd let out intrigued chatter from that and Diamond Tiara growled as she knew who they were about to say and walked off.

Scootaloo: She was our editor-in-chief.

Apple Bloom: And she was the one actually deciding what get's published out to Ponyville and what doesn't.

Sweetie Belle: When she admired our stories, we thought at first that we were doing a great job, but all we've been doing was invading everypony's privacy. Once we realized that we were doing was wrong, we wanted to quit. . . but our editor-in-chief would not allow that to happen.

Scootaloo: We'd like to say that our editor-in-chief and we hope that you're out there listening to what we are saying. Diamond Tiara! Forced us into making those stories by blackmailing us!

The crowd gasps at that as the Cutie Mark Crusaders continue to speak.

Sweetie Belle: She threatened to humiliate us ourselves if we didn't continue to do her demands.

Apple Bloom: We knew there was no way out of that, so we continued to look for columns so she wouldn't expose us to the entire public or all of Equestria.

Scootaloo: But that all stopped up until our friend, (Y/N) came up and helped us out.

On cue from that, (Y/N) flies up onto the stage to then speak to everypony among the crowd.

(Y/N): Listen up everypony, because of all of this drama going on now do you see why it's not so funny to laugh at someone personal images?

The crowd all starts to let some confused chatter from that.

(Y/N): Gabby Gums was something that all of Ponyville agreed to and let's be honest here, you all are also responsible too for me even making this announcement today.

Everypony in the crowd was surprised to hear that.

(Y/N): It's one thing to laugh at a harmless joke that somepony makes, but for all of you to laugh at something that reveals somepony else's secrets is unacceptable. I mean some of you in this crowd right now have been published of some stuff that you don't think anypony should even know. You all allowed Gabby Gums to continue just for own stupid entertainment, but then once you see yourself in the newspaper, it's not so funny to look at anymore, is it?

Everypony in the crowd looked at each other guilty from that.

(Y/N): Look, next time when you all look at the newspaper, note the pony who was featured in it, if it's okay for them to be seen like that. This gossip has been too controversial and it's going to stop now. Our Gabby Gums would now like to say some final words to you all.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders then step up right beside (Y/N).

Sweetie Belle: From now on, we promise to respect everypony else's privacy, and we won't engage in hurtful gossip any more.

Apple Bloom: And all we can do is ask for forgiveness.

Scootaloo: This will be the official last thing that Gabby Gums posts to all of Ponyville.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: We are sorry and we hope you all understand.

There was a little bit of quiet for a second before the crowd starts to applaud for the apology that the Cutie Mark Crusaders A.K.A Gabby Gums gave.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders smile at that and so did (Y/N) as he brought all three of the fillies in a group hug and gave each of them a gentle noogie which made each of them giggle.

However, that was not the end as somepony is heard slowly, but sarcastically clapping their hooves and they turned to their right to see that it was none other than Diamond Tiara who had a cocky smirk on his face.

Diamond Tiara: *sarcastically* Very nice apology, Blank Flanks. Very nice.

(Y/N) turns to glare at the spoiled brat as the Cutie Mark Crusaders back up from her and she slowly walks towards them.

Diamond Tiara: You know if you three think about it, I actually gave you a chance for you to earn your stupid Cutie Marks, but look at it now. You blew it!

Apple Bloom: You weren't helping us at all. You were only using us.

Diamond Tiara: What can I say, I'm a pro at that.

Diamond Tiara then glares at (Y/N).

Diamond Tiara: AND YOU!! This is the second time you've humiliated me! I'll for sure get some dirt on you despite all of the confessions! I'll make it happen!

???: Make what happen exactly?

Diamond Tiara froze up at hearing that voice as she turns around and the crowd backs up to reveal a rich looking Earth pony stallion that a grayish amber coat, a dark gray mane and tail, light azure eyes, he was wearing a collar with a tie on it, and his Cutie Mark was three sacks of money.

Diamond Tiara gasped in horror as who exactly she was just looking at.

Diamond Tiara: D-Dad?!

Filthy Rich: Diamond Tiara, what do you think you are doing young lady?!

(Y/N) smirks at seeing that Diamond Tiara is about to get some discipline.

Diamond Tiara: I. . . I was just. . .!

Filthy Rich: You get down from that stage this instant!

Diamond Tiara gulps from that as she did was she was told and walked up to her father. What was even more embarrassing for her was that everypony was watching the whole thing.

Filthy Rich: You know at first I didn't believe that my daughter of all ponies would do something this outrageous, but after hearing what you just said in front of all of these ponies, I am extremely disappointed in you!

Diamond Tiara's ears lay flat in guilt from that.

Diamond Tiara: B-But I was only. . .

Filthy Rich: I don't want to hear it! Blackmailing three fillies! That crosses the line! You're grounded!

Diamond Tiara was shocked from that.

Diamond Tiara: But-

Filthy Rich: Grounded! For a month!

Diamond Tiara was shocked from that as she turned to the Cutie Mark Crusaders who had innocent looks on their faces. She growls for a few seconds before letting out an angry yell and storming off in anger. Filthy Rich just sighs at her daughter being so spoiled and (Y/N) flies down right beside him.

(Y/N): Wow, she must a handful.

Filthy Rich: You have no idea, son. By the way, thank you for letting me know about my daughter. It'll definitely be a while before she has another party again or hang out with her friends.

(Y/N) smiles from that.

(Y/N): No problem. I'm just here in town to make sure everypony is in check. I'm sure Miss Cheerilee filled you in with everything else?

Filthy Rich: Yes. She's kicked of the Foal Free Press for good and has a week of detention as well.

(Y/N): Hey, make sure you keep that filly in check. Who knows what else could happen if she went this far today?

Filthy Rich nods from that as he walks away to go and find his spoiled daughter.

The crowd around the town hall simply claps for (Y/N)'s bold actions and he takes a respective bow at that before the Cutie Mark Crusaders run up to him.

Apple Bloom: Wow, (Y/N)! You actually let her father know about the whole situation as well?!

(Y/N): Yep. If Diamond Tiara was to try another angle, the only other way out was to play the dad card.

Scootaloo: (Y/N)! You're so smart when it comes to these things!

(Y/N): What can I say? I couldn't allow you three little knuckleheads to be humiliated.

(Y/N) pats each one of them on the head which they liked. The crowd around them then starts to disperse as they each walk away to either continue their evening or go home to finish their day.

Sweetie Belle: So, we do we do now girls?

Apple Bloom: I say we find our Cutie Marks in somethin' else than journaling.

Scootaloo: Yeah! But we should get started with?

(Y/N): Actually, I've a different job for you girls to do.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders then look at (Y/N) slightly confused at that before getting excited.

Apple Bloom: Really?! What?! What?!

(Y/N) then makes a couple of empty recycling bins appear in front of them which made them frown.

Sweetie Belle: I don't get it.

(Y/N): *sighs* Look, you three need a little bit of punishment as well for the whole Gabby Gums incident. So just for the next hour, I want you three to go around and find as many bottles or cans as you can.

Scootaloo: Aw, man. Lame.

Apple Bloom however was upbeat.

Apple Bloom: Don't worry you guys, maybe we'll get our Cutie Marks by recycling!

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo perked up at that and (Y/N) facehoofs.

Sweetie Belle: Great idea! Let's get started right now! We'll get our Cutie Marks before we know it!

As the three crusaders run off with their recycling bins, (Y/N) just chuckles at their ambition.

(Y/N): Those three do have a lot of potential in getting their Cutie Marks. I wonder what they'll discover soon.

Chapter 15 End.

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