Chapter 2: The Return of Harmony - Part 2

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Previously on MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria. . .

Strange things have been happening all around Ponyville and the Mane 7 try to contain all of the abnormal stuff happening. When they thought they succeeded, they were called by Princess Celestia over in Canterlot at the royal palace. Princess Celestia explains that an old villain has returned named Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony. When the princess tries to reveal the Elements of Harmony for the Mane 7 to wield once again, a surprise happens and Discord steals the elements and hides them in the palace labyrinth. The Mane 7 then go to the labyrinth, only to get split up and caught in Discord's game. Discord manipulates each of the Mane 7 with the exception of Twilight Sparkle, and they all are now the opposite of what they're element represents. Now they have lost Discord's game and Discord states that Equestria will now be in a rain of chaos. Will Twilight Sparkle find some way to save her friends and stop Discord from ruling all of Equestria?

Now back to where we left off. . .

Twilight was standing face to face with an evil (Y/N) with Discord right behind him.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)!? How is this possible?! Why is this possible?! Why are you siding with Discord?!

(Y/N): Siding with him? You're joking right? I don't work for anypony at all! I also finally realized what I need in my life. I no longer am interested to help or save anypony from any threats. I want revenge on this whole pathetic world.

Twilight was scared by (Y/N) sinister tone.

Twilight Sparkle: R-Revenge?

(Y/N): What fair is it that you and all those other imbeciles have families to love, while I lost mine? If I can't have a family anymore. . . nopony can!

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! No! This isn't you, don't do this!

(Y/N) let's out a sinister chuckle as he flies up into the air.

(Y/N): There's no way you can stop me Twilight! You're going to watch everything that not only you, but everypony loves suffer by my hooves! And don't even think about trying to stop me because if you do. . . let's just say the entire process will end quicker than you'll be able to blink.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N). . .

(Y/N): So long fools. Forever. . .

(Y/N) then teleports out of sight of Twilight and everypony else. Twilight reached her hoof out to where (Y/N) was in some vain attempt to stop him, but he was already gone.

Twilight Sparkle: (There's no way he would do such a thing. . .)

Discord is then seen cracking up from the scene he just saw while Twilight had a really worried look on her face. However, Pinkie Pie just glares at Discord.

Pinkie Pie: And what are YOU laughing at!?

Discord: Oh, you ponies are just the most fun I've had in eons.

Pinkie deepens her glare and got in Discord face.

Pinkie Pie: Well, quit it! You'd better think before you laugh at the Pink. . .ie Pie!

Fluttershy: Oh, yeah? Well ha, ha.

Pinkie then turns to rush up and glare at Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie: Quit it!

Fluttershy: No. Ha, ha.

Pinkie Pie: QUIT IT!

Fluttershy: No. Ha ha-ha ha ha.

Applejack goes up to Rarity who was right beside the boulder that she carried.

Applejack: Uh. . . Rarity? This here diamond of yours? Twilight said we should split it six ways since we, uh, found it together.

Rarity then karate kicked Applejack away from the boulder as she did not like that statement.

Rarity: HI-YAH! Try it, punk. He's mine. All mine!

Rarity then continues to try and attack Applejack as she was just backing away from her.

Twilight Sparkle: Why is everypony acting like this? We need to stick together.

Pinkie Pie: Quit it! Stop it!

Fluttershy: Ha, ha.

Discord chuckles as he is then seen sitting on movie theater chairs while eating popcorn and Twilight glares at him.

Discord: It's just too entertaining.

Twilight Sparkle: Discord! What have you done to my friends, especially (Y/N)? I never seen him act so sadistic ever in my life!

Discord: Me? I did nothing at all. Unless manipulating each pony to do exactly as I told them what their true purpose is counts as something. Does it?

Twilight Sparkle: Stop it, Discord. You're not playing fair.

Discord: "I'm" not playing fair? Perhaps we haven't met. I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. Hello?

Twilight Sparkle: How are we supposed to find the Elements of Harmony when you took away the labyrinth before we could get to the end?

Discord: Oh, wait, did you. . .? *laughs* You thought the Elements were in the labyrinth?

Discord then teleports both him and Twilight back to the scene in the royal palace where Discord was giving the Mane 7 their clue for finding the Elements of Harmony.

Flashback Discord: Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began.

After that was said, Discord teleports them again back to the present at the crater of the labyrinth. Twilight was confused by what she just heard.

Discord: I never said they were in the labyrinth.

Twilight Sparkle: But. . . but. . .

Discord: Keep trying, Twilight Sparkle. *mocking* Maybe the magic of friendship can help you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some chaos to wreak besides your alicorn friend.

Twilight then looks down disappointed and as Discord was about to teleport away, he turns back to Twilight to tell her one more thing.

Discord: By the way, do you really believe that you have a chance with (Y/N)?

Twilight then looks at Discord surprised by that.

Twilight Sparkle: How did you. . .?

Discord: I knew it! You six apparently care about him so much that you would do anything to help him out, would you?

Twilight was shocked and she blushed at little that Discord knew about their crushes on (Y/N).

Discord: *laughs* This is just laughable. Either way, there's no hope for you to save him now. He's wreaking havoc all across Equestria as we speak. Perhaps more than me. To me, he's way out of your league Twilight Sparkle. He's an alicorn born thousands of years ago by some godlike figure while you are just. . . normal.

Twilight glares at Discord when he taunted her about her crush on (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: Just because we don't share similar features does not make him different from me or anypony else! He's still one of my best friends!

Discord: *sarcastically* Sure, keep telling yourself that. I'll be going now.

Discord then teleports away and thunder all of a sudden came with pink clouds covering the sky with chocolate milk raining of it.

Pinkie Pie: Chocolate milk? I hate chocolate milk!

Twilight Sparkle: *groans* Think, Twilight, think! "Find the Elements back where you began." Back where you began.

While Twilight was trying to think, Applejack jumps on the boulder that Rarity was carrying.

Rarity: Don't touch my gem!

Fluttershy then proceeds to taunt Rarity by also touching the boulder.

Fluttershy: I'm touching your gem, Rarity. Ha, ha.

Pinkie Pie: What 'chu laughin' at?

Twilight was starting to get annoyed by the corrupted mares.

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh. I just want to go home. . .

She then got an idea of what she just said.

Twilight Sparkle: Wait a minute. . . Home! "Back where you began!" The Elements must be in. . . Ponyville! Come on, girls. I'm certain this is what Discord's riddle really meant. If we get back to the library, I have a book that I just know can give us a clue.

As Twilight was walking back to Ponyville, some bunnies with horse legs trampled over Twilight knocking her to the ground.

Fluttershy: Good boy, Angel. Mama's so proud.

The sun then disappeared and the moon rose rather suddenly.

Applejack: Wow, I can see so much better now.

The ground then turned to slippery wet soap which Applejack slid on knocking Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy down and she stopped at Twilight who slipped and fell on the soap on her own.

Applejack: I meant to do that.

The sun then came back up and Twilight sees that the soap was covering all of the road.

Twilight Sparkle: Discord's turned our dirt roads into soap!

Discord then slides past the mares on the soap like he was ice skating.

Discord: Beautiful, isn't it? This is the new and improved Ponyville, and these are only my first of changes.

Pinkie Pie is then seen also sliding on the road of soap.

Pinkie Pie: This may look like fun, but it's not.

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh!

Discord then picks Twilight up and holds her out in front of him.

Discord: Picture it. The chaos capital of the world.

Twilight Sparkle: I can't picture anything. It's too dark.

Discord drops Twilight back onto the soap road.

Discord: Well, wait a few minutes and you'll see it in the beautiful light of day. Or not.

Discord then teleports away and Twilight looks at Ponyville.

Twilight Sparkle: Ponyville, the chaos capital of the world? Not if I have anything to say about it.

Fluttershy: Don't worry, you won't. *laughs mischievously*

Twilight groans as they all just keep walking across Ponyville.

The five mares eventually made it to the Golden Oak Library and Twilight was exhausted with her corrupted friends.

Twilight Sparkle: *sighs* Okay, we're here. Everyone please, please, please just go inside, please?

Applejack then proceeds to walk through the door.

Applejack: I absolutely refuse.

Fluttershy: With pleasure.

Fluttershy destroys a shrub of flowers before walking into the library. Twilight turns to Rarity who is still seen trying to move the boulder.

Twilight Sparkle: Pleeeease, we gotta hurry!

Rarity: Forget it, Twilight. I know what you're up to. The second I go in, you'll have your little minion Spike come and take Tom!

Twilight Sparkle: *sarcastically* Tom?

Rarity: Well, it's not going to work.

Twilight notices that her friends colors faded even darker to just gray which annoyed her.

Twilight Sparkle: You're not going in without him, are you?

Rarity: Mm-mm.

Twilight then goes over and reluctantly picks up the boulder for Rarity to bring it inside of the library.

Twilight Sparkle: Fine!

Inside of the Golden Oak Library, Spike is seen sleeping on the floor while holding a mop from cleaning the floors in the library. Fluttershy then picks up the bucket of water that was beside Spike and splashes it on him which wakes him up startled.

Spike: What did you do that for, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: 'Cause you just looked so peaceful.

Spike: I. . . uh. . . huh?

Twilight drops the boulder in the library which causes a hole to come in it from the door.

Rarity: Careful, Twilight! You'll ruin his beautiful finish.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, for the love of. . .

Spike: Twilight, what's going on? Why does everybody look so. . .gray?

Twilight Sparkle: Don't ask. I need you to help me find something.

Fluttershy: Hey, Twilight, what's soaking wet and clueless?

Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy, I've had just about enough-

Fluttershy proceeds to splash the bucket of water all over Twilight.

Fluttershy: Your face!

She then roughly places the bucket on Twilight's head.

Spike: What's happened to everypony?

Applejack: I guess you just bring out the worst in us, Spike.

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh. No time to explain. We've got to find the reference guide to the Elements of Harmony before somepony does something she'll regret!

Spike: The Elements of Harmony? Oh, I know exactly where that book is.

Spike then climbs up the ladder and pulls the said book from the bookshelf.

Spike: Found it!

Fluttershy throws a scroll in Spike's face which makes him drop the book and she takes it.

Fluttershy: Hah!

Twilight then walks up and glares at Fluttershy.

Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy, you'd better give me that book!

Fluttershy: Keep away.~

Fluttershy then tosses the book over to Applejack who balances it on her nose.

Twilight Sparkle: Hey! Applejack, give me that book!

Applejack: I don't have any book.

Applejack then tosses the book over to Pinkie who then tosses it back to Fluttershy.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie! You guys! Stop it right now!

The mares didn't listen as they kept throwing the book around as a game of keep away to prevent Twilight from taking it. However, Spike stops it by tackling Fluttershy before she could catch it from Pinkie. Twilight then tries to pick up the book, but Rarity took it from her.

Rarity: Mine!

Twilight Sparkle: Hey, do you even know what you just stole?

Rarity: No, but if you want it, I want it!

Twilight was so angry that she had enough of all of the corrupted mares.

Twilight Sparkle: GIVE ME THAT BOOK!

Twilight chases Rarity around the library and just when she was just about to catch her, Fluttershy picks her up making Twilight run into the boulder. She had a slight dizzy look before regaining her composure and turns back to try and find where Rarity is.

Twilight Sparkle: Where is she? Where's Rarity?

Applejack: Beats me.

Twilight Sparkle: LIES!

Twilight then tackles everypony and they all ended up in a dust scuffle for a little bit before Twilight finally grabs the book and get's away from the mares with Spike defending her with a scroll in his claws.

Twilight Sparkle: Get back! All of you! This is MY book, and I'm going to READ IT!

Twilight then opens the book and she gasps of what was in it and it was the Elements of Harmony.

Twilight Sparkle: The Elements! They were here all along!

Spike: This is great! Now you guys can defeat Discord and put everything back to normal!

Twilight then looks at the Elements once again and she noticed something off about them.

Twilight Sparkle: Wait a second. One, two, three, four, five, six. . . where's (Y/N)'s element?

Twilight then hears a sinister laugh coming from outside of the library.

Spike: Who was that?

Twilight and Spike run out of the library and they look up to see (Y/N) flying in the air holding his Element.

Twilight Sparkle: You knew the Elements were in the library all this time?!

(Y/N): Of course I did. Who do you think you're talking to right now, dimwit?

Twilight gasps at (Y/N) calling her such a name.

(Y/N): I also knew you'd come for the Elements to try and turn everything back to normal. Well, newsflash to you and your idiot friends, you're never going to save Equestria if I have this little piece to your puzzle.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! Please, I need your help so we can stop Discord!

(Y/N): Oh, I'll show you some help.

(Y/N) then glows his horn and tries to blast a magic beam at Twilight which she dives towards the ground to dodge it just in time. Twilight then looks back up at (Y/N) with a scared look on her face.

(Y/N): If you try and get in my way again. . . I won't hesitate to kill you.

Twilight flinches from that and slowly backs away from (Y/N) and his coat color fades to gray and his eyes glowed red once again.

(Y/N): Face it Twilight. All you're doing is wasting time trying save Equestria. Once I'm done getting rid of everypony here in Ponyville, Canterlot is next, and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me!

(Y/N) then teleports once again and Twilight looks up where (Y/N) was tearing up a little from what he said. She knows for a fact that (Y/N) would never threaten to kill anypony, especially her.

Spike: Geez, I never seen (Y/N) so. . . edgy and vicious before.

Twilight Sparkle: *sighs* I never thought it would happen. My friends. . . have turned into complete JERKS!

Apparently Twilight wasn't getting the message at all and she decided to just put the Elements that she had on everypony and herself.

Twilight Sparkle: Necklace! Necklace! Necklace! Necklace! And. . . big crown thingy! Come on, everypony, let's go!

Spike: But Twilight, aren't you missing the other two?

Twilight Sparkle: Nope. We've got the liar, the grump, the hoarder, and the brute. That just about covers it.

Spike: But what about Rainbow Dash? Or (Y/N)?

Twilight Sparkle: Leave (Y/N). Talking to him would be like he said, "a waste of time."

Spike: And Rainbow Dash?

Twilight thinks for a second before coming up with an idea and puts the Element of Loyalty around Spike.

Twilight Sparkle: Congratulations, Spike, you're the new Rainbow Dash. Now let's go!

Spike: *gasps* Me? B-B-But what if she finds out I've been impersonating her? Uh, that won't end well.

Twilight Sparkle: Too bad, you're Rainbow Dash. Now let's go defeat Discord so we don't ever have to talk to each other again!

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Woo-hoo!

Rarity was still trying to get the boulder out of the library which was making her impatient.

Twilight Sparkle: Move! Look out, here comes Tom!

Twilight then picks up the boulder with her magic and drops it outside of the library. Discord then shows up in front of the five mares.

Discord: Well, well, well, I see you've found the Elements of Harmony. *sarcastically* How terrifying!

Twilight Sparkle: Discord! I've figured out your lame riddle. You're in for it now!

Discord: I certainly am. *sarcastically* You've clearly out-dueled me, and now it's time to meet my fate.

Discord then puts some sunglasses on.

Discord: I'm prepared to be defeated now, ladies. Fire when ready.

Discord makes a target appear in the middle of him.

Twilight Sparkle: Formation, now!

The other mares reluctantly join Twilight and they gathered side-by-side.

Twilight Sparkle: "Rainbow Dash", get over here.

Spike gulps as he came from behind the boulder and joined the Mane 5.

Twilight Sparkle: All right, let's get this over with.

Twilight then shines her Element of Harmony and the rest of the Elements react along with it. The mares and not Spike rise up into the air and Discord watches to see what would happen.

However, instead of a giant rainbow, nothing happened and the mares dropped back to the ground. Twilight was confused by what just happened.

Twilight Sparkle: What's going on?

Applejack: Mine's workin'. There must be somethin' wrong with yours.

Pinkie Pie: I HATE the Elements of Harmony!

Fluttershy: Hmph! Garbage.

Fluttershy takes off her Element and throws it away and Rarity snatches it off the ground.

Rarity: MINE!

Spike then takes the Element of Loyalty off and runs back to the Golden Oak Library.

Spike: Sorry, Twilight. I guess I'd better get back upstairs and clean up the library. Good luck with all this- Whoa!

Fluttershy trips Spike using her tail and teases him.

Fluttershy: *mocking* Oops, sorry, Rainbow Crash. *chuckles mischievously*

Discord slowly walks up to the ponies while clapping his hands which made random noises.

Discord: Bravo, ponies, bravo! Harmony in Equestria is officially dead. Discord rules, Celestia drools.

Discord pokes Twilight on the face which made her growl at him and he then skates away on a soap road.

Pinkie Pie: It's your fault it didn't work.

Twilight Sparkle: Who are you talking to?

Pinkie Pie: Any of you! ALL OF YOU! I'm outta here!

Applejack: Ah better go, too. I've got new, better friends waiting for me at the farm.

Fluttershy: Yeah! I'm sick of you losers.

Everypony leaves leaving Twilight alone by herself.

Twilight Sparkle: FINE! Leave! See if I care! I don't need you guys either! With friends like you, who needs. . .

Twilight then sadly hangs her head down.

Twilight Sparkle: Enemies. . .?

Twilight's color then fades to gray and a single tear escapes her eye which formed the shape of a broken heart when it hit the ground.

Twilight was walking around Ponyville in a depressed atmosphere as she had a chocolate rain cloud following above her. Things all around Ponyville were just distorted and chaotic and she could also hear some explosions in the distance most likely caused by (Y/N), which she heard and looked to the side for a second before just ignoring it. Discord then appears beside Twilight.

Discord: *laughs* Oh, my stomach! Twilight, you've got to see what I just did.

Discord poured a giant sprinkler of pepper over a mare named Berryshine which caused her to sneeze and then cardboard cutouts of houses fell to the ground.

Discord: It's priceless! *laughs*

Discord then notices that Twilight wasn't paying attention to what he was doing at all and he teleports in front of her with a paper cone and he scoops the cloud to form cotton candy on the cone.

Discord: Come now, Twilight Sparkle. You've got to get into the spirit of things! After all, this is your new home.

Twilight looks around at all of the distorted things Discord has done and just walks off sad.

Twilight Sparkle: Not anymore. . .

Discord then cheers to himself seeing that he has finally drifted the Mane 7 apart.

Discord: YES! *laughs triumphantly*

Twilight walks in the Golden Oak Library to see Spike laying down on the floor.

Twilight Sparkle: Pack your things, Spike, we're leaving.

Spike just groans at that.

Twilight Sparkle: Don't ask where we're going, 'cause I don't know yet. Just not here.

Twilight puts a suitcase on her bed to start packing things in it, and she throws her Element into a waste bin. Spike rolls around to face Twilight to reveal that he's been groaning in pain from burping out the scrolls that were on the floor.

Spike: Can't. . .move. The princess. . .has been sending these. . .since I came back upstairs. *belches* Make it stop!

Twilight Sparkle: These are all the letters I've written to the princess since I've lived in Ponyville. But why would she send them back?

Twilight then picks up some of the scrolls that she sent over to the princess to read them while Spike groans in pain once again. She reads each and every one of them.

Twilight Sparkle: "Real friends don't care what your cover is"

"Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing."

"And like the path cut through the orchard, there will always be a way through."

"The best thing to do is stay true to yourself."

As Twilight was reading all of her letters, something amazing happened. . . her color was coming back.

"Especially when you're standing up for your friends. P.S. (Y/N) taught me this."

"Everypony has a special magical connection with her friends. Maybe even before she's met them."

Twilight's entire body was it's normal color again and she finally realized something and smiles.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! Spike, it's all so clear! Can't you see? Discord's trying to distract us from what's important. He knows how powerful our friendships are, and he's trying to keep us from seeing it. Do you remember what I said the first day we arrived in Ponyville? I told you that the future of Equestria didn't rest on me making friends. But the opposite is true! The friendships I've made since I've been here are what saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon. And now they need to save it from Discord!

Twilight puts Spike on his bed and he just moans in pain which goes unnoticed by Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: You're right, Spike. I've got to fight for my friendships. For them. For me. For Equestria!

Twilight then notices the state that Spike was in and she felt very sheepish.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh. . . uh. . . why don't you just stay here and rest? I'll take care of the whole fighting for friendship thing myself.

Twilight then leaves the Golden Oak Library while Spike just belches out another scroll.

At Sweet Apple Acres, things were definitely chaotic over there as both Granny Smith and Big Mac also lost some of their color. Big Mac was acting like a dog digging up holes while Granny Smith was tap dancing. Applejack was just resting her the barn eating apples and telling untrue stories about what happened between both her and her friends.

Applejack: And so I tried to defeat Discord, but none of my so-called "friends" would lift a hoof to help me.

???: Applejack.

Applejack turns to see Twilight in front of her with a look of determination on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm here to fight for our friendship.

Big Mac then appears from a hole acting like a dog and licks Twilight which confused her.

Applejack: Oh, NOW you want to fight. Where were you when I was battlin' Discord?

Twilight Sparkle: Snap out of it.

Twilight tackles Applejack and pins her to the ground.

Twilight Sparkle: This isn't you! You're not a liar.

Twilight then glows her horn and uses a spell on Applejack that makes her go wide-eyed and she sees all of the adventures that she had with her friends such as showing her honesty when helping Twilight from the cliff, the Running of the Leaves with Rainbow Dash, (Y/N) helping her out with the orchard, and even Winter Wrap-up.

The spell that Twilight used on Applejack worked as her color restores to normal and Applejack was also turned back to her normal self. She get's off the ground slightly dizzy and she shakes her head vigorously to regain her composure.

Applejack: Wh-What happened?

Applejack then notices Twilight and she walks up to her guilty.

Applejack: Twilight! *sighs* I saw a vision of us feudin' and fightin'. I couldn't face the truth, so I started tellin' lies. Can you ever forgive me?

Twilight Sparkle: I already have. Come on!

Both Twilight and Applejack hurry on over to Fluttershy's cottage and Applejack tied Fluttershy up in her lasso to immobilize her and Twilight uses the same spell on Fluttershy and she regains her color and her personality.

Flutershy: Oh no! Twilight, Applejack, I just had the worst dream!

At Carousel Boutique, Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy all rushed in the shop to try and restore Rarity.

Rarity: What do you think you're doing? Get away from my gem! Get away-!

A flash of magic light goes off in the boutique and Rarity is restored back to normal. She moves the boulder the out of the boutique not amused from what she has done and turns back to her friends.

Rarity: Let us never speak of this again.

They even turned Pinkie Pie back to normal as she was laughing while Applejack was pulling her in a wagon.

Pinkie Pie: And I-I turned gray! *giggles* Can you believe it?!

The ponies then arrive over to Rainbow Dash's house and Fluttershy looks inside before coming back out and she shrugs her shoulders.

Fluttershy: She's not here.

Twilight Sparkle: Without Rainbow Dash or (Y/N), we can't use the Elements.

Applejack: She could be anywhere by now! We're never gonna find her.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, we will, 'cause she's right there!

Pinkie points up to Rainbow Dash who was relaxing on a cloud up in the sky.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash: Hey, guys!

Twilight Sparkle: We've been looking everywhere for you!

Rainbow Dash: That's nice.

Twilight Sparkle: Discord's still on the loose! We need you to help us defeat him with your element, Loyalty!

Rainbow Dash: Pfft. Loyalty, schmoyalty! Have you guys seen Ponyville? It's a disaster! I'm staying here in Cloudsdale where everything's awesome.

Rarity: How in Equestria can she think that tiny patch of clouds is Cloudsdale?

Applejack smirks at that.

Applejack: The same way he got you to think that cheap rock was a bona fide diamond.

Rarity narrows her eyes at Applejack.

Rarity: I thought we agreed never to speak of that again.

Twilight Sparkle: Time for Plan B.

A little bit later when Rainbow Dash fell asleep, the ponies came up in a hot air balloon with Fluttershy flying on her own.

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* Okay, Fluttershy, you grab Rainbow Dash and hold her down. Applejack will lower me down from this rope so I can cast the memory spell on her.

Fluttershy: Got it!

Fluttershy was about to aggressively pin Rainbow Dash down on the cloud before she stops for a second to instead tap her and wake her up.

Fluttershy: Um. . . I'm just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?

Twilight facehooves, Pinkie simply stares, and Rarity just rolls her eyes that Fluttershy didn't go along with the plan. Rainbow Dash knew what they were doing as she flew up.

Rainbow Dash: Nice try! Ponyville's your problem, not mine.

Rainbow Dash then grabs her cloud and sped off swiftly.

Twilight lowers another rope down at Fluttershy.

Twilight Sparkle: Come on, Fluttershy, we've got to catch her.

Fluttershy nods and she grabs the rope with her teeth and she pulls the balloon to chase after Rainbow Dash.

As they chase after Rainbow Dash, she notices this and decides to play around with the mares by flying all over the place. Twilight then throws the rope that was hanging down upwards to Applejack.

Twilight Sparkle: Applejack!

Applejack grabs the rope and using the lasso part of it to catch Rainbow Dash. It worked, but Pinkie wasn't holding the rope that she was supposed to hold and it ended up with both her and Rarity being pulled out of the balloon and Rainbow Dash pulling on them.

Rarity: PINKIE! You were supposed to secure the ROPE!

Pinkie Pie: Oops.

Although they were stuck, they manage to get Rainbow Dash off the cloud that she was on and slowed her down.

Applejack: Rarity, Pinkie, hold on! Y'all are slowing her down!

Rarity: Oh, Fluttershy, would you be a dear and FLY FASTER, please?

Fluttershy: *whimpers* I can't!

Twilight Sparkle: If you can't catch her, Discord wins!

Fluttershy eyes shot open at that as she then had an extremely angry look on her face.

Fluttershy: That big. . . dumb. . . MEANIE!

Fluttershy then increased her speed drastically and flies close enough to where the hot air balloon was just behind Rainbow Dash.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay, Applejack, last rope! Make it count!

Twilight throws another rope up at Applejack which she catches and she twirls it around and throws it at Rainbow Dash one last time. . . and she caught her. Due to the weight of Rarity, Pinkie, and the balloon, Fluttershy brought the balloon down to the ground.

Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity all tied Rainbow Dash up in a rope tightly so that she couldn't escape. Rainbow Dash struggled to try and break free, but it was no use.

Rainbow Dash: Lemme go! I don't need you guys! Leave me alone!

Twilight then walks up to Rainbow Dash and uses the memory spell on her which restores her color and Rainbow Dash stands back up and stops resisting. The other mares let go of their ropes and Rainbow Dash stands back up slightly dizzy from what happened.

Rainbow Dash: Wh-what happened? *gasps* How's Ponyville? Where are the Elements?! Did we stop Discord?

Seeing that Rainbow Dash was back to her normal self, all of the mares gathered in a group hug and cheered. However, that is all interrupted when a tremor happens making the ground shake.

Twilight Sparkle: Maybe it's a little early for a group hug.

Applejack: Ah agree. So where's (Y/N)? We're still missing him.

The same tremor happens again as everypony turns to where it was coming from and they all walk up a hill to see a view of Ponyville, but one section of it caught the Mane 6's attention as they all saw explosions and fire spreading around in that area. The Mane 6 all had both worried and shocked looks as they all couldn't believe what they're seeing.

Fluttershy: No. . .

Applejack: That can't be possible. . .

Rarity: He wouldn't. . .

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N) is our only hope if we're going to defeat Discord. . . however, since he's the most powerful of us. . . I fear that it means that he'll also be the hardest for me to restore.

Rainbow Dash stomps her hoof and glares at what (Y/N) was doing because of Discord.

Rainbow Dash: That Discord! When I see him again, I'm going to kick his flank so hard for making (Y/N) turn against us!

Applejack: We can kick some flank later Rainbow Dash. Right now, saving and stopping (Y/N) is our priority right now.

Pinkie Pie: I've got an idea! Why don't we throw him a party? He's always loves parties!

Rarity: That. . . doesn't seem like a bad idea.

Twilight Sparkle: No, that won't work.

Pinkie Pie: Why not?

Twilight Sparkle: Apparently Discord somehow made (Y/N) so evil that his mind is just so sadistic. He told me that everything, everypony loves will suffer by his hooves.

Fluttershy: So what can we do?

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know. I guess we'll just have to try and contain him the best we can. Here's the plan, I'll go and confront (Y/N) and try to use reason to snap him out of his evilness. You all go around and try and help anypony that's in trouble before coming back to help me.

The rest of the mares nod as they all run down to Ponyville where the area (Y/N) is.

In Ponyville, many ponies were running away out of fear from something and either hiding behind houses or avoiding the dark chaos that was happening. A group of ponies fall down to the ground and they quickly turn around and backed up from a smoke that was in front of them. A figure with glowing red eyes walks slowly towards the cowering ponies and the figure that emerged from the smoke revealed to be (Y/N) with a dark look of rage on his face. He makes his eyes glow and his aura glowed around his body immensely before he charges it up and uses his aura to blast and push back everything around him.

(Y/N): Ponyville is almost done. With the power of my magic, I'm going to destroy anypony who stands in my way. And there is nothing that not even any of those worthless mares can do anything about it at all. *laughs maniacally*

???: I wouldn't be so sure.

(Y/N) turns around to see Twilight facing him with a determined look on her face. He smirks at her.

(Y/N): Look what we have here. What do you want before I put you out of your misery, Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N). Please stop. I didn't come here to fight you, I came to speak to you.

(Y/N): Tch. About what?

Twilight Sparkle: Look all around you (Y/N)! You're trying to hurt everypony! This isn't you at all!

(Y/N): Blah. Blah. Blah. Yeah, right. This is way better than saving the pathetic lives of any of those fools.

Twilight Sparkle: No, you're wrong. Don't you remember what you told us that when you sent to Equestria here, you made a promise and that you're going to keep it!

(Y/N): Oh please. What point is it in keeping that promise if she no longer exists?

Twilight Sparkle: But you still did it anyways, don't you remember? You even said that you were happy to come to Equestria and meet both me and our friends. You cared about her with your life because you had to live alone with her for nearly your entire childhood.

(Y/N) get's angered by that he fires a magic blast at Twilight and she quickly moves to the side to dodge it.

(Y/N): ENOUGH! I did care about her with my life! But she was taken from me Twilight! She was my only family and my only family is now gone! Of course, you would never understand that since you've got a family! But that's going to change once I destroy Equestria and you and everypony along with it!

Twilight Sparkle: Well then I'll have no choice, but to stop you (Y/N).

(Y/N) smirks from that.

(Y/N): Stop me? You? Don't make me laugh. You're weak, and you know what makes you weak? Your relationship with those pathetic friends of yours. You're not going to win this at all and I'm going to show you just how weak you are.

Twilight was then scared by (Y/N)'s sinister voice that she backed up a little from him. She didn't want to fight or hurt (Y/N) since he was one of her best friends. Twilight was about to just run away until she remembers somethings (Y/N) said to her.

(Y/N): (In Twilight's Mind) I couldn't say no to a promise like that and especially after meeting all of you. You're all the most wonderful friends I could ever have in my life.

Twilight stopped backing up and she remembers another thing (Y/N) told her.

(Y/N): (In Twilight's Mind) You should try it Twilight, instead of having your mind tell you what to do, follow your heart like it's your guiding key.

Twilight Sparkle: (Follow my heart. . .)

Twilight then finally remembers the day they were at the Grand Galloping Gala and she danced with (Y/N). She remembers that her heart was beating very fast that day when she was close to (Y/N). She then looks back at the evil (Y/N) with a determined look on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: You're wrong (Y/N)! What you really mean to say is that I'm strong and you showed me that ever since we met. Deep down in there, I know that the (Y/N) I know is a caring, and heroic pony who loves his friends so much that he protects them no matter what! I'm going to save you (Y/N). . . and that's a promise!

(Y/N) simply rolls his eyes and shakes his head at that.

(Y/N): Fine, you're really kind of being a freak right now. I'm going to enjoy watching you suffer.

Twilight stares down (Y/N) with a determined look on her face.

(Y/N): Let's get started shall we?

(Y/N) then simply stands calmly on all four hooves and he closes his eyes.

(Y/N): It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like these, ponies like you Twilight. . .

Twilight raised an eyebrow at (Y/N)'s monologue until he see him open up his glowing red eyes again. (Y/N) then raises his hoof, put's (F/C) magic energy in it, and slams it back to the ground. Twilight then looks to the ground and notices a flame start to appear around her and she dives to the side just in time when a magic geyser comes out of the ground.

(Y/N): Should be rotting in Tartarus.

Twilight gulps about how this fight is going to go for her.

Twilight Sparkle: (I'm definitely going to have a bad time.)

Twilight then faces back towards (Y/N) and decides to make a small magic blast of her own to shoot it at (Y/N). (Y/N) smirks at this and just simply moves to the side to dodge it.

(Y/N): What? You thought I was just going to sit there and take it? No, I don't think so. My turn now.

(Y/N) then teleports to Twilight and kicks her to a nearby wall. Twilight lands down on her stomach before looking back up to see (Y/N) about to shoot a beam at her and she quickly get's up to dodge it just in time. Twilight then charges at (Y/N) and tries to tackle him, but he just teleports to the side. (Y/N) charges some energy into his hoof before trying to punch Twilight which she reacts to and tries to conjure up the same shield that (Y/N) uses to defend himself. However Twilight's shield was weaker than (Y/N)'s as he punches it, he was able to make a crack in it which startles Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), please! I don't want to fight you, I want to help you!

(Y/N): Isn't that sweet? Then why don't you stop resisting and accept your fate? Lie down and DIE!

(Y/N) punches Twilight's shield once more as it broke and knocked Twilight back a bit, but she was still able to stand on all four hooves. Twilight then runs at (Y/N) once again and this time tries to do close-quarter combat with him. She tries punching him, but (Y/N) just smirks and dodging her attempt without a problem. Twilight tried punching (Y/N) once again and this time he teleported above Twilight and makes his horn glow and fires a magic beam beside Twilight that exploded when it came in contact with the ground and knocked Twilight away as rolled on the ground in slight pain. Twilight groans as she got up and sees a couple of magic blasts headed her way and she rolls to dodge them.

(Y/N): *chuckles* This is just too easy.

Suddenly, a rope then wraps around all over (Y/N)'s body which surprises him.

(Y/N): What the?!

(Y/N) looks behind him to see that the culprit was Applejack and he just smirks and shakes his head.

Applejack: I got ya now, sugarcube!

(Y/N): Smart, but not smart enough Applejack!

(Y/N) then uses his magic to pull aggressively on the rope and bring Applejack towards him. (Y/N) then goes to the side and sticks his hoof out and Applejack's face hits it, causing her to be sent flying a short distance away from (Y/N).

Applejack: Woah!

Applejack then lands flat on her back and groans in pain.

Twilight Sparkle: Applejack! Are you alright?

Applejack: *groans* Don't worry. . . it was just a scratch.

Twilight then turns back to (Y/N) angrily and she tries to blast him with her magic, but (Y/N) was able to dodge all of her attempts before flying back into the air.

(Y/N): I've clearly have a better advantage than you, Twilight. You don't even have wings.

As (Y/N) said that, a rainbow streak comes up and kicks (Y/N) in the back causing him to get knocked back a little. (Y/N) then turns to see that it was Rainbow Dash who kicks him.

Rainbow Dash: She doesn't. But this girl does. Bring it, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Big mistake, Dash.

(Y/N) then flies all around Rainbow Dash and doesn't do anything and simply is just flying in circles around her swiftly. Rainbow Dash was starting to get annoyed by this.

Rainbow Dash: Quit toying with me and fight me like a stallion, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): *laughs* If you insist.

(Y/N) then teleports above Rainbow Dash and puts magic energy into his hoof before punching her down in the back, causing her to spiral straight to the ground.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash was on the ground slightly injured as she raises her head up and looks at Twilight.

Rainbow Dash: Ow. Okay. . . he. . . packs a punch.

(Y/N) lands back on the ground in front of Twilight.

(Y/N): You and the others just delay the inevitable.

???: You so sure about that, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) knows that voice as he turns straight around to see Pinkie with a mischievous smile on her face as she had her party cannon aimed straight at (Y/N)'s face. (Y/N) just facehooves.

(Y/N): Oh, son of a. . .

Before (Y/N) could finish his sentence, Pinkie's party cannon blasts him. . . but instead of something dangerous, it was only confetti as (Y/N) just simply rolls his eyes at that.

(Y/N): To be honest, I was kind of expecting that.

Pinkie Pie: Well, do you like it (Y/N)?! Do you feel happy?

(Y/N) smirks at Pinkie.

(Y/N): Yeah, I feel happy.

Pinkie Pie: Yay!

(Y/N)'s smirk then turns into an angry look.

(Y/N): Happy that I'm to smash your stupid party face into oblivion!

Pinkie gasps at that as (Y/N) picks Pinkie up with his magic and slams her towards a wall.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie!

Pinkie slides down the wall and she had a dizzy look on her face as stars were above her head.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, well at least he's happy.~

Pinkie then falls flat on her face.

(Y/N) then hears someone yelling coming towards him as he could sense who it was and he just teleports as Rarity made a failed attempt to try and punch (Y/N). (Y/N) then reappears once again in front of Rarity which surprises her.

(Y/N): Nice try Rarity.

(Y/N) then punches Rarity back in the face which knocks her down and rolling on the ground.

(Y/N) then senses another mares' energy as he looks to his right and sees Fluttershy. When Fluttershy sees that (Y/N) noticed her, she whimpers and backs up slowly. (Y/N) gives out an evil smile as he walks towards Fluttershy. She then shivers which slows herself down to a stop and she curls herself up and cries in fear. When (Y/N) got right up to Fluttershy, he pulls his hoof back like he was about to punch her. . . but instead he simply just taps her on the head and Fluttershy just falls on her back and faints.

(Y/N): Ha! Knew it.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! Stop it! You're hurting your own friends!

(Y/N): Friends, schmends. Your lousy so-called magic of friendship brings shame on all of my evil will. And for that, you shall perish.

(Y/N) then teleports in front of Twilight which she wasn't expecting and (Y/N) uppercuts her into the air before teleporting once again into the air to roundhouse kick Twilight back to the ground. Twilight came up from the ground breathing heavily as she had a lot of injuries on her. (Y/N) then teleports in front of Twilight as he glowed his horn and spread out his wings.

(Y/N): Any last words, Twilight?

Twilight then stands up and looks at (Y/N) with a determined smile.

Twilight Sparkle: Yes. . . just one.

Twilight then does something so bold and unexpected that (Y/N) wasn't expecting it either.

She kisses him on the lips.

(Y/N) went wide-eyed from this and tensed up as Twilight then glows her horn to use the memory spell on (Y/N) and it started to work as (Y/N) then starts to remember what his true purpose was as he sees memories of him helping out Applejack during applebuck season. He sees himself helping Fluttershy conquer her fears from a dragon, helping Rarity make her friends dresses in the Gala, motivating Rainbow Dash, getting Pinkie back to her normal self for her birthday, dancing with Twilight at the Grand Galloping Gala, and he finally sees himself defending the Mane 6 while fighting Nightmare Moon. But the biggest memory that he saw was him vowing to keep his promise to his mother before leaving Earth to go to Equestria.

Back in reality, (Y/N) eyes turned back into their normal (E/C) color and his entire body regained his color as well. Twilight then breaks the kiss as (Y/N) then drops to his knees, looks down to the ground and he starts crying. Twilight sees this and just gives him a sympathetic smile as she puts her hoof under (Y/N)'s chin to make him look at her. He had tears draining from both of his eyes like a waterfall.

(Y/N): I-I'm. . . I'm so, so sorry. I. . . don't know what came over me.

Twilight says nothing and just hugs (Y/N) which surprises him before he just returns the hug.

Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry (Y/N). I know it wasn't your fault. I'm just glad that you're okay.

They both then break the hug and (Y/N) sees all of his friends hurt from what he tried to do to them. Seeing them like this made (Y/N) feel guilty.

(Y/N): I. . . just. . . can't believe that. . . I. . . tried to kill you.

Twilight Sparkle: Don't blame yourself (Y/N). That was all of Discord's manipulation on us, I know it was never your intention.

(Y/N) gives a small smile and nods before he then glows his horn and he let's out a white flash all around the area to heal everypony that was hurt. The other mares got up and they all see that (Y/N) was back to normal and they all went up to him and hugged him which he returns.

(Y/N): I'm so sorry that I tried to hurt you girls.

Applejack: No apology needed, (Y/N). We all know that deep down ya would never want to hurt us at all.

Rarity: That's right, darling. We know that you didn't mean to do all of those horrible things to us.

The five mares then break the hug from (Y/N) as he gives each of them a smile, but it then turns into a frown as he looks down at the ground sad.

Pinkie Pie: Hey. What's wrong (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Discord was right about one thing though. I haven't really fully got over of what happened to my mother.

The Mane 6 could feel (Y/N)'s sadness.

(Y/N): Sometimes. . . I just think to myself. . . will I ever see her again? Is she gone for good? Have I really lost my only family? When Discord showed me that image of when I came to Equestria for the first time as I lost my mother, I acted like it was no big deal to me, but deep down it actually shook me.

Twilight then puts her hoof around (Y/N) which prompts him to look at her as she gives a look of sympathy at him.

Twilight Sparkle: Believe us, we know how hard it is to lose someone close to you, especially somepony who was the only one you could rely on. But don't think of the past as something that you can't walk away from (Y/N). Remember what you told me when we were at the cute-ceañera not too long ago?

(Y/N) remembers that as he looks up for a second.

Twilight Sparkle: In a similar way when to told me to follow my heart, I knew deep down that even if the odds were against me I still had to save you from your corruption no matter what. Think of the promise you also always talked about (Y/N), you've done so much for everypony in Ponyville and you even helped save Equestria.

Rainbow Dash: Don't forget that you fought Nightmare Moon. . .

Fluttershy: . . .saved Ponyville from an Ursa. . .

Applejack: . . .stopped the war between the Appleoosans and the Buffalo. . .

Rarity: . . .and even got all of Canterlot to listen to your rally at changing the Grand Galloping Gala.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! That's more than enough to say that you've come a really, really long way (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: You may not be able to see your mother again (Y/N), but deep down, in our hearts, I'm sure she would be proud of what you've done for Equestria so far. She may be looking over us and watching you as we all speak now. I'm sure of it.

(Y/N) listened to everything that his friends told him and he gives a smile while having tears of joy and he pulled everypony in for a group hug. The Mane 6 blush a little from being so close to (Y/N) as they returned the hug.

(Y/N): Thanks everypony. . . I needed that.

Rainbow Dash: Not a problem at all, (Y/N).

Pinkie Pie: If you ever want to talk to us again, we'll be anywhere. And I'll definitely be. . . ANYWHERE!

Pinkie said that as she rushed over all over the place before hanging down over the group like a bat. The mares raise an eyebrow at that while (Y/N) just chuckles at that.

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah. . . what Pinkie said, I guess.

Just then the Mane 7 see a group of buffalo in ballerina costumes scampering past them which made them go wide-eyed.

Twilight Sparkle: We can't celebrate just yet though, Discord is still out there. (Y/N), do you still have your Element?

(Y/N): Yeah, I have it right here.

(Y/N) makes his Element of Harmony crown teleport in front of him and he puts it on his head.

(Y/N): Let's go and stop Discord once and for all.

Mane 6: Yeah!

In another location of Ponyville, Discord was sitting on a throne on top of a small hill watching all of the chaos happen around Ponyville. He laughs maniacally as he makes a glass cup appear in his hand and he fills it up with a chocolate rain cloud nearby.

Discord: Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Twilight Sparkle: Not as wonderful as friendship.

Discord turns to see all of the Mane 7 restored to their normal selves and he just smirks.

Discord: *sarcastically* Oh, this again?

Discord drinks his glass chocolate milk and throws it behind him which causes an explosion.

Applejack: That's right. You couldn't break apart our friendship for long.

Discord: Oh, Applejack. Don't lie to me. I'm the one who made you a liar.

Discord then pulls Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and (Y/N) towards him and tries to take their Elements once again, but it didn't happen as (Y/N) uses his own magic to cancel out Discord's magic and he flies straight at him and pins his neck to the throne while giving him a death glare. He pulls back his hoof and fills it with energy like he was about to punch Discord. Discord simply just gives a straight face at (Y/N)'s threat.


Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)!

(Y/N) looks back at Twilight and she gestures for him to calm down which he does and back away from Discord. While he does however, he notices that his aura was dark again which quickly turns back to it's normal color and on the inside (Y/N) was surprised, but on the outside he just ignored it. He lands back down to the ground where his friends were. Discord simply just laughs.

Discord: *laughs* Was that meant to scare me? *laughs* You're hilarious! Will you ponies ever learn?

Twilight Sparkle: I'll tell you what we've learned, Discord: we've learned that friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!

(Y/N): Friendship can never be truly broken apart, Discord. That's something you clearly can't understand!

Discord: Ugh, gag. Fine, go ahead. Try and use your little Elements. Friend me. Just make it quick. I'm missing some excellent chaos here.

(Y/N) simply smirks at that.

(Y/N): If you insist.

Twilight Sparkle: All right everypony, let's show him what friendship can do!

Pinkie Pie: Wait-Wait-Wait!

The Mane 6 look to the side and see Pinkie drinking some chocolate rain which made the mares give her judgmental looks while (Y/N) simply closes his eyes and smiles while shaking his head.

(Y/N): (That's Pinkie folks.)

Pinkie then returns to where the rest of the Mane 7 were as they all now glare at Discord with determined looks. Discord just gives out a yawn.

(Y/N): All right everypony. Now!

Everypony shined their Elements of Harmony and they all created seismic waves of their Element shape before all over their Element shot at Discord which made him confused.

Discord: Huh. What's this?

Discord then see that the Elements of Harmony were truly activating which surprised him.

Discord: No!

The Mane 7 then all rise up into the air simultaneously and gathered together. A huge rainbow-colored beam then shot itself into the air and directed itself at Discord which shocked him as he was turning back into stone.

Discord: NO!!!

Discord was finally defeated as he was turned back into stone once again, but that was all that happened yet. The rainbow that was in the sky created a shiny dome around Ponyville and it created a white flash before it showed that Ponyville has been neutralized from all of Discord's chaos and disharmony magic. The Mane 7 then all landed on the ground and smiled that they've succeeded again and the new statue of Discord fell to the ground.

The next day, in the Canterlot royal palace, a ceremony is being held as a trumpet fanfare is heard and two doors open up to reveal the Mane 7 as they walk through together and they all walk up to Princess Celestia in the throne room. Once they were in front of her, Princess Celestia smiles at the seven and (Y/N) winks at her, causing Celestia to blush at little. Spike gives a sheepish wave to Twilight who she waves back to.

Princess Celestia: We are gathered here today to once again honor the heroic deed of these seven friends who stood up to the villain Discord and saved Equestria from eternal chaos.

The crowd in the palace cheers as Princess Celestia uses her magic to open up a curtain to reveal a new mural of the Mane 7 defeating Discord. The crowd cheers once again and the Mane 7 smile at their accomplishment. (Y/N) then looks up to the sky with a smile.

(Y/N): (Mom. . . I just want you to know that if you can hear me right now. . . I'll never turn back ever again on what it is that I need to do. I may not can see you, but I definitely know you're out there somewhere watching me. I just hope that you're so proud of me that I have made such great friends that I care so much about and I'm going to keep fulfilling my promise to you to keep Equestria safe.)

Meanwhile. . . in an unknown location, the same mysterious figure (The one from Season 1, Chapter 4) walks up to a stone table that had a magic ball on it and the figure uses it's magic to show (Y/N) and the rest of the Mane 7. The figure spoke in a gruff male voice.

Mysterious Figure: *chuckles evilly* This. . . (Y/N) (L/N) that they keep referring to is. . . the male alicorn. So he has returned to Equestria after all. *laughs* It's now clear what needs to be done in order to get this strange power that I've been seeking. (Y/N). . .! When I catch you, I'll make you wish that you should have never been born and I'll take what should have been mine thousands of years ago.

The figure then gives out an evil laugh so loud that it could be heard all over the area.

Chapter 2 End.

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