Chapter 7: Hearth's Warming Eve

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It it that time of the year in all of Equestria, the holidays are near and everypony is about to celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve. A holiday similar to Christmas. It was a snowy day as The Mane 7 were on a train to Canterlot and they were extremely excited as each one of them stuck their heads out of the window of the train.

Twilight Sparkle: We're getting closer!

Rainbow Dash: I can hardly wait!

Fluttershy: I'm so excited, I. . . I feel like shouting! *softly* Woo-hoo!

(Y/N): This is going to be so awesome!

Applejack: Hooo-wee! Canterlot, here we come!

Rarity: Oh, I do hope I look festive enough!

Rarity was wearing a Christmas tree hat on her head and Pinkie Pie pops out of it.

Pinkie Pie: There it is! Canterlot!

Everypony looks in the distance to see the festive Canterlot not too far away and they all admired how it looks.

Mane 7: Oooh. . .

They all soon arrive at Canterlot as they were all at the Canterlot depot just looking around at how festive all of Canterlot is today. They then all start to walk across Canterlot.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, isn't Canterlot wonderful this time of year?

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I wish it was Hearth's Warming Eve every day.

(Y/N): Me too. Too bad it's only once a year though.

Rarity: (Y/N), didn't you say that you also spent Hearth's Warming Eve on Earth with your mother?

(Y/N): Yeah, except we don't call it Hearth's Warming, we call it Christmas.

Pinkie Pie: Oooh! That sounds really festive!

(Y/N): You have no idea. Ponies. . . well in my case people, love this time of year as well. When I was just a kid, I always couldn't wait to open up my presents. I would wake up at like 5 o'clock in the morning and wake my mother up so I could go and open my presents. She was kind of annoyed, but she always loved seeing a smile on my face.

Pinkie Pie: Aw, that's sweet (Y/N).

(Y/N): Sure, it is sad that I can't spend it with her this year. But this is my first Hearth's Warming Eve in Equestria and I'm more than happy to spend it with you girls.

The mares blush a little from that before shaking it away.

Mane 6: Th-Thanks, (Y/N).

The Mane 7 walk deeper into Canterlot just having very happy expressions.

Applejack: There's so much to look at! I feel like my durned eyes are gonna pop right out of my head!

Twilight Sparkle: I have an idea, let's play 'I spy with my little eye' as we walk! I'll go first. I spy. . . an eight-foot candy cane.

Apparently Scootaloo and another filly had stuck their tongues on the cold candy cane pole and had trouble getting them off. (Y/N) uses his magic to heat up their stuck tongues so that they would be warm enough to pull off and it worked. Both of them wave over to (Y/N) as a thanks and he waves back to them as well.

Rainbow Dash: I spy a snowpony!

Everypony looks to see a pony putting a hat on top of a snowpony.

(Y/N): Hmm. . . I spy some stockings.

They all look to see some Pegasi decorating some of the places in Canterlot with some red and green stockings. Pinkie Pie then hops forward.

Pinkie Pie: I spy somepony eating a gingerbread house. . .

Pinkie then rushes into a nearby store and back out with an entire gingerbread house and she chomps the entire thing in her mouth with one swift bite.

Pinkie Pie: *munching* . . .And it's me!

(Y/N) chuckles from that as he turns to the others.

(Y/N): Who else, but Pinkie Pie?

The rest of the mares then laugh alongside (Y/N) with that joke.

Inside of the royal castle, there was an auditorium that hundreds of ponies were sitting in with a stage up front. Apparently the real reason the Mane 7 came to Canterlot was that Princess Celestia has chosen them to put on a play that tells about the founding of Equestria. They were all backstage along with many other ponies getting ready for the show.

Twilight Sparkle: I can't believe that Princess Celestia chose us to put on the most important play of the season! Do you guys know what an honor this is? For all of us?

Fluttershy let's out an uneasy moan as she turns to the others with a worried look.

Fluttershy: Oh, I wish she hadn't honored me quite so much. . . I can't go onstage! I don't want everypony looking at me!

Fluttershy dashes away in fear and tries to burrow herself in a box full of props to hide herself.

Rarity: Fluttershy, darling, there's nothing to feel nervous about.

Fluttershy then peaks out from the box.

Fluttershy: No?

Rarity came up to her who was wearing an ornate silver crown set with a blue jewel, a long purple robe trimmed in purple-spotted white fur, and a purple/silver jeweled collar. She pulls her out of the box to go up in front of the mirror that she was originally sitting at to then start brushing her mane and getting her eyelashes touched up.

Rarity: Of course not. All across Equestria, ponies are preparing their own pageants for Hearth's Warming Eve in their own towns. It's tradition.

Fluttershy then flashes a reassuring smile.

Fluttershy: So you're saying they'll be too busy to come to our play?

Rarity: Well, no. We're in the Canterlot pageant, the biggest, most important production in all of Equestria. A lot of ponies will come to watch us.

Fluttershy: A lot?

Rarity: Hundreds.

Fluttershy then started to freak out and tremble.

Fluttershy: Hundreds?

Rarity: *gasps* Maybe even-

(Y/N): Rarity!

Rarity jumps a bit when she heard (Y/N)'s stern voice as she turned around to see him coming up right beside Fluttershy and he had a very different color palette on his coat, mane, and tail while also carrying both a cape and crown.

(Y/N): Can't you tell that you're encouraging her stage fright?

Rarity: Oh. . . oops.

(Y/N) then puts his hoof around Fluttershy to make her look at him as she was still shivering just a little bit.

(Y/N): Don't worry Fluttershy, just know that even with a lot of ponies out there, I'll still be right by your side. If you get scared, try and just imagine all of them like your animal friends, alright?

Fluttershy puts on a reassuring smile as she both blushes and nods with (Y/N) being close to her. Rarity felt a tinge bit of jealousy from that.

Rarity: Ahem. If I may ask (Y/N), what's with the different color scheme?

(Y/N) then turned to Rarity with an excited look on his face.

(Y/N): You honestly will not believe who I'm actually playing?!

Fluttershy: Who is it?

(Y/N): I went to Princess Celestia earlier because she said that she had a surprise of who I was going to play as for the Hearth's Warming play. And you won't believe what she told me when I got there?!

Both Rarity and Fluttershy were even more intrigued by this.

Rarity: Darling, who?

(Y/N): I'm playing as my own mother! (M/N)!

(A/N): You pick out the colors that you are now of (M/N).

(Y/N) hops up and down a few times excited from this. Fluttershy gave a smile out to (Y/N) as she felt very happy for him while Rarity raised an eyebrow.

Rarity: Your mother? Is that really a role that you would like to play, darling?

(Y/N): Of course! Why not?

Rarity: Well, I get that you're her son and all, but then again, do you really want to play the role of well. . . mare, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Rarity. It's my mother, no big deal. One, I've seen several plays where guys play the role of a girl. . . well in specific ways. Two, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are playing as some male characters. And three, I'm technically the only alicorn here, so unless you've got some wing props or any other female alicorn around here that's our age, I don't think that it will be much of a problem for me.

Rarity: If you say so, darling.

(Y/N): In this time, she was actually just a little bit older than me and accomplished something that gave her the unofficial title of Princess of Equestrian Heroes.

Fluttershy: Oooh. That does sound interesting.

Suddenly, a window opens sending a gust of frigid wind and snow out towards the three.

Rarity: Oh, my hair! Applejack? Be a dear and shut those windows, will you?

Applejack who was wearing a white shirt, a Tyrolean hat with a white feather in it, and a brown jacket with short puffed sleeves shoots Rarity an annoyed look before going over to the window until she spots Rainbow Dash chanting to herself in the mirror wearing a dark gray, Roman-style military helmet with a two-tone crest in this color and brass accents.

Rainbow Dash: Aaah! Rain-bow-Dash! Rain-bow-Dash! Aaaah! Thank you, thank you!

Applejack simply glares at the blue Pegasus' ego.

Applejack: It's a reenactment of the founding of Equestria. It's not the 'Rainbow Dash Show'.

Rainbow Dash glares back at Applejack.

Rainbow Dash: Well it should be the 'Rainbow Dash Show'! I'm the star!

(Y/N) quickly get's in between them and pushes them both back from each other.

(Y/N): Break it up you two! I don't want any drama happening between us right now! However she's still right Rainbow Dash. Watch it with that ego.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh! Fine.

Twilight then walks up to the three.

Twilight Sparkle: Is everypony ready?

Applejack: Hold on.

Applejack then closes the window.

Applejack: Okay, now we're ready.

Spike then peeks in from the curtains wearing a blue Elizabethan-era jacket with orange-plumed, blue/violet cap and white collar ruff.

Spike: Curtain in two minutes!

(Y/N): We're just putting on the finishing touches Spike.

Spike nods as he goes back into the curtains.

Back to where the audience was, the show was about to start as the lights dim and a spotlight flicks on the stage and the camera zooms in as a harpsichord plays. The curtain opens to frame Spike standing by a backdrop of a wreathed, lit fireplace. He turns to face the audience and begins to narrate the play.

Spike: *faux British accent* Once upon a time, long before the peaceful rule of Celestia, and before ponies discovered our beautiful land of Equestria, ponies did not know harmony. It was a strange and dark time. A time when ponies were torn apart. . . by hatred!

Everypony in the audience gasped from this, especially the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the front row of the audience.

Spike: *normal voice* I know. Can you believe it? *faux British accent* During this frightful age, each of the three tribes, the Pegasi, the unicorns, and the Earth ponies. . .

A light then comes three toga-clad Pegasi hovering among suspended clouds, three unicorns on a cliff, and three exhausted earth ponies on a hillock.

Spike: . . .cared not for what befell the other tribes, but only for their own welfare.

Each of the three tribes turned their backs to each other in ignorance as the curtains closes.

Spike: In those troubled times, as now, the Pegasi were the stewards of the weather.

The curtain opens once more to show the Pegasi shake a gray cloud to produce rain.

Spike: But they demanded something in return: food that could only be grown by the Earth ponies.

The Pegasi descend to the stage and the two earth ponies grudgingly hand over stacks of vegetables to the pegasi, who lift off to make room for a pair of approaching unicorns.

Spike: The unicorns demanded the same. . .

The Earth ponies give over with the same reluctance towards the unicorns in giving them food and after that a backstage Pegasus pulls a rope to hoist the sun away and lower a crescent moon in its place.

Spike: . . .in return for magically bringing forth day and night. And so, mistrust between the tribes festered until, one fateful day, it came to a boil. And what prompted the ponies to clash? 'Twas a mysterious blizzard that overtook the land, and toppled the tribes' precarious peace.

The moon that was then a prop then turned to an actual moon in reality to give the vibe of going back in time to Pre-Equestria.

There was huge blizzard at a thickly blanketed settlement where the Earth ponies were living and they were all shivering to the coldness that they were feeling from the blizzard.

Spike: The normally industrious Earth ponies were unable to farm their land.

An Earth pony mare digs and picks up a dead plant only to see it wither to dust and she started to tear up as the wind blew even harder and blew her away. An entire shack is then blown away as some Earth ponies were trying to warm up inside, but the cold wind blew out their small fire.

Spike: The Earth ponies were freezing. The home of the Pegasi fared no better.

It it then shown above the clouds that the Pegasi were living no better as they were flying weakly around their icicle-encrusted structures.

Spike: The Pegasi were hungry. And the unicorns were freezing and hungry.

Inside of a mountain castle where the unicorns were living, they were around a bare banquet hall and a unicorn at the table could only be served nothing but a bean which nearly made her tear up until she sees that the doors hold them inside were about to burst open due to the strong wind.

Spike: Even the unicorns' magic was powerless against the storm.

A few unicorns tried to use their magic to keep the door shut, but it was no use as the doors give away which forced the unicorn group to run away and let the wind inside.

In another section outside, a pony from each race was fighting over a sack and they all ripped it open for it to spill out a cargo of vegetables. Each of them grimace and they started to fight one another in a brawl for the food.

Spike: Each tribe blamed the others for their suffering, and the angrier everypony grew, the worse the blizzard became.

On top of a hill, a shadowy figure could be seen as it walked out to reveal themselves wearing a (F/C) cape and they had looked to see what has become of these three tribes.

Spike: One pony however saw this and felt so much sympathy for these three tribes that she knew there had to be a solution to fix all of this. She was neither an earth pony, nor unicorn, nor pegasus, but rather something entirely special. She was the only pony of her own tribe and was nothing like anypony, she was even more. A pony with so much special potential, she was. . . an alicorn with the name of (M/N).

(Y/N) is then shown in the costume of his mother as he looks down at the entire village and flies down to see the three ponies fighting over the food, he uses his magic to break them all up and sat them down one by one.

Spike: (M/N) had what all of the tribes had at once. Strength, flight, and magic. She would often go to these ponies and told them that they shouldn't be fighting and should be working together to resolve the situation that they were in.

(Y/N) then handed each one of the ponies a vegetable that they can all eat together and gave them a bright smile. The ponies looked at each other with raised eyebrows for a minute and (Y/N) thought that they would compromise. . . but instead they all threw the food at him in the face and they all walked off turning their backs towards him. (Y/N) rubbed his head and looked down to the ground depressed before walking away.

Spike: However, the ponies kept refusing her advice over and over again. They thought that (M/N) was no better than they are. Five years before this incident, (M/N) was set out to help a pony named Gusty the Great banish harmful monsters from this time before Equestria. While they succeeded, Gusty died in the process when trying to banish one of those mysterious villains, so (M/N) had to abandon nearly all of her alicorn magic to either banish or weaken them. This is why the ponies were so ignorant towards her, for years now her power hasn't returned and some blamed her that her power was too weak to contain the blizzard.

Soon in a larger meeting hall near the Earth pony settlements, all three tribes go inside of it for a huge meeting.

Spike: And so it was decided that a grand summit would be held to figure out a way to cope with the blizzard.

Inside of the place, there was a three-wall balcony that has been split into three sections with the tribes' respective banners: winged pony head with stars, sun and fields, unicorn head with jewels. At ground level, a conference table has been set up and two Pegasi and a unicorn keep watch at the doors.

Spike: Each tribe sent their leaders.

Trumpet fanfare was then heard and every eased their chatter as each tribes leader were about to be present. Rarity then enters wearing her costume.

Spike: Daughter of the unicorn king, Princess Platinum.

Trumpet fanfare was heard once again to reveal Rainbow Dash in her costume.

Spike: Ruler of the Pegasi, Commander Hurricane.

Then a fanfare with kazoos is played as Pinkie comes out in her dessert costume as she spits out confetti.

Spike: Leader of the Earth ponies, Chancellor Puddinghead. And lastly. . .

A fanfare wasn't heard for this one as doors were instead open and everypony especially the leaders shot death glares at this pony and it was none other than (Y/N).

Spike: . . .the only alicorn among all of them, (M/N).

(Y/N) could feel all of the glares shooting at him as he walked towards the conference table slightly nervous along with the other mares.

Spike: Perhaps the tribes could finally settle their differences, and agree on a way to get through this disaster.

Each pony set their headwear down on the table with the exception of (Y/N) since he isn't wearing any headwear yet. The four shot distrustful looks before they break out into a full volume argument with each other knocking their headwear off in the process. However, (Y/N) just stayed silent and shook in head in annoyance from the random argument that started. It lasted several seconds before Rainbow Dash speaks up.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): All I wanna know is why the Earth ponies are hogging all the food!

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Us?! We're not hogging all the food, you are! Oh, wait, you're right. It's us. Well, it's only 'cause you mean old Pegasusususes are making it snow like crazy!

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): For the hundredth time, it's not us! We're not making it snow! It must be the unicorns! They're doing it with their freaky magic!

Rarity (Princess Platinum): *gasps* How dare you! Unlike you Pegasi ruffians, we unicorns would never stoop to such a thing! H-m-ph!

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Do. . . I get a say in this?

Three Leaders: QUIET!

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): How long do we have to wait for your freaky powers to return and stop this meaningless disaster?! Huh?!

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Well. . . I. . .

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): For once. . . I agree! This isn't some winter wonderland for all of us to have fun in!

Rarity (Princess Platinum): If we have to wait any longer, then we might as well not even exist!

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: I can't help it. My powers aren't what they used to be. And it seems like trying to get it back is taking longer than I thought it would.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Well I guess you should've thought about that "before" using it to banish all of those monsters.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: I didn't have any other choice. It was the only way to keep these lands safe.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Noble, but foolish.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Well, if you non-Earths aren't gonna stop using your weirdo powers to freeze us all, then I'm just plum out of ideas.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): *sarcastically* What a shocker. An Earth pony with no ideas.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Commander Hurricane, please cease with your insults.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): I believe we shall be treated with respect.

Rainbow Dash then flies up to Rarity's face.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): You're not the boss of me, your royal snootiness!

Rarity was not happy with that tone.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): I beg your pardon?! I am a princess! I won't be spoken to that way!

Rarity then puts her crown on her head upside down and start to head out towards the door and Rainbow Dash tries to pass her.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Well, I'm leaving first!

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): No, I'm first!

Pinkie is seen at the front of the door trying to exit as well. The two mares charge up behind her and they all open the door fighting to push through to get out. (Y/N) just sighs and shakes his head and uses his magic to make them all stand upright on their hooves. The three mares just look at him before letting out a "Hmph" before they all walked off.

Spike: And the blizzard raged on.

Three ghost-like horses could be seen above the clouds as the ponies walked off and they were blowing down into the lands. These creatures were Windigos and they were blowing up a cold blizzard.

Spike: So the summit of the tribes did not turn out as well as hoped, and the four leaders returned home to lick their wounds. . . and basically complain. Well, all leaders but one.

(Y/N) is seen on a lonely hill looking up into the sky with worry in his eyes.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: I have to fix this somehow. Nopony will trust me to stop this storm. . . but if Gusty told me one thing, it's that you shouldn't lose hope in anypony, not even yourself.

(Y/N) then flies away to go and try and find a solution to stop the blizzard once and for all.

Meanwhile, up in the clouds Fluttershy could be seen resting on a weak storm cloud who was also wearing armor and a less intricate helmet contoured to resemble a sun hat.

Rainbow Dash swiftly brushes past her and stops to face her on a flight of steps.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Atten-tion!

Fluttershy snaps upright and salutes before falling through the cloud and lands at the base of the steps knocking her silly for a second.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Well? Aren't you curious about how it went?

Fluttershy (Private Pansy): Oh! Commander Hurricane, sir! How did it go, sir?

Rainbow Dash then kicks some snow on top of Fluttershy's hat.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Horribly! Those other tribe leaders are so disrespectful! Don't they realize that we are a mighty tribe of warriors, and should not be crossed?

A gesture for emphasis knocks the snow loose again and leaves Fluttershy scrabbling for balance.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Especially that (M/N)! She hasn't got the slightest idea that we've been waiting ages for somepony to take a stand! We have got to break ranks with those weak foals!

Fluttershy then tumbles to the bottom of the steps, throwing a screenful of snow when she lands.

In a unicorn castle, Rarity comes inside shivering before falling down to the ground.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Clover the Clever! I need you!

Twilight then comes in dressed in and old brown cape and hood and she levitates a blanket over Rarity.

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): Yes, your Majesty. Did the other pony tribes see reason as I predicted?

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Those other tribes are impossible! Not even (M/N) has made any progress.

Rarity then flops onto a cushioned bench.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): I, for one, can no longer bear to be anywhere near those lowly creatures. The unicorns are noble and majestic. We will no longer consort with the likes of them!

Twilight floats a tub of water to her which Rarity plunks her front hooves in, splashing Twilight.

Inside of a bare room, Pinkie comes inside and drops down from the chimney to land on the hearth. Applejack, who had her her brown jacket and Tyrolean hat on from earlier turned to look at her.

Applejack (Smart Cookie): Wouldn't it have been easier to use the door, Chancellor?

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Maybe for you, Smart Cookie. But I am a chancellor. I was elected because I know how to think outside the box. Which means. . .

Pinkie ducks back into the fireplace and shoves her head up the chimney, causing her voice to echo.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): *slightly echoes* I can also think inside the chimney. Can you think inside a chimney?

Pinkie then walks past Applejack with her face covered in soot.

Applejack (Smart Cookie): Uh. . .

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): I didn't think so.

Applejack just groans while rolling her eyes.

Pinkie then turns and gives a huge grin as all of the soot falls off of her face.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Ohmygosh. Hold on to your hooves! I am just about to be brilliant!

Applejack (Smart Cookie): *mumbles* That'd be a first.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): I have decided that the Earth ponies are gonna go it alone!

Applejack (Smart Cookie): Aw, so you mean the other tribes didn't come around? Not even (M/N) got her powers back? Shoot. . . I really thought we could get through to 'em if we-

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Don't worry about them. We're the ones with all the food, right?

Applejack (Smart Cookie): Actually, we're all out.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Fine, then we'll have to go somewhere new where we can grow some new food. And with me as our fearless leader, what could go wrong?

Pinkie opens the doors that go outside and a huge wall of snow piles on her and Applejack just deadpans.

Applejack (Smart Cookie): *sarcastically* Where should I start?

Pinkie then puts her head up from under the snow.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): The point is. . .

And as if fate, all three leaders said the exact same thing in unison.

Tribe Leaders: We must find a new land!

However, (Y/N) said something completely different.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: I must find the key to fixing this!

In the skies of the brutal blizzard, Rainbow flying through the brutal blizzard. After a few hundred yards, she notices that Fluttershy wasn't moving fast enough and stops in midair with a disgusted little groan and doubles back.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): C'mon, Private Pansy, let's get a move on! Hup-one, hup-two!

A lightning strike sends the panicked subordinate into her commander's hooves with a choked cry.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Get a hold of yourself, Private! We cannot let anything distract us from the mission at hand. To find, and if necessary, to conquer a new land!

This sends Fluttershy in loop of thought as Rainbow Dash starts pushing her forward.

Fluttershy (Private Pansy): Conquer, sir?

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): You never know where enemies might be lurking.

Fluttershy (Private Pansy): I don't see any enemies, Commander. Just. . . snow.

Rainbow Dash then spots a vague looking cloud monster and throws herself at it.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): A-ha! Who's that?

While she assiduously delivers a pummeling to the cloud, Fluttershy catches sight of a tiny black cloud floating right next to her. She lets off a yelp and dives back into Rainbow's hooves which made her somewhat annoyed.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Okay. This is getting old.

In a deep snowy forest, Rarity and Twilight were both walking through it trying to find the new land. However, Rarity simply moans her discontent at this.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Oh, this is simply taking forever. My hooves are killing me! How long have we been walking for?

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): About five minutes, your highness.

Twilight drops a bush right beside her to prove her point as she can still see the castle. Rarity just groans from that and walks on ahead.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Oh, I never imagined finding a new land would be so hard. But it'll all be worth it, don't you agree?

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): I actually think that the three tribes could've tried harder. Miss (M/N) is also doing the best she can to-

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Stoooooop!

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): What's wrong?

Rarity (Princess Platinum): That is what's wrong!

Rarity points to a stream that dramatically looks long, but it is really just a tiny stream that anypony could cross.

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): Your Highness, it's just a stream. We can cross it easily.

Twilight shows this by crossing the stream easily using some stepping stones to get across. However, Rarity said otherwise.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): I refuse to get my gown wet. I have no intention of arriving at my new land looking like a bedraggled Earth pony, or worse yet a rough-and-tumble Pegasus. I, for one, have no intention of stooping down to their level. On the other hand, I have no trouble watching you stoop down.

Twilight groans annoyingly from that and after a minute, she ties a rope bridle on herself with Rarity holding the reins on her back. Twilight then walks across the stream with the mounted Rarity on her.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): And do watch the gown, darling. It's worth more than all of the books in your library.

In another location, Pinkie and Applejack were travelling along a clifftop path with gems on it. Pinkie has attached a map to her hat brim so that it covers her face, with holes torn out for her eyes and mouth. They pace back and forth for a few seconds which started to annoy Applejack a little.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Yes, yes. This is definitely the right direction.

Applejack (Smart Cookie): It feels like we're going in circles.

It is then revealed that they have been going in circles as they both looked down at their footprints. . . and they were in a circular path.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): But that's impossible. Are you suggesting that I'm reading the map wrong?

Applejack (Smart Cookie): Absolutely not, your chancellorness. It's just that there are holes in the map, and-

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Of course! How else could I see where I was going?

Applejack (Smart Cookie): Yeah, uh-

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Or talk? I need to be able to talk! I mean, how would we survive if I just suddenly shut up?

Applejack (Smart Cookie): Heaven forbid that should happen, your chancellorship. Heh. It's just that. . . the map is also upside down.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): I got a newsflash for you, Cookie. *whispers* The world is round. There is no up or down.

Applejack then decides to feign agreement to her.

Applejack (Smart Cookie): You're right! It's such a relief to me that you're in charge of this map. . .

Pinkie stops short from that and backs up quickly to Applejack.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Relief? You don't need relief! If anypony needs relief around here, it's me! I'm a chancellor! I'm a bigshot! You're just my, um. . . my, uh. . .

Applejack: (Smart Cookie): Secretary.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Whatever.

Pinkie then sucks the whole map into her mouth and chews on it before spitting it back out onto Applejack's face slightly annoying her.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): You take the map while I enjoy some relief.

Pinkie then blinds walks towards the edge of the cliff beside her and falls down it.

Applejack (Smart Cookie): Yes, Chancellor Puddinghead.

Pinkie then pokes her head back up from the cliff with a huge grin.

Back up in the storm clouds, (Y/N) was flying at a fast pace through the clouds and had a determined look on his face.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: There must either be a cause of this storm or a solution to finally having all of the tribes live in peace. Either way, it's up to me to try and fix all of this.

The storm was raging as lightning strikes were nearly inches away from striking (Y/N), but he dodged them with ease. A giant cloud then tries to block his path, but he glowed his horn and shot a beam at the cloud splitting it apart so that he can pass through it. Then the wind picked up even more which was slightly holding (Y/N) back a bit and it almost swept him away before he got an idea and made both his eyes and entire body glow (F/C) before making him increase his speed just enough to fly across the strong wind that was blowing him back.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Those ponies may not believe that I can fix all of this, but I beg to differ. I must put an end to all of this madness in the world.

Spike: And so, each leader encountered obstacles along the way, but eventually, they all arrived in a new and wondrous land. Nopony had ever seen paradise before.

(Y/N) eventually was able to get out of the raging blizzard and as he flies, he sees something in the distance that looked like sunshine. He flies swiftly towards the light and when he arrives, he was in awe of what he saw next. It was a huge land that ponies of all kind could live in and it had just the right amount of things that all tribes could have.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: This is amazing! This land is perfect for the tribes! Huge mountains for the Pegasi, a mountainous region for the unicorns to settle, and finally, the Earth ponies have enough soil to make their food.

Spike: (M/N) thought that she could finally end the feud with the three tribes. However, when she looked closely, all said otherwise.

(Y/N) looks ahead of him and was surprised by what he sees next.

In the sky with a few fluffy clouds, Rainbow flies around the peak while Fluttershy hangs back at lower altitude. She then cheerfully somersaults off of some of the clouds.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): This is the new land we've been searching for!

Fluttershy (Private Pansy): What a view. . . I can see my future house from here.

Rainbow Dash then sets down a banner on a cloud that she was standing on.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): I proclaim this new land to be. . . Pegasopolis!

Rarity is then seen hunched down and happily eyeing a pile of gems on the ground on a mountain with jewels on it and Twilight was right behind her.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): I've never seen such jewels! This ruby is dazzling. This whole land is dazzling. I'm double dazzled! *squeals*

Rarity then lays down over the pile of gems that she was admiring.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): In the name of the unicorns, I hereby dub this land Unicornia!

Rarity levitates and sticks down a banner herself beside her with Twilight giving her a weak smile.

Pinkie is then seen jumping high up into the air before peeking out of a tree's high boughs and finally landing on a bump of dirt spreading it around.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): The air! The trees! The dirt! This dirt is the dirtiest dirt in the whole dirt world!

Applejack then picks up a clump of dirt and a small plant grows out of it.

Applejack (Smart Cookie): And fertile, too. Perfect for growing food.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): In the name of the Earth ponies, I think I'm gonna call this new place. . . uh. . . Dirtville!

Applejack (Smart Cookie): How about "Terrain"?

(A/N): You probably know exactly why I changed the name suggestion. If not, look at the Prologue to Season 1.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Terrain! Congratulations to me for thinking of it.

Pinkie flips her hat off her head which lands brim up and a banner with the earth ponies' crest instantly springs up on a pole.

Three Leaders: We found our new home.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Uh. . .

The three leaders heard (Y/N)'s voice as they all see him flying up in the air with a sheepish smile on his face.

Three Leaders: (M/N)?!

The three mares then recognized all of those voices as they then see that were all next to each other only a few yards away.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): I planted my flag first!

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Did not!

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Did too!

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): I planted mine earlier than first.

The Earth pony banner then falls down.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): All of you riffraff are trespassing in Unicornia!

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): The name is Pegasopolis!

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Terrain!

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Pegasopolis!

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Unicornia!

Rainbow Dash then flies up to Rarity.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): I say we fight for the land. May the best pony win!

Rarity then levitates Twilight in front of her.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): That's barbaric. Clover the Clever, throw that brute into the dungeon!

Twilight was confused by this.

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): What dungeon?

(Y/N) then flies down between the three.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Excuse me, but please. Let's not fight. How about we just all calm down and-

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Silence, knave!

(Y/N) flinches a little from that.

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): Sorry to intervene as well, but I agree with almighty alicorn. We should all calm down.

Applejack (Smart Cookie): I agree as well. Let's all calm down.

Fluttershy (Private Pansy): I vote for calm.

Rainbow Dash then turns and glares at Fluttershy. (Y/N) also starts to notice something strange, a cold breeze starts to blow.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): I'll have you court-martialed for insubordination, Private! We settle this on the battlefield!

Snow is then thrown at Rainbow Dash in the face which makes Rarity laugh at her until snow is thrown back at her which irritates Rarity.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): *laughs*

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Who dares throw a snowball at royalty?!

The culprit was revealed to be Pinkie as she was ready to throw another snowball before she notices something strange.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Wait a minute, where'd all this snow come from anyway?

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Oh no. Not again.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: No! They followed us here!

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): Who followed us here, your holiness?

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: The Windigos.

It is then seen above the clouds that the windigos have indeed appeared and they were circling the clouds around the group to strengthen the huge snowstorm.

Spike: And so the paradise that the ponies had found was soon lost, buried beneath a thick blanket of snow and hard feelings. Instead of beautiful, it was blizzardy. Instead of wonderful, it was wintry! Instead of spectacular, it was snow-tacular! Instead of-

A mare in the audience got irritated with the constant descriptions.

Shoeshine: We get it! Move on!

Spike: *nervous laugh* Everypony was forced to seek shelter. They searched high and low, but the only shelter for miles was a cold and desolate cave. And, of course, the three tribes had to share it, and nopony was too happy about that.

Everypony was now inside of a huge cave, and all of the leaders except for (Y/N) glared at each other of having to share the cave that they are in right now.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Please, Commander Hothead.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): It's Commander Hurricane.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): *clears throat* Please, Commander, could you just stand back and give me my royal space?

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): You mean like this, your highness?

Rainbow stomps her hoof right in front of Rarity .

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Indeed not.

Rarity pushes her hoof back and points down onto the ground.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): You see this invisible line?

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Private, outline our territory for everypony to see.

The timid soldier flies to a spot of clear ground and hesitantly begins to scratch a marking into the dirt. To speed the process along, Rainbow lifts her by the hindquarters and drags her sideways to draw out the boundary all the way to the cave's back wall.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): See this real, non-invisible line? No unicorns or Earth ponies are allowed to cross it! And maybe if I'm in the mood, alicorns may cross! This is the sovereign territory of Pegasopolis!

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Clover the Clever?

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Uh. . . Smart Cookie!

Applejack (Smart Cookie): I know, I know.

All three then began to draw lines themselves all around the cave, they either bump into each other or have obstacles in their path along the way. Fluttershy has a rock in her way so she decides to go around it, but Rainbow Dash stops her.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): What are you doing? Don't go around the rock, go over it! I'm not giving up an inch of territory to the enemy!

Rarity (Princess Platinum): That rock is clearly on the Unicornia side of the cave, and it belongs to us! *whispers* Who knows? There could be jewels inside.

Rainbow Dash knocks the rock over to her territory anyways.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): I claim this rock for Pegasopolis!

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Unhand that rock this instant, you scoundrel!

Pinkie then zips over to Rainbow Dash and glances down at the rock.

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Oh, look, you found my rock. I've been looking for it everywhere.

Pinkie then picks up the rock and brings it over to her side of the cave.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Hey! You invaded our territory!

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Finders keepers, losers weepers~!

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): That's the last straw!

Both Rainbow Dash and Rarity then start to go over Pinkie's territory as she picked up the rock that she took and started running off with it and the other two mares went in pursuit of her constantly shouting and arguing. (Y/N) facepalms from this until he notices the walls were starting to ice up and he separates the mares from each other to get their attention.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Enough! All of you! All of your disagreements are causing us this weather to rage on! And at this point, I don't know if it's even possible for me to stop it now!

Rarity (Princess Platinum): This is rich coming from the same alicorn who had the power to stop. . . uh. . . what was it?. . . A hundred monsters!

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Yes! At a cost though!

(Y/N) then tries to glow his horn in order to stop the walls from freezing, but the best he could do was just a crack in the ice.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: I can't help it! I keep telling you that my magic isn't strong enough.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Well, then I guess you'll just have to sit there and be u. . . seless!

When Rainbow Dash said that, the ice then expands all the way to the inside of the cave and traps all of them inside.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Great. Now there's no way out! We're trapped!

Rarity (Princess Platinum): You two deserve this horrible fate. You've done nothing but argue and fight with each other!

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: You know I can say that you're being a hypocrite right now, right?

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): Yeah, exactly your Highness.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: That goes for you too! And you as well chancellor!

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Me?! I've been trying my entire best to get along! The unicorn however, was way worse!

(Y/N) then notices that ice was starting to entrap Pinkie which makes him gasp and he tries to hold off the ice, but he wasn't strong enough.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): How ridiculous! A unicorn never stoops to fighting!

Ice then starts to entrap Rarity and (Y/N) tries to free her as well, but it was no use.

Rainbow Dash (Commander Hurricane): That's just 'cause you wimpy unicorns know you'd never win! Earth ponies are numbskulls!

(Y/N) tries to free Rainbow Dash, but it was no use and she was now entirely trapped in ice unable to move or speak.

Rarity (Princess Platinum): Pegasi are brutes!

Pinkie Pie (Chancellor Puddinghead): Unicorns are snobs!

The three seconds stare at the encroaching freeze line, their backs to each other, then retreat toward the common junction of their three borders. Upon colliding, they whirl to face each other with a drawn-out cry of surprise, then sigh with relief. However, huge roars made them scared as they hugged each other in fear.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Oh no!

The three then turned to (Y/N) who was flying up in the air staring at the ceiling to see the windigos circling around them.

Fluttershy (Private Pansy): What is that thing?

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Windigos!

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): I've heard you say that name before your holiness. What exactly are they?

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: They're mystic winter creatures that my mentor Star Swirls and Gusty told me about. They feed off of hatred and fighting. The more somepony fights the stronger a snowstorm comes. I didn't want to believe that they were the cause of this, but I was wrong.

(Y/N) then shoots a small magic blast up at the windigos and they felt only a tiny burn, but it was way to weak to stun them.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: I tried to tell them all that they need to stop fighting but. . . due to their loss in trust in me, I can't even lay a single dent into the monsters.

Applejack (Smart Cookie): Then. . . this is our fault. We three tribes. . . we brought this blizzard to our home by fightin' and not trustin' each other. Now it's destroyin' this land, too.

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): And now our bodies will become as cold as our hearts. . . all because we were foolish enough to hate.

Fluttershy (Private Pansy): Well, I don't hate you. . . I actually hate Commander Hurricane a lot more than I hate you guys.

The other two giggle from that and the windigos didn't like that as they started to pick up speed around the group. (Y/N) notices this and smiles as he flies down and brings the group closer.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Hate is pretty strong there, young one.

Fluttershy (Private Pansy): Well, in that case, Actually, I don't really hate her, I just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really dislike her.

The two mares giggle from that once again which made the windigos irritated even more as they pick up even more speed.

Ice then starts to envelop the ponies which worries (Y/N) before he get's an idea.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: Tell me young ponies, do you all truly hate each other?

Applejack (Smart Cookie): No, in fact I feel like we all are the same.

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): Me too.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: When you three have been around your leaders, you've done nothing but try to calm their arguments, which is something I can admire. You all understand that nopony is different whether you are a Pegasus, Unicorn, or Earth pony. I'm proud of to see that you all understand that there is no difference at all from who you really are.

The three ponies smile from this as they were almost enveloped in ice.

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): (M/N) is right you guys. Now matter what our differences are, we're all ponies, and we can all work together.

(Y/N) nearly got scared from the ponies nearly being enveloped in ice until something happend. . . Twilight's horn glows white for a brief second before it then thawed out all of them in one swift flash. Fluttershy and Applejack back up in shock while (Y/N) stares in awe. A brilliant pink fire pours upward from her horn and goes towards (Y/N) which wraps around him before it all goes inside of him which causes his aura to glow pink instead of (F/C). (Y/N) could feel so much energy inside of him that he smiled and looked up at the windigos before blasting a pink scorching beam at them which started to gush out the windigos. With the windigos gone, fire that remained came back down towards the group and formed into a flaming pink heart shape.

Fluttershy and Applejack then start to approach Twilight.

Fluttershy (Private Pansy): What was that?

Applejack (Smart Cookie): I didn't know unicorns could do that.

Twilight Sparkle (Clover the Clever): I didn't either.

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: It was all because of you three.

Three Seconds: Huh?

(Y/N) [(M/N)]: As I stated you all were able to defuse all of what happened because you all joined together. You all understood the true meaning of the most powerful thing that made us where we are now. The true meaning. . . of friendship.

The mares all smiled from this as they face (Y/N) and bowed to him to show their thanks.

All through the night, (Y/N) taught them more about what they can do as friends to keep the Fire of Friendship lit up the entire night. They had conversations, sung carols, and even laughing at one other with some jokes.

Spike: All through the night, the three ponies kept the fire of friendship alive by telling stories to one another and by singing songs, which of course became the winter carols that we all still sing today. Eventually, the warmth of the fire and singing and laughing reached the leaders, and their bodies began to thaw. And it even began to melt their hearts.

Once the Fire of Friendship was big enough, (Y/N) was able to use his enhanced magic to thaw out the leaders as they were all slightly dizzy from being trapped in ice but they were in good spirits as they all went to their seconds and thanked them. The leaders then all turned to (Y/N) with guilty looks to say that they're sorry, but (Y/N) was very forgiving to them. (Y/N) then walks to the entrance of the cave and used his magic to finally thaw out the entire cave and when they all went outside, it was sunny once again and the snow was beginning to melt.

Spike: The three leaders agreed to share the beautiful land, and live in harmony ever afterwards. It even turned (M/N) as their new peaceful leader of all of the tribes.

A pole was then put into the ground on a small hill and Rainbow hits a rock on top of it to drive it into the ground. Once she was finished with that, Pinkie and Rarity pulled a rope back to lift a banner on the pole. Fluttershy then flies up and puts a golden crown on top of (Y/N)'s head which made him smile.

Spike: And together, they named their new land. . .

Mane 7: Equestria!

Back in reality, the show was then over as everypony in the audience cheered and the Mane 7 including Spike all lined up to one another and bowed down to the crowd as a thanks for attending the show. Confetti is then shot up into the air before everypony in the entire theater started to sing a carol.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everypony: ♪ The fire of friendship lives in our hearts ♪

♪ As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart ♪

♪ Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few ♪

♪ Laughter and singing will see us through (will see us through) ♪

♪ We are a circle of pony friends ♪

♪ A circle of friends we'll be to the very end ♪

The curtains then close after the carol as the audience cheers once again.

Backstage, the Mane 7 were all gathered together congratulating themselves on their performance.

Twilight Sparkle: We should be so honored that Princess Celestia chose us! She must really think we exemplify what good friends are!

The windows were open once again which made Rarity glare at Applejack.

Rarity: Applejack, I thought you closed all the windows.

Applejack: Don't blame me. Rainbow Dash should've flown up there and shut it. After all, she's got wings.

Rainbow Dash: Why do I always have to do all the high up chores? Why can't Twilight use her magic for a change!

The mares then all started arguing for a few seconds before they hear someone clear their throat and they all turned to see (Y/N) giving them a huge glare.

(Y/N): You were saying. . .?

Rainbow Dash: W-We were saying that. . . Y'know what? I got it.

Rainbow Dash goes to close the doors and all of the mares laugh from this. As soon as Rainbow Dash closes the doors, (Y/N) decided to go to the doors and looked up at the night sky and a deep thought came to his mind.

(Y/N): (Merry Christm- Well, in this case. Happy Hearth's Warming Eve, mom.)

Chapter 7 End.

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