Chapter 4: One Bad Apple

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Today was apparently an exciting day for both Apple Bloom and the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they were told by Applejack that her cousin, Babs Seed would be coming over from Manehattan to visit them for the entire week. Applejack told Apple Bloom that she had something in common with Babs Seed along with the other crusaders as they all don't have their Cutie Marks yet. This brought a huge excitement to the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they think that they'll have a new recruit to join their crusade in finding their Cutie Marks.

Right now the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Applejack were at the train station with the trio hopping and running around excitedly while Applejack had a sour look from all of the noise that was currently bothering her.

Scootaloo: Do you really think she'll wanna join?

Apple Bloom: She doesn't have her Cutie Mark. Of course she'll wanna join the Cutie Mark Crusaders!

Sweetie Belle: I'm just so excited I could burst!

Soon enough, a train whistle was heard as everypony on the train platform turn to see a train headed coming to arrive at the Ponyville train station.

Apple Bloom: Is that the train from Manehattan?

Applejack: Yep.

The train comes to a stop at the station as Apple Bloom decides to take a peek inside of the windows to see if she can find her cousin anywhere.

Apple Bloom: That's her! Oh, wait, no, no, that's not her.

She then goes up to a window and spots the conductor of the train.

Apple Bloom: Oh! No, tha-tha-that's her! Um, no.

She then turns to what she thought was her cousin as well, but it turns out it was just a cow.

Apple Bloom: Oh, wait, tha- that's not her either, uh. . .

Applejack: Apple Bloom, you've never met Babs Seed, remember?

Apple Bloom: Oh. . . *nervous laugh* Yeah.

A cloud of steam then hisses up at a distance behind the three fillies as they turn to see a train door open.

Applejack: Ah, that's her!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all turn around to see a filly come out of the train door and she had a brilliant gamboge coat, a light, brilliant amaranth mane and tail, moderate spring bud eyes, and she had no Cutie Mark. This was Apple Bloom's and the entire Apple's cousin Babs Seed.

Her suitcase rests next to her, and she looks nervously around herself before Apple Bloom zips right up at her with an exciting smile surprising her arriving cousin.

Apple Bloom: Babs! Babs! It's me, your cousin, Apple Bloom!

She then goes on to introduce her friends.

Apple Bloom: And this is Sweetie Belle, and this is Scootaloo, and we are so, so, SO glad you're here!

By the end of this, the three have crowded themselves in so close that their eyeballs are practically touching hers. Once they back off, she recovers her composure and speaks with a thick Brooklyn accent.

Babs Seed: Thanks, I'm happy to-

Sweetie Belle: This is gonna be the best week of your life!

Babs Seed: Sure hope it's gonna be-

Scootaloo: Seriously, we are gonna have a blast.

Applejack chuckles to herself as she grabs the filly's suitcase and walks off with the rest following after her.

Sweetie Belle: The Summer Harvest Parade's going on while you're here! You'll get to ride in a float!

Babs Seed: Really? I've never been on a float before.

Apple Bloom: And we've got a really big surprise for you!

Babs Seed: Yeah. . . uh. . . a surprise?

Scootaloo covers her eyes with her hooves and before she knows it, she was right in front of the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse.

Apple Bloom: I give you. . . the Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse!

Babs runs an eye over the place inside out looking very perplexed.

Babs Seed: The Cutie Mark Crusaders?

Scootaloo: A club devoted to helping ponies get their Cutie Marks!

The three then turn to show that they don't have a Cutie Mark on their flanks and Babs' pupils widen to nearly fill her eye sockets in response, and her tail flicks forward to cover her own lack of a mark.

Scootaloo: We're its founding members.

Sweetie Belle: Technically, we're its only members.

Apple Bloom: But we're always looking to expand, and you seem like the perfect candidate!

Babs Seed: I do?

Scootaloo: Well, yeah, since you don't have a Cutie Mark and all.

Babs Seed: Oh, yeah. . .

She blows her forelock out of her eyes.

Babs Seed: . . .That.

Apple Bloom: Allow me to show you just some of the highlights of our clubhouse, should you choose to join us.

A long beat of silence from that and Apple Bloom jabs a hoof impatiently toward the other two. They trade a puzzled look, Sweetie Belle winks, and they both dash away as Apple Bloom gives a big placating smile and blush. Babs just stares ahead, thoroughly flummoxed.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are now standing by a tacked-up page with drawings of the three fillies' faces. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are checked off, but Sweetie Belle is not, and Scootaloo has a pencil in her mouth.

Apple Bloom: This is where we do our role call. . .

Scootaloo checks the empty spot, and both gallop to a table set with a plate, fork, glass, and pitcher full of flowers. The unicorn stands behind it as the Pegasus gets an empty pitcher in her teeth and pretends to pour a beverage.

Apple Bloom: This is where we eat our lunch. . .

Sweetie Belle mimes eating off the plate, and both ditch their gear with a grin and zip away. They then go to a bullseye target painted on the floor, directly under a lantern hanging from an open trapdoor. This is where Sweetie Belle stops, and Apple Bloom pops up into view to indicate the area.

Apple Bloom: Sometimes we stand here and think of great ideas.

Sweetie Belle drops to her haunches and rubs her chin, deep in thought. Scootaloo then reaches into view through the trapdoor and turns on the lantern, then pokes her head down as both her and Sweetie Belle smile broadly. The demonstration ends with an enthusiastic gesture from Apple Bloom, but Babs clearly does not share the mood.

Babs Seed: Yeah, uh. . .

There was a short period of silence in the clubhouse and the Crusaders noticed how underwhelmed Babs was about the whole thing.

Apple Bloom: Uh, could you excuse us for a moment?

Babs Seed: Sure. . .

The Cutie Mark Crusaders then began to huddle up on the bullseye.

Apple Bloom: *whispers* Thought she'd be more impressed.

Sweetie Belle: *whispers* She's from Manehattan. If we wanna impress her, we need to really wow her!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: Hmm. . .

It took them a second to think about what they should show Babs Seed until Scootaloo was able to come up with an idea as she gasps and smiles.

Scootaloo: *whispers* The float! She can ride with us on our Summer Harvest Parade float!

Apple Bloom: *whispers* That's perfect! This really is a good spot for thinking up great ideas.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: Mm-hmm.

The four then went on and ran on over to Sweet Apple Acres as the crusaders led Babs Seed into the barn. Babs was hanging back a bit before she decides to take a peek inside of the barn where the crusaders were going to show her the new float that they made.

Apple Bloom: Here it is! The official Cutie Mark Crusaders float for the Summer Harvest Parade!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders stand next to a giant pumpkin-shaped parade float that sports three wheels, one up front and two in back, a side door, and a pumpkin-shaped front window for the driver.

Scootaloo: As a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, you'd be able to ride on it with us! It'd be totally fun.

Babs Seed: *nervous laugh*

???: More like funny. . .

It was a voice heard as they all see that it was none other than the two notorious bullies that bother the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon: . . .Looking! *laughs*

Their mocking laughter has its usual effect of getting on the trio's nerves in a very big hurry. Both of them then walk up to the float to continue mocking them even more.

Silver Spoon: What is that thing, a giant orange?

Both of them get a good laugh from that insult.

Apple Bloom: It's a pumpkin.

Diamond Tiara: More like a lame-kin.

Silver Spoon starts to laugh, but stops when Diamond Tiara nudges her in the ribs. They both then noticed Babs Seed staring at the entire thing.

Diamond Tiara: Who's the new blank flank?

Babs once again covers her flank with tail being noticed about the said feature and her accompanying pout giving way to a hard glare.

Apple Bloom: She's mah cousin, Babs. She's from Manehattan!

Diamond Tiara: Manehattan, huh? Well, I guess you have that going for you.

Silver Spoon: Suppose you're gonna join their little club? What's it called? The *mocking* Cutie Mark Crusaders?

She and her fellow elitist aim knowing, expectant smiles across the barn. Babs eyes flick from side to side and harden again. The Cutie Mark Crusaders stare daggers at the smug pair, who turn their attention toward Babs after a moment. Babs then decides to blows her forelock out of her eyes and lowers her brows over a nasty smile. She then said a phrase that her own cousin was not expecting to even say to her.

Babs Seed: More like the Cutie Mark "Crybabies!"

She then walks over to both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with a nasty chuckle.

Apple Bloom: Hey!!

Diamond Tiara: Oooo, heh, big city attitude! I like it!

Silver Spoon: Mm-hmm!

Babs Seed: Oh, yeah? Well there's more where that came from! Check this out!

She walks up to the floats front wheel and with one good kick, she knocks it off the frame and gets the Crusaders plenty riled up.

Scootaloo: Oh no, she didn't!

Babs Seed, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon all give mocking laughter as they just broke the Crusaders' float for their parade.

Suddenly, the float begins to creak as the struts to which the wheel had been attached start to bend under the float's weight, and as soon as they break, the entire rig starts rolling toward Babs. It barely misses her and it it bounces out the barn door and down the nearest hill, shedding pieces as it goes. Inside, the Cutie Mark Crusaders race up to the door and can only watch the bouncing float's departure helplessly. It drops out of sight over a hilltop, and a final crash and cloud of dust mark its instant conversion to scrap wood.

A fake gasp of shock from Babs Seed then get's their attention.

Babs Seed: Looks like somepony's pumpkin just got squashed!

The two others beside Babs snicker at that insult she made.

Apple Bloom: When ah tell Applejack-

Babs then backs her up, causing Apple Bloom's bow to droop.

Babs Seed: You gonna tell Applejack what?

Apple Bloom: W-well, y'know, uh. . .

Babs Seed: What're you, a snitch?

Diamond Tiara: Come on, Babs, you should hang with us! Y'know, the cool ponies, not these babies!

Babs agreed to this as she decides to follow both of them out. The two cousins trade a look one of hurt and rejection, the other of sullen glee and Apple Bloom turns to her friends.

Apple Bloom: What. . . just happened?

Scootaloo: I think Babs just went to the dark side.

Sweetie Belle: We have to tell Applejack!

Apple Bloom: No! We're NOT snitches!

Scootaloo: Yeah! And we're not babies!

She drops to her haunches, forelegs crossed angrily, and Apple Bloom's bow sags.

Sweetie Belle: Then. . . why do I feel like crying?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decided to return to their clubhouse and inside, Apple Bloom stands sulking, Scootaloo paces the floor, and Sweetie Belle has perched atop a table on her haunches with her head cradled in front hooves.

Scootaloo: I still can't believe she ruined our pumpkin float.

Apple Bloom: I still can't believe I'm related to such a big stinkin' bully!

Sweetie Belle: *sighs* What are we gonna do?

Apple Bloom: We're gonna build a new float, that's what!

Scootaloo: Why bother? She'll probably just ruin that one, too.

Apple Bloom sighs from that knowing that she was right.

Sweetie Belle: We could always tell Applejack.

A thought balloon pops up above the others' heads, showing Babs in the barn.

Babs Seed: (In Apple Bloom & Scootaloo's Mind) What are you, a snitch?

Apple Bloom & Scootaloo: No!

Sweetie Belle groans from that before she get's another idea in her head. One that was about a different pony that the three all know pretty well and look up to.

Sweetie Belle: Okay. . . what about (Y/N)?

Apple Bloom & Scootaloo: N- . . .Huh?

Sweetie Belle: So Babs is expecting us to go and tattletale on Applejack. So what? Why don't we just talk to (Y/N)? He's good with dealing with bullies.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other with worried looks for a brief second.

Apple Bloom: But Babs-

Sweetie Belle: Come on you guys! When has (Y/N) ever let us down? You know what he would tell us right now?

Scootaloo: What's that?

Sweetie Belle: We're not snitches and that he can deal with it. He's helped us out before when we had problems as well. Remember the time he helped us with Gabby Gums?

Apple Bloom: Well yeah. . .

Sweetie Belle: Or the time that he helped unite all of us into becoming the Cutie Mark Crusaders? In fact, I think he's more than willing to help us out with any of our problems that we're having.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom go wide-eyed from that as they both knew that Sweetie Belle was right about (Y/N) and that he'll help them out with anything.

(Y/N): (In Apple Bloom's Mind) Don't let all of this wear you down, you'll have your Cutie Mark before you know it. If anypony makes you sad like that, just come to me or Applejack. We can give you a list three miles long of why you shouldn't let them bully you like that.

(Y/N): (In Scootaloo's Mind) We're friends and that's what friends do. You seem like a nice girl to me Scootaloo.

Both of them looked at each other at get determined looks before nodding.

Apple Bloom: I don't care what Babs Seed is gonna say to us now. We've gotta go and tell (Y/N) everything before the situation get's worse.

Scootaloo: And knowing him, he can definitely help us with Babs Seed. I mean if he is able to battle creatures here in Equestria, then he'll be more than capable of handling those bullies.

Sweetie Belle: See? Come on, let's go and see if we can find him anywhere in Ponyville.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nodded as they all run out of the clubhouse to go and search to see if (Y/N) would be around anywhere while singing.

(A/N): Just imagine the events going on in their head rather than in reality.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo: ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Apple Bloom: ♪ First, we thought that Babs was so really, really sweet ♪

♪ A new friend to have, and it seemed like such a treat ♪

Scootaloo: ♪ But then, we found the truth; she's just a bully from the east ♪

♪ She went from Babs, yeah, to a bully and a beast ♪

Apple Bloom: ♪ Everywhere we turn, she's just a step ahead ♪

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo: ♪ Babs Seed, Babs Seed, what we gonna do? ♪

♪ Got a bully on our tail ♪

♪ Gotta hide, we gotta bail ♪

♪ Babs Seed, Babs Seed, if she's after you ♪

♪ Gotta run, we gotta flee ♪

♪ Gotta hurry, don't you see? ♪

♪ Babs Seed, Babs Seed, she's just a bad, bad seed ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Apple Bloom: ♪ Hiding from a bully, we know it isn't right ♪

♪ But the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we aren't lookin' for a fight ♪

Scootaloo: ♪ Oh, she'll go home soon, and then we'll have some peace again ♪

♪ But for now, we're staying out of her way 'til then ♪

Apple Bloom: ♪ Everywhere we turn, she's just a step ahead ♪

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo: ♪ Babs Seed, Babs Seed, what we gonna do? ♪

♪ Got a bully on our tail ♪

♪ Gotta hide, we gotta bail ♪

♪ Babs Seed, Babs Seed, if she's after you ♪

♪ Gotta run, we gotta flee ♪

♪ Gotta hurry, don't you see? ♪

♪ Why so mean? Why so crude? ♪

♪ Why so angry? Why so rude? ♪

♪ Can't you be nice? Can't we be friends? ♪

♪ Isn't it sad? Is this how it all ends? ♪

♪ Babs Seed, Babs Seed, she's just a bad, bad- ♪

♪ Babs Seed, Babs Seed, she's just a bad, bad- ♪

♪ Babs Seed, Babs Seed- ♪

Scootaloo: ♪ She's just a bad, bad seed! ♪

With the song being finished, the Cutie Mark Crusaders have finally made it up to (Y/N)'s house and they were a little worried as Apple Bloom reluctantly raised her hoof to knock on his door.

Apple Bloom: Are ya sure we're doin' the right thing?

Sweetie Belle: Do you have a better that doesn't involve trying to avoid her in all of Ponyville?

Apple Bloom: *sighs* No, but still I feel somewhat uncomfortable. I don't want to be seen as some big tattletale.

Scootaloo: That's for (Y/N) to decide Apple Bloom, not us.

Sweetie Belle: Yeah, we can trust him to help take of this situation for us.

Scootaloo: So stop stalling and knock on the door already.

Apple Bloom gulps before she turns back to (Y/N)'s front door and she then raises her hoof slowly before closing her eyes shut and tapping on the door lightly with her hoof. She opens one eye to nopony answered.

Apple Bloom: Oh, well nopony's home. *whistles*

The other two gave her unconvinced looks before Scootaloo walks up to the door.

Scootaloo: You might want to knock a little louder.

This time Scootaloo knocks on (Y/N)'s door properly enough so that somepony inside could hear the sound. It took a few seconds before the door opens to reveal none other than (Y/N). When he sees the Cutie Mark Crusaders in front of him, he smiles at them.

(Y/N): Hey, Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo. I didn't expect to you three here at my doorstep. What do you three need?

Scootaloo: Well, um. . .

Sweetie Belle: We kind of need your help.

(Y/N): Oh, is it your float? Did you three damage it or something?

The crusaders shake their heads to decline that wasn't the case.

Apple Bloom: Well, it wasn't exactly our fault that it got destroyed.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Apple Bloom: Ya see, mah cousin Babs Seed came over for the week to spend time with Applejack and I, but. . . things weren't really how we expected with her.

Scootaloo: We even tried to recruit her as one of our new members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders club, but once she came over to the barn with us so that we could show her the float that we made, that's when unexpected things started to happen.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at that before going wide-eyed at what she was talking about.

(Y/N): You mean. . .?

Apple Bloom: Yeah. . . she was the one responsible for ruining our float, but that ain't all that happened either.

Sweetie Belle: She even decided to join Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Apple Bloom: And now we've got three big bad bullies on the loose.

(Y/N) was listening to the entire thing as he was surprised that a family member of Apple Bloom's would just straight up go and bully her right out of the blue like that. He then scowled a bit.

(Y/N): Those brats! I should've known those fillies would strike again at some point in time. Why didn't you go to Applejack? Doesn't she have authority over your cousin?

Sweetie Belle: That's what I said!

Apple Bloom: We were going to consider it, but. . .

Scootaloo: She called snitches straight out of nowhere!

Apple Bloom: We thought that if we came to you or Applejack that we would be teased even more about being a bunch of tattletales.

Scootaloo: Y-You don't think that we're tattletales do you?

(Y/N) sighs and rolls his eyes at that before smiling at them.

(Y/N): Of course not. Your cousin was just trying to intimidate you three. In fact, you three actually did the right thing at coming to me.

(Y/N) ruffled Apple Bloom's mane when he said that which made her smile.

(Y/N): If you three were tattletales then you would intentionally want to get her trouble just so you can look better than her. But you're not. You're doing this because it was the right thing to do and so that you don't have to deal with it anymore.

Sweetie Belle: See? What did I tell you?

Scootaloo: Okay. Okay, you were right. He definitely trusts us.

(Y/N): Let me guess, you thought that if you told me, I would say something like *mocking* it's not my problem!

Scootaloo: *nervous chuckle* Sort of. . .

(Y/N): You girls can trust me anytime to try and take care of any problem that you may have, you understand?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders nod from that before Apple Bloom goes up and hugs (Y/N) which made him a little surprised.

Apple Bloom: Thanks (Y/N). I'm go glad that your always here to help us.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo then go up to join in as the Cutie Mark Crusaders all made a group hug around (Y/N).

Sweetie Belle: Me too.

Scootaloo: Me three.

(Y/N) smiles at the three as he pats each one of their heads.

(Y/N): (Man, having these three girls around just makes me wish that I had a little sister back on Earth.)

Soon enough, they all broke the hug before (Y/N) got a determined look on his face.

(Y/N): Alright! Let's go and take care of those bullies and teach them a little lesson!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders nod from that as they all follow (Y/N) back to Sweet Apple Acres. However, little did they know that from a distance, three fillies were watching them and they were none other than Babs Seed, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon. Babs stared at (Y/N) with a raised eyebrow while Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both narrowed their eyes at him.

Babs Seed: Who is he?

Diamond Tiara: That guy? Ugh! He's a nopony.

Silver Spoon: Ponies around town like to call him "The Hero of Ponyville."

Diamond Tiara: He's more of the Hero of Disgrace if you ask me.

Silver Spoon: He may have done some things that helped ponies around the town, but deep down he's just some guy waiting to ruin someponies reputation.

Babs Seed: He sounds like a complete doof.

Diamond Tiara: Tell me about it. He ruined my cute-ceañera party and humiliated me in front of the entire town. Sometimes I can't even talk to even a few ponies around now.

Silver Spoon: It's all that stallion's fault that we're like this now.

Diamond Tiara smirks at Silver Spoon when she said that.

Diamond Tiara: At least he can't take US apart from each other.

Silver Spoon: You got that right Di.

Diamond Tiara: And Babs, just so you know that if you stick with us, then he won't even lay eye contact with you.

Babs smiles from that thinking that (Y/N) was some troublemaker around Ponyville.

Diamond Tiara: Want to try something with us? This is kind of like our thing when you're with us.

Babs Seed: What is it?

Silver Spoon: Just something that me and Di do all of the time.

Babs Seed: Interesting. Show me.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon put their hooves together and they both gesture for Babs to join in which she does.

Diamond Tiara: Just follow our lead.

Then all then did Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon usual dance only with Babs Seed involved this time.

Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, & Babs Seed: Bump, bump, sugar-lump, rump!

They all laugh from that before getting arrogant smiles.

Diamond Tiara: Welcome to the real club, Babs.

Babs Seed: And boy am I glad to be in it.

A thought then comes into Babs' mind as it gave her a sinister smile.

Babs Seed: Y'know, I have another great idea in order to get those Cutie Mark Crybabies to not mess with us.

Silver Spoon: Ooooh. We're all ears.

Babs Seed: I say we liberate that little clubhouse of theirs. It really belongs to ponies like us when you think about it.

Silver Spoon: Hmm, smart. I like it.

Diamond Tiara: I also concur. That clubhouse was never something that was for those babies anyway.

The three gave mischievous little smiles as they walked off to go and try and take over the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse.

The three arrogant little fillies were nearly at Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse as they kept on walking still with some sinister smiles on their faces.

Diamond Tiara: How do you think those three will react once we have taken over their little home?

Silver Spoon: I'm betting something like this.

Silver Spoon then proceeds to make a fake pouty face while mimicking crying which Diamond Tiara and Babs Seed laugh.

Babs Seed: Nah, I think that they'll beg for it back like some dog.

Diamond Tiara: That would even better.

Babs Seed: Well, I guess we'll just have to find out. Once we take over the Cutie Mark Crybabies clubhouse, we'll-

However, before Babs could finish her little ploy, a stern southern female voice rang out.

???: Babs Seed! Why I've oughtta teach ya a couple of lessons for being such a tyrant, young girl!

The three fillies freeze up from hearing that voice as they all arrived at the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse, but when they got there, they weren't expecting to see two grown ponies up there.

And those ponies were none other than both Applejack and (Y/N) as they both stared down at the three with very stern looks.

Applejack: It looks like y'all weren't kidding at all, (Y/N) as I definitely do see Babs, hanging down there with those two little rascals.

(Y/N): Yep, and just seeing her down there proves everything. And if I heard correctly, I think some filly said that they were planning on raiding this clubhouse that rightfully belongs to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

The three said fillies pop their heads out from behind the two as they were just staring at the entire situation happening. Down below, Babs Seed was just staring up at the two in complete shock while Diamond Tiara glared at them and Silver Spoon just raised an eyebrow.

Babs Seed: H-How. . . How did. . .?!

Applejack: (Y/N) here along with Apple Bloom filled me in on everything.


Right after the Cutie Mark Crusaders thanked (Y/N) for helping them out, they went on over to Sweet Apple Acres to tell Applejack about Babs Seed's bad behavior. Right now they were in front of the front door of the Apple's house and (Y/N) knocked on it. It took a second for somepony to answer as Applejack of course came out of the door to greet him.

Applejack: Hey there sugarcube, what brings you to Sweet Apple Acres today?

(Y/N): Applejack, there's something that we need to tell you.

Applejack: We?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders then come from behind (Y/N) as they all had some pretty downtrodden looks on their faces.

(Y/N): More specifically it's not just about them Applejack, but also about your cousin Babs Seed.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at that before it became somewhat a serious one.

Applejack: Come on inside y'all. We'll talk about it in here.

With that being said, (Y/N) and the Cutie Mark Crusaders went inside of the house and they went into the kitchen area to discuss what's been going on with Babs Seed. Applejack was listening very closely as the Cutie Mark Crusaders explained how Babs has been treating them for the last few hours and (Y/N) even explained why they didn't come to Applejack in the first place in Babs and the other two thinking that they were a couple of snitches. However, when Apple Bloom mentioned that Babs Seed ruined their float for the Summer Harvest Parade, that definitely struck a nerve on Applejack.

Apple Bloom: Then she just smacked the wheel off of the float and it crashed down the hill and broke into a ton of pieces.

Scootaloo: We didn't know what to do at the time since we thought that Babs might think that we were some big snitches that like to get others trouble, so we came to (Y/N) for his opinion.

Sweetie Belle: And pretty much what he said led us to coming here.

(Y/N): So yeah Applejack, your so called "sweet little cousin" turned out to be not so sweet at all.

Applejack gave a pretty serious glare from that.

Applejack: I see.

Apple Bloom: She even went to go and hang out with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and you know how those are when it comes to bullying others about not having their Cutie Marks.

Applejack: Ya darn tootin' Apple Bloom. None of this makes any sense though.

(Y/N): What are you talking about?

Applejack: From what I heard from Babs' parents back in Manehattan, she was the one being picked on all of the time about not having her Cutie Mark.

That sentence brought a huge shock to the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they gave out dumbfounded gasps.

Apple Bloom: S-She was. . . bullied?

Applejack: Yep. So her parents thought it was a great idea to give her a change of pace and thought that sending her over here to Ponyville with her family was a great idea.

Scootaloo: Babs Seed was being picked on? After what we've seen I find that hard to believe.

Applejack: Well I ain't lyin' y'all. It's all the truth from what I was told.

Sweetie Belle: That's just shocking.

Apple Bloom: Applejack, why didn't ya tell us in the first place?

Applejack: Sorry, Apple Bloom. It's just that I thought y'all might get along well and I didn't mention it cause I didn't want her to feel singled out.

(Y/N): *sighs* Applejack, if that was the case then you should've told them that from the very beginning before Babs even came here to Ponyville.

Applejack felt kind of guilty from that.

Applejack: *sighs* Yeah, you're right (Y/N).

(Y/N): However, from the looks of it. Babs Seed may not be bullied in Manehattan after all.

Sweetie Belle: So what are we going to do? For all we know, if she keeps hanging around Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, she'll just keep running us out of Ponyville like we're some nobodies that don't even belong there.

(Y/N) and Applejack looked at each other gave each other determined looks.

Applejack: Y'all can just leave that to us. I'm going to give Babs and those pesky little bullies a HUGE scolding and that'll make sure that they won't be able to mess with y'all anytime else they run their rumps over here.

(Y/N): It's time that give those kids some proper authority!

(End of Flashback)

Applejack: You should be very ashamed of yourself Babs Seed! Going ahead and bullying a fellow family member of yours!

Babs' ears droop down in guilt from that.

Applejack: And I heard from your parents that you were being picked on back at home! But it looks like that was all some lie now from we're seeing here and right now!

Babs Seed: I. . . I. . .

Applejack: Don't even think about to make up some bad excuse young filly! The proof is already right behind you so I don't wanna hear it!

Both Applejack and (Y/N) then walk down from the clubhouse to go and face the three bullies once more.

Applejack: And ruining your cousin's and her friends' float for the Summer Harvest Parade?! That right there just crosses the line!

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon simply watched the scolding that Applejack was giving to Babs Seed and they looked at each other and whispered.

Diamond Tiara: *whispers* If you ask me, it's their fault for being some ignorant ponies.

Both her and Silver Spoon snickered from that, however they may have just regret their decision to say that out of the blue.

(Y/N): I heard that!! And what did you say?!

The two other fillies froze up from that as (Y/N) approached them with a very serious look.

(Y/N): Don't think that we're just letting you two off the hook! You're more than responsible for why you're here right now!

Silver Spoon: *sarcastically* Responsible. . .? Sure. . .

(Y/N): Well maybe if somepony didn't come out of the blue at Sweet Apple Acres and just started to insult other ponies, then perhaps it wouldn't be as obvious. You know I thought that since the Gabby Gums thing-

Diamond Tiara: Which those Blank Flanks came up with.

(Y/N): NO! This is where you ZIP IT!!!

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon flinched in fear at (Y/N) raising his voice at them.

(Y/N): As I was attempting to say, I thought that since the Gabby Gums thing that you would've learned your lesson on why you shouldn't be talking down to ponies just because you think that you're better than them, but it looks like we'll have to teach that to you again!

Silver Spoon was a little wide-eyed while Diamond Tiara was surprised.

(Y/N): If we had just told somepony right now that you two were out here still doing what you're doing you know what they would say? "I wouldn't be surprised after Gabby Gums." You two have gone from picking on ponies to blackmailing them, to now just trying to get even more ponies to bully others! And like Applejack said, that crosses the line!

Applejack: Not only will me and Granny Smith be talking to your father little missy, but you won't be allowed here at Sweet Apple Acres for a long, long time!

Diamond Tiara: Pfft! As if he would believe that this incident ever even happened after now!

Applejack: I don't know why you're so cocky! Your father knows us Apples pretty well if you don't remember! Some of his business are part of why we're able to resell some of our products! So I wouldn't feel celebrating right now!

Diamond Tiara: Tch! Whatever. Come on, Silver Spoon. We're leaving.

Silver Spoon: Huh?! Oh! Right! Y-Yeah!

Both of them turn their backs on them which made Applejack and (Y/N) roll their eyes at those spoiled brats. They then turn their attention back to Babs Seed who was sweating a little in complete fear.

Applejack: And as for you, you'll be packing up yer things to back to Manehattan 'cause yer stay is gonna come to an end today!

Babs Seed: B-But I. . .

Applejack: NOW!

Right after giving Babs Seed, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon a good scolding, Applejack, (Y/N), and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are now back at Sweet Apple Acres right in front of the Apples' House waiting for Babs Seed to finish packing her things so that she would be prepared for her departure back to Manehattan.

Applejack: Thanks again for being able to take care of my little sister, (Y/N). And letting me know about Babs' bad attitude.

(Y/N): It's not a problem at all, Applejack. I care about those girls just as much as I care for you and our friends as well.

They both turn over to look at the Cutie Mark Crusaders having a conversation with each other just chatting about most likely Cutie Marks.

(Y/N): To think though that a family member would just go and bully another fellow member. I've heard of brotherly and sisterly relationships, but what Babs did was worse than either of those.

Applejack: *sighs* I'm just so disappointed that I didn't look after them a bit longer. This situation would've been dealt with way earlier by now.

(Y/N) then puts a hoof on her shoulder which makes Applejack look at him.

(Y/N): Don't beat yourself up too much. Sure, their float is ruined, but the important thing is that they won't have to worry about being picked on about their Cutie Marks for a long while now.

Applejack gives a small smile before it turns into a serious look as she turns back towards the front door of the Apple House.

Applejack: It's been over 20 minutes now! What is Babs trying to do?! Hide from us?!

(Y/N): Only one way to find out.

They both walk inside of the house to go and try and find to see where Babs Seed is and wonder what was taking her so long to pack her stuff up. As they got progressively closer to the room where Babs was suppose to be staying at, they started to hear something that they didn't expect to hear as it made both of them raise an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Do you hear. . .?

Applejack: Cryin'? Yeah. . . what going on with her?

Eventually, they both made it to the room where Babs Seed was suppose to be staying at which was Apple Bloom's room and they both slowly opened the door to see none other than Babs Seed with her suitcase right beside her and she had her back faced towards the two and she was sobbing.

Both Applejack and (Y/N) looked at each other a little confused before they both walked up to the filly.

Applejack: Alright, Babs what's goin' on? You've been in this room way longer than you should've been.

Babs Seed didn't respond to that as she kept on crying and although it was hard to see, tears could seen pouring out of her eyes.

Applejack: *sighs* Look, if you don't want to go back to Manehattan then too bad. What's done is done and you have to take responsibility for your actions young filly.

Babs Seed: *sobbing* . . .I . . .I can't go back there.

(Y/N): Can't go back there? What are you talking about? Isn't Manehattan where you live?

Babs Seed: *sobbing* Yes. . . b-but it's just that. . . I was actually being bullied back in Manehattan.

(Y/N) and Applejack gave unconvinced looks from that.

(Y/N): You expect us to buy that?

Babs Seed: *sobbing* No, it's true! I was! I swear it! Back in Manehattan, I would always be picked on some fillies that were older than me for not having my Cutie Mark! I was tired of it for so long that I didn't know what else to do! I thought that the ponies here in Ponyville would be different, but when I met those two fillies picking on me at the barn, I was embarrassed! They just called me a Blank Flank right out of the blue!

Applejack: And you thought that joining their little bully club was the right thing to do?

Babs reluctantly nodded from that.

Babs Seed: *sobbing* I didn't mean to hurt my cousin or her friends, honest! I just couldn't find another way to not feel so uneasy! I thought that if I made friends with those bullies would make myself look like I'm not weak, but instead it just lead to something worse to where I am right now. I'm now seen as a bully.

Applejack and (Y/N) both looked at each other and was very skeptical of what Babs Seed was saying. Did she really do all of this to make herself look not so weak?

It took a little bit of thinking from the two before they came to their decision if they want to believe her or not.

Applejack: *sighs* Look sugarcube, if that was all of the case then this whole thing could've been avoided if you'd just came to us.

(Y/N): If someone is bullying you Babs, then you need to tell someone that you can trust like your own parents.

Babs Seed: *sobbing* I did. I swear I did. However, every time that I go to them whenever I get picked up they always give me the exact same answer, of you need to take care of it yourself by standing up to them. . . that's never worked over where I live though.

Both (Y/N) and Applejack go wide-eyed from that as Babs Seed never got any other guidance from her own parents when standing up to bullies.

Babs Seed: *sobbing* I've told them over and over again that it didn't work and they just couldn't give better advice.

Applejack: How long has this been going for you in Manehattan?

Babs Seed wipes her tears away as she was able to calm her sadness a little.

Babs Seed: *sniffles* Up until about a couple of days ago before I came here.

Applejack gives a small gasp from that and turns to (Y/N) as he had a serious look.

Applejack: You don't think that. . .

(Y/N): Probably. Maybe Babs was sent here cause her parents was tired of her complaining about being bullied all of the time. *sighs* What selfish parents. They had other options like either talking to the teachers or just taking her to another school.

Applejack then get's the same serious look (Y/N) had.

Applejack: I know. Seriously, did they think that there would be no ponies picking on each other at all here in Ponyville? All ponies are no different from each other in any town.

They both then turn back to the guilty looking Babs Seed and gave her sympathetic looks.

Applejack: Look sugarcube, I know this maybe something that you're just gettin' into, but ya still have to know that becoming a bully does not make things any better for you or anypony else.

Babs Seed: I know and I'm sorry. Like I said, I didn't want to hurt my cousin, but I couldn't see another solution at the time. C-Can. . . Can you forgive me?

Both (Y/N) and Applejack give sympathetic smiles to Babs Seed.

Applejack: Babs, ya may have made such a stupid mistake, but I'm yer big cousin so of course I can forgive ya.

(Y/N): However, we'll forgive you on only one condition.

Babs Seed: What's that?

(Y/N): You need to go out there and apologize to Apple Bloom and her friends.

Babs get's a worried look from that.

Babs Seed: W-Won't they still be mad at me?

Applejack: Not if you be genuine and sincere about it? We're sure that they'll forgive you.

Babs looks down at the ground worriedly from that as both (Y/N) and Applejack give her reassuring smiles.

Back outside, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were just running around playing like the little fillies that they are and as they were, (Y/N), Applejack, and Babs Seed exit the house to back and they see the Cutie Mark Crusaders playing with each other. Babs gulps as she was still a little worried from how the trio will react to Babs' apology. However, after thinking about what Applejack and (Y/N) said to her, she decided to walk up and go talk to them.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders see Babs approaching them which got their attention as she decided to state her apology to them.

Babs Seed: Hey, you guys. Um. . . I just came over to say that I'm sorry for what I did to you all earlier. I didn't mean to hurt you all, honest. I thought that if I hanged out with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, then I wouldn't be able to get bullied at all. But I then was told by Applejack and (Y/N) that being a bully doesn't make the situation any better. I'm sorry that I picked on you three and that I ruined your float for the parade.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked at each other before looking back at Babs Seed with smiles on their faces.

Apple Bloom: Y'know, we're not really too surprised that ya did that to begin with.

Babs Seed: Really?

Scootaloo: Yeah, Applejack told us about how you were being bullied back in Manehattan.

Apple Bloom: And trust us, we did find it very strange for ya to hang with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon after they just straight up called ya a Blank Flank. Usually, those girls really dislike ponies who don't have their Cutie Marks yet.

Sweetie Belle: And after a little chat that we had with Applejack and (Y/N), we had a hunch that you were just doing it to avoid getting picked on in Ponyville.

Scootaloo: So I guess what we're trying to say is. . .

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: We forgive you.

Babs Seed get's a huge smile from this.

Babs Seed: So. . . we can start over?

Apple Bloom: Definitely.

Scootaloo: Yeah.

Scootaloo raises a hoof as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom join in for a high five. They look over to Babs with a smile and nod, and she turns it into a four-way high five. Applejack and (Y/N) looked over at the two and smile that the four were able to make amends with each other.

Applejack: So, once Babs' stay ends, I'll be having a talk with her parents about all of the bullying and what they should be doing if she's having problems.

(Y/N): That's good to hear.

Applejack: Say sugarcube, I got a question. How are you so good with kids?

(Y/N): Honestly. . . I have no idea. I guess I'm just that kind of guy who's very mature enough to handle some foals. I mean I was able to babysit lots of times. But. . . if I had to make a rational answer, I would probably say that I got some instincts from my mother.

Applejack: Well, that's dandy. You'll probably make a good father someday.

(Y/N) blushed a little in embarrassment from that.

(Y/N): Y-You think so?

Applejack: *chuckles* Yep. I'm sure of it.

Just after Applejack said that, she spaced out a minute with a huge blush on her face which (Y/N) noticed and it made him raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Applejack?

Applejack didn't respond as she was still fantasizing about something in her mind.

(Y/N): Hello? Applejack!

Applejack came back down to reality as she turned to (Y/N) who raised an eyebrow in confusion.

(Y/N): You spaced out for a second there. Are you alright?

Applejack: Oh! Y-Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. . . just had something on my mind. That's it.

(Y/N): If you say so.

At the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse, the crusaders along with Babs Seed are seen inside of the room as Sweetie Belle was behind a lectern, and Scootaloo was ominously pounding on a pair of timpani drums. Babs stands in the center facing all of them. Scootaloo grins madly and bangs out a few bars of a fast swing rhythm, causing the whole room to shake and unnerving the other three, then strikes one last note before Sweetie Belle begins to read from a parchment.

Sweetie Belle: "We, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, elect Babs Seed to join us as a sister. . .

Babs, who smiles gratefully as Sweetie Belle continues, she reels more and more of the page over the front edge of her lectern and there is quite a bit of it. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo start to lose their patience in the process.

Sweetie Belle: . . .friend, confidaynte, alley, boss-om buddy, gal pal, compader, chum of chums. . ."

Scootaloo clears her throat loudly to tell her that she was pronouncing some of the words wrong.

Sweetie Belle: Well, you wrote this.

Scootaloo: Oh, uh, yeah. . .

As Sweetie Belle still unrolls the parchment, Apple Bloom just watches with trepidation.

Sweetie Belle: "Homegirl. . . Amiga. . ." Blah blah blah blah blah. Oh, yes, here. ". . .and fellow Cutie Mark Crusader!"

Babs hearing that made her grow a huge smile with a small blush on her face.

Sweetie Belle: "You are solemnly sworn in, here this day, in witness of your fellow sisters, friends, confidantes. . . boss-om buddies. . . compadres-"

Scootaloo cuts her off by leaning over the lectern and shoving the parchment down.

Scootaloo: Congratulations!

She then pulls the parchment away.

Scootaloo: Gotta remember to revise that.

All three laugh and toss confetti and streamers as she produces a fresh cape and throws it onto Babs' back which make her smile. A thought then comes to Apple Bloom's mind as it made her a little perplexed.

Apple Bloom: But what about the Summer Harvest Parade? We don't have a float to ride in together now.

Babs Seed: Oh. . . right. My bad.

Scootaloo wraps a foreleg around Babs and gives her a reassuring smile.

Scootaloo: Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be hard, but all we have to do is make a new one.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Scootaloo: And besides, now that Babs is a Cutie Mark Crusader, she can help out as well.

Babs Seed: I can?

Scootaloo: Of course!

Babs gives a smile from this as all of the Cutie Mark Crusaders decided to join in for a group hug as they can all work together to make a new float for the parade.

It took a ton of effort, but with the help of Scootaloo's tools, some blueprints that Sweetie Belle got from Carousel Boutique, Apple Bloom was able to get some luster dust from Sugarcube Corner, and Babs was able to make sure everything was in check for the Cutie Mark Crusaders to make an entire new float for the Summer Harvest Parade.

It is now that day as the Cutie Mark Crusaders were right next a float to which Sweetie Belle was just wiping some dust off of the float with a handkerchief. After she was done, they all backed up and looked in awe of all of the hard work that they've done. The float that they made was a giant golden apple that had luster dust all over it to make it look like it was shining pure gold.

Sweetie Belle: Isn't it smashing?

Apple Bloom: Smashin'? This thing looks golden!

Scootaloo: Well, it does kind of look like real gold.

Babs Seed: Wow! I didn't think that I would just only ride in a float, but also build one as well.

Apple Bloom: I don't know if we would be able to do this without your help, Babs.

Scootaloo: Yeah, it's just amazing that you knew a thing or two about making sure that we were all set.

Babs Seed: What can I say? I'm happy to help.

Suddenly, upbeat music started to play as the floats around them were starting to make their departure across Ponyville which got the four fillies attention.

Apple Bloom: *gasps* The parade's about to start.

Scootaloo: Come on, let's get in!

Scootaloo jumps inside of the float following Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. The crusaders look down to Babs Seed who just looked like she wanted to cry tears of joy, however she was able to hold them back as she jumps onto the float with the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Babs Seed: Seriously girls, thanks for everything.

Apple Bloom: No problem, Babs.

Sweetie Belle: What are friends for?

Babs smiles brightly from that as her along with the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders make their departure as well across the line of floats that was going down all across Ponyville. As they drove down the line, the Mane 7 could be seen down below watching the float pass by as Applejack and (Y/N) waved to the Cutie Mark Crusaders which they returned back.

At another spot in the parade, Diamond Tiara could be seen with an angry look on her face along with Silver Spoon as they see Babs Seed up there on the Golden Apple float along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Diamond Tiara growls as she kicks a tiny pebble away.

Diamond Tiara: I can't believe this!

Silver Spoon: What's wrong Di?

Diamond Tiara: What's wrong? What's wrong?! Those Blank Flanks and that (Y/N) is what's wrong! After this parade, my father said that I'm grounded for two weeks! I'm grounded AGAIN! It's all because of that stupid alicorn! Why does everypony like him so much?! He's just some dolt who thinks that he can be some all-knowing powerful pony here in Ponyville! Ugh! I hate him so much!

Silver Spoon: Y-Yeah, s-sure. . . (That was a little harsh, even for me.)

Back to where the Mane 7 were, (Y/N) then sneezes a little which confused him a bit.

Applejack: Ya alright there, sugarcube?

(Y/N): Yeah. It's just that I feel like someone was just talking about me in a negative way.

Applejack: Oh, I'm sure it's just your imagination.

(Y/N): Eh, maybe.

Chapter 4 End.

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