Chapter 9: Games Ponies Play

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Today is going to be one heck of day for the Mane 7 as they were all called to the Crystal Empire by Princess Cadance for the Equestria Games. Not only that, they were given the task to welcome the Head of the Equestria Games as well which they definitely agreed to do the task of. Spike told the mares of the Mane 7 that he can watch their pets while they're away for a cost of gems and they all didn't mind him doing that at all. Right now, the Mane 7 are just leaving the Golden Oak Library so that they don't miss their train. Twilight and (Y/N) turn back to Spike with Twilight being more concerned.

Twilight Sparkle: You absolutely sure you can do this?

Spike: Of course. Wouldn't have agreed to it if I couldn't.

(Y/N): Spike, six pets are a very huge responsibility. Do you really think you'll be capable of tolerating with them?

Spike: Trust me, (Y/N). It'll be a piece of cake.

Spike then puts on a chef's hat, pulls out a cooking book, and holds a measuring cup filled with gems with his tail.

Spike: Speaking of cake, I got a little something I need to attend to.

Twilight then gives him a serious glare as she sees that Spike had other plans besides watching the pets.

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, like keeping an eye on a house full of critters.

Spike: Uh, yeah, uh, that was totally what I was talking about.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Sure. Just. . . don't be careless.

Spike: Relax. Go to your welcoming thing in the Crystal Empire. Spike's got it all under control.

Spike trades a wave with (Y/N) and Twilight before he shuts the door and as soon as they both let out a sigh, the entire Golden Oak Library started to make sounds of ruckus that were likely caused by the pets. Twilight and (Y/N) cringed in fear about to go and see what was going on, but Rainbow Dash stopped them.

Rainbow Dash: Hurry up, you guys! We can't miss our train!

Twilight and (Y/N) then immediately turn back to go and run up to the train stop in Ponyville that was about to depart to the Crystal Empire. At the train platform, they were getting ready to make leave as the conductor was taking tickets.

Conductor: Tickets!

Applejack: Oh, this is gonna be a real treat. Princess Cadance said she'd never seen the Crystal Ponies so excited.

Rainbow Dash: Duh! Of course they're excited. They're up for the Equestria Games. It's only the biggest sporting event in all of Equestria.

(Y/N): I honestly can't wait either. This is my very first time even going to see the Equestria Games. I have a feeling that it'll be just like the sporting event that I liked to watch back on Earth.

Rarity: What was that event called, darling?

(Y/N): The Olympic Games. People from all over Earth compete in a series of sports and events and it was just amazing to watch! They held in all sorts of countries too.

Rarity: Interesting. Speaking of which, Rainbow Dash, didn't Cloudsdale host the Equestria Games one year?

Rainbow Dash: No. Cloudsdale "should" have hosted the games one year. I'll never forget when we got the bad news.


Young Rainbow Dash could be seen on her father's back holding a flag in her teeth eager for the host to announce the next location for the Equestria Games. Many other pegasi have gathered here, their attention fixed on one standing behind a lectern that floats alongside the Cloudosseum.

Laurette: The Equestria Games go to. . . the city of Fillydelphia.

Hearing that made Young Rainbow Dash so surprised that she let her flag down and rocketed up into the air dramatically yelling.

Young Rainbow Dash: NOOOOOOOOOOO!

As she finishes her yell, she lowers back down the ground and slumps in defeat for her hometown not being picked.

(End of Flashback)

Back in reality, Rainbow Dash had the same slumped figure before she looks up into the air with her eyes tearing up a bit. (Y/N) then goes over to wrap a foreleg around her making her blush a little.

(Y/N): Don't sweat about the past, Dash. Besides, we're going to the Crystal Empire to ensure that these ponies actually get picked for holding the games this time. After being vanished by King Sombra's curse for a thousand years, I think that they get more happiness than disappointment this time.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N) is right. Princess Cadance is counting on us to do our part to convince the Games Inspector to choose the Crystal Empire. And we are not gonna let her down. Are we?

Pinkie then slides in the center of them on her knees.


Everypony leans into her with puzzled stares.

Pinkie Pie: What? I was just answering Twilight's question.

Twilight rolls her eyes while (Y/N) smiles and shakes his head.

(Y/N): That's Pinkie folks!

Soon enough, the train whistle blows indicating that it was ready to leave and the Mane 7 got alarmed and immediately rushed inside carrying their saddlebags with them. Once they all got situated inside, the train takes off to the Crystal Empire.

It took a while, but they are in the snowy outskirts of the Crystal Empire as the Mane 7 were inside of the train enjoying the ride in the process.

Mane 7: ♪ Four, three, two, one! The Crystal Empire, that's the one! ♪

Pinkie then talks through the megaphone.

Pinkie Pie: Okay, everypony, great job! Sounds like we're ready.

Excited chatter and high-fives came among all but Twilight, who thinks it over.

Twilight Sparkle: One more time from the top.

This was responded by with groans and grumbles from the other six.

Rarity: Oh, please! I think that was perfect.

Applejack: *sighs* But we've run this, like, twelve times already. I think we've got it.

Twilight Sparkle: Cadance said the Games Inspector really puts folks through the wringer on her visits. There's no margin for error here. And this time we need to practice the steps.

Applejack: On a train car?

(Y/N): Yeah, I mean if you look, I think some of the ponies on the car are a little bit annoyed from the times we've been practicing our chant. Why don't we just wait and practice this some more until we get to the Crystal Empire.

Applejack: (Y/N)'s got a point. If it were me, I'd probably be agitated from the noise as well.

Rainbow Dash: Well, why don't we just try the pose instead.

(Y/N): *deadpans* Pose. . . on a train car?

Rainbow Dash: Come on! Just once!

(Y/N): *sighs* Just once.

The two earth ponies jump down on the aisle of the train car to stand alongside each other. As they start their chant, each raises the foreleg closest to the other, the two unicorns teleport in to balance on these, and the two Pegasi fly in to balance atop this pair, and finally (Y/N) on top who was the apex of the tower.

Mane 7: ♪ Two, four, six, eight- ♪

A hard jolt sends them all screaming and tumbling as the train just arrived at the Crystal Empire coming to a stop with a hard brake at the Crystal Empire's train station.

Train Conductor: Crystal Empire, everypony. Watch your step leaving the train!

However, it is revealed that all of the ponies have wound up sprawled all over the furniture, walls, and each other with Pinkie having hit the wall face first, a hatless Applejack pinned beneath her, Rainbow Dash and Rarity on the chairs, (Y/N) with Twilight on top of him, and Fluttershy mashed flat against the paneling. All are badly dazed from the impact that happened.

(Y/N): What did I tell you?! WHAT did I tell you?!

As the seven got off the train and it leaves with them walking off to go the Empire, Pinkie stuffs an entire cinnamon roll into her mouth as the others pass. She then faces where they were walking and goes in awe.

Pinkie Pie: Wow! The Crystal Empire looks crystallier than ever!

The Crystal Empire is seen with every square inch of the castle gleaming blindingly in the sun and the Mane 7 start on the road toward it.

Once they arrived, the locals and every one of them sporting the cut-crystal appearance are hard at work scrubbing, polishing, vacuuming every spot that might need it. All seven ponies are duly impressed.

Applejack: They must have everypony in the Empire out sprucing it up!

Twilight Sparkle: This must be why we were asked to handle the welcome committee routine.

The Crystal Heart, the artifact that defeated King Sombra during their first visit, floats between its stalactite and stalagmite anchor points as a mare puts a sponge to them. The group moves eagerly past.

Rainbow Dash: And it's probably also because we'll be awesome at it.

Two excited fillies then gallop by, each carrying a pennant in her teeth.

(Y/N): Wow! These ponies are excited for the Equestria Games. Well, we won't let them down with the excitement.

Rainbow swoops down and hauls one of the fillies up and smiles at it.

Rainbow Dash: Yup, I remember that feeling.

However, her expression then hardens as she sets the filly down.

Rainbow Dash: But not as much as I remember the crushing wave of disappointment that came when things didn't work out.

The filly get's a dejected pout from that before (Y/N) pushes Rainbow Dash away.

(Y/N): What she "meant" to say was, go along with your day because you can expect some exciting things happening during the Equestria Games!

The filly then immediately beams from that as (Y/N) gives it's pennant back. The filly grabs it in her teeth and runs along with her friend with the same excited expression that she had earlier.  Twilight smiles at (Y/N)'s motivation with the little ones as they all walk on ahead. 

The Mane 7 then come up to a domed building with a large heart mounted above its entrance as the group walks toward the front doors. These swing open so the ponies can cast an apprehensive eye over the place.

Twilight Sparkle: We're here.

Across the room, Princess Cadance bounces up into view, so quickly that one of the two attendants massaging her back goes flying backward.

Princess Cadance: *giggles* There are my ponies.

She dives over to Twilight, and the two go into their routine from her foal-sitting days as the others cross behind the pair.

Twilight Sparkle & Princess Cadance: ♪ Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake! ♪

Rarity allows herself a happy gasp under this bit and their giggles as she walks point, spotting customers in the midst of getting the full treatment.

Rarity: Oh, my. This is spectacular. Please, everypony, stand back! I need air!

Princess Cadance goes up and wraps a foreleg around her.

Princess Cadance: Go ahead and try whatever you like. It's all complimentary for the welcome committee.

(Y/N): Well gee, that's a generous offer. Where should we start?

Princess Cadance then points to a bath and the contents of it are light green and bubbling sluggishly. A mare climbs out and gets a towel draped over her back.

Princess Cadance: That over there is a crystal mud bath, which relaxes your body and rejuvenates your coat. Now, I realize it can be kind of strange to climb into mud, but if you'll just give it a chance, I'm sure-

Pinkie then quickly swings past on a rope.

Pinkie Pie: Woo-hoo!

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, no!

Laughing and whooping, the party pony pays no mind and lets go at the top of her swing, directly over the mud bath.

(Y/N): Hit the deck!

(Y/N) and everypony, but Cadance lower to the ground in fear of getting splattered on by mud. She does a cannonball dive into its exact center, but instead of splattering everywhere, the mud vibrates in place. She ends up halfway embedded for the moment, with her head and forelegs protruding. 

Princess Cadance taps on (Y/N) who was covering his eyes for a second and he takes his hooves off to see that the spa was still intact. Cadance smirks at (Y/N) who blushes sheepishly at not expecting the unexpected.

Pinkie Pie: Ahh, so relaxing!

Twilight then goes up next to the edge of the bath and glares at Pinkie.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie Pie! Honestly!

(Y/N) and Cadance step up and cuts her off with (Y/N)'s knowing smile and a gold-shod hoof from Cadance, which she then puts to her own chest with a quiet inhalation. Twilight and (Y/N) copy both this move and Cadence's next one, extending the foreleg as she breathes out, and Twilight is surprised at the calming effect this exercise has on the three of them. Cadance then walks up back to her spa chair.

Princess Cadance: Go ahead, have a good time while I get my ceremonial headdress done.

Rarity: Ceremonial. . . headdress?

Princess Cadance: When meeting with important guests, it was tradition for rulers of the Crystal Empire to weave crystals into their manes in a very specific way. The Games Inspector is known for doing her homework. She'll certainly be expecting my look to reflect the importance of her visit.

After she finishes, the sound of the doors' opening is heard a mare who was wearing a messenger jacket came in and had a worried look while sweating and immediately rushed up to Cadance.

Golden Hooves: Princess, if I may have a word. . . I-I have two pieces of news for you. First, your mane stylist has the flu and won't be able to make it for fear of you catching it, too.

This worries both the Mane 7 and Cadance.

Princess Cadance: Oh. Well. . . I hope she's better soon. Do any of the other stylists here know how to do the traditional royal ceremonial headdress?

The other Crystal ponies around in the spa room murmur with negatives on that.

Princess Cadance then does her breathing exercise to calm down.

Princess Cadance: Oh. Just a. . . small detail.

Rainbow Dash then circles to look Cadence straight on.

Rainbow Dash: Whoa, whoa, whoa! You're trying to land the Equestria Games here. There is no such thing as a small detail!

(Y/N): Rainbow Dash! Quit making this a bigger deal than it already is!

Rainbow Dash: But it is! We're trying to have the Equestria Games here in the Crystal Empire!

(Y/N): Yes! But let's not lose our heads in the process!

Twilight and Cadance raised an eyebrow at that.

(Y/N): That. . . didn't sound as good as it did in my mind.

Rarity: I suppose. . . I could give it a shot.

Princess Cadance: Oh, Rarity, you would do that for me?

(Y/N): Trust me, she'll do something like this for anypony. She's "rare" in my eyes.

Rarity giggles and blushes from that compliment.

Princess Cadance: Fortunately, I have all the precise instructions right here.

She warms up her horn and opens a small lockbox being held by two attendants. The lid flips open and a scroll floats up and out under her control, stopping when it is several yards in the air. When it unrolls, the end reaches almost to the floor.

Rarity: Oh, my!

(Y/N): Huh. That's a LOT of instructions for a royal dress.

Princess Cadance: You sure you're up to this, Rarity?

Rarity: Working on the hair of royalty on such an auspicious occasion is the opportunity of a lifetime! I will give it everything I've got!

Twilight then walks up to Cadance to reassure her.

Twilight Sparkle: See? No worries.

Rarity: Besides, the Games Inspector isn't expected for several hours. I'll have plenty of time to figure out exactly how to. . . do. . . this. . .

Princess Cadance: Oh, Rarity, that's wonderful!

She then turns back to her messenger.

Princess Cadance: You said you had a second bit of news?

The messenger's cap pops up in surprise from that.

Golden Hooves: Yes, quite. The Games Inspector, Ms. Harshwhinny, will be arriving on the. . . next train.

The Mane 7 gasp in shock including Pinkie, who bounces up out of the mud bath just long enough to join in. Cadance's jaw hangs open while Rainbow zooms into the messenger's face.

Rainbow Dash: What!? You couldn't have told her that news first!? That's fifteen minutes from now!

Fluttershy: Oh, my goodness!

Around (Y/N) and Twilight, the ponies were panicking as Fluttershy and Rarity are eyeing the instruction list, Applejack gallops to the door, Pinkie is back on the floor and trotting frantically in place, and Cadance stands in a frozen panic. As they all do, both Twilight and (Y/N) look at each other and nod in agreement.

(Y/N): It's time to improvise! Rarity, how much do you think you can do in fifteen minutes?

Rarity: Hmmmm. . . I'm sure to find some shortcuts.

Twilight Sparkle: Can you have her back at the castle when we're done?

Rarity: Done.

Twilight then reads the messenger's note to see the details on who Ms. Harshwinny is.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay, we'll be fine. Everypony, just be on the look out for the pony with the flower print luggage.

Everypony, but Rarity then exit the spa trot their way onto the empire.

Pinkie Pie: Easy peasy, pudding in the freezy!

(Y/N): In order to stall long enough, all we need do is bring the inspector to the castle, put on our welcoming committee and. . .

Pinkie Pie: Put the pudding out to thaw before you eat it or you'll crack a tooth?

(Y/N): . . .If you're thinking of what I'm thinking, then yes.

Rainbow Dash: Still, we need to remember that the Games Inspector arriving early is probably part of a plan to psych us out.

(Y/N): What makes you say that? I'd say it's just more of an unexpected circumstance rather than a plan.

Rainbow Dash: Well, Twilight said it herself. She's got a rep for trying to catch hosts off-guard, just to see if we can handle the kind of massive pressure that comes with hosting the Equestria Games.

Fluttershy: Oh, no. . . We're gonna blow it. . .

Rainbow Dash: Not if we always stay one step ahead and don't fall for any of her mind games. Anything she throws at us, we just need to remember she's testing us and roll with it.

By this point, they have moved into the outlying grassland and are close to the station. A train pulls in, throwing up dense clouds of steam. A suitcase sporting a flowered print and a rather large tear along its side is carried out in the teeth of an earth pony passenger. The earth pony was a mare with a pale gold coat, grayish chartreuse green eyes, a moderate chartreuse green mane with light spring bud stripes, and her Cutie Mark was a brown chicken.

The Mane 6 then walk up to the platform at the notice of her suitcase and immediately go to greet her.

Rainbow Dash: Excuse me, ma'am?

The mare sets her suitcase down, opening her eyes to expose them from her sunglasses and addresses the Pegasus crossly with the accent of an older Southern woman.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Yes, what is it?

Fluttershy: Oh, no!

Twilight Sparkle: Be cool.

(Y/N): Leave this to me you guys. I'm the more. . . "welcoming" type of pony.

(Y/N) then walks up to the mare.

(Y/N): Hello, we're special guests here to welcome you to the Crystal Empire. I know it's not who you probably were expecting from this big city, but we are more than happy to come and welcome you here.

A round of slightly forced grins came from the other mares and (Y/N) gestures invitingly past the train.

Ms. Harshwinny?: The whole lot of you came to do that?

Twilight Sparkle: Uh, well, um. . . yes!

It was a second of a crossed face until she pops off her shades with a grin.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Well, darn tootin', ain't that the cat's meow!

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow at her tone as she didn't sound like the prestigious type of pony that he was expecting. She then immediately shakes each one of their hooves.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Y'all didn't need to do that. Why, I hardly expected anything like this.

Applejack: Whew! The Princess wouldn't have had it any other way.

Ms. Harshwinny?: The Princess? Princess Cadance?

Twilight Sparkle: None other!

Ms. Harshwinny?: Well, tie me up and throw me down! This just keeps gettin' better and better!

Fluttershy: Can we help you with your bags?

Ms. Harshwinny?: Don't mind if you do.

Fluttershy descends and grips the suitcase.

Fluttershy: Ooh, I love flower print!

Her attempt to hoist it away ends with a very abrupt tumble onto the platform. Evidently the bag is quite a lot heavier than expected. However, she manages to get it aloft.

Fluttershy: Sorry!

She flies ahead, followed by the welcomed mare and the other five from Ponyville. It is clear that they believe this mare to be Ms. Harshwhinny, based on the description of her suitcase. (Y/N) however has a very skeptical look on his face which Twilight notices.

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* What's wrong, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): *whispers* This mare. . . she doesn't seem "harsh" to me?

Twilight knew exactly what he was talking about as this mare was more excited to be at the Crystal Empire than ready for an inspection.

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* Hmm, you're right. Maybe that's just her name and it's not who we expected it to be?

(Y/N): *whispers* Beats me. It seems kind of sus. I say we just keep an eye on her actions throughout the welcoming tour.

Twilight nods in agreement as they make their way back into the Crystal Empire at the entrance.

Pinkie Pie: Our first stop is the castle, where we got a big razzamatazzy welcome planned for you!

Ms. Harshwinny? then hops alongside Pinkie excited.

Ms. Harshwinny?: The castle? Are you kidding?! Hot-diggety-dawg!

Twilight then leans over to whisper to (Y/N) again.

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* I see what you mean.

Applejack: Y'all alright? You two look somewhat nervous.

Rainbow Dash: It's probably the fact that their nervous about the inspector. Don't worry guys, like I said, we can get through this!

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah. . . *laughs nervously*

(Y/N): I-It'll be all good. . . *laughs nervously*

Back inside of the spa area with both Princess Cadance and Rarity, the latter was levitating a few gems and a hair dryer while also stretching out her mane with some curlers. Rarity uses a power drill which she then sits back onto the counter. Rarity then maneuvers another curler into place, not at all sure of what she is doing.

Princess Cadance: So, uh. . . how's it going so far?

Rarity: Oh, I'm so sorry. . . It's just. . . oh so complicated.

Her attempt at an airy chuckle just throws a good scare into the other attendants around her.

Rarity: I can fix it!

Princess Cadance: Fix what?!

Rarity darts over to the instruction scroll and back sweating at the pressure that she's feeling right now.

Rarity: Well, I-I was looking for shortcuts and I thought step twelve was optional! But it's not!

Rarity floats up a mirror up to Cadance to show her what she meant. Cadance looks into her reflection to see her mane and her eyes pop open in shock to see that her mane has been reduced to a hopelessly disordered bird's nest embedded with gems stuck at crazy angles.

Back with the rest of the Mane 7, they were now inside of the Crystal Empire castle showing the ecstatic inspector around and she was just taking in the view of it all.

Ms. Harshwinny?: My golly, the crystal castle! *gasps* Why, I've seen pictures, but I never expected to see it with my very own eyes!

She then looks up at the ceiling now feeling a bit unnerved at the entire sight of the castle. She gulps hard and continues in a very small, scared voice. 

Ms. Harshwinny?: From the inside. . .

Fluttershy: Oh, my gosh, she's so nice!

Rainbow Dash: You're letting her lull you into a false sense of confidence.

She then get's in her face and flicks her nose eliciting a wince from Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash: Watch that. It's all part of the game. 

Ms. Harshwinny?: Oh, my, I'm so excited.

Twilight then teleports in front of her and gestures over to a nearby couch.

Twilight Sparkle: Please, have a seat, won't you?

Ms. Harshwinny? then trots in place and stretches out her legs.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Mind if I take a quick run outside first? It was an awfully long train ride and my legs could use a stretch.

(Y/N): Uh. . . but we're just about to start. (Does she have claustrophobia or something?)

Ms. Harshwinny? then quickly plunks her haunches on the couch. 

Ms. Harshwinny?: Oh! Never you mind. You go on ahead. I'm listening.

Fluttershy then get's as confused as (Y/N) was before Rainbow Dash speaks up.

Rainbow Dash: She was probably testing us to see if we could remain in control of a complex situation. Looks like we passed.

They both then share a hoof bump.

Rainbow Dash: Bump-

Fluttershy: -cha!

They fly down to join the other four in welcoming the inspector.

(Y/N): Um, we would like to first off say how thankful and honored we are to introduce you to the beloved Crystal Empire.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Oh, why, the pleasure is all mine.

Twilight Sparkle: And since we're not even from here ourselves, who better than us to let you know just how welcoming this place can be!

Just as in the rehearsal on the train, Applejack and Pinkie leap onto a clear section of floor, landing side by side and raising their inner forelegs. Twilight teleports onto them, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash balance on her head, and (Y/N) was at the top of the pyramid.

Mane 6: ♪ Two, four, six, eight! ♪

♪ Name a place that's really great! ♪

They all then go to ground level as Twilight and (Y/N) walk point with the others falling in behind them for a V formation and peeling off to both sides.

♪ One, two, three, four! ♪

♪ Keeps you coming back for more! ♪

All six then march in a single file with Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie falling out to alternate sides, and Fluttershy, (Y/N) and Rainbow Dash fly up behind them, the latter leaving rainbow contrails around the former.

♪ Two, seven, nine, three! ♪

♪ The place that we all wanna be! ♪

♪ Four, three, two, one! ♪

Rainbow's flight traces out a giant heart around her five friends. They have stacked up with Twilight balanced on Pinkie's mane and Applejack's tail, Fluttershy on Twilight's head, and (Y/N) balancing one hoof on Fluttershy's head.

♪ The Crystal Empire, that's the one! ♪

Pinkie whips out her party cannon and fires off a burst of streamers and confetti, scaring the rest of the tower off its collective hooves.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Oooh, yeah! 

She jumps onto the couch's armrest and lets off an enthusiastic whistle. All but Fluttershy were now either tumbled on the floor or hovering limply in midair, all well and truly worn out from this show. She jumps down to them.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Ooh, I tell ya! I have traveled far and wide, but I have never, ever been welcomed anyplace in the fashion that y'all have done here today.

Twilight and (Y/N) stand up and smile from that.

Twilight Sparkle: That's fantastic! Princess Cadance would be so glad to hear that!

Ms. Harshwinny?: Honestly, I'm surprised she knows anything about me at all!

Twilight and (Y/N) then trade a look with them agreeing on their suspicions about this inspector. Even the rest of the mares were thrown in a loop on that comment.

(Y/N): Well. . . I mean of course. S-She's been expecting you for weeks now.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Oh, goody! Is she here?

Twilight Sparkle: Uh. . .

Applejack: *whispers* Where the heck is she anyway? Wasn't she supposed to be here by now?

(Y/N): *whispers* So much for fifteen minutes, I guess we'll have to stall for longer.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Oh, that's all right.

Her eyes flick nervously upward to the ceiling causing another panic attack to come within her and she gulps hard once more.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Maybe I-I-I'll just take my little run outside now.

She gallops past the group toward the balcony of the castle. Emerging onto the balcony, she leans on the railing and struggles to catch her breath.

(Y/N): Uh, if she's the inspector, wouldn't she need to see the castle from the inside?

Twilight Sparkle: Technically, yes. Don't know what's the matter with her.

Rainbow Dash: Meh, she's probably just testing us again. Come on, let's go get her.

Rainbow Dash then streaks out and gets nose to nose with the nervous inspector.

Rainbow Dash: Actually, if you like, we could give you a tour of the castle! That way you could be learning and stretching all at the same time!

Ms. Harshwinny?: Ooh, a tour of the crystal castle. . . I'd love that a whole heap.

(Y/N) then slides over to Rainbow Dash and whispers to her.

(Y/N): *whispers* Dash! We've only been inside the crystal castle once or twice. I don't think it'll be that proper.

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* It's just another test! We gotta roll with it, remember?

Pinkie then jumps up and down excitedly.

Pinkie Pie: Oooh! Lemme give the tour! I'lldoit, I'lldoit, letmeletmeletme!

Twilight looking a little stressed out then breathes in and out to calm herself down.

Twilight Sparkle: Fine, you guys give her the tour while (Y/N) and I go and see what's keeping Cadance.

As Twilight and (Y/N) trot off to go and check on Cadance, down below outside of the castle a mare with a brilliant orange coat, a light gold mane and tail, brilliant cornflower blue eyes, she was wearing a grayish mulberry suit with a light magenta choker, she was wearing brilliant amber and magenta earrings, and her Cutie Mark was a golden trophy.

This mare has her suitcase's handle in her teeth and is dragging it along a sidewalk. She falls onto her haunches with a pained groan, then stands up as Twilight and (Y/N) emerge from one of the Crystal Castle's entrances and they both trot by.

Twilight Sparkle: Hello there!

Prestigious Mare: Hello yourself. First hello of the day-

A stallion gallops down the street, towing a cart of pies and splashing her with water from a puddle at the curb directly in front of her. Splutters and snarls issue from a mouth that now lies between a sodden mane and waterlogged clothing.

As Twilight and (Y/N) trot on, (Y/N) get's a suspicious look on his face.

(Y/N): You know I can't shake the feeling off that there is something that we're missing here.

Twilight Sparkle: You and me both. I'm sure we'll figure out why the inspector has such a chipper personality, but right now we need to check on Cadance.

(Y/N): Hopefully, Rarity is doing a great job in there. 

They both trot up to the doors of the spa and (Y/N) opens the door for Twilight as she walks inside first before he does.

(Y/N): Heck, if we know Rarity well it's that she's doing-

Rarity then zips up the two looks fully stressed as it surprised (Y/N) and Twilight.

Rarity: Dreadful! W-What are you two doing here?

Twilight Sparkle: We finished the welcome committee song and we just wanted to introduce Ms. Harshwhinny to-

Rarity: No, no! Princess Cadance isn't ready. Something's gone terribly wrong!

(Y/N): And by terrible, I'm guessing that if it's something that we see, we'll freak out.

Rarity: Precisely!

Twilight Sparkle: How bad are we speaking here?

Rarity: Imagine her mane turned into a porcupine.

Rarity magically fluffs Twilight's mane in all directions at that sentence and it made both of them cringe in fear. Rarity then turns the two to push them both out of the spa.

Rarity: Please! I will bring her back from the brink of tragedy, but you have got to buy me some time! THERE'S NO OTHER WAY!

She slams the door in a frustrated mood and it gives both Twilight and (Y/N) a nervous look.

Back inside of the castle where the other ponies were giving Ms. Harshwinny? the tour around the castle with Pinkie leading it. They were doing the best that they can and. . . it's not going too well as they are at the upper reaches of a rotunda within the Crystal Castle not too far off of from where the balcony was.

Pinkie Pie: So, you see this here? This, um, this is, um. . . a big, round room. It's known for its roundness and bigness. And did I mention that it's round?

Every mention of "round" in the preceding is accompanied by a circling foreleg. Her attempt at playing tour guide is going over very badly indeed.

Ms. Harshwinny?: I think they call it a rotunda? A small, confining, rotunda. . .

She crouches down as her claustrophobia is triggering once again and Pinkie just blows raspberries from that.

Pinkie Pie: Whatever. Round is round, am I right?

Applejack then zips up next to Pinkie to whisper to her.

Applejack: *whispers* Easy, Pinkie, let's play this safe! We got her in a good mood, so let's not do anything to ruin that.

Ms. Harshwinny?: You know. . . I love this sort of architecture. I-I-I detect a neo-Gothic inspiration in the design, yes?

Three faces cringe as eyes turn toward Pinkie, who blinks stupidly before shifting into a huge smile.

Pinkie Pie: Hey! Look at me!

She launches into a string of silly faces that earns a round of disapproving looks, topped off by Rainbow Dash clapping a hoof to her own face. A door swings then open to admit Twilight and (Y/N) into the atrium.

Applejack: *sighs* And not a moment too soon. Where's Cadance? Please tell me she's right behind you two.

(Y/N): Sorry, the waits gonna have to be extended even longer according to what Rarity said about her mane being like a porcupine. How's the castle tour going?

The rest of the ponies turn to Pinkie who was hopping side to side to try and distract Ms. Harshwinny?.

Pinkie Pie: Boingy, boingy, boingy!

Her actions are just met with disapproving stares from everypony in the room.

(Y/N): That's about how much I would expect for having little to no experience with the entire castle. . . and the fact that it's Pinkie Pie.

Ms. Harshwinny?: I, uh, hate to be a bother, but the legs are cramping up on me with all this standing around. . .

Rainbow Dash: Huh?

(Y/N): I think she's ready to see the stadium, but this tour is getting worst as we go along, anypony got any other bright ideas.

Twilight Sparkle: I'll see if Shining Armor can come help. Can't one of you other mares take over in the meantime?

Rainbow Dash: I got this.

(Y/N): Then make it snappy.

Both (Y/N) and Twilight then walk out of the rotunda to go and meet with Shining Armor while Rainbow Dash flies up to Ms. Harshwinny?.

Rainbow Dash: Wanna stretch your legs, huh? Well, whatever you need, I'm sure we can provide. Let's just make our way to the castle's gymnasium.

She flies out with the others following out in the corridor of the castle.

Rainbow Dash: Our tour will now be headed. . .

She then notices a row of doors set in the opposite wall all identical and unmarked which could probably confuse anypony. Glancing uncertainly to each side of herself, the aspiring daredevil focuses on the area to her left.

She then notices a stairway farther down the corridor, leading down and out of sight and enclosed in a transparent walkway through which sunlight is shining in and that was also just the path that Twilight and (Y/N) exited out of.

Rainbow Dash: This way. And we're walking, and we're walking. . .

She floats up and beckons the others on.

Meanwhile, the other duo was walking out towards the stadium to go and see Shining Armor so that they can fix their little dilemma with the really bad touring.

(Y/N): Didn't you say that your brother was volunteering to do something during the games as well?

Twilight Sparkle: I believe so. He should be inside of this stadium coaching some of the crystal ponies who are trying out for the Equestria Games. I hope he'll be able to help us with Ms. Harshwinny.

(Y/N): *snickers* Ms. Harshwinny? More like Ms. "Peppy-winny."

Twilight chuckles from (Y/N) making that small joke as they both enter the stadium and inside, they see a grassy infield at the center of the floor, set up for an obstacle course and ringed by a mirror-smooth running track with hurdles. Tiers of spectator seating surround the whole, backed by crystal formations and stretching under the transparent overhead dome.

Several ponies stand on the track as another watches from the infield. Shining Armor, wearing a red baseball cap and a whistle on a lanyard around his neck. He sternly eyes the others, dressed out in running gear and stretching, talking, and drinking water. He looks off to one side and smiles when he's sees his little sister and (Y/N).

Shining Armor: Twily! (Y/N)!

Twilight Sparkle: Hello there.

(Y/N): What's up, Shining Armor? Look, we know this may be a little sudden, but you've got to help us.

A blast from his whistle sets the athletes galloping around the track.

Shining Armor: Everything okay?

Twilight Sparkle: We left the other ponies behind giving the Games Inspector the worst castle tour ever.

(Y/N): Though we're also not very taken by the way she's been acting.

Shining Armor then yells to the trainees.

Shining Armor: Come on, gang! Are we gonna gallop, or are we gonna trot!?

Twilight winces a bit at the sudden volume jump before Shining Armor turns his attention back to them.

Shining Armor: Castle tour, huh? I'm pretty sure I can give you guys a hoof with that. *to athletes* Let's move, move, move! *to Twilight and (Y/N)* Everything's gonna be okay.

(Y/N): You say that, but I feel like something's is about to. . . or has been going wrong this entire time.

Twilight Sparkle: I have to agree with (Y/N). It was weird when she said that she's surprised that Princess Cadance even knows her.

Shining Armor: Hmm, that does sound a bit fishy. You two sure that you got the right pony to inspect for the games?

Twilight Sparkle: We're positive. The description of her note said to look for a mare with a suitcase with flowers on it. And, she's the first we've. . .

Twilight eyes then pop open before she turns to (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: Oh no, I think we've should've double checked! Maybe you were right, (Y/N), we did get the wrong inspector.

(Y/N): Another thing that I found fishy, she's never mentioned her name the entire time we've been at the Crystal Empire. 

Shining Armor: Well, the only way to confirm it is to confront her about it. And since your friends are still touring her around the castle, that should be easy enough.

Just at the end of that line, the three hear doors slam open and turn to see Ms. Harshwinny? gallop into the stadium with the other mares behind her.

Ms. Harshwinny?: I'm outside! *laughing* Feels so good to stretch the old legs!

She then zooms around the track and knocking the team members aside confusing Shining Armor.

Shining Armor: What the. . .?

(Y/N): Or. . . not so easy.

Rainbow Dash then flies up to them.

Rainbow Dash: Turns out the crystal castle doesn't have a gymnasium.

They all then turn to see Ms. Harshwinny? wildly running along the track.

Shining Armor: Watch it!

The whooping mare's overexcited jump clears a hurdle, but also takes out two athletes.

Shining Armor: Make her stop!

Rainbow Dash: Wait, that's the Games Inspector! Let her do her thing.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Good. Oh, these hooves! I'm outside!

She continues running wildly just confusing everypony.

Shining Armor: Why would she do that?

Rainbow Dash: I have no idea, but that's why she's who's in charge of choosing who gets the Games, and we're not.

A loud crash is then heard as they all look to see Ms. Harshwinny plowing through one jumping stile after another on the infield obstacle course. A potted plant goes flying off one stile's end post, its contents falling out so that the empty vessel lands upside down on her head. She skids to a stop with a shriek.

Ms. Harshwinny?: *muffled* Oh! Oh, get me outside for a run!

She races off towards a random direction.

Shining Armor: Look out!

She then barrels straight through the exit doors, reducing them to splinters. Everypony just watched in shock of what's happening.

(Y/N): Okay! She's done enough damage now! We need to get her to stop so we can get to the bottom of this!

Rainbow Dash: Okay, yeah, you're right. Fluttershy and I will get this situated!

Rainbow then flies off along with Fluttershy and meanwhile, the potted pony continues her crazed, gibbering race through the streets around the stadium. She charges straight past the same business mare from earlier, who has dried herself out from the earlier puddle run-in and is again hauling her suitcase in her teeth. The pounding hooves send up another gout of standing water that drenches the business mare all over again. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash begin to pull even from the air and were gaining on her.

Rainbow Dash: Where's she going in such a hurry?

Rainbow then dives, closing the gap, as they enter the outskirts of the Crystal Empire.

Rainbow Dash: Closer... closer. . . I think we've got her. . .

She gets both forelegs clamped onto the pot and gives it a solid yank, pulling it free as the fugitive stops dead. Momentum is not on Rainbow's side, though, and she is hurled away into the air.

At the spa, Rarity is seen still doing Cadance's mane as it looked neater than the last time she was working on it. Rainbow then smacks spreadeagle into the translucent ceiling and slides slowly down toward the edge. The squeaking of her against crystal distracts Rarity momentarily and she looks around herself, but does not notice Rainbow Dash, then resumes her work.

 Back with Fluttershy who was able to first meet with Ms. Harshwinny?, the latter trots in place very cheery.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Hoo-eee! Oh, that felt good! Nothing like a great run to shake the cobwebs off these old bones.

Rainbow Dash then crawls over, panting and badly scuffed up.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Hey there, speedy. Ah, these wide open spaces y'all got here remind me of home. This is great!

Rainbow Dash: *panting* Oh! So you're. . . enjoying your visit. . .? Well, I'm so. . . glad!

The rest of the ponies who were in the stadium then arrive to the scene to check up on this mare.

Ms. Harshwinny?: Oh, good golly, yes. I just love to travel and see new places. Such a beautiful spot you got here, too!

Shining Armor: Why. . . thank you so much! I'm Shining Armor.

Ms. Harshwinny?: *gasps* The Prince!

Twilight Sparkle: What's going on?

Rainbow Dash: From the looks of it, just locking up the games for the Crystal Empire is all. Ain't no thing.

(Y/N): No, rather that she just literally ran out like a crazy lady! I'm telling you this is NOT the inspector! First, she greets us very cheerfully like we're normal ponies, then she immediately get's claustrophobia in the castle, she states that she didn't expect Cadance to know her, and now THIS!?

Everypony turns to (Y/N) at his sudden exclamation before he walks up to Ms. Harshwinny? with a stern look while she was still admiring meeting Shining Armor.

Ms. Harshwinny?: My, oh, my. . . I never met a Prince before. . .

(Y/N): Pardon me being a little rude, but eyes right here!

(Y/N) gestures for Ms. Harshwinny? to face him in which she does.

(Y/N): Now look, we've been all over the place today with this "tour" and just wanted to ask you one simple question?

Ms. Harshwinny?: Oh, which is?

(Y/N): What, is, your, name?!

Ms. Harshwinny?: That's it? Oh, heh, well you can just call me Ms. Peachbottom. Just an ordinary wild mustang from Mustangia here to enjoy a little vay-cay.

Hearing that name threw a short pause to the Mane 6 before they start to panic.


Rainbow Dash: WE GOT THE WRONG PONY?!?!

Pinkie then slides forward on her hocks with forelegs outstretched to make a dramatic yell.


(Y/N): I'm not going to say it this time since now is not the time.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, come on (Y/N). It's your classic line for this entire book!

(Y/N): What book?! I literally have no idea what you're talking about!

Pinkie Pie: Just say it!

(Y/N): Ugh! *sarcastically* That's Pinkie folks!

Twilight then grabs (Y/N) by the shoulders and starts to shake him vigorously.

Twilight Sparkle: We got the wrong inspector and right now you're focusing on Pinkie?!?!

Twilight let's (Y/N) go after a few seconds making him a little dizzy.

(Y/N): Look, all we need to do is find the real Ms. Harshwinny and her luggage is nearly identical, so this won't be such a big whoop!

Applejack: Alright, y'all enough arguin'. Let's get goin'

The others nodded from that as they run off to go and find the real inspector anywhere in the Crystal Empire.

The Mane 6 run off towards the train station thinking that the real Ms. Harshwinny is still there waiting for them to escort her into the empire. They all immediately burst through the doors to look around.

Applejack: Oh, please still be here. . . Oh please, oh please, oh please. . .

Twilight Sparkle: There's got to be another pony with flower print luggage around here somewhere.

Across the way, Fluttershy, (Y/N), and Rainbow Dash are looking over a pile of bags from a train that has just come in.

Rainbow Dash: Except that there isn't!

(Y/N): Well, that shouldn't be too much of a surprise since she's probably been waiting here for hours. *gasps* That means she's inside of the empire somewhere! Looking for either Cadance or her escorts.

Twilight Sparkle: We've gotta find her before Cadance finds out what a mess we've made of things.

All five have gathered in one spot, but Pinkie is more interested in the bakery counter.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, here's what we do. We split the Empire up into five sectors.

Fluttershy: Each of us search a sector.

(Y/N): And once we've found her, we'll rendezvous at the castle.

Pinkie Pie: Well. . . search everywhere except for the spa. What's the point of checking there? That's where Cadance is. If Ms. Harshwhinny is there, well, then, game over, right?

(Y/N) is thrown in a loop for a second at that statement before he get's a sudden gasp.

(Y/N): What if she knew that Cadance was in the spa?! What if she's there right now as we speak?!?!

A sudden group gasp from the rest of the mares marks their horrified understanding that he may be right.

And apparently (Y/N)'s assumption of the real Ms. Harshwinny at the spa was indeed correct as inside she could be seen, along with Ms. Peachbottom inside of the spa. They are stretched out on lounge chairs, next to their respective bags, and being well looked after.

Ms. Harshwinny: Every city and empire wants to host the Equestria Games. So, I have to go through all the big phony-baloney song and dance, though of course, I'm never getting the real inside scoop.

Ms. Peachbottom: Oh, golly, I've been having a swell time since I got here. I'm actually thinking of extendin' my stay.

Ms. Harshwinny: And what exactly has made your visit so "special?"

Ms. Peachbottom: Oohohohoooh, gosh, where to start?

Out in the street, the six desperate ponies gather at one of the spa's windows. Twilight and Rainbow peek in, the latter mashing her face on the glass with a smile and gasp.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, there she is! We're in luck! I don't think either of them knows yet that the other one's here!

(Y/N): Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get inside!

They all immediately make the doors fly open to make the welcoming bell ring in the spa and Rarity notices them.

Rarity: Wonderful news, look! Princess Cadance, better than new!

Now Cadance steps out from behind the screen, her mane done up in an elaborate construction of curls and braids and hung with several gems in addition to the heart-shaped one seen earlier. The fancy tiara rides high atop it all, and she is clad in a short-sleeved white and light-blue gown trimmed in darker blue fabric at the sleeve cuffs and neckline.

However, Rarity said her name a bit too freely as Ms. Harshwinny immediately sits up surprised at hearing that name. She then walks up to Cadance furiously.

Ms. Harshwinny: Princess Cadance? So, this is where you've been! I will have you know this is by far the worst welcome I've had in all my years!

Twilight and (Y/N) share a scared glance from that.

Princess Cadance: I-I can't believe it. . . What was wrong with your welcome?

Ms. Harshwinny: There wasn't one!

Cadance then turns to the rest of the Mane 7 very concerned from that.

Princess Cadance: What is going on?

Twilight was about to walk forward, but (Y/N) stops her in her tracks as he walks forward a bit.

(Y/N): Cadance, we're extremely sorry to say that we may have given our welcoming committee to the wrong pony. We thought we got the right one, but it took us way too long to piece it all together that we left Ms. Harshwinny here alone at the train station.

Princess Cadance mulls this over as Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy drop their eyes and heads contritely. Pinkie, on the other hand, holds up a steaming piece of pastry.

Pinkie Pie: Cinnamon Bun? *squee*

(Y/N) gives Pinkie a judgmental look before Rainbow Dash decides to address Cadance.

Rainbow Dash: When I was a little filly, I wanted so badly for Cloudsdale to win the Equestria Games. But it didn't happen. So I thought I could make up for that disappointment by helping the Crystal Empire win the chance to host the Games. (Y/N) here also wanted to enjoy the experience as well since this is his first time ever being involved with the Equestria Games. But it looks like I ruined both of your chances instead.

However, at the end of that, Ms. Peachbottom joins the group.

Ms. Peachbottom: Not so fast, speedy.

Ms. Harshwinny: I just finished hearing about how this pony was just treated to the warmest, finest, most fabulous reception she ever had.

Ms. Peachbottom: Darn tootin'!

The Mane 7 were all dumbfounded by this as Cadance smiles at what she was addressing. Ms. Harshwinny then gives a smile as well.

Ms. Harshwinny: Courtesy of these fine ponies right here. Which, in my expert opinion, amounts to the first ever unvarnished, unrehearsed, and unbiased appraisal of a potential host of the Equestria Games. Which can only mean one thing. . .

At the balcony of the Crystal Castle, Ms. Harshwinny, Cadance, and Shining Armor are up here, with Cadance floating a microphone before her. Apparently, this one thing that Ms. Harshwinny stated was that. . .

Princess Cadance: The next host of the Equestria Games is. . . the Crystal Empire!

Wild cheering comes from the crowd as both Rainbow Dash and (Y/N) rise up from the crowd and exchange a hoof bump.

Rainbow Dash: We did it!

(Y/N): And an amazing accomplishment it was!

Princess Cadance: Congratulations, Crystal Ponies!

A pulse of light emanates from the crowd and is quickly absorbed into the Crystal Heart. Spinning rapidly in place, the relic emits a burst of radiance that illuminates the structure from bottom to top. It shoots into the sky, forming a multicolored ribbon that explodes outward into a midday aurora borealis to mark the Empire's victory.

Back at the train station, the Mane 7 were gathering up to leave and depart back to Ponyville after their unexpected accomplishment of getting the Crystal Empire to host the games.

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* You know, it feels good to help others get something you always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself. . . Almost.

(Y/N): It'd say the feeling's mutual. I mean giving somepony the things that they have always wanted and saying that it was because of us. Sometimes, I feel like our humility towards everypony is simply a gift that we always give.

Rainbow Dash: Well duh, we're awesome. 

Twilight Sparkle: Plus, we'll still be able to come back here and watch the games when they're played. 

Rainbow Dash: You're right! That'll rock!

As the seven begin to enter, Fluttershy brings up the rear, eyeing a piled-high luggage cart that stands next to her. A big green gem then flies into view, dislodging the buckle and causing the parcels to tumble down.

Fluttershy: Oh, my goodness.

Conductor: All aboard!

Fluttershy suspicion of the fallen luggage is broken once the Conductor calls out his announcement. She rushes inside of the train to join the rest of the Mane 7 who were settling down on the train.

Rainbow Dash: Huh, bummer Spike had to miss out on all this. He woulda' had fun here.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sure he's having a great time watching all the critters back at home.

(Y/N): Eh, he did say he could handle it, so I bet once we return he'll be waiting for us to arrive along with the pets.

Applejack: Think he's still got a handle on things?

Twilight then does her breathing exercise which (Y/N) reciprocates and it proves to be much more effective now than the last time they tried it.

Twilight Sparkle: If he's staying calm and collected, I bet he's doing a terrific job as a leader.

All contemplate this for a moment until a loud stomach grumble from hidden under Applejack's seat, breaks the mood.

Applejack: You all hear that?

Apparently down at floor level, Spike and the mares's six pets were hiding under her seat and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were hiding under the one across from it. All ten stowaways stay dead quiet, the dragon fearfully chewing his lower lip.

Spike: (I really hope this ends well. . .)

Chapter 9 End.

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