Chapter 11: Pinkie Pride

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Today was going to be one of the most hyperactive and spectacular days in Ponyville as there is going to be a special party planned today. And who other than to plan the perfect party for anypony out in the town of Ponyville. If you guessed Pinkie Pie then-


(Fourth Wall Break)

The Nintega Guy jaw drops at Pinkie suddenly breaking the fourth wall this early in the chapter.

The Nintega Guy: What the heck, Pinkie?!?! I haven't even finished the introduction yet and you're ALREADY taking down more of my walls?! That's it! I'm so done! This will be the last chapter that I'm ever making in this book!

Pinkie Pie: *gasps* NINTEGA, YOU CAN'T DO THAT!! You already went on hiatus once and the readers are looking forward to what will be next after this chapter!!

The Nintega Guy: I'M BROKE PINKIE! LITERALLY! If I can't get this wall fixed, then I won't be able to make more chapters! This is YOUR fault you know!

Pinkie sweats a bit that she may gone a bit crazy with breaking the fourth walls and now that this last one occurred, Nintega may not be able to continue. Suddenly, a light bulb appeared over her head and she rushes off which Nintega watches with a raised eyebrow.

The Nintega Guy: Pinkie. . . where are you going. . .? If you're off to tell the others the bad news then I doubt they'll believe you. . . especially (Y/N).

The Nintega Guy then felt a pink hoof tap on his shoulder and he turns around to see Pinkie right in front of a newly built fourth wall that made his eyes widen.

The Nintega Guy: Where did you get that. . .?

Pinkie Pie: I always have own repair walls prepared for this kind of situation in my "In case Nintega run out of fourth walls and says he's not going to do anymore chapters" chest.

The Nintega Guy: *sweatdrops* Of course you do. . .

Pinkie Pie: Usually I'm not the one who likes to do these kinds of things since putting the walls back together is a huge hassle, but there's NO way I'm letting you quit now author! You're making this chapter NO MATTER WHAT!

The Nintega Guy looks at the newly built wall that Pinkie brought before he looks at her with a stern look.

The Nintega Guy: How do I know that you're not pulling my leg with this just so you can just prank me by breaking it again?

Pinkie Pie: Would I do that to you~? *squee*

The Nintega Guy just deadpans at her.

The Nintega Guy: Yes. . . you would.

Pinkie Pie: Okay, then how about this. . . For the rest of the book. . . well except for that special one that you have planned. . .

The Nintega Guy: I knew you were going to say that. . .

Pinkie Pie: Wait! Let me finish! Except for that one chapter, I won't break ANY more walls until the next book!

The Nintega Guy: I don't believe you!

Pinkie Pie: I promise! No! I PINKIE PROMISE!

Nintega then leans in on Pinkie and narrows his eyes at her.

The Nintega Guy: Do you really Pinkie Promise?

Pinkie then does her usual Pinkie Promise gesture.

Pinkie Pie: Yes! . . .Except for times when I have to absolutely do it, but anyways cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

Pinkie then pulls out a literal cupcake and shoves it on her left eye making Nintega raise an eyebrow, but he chuckles and shakes his head.

The Nintega Guy: Okay. . . As long you Pinkie Promise. I know that you never break your Pinkie Promises, so I'll believe you.

Pinkie Pie: Does that mean you'll continue the chapter?

The Nintega Guy: Does the title have your name in it?

Pinkie giggles before she wraps Nintega up in a hug which surprises him, but he returns it.

The Nintega Guy: Okay, this is probably the longest fourth wall break yet, so let's put the wall back together so that you can get back to the scene Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Okie Dokie Lokie!

With Pinkie's help, Nintega was able to use all that he can to place the brand new fourth wall back in place and soon enough, the screen was all clean and shiny. Nintega finishes it up with wiping it clean, he inspects it before giving a thumbs up.

The Nintega Guy: Now THAT'S more like it!

Pinkie Pie: Yay! We'll finally be able to continue!

The Nintega Guy: Alright Pinkie, get back in there so we can give our audience a great chapter!

Pinkie nods as she hops on screen and rushes out of the camera to wait until her scene starts.

(End of Fourth Wall Break)

Today was going to be one of the most hyperactive and spectacular days in Ponyville as there is going to be a special party planned today. And who other than to plan the perfect party for anypony out in the town of Ponyville. If you guessed Pinkie Pie then you're correct as she is the obvious mastermind to all of the parties all across Equestria. Right now, we see (Y/N) flying towards Sugarcube Corner about to go and see his party-loving girlfriend to help her out with this special party that she had planned.

(Y/N) lands right in front of the entrance to Sugarcube Corner and opens the door to find Pinkie Pie herself gathering lots and lots of supplies in her saddlebags and somehow, even though she put in a tons of balloons and confetti inside of them, they weren't even full in the slightest. This made (Y/N) raise an eyebrow a bit before he walks up to her.

(Y/N): Hey there, my pink little party lover.

Pinkie heard (Y/N)'s voice and when she turned around to notice him, she gasps and grew a big smile before rushing up to hug him which (Y/N) immediately reciprocates.

Pinkie Pie: (Y/N)! You came! Are you ready to get this triple-sized. . . No! Quadruple-sized?

Pinkie breaks the hug as she puts a hoof to her chin.

Pinkie Pie: Hmm, still not big enough. . . I know! Are you ready to get this "Decuple-sized" party started?!

(Y/N): Are you kidding me? You said that today is going to be a special party for somepony and the both of us can already take a good long guess of who that pony is. After you asked me to help you prepare for turning this party into the best one ever. . . How could I say no?! I mean, my girlfriend makes the best parties ever out of anypony in Equestria!

Pinkie trots in place and squeals in delight from that before pecking (Y/N) on the lips.

Pinkie Pie: Aw, you're so sweet (Y/N).

She then hops ahead of him as (Y/N) follows right behind.

Pinkie Pie: *squeals* I can't wait! I know we've haven't had a party this big ever since your birthday (Y/N), but I can't help myself to want to make this one just as good!

(Y/N): Hey! If it makes you happy and if makes our birthday mare just as happy too, then I'm going to keep smiling with you because that's the exactly thing that we want to see from everypony!

Pinkie Pie: This party's going to be so amazing that I've already lined up all of Ponyville with a few confetti and balloons. I just couldn't help, but give myself a headstart!

(Y/N): Not only that, but it looks like all of the ponies around are enjoying it and are just as excited for whatever party you have planned, Pinkie.

(Y/N) says this as several residents poke their heads out of doors and windows. All are smiling, including some idling near the fountain, and plenty of balloons float lazily toward the rooftops. (Y/N) and Pinkie then trot out of Sugarcube Corner to head on over to the marketplace and grab more supplies. As they arrived, Pinkie started to break out into song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Every single day there's something new you can plan for ♪

♪ Every single day there's something wonderful to do ♪

Her and (Y/N) then trot over to an Earth Pony stallion whose market stall is loaded with huge spools of streamers.

♪ But nothing makes me happy like a day that I can say ♪

♪ "Today I planned a party, and it's just for you!" ♪

Pinkie points to the camera making (Y/N) raise an eyebrow to where she was pointing at, but he just chuckled at her antics before they turned to the stallion.

Vendor Pony: How's it going today, Pinkie? It's great to see you too, (Y/N).

Pinkie Pie: We're doing great thanks!

(Y/N): We're here to pick up some streamers. Got any in store?

Pinkie holds up her saddlebags as the vendor pony nudges a spool inside of it.

Vendor Pony: *chuckles* You betcha! Big party planned?

Pinkie Pie: Don't you know it!

Both of them head off into the town as Pinkie gazes up at a clock tower.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Don't have much time to gather all the things I need ♪

The clocks hands whirl quickly through the hours, and (Y/N) levitates a long checklist in front of her to show the rest of the stuff that she needed. Pinkie then bounds up on the rooftops to then stop and gaze at the crowd that was watching her and (Y/N) couldn't help, but smile.

♪ If I'm really gonna make this party fly ♪

♪ For today's another day that all of Ponyville will say ♪

Crowd: ♪ There goes the super party pony Pinkie Pie! ♪

Mr. and Mrs. Cake are then seen pushing a baby carriage along the road and both Pound and Pumpkin put their heads up over its canopy.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake: ♪ She planned our first foal shower where we played all sorts of games ♪

The cloth folds down to expose Pinkie as well, with a pacifier in her mouth. She spits it out and jumps away with confetti showering down.

♪ Having so much fun as we chose Pound and Pumpkin's names ♪

As Pinkie and (Y/N) trots past a restaurant, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are seen there as the former has an ice cream cup while the latter walks up with a chocolate milkshake in her hooves.

Diamond Tiara: ♪ She planned my cute-ceañera my dad made me, I won't lie ♪

She knocks her cup off of the table and snatches Silver Spoon's milkshake away from her which didn't amuse her friend at all.

♪ I demanded all the best, I suppose she passed the test ♪

♪ Sure it was pretty good all thanks to Pinkie Pie ♪

By the time Diamond Tiara turns her attention back to the table, she finds to her annoyance that her fellow spoiled brat friend has reclaimed the shake and is sucking down on it.

Pinkie Pie: Thanks, I guess?

(Y/N) rolls his eyes from Diamond Tiara's judgement before he pulls Pinkie over to another market stall where a stallion had a ton of pigments of paint.

Art Vendor: What color paints do you need?

Pinkie Pie: I'm gonna need the full rainbow!

The paints are poured into Pinkie's saddlebags, mixing to a dull brown.

Art Vendor: And paintbrush too?

He says this as he drops one in as well.

Pinkie Pie: Yes, if you please!

(Y/N): (Knowing Pinkie, she always finds some way to make things that don't make sense work.)

They both then go over to another market stall and this time it was a mare selling large banners.

Peachy Pitt: And what from me?

Pinkie Pie: Your biggest banner! This party's gonna be the best!

A banner is then floated into the other saddlebag.

Peachy Pitt: Haha I don't doubt it!

A party hat is tossed onto her horn.

(Y/N): And you shouldn't! There is only one mare in Ponyville that is capable enough to make all of your party dreams come true! She's pink, pink, and pink and all of that leads up to Pinkie Pie!

(Y/N) then follows Pinkie around once more as the two zip over from one vendor to the next, staying just ahead of the slowly advancing crowd.

Crowd: ♪ Every single day there's something new we can plan for ♪

♪ Every single day there's something wonderful to try ♪

♪ But nothing makes us happy like a day that we can say ♪

Once the couple was out of sight, a burst of confetti from around a corner sets the crowd galloping in eagerly.

♪ "Today there'll be a party planned by Pinkie Pie!" ♪

Around the corner, Pinkie has spread her banner on the ground and is leaping here and about with the brush, slapping down colors with great gusto as her five friends plus boyfriend and Spike watch. The colors of the paints she bought have separated themselves, and she has shed her saddlebags, balloons, and streamers.

Rarity: I don't know how she does it.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow, look at her go!

Applejack: Oh, boy! This is gonna be good!

Fluttershy: Go, Pinkie, go!

(Y/N): Keep at it, Pinkie! You're the best!

Crowd: ♪ There's no other pony like her, no pony that could be ♪

♪ As great! (As great!) As fun! (As fun!) ♪

Twilight, Pinkie, (Y/N) and Rarity gather in the fore, the banner rising in the three horned ponies' magical grip.

♪ As our super party pony Pinkie! ♪

It rises higher and higher, stretched taut between the two poles to which its ends are attached, and Pinkie tosses up a load of balloons and confetti over her friends, accompanied by the crowd's cheer.

With the song ending, (Y/N) wipes his forehead with a smile.

(Y/N): That should do it. The party is own officially prepared.

Pinkie then rushes over to grab (Y/N)'s cheeks surprising him.

Pinkie Pie: Ooh, I am so, so, SO excited because today I'm planning the birthday bash of. . .

She points up to the banner which shows a picture-perfect rendition a Pegasus mare in flight, flanked by hearts and stars and that mare was none other than. . .

Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah!

She backs away to eye the actual artwork, which turns out to be a slightly rough but still quite passable version of her in the same pose, and swoops down. However, the pink dynamo grabs her front hooves and pulls her down for an icy blue-eyed stare at point-blank range.

Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: Yes, Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: You realize that, by enlisting me as your party planner, I guarantee that this is going to be the funnest, most fantabulous, superbial party in Ponyville?

Little by little during this line, she leans over Rainbow Dash more and more until the blue flyer topples onto her back making her kind of uncomfortable.

Rainbow Dash: Uh. . . yeah? I guess.

Pinkie then shoves a hoof into Rainbow's mouth.

Pinkie Pie: No guesses! Parties are no picnic.

Fluttershy: Oh, I like a nice picnic party.

This remark earns her a hard glare and a snarl from Pinkie, instantly cowing her.

Fluttershy: Oh. . .

She drops out of sight.

Pinkie Pie: Parties. Are. Serious! And you have my certified Pinkie Party Promise that you will have the best birthday party ever!

She pulls out a cupcake and mashes it into her eye like earlier, splattering Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash: Okay.

(Y/N): When it comes to parties, Pinkie is not one to be underestimated that she can brightens all spirits up with one. *chuckles* Anytime a foal or full grown pony is in danger of needing a party for themselves. . . Pinkie Pie alert!

Pinkie Pie: *giggles* That was a good one, sweetie.

(Y/N): Yes well I do have some of humor inside of me when it comes to laughable situations like these. I wonder who I got that kind of laughter from. . .

(Y/N) smirks and winks at Pinkie who actually wasn't catching on and she looks around.

Pinkie Pie: I wonder that too. . . Who could've taught my boyfriend that laughter is the best medicine? I wonder if I know them.

(Y/N) grew a weird look from that, but he quickly just snickers and shakes his head at Pinkie's antics.

(Y/N): (She's so random and unpredictable too. Another reason why I can't help, but love Pinkie.)

Pinkie Pie: Oh well. Who's ready to join this super duper party pony to plan this super duper pa-rty?

Suddenly, a no nonsense kind of voice rang out.

???: I am.

All eyes turn toward the voice and everypony gasps when they see an Earth Pony stallion standing on their hind legs leaning against the wall. His hat is tilted forward to cover all of his face except for his mouth, which has its party favor back in place and sounds off on it. (Y/N) walks up to the figure with a little bit of curiosity as it spits the party favor away.

(Y/N): Whoa, you surprised us alright. Who are you, anyway?

Cheese Sandwich: Name's Cheese Sandwich. I plan parties.

(Y/N): Oh, funny. I have a girlfriend right here who's an expert at doing just that.

Pinkie then suddenly hops on top (Y/N) squashing him to the ground.

Pinkie Pie: Oooh! Oooh! That's me! Pinkie Pie! Like (Y/N) said, this is a funny coincidence since I'm planning a party.

Cheese Sandwich: Oh, it's no coincidence, my little pony. My cheesy sense was a-tingling, telling me a party was in the works.

Pinkie Pie: A cheesy sense? Ah! Double amazing! I have a Pinkie Sense!

Cheese Sandwich: Yes. I sensed you did. And I happen to be the premiere party planner in all of Equestria. If there's a party in need, there I'll be. Be it wingding, hoedown, hootenanny, or shindig, I'm your pony.

(Y/N): Huh. . . That I did not know. Well, with you and Pinkie here, this party will twice as amazing than what we were originally planning. I mean two party planners in the same place at the same time, what could be better?

Rainbow Dash: I'll tell you what, (Y/N). Making this party epic! 'Cause this isn't just ANY birthday. It's also the anniversary of when I moved to Ponyville!

Rarity: Good heavens, Rainbow Dash. It's your "birth-iversary"!

Rainbow Dash: Exactly!

(Y/N): In that case, Pinkie. . . Cheese Sandwich, do you two think that you can meet Dash's expectations for her party?

Pinkie wraps one foreleg around (Y/N) with a smile.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, I think we can do it!

Cheese Sandwich: Oh, I don't "think" so.

This brought a gasp to Rainbow and Pinkie while (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. . . Until he suddenly cheerfully throws off all of his attire to reveal his real self. He had a light brilliant gamboge coat, a dark brown mane and tail, brilliant chartreuse green eyes, he was wearing a yellow collared shirt, and his Cutie Mark was a grilled cheese sandwich shaped like an accordion.

Cheese Sandwich: I know so! After all. . .

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He leans into Rainbow's face.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ The super-duper party pony–that pony is me ♪

He then zips over to all of the others.

♪ I always knew that was the kind of pony I would be ♪

Pinkie Pie: Me too!

Cheese Sandwich: Come on, ponies! Who here likes to party?

With a laugh, he zips over to Mr. Waddle, out for a walk, and throws a foreleg over the old stallion's shoulders.

Cheese Sandwich: Ha-ha! You do! I can tell!

A quick reach upward, and he pulls down a new view in front of the scene like a window shade. A large wheel of Swiss cheese sits on a white background and Cheese, as a bespectacled colt, leaps from hole to hole.

♪ When I was but a little colt, I just wanted to play ♪

Pinkie Pie: Like me!

Several irate adult ponies and one flying pig emerge and confront Young Cheese.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ But everypony told me, "Cheese, that fun just wastes the day" ♪

Pinkie Pie: As if!

He knocks the picture aside, revealing a new one that shows three grumpy mares standing or sitting in a meadow, and jumps in with them.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ But when I threw a party and I busted out some moves ♪

Pinkie Pie: Uh-huh!

A couple of silly hats go on heads, and soon he has all three dancing under spotlights.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ The ponies finally saw the light and got into the groove ♪

Up comes Pinkie, wearing a hat of her own and with stars in eyes.

Pinkie Pie: You know it!

Back to the streets, Cheese was now wearing a white shirt, lederhosen, and a Tyrolean hat and he was playing an accordion as he jumps out in front of the crowd.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ The super-duper party pony–that pony is me ♪

Pinkie Pie: And me!

A quick twirl from the stallion, and he is back in his yellow shirt and standing in a police lineup with others of similar coloration and garb.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ You'll never meet another party pony quite like Cheese! ♪

Disco ball lights start up, along with dancing; zoom out to show Pinkie on the other side of the lineup room's observation window.

Pinkie Pie: Uh, Pinkie?

Cheese Sandwich: Hey, good-lookin', want some mayonnaise?

Cheese then trots in among some tables and guests in an area that is an island laid out like a giant pizza, with one slice cut out and spotlights around the edges.

♪ My parties are all off the hook ♪

♪ I never plan them by the book ♪

Two fillies eye a birthday cake and Cheese hangs into view from above and drops confetti. The entire room then rotates to exchange floor and ceiling, and the cake falls on his head as they cheer.

♪ I start out fun, then whoopsie-daisy ♪

♪ Everybody just gets crazy! ♪

Elsewhere in the house, three bored guests watch the mare of the house pull out a bale of hay and drop it on the table. Cheese then rolls in a huge, lit bomb festooned with balloons, confetti, streamers.

♪ Bored of snacks made by your mom? ♪

♪ How about a giant party bomb? ♪

A pink and white explosion yields a pig-shaped piñata, which ejects slices of cake from its mouth. These float past Cheese and a colt, up on a high-dive platform.

♪ Huge piñatas filled with cake ♪

♪ Or dive into my fruit punch lake! ♪

He tosses the colt over the edge to splash into a gigantic bowl of punch.

Goldengrape: Geronimo!

Now Cheese's head appears by itself, the rest of his body piecing itself together behind it, and resumes singing. A dance floor assembles under his hooves, and the lights come up to show a crowd gathered around as his crazy legs do their thing.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ The super-duper party pony–that pony is me ♪

They hurry onto the floor and toss him upward, the background going from dark to light.

♪ You'll never meet another party pony quite like Cheese ♪

His accordion falls into his grip, and he pulls the two ends apart to an impossible length. The curve of the extended bellows becomes a rainbow arcing over a party in the meadows outside Ponyville. Cheese bucks a gigantic gift box, causing it to fall open and reveal the saddled hippopotamus within.

Cheese Sandwich: C'mon, kid, take it for a spin!

Colt: Golly! Thanks, mister!

Jumping clear of the scene, he uses his tail to reel in a stuffy-looking mare.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ Oh, when I throw a Cheese party, be sure to not be lame ♪

He slams a huge pie into her face, shows off assorted kites flying overhead, and slings a bucketful of streamers at her.

♪ And miss my pie fights, wacky kites, and streamers in your mane ♪

♪ Fizzy drinks, Hawaiian shirts, and brie fondue delight ♪

He plays his accordion for the crowd now gathered outside Sugarcube Corner.

♪ You know that with Cheese Sandwich, you'll be partying all night! ♪

Pinkie, standing at a distance back from the spectacle, looks over her shoulder and grimaces in sudden fear.

Rainbow Dash: C'mon, everypony! Let's party down with Cheese!

Pinkie is then quickly lost in a stampede. The rush has left Pinkie flat on her belly, but her friend takes no notice.

Fluttershy: You're really a certified party pony?

Cheese Sandwich: That's right! That's my guarantee!

This catches Pinkie very much by surprise and now Cheese is hoisted overhead with his accordion going full tilt.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ The super-duper party pony–that pony is me-e-e-e-e ♪

He holds the last word as they toss him high into the air. Pinkie takes a few hesitant steps toward the retreating group and holds a hoof toward them.

Pinkie Pie: But what about the super party pony named Pinkie. . .?

As Cheese was speaking with the other ponies, Pinkie sits on the roadbed, crushed and she felt really left out. Meanwhile, with the crowd, Rainbow doing an enthusiastic loop-the-loop in the sky.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! Hah, now that's what I'm talking about! I'm so stoked you're here, Cheese Sandwich!

Applejack: Yeah. You sure did come on the right day.

Rarity: *sighs* Your party sounds simply divine.

Twilight Sparkle: We're so lucky to have you here.

(Y/N): Can't wait to see what else you have in store along with. . .

(Y/N) then looks around for Pinkie, but notices that she wasn't around.

(Y/N): Hey, where's Pinkie?

Rainbow Dash: Thought she was with you. I'm sure she's around though admiring just how awesome Cheese Sandwich is though. Pinkie's parties are okay, but now this party's gonna be-

Cheese Sandwich: Epic?

Rainbow Dash: You said it! Oh, yeah!

They both then exchange a hoof bump.

Cheese Sandwich: Feels gouda!

(Y/N) was still looking around for Pinkie before he notices her over in the back of the crowd looking towards the ground tearing up a little bit. That made (Y/N) know that she heard the entire thing and he turns to Rainbow and he clears his throat to get her attention.

(Y/N): Um, Dash? Can you choose your words a little more carefully?

(Y/N) points over to Pinkie and Rainbow realizes that Pinkie has seen the whole thing and chuckles weakly.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, heh, no offense, Pinkie.

Tears are working their way down from Pinkie's big blue eyes, but she flicks out her tongue to lick them away and forces a grin.

Pinkie Pie: Uh, n-none taken.

She grins with a squee, but both it and her forward momentum drain away as the other ponies continue to follow and carry Cheese through the streets. Pinkie then slumps on her hooves, the end of her forelock drooping in a very un-Pinkie-like fashion. She then walks away slowly away from the crowd most likely going back home.

(Y/N) sees Pinkie like this and he can't help, but feel concerned for how she was currently feeling due to ponies paying more attention to Cheese Sandwich rather than her. He looks back towards the crowd as they were still cheering on Cheese before he get's a serious look turning back in the direction where Pinkie walked off.

(Y/N): (Cheese is really awesome don't get me wrong, but. . . I can't go and celebrate Dash's birth-iversary if it means that one of my girlfriends is down in the dumps, especially if one of my girlfriends is Pinkie Pie. She's the one pony who should never feel depressed or left out. I've got to not only remind her that she's just as good at making parties like Cheese and tell the other ponies that they're not really being appreciative for Pinkie. First things first, cheer up the party mare.)

Back at Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie sitting on her haunches under her birth-iversary banner in front of the bakery. One end falls loose from its pole as a lightning-bolt balloon drifts past. Pinkie still has her gloomy expression where a little of her mane was deflated.

(Y/N): Pinkie!

Her sagging head and mane snap up, and she looks around herself in a panic before zipping over to some nearby flowers with a watering can and a big smile. However, she was pouring the water onto a drain grate set in the ground rather than onto any vegetation. (Y/N) then walks up to currently see what Pinkie was doing only for him to raise an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Why are you pouring that bucket into a drain?

Pinkie looks the watering can before she grins again and steps to the side to actually pour the water on some flowers.

Pinkie Pie: What drain? I'm having a great time with myself. Don't mind me. Cheese Sandwich has got all of what it takes to make a party all on his own.

She ends with a very forced laugh, now watering the pavement again while (Y/N) just stares puzzled at her being like this. She keeps holding this pose to try and fool (Y/N), but all he did was sigh and shake his head.

(Y/N): Pinkie, you're not fooling me with that excuse. You know that I can tell when something is wrong with you even when you try to make yourself seem happy.

Pinkie's grin then quickly falls as she sits down on her haunches again dropping the can to let it roll across the ground. (Y/N) then walks up to sit right beside her with a look of sympathy on his face.

(Y/N): I know that I don't really need to ask what's wrong, but this is about Cheese, isn't it?

Pinkie Pie: *sighs* Yes. I know that I shouldn't feel like this and probably help everypony else out, but it seems that Cheese Sandwich has everything handled on his own.

(Y/N): Pinkie, you. . .

Pinkie Pie: You don't have to give me words that try to butter me up, (Y/N). I know you want to help me, but. . . I think I need some time alone right now.

Pinkie get's up and walks away again with (Y/N) just watching her go surprised that she's actually this sad. He then glares at her before he flies up to land right in front of her.

(Y/N): Sorry, Pinks. But as your boyfriend, I'm not going to let you keep feeling this way. Even if you feel that Cheese Sandwich is stealing your spotlight, you can't just let that get into your head. I don't even think his intention is to make you feel this way. You heard him. He's a party planner too, just like you.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah. . . only that he's doing a way better job at it than I am.

(Y/N): Come on! If I have to abandon Dash's birth-iversary just so I can try to make you come to your sense then so be it. I can't let my sweet little party mare feel alone like this.

Pinkie then quickly pecks (Y/N) on the lips surprising him before she gives him a small smile.

Pinkie Pie: That's very sweet of you, (Y/N), but please. . . I really just need to be with myself for a little bit. . . Can you do that for me, please?

(Y/N) couldn't believe that Pinkie of all ponies is requesting to want to stay with herself for the time being, but seeing that there was no convincing her and now really wasn't the best time to be stubborn about her feelings, (Y/N) closes his eyes and gives a solemn nod. He then steps to the side so that Pinkie can continue walking by herself for a bit.

(Y/N): *sighs* Okay, if that's what you want then I won't try to stop you. I'll be waiting right here.

Pinkie nods before her sad look returns and she continues to walk ahead. (Y/N) sat on the steps of Sugarcube Corner and in the distance he could here some construction going off and a little bit of cheers as well that was indeed Cheese Sandwich getting things prepared for Rainbow's birth-iversary.

(Y/N): Cheese. . . Good luck. . . Not that you'll need it.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was trudging along the roads of Ponyville feeling downtrodden and she sings once again.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Pinkie Pie: ♪ For all my life, all I've wanted to do ♪

She stops on a bridge and looks over the side into the stream.

♪ Was make my friends want to smile true ♪

♪ But maybe I was wrong ♪

A tear falls from Pinkie's face and strikes the water, sending out rainbow-tinted ripples.

♪ And Pinkie Pie shouldn't plan parties at all ♪

At a pony hospital, a doctor intently hunched over a patient during surgery and his front hoof reaches out for an instrument to help with the process, but two pink ones set a cupcake in it instead.

♪ I'll try to get up on my hooves ♪

Pinkie is here, suited up as an orderly, but the doctor just glares at her.

Next, as a mail carrier, she swiftly stuffs letters into a row of mailboxes and drops a few along the way.

♪ And try a different task ♪

When a mare opens one of the boxes, she takes a faceful of high-speed streamers and confetti that gets her plenty steamed at the pink mare.

Next is a construction site, where a couple of workers pull on ropes in teeth to hoist a load.

♪ I'll find something new to do ♪

Pinkie is then seen on the job here, building a support column out of balloons and worrying the mare behind her considerably. It immediately starts to buckle.

♪ There's gotta be more to me than planning a party or two ♪

Now the structure's entire frame comes down in a cloud of dust. When it clears, she has been stripped of her hard hat and is being bulldozed off the site. She then reluctantly stands up and walks away.

She then finally arrived back at Sugarcube Corner where (Y/N) was still waiting for her like he said that he would. (Y/N) notices Pinkie walking back and he stands to wave at her with a small smile. Pinkie walks up to him and smiles back as she gives him a hug which (Y/N) had no problem of wanting to return at all. Once they broke the hug, they both head inside of Sugarcube Corner and up to Pinkie's bedroom and when they got upstairs, (Y/N) suddenly sees Pinkie pushes her party cannon past the drapes and into a wardrobe surprising him.

(Y/N): Pinkie, what are you doing?!

Pinkie Pie: ♪ I put away my party cannon ♪

Now she grabs a balloon and lets the air out of it, like the others scattered on her bed.

♪ I deflated all my balloons ♪

She then walks past a shocked (Y/N) and heads towards the stairs to the balcony and her mane droops briefly.

♪ The bubbles all burst, now what is next for you? ♪

Nearby, on the wall, is a framed picture that can barely be seen for the reflection of light off its glass covering. Pinkie moves toward this, casting her own reflection on the glass, and tilts it slightly to get a better look.

♪ For you. . . ♪

(Pause Song Here)

The picture was Pinkie herself as a filly, along with the rest of the Pie family, enjoying the first party she ever threw as described in The Cutie Mark Chronicles.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, I remember this one: my first party ever. My whole family was there.

The downcast party planner's ears perk up a bit as she runs a hoof across the frame. (Y/N) notices this and get's an idea as he goes over to some of the other pictures that had some of Pinkie's best party achievements in her life.

(Y/N): There's more than just your first party ever Pinkie. Remember this one.

Pinkie saw that (Y/N) was pointing to another picture that showed all of the Mane 7 including Spike at the Golden Oak Library cheering as Twilight was just looking surprised.

(Y/N): This was when we first met Twilight when she moved into Ponyville. Probably my second party with so many ponies that I've ever had.

Pinkie smiles at the picture before (Y/N) takes her hoof and leads her up the stairs to show another picture that had both Pinkie and Gummy in it.

(Y/N): Now I know we celebrated Gummy's birthday and his "after-birthday" party the day after yours. I mean even though we all had to leave a little early, you still wanted to give the little guy the time of his life.

He then leads her up to another frame to show Shining Armor and Princess Cadance sharing their first dance as a married couple during the wedding reception.

(Y/N): And there was nopony else to lead the wedding party in Canterlot. You went above and beyond there and the real Cadance actually loved your plans that you did for the wedding and so did everypony that was there.

Finally, there was one more frame that showed all of the mares surrounding (Y/N) in a hug at the ballroom in Canterlot for his birthday party. (Y/N) actually levitates this one down to take a really good look at it along with Pinkie.

(Y/N): This day. . . there was a lot of drama happening over the evening, but ultimately in the night. . . It was really the best night of my life and the only pony that I know who's hyperactive and bubbly enough to lead a party just like. . . is none other than my best sweet party girlfriend, Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie stared at the photo before she got tears of joy and looked at (Y/N) who was still staring at the picture.

(Y/N): And a couple of weeks afterwards, remember what I said? There was NO other party that could've topped that one.

He then levitates the frame back where it belongs at looks at Pinkie with a smile.

(Y/N): Pinkie, some ponies find you overwhelming when it comes to the topic of parties. But we and of course I don't. I know Rainbow and the others are currently giving most of their attention to Cheese, but you should know that it's not a party if not everypony is laughing and that includes you too. Cheese is a great party planner and that's a fact. But what's even more of a fact is that you are ALWAYS going to be Ponyville and MY favorite party planner ever!

Pinkie wipes some of the tears away from her eyes as she still has a smile on her face and her mane was back to it's normal poofy self.

Pinkie Pie: Thanks sweetie. Do you really mean that?

(Y/N): *chuckles* Is that really a question you need to ask? I always keep my promises and I definitely always keep my Pinkie Promises too. I'm never going to stop loving your parties Pinkie because I always love to laugh right beside you even if the end of the party is endless.

(Y/N) then wraps his hooves around Pinkie and pulls her in for a sweet kiss surprising her, but she takes no waiting time to return it as she moans and giggles a little in it as well. Once the kiss came to its end, they both pull away from each other and Pinkie smiles before she decides to give (Y/N) one more long lasting kiss on the cheek making him chuckle.

(Y/N): So what do you say, Pinks? Want to head back out there so we can tell everypony that you just as important to making this party like Cheese Sandwich is.

Pinkie Pie: Yes! I know exactly what I have to do now! I'm going to show those ponies that Pinkie Pie is the only qualified pony to be THE party planner in Ponyville.

(Y/N): Exactly.

However, it takes (Y/N) a second to process what Pinkie actually said in that sentence which made him confused.

(Y/N): . . .Wait, what?

(Resume Song Here)

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Oh, look at those happy faces ♪

She then hops up the stairs while (Y/N) watches her go up with a raised eyebrow.

♪ All the parties that I had thrown ♪

She puts on a set of Groucho Marx glasses with a big red nose attached.

♪ I made them laugh, had such a blast ♪

Her reflection then appears on a trio of balloons, distorted by their shapes.

♪ A smile that's all their own ♪

She then takes the glasses off as she throws open a set of double doors and steps onto the balcony and the wind toys with her mane and tail.

♪ They loved seeing me, the real Pinkie ♪

Show them the time of their life like they've never known

♪ Like they've never kno-o-own ♪

She zips back from the balcony and down the stairs, her old perkiness instantly and fully restored. A polka-dotted bow, pair of sunglasses, and several long balloons are snatched up. (Y/N) just watches curious to what she's planning.

♪ I've got to get back out there, have to show them that I've tried ♪

♪ For there's only one great party pony -- that is Pinkie Pie ♪

The bow is attached to a gift box that encloses her body, the sunglasses cover her eyes, and she has tied a balloon animal around her forehead. Slices of cheese and bread are dropped onto the counter to make a sandwich, which she proceeds to squash.

♪ Won't let Cheese Sandwich beat me, won't let him get me down ♪

Outside, she throws the front door open, a few balloons drifting out around her, and does a quick twirl on the step.

♪ For I am Pinkie, the bestest party pony around! ♪

Pinkie then trots to go to the area where Cheese Sandwich is still preparing Rainbow Dash's birth-iversary. (Y/N) watches her go to the direction with a worried look though.

(Y/N): . . .Something tells me that she kind of misunderstood what I said.

(Y/N) then gallops after her to go and catch up so she doesn't do anything hasty.

Back at the scene of the ongoing preparations, various ponies mill about and Cheese who was now wearing a ten-gallon hat and holding his clipboard keeps an eye on things. Derpy Hooves was gleefully burying her face in a chocolate fountain. Rarity and Applejack were trailing behind Cheese still admiring all of his work. Boneless which was Cheese's rubber chicken pet rests on his back, now wearing a miniature copy of his headwear.

Rarity: I must say I marvel at your superior party planning expertise, Cheese Sandwich. *giggles*

Applejack: Well, they don't call him the super duper party planner for nothin'.

Around near the corner of a house, Pinkie and (Y/N) dip out to look at all of the work done as the dressed up mare get's a fierce look.

Pinkie Pie: That's it! This pony has gotta get her title back! And I know just what to do!

(Y/N): What are you planning exactly?

Pinkie Pie: Isn't it obvious?

(Y/N): . . .Not really.

Pinkie Pie: I'm going to challenge Cheese Sandwich to a goof off!

(Y/N): Wait, wait, wait! . . .A what?!

Pinkie Pie: A goof off, silly.

(Y/N): Oh no. I've heard you dream of one day trying to out-goof a pony that could be as silly as you. As while Cheese is the best candidate for that. . . I don't think that's necessary.

Pinkie Pie: But you said it yourself. I've got to show him that I'm the most important party pony in Ponyville.

(Y/N): You misunderstood me! That's not exactly what I. . .

(Y/N) looks around only to see that Pinkie just suddenly vanished.

(Y/N): . . .meant.

(Y/N) then flies up to look for Pinkie around the area only to see that she's already about to confront Cheese Sandwich. Around the place, (Y/N) sees that there was not only a stage, but also a spotlight that projected Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark. There was even an ice sculpture as well in the same design. Cheese was standing on an elevated platform beside the sculpture taking a bow. He has donned a beret, as has Boneless on the edge, and a chisel rests on top of the latter.

(Y/N): (Wow. . . this is almost as big as when I had my party in Canterlot. . . "Almost" that is. Now where did Pinkie go?!)

Pinkie Pie: Freeze, Cheese!

(Y/N) heard Pinkie's voice as he looks over to where Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike were and they lean away from each other to find the pink pony now standing right behind them who has shed her silly getup.

Pinkie Pie: I challenge you. . . to a goof off!

In a zigzagging seven-way split-screen view, the others except for (Y/N) draw in a stunned gasp in unison while the alicorn stallion just cringes in fear for what is going to happen.

Fluttershy: Oh, no! Not a goof off!

Applejack: *whispers* What's a goof off?

Fluttershy: I have no idea, hehe.

Cheese then puts on a fez over his head.

Cheese Sandwich: This Cheese has stood alone a long time, Pinkie Pie. You think you can out-goof me?

Pinkie Pie: Oh, I don't think so. I know so! And the stakes are high, Cheese Sandwich. Whoever wins will be dubbed the ultimate super duper party pony and headline the Rainbow Dash birth-iversary bash!

Twilight Sparkle: And the loser?

Pinkie Pie: Doesn't.

Rainbow is first to gasp in shock, followed by the rest of the spectators however (Y/N) facehooves as this wasn't what he was planning at all. Cheese Sandwich is completely unfazed as his rival leans smugly toward him. Boneless lies flopped across his back, now clad in a tiny fez to match his.

(Y/N): (Why can't they just talk to each other. . .? Oh, who am I kidding?! This is Pinkie Pie plus Cheese Sandwich. . . Those two would definitely take drastic measures over this kind of situation!)

Pinkie Pie: So, are you in, Cheese? Or are you. . . boneless?

That hits a nerve on the party stallion or three.

Cheese Sandwich: Nopony calls me boneless. Right, Boneless?

No reaction from his rubber chicken at all.

Pinkie Pie: Then the goof off is on for high noon!

Twilight Sparkle: Um, Pinkie? It's already 3 o'clock.

Pinkie Pie: Oh. Oh, well then. Make it 3:10 to goof off!

Pinkie and Cheese both give each other fierce grimaces that said "It's on!" (Y/N) just walks up right beside Twilight with a bored look on his face.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* A goof off it is. Why am I not surprised?

Twilight Sparkle: Where have you been?

(Y/N): Trying to get one of my girlfriends out of her depressed state. . . but it looks like I should've been more specific. Now. . . it turns out we're going to see Pinkie's first ever goof off.

In the middle of Ponyville, a hawk's keening cry pierces the still air as the minute hand on a clock clicks ahead. Pinkie was advancing slowly as all four of her hooves sport yellow-toed, blue-green cowboy boots with white stars and trim, and the spurs jingle with every step. Cheese's hooves reveals a slightly stranger choice of hoofwear: mismatched, squeaky elephant-head slippers in front, mismatched argyle socks in back.

Ponies watch in silent trepidation as Pinkie's head advances past them, covered by a giant ten-gallon hat with an arrow stuck through it. For his part, Cheese has donned a red and white fur hat whose ear flaps are down, with a bright purple fish riding on top of his head.

Pinkie then lifts her head slightly to expose her face, with its narrowed blue eyes and a party favor jammed in the corner of her mouth. She lets a lungful of air go through it just before Twilight trots to the center of the street. The two duelists stand the same distance away from her in opposite directions, and Pinkie spits the favor to one side.

Twilight Sparkle: All right, everypony. According to my official goof off rulebook. . .

Rainbow Dash: She actually HAS a goof off rulebook?

Spike: Are you kidding? Twilight can find a rulebook for everything!

Both of them get shushed by Matilda, Cranky Doodle Donkey's girlfriend, to quiet down and (Y/N) sits on top of a house watching this whole thing unravel with a little bit of worry.

Twilight Sparkle: The two competitors have free range to goof about -- be it by singing, dancing, playing, prancing, joking, or performing -- to make the judge chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, hoot and holler, whoop it up, and party down.

She addresses herself toward each pony in turn. Pinkie and Cheese aim a series of increasingly goofy faces at each other, culminating with Cheese sticking his tongue out. Standing on the end is a white mouse, which blows a quick fanfare on the baritone horn it holds and it then jumps off and marches past Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: The funnier, sillier, wilder, and goofier, the better. Rainbow Dash, since the winner will be headlining your party, you are the judge.

Rainbow's vaunted brashness goes bye-bye as she cringes and gets out a very unnerved chuckle.

Rainbow Dash: Heh. Big tense competition on my birth-iversary. What could be better?

(Y/N): *mumbles* Oh, it just keeps getting better and better. And by better I mean worse. . . sort of.

(Y/N) then puts a hoof to his chin and thinks.

(Y/N): (I know I was trying to tell Pinkie that with Cheese, she isn't the only one destined to be a party pony. But that doesn't mean that she needs to turn this into a competition to see who's better. I guess I kind of encouraged her pride a bit. If things go out of hoof, then I'll be able to stop this goof off.)

Twilight then glances toward each pony in turn as she continues.

Twilight Sparkle: Cheese Sandwich, Pinkie Pie, are you ready?

Pinkie Pie: I was born ready!

Cheese Sandwich: I was ready before I was born!

Twilight Sparkle: Then. . . Let the goofing begin!

Twilight flies away, and the combatants advance slowly toward each other with Pinkie hopping and Cheese walking. The stallion breaks the tension by rushing to center stage with his accordion and dancing up a storm.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He is quite surprised when Pinkie leans in front of Rainbow, cutting off his advance. She has put on a curly black mustache, shed her boots, and switched her ten-gallon hat for a beanie with a propeller on top. It takes her all of an instant to balance on a ball and start juggling cupcakes.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ It's your birthday party, a very special day ♪

♪ I've got a song, it won't take long, I just wanted to say ♪

Pinkie throws cupcakes into Rainbow's mouth and she scarfs them down instantly.

♪ Happy, happy, happy, happy ♪

♪ Happy, happy, happy, happy ♪

Pinkie gets off the ball and put a hoof across her friend's shoulders, pulling off the mustache and twirling it.

♪ Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday to you! ♪

It becomes a rainbow-frosted cupcake topped with a likeness of Cheese's head.

Cheese is then seen playing merrily away and dancing atop a colossal wheel of swiss cheese, which rumbles neatly between the two mares, and he jumps down without his instrument and trots in place. Pinkie has stripped off her beanie and is looking quite out of sorts now.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ If you wanna be the life of the party ♪

♪ But you're feeling just a little uptight ♪

He zips away, then back on Rainbow's other side to stretch her cheeks in various directions.

♪ Call the doctor, beg and plead ♪

♪ "Doctor, tell me what I need" ♪

Cheese Sandwich then leaps away and now he dances on his hind legs, which have hunks of cheese shoved onto them.

♪ Try to put a little cheese in your knees! ♪

A chomp out of each piece of dairy hoofwear is followed by a lively dance around Rainbow Dash, who finds her midsection being caught by a giant fishhook that reels her into the sky. She winds up face to face with Pinkie, riding in a hot-air balloon basket held up by a mass of helium balloons and working a fishing rod. Soap bubbles float up from the rig.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Bubbles and balloons, bubbles and balloons ♪

♪ What's a birthday party without bubbles and balloons? ♪

Balloons tied into the next two shapes float up for Rainbow's enjoyment.

♪ Star-shaped or trapezoid, look what I can do ♪

She dips a wand into a jar of solution and produces a Pegasus-shaped conglomeration of bubbles with a light blue tinge.

♪ Only Pinkie Pie can make a bubble shaped like you! ♪

Rainbow Dash is now thoroughly enjoying herself, hovering near the town hall's third-floor balcony, but Cheese zips up here to yank her away. The floating effigy pops, piece by piece, and he flops about like a fish in a rowboat, having removed the cheese from his rear hooves.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ Just let yourself go floppy, for now this is your chance ♪

He grabs her forelegs in his, and both wobble around on the balcony.

♪ Pretend you have no bones and do the rubber chicken dance! ♪

He jumps back, landing on his haunches.

Cheese Sandwich: HIT IT, BONELESS!

A live-action shot of a puppet Boneless lying on a stage in front of a curtain. It leaps to its feet and gambols about for a few moments, after which the camera pans quickly to a slightly puzzled Rainbow. Turning toward the balcony railing, she finds Pinkie bouncing up to her level with the help of a trampoline. They have shifted to the second-floor balcony now.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Cooler than a rubber chicken and tastier than cake ♪

♪ Come on, you, let's party down and do the Gummy shake! ♪

Pinkie then gestures to a live-action shot of a small alligator on a log. It, like Gummy, shows no visible reaction to anything going on around it.

Pinkie Pie: Hit it, Gummy! Uh-huh! You know it! Shake it!

Rainbow Dash grins widely before Cheese plops a Swiss wedge on her head and whisks her away to sit on a rolling parade float made of this stuff. In her grip he places a scepter topped with a cheese wheel that has had a wedge cut out.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ 'Cause I like to make you smile, smile, smile ♪

♪ Yes I do ♪

He bounces most of the way down a staircase built into the front end.

♪ It fills my heart with sunshine all the while ♪

♪ Yes it does ♪

♪ 'Cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile ♪

♪ From these happy friends of mine ♪

His stomp causes two panels to open, one on either side of him, and up come a pair of cows wearing Rainbow masks. A portion of the stairs flips upward to expose an irate Pinkie underneath.

Pinkie Pie: That's MY song!

Cheese Sandwich: What do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about.

Pinkie then jumps out to stare him down.

Pinkie Pie: THAT'S IT!

One quick reach allows her to wheel her party cannon up and aim it directly at him.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Roll out the party cannon ♪

It fires confetti and streamers into his face and next she stuffs herself into the barrel.

♪ When you hear the party cannon song ♪

She then fires herself overhead the entire town

♪ Ka-BOOM! ♪

Cheese is then seen standing up and wearing a blue army helmet marked with a yellow star. He was standing atop a huge red and blue tank decorated with yellow stars and fireworks. It dwarfs Pinkie's figure and has a purple gun barrel.

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ Why should you compromise? Try this one on for size ♪

The barrel extends, and Rainbow Dash, now airborne and without the cheese hat and scepter finds herself staring directly into its muzzle.

♪ 'Cause nothing quite says cheer like the ringing in your ear ♪

She barely has time for one terrified grimace before it goes off, blasting her backward amid a volley of decorations and a few seagulls.

♪ Of the cheese supreme cannonball surprise! ♪

Pinkie is now dancing on her hind legs atop of a gargantuan cake-shaped piñata with eight tiers, matching the colors of Rainbow's mane and with two more hues thrown in for good measure. It is being lowered into place by a construction crane, and she has fetched up directly beneath it.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ ¡Dale, dale, dale ♪

♪ No pierdas el tino! ♪

♪ Porque si lo pierdes ♪

♪ ¡Pierdes el camino! ♪

When a passing gull perches on the uppermost tier, the added weight causes the hoisting rope to pull free and send the whole structure plummeting to earth. Again the birthday mare has only time for one panicked look before the whole thing comes down on her head. However, this time before it actually drops on her. . . the entire thing was glowing in a (F/C) aura signaling that it was (Y/N)'s doing. Rainbow looks up at (Y/N) who has a serious look on his face and he throws the colossal piñata off to the side.

He then quickly lands to the ground to stop the entire goof off.

(Y/N): Alright, you two! That's enough! The both of you are taking this goof off WAY too far!

Pinkie Pie: What are you talking about, sweetie?

(Y/N) quickly turns to Pinkie a little agitated.

(Y/N): P-Pinkie! Don't you get it?! I mean, look at how Rainbow is feeling right now!

Rainbow was getting herself off of the ground as she was brushing herself clean of confetti and streamers. It takes a Pinkie a second to understand what (Y/N) is talking about, but when she looks at Rainbow's expression and the different colored streamers in front of her. . . It happened again.

Pinkie Pie's eyes glow rainbow as she has found the true meaning to her Element of Harmony.

(Y/N) (In Pinkie Pie's Mind): I know Rainbow and the others are currently giving most of their attention to Cheese, but you should know that it's not a party if not everypony is laughing and that includes you too.

Blinking the glow away, she comes to herself with a long gasp.

Pinkie Pie: *gasps* (Y/N). . . you're right! Rainbow's not having the best party ever! I. . . I broke the Pinkie Party Promise!

(Y/N) smiles that Pinkie has finally come to her senses and realizes her mistake.

(Y/N): Yeah, and now in order for us to fix this situation, let's not do it with a goof-off. Just tell everypony how left out you felt and everypony including Cheese will understand.

Pinkie nods from that before they both turn into the direction of both Rainbow Dash and Cheese Sandwich.

(Y/N): STOP! This goof off. . . is off!

Not a single spectator can believe his or her ears, judging from the disbelieving stares and confused mutterings. Rainbow was then out of the piñata sitting on her haunches.

Rainbow Dash: What are you talking about, (Y/N)? I'm the judge. I haven't declared the winner yet.

Pinkie Pie: You don't have to. Because. . . I forfeit.

(Y/N): Actually, the both of them need to forfeit because there is actually something that I want to say to all of you, including you Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N) then walks up to Cheese Sandwich.

(Y/N): Sorry we didn't get to properly meet, but I'm Pinkie's. . . and Rainbow's boyfriend, (Y/N).

Cheese was a little bit puzzled to hear that coming from (Y/N).

Cheese Sandwich: Whoa! You're not only with the birthday mare, but also my goof-off competitor as well?

(Y/N): *chuckles nervously* Yeah, you can say that I kinda have a harem.

Cheese Sandwich: You know. . . my cheesy sense did tell me that I might meet somepony here in Ponyville that's a stallion who has multiple lovers.

(Y/N): Then I guess you're cheesy sense. . . sensed me.

Cheese Sandwich: *smiles* Well, you're quite the lucky stallion. I think that kind of charisma tops maybe even the super-duper party pony himself!

(Y/N): *chuckles* No need to flatter me. I mean your skills with throwing a party for Dash threw me in quite the loop.

Cheese Sandwich: Like "this" kind of loop?

Cheese made both of his eyes swirl around in circular motion a couple of times which made (Y/N) laugh a bit.

(Y/N): *laughs* You could say that.

However, his happy expression then turned into a serious one.

(Y/N): But there's something that needs to be said which involves both you and Pinkie.

Cheese Sandwich: Oh, what's that?

(Y/N): First off, I want to thank you for coming here into Ponyville for helping celebrate my girlfriend's birth-iversary. You really outdone yourself with everything that you did for her. . . However, you made a little mistake that was because of all of the ponies around here admiring your work for the party.

Cheese Sandwich: Oh, I did something wrong?

(Y/N): Not with the party! But rather somepony else. . .

(Y/N) then turns over to walk amongst all of the crowd keeping his serious demeanor.

(Y/N): Everypony, I believe that ALL of you owe Pinkie an apology! Listen, Cheese Sandwich is an excellent party planner. He's pretty much one of the best that we've ever seen, but all of you didn't take the time to even notice that while you so focused with the birth-iversary, you weren't able to give Pinkie any attention at all.

Everypony around in the crowd even the rest of the Mane 7 look at each other with guilty faces and were letting out some murmurs about (Y/N)'s point. He then flies up into the air.

(Y/N): In Ponyville and all of Equestria, I want to make sure that everypony around has a smile on their face just like how both Pinkie and Cheese fuel your happiness with their parties. But that also includes the hosts as well. I know all of you got surprised by Cheese Sandwich and there is no doubt in my mind that he's amazing, but still. . . You all could give Pinkie some encouragement as well. She's hosted. . . countless parties here in Ponyville! And not just Ponyville, other places like Canterlot too! So everypony, if we truly want to continue this party. . . then let's do it with both of our party ponies!

Sounds of agreement came from the crowd as they knew that (Y/N) was right with all of them being unappreciative of Pinkie throughout the party. Once all of the commotion dies down, all of the crowd turns to look at Pinkie.

Lots of sounds of "we're sorry" or "Ponyville is nothing without you Pinkie" is heard amongst the entire Ponyville crowd which made Pinkie grow a small smile on her face and Rainbow Dash flies up to her.

Rainbow Dash: (Y/N) is right, Pinkie. I'm sorry I got all swept away by Cheese Sandwich.

Twilight and the other mares along with Spike then walk up to join her.

Twilight Sparkle: We all are.

The other four follow her lead, voicing similar sentiments, and Spike steps in from the side with a heavy sigh.

Spike: Sorry, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Don't worry everypony, it's okay. I should also apologize as well. I kind of didn't really listen well to what (Y/N) said with showing Cheese Sandwich that I'm just as important here as he is and I let my pride get in the way of Rainbow having the best birth-iversary ever. Cheese Sandwich really is a super duper party planner, and he'll be a terrific headliner. I should've been a big enough pony to admit that.

Rainbow then flies up in her face to look at her upside down.

Rainbow Dash: But don't you get it? You're both super duper party ponies. Sure, Cheese Sandwich is a great guest party pony, but you're Ponyville's permanent party pony. Nopony could ever take your place, and we could never have a party without you.

She delivers an airborne hug to Pinkie who returns it and the rest of gang except for (Y/N) who was watching join in to make it all a group hug. (Y/N) smiles at the scene that his girlfriends were able to compromise with Pinkie. As he was watching, Cheese Sandwich walks up right beside him.

Cheese Sandwich: I guess I can add that to the list of why ponies around Equestria call you a hero. You not only save lives, but you also try to fix any problem that get's in the way of even one little ponies happiness.

(Y/N): Heh, you hit the bullseye my friend. It's really a dream that I have to just keep ponies safe, peaceful, and happy for as long as I live.

When (Y/N) says this, something came up inside of Cheese's mind giving him an idea.

Cheese Sandwich: Speaking of dreams, you don't mind if I tell you all a little story of mine do you?

(Y/N): Not at all. I'm sure that it'll make Pinkie interested as well.

Cheese Sandwich: It actually will most definitely be something that she'll want to hear from the mouth hole's in the swiss cheese.

(Y/N) chuckles from that before they both walk up to the mares and when Pinkie notices them she along with the other break the hug.

(Y/N): Pinkie, I think Cheese here has something that he wants to tell you.

Pinkie Pie: Really?

Cheese Sandwich: Really, really. You see, I never meant to take your place in Ponyville. I just wanted to show YOU what a great party pony I am, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Why me?

Cheese Sandwich: Well. . .

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Cheese Sandwich: ♪ I fear I told a little fib about my pony past ♪

♪ I hope that when you hear the truth, you will not be aghast ♪


Cheese's younger self is seen peeking out fearfully from behind a building.

♪ I wasn't quite the super party pony like I claimed ♪

He waves hopefully to some foals, but they gallop past without slowing or acknowledging him. This is a street corner, and he glumly eases a small bindle onto his back and plods off.

♪ The fact is that I was so shy, nopony knew my name ♪

His spirits in his hooves, he slowly climbs a hill outside Manehattan proper. As he walks, a party hat lying in the path causes him to lose his balance and tumble ahead and other hats are flung back with his crash.

♪ I stumbled into Ponyville one afternoon by chance ♪

He finds himself in a pile of the things, wearing one and spitting out several others jammed in his mouth, at the heart of a lively party. The bindle has fallen off his back.

♪ And found the biggest ever celebration party dance ♪

Berry Punch switches his hat for a jester's cap and bells, and a young Cheerilee gives him a grilled cheese sandwich before two other party-goers toss him into the air.

♪ Everything was perfect, cheer was filling up the place ♪

He smiles, letting his eyes run across the full-tilt merrymaking.

♪ And I saw that everypony had a smile upon their face ♪

A rubber chicken then sails directly towards him then recedes to bounce off his face. He picks it up and sets it on his back.

♪ I vowed that day to change my life, the past I did set free ♪

He holds up the sandwich and pulls its halves apart. Behind the strings of melted cheese, the background changes to blue sky and full-grown Cheese stands up into view. Pulling out his accordion, he lets one end stretch wildly and arc far and away.

♪ For now Cheese Sandwich was a party pony full of glee ♪

Here he comes, sliding down the hyperextended bellows with two fillies close behind, and ends up perched atop his tank with helmet on. It fires off a salvo of fun stuff.

♪ A super duper party pony -- that's what I became ♪

A map of Equestria appears, and grilled cheese sandwiches start popping up all over the place. The center bulges and ruptures due to him bursting through it from behind.

♪ I traveled all Equestria, and all did know my name ♪

(End of Flashback)

Back in Ponyville, Cheese gently rests a foreleg on Pinkie shoulders and pulls her in for a hug.

♪ But that never would have happened on my own, I'll tell you why ♪

Pinkie aims a wondering glance up at him.

♪ For the one who threw that party, it was you, Pinkie Pie ♪

In his vision, Young Cheese Sandwich lifted up his jester hat and he looks at the rubber chicken before he looks up to see that the party was being hosted by a Young Pinkie Pie who balancing on a ball and juggling three more of the rubber chickens.

Pinkie Pie: Me?

Back in the present, Pinkie looked at Cheese with a happy face that it was because of her that Cheese became a super-duper party pony.

Cheese Sandwich: Yes!

Pinkie Pie: Hah, really?!

Cheese Sandwich: Really!

Pinkie Pie: So I was the pony that threw the awesomely spectacular party that inspired you to become an awesome spectacular party thrower?

Cheese Sandwich: Swear on Camembert!

(Y/N) then walks up with a proud look for Pinkie.

(Y/N): Well would you look at that, Pinkie. You were actually the one responsible with Cheese Sandwich finding what he's really good at. And that's being a super-duper party pony like yourself! Talk about destiny!

Pinkie Pie: I can't believe it either! Ah! I just want to keep yelling about it! Never in all of Equestria was I expecting to inspire somepony to be just like me!

(Y/N): And it worked up to the point where you're actually meeting him now.

Cheese Sandwich: And I'm sure even the readers were expecting this outcome to happen.

(Y/N): Uh, readers? Like a book? . . .Wow, you even say things that not even I can figure out what they mean.

Cheese Sandwich: It's all thanks to Pinkie!

Rainbow then decides to cut the sentiment and flies in between all three ponies.

Rainbow Dash: Enough with the warm fuzzy stuff, you three. It's my birth-iversary, and these two gotta throw me a bash!

Pinkie Pie: Yeah!

Cheese Sandwich: Let's go!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The day quickly dissolves into starry night and the sounds of a jubilant crowd are heard asserting itself amongst the entire birth-iversary bash for Rainbow Dash. The party was so big that it was practically an amusement park with a high-dive punchbowl, rollercoaster rides, tank lets go with a burst of confetti, streamers, and a very confused seagull.

At the stage that was set up earlier, Cheese's banner along with Pinkie's is set up on the stage. Cheers came all around as a spotlight hits the stage, and Cheese puts his head out through the closed curtain. He has on a top hat and large blue bow tie along with his yellow shirt, and is holding a microphone.

Cheese Sandwich: All right, everypony! We are here to celebrate the birthday. . .

Pinkie then zips up, wearing an identical hat and tie.

Pinkie Pie: . . .and anniversary. . .

Pinkie Pie & Cheese Sandwich: . . .of Rainbow Dash!

On this last, the spotlights tilt up to follow a large gift box rising into the air behind them. At the peak of its motion, it bursts open in a shower of confetti and streamers to reveal Rainbow Dash, now wearing a party hat.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, everypony! Who's ready to get their party on?! Hit it!

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Get your hooves up, party's starting out right now ♪

Cheese rides his giant swiss cheese wheel through the crowd, balancing a cane on his nose as he passes Rainbow and Rarity.

♪ Everypony, everypony get down ♪

Rainbow is then seen blowing out one candle on top of a cake. The cake was a towering six-tier job, and she flies down in a tight circle to get all the other candles. The bottom tier bears her Cutie Mark.

♪ Time to make a wish, better make it right now ♪

♪ It's been a year and today is your birthday party ♪

The two master planners are then seen stepping up to the mic and Cheese wastes no time in firing up his accordion.

♪ Make a wish, it's your birthday ♪

A blindfolded Rainbow demolishes a Cutie-Mark piñata with one swing of a club, to the delight of the Crusaders and other fillies.

♪ Make a wish, it's your birthday party ♪

The blue speedster chomps her way across a giant pizza garnished with cupcakes; Pinkie, Cheese, and even (Y/N) get a bite or two of their own. Next Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, (Y/N), and Rarity dance onstage.

♪ Make a wish, it's your birthday ♪

At the punchbowl, Pinkie pops up, wearing only swim goggles, as Rainbow floats by on a donut inner tube, sipping on a straw dipped into the liquid, (Y/N) was swimming on his own, and Cheese and Boneless chill out.

Next, Rainbow's friends latch their teeth onto the edges of a sheet on which she is lying and flip her skyward.

♪ Make a wish, it's your birthday party ♪

Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, (Y/N), and Rarity are dancing for the crowd with the pink mare back in her top hat and bow tie.

With both the song and the party near its end, Pinkie was with (Y/N) as she was writing in the journal that the Mane 7 kept with them and her boyfriend was helping her out.

(Y/N): And finally, state that no matter what, there's always somepony who will appreciate what you've done for them no matter what.

Pinkie writes down that line in the journal with a pencil in her mouth and when she was finished, she spits it out and wipes her forehead.

Pinkie Pie: Phew! Well, I'm finished with writing down my section of the journal and making this the best birth-iversary ever for Rainbow Dash!

(Y/N): After seeing everypony's happy expressions and Rainbow having the best fun in all of Equestria, I'd say that you and Cheese were more than successful for giving Dash the best birth-iversary.

Pinkie Pie: *giggles* Well. . . I'd would say that you were helpful in this as well (Y/N).

(Y/N): Me? How?

Pinkie Pie: When I kept thinking that Cheese stole my spotlight, you kept reminding me that wasn't the case at all and the ponies just forgot that I'm their special party planner too. You were. . . the only one who didn't forget me.

(Y/N) blushes from that with a sheepish smile as he rubs the back of his head. Pinkie then gives (Y/N) a brief kiss on the lips surprising him, but when she pulled away, all Pinkie did was just give a really cute giggle and (Y/N) let out a soft chuckle as well.

Cheese Sandwich: You two really have a great relationship with each other. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't envious.

Both of them turn to see that Cheese was back in his serious demeanor with his hat that he was wearing when he first arrived in Ponyville along with his poncho.

Cheese Sandwich: Before I go, I wanted to give this to you Pinkie.

Cheese slides a wooden case up to the two and as soon as the lid flips open, an intense yellow light pours out that forces the two to shield their eyes. Once they can look down at the source they see that it was Cheese's rubber chicken, Boneless as a gleam of rainbow light passing from head to legs marking that Pinkie has unlocked her key of Laughter.

Pinkie Pie: You're giving me your special rubber chicken friend?

Cheese then looks towards the ground with a more guilty demeanor.

Cheese Sandwich: *sighs* Yeah. To me, you deserve him more than I do Pinkie. I've always had him to try and remind me that I'm never alone when making parties. . . but once you helped me out. . . I saw that sometimes you have to face reality.

(Y/N): What are you saying, Cheese?

Cheese turns around with a sad look on his face.

Cheese Sandwich: Sometimes I wish. . . that I could have another pony by my side. Just how like I'm sure you and Pinkie here make an excellent duo here in Ponyville without me. Pinkie supplies the parties and (Y/N) fills up all of the happiness. However, I must now face facts that I was able to do it all on my own. Boneless or no Boneless.

Cheese then starts to walk away and both (Y/N) and Pinkie watch him go off with sympathetic looks on their faces. They look at other seeing that they both felt bad for Cheese.

(Y/N): He wants somepony to be right beside him who will always fill up one's happiness, huh?

Pinkie Pie: You thinking what I'm thinking?

(Y/N): Yeah. . . I want to help Cheese. Maybe there is someway we can give him a friend that's. . . just like you Pinkie.

Pinkie puts a hoof to her chin to try and think of an idea, however when (Y/N) said somepony who was just like her, that made come up with an idea. . . One that screwed up once, but she may be able to make it work with (Y/N)'s help.

Pinkie Pie: (Y/N), I have an idea!

(Y/N): Really?

Pinkie then whispers into (Y/N)'s ear a ton of inaudible words and once she was done, (Y/N) eyes popped wide open as he stares at Pinkie shocked and he quickly shakes his head.

(Y/N): Oh no! Nonononono! We are NOT using "that!" Remember what happened last time you used that thing?!

Pinkie Pie: That's why I have you with me, sweetie. I know a way that it won't backfire like last time, but I'll need your help to make it work.

(Y/N) thinks for a second about this risky, yet generous plan for Cheese to have somepony by his side. (Y/N) then sighs before he smiles.

(Y/N): Well, luckily I do know a spell that can actually make this work. Okay, let's give Cheese Sandwich his special somepony!

Pinkie nods as the two chase after Cheese Sandwich who was still walking off on the road. Hearing hoofsteps, Cheese turns around to see (Y/N) and Pinkie approaching him.

Cheese Sandwich: Is there something that you two forgot from me?

(Y/N): Sort of.

Pinkie Pie: You gave us a lot here in Ponyville. . . but now it's our turn to give something to you.

This got Cheese's attention as Pinkie and (Y/N) nod at each other.

With a simple poof, the three were suddenly teleported underground walking down a path. . . a rather familiar path where a certain duplication making pool was. . . That's right. . .

Pinkie's plan to give Cheese Sandwich a special somepony was to use the Mirror Pool. Cheese was looking all around the cavern intrigued.

Cheese Sandwich: So this is some place you two ponies have been before, huh?

(Y/N): Well, more specifically Pinkie. She just had to show me the way here through the Everfree Forest to come here. You see, she used this to try and have multiple fun times with all of our friends, but it didn't exactly work out the way she was planning.

Pinkie Pie: *shudders* There was so much pink that it even gives me goosebumps. No matter! Now that I have (Y/N), this should most likely not backfire at all. . . I think.

(Y/N): We just have to wait and see. . .

The three finally reached up to the Mirror Pool where Pinkie first created the clones of herself and she looks nervously at the pond remembering the incident that she first had with it. However, she decides to let her nerves go and get a determined look as she takes a deep breath and starts to say the chant.

Pinkie Pie: "And into her own reflection she stared, yearning for one whose reflection she shared, and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared!"

Pinkie then reaches to pull out a duplicate of herself like before and out came another Pinkie Pie that looks exactly identical. Pinkie simply says silent while the duplicate looks around all over the place.

Pinkie Pie 2: Fun?! Did somebody say fun? Whe-

Before she could finish that, (Y/N) froze the duplicate with his magic to prevent it from rushing all over the place. Cheese Sandwich just stares at what just happened astonished.

Cheese Sandwich: Whoa! Makin' a duplicate of one party adjacent to another is my thing, but this is unexpected.

(Y/N): That's not all though! You ready Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: Yep! Fire away, (Y/N)!

Pinkie bounds herself up to where her duplicate was and (Y/N) catches her with his magic too. Suddenly, (Y/N) fires up his horn as he strains a bit. Both of the Pinkie's then glow pink, but a stream of pink energy coming from the real Pinkie's forehead pops out and links in with the duplicate Pinkie.

It takes a little bit and Cheese was still in shock of what was happening. Once it was finished, (Y/N) breathes heavily from letting out so much of his energy on that one spell. Pinkie was on the ground and she groans as she shakes her head to regain her composure. (Y/N) and Cheese go up to her to help her stand up on all four hooves and once she does, all of them look in the direction of where the duplicate was only to see something different.

It was a different Pinkie Pie that had the same shape as the original with the same poofy mane and coat, but her color palette different as her mane color and coat color were polar opposites of the real Pinkie. She shakes her head and her eyes were spinning dizzy from what happened before she looks at the three.

Pinkie Pie 2: (Y/N)? Cheese Sandwich? And is that. . . me?

(Y/N): Yes! It worked!

Cheese Sandwich: Yes! It did! . . .What exactly did you do?

(Y/N): The duplicates that were originally coming out of the pool would always yell "Fun" all of the time, but because that Pinkie brought me along, this was different.

Pinkie Pie: I thought that maybe someway, (Y/N) could link our memories together, so nothing at all could go wrong.

(Y/N): And it turned out better than expected too as it even changed this Pinkie's color, so now we can tell who's who.

Pinkie Pie 2: Wait! I just realized why we're doing this now! But since we're kind of the same Pinkie Pie, how will know who's who?

(Y/N): Easy, we'll give you a different name. And I thought you might wanted to do that, Cheese.

Cheese Sandwich: Me? Really?

(Y/N): Of course. Go ahead. She's all yours to name. If you have a little trouble, think a little bit about Boneless.

Cheese Sandwich: Boneless, huh? Hmm. . . I think I'm going to call you Ponka Po.

(Y/N) & Pinkie Pie: Ponka Po?

Cheese Sandwich: I was thinking of a way to try and see how I can make a little mix up with Pinkie and Boneless and so, Ponka Po came to mind.

Ponka Po: Ponka Po. . .? I LOVE IT!

The duplicate now named Ponka Po quickly goes up to hug Cheese Sandwich who smiles back that he now has somepony to help him create more parties with.

Cheese Sandwich: (Y/N) (L/N), Pinkie Pie. Thank you two SO much! You didn't have to do this for me at all!

Pinkie Pie: *giggles* That's what (Y/N) always says when he get's something nice from us as well.

Ponka Po: Oh, yeah. He does doesn't he? Always acting like the humble stallion that he is.

(Y/N) rolls his eyes with a smile.

(Y/N): Anyway, Cheese you're way too awesome to not have somepony by your side to help you with your awesome parties. Pinkie and I just couldn't let you go without giving you a gift back. Now that you have Ponka Po by your side. Your parties all around Equestria are sure to be even better.

Pinkie Pie: That's what friends are for!

Cheese Sandwich: I wouldn't want to friends in any other way! You two can come and see Ponka and I anytime we make a new party!

Ponka Po: And if you want, you can ALWAYS help us out!

Pinkie Pie: No problemo!

Cheese Sandwich: Well, what do you say Ponka?

Cheese then tips his hat to get back into his serious demeanor again with a smile.

Cheese Sandwich: Ready to head on to the next town?

Ponka then puts her own cowgirl hat out of nowhere and tips it down too while giving a serious look as well.

Ponka Po: That's right. It's time to show them just how hard they'll be able to party thanks too. . .

Cheese Sandwich & Ponka Po: Cheese Sandwich and Ponka Po!

Both of them then strike a pose which made both Pinkie and (Y/N) laugh and even the other duo laugh along as well.

Back outside, (Y/N) teleports all of them back on the road and both of the Ponyville couple smile at the new duo.

(Y/N): This isn't goodbye. We'll definitely see each other again.

Cheese Sandwich: Trust me my friend. Once we do, you'll be in for a large, large surprise.

Ponka Po: A surprise that you'll never see coming.

(Y/N): Well, we look forward to it.

Pinkie Pie: Definitely! Take care you two!

Both Cheese Sandwich and Ponka Po then turn around and walk off towards the sunset hoof in hoof. And as they were walking away, the rest of the Mane 7 then came up to the two.

Twilight Sparkle: We thought you two abandoned the party, where did you go?

(Y/N): Oh. . . just helping a friend.

Rainbow and the others take a close look from afar to see Cheese Sandwich with Ponka Po and they were all surprised to see that she looked almost exactly like Pinkie.

Rarity: Wait! Is that. . . Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: Oh, that's right! We were kind of able to conjure up something that's actually a REAL duplicate of me and the best part is, we can tell each other apart and we have the same poofy manes and adorable tails too! Now there really is two of me in Equestria! Isn't that great?!

The mares looked back and forth between Pinkie and Ponka walking off in the distance and Rainbow was the most surprised.

Rainbow Dash: T-T-T-T-T-Two. . . Pinkie Pies?! In Equestria?!

Rainbow then all of a sudden dropped to the ground and she suddenly fainted while the other mares were speechless. (Y/N) and Pinkie look at each other confused at the other's expressions before they laugh a little at their shocked faces. After their laughter dies down, they both stare in the direction where Cheese Sandwich and Ponka Po walked off as they were now out of sight.

(Y/N): I have a feeling that all of Equestria is in for a ton of laughter. What do you think my cute little party mare?

(Y/N) smirks when he says that which made Pinkie giggle as she turns back to him.

Pinkie Pie: Laughter is always the best medicine to cure a sad face on anypony, my handsome cutie pie.

Both of them then lean in to share one last kiss for the day before they look in the direction of the sunset marking that this party is coming to its end and there will be more in store in the future thanks to Pinkie Pie.

Chapter 11 End.

(A/N): This one was a doozy to write. Sorry, about the huge delay since I've been busy, but here you guys go. I actually got the name Ponka Po from the official MLP wiki as that name is what Pinkie Pie is actually called in some merchandise. Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter, comrades.

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