Chapter 3: Princess Twilight Sparkle & Prince (Y/N) (L/N) - Part 2

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Previously on MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria. . .

Still trying to get used to their new role in royalty, (Y/N) and Twilight were reassured by both of their friends and Princess Celestia that they will not let them or Equestria down at all. Things were peaceful that night until suddenly an anomaly happens when the sun and the moon are out at the same time. Not only that, but Princess Celestia and Princess Luna suddenly disappear alarming everypony. (Y/N) and Twilight suggest that they go and search for them only to find that Ponyville is being invaded by the Everfree Forest. They reunite with their friends and not even they are sure of what is going on. Seeing that they can't get anywhere, they ask Discord and Zecora of what possibly happened, but only Princess Twilight and Prince (Y/N) were able to find the answers. Now they're in an unknown predicament as they are facing off against their old foe Nightmare Moon once more. Will the prince and princess figure out the source before all of Equestria becomes home to the Everfree Forest?

Now back to where we left off. . .

Twilight and (Y/N) were staring in complete disbelief that Princess Luna has transformed into her evil counterpart once more. Nightmare Moon cackles before she fires a beam from her horn, tearing a gash through the ceiling. A huge part of the ceiling was just barely about to crush (Y/N) and Twilight before the stallion picks up his girlfriend bridal style before jumping out of the way of the masonry.

Seeing that they were safe now, (Y/N) puts Twilight back down and they both turn around to see Princess Celestia approaching them with a look of muted regret on her face as Nightmare Moon steps imperiously forward through the clearing dust. Princess Celestia takes to the air and dodges a shot from her twisted sister as it carves a fresh hole in the ceiling to expose the full moon above. Once she landed, (Y/N) skids right in front of her to address Nightmare Moon with a glare on his face.

(Y/N): Stop Luna! I've already fought you once! I don't want to do it again! You were banished to the moon for a thousand years remember?! We can't let that happen again!

Princess Celestia: Luna, I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It is your duty!

Nightmare Moon: Luna? I am. . . Nightmare Moon! I have but one royal duty now: to destroy you!

Hearing those words again, straight from the horse's mouth, throws a scare into Twilight and (Y/N) as Nightmare Moon fires yet another magic blast from her horn towards Celestia. She leaps off of the ground just in time to fly through the ceiling hole.

Nightmare Moon: And where do you think you're going?

She gives chase, followed by Twilight and (Y/N). The pursuit ranges into the sky high above the castle, and Nightmare Moon sends one blast after another toward her sister as Twilight gapes in horror while (Y/N) glares with seriousness.

(Y/N): (I can't let Nightmare Moon take over Luna's mind again! I have to help out Celestia!)

As the high-speed pursuit skims the ground through a courtyard, Nightmare Moon fires off one more shot and finally hits home, scoring a bullseye on Celestia's chest. The stricken pony screams in agony and plunges out of the air, falling through the same ceiling hole into the throne room.

Twilight Sparkle & (Y/N): CELESTIA!!!

Nightmare Moon then makes a long triumphant laugh before (Y/N) looks at her in anger.

(Y/N): Why you. . .!

(Y/N) immediately puts energy into his hoof and attempts to avenge his mother's friend, but something different happened as instead, he phases right through her surprising him.

(Y/N): Th-That's not suppose to happen!

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! Forget her for now! We need to see if Celestia's okay!

(Y/N) nods as they both dive down into the castle to see their mentor on the ground unconscious as they land beside her. (Y/N) goes up to try and touch Celestia, but the same thing happened as his hoof only phases through her body as if he was a ghost.

(Y/N): That's strange. . . I can't touch Nightmare Moon or Celestia? Just what is going on here?

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know either. Why would Luna do this again? Why now?

Twilight starts to sob quietly and (Y/N) puts a hoof on her back before their grief over the fallen Celestia quickly goes away as she get's up back to full height. Twilight and (Y/N) let out relieved smiles from this seeing that she was able to stand again.

Twilight Sparkle: You're all right!

(Y/N): Celestia. What made Luna turn this way? Why is she opposing you once again? I thought that after I talked with her, she wouldn't fall into anger and despair again.

Princess Celestia just stares ahead of the two with an angry expression not even acknowledging their appearance throwing them into concern.

Twilight Sparkle: Princess Celestia? Is everything okay?

Princess Celestia: Oh, dear sister. I am sorry, but you have given me no choice but to use these.

She then lights up her horn and channels magic into a patch of the floor. rises slightly and splits into two halves that slide apart, revealing a hatch from which a contraption of five small platforms rises. They are mounted on radial shafts that revolve independently around a central pedestal, which is attached to a turntable on a pillar. Resting atop this pedestal is a large stone sphere.

This is the same pedestal for when they all found the Elements of Harmony for the very first time except now the Elements looked like their original pieces and there were only six.

Twilight Sparkle: Are those the Elements of Harmony?

(Y/N): Yeah, but aren't those how they looked centuries ago?

Realizing what he just said, throws Twilight in a gasp as she now realizes where they are.

Twilight Sparkle: That's it! We're in the past! That potion Zecora gave us must've sent us back in time!

This surprises (Y/N) as he sees Celestia flies up toward the central sphere.

(Y/N): Meaning. . . this is a thousand years ago to when Princess Celestia banished Nightmare Moon using the Elements on her and sending her to the moon.

Princess Celestia uses her magic to take each of the five gems, lifting them away, then touches the sphere to cause a sixth to emerge, a duplicate of the pink six-pointed star in Twilight's tiara. She then sets all six Elements whirling around her in a circle. They spin faster and faster eventually throwing off a blinding multicolored corona and merging into a single ribbon of rainbow light.

Twilight and (Y/N) shade their eyes before looking in anticipation for Princess Celestia about to banish her sister. Once Celestia gains enough altitude to confront Nightmare Moon again, the evil corrupted sister conjures up a dark magical wave. Princess Celestia had tears in her eyes as she doesn't want to banish her own sister, but she knows what must be done.

She squeezes her eyes shut and creates a bright field herself using the Elements. As Nightmare unleashes power from her horn, Celestia focuses on the six Elements now floating in front of her with the five gems at the periphery, and the Element of Magic at their center and placed slightly ahead. The other five elements pour energy into this one, causing a broad rainbow beam to pour forth from it.

The two sisters' attacks meet at a point blank between them and cancel out, but it does not take Celestia long to begin overpowering Nightmare's offensive. With the rainbow almost touching her horn, Nightmare Moon could only stare in shocked realization as the beam finally envelops her.

Nightmare Moon: NOOOO!

Celestia's beam sends Nightmare Moon rocketing towards the moon and when it hits, a multicolored shock wave emanates through the heavens. A pattern of dark spots emerges on the lunar surface of the moon, forming the unicorn-head pattern that will come to be known as the Mare in the Moon. (Y/N) couldn't help, but shed a single tear from that as he knows what it likes to have no choice, but to abandon your family.

Twilight and (Y/N) were finally sent back to the present as their eyes were still lit. They shakes their heads to get back into reality and they then find themselves with five mares, one dragon, and one zebra who are all too stunned for words.

Twilight Sparkle: Why are you all looking at us like that?

Applejack: It's just. . . y'all were mumblin' to yourselves. . .

Pinkie Pie: Ooh! And don't forget the sobbing and sudden magic reflexes!

Fluttershy: We were really worried about you.

(Y/N): Well, I guess since we saw something that you all didn't it would make since of our actions. We saw Princess Celestia banish Nightmare Moon.

Mane 5: WHAT?!

Twilight Sparkle: It was only an image from the past though, the real Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are still here.

This gave everypony around a sigh of relief.

(Y/N): Besides me using magic and Twilight's crying. . . We didn't say anything more weird did we?

Rarity: No. I suppose not. All I could hear was something about Elements.

Discord: I for one found the act delightful.

The trickster is then seen lounging on a thorny vine and grinning like an idiot.

Discord: Sort of a two-pony theater piece, if you will. You two should really consider taking it on the road.

He unrolls a sheet that shows a video clip of Twilight crying her eyes out while (Y/N) was flailing his hooves all over the place with energy in his hooves.

Rainbow Dash: Did you find out whose rump we need to kick and where we can find them?

Twilight Sparkle: We saw Nightmare Moon's banishment, but that was about it. But that doesn't explain what's happening now.

(Y/N): Something also doesn't make sense. . .

Twilight Sparkle: What?

(Y/N): We saw Princess Celestia use "six" Elements of Harmony, but mine wasn't anywhere visible at all. I think we need to take a look farther back to know how this is happening.

Zecora: If farther back are still the answers you seek. Then another sip of the potion will give you a peek.

Zecora holds up the said potion for Twilight to levitate it out of her hooves and both her and (Y/N) look at each other unsettled as Spike approaches them equally unsure.

Spike: You two sure about this?

(Y/N): If this can find out why the Everfree Forest is invading, then yes.

The two then take turns once more of taking a sip from the bottle as the rest look at them with concern. After they were finished, Discord appears on the scene with a movie camera on a tripod. He is dressed as a director with incredibly bad fashion sense.

Discord: Oh, I do hope one of them break into a song this time!

Both of the royals' eyes lit up once more to take them back into the past.

Twilight and (Y/N) were taken to a blurry crazy-quilt landscape studded with floating buildings under a loopy magenta sky. Schools of fish swim past them in midair, and as they look off after them, they see both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna badly scuffed with saddlebags on approaching someone with determined looks. The mysterious creature was on top of a throne and they turn around to the princesses to reveal that it was Discord once more.

Discord: Oh, this is so much fun. How about a game of 'Pin the Tail on the Pony'?

Discord holds up Celestia's tail and the said princess has in fact had her tail filched, but she does not notice it until Luna glances toward her rump and she takes the hint. She draws her wings in with a surprised gasp before turning back to Discord irritated.

Princess Celestia: Play time is over for you, Discord.

Discord is then seen with a bag in his hand and he was eating some strange seeds so casually.

Discord: Oh, I doubt that.

He chomps one seed down, shudders happily, and offers them some as well.

Discord: Hungry?

One seed bounces off each regal forehead, not even improving their moods in a single fraction.

Discord: Suit yourselves.

Princess Celestia magically opens one of her saddlebags and levitates out three of the Elements, and Luna produces the other three from her own gear. The sight of the six gems causes Discord to toss his bag of seeds aside in mild surprise.

Discord: Oh! What have you got there?

Princess Celestia: The Elements of Harmony.

Princess Luna: With them, we shall defeat you.

Twilight Sparkle: This must be when they turned Discord into stone.

(Y/N): Yeah, I mean even this landscape is giving me sudden deja vu.

Discord just laughs himself stupid and comes within an inch of falling sideways over the arms of his throne.

Discord: *laughs* You should see yourselves right now. The expressions on your face. So intense. So sure of yourselves.

As he laughs mockingly, the sisters glowing horns touch, kindling a spark at their tips and projecting a rainbow spiral skyward. This straightens out into a long, graceful arc that bears down on the still-gleeful draconequus.

Discord: Hilarious!

And he keeps right on laughing up until the moment the rainbow beam washes over his form and turns every inch of it to stone, freezing him in the position he will hold until breaking loose in the future for when the Mane 7 have to go up against him.

Twilight and (Y/N) eyes glowed white once more as they were taken to an entirely different landscape. Once their eyes were normal and their vision returned, they both look ahead with a gasp for what they see next.

They see a a tree that it's blue-glowing trunk and branches appear to have been roughly hewn from chunks and sheets of crystal. Bunches of pale, luminous fruit hang from every branch, five of which are set with the peripheral Element gems.

It stands in a cavern in which walls are studded with gems, and Celestia and Luna approach it slowly with (Y/N) and Twilight following right behind.

Princess Luna: *gasps* The Tree of Harmony.

Twilight Sparkle & (Y/N): The "Tree" of Harmony?

(Y/N): Wait, Twi look at the center. Isn't that. . .

Twilight Sparkle: My Cutie Mark.

Princess Celestia then wings her way gently up and shoots a spell into the tree and it responds by emitting a brilliant white glow, and she glances behind towards Luna.

Princess Luna: Are you sure?

Princess Celestia: We have managed to discover the only means by which we can defeat Discord and free the citizens of Equestria. Even without these elements, the Tree of Harmony will possess a powerful magic.

The facets on the star slide apart to reveal its pink jewel counterpart within, and she floats it out to join the five, now all removed and floating in a circle above the sisters.

Princess Celestia: As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here.

Princess Luna: But what about the seventh Element? We don't know if this may work if that isn't around as well.

Princess Luna says this as she looks at an empty spot on the tree in which it was a heart shape that was exactly the same shape on (Y/N)'s crown.

Princess Celestia: These six Elements of Harmony ARE connected to the seventh one. However after witness our friends departure, we must for once take charge without her help in vanquishing those who want to take over Equestria. The seventh Element is already in the little one's hooves and it will stay there for the rest of his life.

(Y/N): My mom. . .? Me. . .?

Before either Twilight or (Y/N) could get another word out of that, their eyes glow to send them back to reality.

Once they were back to the present Equestria, both of them shake their heads silly and Spike runs up to them concerned.

Spike: So what did you find out?

Twilight Sparkle: We still don't know what's happened to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, but I think we do know why the Everfree Forest is acting this way. Something's happened to the Tree of Harmony.

Discord who was eating popcorn and wearing 3-D glasses lowers them with interest.

Rainbow Dash: The tree of what now?

Twilight Sparkle: It's where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna found the Elements. . . Well, most of the Elements.

Twilight looks at (Y/N) when she said that and the stallion was scratching his chin confused.

(Y/N): I think we need to take one more sip of that potion. I need to look far and far back to know how exactly my Element of Harmony even exists.

Zecora: If this will solve your mysteries, then I do believe that you are in for a surprise in histories.

(Y/N) levitates the potion and takes his sip as Twilight does the same and they both are taken into the past once more.

Both of their eyes stop glowing as they take a look around to see that they are in a land full of pastures and the sky was as dim as if there was a thunderstorm. Both Twilight and (Y/N) look around in confusion before they heard a loud crash behind them and they immediately turn around to see that the creature who emerges from the smoke of the impact was none other than (Y/N)'s archnemesis, Grogar.

He was breathing heavily as if he has gotten so far that he has lost a lot of energy. (Y/N) knows that isn't the real Grogar, but just looking at him makes his blood boil for what he did to his girlfriends.

(Y/N): *growls* Grogar. . .

Suddenly, (Y/N) then sees a pink aura burst out of nowhere in the direction to where Grogar was facing and who he sees emerge out of it brought a huge shock to him as it was an alicorn mare who looked taller than both Celestia and Luna and she was wearing armor similar to Nightmare Moon excepts (Y/N)'s Element of Harmony could be seen on her chestplate. That was indeed (Y/N)'s only family in his and Twilight's eyes as it made them gasp.

It was (Y/N)'s mother, (M/N) who look younger than in the present. She takes a serious glare at Grogar who smiles wickedly.

Twilight Sparkle: Th-That's. . .

(Y/N): M-Mom?!

Grogar: You're new power is truly astonishing. I'm impressed that you were able to gain such magic after the last time we fought.

(M/N): I'm not going to take that as a compliment!

Grogar: Wasn't suppose to be. Plus, that power still lacks the ability to even phase me. You can't win, (M/N). Why don't you just give me that foal of yours and perhaps I may spare your life?

(M/N): Give up my only son for your delusional plans to take over all of Equestria?! You're mad! As if any parent would agree to that! I don't even think that you mean that!

Grogar: Suit yourself! And you're right. . . I was bluffing.

Grogar makes his horns glow grabbing (M/N)'s legs surprising her and she get's flipped into the air as Grogar charges up a large magic blast and fires it at her. (M/N) was able to react to it as she glows a pink aura shield and reflects the blast back at Grogar, but Grogar makes a shield to reflect it once more surprising (M/N) as the blast hits her and she get's sent to the ground in slight pain.

She get's up glaring at Grogar, but not before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna who was carrying a sleeping foal (Y/N) run up to their friend.

(M/N): This guy is tough. I can handle him, but I can't just let him keep coming back with vengeance on me. I need to get rid of him somehow.

Twilight then notices a rather older looking unicorn approach right beside her and who it was brought a shock to her as he had on a wizard's hat and a decently long beard.

Twilight Sparkle: That's. . . Star Swirl The Bearded! Except he looks kind of younger now than he did in the books that I've read.

(Y/N): So that's the unicorn who came up with the idea to save my life. He does look kind of knowledgeable.

Star Swirl The Bearded: There must be a solution. . .

He then looks behind him to see both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna on the ground badly injured as if they were in the fight as well.

Star Swirl The Bearded: Those two are long gone as well. Perhaps you should use that same spell that you said was able to take care of every monster around Equestria?

(M/N): Smart, but I don't think that they may be powerful enough to vanquish Grogar for good.

Star Swirl The Bearded then looks at the foal (Y/N) as she notices that the tip of his horn is glowing (F/C), which was the same color as the Element of Harmony on (M/N)'s armor. He thinks to himself for a second before the two had to jump back to avoid another large magic blast from Grogar. (M/N) does a move similar to (Y/N) and she charges forward with some pink magic in her hoof and knocks Grogar away from them.

Grogar: *cackles* Your son shall be my reign on this entire world!

Star Swirl The Bearded: (M/N), I think I may have a hypothetical answer. . . but it involves your son.

(M/N): How so?

Star Swirl The Bearded: Rid yourself of that gem that you're wearing and give it to me. I'll take care of the rest.

(M/N) blinks as she looks at the (F/C) heart on her chestplate and was confused as to why Star Swirl would need that. Nonetheless, she takes it off and passes it over to Star Swirl who sees if he could activate its power. It wasn't activating with his magic for some reason.

(M/N): Is something suppose to happen?

Star Swirl The Bearded: I do not know, but look at (Y/N).

(M/N) sees her son's horn glowing (F/C) at the tip of his horn. She levitates the seventh Element of Harmony near him as it then produced a reaction that caused the foal (Y/N)'s entire body to glow (F/C). (M/N) was surprised by this as she think get's the picture.

(M/N): You gave me that gem right as a little keepsake, but to think that it would somehow be connected with my son.

Star Swirl The Bearded: Not only that, it's holds a special power. I created it to be an inhibitor to not only your powers, but as a source of magic that only your son can control.

(M/N): Give him to me! This ram has been a thorn in my side for too long and if there's one thing that I won't let him take, it's my child!

Star Swirl The Bearded nods as (M/N) levitates both her sleeping son and the seventh Element of Harmony up at the same time. She then has the foal rise up into the air along with the (F/C) heart gem. Using the magic combined, it produces a rainbow shield around (Y/N).

Grogar who has recovered from the attack charges back at the three, but not before a rainbow shockwave was produced from foal (Y/N)'s horn and when the impact hits him, he was shocked to find that he was slowing down.

Grogar: Wh-What?!

Grogar then looks to see the baby around the Element of Harmony and sees that apparently it was involuntarily activating it.

Grogar: What are you doing, you miscreant?!?!

Grogar charges up his horn and tries to fire a magic blast at the foal. Star Swirl jumps in front of (M/N) and tries to defend her only to have a shield be conjured in front of him by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to defend them surprising Star Swirl that they recovered. It breaks upon impact, knocking them both away and it was so powerful that they were launched to the ground.

Grogar: That power. . . is rightfully mine!

Grogar's movements were slowing down even more as he almost feel something pulling him backwards.

(M/N): You've tried to harm all of Equestria twice, and now you've harmed not only my friends, but also you try to take my son?! You will atone for your actions with this punishment, Grogar!

Grogar then looks behind him to see that a portal was slowly materializing behind him and both Twilight and (Y/N) went wide-eyed as they now get what's happening.

Twilight Sparkle: I see. You're the legendary seventh Element of Harmony, (Y/N). And using the power that was connected to it is when Grogar was banished for a second time.

(Y/N): Still. . . Th-That's. . . That's my mother. . . This gem on my crown is really locked to me, but serves as a source of power to her as well. . .

Grogar charges energy into his hoof as he was getting ready to charge forward once more and try to attack (M/N) and the foal (Y/N).

(M/N): Grogar. . . BEGONE!

(M/N) places (Y/N) and the (F/C) gem in front of her and it send a rainbow beam that enveloped Grogar turning him into particles and they were all sent through the portal marking his second banishment from Equestria.

Once the portal disperses, the gem drops to the ground and the shield around the foal (Y/N) was neutralized as well. (M/N) catches (Y/N) and looks at her foal with a proud smile on her face as her armor fades into pink streams of magic.

(M/N): I knew that you were born to be full of surprises, but to think that you yourself really holds THAT much power.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna got back up and recovered as they both approach (M/N) and Star Swirl The Bearded with a smile while staring at the foal (Y/N). The foal wakes up and let's out a cute yawn as it starts sucking on one of it's hooves.

Princess Celestia: *giggles* How cute.

Princess Luna: I already believed you when you said that he holds the power that's three times the power of normal alicorn magic, but it looks as though your son appears to be more enigmatic that we anticipated.

(M/N): What can I say? He'll be just like me protecting Equestria soon enough.

Star Swirl The Bearded: Now about the gem. . .

The royal sisters and (M/N) turn to Star Swirl.

Star Swirl The Bearded: Only (Y/N) can use it's power and he's still a foal. . . Perhaps until he grows up, I shall somehow keep it safe.

He then gets a sad look on his face.

Star Swirl The Bearded: But it will come at a cost. . .

(M/N): What do you mean?

Star Swirl The Bearded: Monsters keep hunting both you and your son, I don't know if you can stay here in Equestria for much longer. Ever since Gusty passed, you've had only a need to defend yourself. We'll need to do something to lower the risk.

The foal (Y/N) coos a bit and (M/N) rubs it forehead with a smile before she faces Star Swirl with a guilty look.

Star Swirl The Bearded: I think. . . you will have to leave Equestria.

This made both of the princesses gasp, but (M/N) looked at her foal and back in the direction that she banished Grogar before she nods understanding.

Princess Celestia: You mean. . .

(M/N): Whatever I just did to Grogar, I'll have to do to myself as well. I'm sorry. . .

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were really struck by this as Star Swirl is saying their friend will have to leave them. It made their eyes water up.

(M/N): I know that Equestria won't have a great fighter to defend it's ponies, but please. . . protect them in my stead for me.

The princesses lower their heads and nod reluctantly.

Princess Celestia: Must you really go?

Star Swirl The Bearded: Sorry you two, but this is really the only option that we have. I will keep the gem hidden for as long as I can and it will always be connected with (Y/N). I hope that you will one day return for when you think your son is ready to return. . .

Princess Luna: This really is goodbye. . .

(M/N): It is. I'll miss you two a lot. You're the greatest friends that I've made.

The princess smile from that with tears of joy as they all share a group hug and once they break it, the foal (Y/N) let's out a giggle. Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna give the foal a kiss on the forehead.

Princess Celestia: We'll definitely miss you too, (Y/N).

Star Swirl The Bearded then uses the Element of Harmony once more to conjure up a portal in front of (M/N).

(M/N): I don't where I'm about to go. . . but I do know that I'll be able to keep my son safe once I leave.

(M/N) waves goodbye to the princesses and Star Swirl as she walks through the portal and they all reciprocate as well.

(End Music Here)

Twilight and (Y/N) both returned back into reality for the last time and Twilight looks at (Y/N) with a raised eyebrow.

Twilight Sparkle: How were you asleep for most of that time?

(Y/N): How should I know? I was a foal back then. At least I get it now. The Element of Harmony that I wear actually belongs to my mother and it was a gift from Star Swirl The Bearded. Since I'm the only one who can wield it's power, it was made a legend.

Applejack: Wait? What was that now about being asleep?

(Y/N): *blushes* Uh, nothing! Look, these Elements are connected to each other so if we put them all where the Tree of Harmony is then I'm sure the Everfree Forest will clear up.

Applejack: Well, all right then! Let's go save a. . . tree. Uh. . . where is it exactly?

Twilight Sparkle: I think it's in. . . there.

Everypony slowly turns to where Twilight was looking as it was indeed where the Everfree Forest was. Not one member of the crew is wild about the thought of having to venture into that mess. Fluttershy lets off a barely audible cry of fear and Discord, on the other hand, voices a giddy little laugh.

Discord: Ooh-hoo! I'm going to need more popcorn!

Nonetheless, the Mane 7 all walk towards the evil Everfree Forest and look at the entrance.

Rarity: Seems like only yesterday we were heading into these woods to find the Elements of Harmony.

Twilight Sparkle: Seems like only yesterday I was foolish enough to think I should go after them on my own.

(Y/N) then wraps a hoof around her with a reassuring smile.

(Y/N): Oh, please. Don't dwell on the past. You did have us in there and you still do. This time you'll be able to lead us through princess. I'm sure of it.

Twilight smiles from (Y/N)'s resolve before giving him a peck on the cheek.

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks, sweetie. He's right. I don't know what we're going to face in there. But whatever it is, I know we need to face it together.

(Y/N): Well gang, let's go find that tree!

Assorted noises of assent came from the rest of the mares agreeing to that.

The Mane 7 were now just inside of the forest as they came across a noxiously bubbling green swamp. Twilight sees an irregular shape of rocks across the water and get's an idea.

Twilight Sparkle: We can use those to cross.

She leaps toward the rocks causing them to sink slightly into the unwholesome water. (Y/N) takes a closer look at the rocks and went wide-eyed.

(Y/N): Careful! I think those are. . .

The entire line of stepping stones rises out of the muck as they are in fact ridges on the tail of a long reptilian creature covered with rocky brown hide. Its overall body shape is very similar to a crocodile, and it is plenty angry at finding its tail being used as a pedestrian walkway.


Twilight cries out and is flung back the way she came, screaming as she lands on her back in front of the others. The cragadile approaches the Mane 7 as they all instantly scattered about.

Rarity: Run for your lives!

The cragadile advances slowly over the land, the grating of stone on stone making itself heard to mark the movements of its body. Twilight and Spike find themselves backed up against a tree trunk with nowhere to go.

Twilight tries desperately to fly away, but gets nothing but a few haphazard wing flaps for the attempt and thuds back to the earth. Here comes the cragadile with a feral roar, but before it can close those immense jaws on her head, (Y/N) who was in the tree above her, pulls her up along with Spike to sit on a branch.

(Y/N): Applejack, immobilize that thing!

Applejack already got that covered as she lassoes one of the cragadile's legs with a vine. The four did the same in all directions before (Y/N) and Twilight join in and tie it to a tree trunk with their magic. an instant later the thing is being securely roped down by all four legs, tail, snout. (Y/N) then punches both of his hooves together and get's a fierce look.

(Y/N): Alright, cragadile! Prepare to get (Y/N)-sized!

(Y/N) charges magic into his hoof before he slams it down into the ground and a magic geyser pops up from the center of the cragadile launching it far into the forest. (Y/N) wipes his forehead marking that it was a close call.

(Y/N): Phew! That was close.

(Y/N) then turns around to see that all six mares including Spike were staring at him with deadpanned looks on their faces. (Y/N) looked at the direction he launched the cragadile before back at the girls confused.

(Y/N): What??

Applejack: . . .Did you seriously just say "(Y/N)-sized?"

(Y/N): Um. . . yeah?

Rainbow Dash: Nah, that ain't right. It would've been better if you said, "You just got Alicornated!"

(Y/N): You just got-

Rainbow Dash: Too late now. The moment's passed.

(Y/N) pouts in disappointment from that.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm trying to get used to my new wings, but I can't seem to get them to do what I want, when I want them to do.

Rainbow Dash: Aw, you'll figure it out eventually.

Twilight Sparkle: "Eventually" isn't soon enough.

Applejack: You have been having an awful lot of trouble with those things. And, well, who knows what else is gonna to come after us? You know, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Twilight to go back to Ponyville and let us look for the Tree of Harmony without her.

Twilight glares at her in disbelief that she even suggested that.

Twilight Sparkle: What? Why?

Applejack: For starters, you just about got eaten by a cragadile.

(Y/N): Well yeah Applejack! But she has me! I was able to save Twilight before that thing could get it's jaws on her! Plus, that thing was after me and you girls as well!

Applejack: I would agree on that sugarcube. . . if the rest of us were princesses that is.

Twilight Sparkle: What's "that" got to do with anything?

Applejack: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are gone. If something happened to Twilight or maybe even (Y/N), I-I just don't think Equestria can risk losing another princess or prince.

(Y/N): But I was able to take care of that cragadile without breaking a sweat. If anything, other things in this forest are probably no match for me.

Applejack: And yet, we're not even halfway in. You fought some psychotic weirdo before and ya lost to them sugarcube. Imagine what would happen if ya lost to something ya ain't prepared for again.

Rarity: Applejack does make a valid point. Even if we manage to save the Tree of Harmony, it won't necessarily mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will return. Equestria will need somepony to lead in their absence.

Twilight Sparkle: But the Tree of Harmony! We're the only ones who has seen it and knows what it looks like.

Rainbow Dash: Huge tree, Cutie Marks on the trunk, probably being attacked by something hideously awful? Yeah, I'm pretty sure we'll know it when we see it.

That reassurance deflates Twilight's spirits considerably, and tears gather in the purple eyes.

Twilight Sparkle: All of you feel this way? Feel like neither of us should be here?

Fluttershy: It is probably for the best.

Hearing that made (Y/N) shocked that his own girlfriends are literally kicking them out of the forest just to try and keep the two safe. Twilight was already walking away past them in tears with Spike following while (Y/N) who didn't want to comply stood his ground. His girlfriends look at him with raised eyebrows.

Applejack: Why aren't you leavin'?

(Y/N): Cause you girls REALLY need to think about setting your priorities straight! Sure we're the only ones left, but that doesn't mean it would be better that we should leave this to you all.

Rarity: This is for your own good and Twilight's as well, (Y/N). You can fight yes, but just how long are you able to keep that up is the question?

(Y/N): Girls, I may be a prince and Twilight is a princess, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't take risks! Sometimes even the most important ponies have to risk their lives to save the world! I already did that plenty of times and-

Applejack: AND you lost on the last time ya did that. A cragadile is probably nowhere near as powerful as Nightmare Moon or even Grogar for that matter.

Rainbow Dash: You're pretty strong, (Y/N). But it's best that you don't push your luck so much now that you're a prince.

(Y/N): Seriously?!

Fluttershy: And if you're in danger. . . I think that would just put us in danger too. You should probably just go back, (Y/N).

(Y/N) was shocked by this before he get's a sour look, not amused with his girlfriends' decision.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Fine! That's cool! I'm totally cool saying goodbye now and leaving this journey for you all to get stuck in!

(Y/N) then swiftly flies away out of the Everfree Forest in the direction Twilight went while the rest of the mares look at him go with slightly guilty looks.

Rainbow Dash: He sounded pretty angry. . .

Applejack: *sighs* Forget about it, y'all. Let's go find that tree and see what to do from there.

The five mares walk in the other direction to go and find the Tree of Harmony without (Y/N) and Twilight.

Back at the corrupted Ponyville, Discord is seen sitting on a vine, filing his claws using Pinkie's alligator Gummy as an emery board while two ponies behind him were snagged in the crazed overgrowth of the plants and are suspended in midair crying for help. Twilight, (Y/N), and Spike arrive at the scene.

(Y/N): *growls* Discord!

Realizing that he has been caught in the act, Discord vanishes Gummy and snaps his lion paw to wipe out the vine. The two ponies who were victims hit the ground in very short order and run away as Discord calls out to them.

Discord: *sarcastically* You're welcome!

He gives off a dry chuckle before facing the three once more.

Discord: No luck finding your tree?

Twilight Sparkle: We ran into some trouble. And our friends decided it would be best if we returned to Ponyville while they continue the search.

(Y/N): They said Equestria will need at least somepony to lead them in case Princess Celestia and Princess Luna don't return.

Discord: I'm just surprised that you two agreed to their plan. I never thought you two would be the kind of ponies who would think they are better than everypony else.

(Y/N): What?! Why would we ever think that?!

Discord: Hmm? I don't know, perhaps that the two of you chose to keep your precious prince and princess self out of harm's way while your friends thrust themselves right into it.

He conjures a royal purple robe, trimmed in purple-spotted white fur, onto Twilight's back and he makes (Y/N) sit in a throne with a (C/C) color carpet rolling down the street.

Discord: It'll be fun for (Y/N) to hear all of the screams of terror coming from those ponies who suggested that they should leave behind the only pony who's an expert at defending against such vigorous creatures.

(Y/N) was surprised from that as Discord was actually right that if the girls head into trouble, he'll be the only one there who can save them. Discord then goes to give his point to Twilight.

Discord: And I'm sure you'll all be the best of pals again when they return from their terrifying yet deeply bonding experience that they're having without you.

Discord pops out of Twilight's ear and she mulls over his words before looking at (Y/N) who had the same reaction. It was then that they both knew what needed to be done as they both immediately head back to the forest with Spike hustling after them.

(Y/N): Darn it! I knew we shouldn't have left them in there!

Twilight Sparkle: And I've never should've agreed to come back here!

Spike: Aw, come on you two. Discord may be reformed, but he's not that reformed. He's just trying to get under your skin.

(Y/N): If Discord wasn't THAT reformed, then why would he tell us something that. . . well. . . makes a fair point?

Twilight Sparkle: We need to find them fast! Who knows what's happening in there without us around.

One magical heave deposits the dragon onto her back, and the race toward the forest primeval is on. A full-sized Discord poofs into view to watch them go and he waves goodbye.

Back in the forest, it wasn't really any better for the Mane 5 as they were still in the forest looking for the Tree of Harmony without any successs.

Rainbow Dash: Anypony else starting to think this is a lost cause? We're almost at Celestia and Luna's old castle. Maybe whatever Twilight and (Y/N) saw when they took that crazy potion wasn't real. Maybe there is no Tree of Harmony. Maybe-

Applejack: Maybe it's right down there.

Applejack points down in a ravine to expose a mass of vines stretching along the length of the ravine toward a glow issuing from a cavern mouth in one of the walls.

Rainbow Dash: *gasps* It can't be!

Rarity: How are we supposed to get to it?

A string of thumps and yelps is then heard as the others look toward the noise to see Pinkie Pie tumbling down a steep flight of stairs leading down to the floor of the ravine. Once she reaches the floor she speaks out.

Pinkie Pie: Take the stairs, silly!

Meanwhile, the other three were back in the forest looking for their friends as (Y/N) is using his energy sensing spell to find them.

Spike: Are we there yet?

(Y/N): They definitely came this way. But I don't know where we are. I think this is the same path to where the sisters' old castle was.

Twilight Sparkle: I never should have left my friends.

(Y/N): Twi, you're not at fault for this. Our friends were wanting to keep us safe, but they don't know that having us around is the most important thing that they need right now. They were a little naive to see that. Luckily, I've still got you and you've got me, so I'm sure we'll find them.

Twilight Sparkle: All of these vines make it a little hard to see though.

Spike: Maybe if I get up there, I'll be able to spot 'em.

(Y/N): Alright, point us in the right direction, Spike.

Spike nods as he starts to climb and scurry along the vines up on a tree. Through a gap in the leaves, he pushes them aside to see the rest of the gang travelling down the stairs in the ravine.

Spike: Well, what do you know?

He backs off to call down to the two.

Spike: Twilight? (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Spike! Get help! We're having some trouble here!

Spike get's alarmed as he sees Twilight and (Y/N) hemmed in by four black flowers on long flexible stems that take turns ejecting bursts of vapor over them.

(Y/N): *coughs* Flowers. . . except. . . they can breath fumes *coughs* and they're poisonous. . .

Both of them cough hard as the stuff hits their lungs, and Spike sucks in a wide-eyed gasp.

Back where the rest of the mares are, they enter the cavern, only to find that the Tree of Harmony had vines snaked all over it and it was in a huge disease of being so gray and black.

Fluttershy: *gasps* I think it's dying!

Applejack: So let's save it already!

She grabs a tendril in teeth and pulls, but it just whips her off so that she tumbles down on the rock flat.

Rainbow Dash: Nice try.

Up she goes, angling one hind leg for a flying kick, but a vine slaps her out of the air back towards the group.

Rarity: Valiant efforts on both your parts, but the tree remains in jeopardy.

Applejack: And I suppose you've got a better idea?

Rarity mentally chews it over and grimaces slightly as Fluttershy helps Applejack stand.

Applejack: That's what I thought.

Fluttershy: I know a friend and a sweet boyfriend who would know what to do. But we sent them home.

Everypony looks down in guilt as they know that Fluttershy's right as sending Twilight and (Y/N) home was a mistake. Rainbow Dash then goes to glare at Applejack and single her out.

Rainbow Dash: Great, thanks to you Applejack, we refused to listen (Y/N) again when he's right about us hitting the roadblock here!

Applejack: How was I supposed to know?! And don't you go blamin' all this on me!

Rainbow Dash: It was your idea, Applejack!

Applejack: We all agreed it was the best thing, Rainbow Dash! We were tryin' to protect them.

Their confrontation with each other is interrupted once they heard a ton of grunts and all of the mares turn to see Spike tumbling down the stairs they just went down. Once he rolls to a stop on his belly, the five mares gallop over surprised from his arrival and Applejack hunkers down to cradle him.

Spike: Twilight! (Y/N)! Trouble! Help!

He passes out and Applejack glances worriedly up from the limp form in her hooves. They all then soon heard the sound of magic activating as the five look back up the stairs to see a (F/C) magic beam fly off in the distance that was from their alicorn boyfriend.

Speaking of him, he was now in a tough situation as he was holding Twilight in his hooves who had fainted from all of the plant spray. (Y/N) was trying all of his might to defend both himself and Twilight as he was short of breath and tried to glow his horn some more to shot out a tiny magic blast at a plant, but he misses.

(Y/N): *coughs* Get away from us you overgrown spaghetti noodles! (I'm more lucky that they aren't plants with piranha teeth that lay inside pipes and pots.)

All the plants could respond with a spray to (Y/N)'s face as he coughs vigorously and he was too weak to stand as he flops to the grass nearly blacking out like Twilight.

(Y/N): (Dang it! I can't fight anymore! I'm too weak! Hopefully, Spike was able to get some help from the others. . . I don't know if I can defend Twilight for more than a minute now.)

One of the plants then hiss and get ready to dive in on (Y/N) as he hugs Twilight to defend her and braces for impact. . . only to see a vine lasso cinch it shut and drag it to the ground. Another yank while it was on the ground ties it into a compact ball surprising (Y/N), but he soon smiles brightly as he sees that it was Applejack who was responsible for it and she smirks at (Y/N).

(Y/N): Applejack!

Applejack: Want some help there, hun?

(Y/N): I don't know about "want." I actually need it. . . and so does she.

(Y/N) looks at the unconscious Twilight who was soon enough coming to as she slowly opens her eyelids to see (Y/N) holding her. She then fully wakes up and looks around to see the rest of the mares there as well.

(Y/N): You alright, Twi?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, thanks to you.

All of the Mane 7 then gathered together to stare at all of the poisonous flowers with determined looks on their faces. (Y/N) cracks his neck prepared to take care of the monsters.

(Y/N): Time for a little payback!

Applejack: Ya got this, sugarcube.

(Y/N): No. . .

(Y/N) smiles at the rest of the girls.

(Y/N): WE got this!

That gave a smile to all of the girls as (Y/N) wants them to fight alongside him as well.

Applejack: Listen here, you rabid rhododendrons! You mess with one of us, you mess with ALL of us!

Pinkie then blows a party favor that she had in her teeth as two of the black flowers take it as an insult and spit their vapor at the group.

Rainbow Dash: Up here!

Rainbow Dash charges in with the flowers' next fume shots hitting nothing, and she buzzes past both close enough to set them whirling and tangling into each other. Pinkie then hops all around the place as another flower was chasing her.

Pinkie Pie: Yoo-hoo! Come and get me!

Rarity then does the same thing.

Rarity: Don't forget about me!

Even Fluttershy gets in on the action as she flies a tight turn around a tree so that the flower chasing her ends up looped around its trunk. Applejack then slides across, going over, under, over the stems in her way as this one shifts its attention to her. When she comes to a stop, the flower strains to get at her, but (Y/N) comes down on it with a downwards kick knocking it to the ground.

(Y/N): You just got Alicornated!

Rainbow Dash: Now THAT'S more like it.

Rainbow Dash comes over and shares a hoof bump with (Y/N). Soon enough, all of the plants were tangled up into a pile of stems as they had nowhere to go at all. Pinkie pops up out of nowhere, throwing a hoof-load of confetti and streamers.

Pinkie Pie: Ta-da!

A flower then get's ready to pounce on Pinkie without her noticing, but a magenta beam of magic from Twilight makes it disintegrate surprising her. Once everything was cleared out, Spike came out of hiding.

Applejack: I sure am glad you two came looking for us.

Twilight Sparkle: Not as glad as I am that you found us.

Rarity: Oh, (Y/N) love. We should have listened to you from when you said that it was a bad idea for you to go back. The truth is we're simply lost without either you or Twilight.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. Equestria may need its prince and princess. . .

Fluttershy: But we need our friend. . . and our boyfriend.

(Y/N): And that's more than enough a reason on why I love you girls.

A seven-way group hug ensues as each mare took turns in giving a peck to (Y/N) on the cheek.

The Mane 7 went back to the corrupted Tree of Harmony as both (Y/N) and Twilight step forward to regard the impenetrable knots of vines that have encased it. Both of them then fly up for a closer look to see how they can save the tree.

As Twilight inches closer to take a look at the large six-pointed star on the trunk, a vine whips out to snare both of her forelegs earning a gasp from both as she tries to pull free. (Y/N) puts energy into his hoof and slices the vine setting Twilight free.

(Y/N): We can't get too close to it or those vines will try to capture us as well.

Twilight Sparkle: I know that's my Cutie Mark symbol there, but we need to know how to activate it so we can save the tree.

(Y/N): Think back to those memories that we saw. There was something that Princess Celestia have to had said that could be the key here.

Within seconds after he said that, the vines have extended to block the six-pointed star on the trunk.

(Y/N): We need to think fast though!

Both of the alicorns went into deep thought looking back into their memories for what was needed to activate the tree.

Princess Celestia (In Twilight's Mind): Even without these elements, the Tree of Harmony will possess a powerful magic. As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here.

Princess Celestia (In (Y/N)'s Mind): These six Elements of Harmony ARE connected to the seventh one. The seventh Element is already in the little one's hooves and it will stay there for the rest of his life.

It took them a minute before they both look at each other's crowns and gasp as they've figured it out.

Twilight Sparkle & (Y/N): The Elements of Harmony!

With that solution in mind, they both fly back down to their friends with grim determination.

Twilight Sparkle: We know how we can save the tree.

(Y/N): We have to sever the Elements of Harmony from us and give it to the tree.

This brought shocked silence to everypony around as Rainbow Dash lands in front of them.

Rainbow Dash: Whoa, whoa, whoa. How are we supposed to protect Equestria?

Rarity: How are we meant to rein Discord in if we can't use the Elements to turn him back to stone?

Applejack: (Y/N). . . You said the Elements of Harmony are what keep us connected no matter what.

(Y/N): Yeah. . . I did. But it took me a minute for when I not only remembered the Summer Sun Celebration or our other battles. . . but I also remembered everything else we went through together as well. It's not just the Elements of Harmony that will keep us all connected. . . Tell them, Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: He's right. The Elements are not the only thing that keep us connected. . .

They both then take one another's hooves to smile at the rest of the gang.

Twilight Sparkle: It's our friendship. And it's more important and more powerful than any magic. With the new roles that (Y/N) and I now have in Equestria, it may mean we have to take on new responsibilities, and our friendships may be tested, but it will never, ever be broken.

This brought smiles all around as they both fly up into the air.

Twilight Sparkle: There's no time to lose. Everypony ready?

Mane 5: Ready!

(Y/N): Then let's do what we always do and save Equestria once more!

Twilight puts her horn in gear and floats the apple jewel free of its setting in Applejack's necklace. The other four come loose as well and drift upward under Twilight's control. All five elements end up circling around her, and she adds the one from her tiara last. Just as when Celestia used them against Nightmare Moon a thousand years ago, they whirl around her form so rapidly that they are lost in a band of rainbow light.

Several of the strangling vines lash out and wrap around her midsection, prompting a round of gasps from below and stopping the Elements in mid-spin. (Y/N) goes over to try and cut the vines loose, but one ends wrapping around his right foreleg before more show up to get himself caught as well as he tries all that he can to get himself free. He then looks to see that a vine tries to grab the Element of Magic, but (Y/N) was able to shoot a beam from his horn to stop the vine.

(Y/N): Now Twilight!

Seeing that it was now or never, Twilight kicks her horn into overdrive as the six Elements float down toward the tree. The Elements of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity and Loyalty nestle themselves into the depressions on the branch-ends from which Celestia retrieved the original Elements. After they were settled into their spots, a glimmer of white light surrounds them signaling that it was working.

The star on the trunk opens, revealing the same compartment from which the Element of Magic first emerged, and the gem floats into place. It glows as well, but nothing was still happening confusing Twilight before she notices a hidden spot on the trunk to where the Element of Heroism is suppose to go and she turns to (Y/N) as she was nearly covered up.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! The tree needs your Element to activate it! Throw it in there!

She didn't have the room to say anything else after that as the vines wrapping Twilight work their way up to cover all of her and the five mares' jaws drop open in shock while Spike grimaces mightily. (Y/N) was worried for Twilight as he sweats as looks for the same spot that Twilight noticed. It didn't take but a second for him to find it and he magically takes off the (F/C) heart on his crown. More vines were wrapping around him by the second and just before another could take the Element of Heroism, he throws it in the exact direction to where it's suppose to go and the vines envelop him as well prompting a gasp from everypony.

The Element of Heroism travels in an arc past a few vines trying to knock it off course before it lands perfectly inside of it's spot and it glows to emit a rainbow aura that sent it energy to the other Elements and the tree was able to seal the Element of Magic making it glow white too.

A sudden flash of brilliance radiates out from the Tree of Harmony and it starts to tear the intruding vines to pieces. Rainbow-tinted pulses then race along the ground to burn away the remaining tendrils. A similarly colored wave washes through the entire forest, purging it, and more pulses obliterate the vines that have invaded Ponyville. One of them is being used as a lounge chair by Discord, who has donned a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses and is sipping a drink from a coconut shell. He does not notice anything amiss until the vine beneath him has burned away, dumping him to the ground.

Discord: Oh, poo!

In the cavern, enough of the glare fades away to expose the fully healed Tree, fruit and all but two piles of vines still remain, one on either side. Twilight and (Y/N) were set free as the two land in front of the rest of the Mane 7 and Spike to watch the Tree of Harmony glow.

Twilight squints her eyes ahead to see that last masses of plant debris are consumed by rainbow light from the top down. Luna's figure appears within one, Celestia's in the other, and eight faces light up at the sight. Now fully free, the two royals cross the cavern floor as the Tree's glow fades back to normal. Happy to see them finally free, Twilight and (Y/N) gallop over to them to give them a warm hug which they return.

Princess Celestia: We know how difficult it must have been for you to give up the Elements. It took great courage to relinquish them.

They break the hug as Twilight and (Y/N) give smiles.

(Y/N): Well. . . The Elements of Harmony aren't what keep our friendship together. . . As long we know that we have each other, our friendship is something that cannot be broken.

Princess Celestia: Spoken like a true prince, (Y/N). You and Twilight never fail to surprise me for what you two can do even as prince and princess.

(Y/N) smiles from that as he wraps a hoof around Twilight to bring her closer in a hug and she nuzzles his cheek before the two notice that the tree was glowing once more. They both break the hug and walk closer to inspect it.

Ribbons of colored light snake along five branches, working inward from the Elements embedded in them, and come together at the exposed Element of Magic. A sixth, varicolored light thread courses down from this, touching first the sun and moon marked on the trunk before it touches the Element of Heroism near the bottom as it reacts to all of the lights' energy to produce a magenta flower with its petals tightly folded together. It grows and both of the new royals look at it curiously before Twilight touches it and the flower opens in a multicolored aurora that forces her to avert her gaze.

Resting within is a blue box shaped to resemble a large jewel or crystal with each have seven lateral faces on, whose edges come together in heptagonal top and bottom panels. Each side even has a keyhole.

(Y/N): That's new.

Twilight Sparkle: What's inside it? How are we supposed to open it?

Princess Luna: Seven locks, seven keys.

Princess Celestia: I do not know where they are. But I do know that it is a mystery you two will not be solving alone.

Twilight and (Y/N) smile placidly at her words along with the rest of the Mane 7 as they are just as curious, but they are happy to know that they will be a great help along with their journey.

The seven travelers along with Spike emerge into the bordering grassland of Ponyville, no longer wearing their necklaces, crown, and tiara, and are suddenly surprised to see banners drop down and signs pop up from nowhere. Discord then winks into existence with a giant #1 foam finger on his lion paw and a pennant striped with the group's coat colors in his taloned grip.

Discord: Bravo, ladies and gent, bravo! How ever did you save the day this time? Blast the beastie with your magic necklaces, I presume?

An instant later, he appears on Applejack's back, miniature-sized and dressed as a cowboy.

Discord: Where are those little trinkets of yours? You know, the ones you use to send me back to my extremely uncomfortable stone prison?

Applejack: *sighs* Gone.

Discord: Gone? *chuckles mischievously* Gone. . .?

Fluttershy then flies up to him.

Fluttershy: But our friendship remains. And if you want to remain friends, you'll stop thinking whatever it is you're thinking and help us clean up.

Discord shrinks down on the latter part of this, having had his plans thoroughly punctured, and winks out only to reappear in full size, in a maid outfit and holding a feather duster.

Discord: Fine. But I don't do windows.

Applejack: One thing I don't get. Why did all this happen now?

(Y/N): The Tree of Harmony lost of it's magic maybe. . .?

Discord reappears in front of them ditching the maid outfit.

Discord: (Y/N) is half right actually. Those seeds I planted should have sprouted up ages ago.

(Y/N) turns to to Discord shocked and angered from him blurting that out.

(Y/N): You mean you WERE responsible for this?!?!

Discord: Relax. It was a plan from the past, but I didn't intend for it to happen now. Besides, why should I try to explain it when you can see for yourself?

And with a blip of light, Zecora's white potion is in Discord's grasp. (Y/N) snatches it away and drinks it along with Twilight to revisit the past where Discord was defeated again.

Princess Celestia: Play time is over for you, Discord!

Past Discord: Oh, I doubt that. Hungry?

Discord: Well, obviously things didn't go according to my original plan.

The seeds that Discord was eating hit the ground and tunnel in, sending out their first black shoots through the ground.

Discord: My plunderseeds should have stolen the magic from the Tree of Harmony and captured Princess Celestia and Princess Luna thousands of moons ago. Alas, it seems the tree had enough magic to keep the seeds from growing up big and strong. Until now, that is.

Those tendrils encounter a shimmering sheet of subterranean magic and are repulsed show that the Tree of Harmony was powerful enough to repel Discord's chaos magic.

Returning to reality, (Y/N) and Twilight both give angry glares to Discord not amused for him keeping quiet about this.

Twilight Sparkle: You realize this is information we could have used hours ago?!

Discord: And rob you two of a valuable lesson about being prince and princess? What kind of friend do you think I am?

Discord pinches (Y/N)'s cheek playfully before it snaps back and the stallion rolls his eyes.

(Y/N): I'm going to say something that I never thought I would ever say. . . That's Discord for ya!

The night of the Summer Sun Celebration was finally here in Canterlot as many ponies were gathered about in the audience excited to see the sun raise again by Princess Celestia. Squads of unicorn guards blowing a brass fanfare. There was even new stage decoration as the sun symbol stands to the left of the gathered crowd, the moon to their right. The rest of the five mares and Spike were in the audience too excited to witness not only the rise of the sun by Princess Celestia, but also see their friend Princess Twilight and their boyfriend Prince (Y/N) take part of it as well.

Somewhere offstage, a nervous Twilight watches and smiles as Princess Celestia and Luna walk past. (Y/N) then walks right up to her as they were both now wearing different crowns that didn't have their Elements of Harmony.

(Y/N): You know, it was really impressive how you were able to lead us all to saving the tree like that.

Twilight Sparkle: *giggles* Only because you were there to back me up with your determination.

(Y/N): *smirks* Yeah, but there's really only one beautiful princess mare that I know who has the brains that are probably better than mine.

Twilight laughs and blushes from that as (Y/N) laughs a little as well.

Twilight Sparkle: Still, it was because we had each other that we were able to save Equestria again along with our friends. If anything we should all be proud.

(Y/N): Yeah, you're right. That chest that came from the tree though, what exactly is it?

Twilight Sparkle: That's something I can't answer either. But when it all connected with your Element of Harmony, it sprouted out of that flower, so it obviously has something to do with us. I just hope that we find those keys in time for what's destined to come for us.

(Y/N): Hey. . .

(Y/N) wraps Twilight with a hoof to make her look at him as (Y/N) gives her a reassuring smile.

(Y/N): Whatever is in there, just know that we can do it together. As both prince and princess.

Twilight smiles from (Y/N)'s resolve before she decides to kiss him for a brief moment on the lips.

Twilight Sparkle: You'll always be my sweet prince, (Y/N).

(Y/N): *chuckles* And you'll be my little princess, Twi.

They then see the two sisters step up, each in front of her own symbol, and they spread their wings.

(Y/N): It's starting. You ready?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, this will be a Summer Sun Celebration to remember.

They then quiet down as Princess Celestia begins to speak to the crowd.

Princess Celestia: Citizens of Equestria, it is no longer with a heavy heart but with great joy that I raise the summer sun. For this celebration now represents not the defeat of Nightmare Moon, but the return of my sister, Princess Luna.

A cheer goes up from the multitude, and Princess Luna rises in front of her stage prop with her horn glowing. A lowering of her forelegs and wings causes the moon to sink slowly toward the horizon and the crowd shifts to awed murmurs. Princess Celestia now copies the move, but raises both of her forelegs and wings.

The sun slowly rises in time, and both Twilight and (Y/N) smile as this as this is their cue to go airborne. As the two heavenly bodies pass one another, Twilight and (Y/N) rocket over the sisters in opposite directions for to send out a bright pink burst of light in the shape of her Cutie Mark while (Y/N)'s was a (F/C) burst of light in his Cutie Mark.

The effects washes over both the courtyard and all of Canterlot, which now stands under a bright blue morning sky and rising sun. More ooh's and ahh's came from the crowd as Twilight and (Y/N) loop back as Celestia and Luna descend back to the stage and touches down next to them. Twilight and (Y/N) grin as they both put a foreleg around each other and wave to the crowd cheering them all on.

The Mane 7 are in for new enigmatic questions and shocking answers as they are about to take on another adventure of friendship with each solving the mystery of the Chest of Harmony.

Chapter 3 End.

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