Chapter 9: Rainbow Falls

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Coming up in just a couple of days is the qualifying trials for the Equestria Games and out in a field in the middle of Ponyville, the Ponyville team was preparing to get their practice in so that they can qualify for the games. The team consisted of Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Bulk Biceps while the rest of the ponies were either helping or spectating.

Rainbow Dash: Alright, ponies, listen up!

Fluttershy: We're all ears. Right, Bulk Biceps?

Bulk was flexing one of his forelegs and is busily kissing its bulge of muscle. He stops, realizing that his attention is needed elsewhere, and proceeds to flex both forelegs while letting off three quick grunts.

Bulk Biceps: I'm all muscles! YEAH!

Rainbow Dash: I like your attitude, Bulk Biceps, but it's gonna take more than muscles and Yeahs to get us to the Equestria Games!

(Y/N): That's right! You two plus Rainbow Dash are the Aerial Relay team, so while it will be a challenging process, you must put in ALL of your effort if we want our team to qualify.

Rainbow Dash: And do I need to remind you how much I-

(Y/N) gives Rainbow Dash an annoyed look.

(Y/N): There is no "I" in team, Dash.

Rainbow Dash: S-Sorry, I mean Ponyville wants to qualify and make it to the Games?

Fluttershy: I remember. I really, really, really want to qualify for you and Ponyville.

Bulk Biceps: BRING IT ON!!

He snorts out steam at the end of this. Pinkie then zips in dressed in a yellow and blue cheerleader outfit with pink edging on the vest, and pink and gold-striped ribbons are tied in her mane and tail. She has large gold pompoms attached to her front hooves.

Pinkie Pie: Gimme a 'P' for 'Ponyville'!

Fluttershy yelps and huddles down as Pinkie calls into the bullhorn.

Pinkie Pie: P, Ponyville!

Bulk Biceps: P!!

Pinkie is blown backward by this and lands upside down with her head in the ground. (Y/N) comes up and pulls her by the tail to get her out of the ground as Fluttershy walks up to the both of them. 

Fluttershy: Oh, thanks, Pinkie Pie. That was a scary- I mean, great cheer. *laughs nervously*

Rainbow Dash: Just make sure you have one ready for when we qualify for the Aerial Relay.

(Y/N): That right. The team is gonna need some motivation and there's nopony with better cheers than you Pinkie.

Pinkie smiles from this before she pecks (Y/N) on the cheek.

(Y/N): The more we practice, the more our team is sure to make it into the Equestria Games.

Bulk Biceps: And after that, we'll win the gold medals in the Equestria Games!!!

Applejack: Not so fast!

Everypony turns to see Applejack pulling in a cart that's stacked with pastries.

Applejack: If you're gonna be good, you're gonna be better with some of my apple brown bettys in ya. They're perfect.

Fluttershy and Bulk eye the offering happily as she stops the cart in front of them. Before either one can move to taste then, Pinkie emerges from within, scattering the goods everywhere.

Pinkie Pie: 'P' is for 'perfect'!

Rainbow manages to combine an eye roll, a head shake, and a hoof clapped to her face in one disgusted instant which (Y/N) notices.

(Y/N): Oh, come on. At least try some of them.

Rainbow Dash: Look as much as I want to, we need to get focused on the real priority of not getting rusty once we get into the tryouts. So. . . Team!

The two Pegasi fall into formation in front of her and (Y/N).

Rainbow Dash: Show me what you got! Put some bend into those knees! Flap those wings! 

Both Bulk and Fluttershy gets their wings going as Rainbow circles back around to face them.

Rainbow Dash: And I want to see all four hooves off the ground on the count of three!

Her two teammates brace for liftoff then nothing but a sly smile from their captain. After a long silence, she speaks again.

Rainbow Dash: *quickly* One two three!

Both Fluttershy and Bulk flap mightily, the former rising slowly off the ground in fits and starts, the latter grunting and yelling for all he is worth as he ascends at an almost glacial pace.

(Y/N): Bulk! Make you sure breathe as well! Even the most athletic ponies need oxygen!

The massive stallion lets out the breath he has been holding, but this is enough to make him lose his lift and he starts dropping back down to the ground. He grabs Fluttershy's tail, prompting a cry from her as she gets dragged down as well.

Rainbow covers her face and (Y/N) cringes as they both brace for impact, and it ends up with both them and Fluttershy wounded up pinned under Bulk's sheer poundage and are struggling weakly to extricate themselves. Pinkie then stands up behind the pile.

Pinkie Pie: 'P' is for, uhh. . . 'pain'?

Rainbow Dash groans weakly and lets her chin thump onto the dirt.

(Y/N): Yep. . . Definitely got some work that we need to do. . .

The very next day, all of the team including the rest of the Mane 7 were now on the train making their way to Rainbow Falls to get to the practice areas for the tryouts. Rainbow, (Y/N), and Twilight were all seating in the same seat as some other Pegasi address them.

Heila: Good luck, Rainbow Dash! Sorry we couldn't fly with you on the Aerial Relay, but the air sprinters needed us too.

Thunderlane: Too bad we can only compete in one event. *sighs* But rules are rules.

They both walk on as Twilight and (Y/N) wave after them.

Twilight Sparkle: Good luck!

(Y/N): It was a bummer that I'm not going to be able to be on the team since Princess Celestia and Princess Luna require Twilight and I to be representatives for the Equestria Games. 

Rainbow Dash puts on a guilty look as she was hoping to compete with (Y/N) as well. However, he smiles before wrapping a foreleg around Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): But why should I care? I know that you're the most athletic flyer in Ponyville and that's more than enough to say that you'll carry Bulk Biceps and Fluttershy to qualify.

Rainbow smiles as she pecks (Y/N) on the cheek.

Rainbow Dash: Heh, thanks babe. That's saying a lot considering that I can pick up the slack for just about anypony.

Twilight Sparkle: True. Besides, Ponyville also doesn't exactly have. . .

Twilight leans over to inspect Bulk's out-of-proportion wings before turning back with a humorous smile. 

Twilight Sparkle: . . .The strongest flyers.

(Y/N): Eh, they may not be the strongest, but at least they're dedicated. If Dash is on the team, then we'll have a pretty good chance of qualifying.

Rainbow Dash: Especially since I'm going to look pretty awesome while doing it.

Fluttershy strains to drag herself out from beneath Bulk in her seat as she is holding a pennant decorated with the fillies and heart design of the Ponyville flag.

Fluttershy: I am so proud to be representing Ponyville. *strains* Oh, it's such an honor to even try out for the Games. I just hope I don't let anypony down.

Bulk Biceps: We'll make them proud!!!

He is then launched away by the sudden emergence of a pompom-waving Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: 'P' is for 'proud'! We're gonna be the best fans anypony has ever seen!

Rarity then comes up right behind her.

Rarity: Ooh. Can't wait to see what everypony else is wearing, even though I am absolutely sure they won't be better than the Ponyville uniforms I'm designing for the Equestria Games.

Applejack: And we will make it to the Games once everypony carbo-loads on my apple brown bettys.

Pinkie Pie: I can't wait!

(Y/N): We all can't wait. Time to show them what we can do!

The train is near it's destination as the Ponyville team have arrived around the outskirts of a grassy plateau dotted with tents and athletic fields and into a tunnel. Here stands Rainbow Falls, a village not too different from Ponyville; freshets of rainbow light cascade down from the clouds, some of them forming a small lake from which the stream is flowing toward the falls.

The train then rolls across one last bridge and hisses to a stop at a station adjacent to the lake.

The crew have now arrived at the training fields where they all walk across to see ponies and even a squad of griffons flying, stretching, lifting weights, and trotting in place to get ready for the trials. Rainbow leads her friends and teammates through the tumult, a couple of ponies stopping to get a better look as they pass.

Mane Moon: There's Rainbow Dash! She's an awesome flyer!

Orange Swirl: I heard that she's flying the last third of the relay, which means everypony else is gonna have to be way ahead to beat her!

A the end of that, the Ponyville flag has been run up on a pole, and Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Bulk stretch out the supports to hold up the corners of a large blanket as Rainbow Dash and Rarity were instructing them of placing it down.

Just as they get the posts set in place, a great boom from above draws all seven pairs of eyes and its source proves to be a trio of Wonderbolts zooming overhead. They swoop downward, one by one, all clad in their signature blue and yellow flight suits and goggles. Rainbow Dash and (Y/N) gaze at them up in the sky with smiles on their faces.

(Y/N): (That's right! The Wonderbolts are participating in the games as well representing Cloudsdale. Looks like Rainbow will really have some heavy competition if she wants us to qualify for the games.)

The Wonderbolts then come in for a landing next to their biggest fan along with her boyfriend.

Spitfire: And the game is on!

Soarin: Hah, nice to see there's some real competition here!

Fleetfoot: Two more days of practice, then we'll see you in the air, Rainbow Dash! If you're lucky.

Her two teammates follow her off the field as Twilight walks up.

(Y/N): Sounds like they've got some high expectations to want to see you compete against them.

Rainbow Dash: The Wonderbolts know a winner when they see one, and we'll be winners just as soon as we practice! Right team?

Fluttershy: Right.

Bulk Biceps: YEAH!

Pinkie then bursts out of nowhere, arriving in a burst of confetti and streamers.

Pinkie Pie: Hooray!

She adds a hearty blow on a party favor for emphasis. Twilight lets her eyes flick uncertainly toward the two squad-mates, then back to Rainbow and (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: And, um, I'm with her! Hooray!

(Y/N): Perhaps it would sound better with something a bit more like a chant. . .

Suddenly they hear two mare cheerleaders over in the Cloudsdale area as they had something a bit more organized and better suited than what the Ponyville crew had. They gallop toward each other and stand on their front hooves before they somersault forward, trade places, and come up to stand on their hind legs. 

Cloudsdale Cheerleaders: Give us some clouds! Give us some dale! And what do you get? Cloudsdale! Woo-hoo!

They wave their pompoms as confetti and streamers rain down as Pinkie gasps excitedly at the sight of the cheer.

Pinkie Pie: *gasps* Where can I get pompoms like those?!

This question earns her a couple of funny looks before Twilight looks at (Y/N) who witnessed the whole thing with interest.

Twilight Sparkle: You mean something like that. . .?

(Y/N): Well, I mean. . . We don't really "need" it. But a little bit more work with organizing our cheers would be good.

A little bit later, the Ponyville team were about to go through some drills as Rainbow flies up to address her team.

Rainbow Dash: So, do I need to remind you of what our goal is here?

Bulk Biceps: Uh, maybe?

Rainbow Dash: We want to qualify! We need to be one of the first four teams to cross the finish line! Bulk Biceps, you're the first flyer, so let me see you flap it!

The big guy throws his wings into top gear and rises slowly into an erratic flight, grunting and groaning with effort the whole way. Up above, just as he finally gets into something of a level course, a brown betty rockets into his chin sends him flipping back towards the surface. 

Down on the grass, Applejack has parked her cart of snacks and piled a few of them alongside herself as one of them rests on the end of her tail and is swiftly whipped upward. It only misses Rainbow by a smidge and splats back towards the ground.

Rainbow Dash: What the?

(Y/N): Applejack, what's the big idea?

Applejack: Sorry! Got the idea from them, but. . .

Over at the Cloudsdale training area, two mares wearing white chef's toques stand in front of separate miniature seesaws with small cakes loaded onto the low ends opposite them.

Rainbowshine & Sprinkle Medley: Hooves down! Cakes up!

The snacks are launched upward toward an airborne Spitfire and Fleetfoot as they both do a quick loop-the-loop and come out of it just as the cakes reach their mouths, and the mares chomp these down without the slightest interruption in their flight or even having to lift a hoof to catch them.

Applejack: . . .It looks like they got better aim.

(Y/N): Applejack, we don't necessarily have to use some of their ideas to train us. Let's just stick to what we know while they stick to what they know. 

He then turns to Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): Alright, next up baton passing. . . Or in this case, horseshoe passing.

(Y/N) gives Rainbow Dash a golden horseshoe that was for the course as she then flies over to a struggling Bulk Biceps.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, the passing of the baton needs to be seamless. You shouldn't miss a wing beat or drop a hair in altitude! And whatever you do, don't let go of it!

Rainbow grabs one of his forelegs as the baton is slapped onto Bulk's hoof. She then backs off as Fluttershy flies up to him.

Fluttershy: Are you really, really, really sure you're ready? I mean, I don't want to take it if you're not super sure.

Bulk Biceps: Ready!!

Rainbow and (Y/N) watch intently as mare and stallion gingerly extend a front hoof toward each other for the pass. A touch and a clank, and Fluttershy has it on hers. Both Rainbow and (Y/N) smile as Fluttershy backs away with an expression of happy surprise. How she soon loses her grip and drops the baton as it bangs to the grass just in front of Rarity.

Rarity: Ponyville could do so much better. I'll be back with a freshly painted one in no time!

Rarity picks up the baton and trots away with it as Rainbow glares at her.

Rainbow Dash: We were using that! And it's not like anypony else has color-coordinated horseshoes or anything!

(Y/N) looks over to the side before tapping Rainbow's shoulder.

(Y/N): Uh, think you might want to rephrase that, Dashie.

Rainbow looks in her direction just in time to watch Spitfire pass a baton to Fleetfoot that had the same design, but the horseshoe is gold and both the sun and cloud pieces are silver. Both fly off together, leaving the sky-blue daredevil to stare disbelievingly after them. She sighs wearily which (Y/N) notices.

(Y/N): What's wrong?

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* I guess some ponies have a better chance of qualifying and going to the Equestria Games than others.

(Y/N): That may be true, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we're outmatched. I'm sure that with a little motivation and practice, both Bulk and Fluttershy will be ready to qualify for the games.

Rainbow Dash: You do know we're going up against THE Wonderbolts, right?

(Y/N): So what? Nopony going to win at absolutely everything. You've just got to at least know that you're team is trying.

Rainbow smiles from that before a thought crosses her mind.

Rainbow Dash: You said a little motivation, right? Well, speaking of the Wonderbolts, I've got just the thing.

Later on, Rainbow and (Y/N) along with Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps were now watching a pair of tents being used by Cloudsdale. Spitfire lies underneath one of them, getting a massage, and three support crew members are on duty out front. A series of hoof signals from one of them brings Soarin' down for a low pass flip in the air.

Rainbow Dash: Watch and learn. The Cloudsdales are Wonderbolts, and Wonderbolts are the best flyers there are. And my personal heroes. So, maybe you can learn something.

Glancing upward at the sound of his flight, she sees Soarin maneuver deftly around and through a line of floating rainbow hoops. Seeing that they're not focused, a hoof goes under each teammate's chin to lift their eyes toward the spectacle.

Rainbow Dash: PLEASE learn something.

Fleetfoot the steps out to address her teammate.

Fleetfoot: C'mon, Soarin, pick up the pace! You can do better than that!

Spitfire: I sure hope so.

Cloudsdale Cheerleaders: Practice, practice, yay, practice!

Soarin nudges his goggles up so he can get a clear view of the two mares, taking his eyes off the road. When he looks ahead again, his face goes slack with shock and he catches a wing on the edge of a pole-mounted hoop while passing through it. The hoop bends under his weight. . .

Soarin: Whoa!

. . .and then snaps back, catapulting him toward the ground. Spitfire and Fleetfoot hurry closer, the former now in a track suit like Fleetfoot's and the latter pulling off her shades to reveal wide violet eyes, and the Ponyville team voices a collective gasp of fright.

Soarin: Whooaaaa!!!

Soarin was now hurtling toward the ground and yelling every inch of the way. As his eyes bug out and jaws drop, Rainbow Dash is first to move and with only feet to go before impact, she arcs across and plucks him away.

Rainbow Dash: Gotcha!

A gentle touchdown lets him get back on his own hooves, but the wing he nicked proves to be in slightly ugly shape when he works it around a bit. Within moments, the rest of the Ponyville and Cloudsdale teams are gathered around, joined by Twilight, and all are talking excitedly.

Fleetfoot: Awe-some!

Spitfire: As good as any Wonderbolt!

(Y/N): Nice quick thinking there, Dash. You even saved a Wonderbolt.

Fluttershy: We're just so proud of you. You scooped Soarin out of the sky and brought him down to the ground and now, now he's okay. At least, I hope he's okay.

Fluttershy turns to Soarin who was looking at his hurt wing.

Fluttershy: Are you okay?

If the gloomy set of his face were not enough to tell the story, the groan and loud crackle when he holds up the bum wing drives the point home.

Soarin: Uh, my wing hurts, but I-I'm sure it'll be okay by the competition.

All Fleetfoot and Spitfire could do was look at him shocked and even (Y/N) had to agree with their looks that his wing isn't just hurt.

(Y/N): Well, at least you're able to still stand, but. . . that wing looks like it's dislocated. It might take way more than until the competition for it to heal.

The sound of an emergency vehicle's siren cuts him off, and here comes an ambulance wagon. The wagon stops in front of the group with its siren dying off, and Soarin' climbs on to lie on his belly.

Soarin: You're the best, Rainbow Dash. *groans*

Rainbow Dash: Ah, it was nothin'. But, if you feel like talking about how great I am, don't let me stop you!

(Y/N) gives Rainbow a slightly annoyed look.

(Y/N): Rainbow. . . Ego check. . . Though, I can guess I can give you some more credit for not doing it so dramatically.

Rainbow smiles before Bulk Biceps rushes up to hunker over her.


(Y/N): Uh, Bulk. . . You do know that Rainbow Dash starts with an 'R' right?

The big guy chews his lower lip in a very embarrassed fashion for a moment.

Bulk Biceps: Never mind!!

Rainbow Dash and (Y/N) then turn their attention over to the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow Dash: Tough break to lose a teammate right before the tryouts.

The two Wonderbolts trade a cocked-eyebrow smile, then put their sunglasses on.

Fleetfoot: You know, you grew up in Cloudsdale.

Spitfire: So that means you "could" fly with us.

Rainbow and (Y/N) trade confused looks.

(Y/N): What do you mean by "fly" exactly?

Fleetfoot: Uh, we mean practice. Your girlfriend right here could practice with us until Soarin's better. 

Spitfire: We would take somepony like you too (Y/N), but you're not participating, right?

(Y/N): . . .True.

Spitfire: So what do you say, Rainbow Dash? Wanna be our third?

Rainbow Dash: Uh, I don't know. My team really needs me to be at my best in order to qualify. Don't wanna be too worn out by the time the race comes around.

Spitfire: We put you through some pretty intense workouts at the Wonderbolt Academy and you handled those just fine.

Rainbow Dash: Heh, I did kick some major tail at the Academy. . . but. . .

Rainbow turns to (Y/N) conflicted with her choices right now.

Rainbow Dash: (Y/N), do you think that it's alright if I train a bit with the Cloudsdale team?

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow before he looks back at the Ponyville team with Fluttershy smiling and Bulk flexing.

(Y/N): Well. . .

Rainbow Dash: Please?

Rainbow get's up in his face looking very desperate and it takes a second before (Y/N) sighs.

(Y/N): Okay, you can practice with them for a little bit. But ONLY practice, okay? We'll still be needing you over on the Ponyville team. I can't supervise them by myself since I'm not the one who's on the team.

Rainbow Dash: Don't worry, I'll be sure to make most of my time towards Ponyville, babe. You can count on it.

(Y/N): I trust you. . . But I hope you realize exactly what you're getting yourself into.

Rainbow Dash: What do you mean? How can I not? 

(Y/N): I'll tell you this. . . 

He then leans in to whisper in Rainbow Dash's ear.

(Y/N): *whispers* Don't get carried away just because you're on a team that you admire. You're still part of Ponyville, got it?

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* Pfft. You worry too much. I'll be able help Fluttershy and Bulk and make myself look even more awesome with the Cloudsdale team at the same time.

(Y/N): (. . .That last part is exactly what I'm afraid of.) Alright, then go ahead.

Rainbow then faces Spitfire and Fleetfoot again as she breaks out in a smile.

Rainbow Dash: Alright, I'll do it.

Spitfire: *chuckles* Wise decision, Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow then follows after Fleetfoot and Spitfire, but she casts a worried glance back behind herself thinking about what (Y/N) said.

Rainbow Dash: (I'm actually practicing with the Wonderbolts. . .! And they're part of Cloudsdale. . . (Y/N) told me not to get carried away, but. . . these guys know how to train compared to our two rookies.)

Now practicing with the Cloudsdale team, Rainbow was flying on one end of a line of moving hoops while Fleetfoot was on the other waiting for Rainbow Dash to pass the baton to her as she moves through. Eyeing the item, Rainbow smiles fiercely and charges in, approaching the rings, as she threads the needle, doing a loop-the-loop along the way for good measure. By the time she emerges from the run, Fleetfoot is already flying ahead and Rainbow catches up to clap the baton onto her front hoof extended back toward her for a seamless pass.

Fleetfoot: Awesome!

As Rainbow stops in the air, the cheerleaders then zip up to her side.

Cloudsdale Cheerleaders: Whinny, ponies, whinny! Fly on, fly on, fly on!

They tap their rear hooves together underneath her, then touch heads above, and wave their pompoms as confetti and streamers rain down. After that cheer she blasts past (Y/N) who was watching her with a ton of anticipation to see if she's truly going to stay with her team.

Later Bulk is seen carrying a baton and fighting to gain whatever scrap of altitude he can in the sky as Rainbow and (Y/N) fly up behind him.

Rainbow Dash: Come on, Bulk Biceps, you can do it!

(Y/N): Put your back into it!

Having rolled 90 degrees, so that his back is facing in the direction of travel, he comes to a hoop and manages to wedge himself firmly inside. Both the hoop and its support pole creak loudly under the strain as Fluttershy flies up in front of him.

(Y/N): Uh, not literally. . .

Fluttershy: Um. . . I'm ready to take the horseshoe, if you want me to.

As soon as the two hooves make contact, sandwiching the baton between them, the pole snaps upright and hurls both Bulk and Fluttershy back the way he came. Their screams quickly fade away into the distance as Rainbow shades her eyes to squint after them while (Y/N) watches with worry. Expectedly, they crash as the two current flyers cringe at the sight.

Bulk Biceps then peels himself up from a fresh hole in the base of a cliff before he glances around with sudden panic, not realizing that Fluttershy is wedged into the broad muscles of his back, and Rainbow claps a hoof to her face with an exasperated little groan while (Y/N) crosses his forelegs with an uneasy look.

Later, it was time for push-ups or wing-ups for the Pegasi as over on the Cloudsdale area, three of their members were standing on the backs of Rainbow, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot as they perform the exercise.

Back with the Ponyville team, they were indeed struggling with doing their own wing-ups as (Y/N) was doing an example in front of Fluttershy.

(Y/N): Like this, Fluttershy. Remember, that you don't need to try and do them as quick as possible. Just go at a pace.

Fluttershy then extends her wings downward to make contact with the ground. When she lifts her forelegs clear, her face betrays the amount of strain on the feathered appendages in trying to support her weight and soon they give way and she thumps spreadeagle to the grass. (Y/N) cringes before he walks up and helps Fluttershy off of the ground.

Bulk was not doing any better as he was stretched out on his belly and he realizes that he has no chance of being able to do wing push-ups with his extremely small sized wings. This does not stop him from trying though, and Rainbow watches from a short distance off.

Rainbow Dash: You, uh, keep doing your wing-ups. I'm just gonna get some, uh, water.

She zooms away as (Y/N) takes note of the abrupt departure and now looking very unsettled.

Back in flight, Rainbow, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot now had feedbags slung around their neck. All three chow down before rolling off into a dive to one side that takes them down through the clouds.

At the Ponyville side, lunch was a little different as Fluttershy, (Y/N), Applejack, Rainbow, and Bulk were sitting on a picnic blanket around a plateful of the treats. Bulk greedily shovels all but one into his mouth, laughs stupidly around the mass of food, and swallows it down. He picks up the last one and offers it to Rainbow. 

She thinks hard about it and waves him off, rubbing her belly to indicate a full stomach. Bulk shrugs and starts bouncing the betty from one foreleg to the other by flexing his muscles. Applejack and Fluttershy laugh at the display while (Y/N) smiles and shakes his head. Rainbow then uses this distraction to back quietly away from the scene and bug out, but it doesn't go unnoticed by (Y/N) who looks at her confused before it turns into a slight glare.

(Y/N): (She seems awfully in a hurry to keep wanting to "practice" with the Cloudsdale team.)

Over by the Cloudsdale tent, Rainbow, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot have put their goggles back on and it was maintenance time. The crew members scurry to clean Rainbow's goggles, buff her hooves to a shine, blow-dry Spitfire's tail, and take measurements of all three. Rainbow smiles at the attention just before they all suddenly get matching gray bodysuits. Rainbow looks herself over with a very appreciative eye, and all three face proudly forward.

Back with Ponyville, a flower is magically tucked in next to Bulk's ear, matching the one already on the other side of his head, and a few more are already worked into his mane. He laughs heartily as both him and Fluttershy are clad in loose-fitting, patterned light blue outfits trimmed in white. Bulk's is like a Greek tunic while Fluttershy's is a dress.

Bulk Biceps: *laughs* Yeah!!

Fluttershy giggles and all Rainbow and (Y/N) could do was stare at them as they both look over to Rarity who was responsible for making the outfits.

Rarity: Too much?

Rainbow Dash can only muster up a cringing little smile while (Y/N) facehooves.

(Y/N): Rarity, we need "athletic" outfits. You know for sports? While those two do like it, I don't think they'll be comfortable exercising in that.

Rarity: Ohhhhh. Right, just. . . what exactly do you mean by "athletic."

Rainbow Dash: *groans* Make the outfits of something my style or at least something where they'll have better mobility in.

It transitions once more, with Rainbow fully kitted out and flying through a hoop as Spitfire and Fleetfoot rocket upward behind her. Waving to them, she comes in for a smooth landing and turns it into a trot that carries her behind a tree. The sound of a zipper being unfastened is heard, and she emerges from the other side without her gear. Rainbow's red-violet eyes flick furtively back toward her new teammates, and the blue hooves carry her to a stream so she can scoop up some water to get a slight drink. (Y/N) however walks up to her with a stern look on his face.

(Y/N): I see your getting pretty comfortable practicing with Cloudsdale. I bet you see that practicing with two teams at the same time isn't easy.

Rainbow nearly chokes on her mouthful at these words, then spits it out and leans into (Y/N)'s face.

Rainbow Dash: Wait, are you saying that somepony else knows?

(Y/N): No, don't worry it's just me. The rest of our team way too focused on practicing to notice you going over to practice with the opposing side.

Rainbow Dash: Well, I've seen the other teams practicing and we're still gonna qualify. I can fly fast enough to make up the distance.

(Y/N): Yeah, but you're so focused with practicing with the other team that Ponyville going to need a LOT more effort for help from you than you've been doing just recently.

Rainbow Dash: But it's so much more fun working out with the winners than... um... the non-winners. Besides, Ponyville will still qualify.

(Y/N) glares at her with a disappointed expression.

(Y/N): I'd thought you would know better than that, Dash. If you truly knew that we are going to qualify, then you'd stick with us.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, come on. You say that like I'm going to ditch you or something.

(Y/N): I know you aren't ditching us. But at least think about why your team needs you more.

Rainbow Dash: I know, I know. 

Spitfire: Rainbow Dash, you got a minute?

Rainbow Dash turns to find the two Wonderbolt mares flying leisurely across the fields toward her, in their track suits and sunglasses.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, sure.

Rainbow flies over to them while (Y/N) listens from afar of what they're going on about.

Fleetfoot: You could really be an asset to our team, so. . . we want you to join the Cloudsdale team. Permanently.

The recruit sucks in a few dozen bushels of air in an ecstatic gasp and claps hooves to mouth, missing (Y/N)'s surprised eyes widen coming from behind.

Spitfire: It looks like Soarin's wing won't heal in time for the trials. We want you to fly with us.

Fleetfoot: Of course, this means you won't be able to fly for Ponyville, but let's face it. Even with you on their team, their chances of qualifying for the Games. . .

Fluttershy and Bulk were seen practicing a baton pass in front of the town's blanket tent. Fluttershy has it, but tentatively pokes it toward her teammate and ends up jabbing it into his face. Bulk goes spreadeagle to the ground, then aims a pair of teary red eyes up at her and gets up so he can trot away whimpering. Fluttershy flies off after him, still holding the baton.

Fleetfoot: . . .are pretty slim.

Spitfire: *smirks* So, what's it gonna be?

Rainbow Dash: Well, I. . .

Spitfire: Take some time to think about it.

A very concerned (Y/N) walks over just in time for his very excited girlfriend to do a very tight loop around him.

Rainbow Dash: They want ME to fly with THEM! It's like a dream come true!

As she floats onto her back, (Y/N) walks up to her and when she opens her eyes to look at him, she could see (Y/N)'s not happy with her being excited about the offer one bit as he sits down and crosses his forelegs.

Rainbow Dash: Except. . . That would be the best decision, would it?

(Y/N): Oh, you think?! Not only will you be abandoning Ponyville, but Pinkie Pie won't have anypony to cheer for. Rarity's uniforms will never be seen. And Applejack will have slaved over those apple brown bettys for nothing. And since I can't participate, Fluttershy and Bulk won't have a more experienced pony to coach them! Ponyville's chances of winning will be ENTIRELY slim!

Rainbow Dash: Oh, but I really wanna fly with the best team! 

Rainbow's spirits were down as she flies up to (Y/N) a little glum.

Rainbow Dash: What would you do?

(Y/N): What would I do? If I was in your hooves, I would stick with the ponies that mean the most to me. The ponies that are on the team that knows that I would be loyal to them, no matter the circumstances. 

(Y/N) turns around to walk off before addressing Rainbow one last time.

(Y/N): I hope you make the right decision. . . Dashie.

The conflicted Pegasus settles down onto her haunches and stares moodily at the ground, letting her head drop until her forelock almost brushes the grass. She is literally stuck in a conundrum with the opportunity with flying with her own team and sticking with the team that has her own idols on them.

Today was going to be when the tryouts take place, and everypony was getting prepared for when the time comes to see who will qualify for the Games. Spitfire and Fleetfoot rocket past a couple of crew members outside the Cloudsdale tent, setting a fan-style anemometer to spin wildly and blowing the cap and headset off one of them.

At Ponyville's side, (Y/N) was watching Bulk and Fluttershy lift weights as Fluttershy was using a flower stem as a substitute. He was sitting on his haunches resting a hoof on his cheek thinking about his talk with Rainbow Dash yesterday.

(Y/N): (I can understand why Rainbow would be excited to fly with the Wonderbolts, but she needs to know that she can't just abandon her own team like that. I thought she would know better since she's the Element of Loyalty.)

As that thought was circling in his mind, a grunt and moan rings out catching not only (Y/N)'s attention, but everypony else around as well as they all look to see Rainbow Dash heavily bandaged and pushing herself across the grass in a wheelchair.

Rainbow Dash: *fake groaning* Woe is me! Oooh!

(Y/N) was just unamused from that as he facehooves.

(Y/N): *mumbles* . . .Seriously? That's her answer?

Rainbow launches into a hearty groan as several ponies of all races gather around, murmuring concernedly about Rainbow's condition and even Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Fluttershy, and Bulk come up to her.

Fluttershy: What's happened?

Rainbow Dash: Urgh, I've hurt my hoof. . .

Pinkie and Rarity were shocked while (Y/N) and Twilight stare at her unconvinced. Spitfire squats down and trains her eyes on the four wrapped hooves.

Spitfire: All of them?

Rainbow Dash: I, uh, tripped on a-a foam hoof and landed on a. . . *mumbles* pokey stick coming out of the ground. . .

Pinkie lets go with an infuriated growl through gritted teeth.

Pinkie Pie: *growls* If I get my hooves on that, *unintelligible* it'll be in big trouble!

Rainbow Dash: There is no way I can fly now.

Fluttershy: Do you think you'll be better by tryouts?

Rainbow wails and flops over one arm of her chair.

Rainbow Dash: *fake groaning* I'll be lucky if I ever fly again! 

(Y/N) really isn't buying this as he groans a little while rolling his eyes.

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* I just need a little rest.

Fluttershy: Oh, don't worry, Rainbow Dash. We'll take care of you. . . or, at least, somepony will. Like, a medic or-or a doctor, or a nurse.

That puts a scare into Rainbow, suggesting that she has been playing up her injuries.

The Mane 7 were all now inside of a medical room as Twilight steps up to inspect the signal, which appears to be quite normal, and turns to look off to the side. Rainbow was in a hospital bed laid out with all four limbs in slings running up to the ceiling.

Twilight Sparkle: So, the medic pony isn't sure what's wrong with you.

Rainbow Dash: Everything! Absolutely everything!

Applejack then steps up with a brown betty balanced on one hoof.

Applejack: This'll cure everythin' that ails ya!

She stuffs it whole into Rainbow's mouth and the Pegasus has no choice but to chew it over.

Rainbow Dash: *muffled* Thank you. I couldn't have done that on my own.

(Y/N): *sighs* (Give me a break. . .)

Rarity: Nothing says "get better" like a little medical pizazz! Silk slings and a glitter bandage?

Rainbow Dash: That might help.

Rarity pulls out the piece from her saddlebag and it is looped around her foreleg and tied in a bow, to which she smiles gratefully. Next comes the sound of an opening door as Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps are seen coming inside of the room.

Fluttershy: And how is our patient doing?

Rainbow Dash: I've been better.

Fluttershy: We just wanted to let you know that we're so sorry you're hurt, but you shouldn't worry a bit about not being able to be in the tryouts. We'll be alright. We even have a replacement.

The said replacement steps in and it is Derpy Hooves, who produces a Ponyville pennant and waves it with a big smile. The revelation throws a fair-sized monkey wrench into Rainbow's mind about how her team is going to succeed with her.

Fluttershy: We're so, so sorry that you can't compete. We all know how much you love to fly. And we promise-


Fluttershy: . . .That if we qualify and make it to the Equestria Games and all win gold medals, you can have ours, because we know how much a gold medal means to you.

Rainbow was touched by Fluttershy's words.

Rainbow Dash: Thanks.

(Y/N): *clears throat* Sorry, but we should definitely let our best former flyer of Ponyville rest for a bit

The other visitors head for the door, calling back assorted words of comfort and encouragement. After they have gone, (Y/N) approaches Rainbow's bedside.

(Y/N): Just so you know, not choosing either side is only a worse option for not only Ponyville, but Cloudsdale as well.

Rainbow Dash: What do you mean?

(Y/N): Now that you're "injured". . .Not only will Ponyville's chances of qualifying lower, but since Cloudsdale doesn't have enough flyers now, they can't qualify either. Meaning that both teams may not be able to participate for the Equestria Games.

Rainbow then puts on a guilty look on her face before (Y/N) sighs with a small sympathetic smile and rests a hoof on her shoulder.

(Y/N): I know it's your dream to fly with the Wonderbolts and I know you don't want to let Ponyville down either. But think hard that you'll not just be letting down your friends, teammates, and all of Ponyville. . . you'll also be letting ME down as well.

Rainbow Dash: I'm sorry. I just couldn't decide what to do.

(Y/N) pecks Rainbow on the forehead and smiles at her before turning to leave.

(Y/N): Well. . . there's only one right decision and you know what it is.

Once (Y/N) exits the room, the curtain is reeled most of the way back by the occupant of the bed in the room's other half which is Soarin, sitting up in bed with his bum wing tightly wrapped.

Soarin: You sure have nice friends. And even more lucky to have a special somepony too. Nopony's been by to visit me. Eh, too busy practicing, I guess.

Rainbow Dash: Well, hopefully your wing will be better soon.

Soarin: Oh, it's fine. I-I'm just keeping it warm in case my team wants me back.

Rainbow Dash: What do you mean, "wants you back?" Spitfire and Fleetfoot told me that you were still too injured to fly!

Soarin: And they told me that they were worried I wouldn't be one hundred percent by the tryouts, so they were going with somepony else!

Rainbow Dash: That somepony else was me! Until, uh, well, until I got hurt, that is.

Soarin: So, *sighs* I guess we're all out of luck. Cloudsdale won't qualify without three fliers, and Ponyville won't qualify without you. Too bad. . .

Rainbow Dash dispiritedly turns this conversation over in her mind. Suddenly, shaft of sunlight hits the pitcher of water set out here, spreading out into a rainbow due to refraction. This stretches slowly across the floor and touches Derpy's dropped pennant.

It has happened again as Rainbow's eyes glow rainbow as she has discovered the true meaning of her Element of Harmony.

(Y/N) (In Rainbow Dash's Mind): If I was in your hooves, I would stick with the ponies that mean the most to me. The ponies that are on the team that knows that I would be loyal to them, no matter the circumstances.

One last flash radiates out from Rainbow's face as she puts on a determined smile and lifts off out of her bed.

Back outside, the rest of the Mane 7 along with the Ponyville team for the Equestria Games were sitting down dejectedly near their tent. Now that Rainbow Dash is out of the picture, how are both teams going to qualify?

Twilight Sparkle: Even with Rainbow Dash's replacement, I don't think we're gonna qualify. No offense.

Fluttershy and Bulk's dejected looks didn't change, but Derpy just shrugs it off as no big deal at all. Pinkie yanks off her wig with an angry grunt and gestures toward a huge pile of pompoms in all manner of vivid colors.

Pinkie Pie: Gah! What am I gonna do with all these now?!

Applejack: Uh, what were you gonna do with them before?

Rarity sighs heavily and floats her design and a couple of flowers up over Twilight's head before dropping it on her.

Rarity: *sighs* Maybe my Equestria Games uniforms will still be in style next year. I mean, I am pretty fashion-forward.

(Y/N): *sighs* (If only Dash was considerate enough to actually make things better for her own team, then things wouldn't be like this.)

Speak of the devil as when (Y/N) lifts his eyes off of the ground, he suddenly sees that it was Rainbow Dash herself walking on all four of her hooves in her fake bandages confusing all of the bunch.

(Y/N): Rainbow's. . . walking?

The others catch on and notice this as well and Rainbow was just treading stolidly across the field without any hint of a limp or hitch in her gait. Not only that, but Soarin was following right behind her as they both walk up to the Cloudsdale tent. Spitfire was drinking a bottle of water, but lets it drop when her jaw falls open in undiluted surprise, as both her and Fleetfoot stare at Rainbow surprised.

Fleetfoot: Does. . . this mean you're feeling better?

Rainbow Dash: I-I feel great, because. . . I was never hurt in the first place.

She discards all of her bandages to prove her point and the Wonderbolts gasp, as does the reconstituted Ponyville team with a shrill scream from Bulk mixed in for good measure. (Y/N) raises an eyebrow at what Rainbow was doing now.

Rainbow Dash: I faked my injury so that I wouldn't have to choose between flying for Ponyville or Cloudsdale. I wanted to fly with you both, and the decision was too hard!

Fluttershy: Oh, Rainbow Dash, you don't have to choose us. I know you love to win, and you should go with the team that surely will.

Rainbow smiles warmly at this, but frowns again as she looks at (Y/N) who just gives a stern nod and she nods back.

Rainbow Dash: I know now who I should've been loyal to.

Spitfire: Good choice. Always stick with the winners.

Rainbow then flies on over right beside (Y/N) which made him smile as she wraps a foreleg around him.

Rainbow Dash: Ponyville.

The two pros are taken aback by her decision, but Rainbow Dash pays them no mind as she just smiles at (Y/N).

Rainbow Dash: Because it's not just where I live, but it's where my friends are. The ponies who really care about me, whether I can help them win a race or not.

A round of cheers came around from everypony on the Ponyville team that Rainbow Dash's final decision was to stick with Ponyville. 

Spitfire: Are you sure that's the right decision?

Rainbow was slightly irritated from that as she leans into her face.

Rainbow Dash: You lied to me about Soarin's wing just so you could get a better flyer!

The said teammate crosses his forelegs at his team's dishonesty towards him right before (Y/N) flies up to them too.

(Y/N): I guess that also explains why you were really desperate in wanting Dash to be on the team permanently! You even wouldn't mind if I was on the team either! Well, let me tell you this, even when you feel as though your chances of winning may be slim against another team, that doesn't mean you should abandon your own teammate just to con somepony who's better at something than they are. You're not only being disloyal to your teammates, but also your entire team as well.

Rainbow Dash: And that's something that (Y/N) told me many times, but. . . it took a minute to think it over and I knew that he was right. I wasn't being loyal to him, my teammates, or Ponyville. You may be a winning team, but you're still not the kind of team I wanna be a part of.

Now the two ace flyers are struck dumb for a moment removes Spitfire removes her shades to come up with a response.

Spitfire: Huh. Rainbow Dash and (Y/N) (L/N), you two are something. Saw it at the Academy, seeing it again here. We could learn a lot from a duo like you two.

Fleetfoot: Think we already have.

Spitfire nods as she walks past to go up to her actual teammate, Soarin.

Spitfire: Ready to fly?

Soarin: *smiles* Really?

Spitfire: Never should've lied and tried to replace you to begin with.

Soarin: *gasps* Go, Cloudsdale!

He takes off into the air excitedly as the other two reunited members follow right behind. Rainbow then turns to (Y/N) and rubs the back of her head embarrassed.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, thanks for. . . you know. . . not giving up on me when I was stuck choosing who to fly for. I know now that I should always stick with the team with my friends. . . *blushes* A-And my boyfriend, no matter the circumstances.

(Y/N) smiles as he pulls Rainbow in for a quick kiss on the lips which she returns.

(Y/N): What? You thought I just going to let you take the spotlight and have you abandon us in the end?

Rainbow chuckles as she playfully punches him on the shoulder before she flies up.

Rainbow Dash: Come on, Ponyville relay team! We've got a race to get ready for!

Off she goes like a rocket, Fluttershy following and Bulk managing to get himself aloft with rather less effort than before.

Bulk Biceps: YEAH!!

It was finally time for the tryouts as the Cloudsdale team as just getting finished with their race to qualify as Fleetfoot bursts upward through the cloud center and the timekeeper who was with the other two members on an airborne finish line post hits a button on the clock's housing to stop it. The ticking hand has stopped well short of the limit as the timekeeper nods and Fleetfoot lands on the rainbow to trade a high five with Spitfire. The three then look down towards the other team.

Soarin: Come on, Ponyville! You can do it!

Back down on the practice fields Bulk moves slowly through the air. He carries the baton toward a pole-mounted hoop, heaves himself backward, and goes through it hind legs first without getting stuck. He faces front again once he is in the clear. Fluttershy is waiting at a checkpoint just ahead and when he reaches her and passes the baton, she bobbles but does not drop it. As she starts her leg of the race, Bulk lets off an exhausted breath and hits the ground like five tons of bricks.

All of the spectators were watching as Twilight has donned a full cheerleader outfit similar to Pinkie's original, but with the rainbow-colored pleats. In addition, she waves multi-hued pompoms on her front hooves and has a bundle of small horns around her neck to match Pinkie's.

Twilight Sparkle: Go Fluttershy!

(Y/N): Don't stop, Fluttershy! Keep going!

The yellow Pegasus flaps for all she is worth, extending the baton as far as her foreleg will reach, and slams it onto the hoof of the waiting Rainbow. The latter wastes no time in going from zero to ridiculous speed, and the two Cloudsdale cheerleaders go into a bit of pompom and tail-waving.

Cloudsdale Cheerleaders: Qualify, Ponyville! Qualify, Ponyville!

Pinkie Pie: Woo-hoo! Go, Rainbow Dash!

The cheerleaders lift Pinkie into the air and she throws a load of confetti and streamers, waving her rainbow-colored pompoms. Rainbow is busy flying through an ascending zigzag run of floating hoops. The clock ticks on toward the red zone as (Y/N) was slightly worried as he sweats just a little.

Rainbow clears one last hoop and the hand is even closer now. Down below, (Y/N) bites his hoof nervous that she'll have to barely make it in order for Ponyville to qualify for the Equestria Games.

(Y/N): Come on Dashie! Just a little more!

Now Rainbow hurtles upward like a runaway freight train as the clock ticks past the final hash mark before the red zone. Her face all supreme confidence, she pushes herself into one last kick of speed and punches through the cloud at the finish line. The timekeeper punches the button to stop the clock exactly at the edge of the red zone. . . but not beyond.

Official: Ponyville qualifies!

Wild cheers drift up from below as Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps fly over to lay a monster hug on Rainbow Dash. Those cheers are coming from both the Ponyville and Cloudsdale sides, as well as every single other onlooker in the place. (Y/N) even flies up from his seat so proud that Ponyville was able to qualify.

It was then time for the ceremony as five teams stand on a line of separate platforms facing the crowd. The three Wonderbolts were at far right with goggles firmly in place and the Ponyville trio were at far left. The timekeeper makes his way down the line, levitating a stack of medals behind himself and floating them to rest around the necks of all fifteen competitors.

As soon as Rainbow Dash, Bulk Biceps, and Fluttershy get their medals, Spitfire taps Rainbow on the shoulder prompting her to turn towards her direction. The gold pin from the collar of her track suit is now occupying the same position on her flight suit, but she picks it loose with her teeth to instead put in on Rainbow Dash instead right beside her medal.

Gratitude shines from Rainbow's red-violet eyes, and even though Spitfire's are hidden behind her goggles, the level of respect she has for the Pegasus facing her is impossible to miss. Spitfire nods to her and lifts off, followed by Soarin' and Fleetfoot. Rainbow then glances at Fluttershy, who passes the look to Bulk.

Bulk Biceps: YEAH!

Mane 6: YEAH!

Pinkie Pie: Woo-hoo!

(Y/N) flies up right next to Rainbow Dash and gives her a really big hug with a proud grin which she returns.

(Y/N): I'm really proud of you Rainbow! You and the others were really awesome out there!

Rainbow Dash: Heh, thanks babe. Feel free to keep praising me if you want.

(Y/N) rolls his eyes from that with a smile and both him and Rainbow laugh before she pecks (Y/N) on the cheek and wraps a foreleg around him. The rest of the mares, Bulk, and even Derpy huddle up next to all of them as the timekeeper was going to take a group photo.

Twilight Sparkle: Equestria Games, here we come!

The camera flashes as the picture had been taken and this was going to be a really memorable moment for not only the Mane 7, but all of Ponyville as well.

Once the ceremony was done, everypony returned home including the Mane 7 as Rainbow is seen inside of the Golden Oak Library writing down her memory in the journal.

Rainbow Dash: (Oh, I can't deny it. I love to win! But if I ever gotta choose between winning and being loyal to my friends, I'm always gonna choose my friends. 'Cause as much as I love winning, I love them waaaaay more.)

As soon as she was done writing, (Y/N) steps inside to address Rainbow.

(Y/N): Hey, Dashie let's go! Pinkie said she's almost finished setting up your "Qualify for the Equestria Games" Party! You don't want to miss that!

Rainbow Dash: Heh, you know it!

She spits her pencil aside, removes her medal, and hangs it on the corner of the stand as Rarity gallops past to get in on the fun with everypony. Rainbow then follows (Y/N) out of the library so they can enjoy their time with each other. However, there was a rainbow glow that passes on the medal and it signals that Rainbow Dash has unlocked her key of Loyalty.

Chapter 9 End.

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