Chapter 1: The Crystalling - Part 1

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

There are times when we may all wonder why some people or ponies look up to each other. Like how Star Swirl The Bearded inspired my girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle or how another one of my girlfriends Pinkie Pie inspired Cheese Sandwich. I know everybody has their inspiration for everything and so do I as you've all seen me talk about my mother pretty much everywhere that I can at least mention her now. Everypony knows how legendary she really is and I'm no exception. Truth is though, she was the one who inspired me to become a hero that protects others. You're probably wondering how is that possible since back on Earth, I had to keep myself as hidden as possible. No one's perfect at doing so and my mother is no exception. In fact, when I was just getting out of my toddler age, she started bringing me outside for more fresh air. As any little mischievous or curious kid though, I was pretty active even for a naive little child. . . However, I didn't know anything about defending myself from others who would want to even harm me. Heck, I didn't even know there were bad guys as a young child.

Earth, 12 years before I went to Equestria. . .

You definitely wouldn't expect five year old me to know much at all. It's daytime out in the town and like any parent, my mother knows that being this young means that she must keep an eye on me at all costs, so she took me every time she went outside, but she would always make me wear a hoodie in order to hide my horn and wings. We are both currently strolling together on a sidewalk as my mother held a firm grip on my hand.

As we were both walking, I looked to the side and spotted a lonely little playground with no one around which made me get a little excited as I looked up at my mother and started pulling her hand to get her attention as she looked back down at me.

(M/N): Huh? What is it, (Y/N)?

Young (Y/N): Mommy, can I go pway, pwease?

(M/N): Play where? I don't see anything nearby.

Young (Y/N): There's a pwayground wight over there over there and I don't see any other kids awound.

I point over in the direction of the playground as my mother follows my gaze over at the small place in the park. She raises an eyebrow from this and looks around before seeing that there weren't really a lot of people or children around the park either. She contemplates about this for a second before she sighs and gives me a small smile.

(M/N): *sighs* Okay, but only for a little bit as we're only outside for just a quick outing. I still need to get us some food before we need to head home.

Young (Y/N): (Y/N) wants to go on an ooting by himself and help Mommy out too.

My mother just rolls her eyes from this before she smiles and pats my head.

(M/N): Yeah, I don't think so. Not anytime soon, son. Now go on. Go play before I change my mind.

I got a big grin from this before I ran off on my own to play on this little playground. As my mother watches me run towards the playground to go and play by myself, she just sighs and smiles before she walks over to a nearby bench facing the playground and she takes a seat to watch over me.

She kept a watchful eye on me with her arms crossed as I did many things on the playground like go on the slide, play on the monkey bars, even climb to the top of the fake mountain. When I was at the top of the mountain, I looked over at my mother and waved to her with a bright smile.

Young (Y/N): Mommy look! I'm so much higher and taller than you now!

(M/N): *chuckles* Yes. . . I see that, (Y/N). Be careful and don't hurt yourself.

Young (Y/N): But don't I have wings? I can fly.

(M/N): (Y/N), we've talked about this many times. You're not flying anywhere, especially outside.

Young (Y/N): Boooo! No fair, I wanna fly!

I said, stomping a little bit frustrated and puffing out my cheeks.

(M/N): You know the rules, dear. You are not flying in any public places. Now, must I have to rob you of your playtime or are you going to be a good boy and listen to your mother?

This definitely made me zip my lips as I ignored my mother and just kept on playing on the playground. My mother continued to watch me with crossed arms and a neutral expression before another woman's calm voice came out.

Calm Woman: Oh? Is that your son up there?

My mother turned to see an adult woman that looked similar to her age as she had black hair with a headband while wearing a nice red sweater. My mother just offers her a gentle smile of her own before looking back towards me.

(M/N): It's a question I ask myself sometimes *chuckles* but he's the only one that I'm ever going to get.

Calm Woman: *giggles* He's such a cute one. He sure seems really passionate about flying. I think I heard him mention something about having wings. I assume that's part of his imagination?

My mother gains a slightly worried expression from this as she sweats a little before coming up with the best fib that she could think of as she turns to the woman with a nervous smile.

(M/N): Y-Yeah, of course. He just. . . wants to be an aviator or something. . .airplanes have always fascinated him. You know how children can be so eager at a young age.

Calm Woman: I can't really argue with that. I've got a daughter, probably the same age as your son. She's so rambunctious and perceptive that it's almost like she can just read me like a book.

(M/N): Hehe, I think that just shows how intelligent she really is.

They both share a laugh from that before the woman looks back at me playing.

Calm Woman: Sometimes even at an early age, their skills can mean big things for their future.

(M/N): I always like to believe that and I hope my son isn't an exception.

Calm Woman: Are you two out here alone or is the father out somewhere while you two are waiting?

The moment this woman said the word "father", my mother's eyes widened before she looked away from this woman with a really annoyed expression which the woman noticed as she was a little confused.

Calm Woman: I'm sorry. I-I didn't say anything to offend you, did I?

My mother stayed silent before she just slowly shook her head with a nervous smile back.

(M/N): N-No, sorry. I-It's just that, my husband. . . hasn't been around in a long time. We. . . drifted apart sometime ago, so I just raise him as a single mother.

The woman's eyes widened from this shock before growing a slight worried frown.

Calm Woman: O-Oh. . . I see. . . It must be hard then raising a single child all on your own.

My mother shakes her head before giving a calm, gentle smile back at this woman.

(M/N): It's not that difficult. . . He can be a real thorn in my side sometimes with how hard headed he is. . .  but I don't love him any less. He's honestly the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I couldn't ask for a better son.

She said this before looking back at me with the same smile before it quickly transforms back to a neutral expression.

(M/N): (And the one thing that I would hate to lose as well. . . I know I shouldn't even be talking to this woman right now, but. . . it just makes me miss Celestia and Luna even more. . .)

Her expression shifts to a solemn one before she takes a deep breath. Her face shifts back to a neutral one.

(M/N): (Still, this was for our own good; Star Swirl himself said so. The only way to keep (Y/N) safe from Equestria or harms way is for him to stay as hidden as possible. . . I just wish. . . I could've had more time to experience the land that I ruled with him. . .)

My mother then stands up from the bench before looking at the woman with a smile.

(M/N): Though I'm afraid that I must take my leave now. I was really just here because my son wanted a little time for himself. I just needed to run a couple errands.

Calm Woman: *nods* Of course. It was nice speaking to you. I hope you and your son have an excellent day.

(M/N): *giggles* Likewise.

She then calls out to me.

(M/N): Alright, (Y/N)! Time's up! We gotta go!

Young (Y/N): Five more minutes, pwease?

(M/N): Do you want cupcakes for dessert or not?

Young (Y/N): Coming, coming!

(M/N): (*smirks* Works every time.)

Both my mother and I were walking together hand in hand once more until she guided both of us towards a nearby supermarket since she had planned to pick us up some food while we were out of our home. She looked down at me with a smile as I was cheerfully walking next to her.

(M/N): What do you want to eat tonight, sweetie?

Young (Y/N): I want something with apples, mommy!

(M/N): Okay, sounds good to me.

As we both walked into the supermarket together, a couple of men that looked to be in their young adult years and were wearing some partially ripped pants and had scars on their faces saw both me and my mother walk into the supermarket and they both got smirks on their faces.

Delinquent 1: Whoa, who's the supermodel?

Delinquent 2: Beats me. . . but a woman that stunning has got to be rich, am I right?

Delinquent 1: No doubt. What about the brat next to her? You think that's her son?

Delinquent 2: Nah, she's gotta be babysittin' or somethin'. I doubt that chick with looks that good would even be married so quickly.

Delinquent 1: . . .I think you got that mixed up.

Delinquent 2: N-No, I've read plenty of magazines that can vouch for me!

Delinquent 1: *smirks* In that case. . . I think we were runnin' low on money anyway. Wanna get another allowance?

His partner smirks back at him.

Delinquent 2: Sure thing. A woman like her has gotta be carryin' some big bucks on her.

Delinquent 1: I think you know there's a bit more than "big bucks" that she carries, if you know what I mean.

Inside of the supermarket, my mother was pushing a cart around and picking out some fruits and vegetables and even some ingredients to make cupcakes since she basically promised me some for dessert. As we were exploring around, I saw something that caught my eye with slight curiosity as I tugged my mother's leg.

Young (Y/N): Hey, mommy!

(M/N): Hm?

Young (Y/N): What's dat?

I pointed somewhere and my mother looked where I was pointing at and the moment that she took a closer look to where I was pointing at. . . she started freaking out a little bit with a surprised look as what I was pointing at. . . was apparently red meat.

My mother's face grew green and her cheeks bulged up a little as well as she turned around holding one hand to her mouth while holding the other to her stomach as she tried her best to not vomit which I noticed.

Young (Y/N): Mommy, you are turning green. . . and making funny faces.

My mother then tried her best to regain her composure as she swallowed her throw up and looked back at me with a nervous smile on her face. She takes my hand and starts pushing the cart away from the aisle that we were next to.

(M/N): I-It's fine, (Y/N). It's fine, it's fine! L-Let's just. . . go somewhere other than here because. . . w-we can't be around those things, son.

Young (Y/N): Eh? Why's dat?

(M/N): (You're honestly WAY better off not knowing at all. . .) Just. . . trying to keep you healthy is all. . . *chuckles nervously*

When all of the shopping was done, my mother went to pay for all of her stuff and even though the cashier woman asked for a specific amount of yen for her to pay, my mother smirks before she just flips a gold coin onto the counter which shocks the cashier woman as she just looks and forth between the coin - which is actually a bit - and my mother who just keeps her smug look on her face. As they were negotiating, I just ran past the two of them.

Young (Y/N): I'm bored! Gonna wait outside!

(M/N): W-Whoa, (Y/N)! Don't wander off too far!

Being the naive and careless child that I was, I did the exact opposite trying to exit the supermarket. I tried pushing onto the door to let myself out. . . before it suddenly just opened on its own which surprised me, but that wasn't all. . . a hand quickly goes over my mouth and quickly drags me away as I let out muffled screams of both shock and fright.

I was then brought over to the side of the supermarket where there was apparently barely anybody around, so it was just the right spot to hide from people. I keep trying my best to scream for my mother or any kind of help in general, but the delinquents who were watching me and my mother weren't going to let me off so easily.

Delinquent 1: Oh, stop squirming!

The second delinquent then takes off my hood exposing my hair and horn which freaked me out even more as my mother told me to keep that on at all costs and having it off would definitely make her mad.

Delinquent 2: Just be an obedient little boy for a minute, will ya? Once your hot caregiver pays up, maybe we'll let you two go. . . maybe that is.

Delinquent 1: Hey, what's that tiny little thing popping out of his forehead?

Delinquent 2: Who cares? He probably has some kind of disease on him or something. You think we should check his pants for anything that we could also sell?

Delinquent 1: Oh, come on. What would a tiny preschooler possibly be carrying that's valuable?

Delinquent 2: Anything that guys like us wouldn't think to take.

Delinquent 1: *facepalms* Man, you are seriously not in your right mind, today.

Delinquent 2: We could also probably sell his hoodie too. Alright then, let's take this boy's-

Before he even finishes this sentence. . .

A grocery bag filled with numerous fruits and vegetables knocks him hard in the face and away onto the wall as it causes a loud thud as even the food in the bag scattered everywhere on the ground. The delinquent that was holding me hostage saw this in shock before he turned to see that the person responsible for this was none other than my mother.

She slowly raises her head up to show that she had the look of boiling rage in her eyes as she gives a death glare to the delinquent holding me hostage. If looks could kill then the delinquent would probably be dead already. Her voice got a little bit deeper as well showing just how angry she is.

(M/N): *growling* What. . . do you think. . . you're doing?

However, the delinquent holding me hostage didn't seem to be intimidated by my mother in the slightest as he just smirks at her while his partner recovers from her hit.

Delinquent 1: Whoa! She's a feisty one. You do know that you're now going to have to pay for his medical bills, right? In that case, let us see your wallet or purse, nanny.

The only thing that my mother does in response to this is cross her arms as a shadow casted over her eyes.

(M/N): I'm afraid that I have nothing to give you, so I must ask that you get your filthy hands off of that boy at once and leave.

The delinquent holding me hostage then lets me go as all I did was just stare at my mother as while I have seen her get angry before, this was definitely on another level. All he does to respond to this is crack his knuckles before he reaches down to pick up a pumpkin that my mother dropped when she hit the second delinquent.

Delinquent 1: I see. . . Well, in that case we'll just have to empty out your pockets to prove your little claim and see if it's a ploy.

He then reels the pumpkin back behind himself and gets ready to pitch it right at my mother who doesn't even make an attempt to flinch or do anything to try to react yet.

Delinquent 1: By the time we deal with you, you'll be ending up back at the drawing board, you broad!!

He hurls the pumpkin straight at my mother and the moment that he does. . . she literally breaks the pumpkin into pieces with her bare fists which shocks the delinquent as if it was anyone else it probably would've caused a broken hand. . . but my mother's hands were perfectly intact. The delinquent and his partner just stared down at this before looking back at my mother in fear.

Delinquent 2: S-She. . . She broke that bare-handed?!?!

Even I was shocked by this, but not like the delinquents as I looked down at the broken pumpkin before my mother stomped past me. I just watched her with a curious expression before she reaches a hand out and she grips the collar of one of these delinquents and gets in his face. . . with furious glowing pink eyes. She even did the Royal Canterlot voice.


This causes both of the delinquents to immediately turn and run in complete fear of my mother's fury. However, I walked up and watched those scumbags flee with surprise before looking up at my mother who was still glowering after them for trying to harm me. She was lucky that I didn't see her pink eyes as that would've immediately given away the fact that she has magic like me. I walk up to my mother. . . and just smile at her.

Young (Y/N): Mommy. . .

She looks back down at me and the moment that she sees my smile, her expression softens a ton. She instantly gets on her knees and cups both of my cheeks with a worried look before she embraces me tightly which I return with no problem. I then suddenly heard her tearing up a bit as well which surprised me as she pats my head.

(M/N): *tearing up* Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Are you alright, (Y/N)? I'm so, so sorry!

She then breaks the hug before she starts looking at me in the eyes with tears starting to fall out. It also kind of made me sad just seeing her like this.

(M/N): *voice breaking* I was too ahead of myself with protecting you. I thought that I could keep you safe from harm no matter what. . . and I let you out of my sight for just one second to let something bad happen to you. . . It's like no matter where I go, there's always a bad omen trying to take you away from me. . . And on top of that, I ruined all of the food for us that we just bought. . . I'm such a terrible excuse for a mother. . .

I didn't know what I was feeling at the moment, but I can be sure that this is the very first time that I have ever sympathized with someone. It's the entire reason why my mother was my very first friend in my life. All I simply just do is smile and I start patting my mother on her head which surprised her as she looked up with tears still streaming down her eyes to see that I was smiling at her.

Young (Y/N): I love that my mommy loves (Y/N) very much and (Y/N) loves that his mommy is so awesome and cool!

(M/N): H-Huh?

I stood back from her before trying to mimic the fighting that she was just doing to protect me from those delinquents.

Young (Y/N): Yeah! Mommy was like, "Take this! Kapow!"

I said this as I threw a punch forward. My mother grew a weird look from this before she blushed and covered her face in embarrassment.

(M/N): Oh, geez. . .

I then turn to her with a fierce look on my face.

Young (Y/N): Mommy!

She takes her hands off of her face to look at me once more as I had the look of complete determination.

Young (Y/N): I wanna be just like you and protect myself and others from bad guys! I wanna try and protect you as well!

This makes my mother's face lighten up in shock as she couldn't believe what her own son was asking him.

(M/N): E-Excuse me??

Young (Y/N): I want you to train me to become someone like you! Mommy's awesome at protecting (Y/N) and I wanna be like Mommy!

This was like a dream come true to my mother as she never asked me to ask this of her at such an early age of my life. To be honest though. . . this was definitely something that I wanted to do as while I do know that there are bad guys in the world, there are tons and lots of very good people too. Just like the ponies that I protect in Equestria.

My mother grew probably the biggest grin that I've ever seen her make in such a long time as I normally don't see her so happy. She puts both of her hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes.

(M/N): My sweet little boy. . . I would be more than DELIGHTED to teach you everything that I know about protecting those that you cherish!!

Young (Y/N): What does dat last word mean??

She rolls her eyes from this knowing that I wouldn't know such vocabulary at such a young age. She picked me up with a bright smile which surprised me before kissing me right next to my horn which made me chuckle.

(M/N): (I knew there would be a time where I might have to force this upon you, but. . . this is even better!! Maybe you are destined to be just like me one day, my sweet little darling! If there ever comes a time where I need to take us back to where we belong. . . I wanna see you become the protector of our home just like I was! And even better. . . teach someone else our talents one day. . .)

She then lifts me up over her back to allow me to get a piggyback ride on her as she looks back at me and smirks.

(M/N): *giggles* I hope that you're happy with this choice, (Y/N). Just know that I'm not going to go easy on you when I begin training you.

Young (Y/N): (Y/N) wants to learn everyfing from Mommy!

(M/N): *smirks* I thought that would be your answer.

Young (Y/N): What about dinner?

(M/N): You know. . . I feel like after today you deserve something special to eat. Put your hood on. I'll take you somewhere that makes some cupcakes instead right after we eat!

Young (Y/N): *smiles* Yay! I can't wait!

My mother and I chuckle as we both walk away from the mess that we made. She made sure that I wasn't looking before she put one of her hands behind her back and glowed her hand pink before teleporting all of the food that she spilled in a trash can nearby.

Today sparked a moment for me as I was on the verge of becoming a hero just like my mother. What's even better about this is that it actually happened. Ever since my first adventure with my girlfriends when we were finding the Elements of Harmony and turning Nightmare Moon back into Princess Luna, I'd say I've done a pretty great job at being a hero even if I didn't do it alone in the first place. . . but that's the thing though I've never done it alone which isn't a bad thing. . . but it worries me. . . And what happened to my mother when she had to leave Equestria. . . It all makes me ask one question. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

I know I'm an alicorn, but. . . can I really keep protecting Equestria forever?

Third P.O.V.

A couple of months ago. . .

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

In (V/N)'s dark realm, the dark being opened his slitted (F/C) eyes as he and Grogar were in this realm and they see the Mane 7 enjoying the new addition to their group of friends as the sight just made the blue ram growl in disgust.

Grogar: I think I just threw up in my mouth. . .

(V/N): The sight of the expanding magic of friendship is quite irritating, isn't it?

Grogar: *sarcastically* You think? How am I suppose to gather allies when they are gathering them faster than I can think of any current ones that'll be useful?!

(V/N): Let your mind be perfectly sound. . . As I stated, my power has been slowly increasing back in so many ways that Equestria will one day meet it's dark end one day more and we can both get rid of the one thing that's causing a blockade in all of this. . . My son.

Grogar: Getting rid of (Y/N) is indeed our many priority and so are the Elements of Harmony too.

(V/N): Picture this. A zebra that is black with white stripes stashes away a secret letter and then orders the zebra that is white with black stripes to search for it. What could both of their intentions possibly be?

Grogar: *sarcastically* Great. . . A riddle. . . Just what I needed.

(V/N): There are many candidates out there. . . Perhaps he forgot where they're hidden or he's playing a prank, or that message that is inside of the letter has truly left their knowledge. I can think of many reasons offhoof. Searching with others. . . guessing. . . or even giving up is simply useless.

Grogar: Then just do the job yourself! Plain and simple!

(V/N): Yes. That's what they've always done. Do the dirty work themselves without any sort of help. However, I sometimes can't help, but read into my opponent's tactics, motives, or beliefs.

Grogar just raises an eyebrow, still not getting (V/N)'s implications at all as he just sits down feeling like he should listen nonetheless.

Grogar: What are you getting at here?

(V/N): I believe that our first candidate in forming our alliance may in fact be a lot closer than we think. . .

They then turn back to the vision that they had of the Mane 7 and Spike having Starlight Glimmer be the new addition to their group of friends.

(V/N): You see. . . this Starlight Glimmer possesses talents unlike any other modern unicorn that I have ever seen. . . She was so dedicated to enforce her philosophy of equality upon all of Equestria and yet it's both disappointing and impressive that my sorry excuse of a son and Princess Twilight Sparkle were able to convince her otherwise. And I would even ask myself, if she is now a completely new type of pony and trying to abandon her old ways then why is she of such vital importance to join us?

He then turns to Grogar who was still confused on (V/N)'s intentions for Starlight Glimmer.

(V/N): You're smart and intelligent, Grogar. . . most of the time.

Grogar rolls his eyes from (V/N) patronizing him.

(V/N): What would you believe the answer is?

Grogar: Well. . . It's tricky. . .

(V/N): So far there have been two ponies that have given into the emptiness of their heart even if it was by force from me. Princess Luna with her jealousy and envy of her older sister and the other pony trapped in limbo thanks to Star Swirl and his allies. I'm sure there could be other possible victims out there who could give into darkness, but their power could never be strong enough to clash with the seven Elements of Harmony.

Grogar then puts a hoof to his chin thinking hard about what (V/N) is planning before he looks up at him into his (F/C) slitted eyes.

Grogar: So what you're saying is. . . Starlight Glimmer's former hatred of the elements might be the key we need in order for her to become one who seeks terror on all of Equestria.

All (V/N) does in response to this is close his eyes and slowly nod in agreement with Grogar who gets a rather devious smile.

Grogar: You are the true embodiment of sadism and despair, (V/N). I concur with this. . . but how are you manipulate her mind into believing that her old philosophies are not meant for her to leave behind?

(V/N) stares down at Grogar before he turns away for a minute in silence and he then levitates himself upwards before looking back at Grogar over his shoulder.

(V/N): I believe that it is time that I go into that. . . There is a reason that I chose you specifically, Grogar. Remember that time that you nearly made (Y/N) give into his negative emotions of fear and despair? . . .You actually did something that I have to thank you for.

Grogar: Really? And what's that?

(V/N): You gave me the chance to finally be free of being a vessel for (Y/N). When you absorbed his power into that bell of yours. . . you got a taste of my power as well.

He then slowly gives a creepy, fanged grin to Grogar.

(V/N): How do you think that I'm able to communicate with you when you're not even in Equestria~?

Grogar gasps from this in shock as (V/N) just stated that part of him is actually in Grogar which would mean that the real him is actually inside of (Y/N) himself. When he used the pseudo bewitching bell on (Y/N) and absorbed his power. . . part of (V/N) entered inside of him as well.

Grogar: So you don't even need to be whole for this to happen. . . even just a spark of you could allow you manipulate possibly any creature's mind.

(V/N): Now you're catching on~ It'll be easy. Just need to find the right time to try and switch vessels for it to happen. Then I can help her understand why she can be a better pony than she is now. Those who are weak simply strip the strong of their power and convinced themselves that they've earned it. That's how ponies are able to become tainted by darkness. Starlight Glimmer is no exception.

He then lowers himself back down to Grogar and face him before he holds what looks to be a hoof out covered by pitch black shadows of darkness.

(V/N): Let us both make sure that this effort does not go to waste. We will not let it happen.

Grogar looks at (V/N)'s hoof before looking at him surprised as he's never actually felt a feeling of trust in any creature else, but himself. . . but (V/N) was different especially since they have the same goal to get rid of (Y/N) and rule Equestria. He smiles sadistically back at (V/N) before he shakes his hoof finally accepting (V/N)'s ideas and trust.

Grogar: Agreed.

The two of them share malicious grins that definitely said that something bad was coming soon for Equestria. Whatever these two have planned for everypony in Equestria, especially Starlight Glimmer and (Y/N) (L/N) was definitely not good.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Present Day. . .

It has been months ever since the Mane 7 or in fact Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince (Y/N) along with their number one dragon assistant, Spike have had any drama going on regarding teaching ponies the magic of friendship. In fact, on they're very last adventure, travelling through time, they were able to convince a certain formerly misguided unicorn mare to give friendship another chance which she delightfully accepted. Ever since then the Mane 7 have been able to enjoy having this new pony around as they all could tell that she was very special and talented, especially (Y/N) and Twilight.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Speaking of the young prince, it is now sunrise in Equestria as in the peaceful town of Ponyville, it was time for the little ponies to wake up and enjoy the new relaxing day. However, some ponies seemed more excited to be up and about today. Some ponies like (Y/N) himself as the male alicorn himself was already outside as he quickly flies up to the top of the Castle of Friendship to watch the beautiful sunrise as when he see the orange sunrays hit his face and roosters crow, he grew a huge and excited grin.


Feeling super excited shouting this out over the entire town, (Y/N) flies down from the castle and goes to explore the peaceful that he lives in fast in a (M/C) streak.

Over at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was apparently already up and doing her morning chores at the farm as she was dragging a wagon full of assorted apples out of the barn. As she came out though, a certain (M/C) streak swiftly zips by her causing Applejack to nearly topple over, but (Y/N) came back and helped her back on all four of her hooves and made sure the wagon didn't topple over either.

(Y/N): Morning, Applejack

He pecks her on the cheek before zipping off elsewhere as Applejack just stares off at him slightly surprised before she rolls her eyes and holds a hoof to the place where (Y/N) just kissed her.

Applejack: Mornin' sugarcube.

Over at Fluttershy's cottage near the Everfree, the shy Pegasus herself was apparently up and early as well as she was in her backyard carrying a large bag of bird feeder as she pours a small portion of it on the front of a couple of bird houses while humming to herself. She backs up a little bit with a smile admiring her birds enjoying their breakfast, but she suddenly slips on a rock that she didn't see behind her making her yelp and toss the sack up into the air.

Fluttershy looks up before cowering, expecting a ton of bird seed to shower her, but after a couple of seconds of nothing happening, she looks up to see that (Y/N) had apparently caught it in the air just in time as he lowers himself down and sets the sack of bird seed down on the ground before quickly going over to peck Fluttershy on the forehead which surprised her before (Y/N) flew off.

(Y/N): Morning, Fluttershy!

Fluttershy watches him fly off before the sack that (Y/N) put down on the grass topples over and spills a ton of bird seed everywhere, but this only makes Fluttershy giggle while putting her hoof to her mouth as she turns back in the direction where (Y/N) flew off and waves.

Fluttershy: Good morning, (Y/N).

At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie was in her bedroom as she was snuggled up peacefully in her bed. . . before an alarm clock went off which made Pinkie yelp before she rockets up and out of bed and a crash was heard as she apparently had stuck her head through the ceiling. By the looks it too, this isn't the first time that she has done that.

She shakes her head which was poking outside out of the ceiling of her bedroom before she looks up and sees (Y/N) looking down at her with a bright smile as he levitates her out of the hole she just made and brings her up to him.

(Y/N): Morning, Pinkie Pie!

He pecks her on the nose before teleporting both of them back inside and (Y/N) uses his magic to effortlessly repair the hole in the ceiling that Pinkie just made. The party mare gets a grin from this before she attempts to tackle (Y/N) into a hug, but he teleports away at the exact moment she did so which surprised Pinkie. She sees that her hooves were empty, so she just looked at the camera and shrugged her shoulders before smiling and giving her herself a bone crushing hug instead.

Pinkie Pie: Morning, (N/N) sweetie~

At Carousel Boutique, Rarity was still in bed trying to get her beauty sleep with a mask over her eyes. Over near her window, a smug (Y/N) could be seen planning something mischievous as he inhales before shouting throw Rarity's window.

(Y/N): Morning, Rarity!!

Rarity immediately let out a small scream as she rolls off of the bed with a thud and (Y/N) snickers from this before flying away as he wanted to get away before Rarity scolds him. Rarity gets upright with her blanket over her head before she levitates it off of her and back onto her bed. She gives a forced smile and an exasperated sigh as she makes up her bed.

Rarity: *sighs* Good morning, darling.

Back outside up in the clouds, a certain rainbow-haired tomboy apparently decided to make a bunch of clouds her sleeping spot for the night as she was laying on her back snoring while drooling as well. (Y/N) hops from cloud to cloud and sees Rainbow Dash asleep as he just rolls his eyes before continuing to jump across the clouds in the sky.

(Y/N): Morning, Rainbow Dash!

This was enough to wake Rainbow Dash up apparently as she raised her head groggily before looking around confused with sleep clearly still in her eyes before she just lowers her head back on the cloud.

Rainbow Dash: *snoring* Mornin', babe. . .

Over a large area of plain grass, (Y/N) flies here with a huge smile on his face as he just skips a few steps and jumps higher and higher before taking a huge dive into a lake. He doesn't come up for a few seconds, but bubbles could be seen in the water before (Y/N) rockets out of the lake while spinning to create a small tornado of water around him before he spreads it all over the land. Due to the sun being out it just radiates all of the land even more and (Y/N) flies back into Ponyville.

Some ponies that were just walking out of their houses see (Y/N) flying by as they decide to wave him hello and good morning as the male alicorn returns as much happy waves as he could back to the citizens that he loves to protect. He then flies back to the Castle of Friendship in a (M/C) streak as he decides to enter the castle through the balcony.

(End Music Here)

(Y/N) then teleports back into his room in the castle which was a partially messy, but decently organized room with some Daring Do books on a shelf nearby, his nightstand had a (F/C) lamp, a vase with a red rose inside of it to remember his mother, a picture with him and the rest of the Mane 7, and a picture with him, Celestia, and Luna. He was still flying in the air as he looks around the area wondering if the coast is clear and it looks like it was as he pumps a hoof.

(Y/N): *quietly* Yes! Twi didn't find out this time.

He then lands on the ground and slowly tiptoes to his bed careful to not make too much noise around his room as it looks like he was trying to convince Twilight and Spike who were also in the castle that he was still in bed. Luckily, he was able to slowly get under the covers and he yawns before bundling up after waking up so early.

(Y/N): *sighs* And now. . . after an early morning workout. . . a little shut eye.

As he says that. . . a certain pet owl that belongs to his girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle lands on (Y/N)'s head and starts pecking him multiple times which made him groan annoyed as he could definitely feel the pecks Owlowiscious was doing as he looked up at him irritated.

(Y/N): Ah! Ow, ow! Owlowiscious! Morning pecks?! Seriously?!

Owlowiscious then flies up and looks at (Y/N) clearly not happy.

Owlowiscious: Hoo!

(Y/N): What?? . . .Oh. I'm guessing Twi probably put you in charge to make sure I don't try and sleep in on important stuff when I decide to wake up an hour early, huh?

Owlowiscious: *nods* Hoo!

(Y/N): Ugh! Well, what could possibly be important today that I so carelessly decided to miss, night owl?

Owlowiscious: Hoo?

Owlowiscious flies away for a second before coming back with a calendar on his beak as he hovers back in front of (Y/N) to show why he prevented him from sleeping any further. Apparently, there was a large circle marked on the calendar with a label that said "The Crystalling" on it which made (Y/N)'s eye widen in slight surprise.

(Y/N): Oh. . . right. Shining Armor and Cadance's Crystalling. . . along with seeing my new niece. I thought that wasn't until next week.

Owlowiscious rolls his eyes before using one of his wings to point to another section near the label and (Y/N) reads it as it said "Do NOT forget! -Twilight Sparkle". (Y/N) groans before reluctantly getting out of his bed, falling down to the floor face first.

(Y/N): Alright, alright! I'm up! . . .I'm up!

(Y/N) walks out of his room still feeling pretty tired as he holds his head for second before shaking himself to try and wake himself up. He walks through the halls of the castle passing by door by door.

(Y/N): Sometimes it's honestly scary that Twi that knows me so well. . . though I guess I can't really complain since Pinkie can be smart enough to finish your sentences and she can memorize everything you love about your birthday.

He then yawns again as he trudges further through the corridor.

(Y/N): *yawns* I think a nice, calm, and warm bath is just what I need to wake myself up this morning before going to the Crystal Empire. Hopefully, I get to see Tia and Luna too since it's been awhile since I got to see them.

He then detects a slightly foul odor as he sniffs under one of his forelegs before cringing.

(Y/N): . . .Though of course I'm not going there or visiting them with horrible body odor from that lake that I just took a dive in nearly a half hour ago.

He then magically opens a door that opens up to one of the castle bathrooms as he just walks up trying his best to keep his eyes open the best that he can. He then turns over to the mirror that was in the bathroom as he decided to take a look at himself for a second putting a hoof over his mane.

(Y/N): Honestly, getting up like this is the least of my problems as I really-

He then notices something off about the mirror as he gets a really confused look on his face before squinting his eyes to get a closer look. Apparently, there was already water vapor on the mirror which made (Y/N) raise an eyebrow he looks as sees that there was steam flowing around the bathroom.

(Y/N): What in the. . . Why is there steam flowing around in the bathroom? Twilight usually uses the other bathroom in the castle where her room is and Spike usually takes his baths after I do. . . That can't be right. . .

However, (Y/N) was forgetting something about those sentences as he left out one particular character that they reformed not too long ago. It takes him a minute before his eyes shot open in realization of who exactly he forgot was living in the castle with him, Twilight, and Spike. He then slowly turns his head to the right and what he saw next. . . was apparently not what he was expecting to see the first thing in the morning. . .

There was a certain lilac unicorn inside of the bathtub wearing a shower cap on her head as she had been staring at (Y/N) the entire time that he was inside. It was Starlight Glimmer as she had an extremely red flustered look and (Y/N) had the same exact look as well. There was silence from this extremely awkward moment before (Y/N) slowly raises a hoof and waves.

(Y/N): Uh. . . H-Hey, Starlight. . . M-Morning to you too?

However, Starlight's reaction. . . was to punch (Y/N) hard in the face which immediately knocks him out of the bathroom.

Starlight Glimmer: GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!

(Y/N) gets sent flying onto a wall and slides down to the floor before he gets back up and immediately slams the door shut while keeping his back to it in case Starlight tries to break out of there to try and clobber (Y/N) again for rudely walking into the bathroom without warning. (Y/N) still had a huge blush on his face while panting as he didn't expect to be walking in on anypony first thing in the morning especially since all of his other girlfriends had gotten up too.

(Y/N): (That's right. . . I forgot that we're allowing Starlight to live with us here in the castle. . . Still, I was afraid that one day I would accidentally walk in on one of my girlfriends in a bath. . . despite that we don't wear clothes, but this is WAY worse since I'm now going to be Starlight's teacher with Twilight, so we can teach her friendship. . .)

A little bit later, (Y/N) had finally got to take his bath like he wanted to and was now walking through the halls of the castle with Starlight who was wearing an extremely guilty look on her face for punching (Y/N) out of the bathroom earlier. She apparently had also decided to change her mane style as her forelock now curls past one side of her horn instead of hanging in straight bangs divided by it.

Starlight Glimmer: Sorry about. . . what happened earlier, (Y/N). . . I-I didn't really know how to else to respond or react cause I've never been in that situation before.

(Y/N) just smiles at Starlight while patting a hoof to her back.

(Y/N): You don't need to apologize. . . Honestly, that's more my fault considering that I forgot that you were living with us from now and it's my responsibility to know so. I should've knocked too considering Spike and I pretty much share the same bathroom. Speaking of knocking. . . I'll admit that was a really good punch. You clocked me good. . . and that's saying something considering I know how strong Applejack is.

Starlight Glimmer: Thanks. . . I guess?

She said with a slightly downtrodden look which (Y/N) notices.

(Y/N): Hey, Starlight. What's wrong?

Starlight Glimmer: S-Sorry, it's just. . . *sighs* I still feel really bad about how I almost. . . you know. . . to you and I guess Twilight as well.

(Y/N): Hey, I'm not one to dwell on the past, and neither should you. What matters is that you're now trying to change for the better. As one of your new mentor in both teaching friendship and protecting those you care about, we happily accept you here and this place is your new home.

This makes Starlight smile a little before she turns her head back and forth to eye the sets of identical double doors that line both walls they were walking in between through.

Starlight Glimmer: This castle looked a lot smaller from the outside though. How do you guys get through this labyrinth everyday?

(Y/N): You'll get used to it. Trust me, it took me sometime to figure out which room is the stairs to the balcony or the basement.

Starlight Glimmer: Well. . . I guess only (Y/N) (L/N) is smart enough to figure out how to get through a maze of doors in a short amount of time.

This makes (Y/N) chuckle before he notices Starlight walk up to one set of doors at random and exerts her magic over them. His eyes widen before he tries warning Starlight.

(Y/N): Oh, um, Starlight, that's uh. . .

Too late as the doors swing open to reveal the bathroom they were in a minute ago as Spike is in here, standing on a stool to reach the sink and brush his teeth. A towel is wrapped around his waist and a band of cloth around his head keeps his spines back. He notices the two as he waves at them.

Spike: *muffled* Morning, guys!

Both stare inside popeyed before averting their eyes as Starlight slams the door shut again.

Starlight Glimmer: Whoops! Sorry, Spike! I'm still trying to find my way around here.

(Y/N): *chuckles nervously* I was getting ready to say that the room to the library is the next door AFTER the bathroom.

He points behind her as Starlight eyes in the direction he has indicated to yet another pair of undifferentiated doors. Starlight just deadpans at this as this was further proof that figuring out how to get around the castle is going to be a cakewalk.

Starlight Glimmer: *sarcastically* Right. . . thanks.

(Y/N): Well on the bright side, now we're even accidentally walking into the bathroom on somepony.

He says this with a bright smile, but Starlight just raises an eyebrow from this.

Starlight Glimmer: I don't exactly know why you should feel proud about that, but okay. . .

They then walk into the library as they both see none other than the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle in here as she was standing at a table, levitating the top end of a scroll that rests among a couple of books and marking off items with a quill.

Twilight Sparkle: Acceptance, mm-hmm. Altruism, definitely.

She then notices (Y/N) and Starlight as she sets down the scroll and quill.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), Starlight, good morning!

(Y/N): *deadpans* Good morning to you too mare who likes to use her pet owl as my painful alarm clock. . .

Twilight Sparkle: *smirks* Hey, you had it coming with how lazy you were being for the last week or so.

(Y/N): I get up early sometimes to go on a morning flight. Is it too much to ask for some extra sleep when I get done doing so?

Twilight Sparkle: For important occasions like today, yes.

(Y/N): *rolls eyes* Whatever. . . I just got finished showing Starlight around the castle.

Starlight Glimmer: I still can't believe you guys are letting me stay here. . . as your pupil. . . after everything I did.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I'm not one to dwell on-

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah, yeah. I told her all that.

Twilight shoots him a dirty look and rolls her eyes before walking back to the table as (Y/N) and Starlight cross up to her.

Twilight Sparkle: "Anyways" . . .I was just trying to figure out what your first friendship lesson should be!

Starlight is more than a bit caught out by the sheer number of entries that she can easily see on the unrolled portion while (Y/N) was indifferent. Twilight lets everything drop to the table.

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, well, it looks like you're really narrowing it down!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, these are just the A's. After this, I move on to the B's!

She points to another table stacked high with documents and practically ringed in by other piles on the floor. A few scrolls are scattered among the plethora of paperwork. Twilight just gives the brightest grin she can muster, but (Y/N) and Starlight's eyes shrink almost to panic-stricken points. The male alicorn and lilac unicorn slowly turn to eye each other as if they were thinking the same thing of how insane that is. (Y/N) then leans into Starlight's ear to whisper something to ear.

(Y/N): *whispers* Okay, your lessons with just me. . . are NOT going to be that extreme.

Starlight Glimmer: *whispers* Good to know. . . *nervous chuckle*

Twilight notices their expressions before looking at the pile again and floats several documents up.

Twilight Sparkle: Maybe I should pare things down a bit before we actually go through them.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Gee, ya think?

Twilight Sparkle: Why don't you two join the others in the throne room? They're planning our trip to the Crystal Empire when Shining Armor and Princess Cadance have their baby!

Starlight Glimmer: Throne room! Got it!

Out goes Starlight at a full gallop before (Y/N) calls out after her.

(Y/N): Starlight! Do you even know where the throne room is?

She puts her head back in the doorway with an embarrassed smile.

Starlight Glimmer: Um, which way is the throne room again, (Y/N)?

Her sheepish chuckle is followed by the Princess' indulgent sigh and eye roll as she and (Y/N) smirk at each other knowing that it's definitely going to take a while before Starlight gets used to all of the routes in the castle.

Inside of the throne room and its central map table, now bare, all of the seats are occupied by the mares of the Mane 7 except those of Twilight, (Y/N), and Spike. One door swings open under Starlight's magical grip and she and (Y/N) enter.

Rainbow Dash: Well, I think we should leave ASAP. I don't want to miss the Crystalling!

Fluttershy: But, um, shouldn't we wait for the invitation?

Applejack: Frankly, I'm not exactly clear on all the customs and traditions of the Crystal Empire, especially when it comes to a Crystalling.

Starlight Glimmer: What's a Crystalling?

Rarity: Well, that's just it, darling. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's baby is due any day, and we're still not sure. The Crystal Empire was gone for a thousand years. A lot of their customs are a bit murky.

(Y/N): Like the Crystal Faire for example, we mostly did that to fight off King Sombra, but it is actually a Crystal Empire tradition. The Crystalling though. . . it took some time to find out that's a very old tradition of the Crystal Empire. I don't know the full details though since Twilight and Spike mostly studied it.

Applejack: We know it's got somethin' to do with the new baby.

Pinkie Pie then pops up at point-blank range.

Pinkie Pie: *quickly* And a party!

Fluttershy: And the Crystal Heart.

Pinkie pops up behind her as she cowers away in her seat.

Pinkie Pie: *quickly* And a party!

Rainbow Dash then flies over to Applejack, (Y/N), and Starlight.

Rainbow Dash: And some kinda cool energy.

Pinkie steps into the fore to face them, standing on the table.

Pinkie Pie: And. . . a party!

She shouts this as she happily throws confetti. Her go-to idea thoroughly fails to impress either Rainbow or Starlight, but (Y/N) just rolls his eyes with a smirk.

(Y/N): That's Pinkie folks!

Starlight was confused from that statement before Applejack leans over to Starlight.

Applejack: *whispers* Yer gonna hear that a lot more times than ya can count, sugarcube.

Spike then walks into the throne room carrying a scroll under his arm.

Spike: It's not hard to understand. Most things in the Crystal Empire aren't.

Hopping onto his own small throne, he unrolls the document on the next line to reveal a ruby-eyed drawing of himself standing proudly beneath the floating Crystal Heart.

Spike: Like how I'm a big hero there, for example!

He gives out a cocky grin. . . and this is met with varied reactions of subdued amusement, annoyance, and confusion, with Rarity desperately trying to stifle a guffaw. Pinkie pops up in the fore to give him a very hairy eyeball before (Y/N) walks up to him with a slight annoyed expression.

(Y/N): Yeah. . . the title that "I" gave you, thank you very much. . . I'M still the Hero of Equestria standing in this room and I believe the Crystal Empire counts as part of the land. . .

This ends with a smirk causing the baby dragon to suddenly think better of stroking his own ego and stows the drawing away again.

Spike: Ehe. . . Anyways, I've had to help Twilight do a lot of research on Crystallings.

Now he reaches down behind the table and brings up an ornately decorated, two-handled ceramic urn, which he sets on the table. The picture on it depicts a unicorn stallion and alicorn mare with a newborn foal, against the backdrop of the Heart and flanked by two armored guards.

Spike: Whenever a baby is born in the Crystal Empire, the parents bring it before the Crystal Heart. They get the purest shard of crystal they can find, then pick a crystaller to present the baby to everypony who comes. Then they all share the light and joy they feel, feeding it into the crystal that joins with the Heart, and increases its power! And this is going to be a royal Crystalling, so pretty much the whole empire will show up. That hasn't happened in a millennia!

He sets the pot out of sight behind the table edge as Starlight crosses to him.

Starlight Glimmer: What do you mean it increases the Crystal Heart's power?

Spike: The energy it uses to protect the Crystal Empire, I guess.

Starlight Glimmer: Protect it from what?

Spike: I. . . didn't help Twilight with that part.

(Y/N): Well, I DO know that part of the protection comes from protecting it from King Sombra who formerly enslaved the Crystal Empire and juicing up the Crystal ponies' spirits. . . but I can't put my hoof on the bigger picture of that. . . Maybe there's something ancient about the Crystal Heart we don't know about or something bigger than Sombra? I don't know. . . We'll probably have to ask Twi about that.

Pinkie Pie: Where is Twilight anyway?

(Y/N): *sighs* Trying to figure out what Starlight's first lesson should be through dozens of written documents she wrote.

Applejack: Of course she is. . . Wait, didn't ya help with some of those, hun?

(Y/N): A few, yeah. But when it comes to Twilight, she'll try and find a situation for pretty much anything given how hyper organized she always is.

He then turns to Starlight with a smile.

(Y/N): My lessons for you are a lot more simple and considering how talented you are with magic already. Your one-on-one sessions with me should just be an easy cakewalk. Just to test your skills and see if I can make you better in combat. Some will be friendship-oriented, but not all of them.

This makes Starlight feel a little better as she smiles back at (Y/N) before her brand new teacher gestures for her to follow him.

(Y/N): Come on, let's go see if Twi's finished yet. She may even have an answer about the Crystal Empire that we can ask about.

Back inside of the library, Twilight is seen seated at the table and running a critical eye over the page. She brings up another one from a second stack as (Y/N) and Starlight tentatively enters through the open doors.

Starlight Glimmer: Hey, Twilight.

(Y/N): Starlight and I wanted to ask you something about the Crystal Empire.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh! Funny you should mention it. Because I just narrowed Starlight's first friendship lesson down to three options, and one of them is in the Crystal Empire!

She said separating the documents in midair and turns them to face (Y/N) and Starlight as the latter seemed eager.

Starlight Glimmer: Really?

Twilight nods, stacking the papers and turning them toward herself.

Twilight Sparkle: I found out that's where the first pony you ever cared about lives!

This changes Starlight's mood immediately as she gets a puzzled look.

Starlight Glimmer: Sunburst?

This was the colt she knew in her youth, whose discovery of his talent set her on the path to trying to eradicate Cutie Marks.

(Y/N): Hey, that's not a bad idea actually. Reuniting with your childhood friend is a great start in fact since you haven't seen him in pretty much your childhood.

However, Starlight's reaction was instead an increasingly worried countenance on her face, which begins to slide dangerously close to a nervous breakdown as the sweat begins to pour down her face not listening to (Y/N) and Twilight talking.

Twilight Sparkle: Of course, that's just one idea. We could also go to Griffonstone.

(Y/N): You do know that making friends with a griffon themselves is a challenge considering me, Dash, and Pinkie pretty much only know two of them.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, we could tag along with the CMC's the next time they try to help a pony figure out why they're special. . .

By this point, their words have been almost totally drowned out by a high-pitched ringing in Starlight's ears as her mentality was definitely going haywire. (Y/N) and Twilight notice this as they immediately goes up to Starlight and the unicorn snaps back to herself at the next word.

(Y/N): Starlight!

Twilight Sparkle: Is something wrong?

Starlight Glimmer: What? O-Oh, no, heh, those all sound great!

She said giving a big strained and forced grin that was definitely unconvincing to (Y/N), but not Twilight as she just trots off happily.

Twilight Sparkle: I know! I guess you were right – it IS gonna be hard to choose one!

Starlight Glimmer: *laughs nervously* Yeah. . .

She worries her lower lip for a moment before she decides to slowly trots out of the library and back into the corridor. Little does she know that (Y/N) saw her walk off with this fearful look as it made him raise an eyebrow and he definitely considered following her.

Walking through the corridor with a downtrodden expression, one set of doors with her magic, she is immediately buried under a tumble of brooms and cleaning supplies as she apparently opened a janitorial closet. Putting her head up from the mess, she grumbles before all of the supplies are levitated in a (F/C) color which confused her before she looked back to see that (Y/N) was responsible as he levitates them back inside of the closet and slam the doors shut.

He then walks over and offers to help Starlight back up onto her hooves as Starlight stared at (Y/N)'s hoof before smiling at him and accepting it. She then decides to search through another door as she approaches one which made (Y/N)'s eyes widen.

(Y/N): Wait, Starlight, that's. . .

She opens the doors. . . to find Spike standing on a stool and flexing his muscles in a mirror. She reacts with silent shock while (Y/N) gets a weird look questioning Spike's sanity as once he takes full notice of them, he drops the pose and gives them a sheepish grin and wave.

(Y/N): . . .Seriously, Spike? I'm starting to question of giving you your Crystal Empire title was even a good idea.

Spike: Well, when was the last time YOU looked into a mirror?

(Y/N) just furrows his eyebrows at Spike slight annoyed.

(Y/N): I don't appreciate your sass, dude. . .

Starlight Glimmer: Ugh! I am never gonna find my way around this place!

(Y/N) then follows Starlight who continues to glumly trudge across the hallway.

(Y/N): Alright, what's the matter?

Starlight Glimmer: Uh. . . w-what makes you think something is the matter?

(Y/N): Well, you went from excited to just straight up nervous when Twilight mentioned some of your lessons. . . some of which I still think are too much. . . and now you're just slowly walking throw the castle again clumsily opening incorrect doors without a guide. . . so yeah, something's wrong, alright.

Starlight looks back at (Y/N) a little bit surprised before she rolls her eyes and internally sighs exasperatedly.

Starlight Glimmer: *mumbles* Only (Y/N) (L/N) has enough perception to see through ponies like me. . .

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow at Starlight mumbling this to herself.

(Y/N): What?

Starlight Glimmer: N-Nothing! *sighs* You're right, (Y/N). Something is bothering me. . . You and Twilight are figuring out my friendship lessons and. . . I'm not exactly thrilled with the options. Well. . . with one of them.

(Y/N): Which one is that?

Starlight Glimmer: Reuniting me with my first friend.

(Y/N): What? I don't get it. How can you not be thrilled to see your old best friend after so long?

Now she comes to a halt and lets go with a heavy sigh, looking toward the ceiling as she recalls her time in the far past with her childhood friend, Sunburst.


Young Starlight Glimmer and Young Sunburst are seen as foals, sitting on a blanket under a tree in their village. Young Sunburst reads from a book held easily in his telekinetic grip, while Young Starlight Glimmer struggles to lift one of several toy blocks. Neither one has a Cutie Mark yet.

Starlight Glimmer: When we were foals, Sunburst knew everything there was to know about magic.

Her power fizzles out and the block drops away and a split-second later, Young Sunburst has shifted his book in front of her face. A quizzical glance from her is met with a big grin that quickly brings one to her face, and he moves the tome back to himself as she gives the blocks another try and manages to get all of them circling above her head.

Inside of what appears to be Sunburst's house, a full glass falls onto a stretch of floorboards and spilling its contents as to the two friends seated at a kitchen table. Young Starlight Glimmer mouth wobbles at the mess she has made.

Starlight Glimmer: He always knew just what to do.

Without missing a beat, Young Sunburst maneuvers a cloth down to sop up the spill. Young Starlight Glimmer gives him a grateful smile, replaced by a look of surprise as Young Sunburst shows her the scroll he has been reading. The rag ends up wadded into a floating ball as now the filly strains her magic and catches Young Sunburst off guard by kicking a bevy of cleaning supplies into gear.

The kitchen quickly fills with soap suds, which float upward past the camera and clear away to show the entire room now squeaky clean. Every dish washed, every surface sparkling and free of splatters, every item now neatly put away including the supplies and the dropped glass. The two foals exchange warm smiles at this display of gonzo scrubbing.

Young Starlight Glimmer is then seen backing up fearfully across a living room as a tower of books topples toward her.

Starlight Glimmer: And he was always there to help me.

His magic seizes the tomes and sets them circling around himself as he floats in midair, golden light shining from his body in a brilliant corona. They are slotted home on the shelves, the sparkling sun appears on his haunch, and she stares dumbstruck as he bumps her aside in his gleeful race out the front door. Out in the street, his father levitates him off the ground so all the onlookers can get a clear view and Young Starlight Glimmer moves a bit closer.

Starlight Glimmer: I guess it's not surprising that Sunburst got his cutie mark in magic and. . . went off to Princess Celestia's school.

Outside, the entire crowd sets off to celebrate, leaving the filly standing dejectedly alone on the stoop.

Starlight Glimmer: But when he left. . .

(End of Flashback)

(Y/N) looks at Starlight feeling just as dejected about she was when all of those events happened leading up to not only enslaving lonely villages, but also trying to take revenge on the Princess of Friendship and the Hero of Equestria.

(Y/N): Right. . . it ended up with you doing all of your. . . "misfortunes".

Starlight Glimmer: Not really stuff I'm super eager to tell Sunburst about. I mean, he's probably some big important wizard now, and. . . I can't even find my way around your castle.

She hangs her head down, but (Y/N) just places a hoof on her shoulder.

(Y/N): Starlight. . . I COMPLETELY understand what you're going through. But trust me, you're not going to screw everything up by the mere mention of your past problems with us. If Twilight thinks that's what your first assignment should be then who am I to argue?

Starlight Glimmer: Easier than done you know? I-I mean, I may have done a lot of things myself before, (Y/N), but. . . I-I'm not brave at doing things like this compared to you. I just. . . don't want you or Twilight to think I'm not ready to learn or that I'm not grateful for everything you're doing for me.

(Y/N): Starlight. . . Look at me. . .

He says this as he walks right in front of her before sitting down on his haunches and placing both of his forelegs on her shoulders.

(Y/N): You're EXTREMELY talented in many things and I'm sure friendship is going to be one of them too. I doubt Sunburst will care that much of your bad deeds because what's really important is that you and him get to reunite and see each other again. And that's an opportunity that I can't even have with my mother, so in other words. . . you're a lucky mare to see him again.

Starlight Glimmer: *sighs* That's what I want to believe, but. . .

(Y/N): And I know that you're going to do great! Trust me, if I was able to get through with making new friends after losing my only one then I'm sure that you're capable of doing it too. I made a promise to my mother that I would make actual friends for once and protect Equestria while I'm doing it. In fact. . .

(Y/N) stood back up on all four of his hooves and holds out his hoof to Starlight who stares at in confusion.

(Y/N): Let me make a promise to you. An unbreakable one that I vow not to ever break.

Starlight Glimmer: . . .So, it's a Pinkie Promise??

(Y/N): No. This is a WAY different and special kind of promise. This is one that I would only make to ponies who I completely trust or want to help them as much as possible. . . and right now you're on the top of that list, Starlight.

Starlight's eyes widen from this in shock as she looks up at (Y/N) in the eyes.

(Y/N): I promise you that whatever happens whether you or I succeed or fail, we'll ALWAYS get through it together and be there for one another. . . and I NEVER break my promises.

Starlight continues to look at (Y/N) in silent shock as nopony has ever put so much trust in her before like this and even after everything that she did to (Y/N), he doesn't care and wants to not only be her friend and mentor, but also put all of his trust in her as well. She slowly gets an embarrassed smile on her face as she looks away for a moment before slowly raises her hoof and hoof bumps (Y/N) back with a bright smile.

Starlight Glimmer: Thanks, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Anytime, Starlight.

Starlight Glimmer: I still don't think meeting Sunburst is a good idea, but. . . I'll definitely try to remember what you said.

(Y/N): That's plenty enough for me.

Suddenly, Twilight voice rang out from the castle's balcony.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! Come quick!

Both (Y/N) and Starlight trade a slightly puzzled look before they follow her voice.

Twilight is seen with Spike on a balcony, front hooves propped on the railing as a breeze toys with her mane. The other two move to the doorway leading out here as Twilight's smile becomes a beam, and she raptly watches something making its way over Ponyville on the strengthening air currents. It resolves into a single large snowflake, and she stretches out one wing to catch it as the wind dies away and Starlight and (Y/N) step out.

The flake proves to contain a sheet of paper at its center, folded into a hexagon and the flaps unfold one by one to reveal a written message tucked inside.

Spike: It's a Crystalling invitation!

(Y/N): Woo-hoo! Took them long enough!

Twilight Sparkle: Shining Armor's a father! I'm an aunt! (Y/N)'s an uncle!

She then crosses over to him, Spike, and Starlight.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, this settles it! Since we're going to the Crystal Empire, your first friendship lesson is going to be. . .

Starlight's face falls at the inevitable knowledge of her next words.

Twilight Sparkle: Reuniting with Sunburst!

She and Spike head blissfully back into the Castle, the Princess completely oblivious to the unease that has settled onto Starlight's blue-eyed face.

Starlight Glimmer: *unenthusiastically* Great. . .

The smile turns into a shaky grin, then a fresh bout of lower-lip chewing which (Y/N) notices, but he reassures Starlight by raising up one of his hooves.

(Y/N): Starlight, just remember what I said, alright?

Starlight smiles weakly as she reluctantly raises her hoof as well.

Starlight Glimmer: Yeah. . . I know. . .

The Mane 7 along with Spike and their new friend, Starlight Glimmer were now on the Ponyville Express taking their trip to the Crystal Empire for the royal Crystalling as they were getting close to their destination. Twilight was sitting with Starlight and reading a book on baby care held in her aura, (Y/N) was sitting with Spike in a relaxed position, Applejack was sitting next to a large cloth-covered bundle topped with a bow, Fluttershy was looking out the window, Pinkie was slumped down next to a couple of gift boxes and bored out of her skull, Rarity was sitting next to Fluttershy and across from Applejack, and Rainbow Dash was napping as she was half-sitting up, and she lets go with a yawn and stretch.

Rainbow Dash: Um, Applejack, what is that?

Applejack: Oh, just a little somethin' for the young'un.

She gets teeth on the cloth and nips it away to expose a wooden cradle with a cloth canopy built over the head end. The material has an apple pattern, and one more fruit is carved into the footboard. The rest of them gather around to see this.

Applejack: Made from genuine Sweet Apple Acres apple trees. We make 'em for all the Apples, and anypony related to Twilight is practically family.

Twilight smiles warmly at this, having put her book down.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, it's okay. . . But it's no Cloudsdale mobile!

Dipping a hoof down to floor level, the blue flyer produces a mobile hung with rainbows, clouds, and lightning bolts.

Rainbow Dash: Bam!

Pinkie darts over to look in amazement.

Pinkie Pie: Ooh! Pretty!

She gives it a nudge, which is all it takes for one piece to fall off, a sound of shattering glass floating up from below to mark its unfortunate encounter with the floor. The pink party pony gives a big dopey grin while Rainbow Dash deadpans at her.

Applejack: Well, a mobile is real nice. . . as long as you have somethin' to lay in so you can look at it.

Rarity floats the cradle before replacing it with a blanket that she stitched together.

Rarity: And a fetching blanket to keep you warm.

The farmer's eyes pop at this unexpected change of bedding, but she quickly shifts into a humoring smile.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sure Shining Armor and Princess Cadance will love all our gifts. But I think they're more happy we'll be attending the baby's Crystalling.

(Y/N): It's not just any ordinary Crystalling either. A royal Crystalling that's actually happening today after being trapped by Sombra or disappearing for such a long time. This is going to be a legendary moment for not just Shining and Cadance, but the Crystal Empire itself. Though I'm most excited about meeting my new niece!

He said with a big squeaky grin making Twilight playfully roll her eyes from his excitement.

Pinkie Pie: (N/N) is right on one thing in mind of minds! I can't wait to see all that light and love make the Crystal Heart even more sparkly and shiny!

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, Pinkie, the Crystal Heart is an ancient and powerful relic. Without its magic, the Crystal Empire would be lost to the Frozen North.

(Y/N) hears this before going into thought from this by putting a hoof to his chin.

(Y/N): (Question is. . . how can one snowstorm be that strong to overtake an entire city? I know Cadance's magic protected the Empire from both Sombra and the storm temporarily before the Crystal Heart was returned, but was the Crystal Heart also needed to power the protection against the storm too. . . I can't shake the feeling that there's something bigger from that we're missing. Well, it won't matter. We have the Crystal Heart anyways.)

Starlight Glimmer: Wow, this Crystalling sounds pretty important. I'd understand if you wanted to. . . you know. . . wait to do a different friendship lesson when we get back.

Twilight Sparkle: Are you kidding? This trip is perfect! Not only do I get to see the baby and take part in the ceremony that helps maintain the magic of the Crystal Empire, but I'm starting my new pupil off with the most amazing friendship lesson ever!

She throws a foreleg around Starlight's shoulders and pulls her close, unnerving her all over again.

Twilight Sparkle: I can't wait!

After a very long, very awkward moment, the pupil extricates herself from the embrace with a shaky smile.

Starlight Glimmer: Right. . . Me neither. . .

As Twilight brings up her baby-care book, Starlight glances desperately across the way towards (Y/N) and Spike. Spike just gestures impatiently toward Twilight to tell her to just spit it out already as Starlight nervously shakes her head. She then looks at (Y/N) who gives her a calm smile as he just pumps his hoof out to her again reminding her of his promise earlier and this helps Starlight work up the nerve to speak.

Starlight Glimmer: Actually, Twilight, I am a little worried about meeting Sunburst.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, trust me. I know what it's like to see old friends. But (Y/N) and I will be right there to help things along. I've broken the whole lesson down into a few easy steps to ensure this reunion goes off without a hitch!

Twilight then unrolls a scroll that stretches for yards along the aisle. None of the other eight passengers can believe what they are seeing.

(Y/N): . . .You call THAT a few?! Wait a sec. . .

He levitates up the scroll to read the instructions that Twilight made before pointing at them with an annoyed look.

(Y/N): Half of these don't even have anything to do with her reunion with Sunburst! That step right there is part of the Crystalling!

Twilight Sparkle: Well because we're here doing both at the same time it's reasonable to place the steps with her reunion as part of the Crystalling and it makes them easier to memorize. Am I right, girls?

She said looking towards the other mares of the Mane 7 with a bright smile hoping for agreement as all of them including Starlight voiced different amounts of uneasy chuckles or nods. (Y/N) and Spike both look at each other thinking the same thing as they both clapped a claw or hoof to their face.

(Y/N): (This dork mare that I have as my girlfriend has no limits. . . I don't even wanna know how much she put into Lesson 2. . .)

Once the train has come to a stop, the nearest car door slides open and the Ponyville bunch starts to emerge as Pinkie hops along with gift box on back, while Rainbow flies out carrying her mobile. Twilight floats her scroll along with (Y/N) following as a very down-in-the-mouth Starlight keeps pace. Fluttershy hangs back inside the car.

Twilight Sparkle: Step one, head to Sunburst's house and get you two started on the right hoof. Step two, get to the castle with enough time to visit the ba—

She is so caught up in her checklist that she does not notice Shining Armor standing directly in her path until she has run flat into him. He is absolutely fried with his mane and tail in disarray, face covered with stubble, eyes and voice betraying a major-league lack of sleep. Both shake their heads clear as her scroll hits the platform as Twilight is first to come up with a happy gasp.

Twilight Sparkle: *gasps* Shining Armor!

Shining Armor: Twilight!

They both share a quick sibling embrace.

Twilight Sparkle: I didn't know you were meeting us!

His next words are a long sentence of him trying to talk while keeping himself awake and sane in the process

Shining Armor: Of course I am! It's me, right here. Here I am. Why wouldn't I come meet my sister? Though we have met before, heh-heh. . .

(Y/N): Uh. . . bro, you good? You look as frazzled as Twilight is every Sunday of each week.

He chuckles from this as this earned him a quick jab to the nose from the purple princess as (Y/N) rubs his nose and glares at Twilight not taking the joke before looking back at Shining Armor with a worried look.

(Y/N): *holding nose* Okay, no, but seriously. . . You look like you haven't slept for a while. Is everything fine?

Shining Armor: Never better! Being a father is amazing! And wonderful, and amazing, and confusing, and amazing, but surprising too, you know? I mean, not that you'd know. You wouldn't know, I know. . . You know?

He ends this mental belch with a half-crazed grin that does absolutely nothing to reassure any of the travelers.

(Y/N): . . .No?

When he continues, the manic tone is gone from his voice and only exhaustion remains.

Shining Armor: *sighs* Sorry. I haven't really slept since Cadance had the baby. Come to think of it, she hasn't either. It sure would be great to get a break.

(Y/N): Whoa! Is the foal really that hard to handle? Then again I shouldn't really judge since I'm not a father.

Shining Armor: Actually. . . Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were hoping that you would come, (Y/N). They said that there's something about the baby that you and the rest of you should see.

(Y/N) immediately gets an excited face and a huge grin hearing two certain names.

(Y/N): Celestia and Luna are here already?!

However, his eyes shot wide open when he yelled this out before slowly looks behind himself to see that six certain mares were giving him death glares acting like he's more excited to see Celestia and Luna than he is to be with them. He sheepishly smiles with a blush before rubbing the back of his head.

(Y/N): Uh. . . I-I mean uh. . . G-Great. I-I'd be happy to check on the new foal for them.

Twilight Sparkle: (Pervert! We know what you were thinking. . .) Anyways, we'd be happy to help.

She then turns to Starlight.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry, Starlight, but I guess combining your first lesson with this visit wasn't such a good idea.

Starlight forces a smile at that.

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, uh, don't be ridiculous! You and (Y/N) are an aunt and uncle now! That's way more important than some friendship lesson.

Twilight Sparkle: I just wish there was a way to do both.

(Y/N) then put a hoof to his chin before he gains a bright idea with a mischievous smile.

(Y/N): Liiiiiiiight bulb~

Twilight Sparkle: What??

(Y/N): Because that you already made the list with every detail and instruction on it. That's actually useful in this case as all Starlight will have to do now is follow it.

This causes Starlight to clap to her face in disgust before glaring daggers at (Y/N) who looks down at Spike.

(Y/N): Spike, can Twi and I trust you to stay with Starlight and keep her some company with her old friend while the rest of us check on the baby?

Spike: *nods* Absolutely!

Twilight then suddenly throws her forelegs around (Y/N) who smiles in response.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), you're a genius!

She then pecks him on the cheek, but Starlight did not look happy at all that she has to go through this now.

Starlight Glimmer: *nervous laugh* Yeah. . . *snarky* genius. . . (*sarcastically* Only (Y/N) (L/N) can get an idea that ruin your whole day. . .)

(Y/N): Well, it looks like your overly-explained lists came in handy after all, Twi.

Twilight Sparkle: *giggles* And here you were saying how useless they would be when you came up with the idea yourself. Alright, it's settled! Shining Armor, (Y/N), and I will head straight to the castle, and Spike and Starlight can head straight to Sunburst's!

Spike: *salutes* Aye-aye, royal couple!

Starlight Glimmer: *nervously* Uh-huh.

An encouraging nod from Twilight sets her on her way.

Twilight Sparkle: Alright, big brother, let's go see this amazing baby pony!

A loud snore causes the purple eyes to pop in confusion, and a longer shot tells the tale: Shining Armor has fallen asleep on his hooves. His drowsy mumbling brings gentle smiles to the Mane 7's faces.

Down at a street within the Empire proper, Starlight and Spike walk along, the former having opened the scroll to full length so he can look it over.

Spike: I know you're a little worried about this reunion, but I'm sure Twilight and (Y/N)'s got everything covered.

Starlight Glimmer: Everything except how I'd rather do absolutely anything else.

Spike: Oh, I bet she's taken that into account too. It's all part of the lesson. Trust the lesson.

Starlight Glimmer: Right. . .

A sudden smile whips across her face, followed by a calculating look. As the little guy reaches the statue built in his honor, she hustles up to it.

Starlight Glimmer: Hey, i-is that. . . you?

Spike: Oh, yep, it sure is! Now, according to the list, Sunburst's house is—

Starlight Glimmer: Why is there a statue of you in the Crystal Empire?

A random Crystal pony mare then zips up to her.

Scarlet Heart: Because Spike the Brave and Glorious saved all of us from King Sombra!

Another one then gallops up to them.

Amber Laurel: And then again during the Equestria Games!

Starlight Glimmer: Really?

Golden Väs: Really! The Hero of Equestria said so himself!

He then turns his attention to Spike.

Golden Väs: Big fan!

The half-pint partner of the Hero of Equestria takes a front hoof in both of his hands to shake, after which the stallion goes on his way. The entire display of adulation has put a sneaky smile on Starlight's face.

Starlight Glimmer: Um, when were you going to tell me about this?

Spike: (Y/N) is usually the big hero around the world even though he always considers me his wingman when it comes handling situations around here, so its no big deal.

Four ponies then quickly cluster around him.

Crystal Ponies: It most certainly is!

They clear out just as quickly as they arrived, leaving Starlight to cock a knowing eyebrow toward the dragon. She then floats a stool into view to sweep him off his feet so that his rump lands on it, then telekinetically rolls up the scroll.

Starlight Glimmer: That's it! We're not going anywhere until I get the whole story!

The parchment drops into his hands, and she maneuvers a box of popcorn into her grip and sits down on her haunches for a good listen. A crowd quickly congregates around them.

Inside of the Crystal Castle, the Mane 7 were now in a hall on the upper floor with Shining Armor as they were just getting ready to enter the door on where the new baby was. However, Shining Armor seemed a little nervous for the gang.

Shining Armor: Before we go in, I should probably tell you. Seeing the baby might be a bit of a shock. . . especially for (Y/N).

This makes the male alicorn raise an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Should I be worried?

Shining Armor: Um. . . yes and no.

Twilight just rolls her eyes with a smile from this as she places a foreleg around (Y/N)'s back who cringes from Shining's answer before Twilight magically opens the doors and guides them all inside.

Twilight Sparkle: Come on, big brother. I've met babies before. I expect meeting this one won't be any different.

As the others follow her in, they enter a nursery, whose walls are painted with clouds and stars. A wardrobe with butterflies on the doors stands to one side. Princesses Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance are on hand, the new mother looking about as wiped out as her husband. When (Y/N) sees the two royal sisters, who have became two more mares that he has added to his herd recently, he gains a quick smile before trotting over to both of them.

(Y/N): Tia! Luna!

He shares a brief hug with both of them one by one as they both gratefully return the affection.

Princess Luna: It has quite some time, young pri- I-I mean, (Y/N).

She said with a little bit of a blush which both (Y/N) and Celestia chuckled at.

(Y/N): It's okay, Luna. You can call me whatever you like, but yes I've really missed you two since we haven't been able to see each other lately and what better time to catch up than during today?

Princess Celestia: Speaking of which, I have heard that you and Twilight have taken in a new student yourselves. Sounds like you're looking to become just like your mother, (N/N).

She then gets a rather mischievous smile on her face.

Princess Celestia: Or maybe somepony like me as well~?

Despite that being a compliment, (Y/N) couldn't help but blush with that tone that Celestia took with him as he rubs the back of his head.

(Y/N): M-Maybe I am. I mean i-it's not that big of a deal as Twi and I just do what we do best and try to spread friendship around as much as we can.

The elder of the sisters then suddenly strokes (Y/N)'s chin to bring his face up to look at hers and when she does so it surprises (Y/N), but he suddenly just got a lovesick expression with hearts fluttering from his head.

Princess Celestia: And I love to see it when a hero of mine takes his duty seriously~

She gives him a quick kiss on the lips as Luna deadpans at her sister before rolling her eyes at her sister just wanting to flirt with (Y/N) at whatever chance she gets. Twilight who was watching this was trying to give the best forced smile that she can from this even though her eye was twitching most likely out of jealousy.

Shining Armor notices this as he raises an eyebrow with a confused look as he looks over towards his wife while pointing at Twilight. Cadance just smirks while waving a dismissive hoof as being the Princess of Love she can probably tell that's natural for ponies even Twilight.

(Y/N): Coming to this royal Crystalling to see you guys and the baby is a day that not one of us back in Ponyville could pass up. Speaking of which, where is Twi and I's new niece?

Princess Cadance: Right over there.

She points over to the cradle next to Celestia and Luna as both him and Twilight look at each other feeling excited.

Princess Celestia: Now (Y/N), you may also want to prepare your mind for what you'll see next. . . because even Luna and I were shocked at this new discovery of the baby.

Princess Luna: We did want to tell you beforehoof, but. . . we both agreed it's better if you all see for yourself.

(Y/N) and Twilight get confused looks before they both walk up to the cradle and they peek inside. . .

They see a newborn filly as she is sleeping peacefully, swaddled so that only her forelegs and the front half of her head are exposed. Nothing seemed surprising yet as all of the Mane 7 just stared at this baby with heartwarming smiles at seeing this new life. However, that wasn't the surprise as when the wrappings fall away. . . a huge shock was brought to all seven ponies.

It was an ALICORN filly with a curly mane and tail that was gradient of light cerise to grayish violet with light arctic blue highlights, adorably large light opal eyes, light magentaish gray coat with tinges of pale, light grayish fuchsia. This was Princess Flurry Heart.

Of the seven flabbergasted ponies, (Y/N) and Twilight are the only ones to get out any audible reaction, in the form of a shocked gasp and the former's jaw hit the floor as he even took a step back in how shocked he was. He slowly raises a shaky hoof at seeing this newborn alicorn foal. Flurry Heart then works herself up to complete wakefulness and cheerfully gets to work sucking on a front hoof.

(Y/N): A-A-A. . . A-A-A. . . Ali. . . A-Ali-

Twilight Sparkle: The baby is an alicorn?!

Princess Cadance: It looks that way.

Rarity: But. . . But. . . But (Y/N) is the only naturally born alicorn that Equestria even knows was born by. . . um. . .

She then turns to (Y/N) who was still staring at Flurry Heart in complete shock trying to take this all in.

Rarity: Um, (Y/N) dear. . . w-were you born from another male alicorn since we know that you're mother is indeed one?

(Y/N) tries to think as hard as he can with his shocked expression, but as he did. . . he suddenly grasped his head and closes his eyes shut while groaning a little. When he opens them back up. . . his eyes appear slitted in a dark (F/C) color for a brief moment before they return to normal and a familiar distorted voice rang out in his head.

(V/N): (Inside (Y/N)'s Mind) That's right. . . You know who I am~

Before (Y/N) could even question whose voice that was. . . Applejack walks up to (Y/N) and pats him on the back.

Applejack: Hey! You alright there, hun?

(Y/N) shakes his head silly to regain his composure and nods towards Applejack.

(Y/N): I'm fine. Must be because I got up so early in the morning. . . but I have no memory of my dad or even having a dad for that matter. The only person. . . well, pony in this case who took care of me all of my life was my mother.

However, another thought came into his mind as he turns towards Celestia and Luna.

(Y/N): Unless, you two know anything about if I had a father?

Princess Celestia: Unfortunately, we have no memory of that either when you were a foal. The only thing (M/N) mentioned about you was that you were a special kind of baby to be born in Equestria from her.

Princess Luna: Of course, we had questions on who she got together with in order to have somepony like you brought into the world, but she was awfully touchy on that subject and tried to dodge the question every time.

Princess Celestia: No record has even shown of another male alicorn in Equestria besides you, (Y/N). . . But that's a secret to answer for another day. This marks Flurry Heart being the SECOND naturally born alicorn in all of Equestria. It has been millennia since Equestria has even had something like this.

Pinkie then excitedly zips over to Flurry Heart's bed.

Pinkie Pie: Wow! A unicorn, AND a Pegasus! So she could be a super-strong flyer and have crazy baby magic!

Flurry Heart burbles up at her.

Rainbow Dash: Well, I know all about super-strong flying!

Twilight Sparkle: And (Y/N) and I can help keep tabs on her magic!

Princess Celestia: Um, speaking of magic. . .

Princess Luna: That's. . . something else we must discuss comparing Flurry Heart to (Y/N). . .

(Y/N): What? Why?

The baby then goes into the windup for a sneeze and when it comes, though, not one pony in the room is ready for the result. . .

A wide-angle pink and yellow beam hurtles straight up from her horn, shaking the room; its glare bright enough to dim the rest of the nursery until it cuts off. A few fragments of masonry clatter down from above as twenty stunned eyes turn toward the ceiling. The blast has ripped a hole through the next several floors up, and a very scared mare peeks down over one edge.

The Mane 7 stare down at Flurry Heart, absolutely floored by this very weird turn of events and now Flurry Heart yawns and settles herself back down for another nap. Princess Celestia just walks over and strokes Flurry's mane.

Princess Celestia: Baby alicorn magic can be very unpredictable and coming from us two who actually has helped (M/N) with taking care of (Y/N) when he was a baby. . . we've had experience.

Princess Luna: Results ranged from mild. . . to disastrous.

(Y/N) was a little bit taken aback by this as he can't imagine himself having uncontrollable magic.

(Y/N): What?! Oh, come on. I wasn't THAT bad. . . was I?

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both looked at each other and cringed as this apparently brought back a bad memory to both of them.

Princess Celestia & Princess Luna: Uhhhhhh. . .


The scene dissolves to what looks to be an extremely old version of the Canterlot royal palace as we see a bare wall with nothing on it and nothing was going on. . . until somepony shouts.

(M/N): GET HIM!!!

A foal (Y/N) is then seen flying as he coos before traveling straight through the wall like a ghost and (M/N) crashes face first into the wall before falling onto her back. We can see that she is in a corridor with Celestia and Luna as the two sisters were looking around panickily as (M/N) gets back up on her hooves. Like Celestia and Luna, she was wearing a gold and silver crown with a six-pointed star symbol on it and a silver necklace with a golden heart on it as well.

(M/N): Where did he go now?!

Princess Luna looks all around the area before her eyes widen and she points ahead of Celestia.

Princess Luna: Behind thou, sister!

Celestia looks behind her to see the foal (Y/N) giggling while levitating himself and not using his wings. He then suddenly lets his magic dissipate while cooing and falls dangerously towards the floor which made Celestia's eyes shrink to points as she quickly teleports before diving to try and catch (Y/N). She was at the right distance, but the baby (Y/N) teleported away in the nick of time.

He then reappears right behind his mother as she looks behind to see the foal (Y/N) enjoying himself as he claps his forelegs. . . before a bright (F/C) color covers his horn alarming all three princesses.

(M/N): DUCK!

They all immediately hit the deck as the foal shoots a large laser beam out of his horn which shot through multiple walls in the castles. They all stare at this damage before looking towards each other in shock.

Princess Celestia: It appears your son's magic is more powerful than that of a newborn unicorn!

(M/N): I'm still debating if that's a good thing for Equestria. . . or a bad thing for us to deal with. . .

She then looks ahead of them to see the baby (Y/N) wide open as he was sitting on the ground trying to chew on a nearby tapestry. (M/N) walks over with an annoyed sigh as she levitates baby (Y/N) up and tries to pull him off of the tapestry, but he wasn't letting go which irritated (M/N) as she lets out another groan.

(M/N): Let! Go! This! Instant! Young! Colt! That is NOT something for you to eat!

She finally yanks him off of the tapestry which made the foal frown before brings (Y/N) right in front of her, Celestia, and Luna as the mother looks at both of her friends with relieved looks while panting.

(M/N): *panting* Okay, I know things may be rough, but what are you going to expect? I just had him a couple of months ago. We can calm things down a bit now. . .

Suddenly, Celestia looks at (Y/N) and her eyes suddenly shrink to points and her ears flopped for what she sees and hears next as a small squealing sound started to come from (Y/N).

Princess Celestia: Um. . . (M/N). . .?

She slowly points towards (M/N)'s baby as the mother looked back at (Y/N) in confusion before she gets the exact same look and so did Luna. . . The baby's eyes were tearing up and the squealing got louder and louder as (M/N) slowly put (Y/N) down on the floor before all three of them back up.

(M/N): Oh no. . .

Suddenly. . . the baby threw a huge temper tantrum and started crying so loud that it caused a seismic blast of sound to echo throughout the whole castle. Celestia, Luna, and (M/N) instantly covered their ears from this and baby (Y/N)'s crying was so powerful that it broke several glass objects and windows around the area surprising the trio. Princess Luna then turns and looks up at (M/N).

Princess Luna: I would suggest thou find ANYTHING to settle thy foal to be calm!

(M/N) looks around in a panic before she suddenly gets an idea as she looks up at her own crown. She takes a deep breath in case her ears bleed as she quickly takes her crown off and tosses it towards the crying (Y/N). When it drops towards him. . . he immediately calms down and stares at his mother's crown before giggling as he started playing with it by holding it up and sucking on it.

All three of the princesses sigh in relief from this before they all fall flat onto their backs as they definitely know that if this foal is capable of this much power then they were definitely in for a long and tiring trial of babysitting this foal many times.

(End of Flashback)

Back in reality, Celestia and Luna just give (Y/N) a nervous smile.

Princess Celestia: You were um. . . *clears throat* challenging.

Princess Luna nods in agreement with her sister before walking to a window and looking outside.

Princess Luna: The crowds have already started to gather.

They have indeed, making their way in ones and twos toward the Crystal Castle. Comes now the sound of a deep inhalation, followed by a balloon expanding to fill most of the screen. It is the work of Pinkie, who ties it off and grabs the string to let it lift her off the floor.

Pinkie Pie: This Crystalling is gonna be some party!

The balloon then pops as she thumps down onto her haunches.

Princess Cadance: Do you think we should call it off?

Rainbow Dash: Um, we've all faced a lot worse than baby magic.

Rarity: I can't imagine cancelling such a beautiful and important ceremony over something so potentially adorable!

All her friends except (Y/N) and Twilight quickly group up around her, voicing assent.

(Y/N): This could also be useful for the Crystalling since her magic is just like mine in a way. We just need to make sure it doesn't get out of hoof.

Princess Celestia: I also concur with that, honey. In light of the little one's abilities, this Crystalling might be more important than ever.

She then turns over to Princess Cadance.

Princess Celestia: Perhaps you should address your subjects and remind them of that.

Cadance nods before planting a kiss on Flurry's forehead, prompting her daughter to wake up and gurgle a bit, and then makes for the door with Celestia and Luna right behind. Back at Flurry's bed, Shining has zonked out half-slumped over the headboard and is snoring vigorously as Twilight pokes him awake.

Twilight Sparkle: Shining Armor! Do you have everything you need for the ceremony?

A half-asleep huff, and full consciousness hits him like a two-by-four to the head. The blue eyes shrink to freaked-out points.

Shining Armor: Huh? Oh, no!

He flashes away and starts trotting madly in place and pacing.

Shining Armor: I still have to interview the honor guards, choose the purity crystal, and pick a crystaller!

Dropping to his haunches, he looks about an inch away from going into the worst crying jag of his life as his little sister walks over and calmly touches his shoulder.

Twilight Sparkle: Alright, take it easy.

(Y/N): She's right. You've got seven of us here already. What's one more baby gonna do? We'll be more than enough to help coordinate the Crystalling AND watch over the baby until the moment arrives. Considering Twi and I are now your daughter's aunt and uncle, the two us can stay here and watch the baby.

(Y/N) then hears Flurry giggling as she has gleefully latched onto Pinkie's squeakily grinning face as these two have already hit it off like gangbusters making (Y/N) roll his eyes.

(Y/N): And Pinkie too, I guess cause you know. . .? That's Pinkie folks!

Applejack: And we'll all help you with everythin' else.

Another snore drifts across to them, due to Shining now passed out on the floor under the eye of one very concerned little sister. He goes right back to mumbling in his sleep.

Rarity: That is, if you can stay awake long enough to tell us how.

(Y/N): Come on, guys. Give him a break. Maybe not to Shining Armor's extent, but I'm sure similar fathers have gone through this. . . I mean remember when Mr. Cake was in the nursery with his newborn foals? He looked like he hadn't slept either.

Twilight Sparkle: I guess that's true. We can't let my big brother be too hard on himself for preparing for the Crystalling. . . then again, we DO need him awake to give us pointers.

Back at the Spike statue, its subject is addressing the crowd that has come to hear his tale. Starlight has procured a lounge chair and is relaxing in it with her popcorn, and he is now sitting on Twilight's scroll while perched on his stool.

Spike: . . .and that's how we found the Crystal Heart, defeated King Sombra, and saved the Empire.

The colts and fillies cheer for the dragon finishing the tale.

Cloudy Spinel: We love you, Spike!

Coral Shores: Yeah. Tell the one about the Equestria Games!

Spike: Well, as much as I love reliving my heroic deeds, Starlight and I have an important lesson to do, by order of the Princess of Friendship and the Hero of Equestria!

Foals: Awwww!

Starlight Glimmer: Aw, come on, Spike! I want to hear about the Games too!

Starlight gives a lip-nibbling grin as Spike autographs a picture for a filly and she gallops off.

Spike: I know you're nervous about seeing Sunburst, but it says right in step 3, to, uh, "Deal with your fears by facing them, not by putting it off."

She shoots him an irritated look and sighs, throwing her popcorn aside.

Starlight Glimmer: Ugh. Let's go get this over with.

One hop takes her down off the lounge chair.

The two of them soon arrive at a house that stands at the end of a path running between two buildings. Its roof is styled as an orange wizard's hat that has taken a few good hits, and a stylized sunburst design is worked into the front doors. Starlight plods toward it, followed by Spike with the rolled-up scroll in hand. She mounts the stoop and prepares to knock before Spike stops her.

Spike: Wait!

Starlight Glimmer: Huh? What?!

Spike: Knocking on the door isn't the next thing on the list!

Starlight Glimmer: Seriously? No wonder (Y/N) always talks down to those lists. . . except now.

Spike: I know Twilight can be a little nitpicky, but this is your first lesson as her and (Y/N) pupil, and as much as (Y/N) loves to do things the easy way, I say it's important that we do this lesson right!

Starlight Glimmer: *rolls eyes* Fine. What's the next thing on the list?

Spike: *clears throat* "Before they see each other, be sure to highlight the importance of the meeting."

Starlight Glimmer: I'm pretty sure we can skip that.

Spike: I don't know. . . I mean if we skip it, the whole lesson could go south! And then you might end up taking a giant step backwards instead of forwards! Maybe you'll never be able to learn anything about friendship at all!

Starlight cringes at the thought, and Spike jumps up the stoop to grab her cheeks.

Spike: It's almost like your whole future depends on this moment.

He backs off, then eyes the scroll with a smile.

Spike: "Highlight the importance of the meeting" – check! I can't believe you wanted to skip that!

Realizing that she has at last run out of dodges, Starlight moves a step closer to the doors in the manner of one afraid that they might suddenly fall on her, eat her, or do something else extreme. She taps a front hoof against the wood once, twice, thrice, and backs off to await a response. None is forthcoming for some seconds as she glances down at Spike, who just shrugs helplessly. As Starlight turns to descend the stoop, one door swings inward by just a fraction.

Starlight Glimmer: Sunburst?

The outline of a head extends itself partway into view from the dimly lit interior. Although the illumination is not enough to make out all details, a disheveled mane can be discerned, along with a pale blaze stripe down the nose and the gleam of two round lenses before the eyes. The inhabitant speaks up with a slightly apprehensive male voice.

???: Yes?

The stallion moves a bit farther into the light, confirming his identity. A unicorn stallion with eyes that were a gradient of dark cornflower blue to moderate cyan, his coat was brilliant gamboge with light apple greenish gray spots, a vivid and brilliant vermilion mane and tail, he was pince-nez eyeglasses, and a clasp styled after his cutie mark is fastened across the throat, holding a cloak with star decorations in place.

Sunburst: What can I do for you?

Starlight Glimmer: It's. . . It's me, Starlight. We used to be friends?

The mental gears under the unkempt mane hit overdrive for a long moment, after which he steps out to the stoop with a smile.

Sunburst: Oh, of course! S-Starlight! My goodness, it-it's been a long time! What, uh, what have you been up to?

Starlight Glimmer: Me? Oh! You know, some of this, some of that, different... stuff. Right now, I'm sort of the new pupil of Twilight Sparkle and (Y/N) (L/N).

Sunburst's eyes widen from this.

Sunburst: The Princess of Friendship AND the Hero of Equestria?

Starlight Glimmer: Heh. . . yeah. . . that's actually kind of why I'm here. I mean, I know you're probably very busy.

Sunburst: What do you mean?

Starlight Glimmer: Well, I figured after magic school, you'd go on to do important wizard work, but. . .

Sunburst: Oh. No. Y-Yes! Uh, y-yes, that's me, yup. *nervous chuckle* Important wizard! Really busy with lots of, uh, wi-wizarding. . . stuff.

He nudges his glasses with a hoof and an awkward silence struck for a second.

Sunburst: Right. Uh, well. . . good to see you.

He ducks back into the house and shuts the door leaving Starlight to trade a hopelessly bewildered look with Spike.

Spike: Huh. Maybe we should have skipped highlighting the importance of the meeting after all.

Starlight then quickly hurries down the steps forcing herself to feel cheerful.

Starlight Glimmer: Well, I guess that's that!

Spike then stops her knowing that she's still trying to get out of this.

Spike: Starlight, come on! We have to at least explain what Twilight and (Y/N) want!

Hearing this Starlight recalls what (Y/N) told her back at the castle this morning.

(Y/N): (In Starlight's Mind) That's an opportunity that I can't even have with my mother, so in other words. . . you're a lucky mare to see him again.

Letting off a loud, resigned groan, the mare finds herself being pushed back to the doors. The bulldozing baby dragon leaps down the stoop as she knocks again and out comes Sunburst, just in time to be on the receiving end of Starlight's very tentative grin.

At a small stage set up in front of one of the arches that form the supports for the Crystal Castle. Its backdrop is a heart-shaped frame carved from light blue crystal and topped by a six-pointed gold star, and a curtain is drawn behind it to close off the area beyond the arch. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance stand up here to address the small crowd that has gathered and Cadance is now properly groomed.

Princess Cadance: Dearest citizens, I am sure you are all just as thrilled and ready for this Crystalling as myself and Shining Armor.

Cheers rise from the spectators once she finishes and Shining Armor who was still a complete mess and looking behind from the curtains pushes the edge of it aside so he can peek out. He lets it drop with an almighty cringe and turns to six armored, buzz-cut, stolid Pegasus stallion guards standing at attention. None wear helmets, and except for the mane and tail colors, they are completely identical. Only after he hitches in a huge breath does he find his power of speech.

Shining Armor: I'm not ready!

Down comes Rainbow Dash, holding a pair of helmets.

Rainbow Dash: Take it easy! Just pick whoever looks the most like honor guard material.

Shining Armor takes both helmets in his magic.

Shining Armor: Right. . . right.

He makes his choice by ramming the helmets onto the heads of two Pegasi at random with the minor technical hitch that they come down backwards. The chosen guards stumble haphazardly away, and the others back off with expressions to suggest that they would rather pull latrine duty for a month than accept this assignment. Throwing them an apologetic grin, he plods away back towards the mares.

Shining Armor: I'm sorry. Fatherhood is way more stressful than I ever thought.

Fluttershy: I can only imagine.

Rarity then approaches levitating a small flat case in front of herself.

Rarity: Now, I know choosing the crystal of purity is a very important decision.

Case opens, revealing five identical ice-blue ones.

Rarity: So I have gone through the trouble of arranging them in order from incredibly pure to outrageously pure.

Fluttershy then takes a step closer to look at these.

Fluttershy: Um, Rarity, don't they all sort of look the same?

Rarity: Oh, well, to the untrained eye, perhaps. What do you think, Shining Armor?

As it reaches him, a close-up betrays the panic and worry and panic and nerves and panic and terror and utter, soul-smashing panic playing at top volume through his mind. He gibbers incoherently for a moment before he rises to his hind legs and claps front hooves to temples.

Shining Armor: I DON'T KNOW!!

He collapses into a shivering heap, and Rarity closes her case and whispers over to Fluttershy.

Rarity: *whispers* I hope Twilight, (Y/N), and Pinkie are having better luck with the baby!

At the nursery in the castle, Flurry Heart's happy gurgles are heard just before Pinkie passes the camera back and forth seen from the shoulders up with forelegs extended up and the visible flapping of wings suggests that she is holding Flurry overhead to play "airplane."

Pinkie Pie: Well. . . at least she's having. . . fun!

Which she is. . . but said fun is also accompanied by a few errant magic shots. Twilight cancels one out with a diving blast from her own horn and (Y/N) puts up a shield in front of another magic blast to absorb it, and the extent of the game becomes clear as Flurry Heart is flying under her own power and taking Pinkie along for the ride.

Pinkie Pie: Whee!

Filly and passenger laugh their way through another circuit of the room, with Twilight shooting down the beams that lance every which way.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, hold her still!

Pinkie is dragged across, now standing on her hind legs.

Pinkie Pie: I'm tryiiiiiiing!

The full-grown prince and princess can only duck the latest shot and the latter gnaws her lower lip as sweat begins to run down her face while (Y/N) bites his hoof.

(Y/N): Tia was NOT kidding about this being challenging to handle!

Starlight and Sunburst are now seen seated on stools at a table in his house, with a teapot and cup and saucer set out. Every shelf is crammed with books, and many more are stacked up in nearly every available square inch of floor area. Other magic-related items take up whatever bits of storage space they can find.

As the two sit in silence, Starlight avoiding direct eye contact as she pulls the teacup toward herself. Roughly seven seconds pass, feeling like a month and a half before Sunburst speaks up.

Sunburst: So. . . the Hero of Equestria and the Princess of Friendship wants you and I to be friends again?

Starlight Glimmer: Heh, I know. Weird, right?

Sunburst: Uh, I don't understand. Did something happen to you after I left for magic school?

Starlight Glimmer: What?

In a fit of panic, she bangs the table but gets the cup and pot under her magic control before either can overturn. She pours herself some tea.

Starlight Glimmer: No! I-I don't see what that has to do with anything. W-Why would you even ask that?

Probably because the tea has begun to slop over the side of the cup. Sunburst just responds with nothing.

Starlight Glimmer: I mean, did something happen to "you" after you left for magic school?

She whirls the pot to point the spout toward him, then sets it down hard enough to shake the cover loose.

Sunburst: What? Um, no. L-Like you said, I'm a, *clears throat and adjusts glasses* i-important wizard.

Spike was just hiding out of sight over a pile of books as he takes a look through the scroll Twilight gave him again.

Spike: I'm sure there's something on Twilight's list that can help here.

Back at the Crystal Castle near the Crystal Heart, Rarity levitating a brush to get Shining Armor's mane and tail sorted out. Shining then takes a few deep breaths to get himself under control. He has had time to get a proper shave and rest up a bit. Once the three-tone blue hair is in decent shape, the sound of a door opening is heard and out comes Celestia, Luna, and Cadance emerging from the royal residence. Shining gallops over to meet Cadance as she reaches the bottom of the steps.

Shining Armor: Okay. I chose the honor guard, picked the purity crystal, and I know exactly who I want to be our crystaller. So, all we need is. . .

Cadance just shoots him a deadpanned expression.

Princess Cadance: The baby?

Bingo as hubby dearest lets go with a panicked neigh. . .

Twilight Sparkle: We're here!

. . .then shifts into a relieved sigh and smile at the sound of Flurry Heart's laugh. Out comes his little sister and future brother-in-law, floating both Pinkie and Flurry Heart along within a bubble of magic. The pink pony is still hanging on for dear life and having no luck whatsoever bringing the filly down to earth.

Pinkie Pie: She's a REALLY strong flyer!

(Y/N) then walks over to Celestia and Luna feeling slightly exhausted.

(Y/N): I know you two have handled me as a baby with my mother in the past. . . but I REALLY underestimated baby alicorn magic. . . I don't think we can handle one more baby at this point. . . well, if it has something to with important events like this.

Princess Luna then walks over and places a hoof on (Y/N)'s shoulder with a reassuring smile.

Princess Luna: At least you know understand the experience which is something you should be grateful for.

She says before pecking (Y/N) on the cheek making him blush a little. Princess Cadance warms her horn up and pulls them apart into separate bubbles, letting Twilight keep  Pinkie as she gets a grip on Flurry Heart. The filly begins to whimper piteously at being separated from her playmate, who gets set down and released. Celestia and Luna notice Flurry Heart's expression and they immediately know what's about to happen as their mouths open in worry.

Princess Luna: Oh no. Not this again!

All four Princesses, one prince, one stallion, and five Ponyville fellow travelers all watch with clear concern over the impending meltdown. . . and it comes in the form of a top-of-her-lungs wail that bursts Cadance's bubble and sends shock waves over the entire square. Manes are blown back, eardrums resonate as hooves are clapped over them, and the ponies strain to keep their position in the face of this sonic battering as strong as colt (Y/N)'s was in the flashback.

As her cry dies away, the Heart spins down to a dead stop; cracks spread in every direction over the surface, and the relic shatters into a rain of glittering splinters that tinkle to the pavement. There follows a round of stunned gasps as a sadly burbling Flurry Heart descends to rest on her mother's outstretched foreleg. (Y/N) was the first one to be in huge panic.

(Y/N): Okay. . . . . . NOT GOOD!!

In (V/N)'s dark realm, the pitch black being of darkness suddenly hears the sound of the Crystal Heart breaking and can sense it as well as he lets out a huge gasp with his slitted dark (F/C) eyes widened in shock. . . before it turns into a huge sinister and malicious fanged grin.

(V/N): Ah, I see~

(V/N) raises a hoof which a black wisp of darkness forms to what looks to be like an actual hand before it snaps its fingers which lets out a huge explosion of darkness around the area. (V/N) then notices his entire body glow (F/C) as he slowly rises with a smirk and he looks at both of his forelegs in awe as part of his true form looks to be forming more and more.

(V/N): *chuckles sinisterly* Time for a little "surprise" Crystal Empire~ King Sombra may not be here, but with this opportunity arisen. . . the Crystal Empire will be the first part of Equestria to meet it's true meaning of eternal darkness~

He then slowly chuckles before it becomes a huge evil laugh as he closes his eyes shut.

Back in the Crystal Empire, Applejack is the first one to step over to the ruined relic.

Applejack: I'm guessin' that's gonna make it harder to do the Crystalling.

Twilight Sparkle: It's worse than that. Without the Heart, the Crystal Empire's about to be buried under a mountain of ice and snow!

Beyond the aperture, the locals stare dumbfounded at the dark storm clouds and strong winds that have begun to roll in from the horizon at alarming speed. Across the entire Empire, the menacing weather slowly closing in from all sides. Amid the stares that betray shock and fear and completely blown minds, Flurry Heart just gurgles placidly, totally oblivious to the apocalypse she has just inadvertently let off the leash.

Whatever the effects the Crystal Empire is about to witness cannot be good for all of Equestria at all. And it is clear that because of the broken Crystal Heart, (V/N)'s power is returning more and more. Will the gang be able to restore the Crystal Heart in time for the Crystalling and save the Empire and will Starlight Glimmer finally get a proper reunion with her old best friend?

Chapter 1 End. To Be Continued.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N): Yep! You already know this season is going to be special! ^_^

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