Chapter 10: Flutter Brutter

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It's a bright noon in Ponyville as inside of the Castle of Friendship, (Y/N) was still working whatever he was up to as he had on his welding mask and using his horn as a blowtorch for whatever he's making. He's been on this strange invention for months ever since the aftermath of the event of the Crystalling and he strives to finish it as soon as possible. He takes off the mask before looking at his handiwork as he levitates up a large piece of metal that was in the shape of a hoof.

(Y/N): Finally! The fourth piece is done. . . Now I just need to build the bodysuit, find out how I can make a magic source, and it'll be ready for combat in no time. . . well, it depends on how "she" does first.

He levitates up for other strange looking pieces of metal before walking over towards a table that had blueprints and loads of titanium on it which made him smile.

(Y/N): Luckily, I had Twi create the design of these blueprints for me, so I wouldn't just blindly make this without having any idea of what I'm doing. I'll need to ask Tia on how she used magic on my armor.

Suddenly, the sound of a door knocking caught his attention as he turned around with some surprise.

(Y/N): Oh, uh, come in.

Hearing that they were allowed to let themselves in, the pony that walked through the door was Fluttershy as she walks inside.

Fluttershy: Hello, (Y/N).

She then notices all of the equipment that he had out as she gets a small look of concern.

Fluttershy: Oh, my, I didn't come here at a bad time, did I? You look really busy.

(Y/N): *chuckles* No worries, Flutters. I actually just got done with what I wanted to do for today. Is there something you need?

Fluttershy shakes her head with a smile.

Fluttershy: It's nothing serious. I was just wondering if you would like to come with me to see my parents. I've been so busy with the animals lately that sometimes the thought of them just happens to slip my mind. Rainbow Dash is coming too since she said that work at the Wonderbolts has been a little bit stressful for her lately.

(Y/N): Dang, that bad? I hope Spitfire isn't working her and the other bolts too hard. Last thing that we need is another incident to where a pony ends up in the hospital. Actually, now that you mention Rainbow Dash, you too were friends in childhood, right?

Fluttershy: *nods* That's right. Even out of our camp as foals, we would often see each other sometime. . . Although back then. . . I remember that I could almost not speak a full sentence out loud to her.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Well, you've gotten a lot more assertive throughout the years of growing up and while you're still not perfect at it, you're still my cute little butterfly that I know and love, Flutters.

Fluttershy shyly smiles and blushes from this as (Y/N) pecks her on the forehead which made her let out a quiet giggle.

Fluttershy: Th-Thank you, (N/N). You're so sweet.

(Y/N): *winks* And don't I know it. Come on, let's not keep your parents, or heck even Dash, waiting much longer.

He says this as he levitates the four hoof-shaped pieces of metal into a drawer and closes it and Fluttershy just saw them with a little bit of curiosity in her eyes.

Fluttershy: What is all of that, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) turns back to Fluttershy with a smirk.

(Y/N): Let's just say. . . I'm preparing a surprise for somepony and leave at that, alright Flutters?

He says he winks at her before leaving his room and Fluttershy stares off at him before looking back at all of the equipment that he had on a table. She felt a little curious, but she didn't want to pry in (Y/N)'s business so she just followed right behind him so that they can go visit Fluttershy's parents.

(Y/N), Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all made their departure to Cloudsdale to go and visit Fluttershy's parents and Fluttershy's old home was a small house in a Cloudsdale neighborhood. They were currently having lunch with Fluttershy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shy who were more than happy to have them over. Of course both of them were Pegasi with Mr. Shy having a pale, light grayish malachite green coat, grayish turquoise eyes, a light amaranthish gray mane, tail, and mustache, he was wearing a blue sweater over a white shirt, and his Cutie Mark is three white clouds. Mrs. Shy had a pale, light grayish amber coat, moderate cerise eyes, moderate raspberry mane and tail, she was wearing a pearl necklace, and her Cutie Mark is three colorful flowers.

Mrs. Shy: We're so happy you could come have lunch with your father and me, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: I'm so glad you asked.

(Y/N): Thanks for inviting Rainbow Dash and I too. It's always nice to get out of the castle to de-tense for a minute.

Mrs. Shy: And I know that we probably don't even need to ask, but how has the whole herd of yours been functioning, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): It really hasn't become much different at this point. I do love Fluttershy and the rest of the girls, but our whole herd idea hasn't changed too much of anything for everypony to get along and be friends with each other while sharing me as their boyfriend.

(Y/N) says this as he wraps a hoof around Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash while sitting in between them.

Rainbow Dash: And it was super awesome of you to invite me too! Things have been so busy with the Wonderbolts lately, it's great to get a chance to relax someplace quiet.

Mr. Shy: That's exactly what I intend to do now that I've retired. In fact, I converted the back house to showcase my cloud collection. 

He points toward the window and outside was a small round outbuilding whose door is open. Through this and the windows, shelves containing jarred bits of cloud in various shapes and forms can be seen; a flowerbed grows close to the base of the wall.

Mr. Shy: I have my clouds, your mom has her flowers, you've got your animals, and your brother. . .

He lets the sentence die in a bit of clearly unpleasant thought and after a mildly tense second or two, Mrs. Shy carries on with it.

Mrs. Shy: Zephyr Breeze has his. . . interests.

(Y/N): *sighs* Too much interests if you ask me. . .

Rainbow Dash: I'll say! Remember when he was convinced square clouds were gonna be the next big thing? *laughs*

Mrs. Shy: He's matured a lot since then.

Mr. Shy: Actually, it's funny you bring Zephyr up. . .

Tentative grins from both elders bring a puzzled frown to their daughter's face. It shifts into a look of muted horror.

Fluttershy: Oh, no! Not again!

Mrs. Shy: It's just for a little while, dear. 'Til he gets back on his hooves.

(Y/N): What. . .? You mean he's coming here to stay. . . again?!

Rainbow Dash: Then that means-

The front door bursts open to admit the fourth family member. . . Fluttershy's younger brother, Zephyr Breeze. He was a tall Pegasus stallion with a pale, light grayish aquamarine coat, grayish cerise eyes, a pale, light grayish gold mane and tail, and his Cutie Mark was an orange feather and two green flourishes.

(A/N): And here we go. . . One of the most annoying characters in the entire Friendship is Magic franchise. How many of you can agree with that? XD

A carryall bag hangs across his back and he announces himself in a loud, gratingly boisterous voice.

Zephyr Breeze: Guess who's home! That's right, big sis, it's your one and only favorite little brother, moi.

Said big sister can only manage a grimacing little moan and sink behind her chair as Rainbow's expression sours, (Y/N) places both of his forelegs on his face while shaking his head, and the parents' grins become noticeably strained.

Zephyr's bag slams down on a Jell-O mold on the table, splattering most of it, and Fluttershy eyes the wreck with great consternation. Her little brother then zips over to her.

Zephyr Breeze: Hi, Flutterbutter! How's the bestest big sister ever?

Fluttershy only responds with shocked silence.

Zephyr Breeze: Hey, where's the love? How about a little excitement to see your baby brother?

Now he shifts into a hearty noogie that leaves the pink mane thoroughly disheveled and once he steps off, she pulls it back into some sort of order.

Fluttershy: I'm just surprised. When you left, you said mane therapy was your calling.

Now Zephyr has pulled both parents in for a hug, one foreleg for each. His eyes pop at the mention of this vocation and he loosens his grip.

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, it is, sis, it is. You would not believe how much stress ponies hold in their manes. Everything gets limp and unmanageable. No offense, but brushing alone won't solve the problem.

Zephyr puts her mane into a top knot and Fluttershy's pink mass of hair falls loose into an unruly curtain that hides her face. She then puts in back into place before giving Zephyr a serious glare.

Fluttershy: What went wrong?

Zephyr Breeze: Nothing went wrong, per se.

As he continues, he knocks a full plate away from in front of her and slides an open book across to take its place. The pages flip to stop on a group of photos: shots of individual ponies' faces, their manes done in an assortment of styles.

Zephyr Breeze: It's just the powers that be were so locked into their required styles, and you know me. I've got my own style! And I think they were a little threatened.

Rooting around in his bag, he sets a plastic pony head in front of Mr. and Mrs. Shy. Clearly intended for practice in mane styling, the artificial tresses rooted into the scalp have been worked into a haphazard mishmash of colors and styles that no sane pony would even think of using all at once. They recoil a bit as one garishly colored strand falls off, but Mrs. Shy gamely tries to work up a supportive smile.

Mrs. Shy: O-Oh, this is. . . lovely, dear.

Rainbow and (Y/N) were a bit more forthcoming with her assessment, as the Pegasus making a gagging sound and miming the action of shoving a hoof down her throat while (Y/N) also wanted to vomit at the sight of this terrible work.

(Y/N): (If Rainbow and I think it's disgusting, I don't even want to imagine how Rarity would react if she saw this. . .)

Zephyr leans over to Rainbow Dash next and shifts to a tone that is far more smarmy than debonair.

Zephyr Breeze: Welllll, if it ain't Rainbows "The Best Flyer There Ever Was" Dash~!

Rainbow Dash: *sarcastically* Oh, this ought to be good.

Zephyr Breeze: Sorry, I shouldn't tease you. I know the whole super awesome flyer bit's just to impress me~

That gets a shocked little neigh out of Rainbow while (Y/N) glares at Zephyr before clearing his throat and he zips over right in front of Rainbow Dash to back Zephyr off of his girlfriend.

(Y/N): Um, "helloooo"? I'm here too y'know!

Zephyr only reacted to this with a smirk as he wrapped a foreleg around (Y/N) while patting him on the back.

Zephyr Breeze: Chillax, (N/N) (L/N). It's all good Mister Hero of Heroes. How's that herd of yours with my sis doin'?

(Y/N) shoots him a deadpan look.

(Y/N): *flatly* Going great. . . Thanks for asking. . . (Get ready for the million bit question in three. . . two. . . one. . .)

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, by the way that reminds me. Have you and Dashie been havin' any problems lately? Just say the word my bro and I'll can sweep her right off of her hooves for ya if you like that is. . .

(Y/N) takes Zephyr's hoof off of him before backing from him and wrapping a hoof around Rainbow Dash who reciprocates the gesture.

Rainbow Dash: Uh. . . No. . .

(Y/N): Yeah! We don't plan on breaking up anytime soon, Z. And that's a HUGE emphasis on the "soon" part.

Zephyr Breeze: Alright, alright. Just checking in. You know, I kinda thought there'd be more ponies here. I mean, what about your party planner friend, um. . . Sprinkle Pie! She could've turned this into a real house partay, am I right? I mean, this place could use it. Draaaab~

(Y/N): (Is this guy for real. . .?)

Fluttershy, whose irked glare and one lowered eyebrow broadcast her general opinion of her sibling's interruption.

Mrs. Shy: Heh. I-I, eh. . .

Mr. Shy: We have been meaning to redecorate. . .

Across the way, the unfocused son has already taped up a few photos of himself on the pantry doors.

Zephyr Breeze: Dad, please. When I get all my stuff back in here, you won't even remember what this boring old place looked like!

After a brief stop in the doorway to the living room and a flick of his eyes across the space, he ambles around the frame and out of sight. In short order, he returns pushing an armchair with his head. Fluttershy then turns to her parents with an annoyed look as she was clearly not okay with this.

Fluttershy: Um, Mom, Dad, can I talk to you for a second?

The elders trade a concerned look as all three of them step out of the kitchen for a moment.

Mrs. Shy: What is it, honey?

Fluttershy: I'm not so sure letting Zephyr move back home is a good idea. I know you both want to help, but don't you remember last time?

Mrs. Shy: Zephyr's just trying to find his place, dear.

Fluttershy: *sighs* I know. It just seems like his place always ends up being your place. And then he sort of makes you do everything for him!

Mr. Shy: Well, we may not be as bold as you, Fluttershy, but don't you worry. We know how to stand up for ourselves.

He and his wife beam at each other, but Fluttershy's face gets her profound degree of skepticism across without a word.

Rainbow and (Y/N) were lounging in an armchair and trying to concentrate on the Daring Do book that the rainbow flyer was holding. A sliver of Zephyr's flank and wing can be seen at an uncomfortably close distance just to one side. They are in the living room, and he sits on the chair's arm with one front hoof draped nonchalantly over its back.

Zephyr Breeze: And they were all like, "We love your free spirit, Zeph! And it would be wrong to cage that! Go follow your dreams!"

The dangling foreleg works its way down behind Rainbow's head and (Y/N) notices this with a raised eyebrow before he teleports himself in between Dash and Zephyr pushing the sleeze off of the couch. The unshaven face shifts from popeyed surprise to a come-hither smile as the rest of the family walks in.

Rainbow Dash: Zeph was just telling us all about the ins and outs of mane therapy school.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* And boy, it was surely interesting.

Zephyr Breeze: It's all so political. I just could not take it!

Fluttershy: Well, maybe if you stuck with it for more than a few weeks. . .

She said this while giving her brother the stink eye and her parents look at each other in worry.

Zephyr Breeze: Sorry, sis, but when something's not the right fit, this pony's gotta fly!

He slides a framed black-and-white photo of himself onto the mantelpiece, pushing some small animal sculptures to one end. One of them falls and breaks, but he takes no notice of Fluttershy, (Y/N), and Rainbow Dash's joint dissatisfaction.

Zephyr Breeze: *yawns* Anyway, good talk, Rainbows and you too (N/N). I am so touched y'all came to see me, really. I hate to deprive you guys of my presence, but this breeze needs his Z's.

Rainbow Dash: You know it's the middle of the day, right?

Zephyr Breeze: I know! Siesta~! I'm just gonna assume you made up my room the way I like it, right, Mom?

Up the stairs he goes, but he pokes his head back into view an instant later.

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, I almost forgot! All my stuff is out front. Wanna grab that for me, Pops? *laughs* Thanks.

Gone again. Rainbow is first to give voice to the lack of good vibes with an irritated sigh.

Rainbow Dash: Same old, Zeph.

(Y/N): When is he ever going to grow up and learn that he needs to take care of himself the hard way. . .?

Rainbow Dash: My guess. . . when Equestria ends, babe.

Between the pink mane and blue-green eyes, the brows on the yellow face lower a notch as the big sister was not happy with her brother at all.

Out on the Ponyville streets, these three are seen flying into view side by side, and none of them were in good spirits, especially Fluttershy.

(Y/N): Everything alright, Flutters?

Rainbow Dash: We know you weren't expecting to see your brother, but you've been kind of quiet, even for you.

Fluttershy: I'm sorry, but I am just so. . . so. . . PEEVED OFF right now!

Rainbow and (Y/N)'s eyes pop at this pronunciation, and Fluttershy claps her own front hooves over her mouth with a stunned gasp. Down below, a mare quickly covers the ears of the nearest filly and glares up at her, prompting her to hitch in a panicked little breath.

Fluttershy: *gasps* Excuse my language!

They fly over Applejack and a hopping Pinkie Pie, both of whom stop and turn in their direction.

Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy! (N/N), sweetie! It's me, Pinkie Pie! YOUR FRIEND!

Seeing her buddy a little downcast at having been so easily ignored, Applejack wedges a front hoof in her teeth and uncorks a loud whistle. Rainbow comes to a quick stop, but Fluttershy—now a few yards back—fails to hit the brakes in time and rams into her and (Y/N) from behind. The three come in for a landing as Pinkie gets back up on all four of her hooves.

Fluttershy: Oh, um, sorry about that.

(Y/N): Something has just been boggling our minds lately ever since twenty minutes ago.

Applejack: Which is?

Rainbow Dash: We just had lunch with Fluttershy's parents, and you'll never guess who showed up.

Fluttershy cringes from this before Pinkie does a little bit of fishing around in her mane produces a wallet, which she opens to let a long string of photos in plastic sleeves fold out.

Pinkie Pie: Mayor Mare? Cranky Doodle Donkey? Cheese Sandwich? Ms. Harshwhinny?!

The blue flyer brings the impromptu exhibition to an end by pushing the wallet down and with a little smile.

Rainbow Dash & (Y/N): Zephyr Breeze.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, that makes more sense.

Applejack: And from the look on your face, I'm guessin' it's for another one of his "extended stays"?

Fluttershy slaps a hoof over her own face to which Rainbow reacts to with a smirk.

Rainbow Dash: She's a bit peeved off.

The same mare and filly from a moment ago have chosen just this instant to pass in the background. This time, both of them shoot the speaker a dirty look at the mare pushes the filly ahead and out of view.

(Y/N): Language! There are kids nearby, ponies!

Pinkie Pie: Tell that to the author who has covered up with Equestria alternatives to bad words, (N/N)~

(Y/N): Equestria alterna- . . .What does that even mean?

Fluttershy: Zephyr's my brother, and I love him. But he's never learned to do anything for himself. I don't know why my parents keep letting him trot all over them!

(Y/N): Agreed. That's one of the most toxic kind of relationships to have, even with your own parents. But Zephyr doesn't even care. . . and no offense, but neither do your parents.

Fluttershy shoots (Y/N) a conflicted look from this as he thought of his words and he may have sounded a little too blunt.

(Y/N): Well, maybe they care a little, but they won't just outright say that it's a problem.

Applejack: Well, if Fluttershy's parents won't stand up for themselves, maybe she needs to stand up for them.

Fluttershy thinks about what Applejack just said and she quickly got an idea thanks to this suggestion.

Fluttershy: You know, you're right!

(Y/N): I'll come with you. . . if you want to that is. It's your family after all.

Fluttershy: *smiles* It's okay. I don't see anything wrong with extra help when it comes to my brother.

(Y/N): Then let's go and try and talk some sense into that hipster's head.

They both lift off to head back to Cloudsdale so that they can properly be assertive towards Zephyr Breeze and help Fluttershy's parents stand up for themselves and admit that their son has a problem.

Back at the house, the male alicorn and shy Pegasus land at the front door. Fluttershy nervously looks at the door before looking towards (Y/N) who was also a little bit nervous, but he nonetheless nods at her that this is the right thing to do. Fluttershy does the breathing exercise Twilight Sparkle has sometimes used to calm herself down - inhale with one front hoof to chest, then exhale while pushing it away from herself - and gathers her courage to knock at the door. Before hoof can meet wood, though. . .


(Y/N): What was that. . .?

They poke their heads around it for a look as their features rearrange themselves into an expression of utter horror and Fluttershy sucks in a sharp gasp while (Y/N)'s jaw dropped in complete shock. The source of the commotion as the outbuilding or back house, whose flowerbed has been well and truly trashed with empty or broken jars from Mr. Shy's cloud collection, to the dismay of Mrs. Shy. 

Her husband, meanwhile, has an empty jar in his grip and is flapping overhead, trying without success to re-capture one of the clouds. Other contained specimens rest near Mrs. Shy as she pulls a jar out of the flowers, and Zephyr tosses another one out an open window from inside in close-up. Lightning cracks across the screen from wherever it lands. Fluttershy gets an angry look while (Y/N) was still in compete shock.

(Y/N): Really?! Is he serious right now?!

Fluttershy: ZEPHYR! BREEZE!

Her brother looks outside and smiles when he takes sight of his big sister.

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, hey, sis. I see you brought (N/N) back too. Y'all come to see me work my magic and turn this place from drab to fab, huh? Well, watch and learn!

Another jar is tossed out, breaking.

(Y/N): Zephyr! Do you have any idea what you're doing right now?!

Zephyr Breeze: Yeah! I'm getting rid of this old stuff so I can turn the backhouse into my art studio! I've decided I'm gonna be a sculptor!

Fluttershy: We're talking about Mom's flowers!

Zephyr Breeze: She's gonna move them so I can have my meditation patio here. She loves replanting stuff. *sweetly* Don't you, Mom?

The bespectacled mare manages a weak grin even as the bloom falls off the plant she holds. Now Fluttershy kneels down among the litter of cracked and discarded jars.

Fluttershy: And Dad's been collecting his favorite bits of cloud from the factory since before you were born.

Mr. Shy catches a small cloud in a jar, using the wall to pin it down, and slides a base in to secure it.

Mr. Shy: The very best from every production run since my first day on the job.

He proceeds to bobble and drop the container, which shatters on impact with the ground, and sighs sadly as the cloud floats away.

Mr. Shy: *sighs* But why hold onto the past really?

Fluttershy and (Y/N) then approach Zephyr with serious looks.

(Y/N): That's some serious sentimental value to your parents there, Zephyr. You can just come out here and destroy everything that they've worked their lives to do.

Zephyr Breeze: But this is the only place big enough for my studio/meditation garden. Ooh! Unless I do it in the living room!

Fluttershy's parents were still a bit distraught with the situation as their daughter and her boyfriend turn their attention towards them.

Fluttershy: I know speaking up for yourself can be hard, believe me. It's because of (Y/N) and some of my friends that I'm doing a lot better with that now. But Zephyr will never stand on his own if he can lean on you.

(Y/N): You're basically not even showing him what discipline is and everypony should know that's what you should give to others who don't listen like Z over there.

Zephyr Breeze: Don't be so dramatic, (L/N)! 

Fluttershy and (Y/N) glare at him before Zephyr zips back over to his parents.

Zephyr Breeze: Mom and Dad just wanna let me be me! Right? I can do plenty on my own.

Fluttershy: I agree. Which is why you should move out!

The grinding halt that her words trigger under the blond topknot brings up only a choked little grunt.

Zephyr Breeze: Oh. Well. . . I mean, I-I totally would, but. . . I don't think that's what Mom and Dad want! It's not, is it?

Here comes a heavy-caliber pout, which leaves both parents at a loss for words. However, as much as they love their son so much. . . they knew that the other two was making a valid point.

Mrs. Shy: Ehhh. . .

Mr. Shy: You know we love you, son, but your sister and her boyfriend have a point.

Another mental two-by-four upside the head, followed by two very watery eyes.

Zephyr Breeze: *tearing up* Sure. I mean, I really just came back here to keep you guys company, but. . . whatever's best for the family. I just. . . I just gotta grab a few essentials.

He stops to scoop up a squirrel lawn gnome from the walk.

Mrs. Shy: And. . . y-you definitely have somewhere else to go?

Fluttershy puts out a hoof to keep her back as now Zephyr has picked up a second gnome, this one styled as a rabbit.

Zephyr Breeze: Of course! There's plenty of ponies who'd love for a little breeze to blow their way. . .

As he retreats into the house, the other three family members trade worried glances, with tears welling up behind Mrs. Shy's square lenses. (Y/N) could only stare with a small sigh and as much as they all didn't want to do this, this was definitely for Zephyr's own good as he needs to learn how to live on his own.

At Fluttershy's cottage later in the afternoon, her rabbit Angel is perched on it, waiting for a carrot on a plate that she brings over and both (Y/N) and Rainbow Dash have pulled up chairs of their own.

Rainbow Dash: So. . . where's Zeph gonna go now?

Fluttershy: I'm not sure. Oh, I hope I did the right thing. . .

(Y/N): Hey, it was hard, Flutters, but I guarantee that we all made the right choice one hundred percent.

Suddenly, the same hipster voice abruptly rings out at them.

???: Hey, siii-iiis~!

All eyes go wide at that voice as a gobsmacked Fluttershy gazes towards the door and the no-count little brother sticks his head in, throws the bottom half open, and strides in. His carryall is slung up over one shoulder.

Zephyr Breeze: Your new roomie's here!

Rainbow then deadpans at (Y/N).

Rainbow Dash: Or maybe like seventy percent.

A fed-up frown rivets itself onto Fluttershy's face as this was not what she meant by having Zephyr find some place else where he can live on his own. Zephyr just simply lets himself him as he drops his bag onto the floor.

Fluttershy: Um, Zephyr. When Mom and Dad told you to find someplace else to live, I don't think they meant here.

Zephyr Breeze: Well, it's not "their" house, so by definition, it's someplace else.

Angel stops his chompers from sinking into the carrot Fluttershy gave him when Zephyr sets his filched rabbit lawn gnome on the table. Angel gives it a nasty look, and the one Rainbow Dash sends out from her chair is no better. This does not stop the slacker stallion from sidling up to her.

Zephyr Breeze: Am I right, Rainbows? Stop oogling me and help settle this.

The gesture causes her whole face to freeze in an expression of gape-mouthed horror, with one eye caught in mid-twitch. He does her the courtesy of easing her jaw shut, but (Y/N) zips in to glare and give an irritated growl at Zephyr while pulling Rainbow Dash back towards him. Thinking of a way to try and get Zephyr to stop hitting on his girlfriend, (Y/N) gets an idea.

(Y/N): R-Rainbow, um, weren't you supposed to see Pinkie Pie later on today? I-I think she needed you for something.

Rainbow Dash immediately knew what he was getting at as her eyes widened and she played along to the best of her ability as well.

Rainbow Dash: O-Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me, babe. I-I almost forgot that I need to help Pinkie. . . sprinkle. . . something.

She then rockets skyward from it in a Technicolor blur, getting out while the getting is good and Zephyr spoons up a carrot from a pot on the stove as Fluttershy and (Y/N) glower at him.

Fluttershy: You said you had plenty of places to go!

(Y/N): And you seriously thought that your sister's cottage was the next best option for you to do things on your own?!

Zephyr Breeze: Ehhhh. . .

Fluttershy puts a hoof to her face and reluctantly decides that if her brother wants to stay with her, then she can allow it.

Fluttershy: *sighs* Fine. You can stay here—

Zephyr immediately zips over to her and hugs his big sister tightly while lifting her up.

Zephyr Breeze: You're the best! We're gonna have so much fun.

(Y/N): Zephyr. . . Don't get too excited. . . you didn't let her finish. . . If you're going to stay with your sister, then she's going to need to lay down some ground rules.

Fluttershy: And there is ONE ground rule that I need to lay down for you, Zephyr.

Zephyr Breeze: Totally. I'll do anything.

However, what Fluttershy suggested next was not what he was expecting to hear.

Fluttershy: You have to get a job.

His face falls as she removes the appendage, and he sets her back down so that they end up sitting on their haunches to face each other. However, Zephyr tries to play it off like a joke as he chuckles and ruffles Fluttershy's mane.

Zephyr Breeze: Cracking the whip, huh? You always were kind of bossy.

(Y/N) & Fluttershy: *through clenched teeth* Zephyr Breeze!

Zephyr Breeze: Kidding! Get a job. Absolutely.

He walks out of the kitchen, turns past the doorway to pass out of view, and—just as at the homestead—promptly returns pushing a piece of furniture with his head. In this case, he has appropriated Fluttershy's couch, prompting the owner and her boyfriend to aim a hacked-off look over their shoulders at the goof-off. (Y/N) frustratedly sighs before whispering over to Fluttershy.

(Y/N): *whispers* Flutters. . . are you sure you want to let your brother live here with you? No offense, but you know he is. . .

They both look back over to see Zephyr moving some more stuff around the room almost as if he was ready to turn the cottage into his own.

(Y/N): *whispers* A doofus. . .

Fluttershy: *whispers* *sighs* Believe me, (N/N), I know. . . but he's my brother. I don't want him to try and make me do everything either, but I also can't just do nothing if it means that he won't find anywhere else to live. So I'm just going to allow him to live here as long as it means that he'll do something on his own for a change.

(Y/N) sighs from this before placing a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder.

(Y/N): *whispers* Alright then. But just know that YOU are responsible for what happens whether he lives here or not. . . I'll help too since I pretty much got myself involved in it too. So first he needs a job, right?

Fluttershy: *whispers* Right. I was about to plan on asking him what kind of job he wants. . . but you probably know what he most likely is going to say. . .

(Y/N): *mocking Zephyr* There's no way that I'll be able to find something that'll fit my awesomeness in one day. Just be patient, sis.

This causes Fluttershy to giggle a bit at (Y/N) doing a really good impression of her brother, but it quickly goes back into a pondering look and she suddenly gets an idea in her head.

Fluttershy: Though no one said that I can't pick out jobs for my brother. (Y/N), do you think you can ask some of our friends about seeing if there are jobs open for Zephyr to take? Hopefully it won't be asking for too much.

(Y/N): *smiles* No problem, Flutters. I probably may even have a job for him myself if all else fails. But don't worry, I'll ask around.

Fluttershy smiles back from this before pecking (Y/N) on the lips. However, Zephyr pokes his head in from the living room.

Zephyr Breeze: Hey, Fluttershy. You mind setting some of my stuff up for me, so I can make one of these areas a more-liking to the Breeze here?

Fluttershy rolls her eyes while shaking her head before walking into the living room.

Fluttershy: That depends on "where" you're putting what. . .

(Y/N) could feel Fluttershy's irritation as he just shakes his head while sighing.

(Y/N): (Something tells that this is going to be a lot harder than we think. . . Oh, who am I kidding? It's Zephyr. I don't expect him for us to try and make it easy for him.

The very next morning, Fluttershy woke her little brother up early as they were both seen walking along the Ponyville Streets with Zephyr letting out a loud yawn while looking very sluggish and Fluttershy was walking straight ahead of him with a smirk on her face.

Zephyr Breeze: *yawns* Where are we goin' so early? You have no idea how bad morning sun is for your mane.

Fluttershy: Remember how we talked about you getting a job?

Zephyr Breeze: It was just yesterday, and it's totally on my to-do list, but you can't expect to find something befitting my awesomeness overnight.

The big sister then stops right in front of Carousel Boutique smirking at Zephyr.

Fluttershy: (Y/N) and I thought you might say that.

Her knock brings both (Y/N) and Rarity out almost before she can put her hoof back down on the step as Zephyr just boggles at their alacrity.

Fluttershy: So we did it for you.

Zephyr Breeze: What?!?

(Y/N): Yep. After a little bit of talking with your sister, Z, we spoke with our friends and they're more than happy to allow you to work at whichever establishment suits you best. So I hope you're prepared to work and see which one you like best.

Inside of the boutique, a couple of undressed pony mannequins stand off to one side, and three rolls of white fabric hang from horizontal racks. A length of each has been unrolled to trail across the floor and here, three bowls of dye have been set up on a dropcloth to keep the carpet clean. Rarity stands alongside the assembly, as do the flasks from which the dyes were poured.

Rarity: These fabrics all need to be dyed those colors. Do you think you can handle that?

Zephyr Breeze: *muttering* Um, I don't know. . .

Fluttershy and (Y/N) heard that as they both shot annoyed glares at him before the male alicorn just pushes him forward into the room.

(Y/N): Yeah, he should be able to get things done from here. . . IF he can stay focused and do it properly.

Rarity smiles from this as she walks over to the other two before turning back to Zephyr.

Rarity: You get started while Fluttershy, (Y/N), and I head to the store for more supplies. Ta-ta!

Fluttershy: Good luck!

(Y/N): Break a leg, Zeph!

A snap of teeth on knob, and she has yanked the door shut to leave one very apprehensive pegasus alone with the equipment. He stands rooted to the spot as Rarity's cat Opalescence wanders over, dips a paw into one bowl, and shakes the liquid off to leave a vivid spatter across some of the cloth. The performance touches off a calculating grin on Zephyr's stubble-marked green face. 

A little later on, Fluttershy, (Y/N), and Rarity were on their way back to the boutique finished with shopping and were wondering how Zephyr was doing with the work while they were gone. (Y/N) had the shopping bags levitated in his magic grip.

Fluttershy: Thanks for giving my brother a job. I just hope he's up to the task.

(Y/N): I'd be lying if I said that I'm not even a slight bit worried either. Even though it was a simple task, he had others do the work for him. . . Though you didn't supervise anyone with him, so the worse is that he doesn't do it at all.

Rarity: Oh, darlings. Dyeing fabric is the simplest thing!

They both walk into the boutique so that they can see what work Zephyr has done in the boutique.

Rarity: You just dip cloth in a bo—

She trails off into a stricken gasp matched by Fluttershy's own as (Y/N) drops all of the bags in complete shock for what they all just saw next inside of the boutique.

The entire workspace is a shambles: mannequins festooned with swatches of garishly colored cloth and dye splotches, one with a crude face drawn on; the three fabric rolls and the dropcloth liberally splattered and a fourth roll partly unfurled across the carpet; trails of varicolored hoof prints leading here and there and a few attempts at tie-dyeing hung up on a spare rack to dry.

Fluttershy and Rarity, who can only gape at Rarity's four-poster bed—and Zephyr draped across it, humming idly as he lies on his belly to do a bit of reading. It takes (Y/N) saying something to pick up on their return.

(Y/N): . . .What in Tartarus is all of this?!?!

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, Rarity, Fluttershy, (N/N), you're back!

Fluttershy then levels up on her brother with a stern glare.

Fluttershy: What did you do?

Zephyr Breeze: Since you talk to animals all the time, I just figured it runs in the family, so why not outsource this stuff, you know?

A crazed screech rips the air, courtesy of one or more of the small animals that promptly rampage through the area, bird, rabbit, squirrel, all trailing pigment-soaked scraps. The two ground-based critters leave streaks of dye on the carpet in their wake.

Zephyr Breeze: Turns out the animal communication thing isn't genetic.

(Y/N): Wha- What kind of excuse is that?! Not genetic?! Of course it's not you dunce! That's "Fluttershy's" special talent, not yours!

Rarity: And Zephyr, I asked YOU to do this job! Not to pawn it off on innocent woodland creatures!

Zephyr Breeze: Okay, I guess you have some feelings about this. But you should know it's basically your cat's fault for walking by and giving me the idea.

The feline in question had her normally immaculate white coat now heavily gunked up with dye and her tail sporting rainbow stripes. She licks at a paw as he leans down to her.

Zephyr Breeze: But I'm actually kinda into this look!

Opal snarls and swipes at him as he quickly backs up to Rarity while holding up a dyed towel.

Zephyr Breeze: So I guess what I'm saying is. . . you're welcome?

Rarity launches into a sputtering fit that lasts for some moments before any coherent words make their way out.

Rarity: Zephyr, this is just unacceptable!

She said while knocking the towel out of his hoof and turning her head away from him.

Zephyr Breeze: Wow. I guess I know when my efforts aren't appreciated.

(Y/N): (Efforts?! You didn't do squat!)

Out he goes, with Rarity voicing a hearty groan and magically slamming the door shut behind him. Fluttershy can only offer a timid little blush and giggle for subjecting her friend to his incompetence while (Y/N) facepalms in annoyance.

We are now in the Castle of Friendship as this was the place where Fluttershy and (Y/N) attempted to give Zephyr his next job that he might enjoy doing. They were in the throne room as Zephyr was staring up at the large stained glass windows in awe.

Zephyr Breeze: Whoa! Those are tall!

Twilight Sparkle: I'm glad you noticed, because they're your new job.

Zephyr Breeze: Wha?

He then turns to Fluttershy feeling both confused and annoyed.

Zephyr Breeze: You said you were taking me to tea with the princess!

Fluttershy: Actually, I said (Y/N) and I were going to tea with the princess. You're going to work.

She and both the Prince and the Princess head for the door, but stop short as he hurries across to them.

Zephyr Breeze: Sis, c'mon!

Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry, Zephyr, it'll be easy. I just need a Pegasus pony to fly up and wipe each window down from top to bottom.

(Y/N): Yeah, washing windows. You can't get a job more simple and relaxing than that. You better do it this time cause we're expecting at least over half of them to be done by the time we're through chatting.

The three ponies then left leaving Zephyr conflicted, but not before Spike walks up to him.

Spike: And I'm here to make sure you do it right.

Here comes an ingratiating grin from the green stallion.

A little bit later, the ponies walked back into the throne room and once they opened the door, they were all greeted by an extremely amazing sight of sparkling clean windows from pretty much the entire throne room as Fluttershy, Twilight, and (Y/N) were all impressed. They see Zephyr playing a ukulele while sitting on one of the thrones as they walked up to him with smiles.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow, Zephyr! This looks amazing!

Zephyr Breeze: Uh, you know, like you said, it was easy!

(Y/N): Huh. I didn't really believe that you were going to be able to pull the "entire" job off, but I guess I was wrong. Nice work, Z.

However, Fluttershy notices that a certain dragon assistant wasn't around them to be found as she raises a skeptical eyebrow.

Fluttershy: Where's Spike?

Spike: Up here!

All three pairs of eyes flick toward the ceiling, one pair registering a healthy dose of panic at having been bowled out. The baby dragon had a squeegee in hand and hanging by a rope looped around his midsection; he spins to face the room, a bucket in his free hand.

Twilight Sparkle: You were supposed to supervise, not do all the work!

Spike: I was supervising! And then Zephyr asked me about different cleaning techniques and which one was best, and if I could—

(Y/N): Spike!

Spike looked down towards (Y/N) who gestures towards Zephyr wearing a sheepish grin while sitting on the throne. Seeing him down on there in the position of being relaxed, suddenly made Spike realize that Zephyr manipulated him into doing all of the work for him.

Spike: Hey! I did all the work!

(Y/N): (Wow. . . Spike literally just got Tom Sawyered. . .)

They all then glared daggers in Zephyr's direction.

Zephyr Breeze: Don't let him fool you. Old Spike is quite the taskmaster.

His big sister then has to deal with the gimlet-eyed looks coming her way from the edifice's two residents and offer up a sheepish blush and grin. Zephyr tries to peel out, but (Y/N) caught him in a (F/C) aura and pulled him towards them.

(Y/N): This was seriously the easiest and simplest job that you can do and you still wanted to be lazy about it?!

Zephyr Breeze: Aw, come on, (N/N). I just had to ask Spike to make sure I was doing it right.

Fluttershy then whirls to jab a hoof into his chest.

Fluttershy: You didn't do it AT ALL!

Pivoting away from him, she takes a deep breath with one front hoof raised and continues in a much calmer voice as she sets it back on the ground.

Fluttershy: Well, luckily for you, (Y/N) has a job for you as well.

(Y/N): And you won't need to ask anyone for help, because I've already drawn out the steps for you.

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, you mean all of that magic karate thing you do? Say, didn't you say that you and Princess Twilight here had an apprentice?

Spike: Student actually. . .?

Zephyr Breeze: Well, I'll gladly accept that job if it means that I can something a bit more active like Rainbows. So where do I sign up, (L/N)?

(Y/N) and Twilight look at each other with strange looks before deadpanning back at Zephyr and (Y/N) walks up to him.

(Y/N): Okay, one. . . We've never put out flyers for anything about becoming our student. We don't just pick random ponies for that. Two. . . What? You think you just put a horn under your pillow and wake up an alicorn warrior? You've got to practice if you want to do stuff like that. It's take more than just fighting skills and enthusiasm to be a hero.

Zephyr wasn't buying it though as he backs (Y/N) up looking a little bit more excited.

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, please. Everyone in Equestria seen you save it, my bro. How hard can it be? Just show me some of you skills, alright? I want to take down some bad guys now! No time for any basics. Just show me the good stuff.

Seeing how he's being too stubborn to listen to him, (Y/N) lowers his head and sighs before getting a serious look.

(Y/N): Okay, fine. Imitate at least three of these.

(Y/N) then stands on his hind legs in a fighting stance while spreading out his wings. He then sends a quick punch ahead of himself.

(Y/N): Jab.

He then quickly puts both of his forelegs in front of himself.

(Y/N): Block.

He then lands back on all fours and quickly sidesteps to the side.

(Y/N): Step.

He then does a leg sweep with his hind legs.

(Y/N): Sweep.

He then takes off into the air and spins around while flying.

(Y/N): Twirl.

Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike, and Zephyr all followed (Y/N) with their eyes with Zephyr being the most shocked out of them.

(Y/N): Buck, Downwards kick, Cartwheel, Backhoof, Roundhouse, Wall Cling, Backflip!

He then lands down stylishly in front of all of them.

(Y/N): Landing pose.

Zephyr had his jaw down in complete shock before (Y/N) steps to the side and gestures for Zephyr to try and do exactly what he did as he snapped out of his daze before nodding and smiling with some determination.

Zephyr Breeze: Okay, got it all down, (N/N).

He then steps forward and tries to do exactly what (Y/N) did.

Zephyr Breeze: Jab!

However, he takes a step forward on his hind legs and one of them end up inside of the bucket that Spike placed down as he then slipped and fell down onto his back. No one was surprised by this at all as they all just deadpan down at Zephyr on the floor.

(Y/N): And that's exactly why I'm never teaching you and it's why we start with the basics. . .

(Y/N) and Fluttershy then lead Zephyr through the castle until they were at (Y/N)'s room as they all walked inside and as they did, (Y/N) walks over to the table where he was working at earlier when Fluttershy first came to see him during the day. Zephyr looked at all of the tools and the parts lying on the table with interest.

Zephyr Breeze: Whoa-ho-ho! I didn't take you for something who likes blacksmithin' (N/N). Whatcha making? Some kind of girdle or something?

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from this as he turns back to Zephyr with a blush on his face and he glares at him.

(Y/N): It's not a girdle! You do know that's for mares, right?!

(Y/N) groans and facepalms before taking a deep breath and laying out some blueprints on the table.

(Y/N): It's a special kind of magic armor that I'm making and I still need to get some of the parts together if I want it to end up nicely. Now I know it looks complicated at first, but since you can't use magic, I've got a blowtorch and everything. I've even listed the steps on how to mend all of these loose metal parts together.

Fluttershy: And if do need help, just call either Twilight or Spike and they'll help you along the way.

Zephyr Breeze: Wait. . . How long should this take me?

(Y/N): If you follow the steps properly, you should get it done within an hour. That's actually how long Fluttershy and I will be out while you perform the task. I still need to get a little bit more materials like paint and I'm going to have to get them from the store. . . since you trashed Rarity's place. . .

Zephyr Breeze: You can't blame me for trying.

Fluttershy: Trying wha- *sighs* Never mind. Zephyr. . . Please! There are steps and everything. Can you get at least some of it done by the time that (Y/N) and I get back?

Zephyr looks at all of the metal parts before looking at the blueprints and as he does, he gets a rather not so good idea in his head as he smirks.

Zephyr Breeze: Sure thing, sis. By the time you guys come back, this'll look more than new. Maybe better enough that it'll show off just both my awesomeness and how good I am with tinkering.

Fluttershy sighs while (Y/N) rolls his eyes from that confident claim as they don't really believe him since he slacked off on two jobs so far.

(Y/N): Those are pretty high expectations. . . Fine. If you say so.

Both (Y/N) and Fluttershy then take their leave and once they leave the room. Zephyr looks down at the blueprints with a hoof to his chin before he looks at a mirror to see a reflection of his head as well. He looks back and forth and the metal parts and himself before smirking on his plan.

A little bit later, (Y/N) and Fluttershy were walking back down the hall with buckets of paints as (Y/N) was levitating a bunch of them while Fluttershy was carrying one in her mouth by the handle and it was pretty heavy for her. As they were walking, (Y/N) had a slightly worried look on his face which Fluttershy noticed as she turned to him while setting down the bucket of paint to speak to him properly.

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm worried too, (N/N). But we did everything that we could and explained to him what needed to be done.

(Y/N): I know. . . I mean. . . the castle's not burned down, so I guess that means that he might be handling it well. I REALLY hope he also asked for some help because that also shows some dedication to if he wants this kind of job. Twi and I wouldn't mind having an employee in the castle besides Spike and he works pretty hard already.

They then end up at (Y/N)'s room with the door closed and once they were there, (Y/N) puts his ear at the door to listen for anything strange. He looks back at Fluttershy and shrugs that nothing was to be heard, so they can assume that everything was going fine. Fluttershy then walks up and knocks on the door.

Fluttershy: Zephyr. . . Is everything okay? Are you done?

Zephyr Breeze: Done? How come you guys haven't returned earlier? You guys are gonna be stoked by this masterpiece?

That worried Fluttershy and (Y/N) as they looked at each other with raised eyebrows before walking inside to see Zephyr smugly smiling down at whatever he had made off screen. (Y/N) walks up to him with a blank frown.

(Y/N): Alright, Z. Let's see how much progress you've-

However, when (Y/N) took one look at whatever had made, his eyes shot up in complete shock and his mouth fell open. Fluttershy walks up next and her reaction was to gasp in fright as she puts a hoof to her mouth at what they were both seeing. Zephyr remained proud as what he made. . .

Was apparently the shape of a stallion's head, most likely to be in his image as he didn't follow any of the steps at all and completely played with all of the materials to make something that he only liked.

Zephyr Breeze: Like it, huh? Remember when I said I wanted to be a sculptor? Well, I wanted that image you made on your paper to look ten times better than what you wrote, (N/N). . . Pretty handsome lookin', isn't it?

(Y/N) was entirely speechless as he ended up stuttering in his next line.

(Y/N): Z-Z-Zephyr. . . Y-Y-You. . . H-How did. . . I-I c-can't believe this. . .

Zephyr Breeze: Haha! I knew I did the right choice! Practice makes perfect after all, right? Now where would be a good place to hang this part on that little suit your makin' eh? I can test that out too if you want. Be sure to get my good side if you're plannin' any pictures~

(Y/N) then slowly turned his head towards Zephyr as while his face was still in shock, there was definitely another meaning behind it.

(Y/N): Zephyr. . .

He stayed silent for a quick second. . .

Before he totally snaps.


(Y/N) apparently screamed so loud that it blew Zephyr and even Fluttershy's mane back a bit and when it ended, Fluttershy's mane was standing up a bit as she stood and blink a little bit in surprise before looking towards Zephyr with a glare as she can agree with that question.

Zephyr Breeze: Hold up. You said nothing about putting a tail together? Or did you? I probably forgot that step.

(Y/N): Do have any idea what you've just done?! I've been trying to put this armor together for MONTHS! *growls* If I can't find a way to take this apart, I swear. . .

Zephyr then wraps a hoof around (Y/N) causing his to glare at him as he was really not happy with Zephyr right now.

Zephyr Breeze: Well at this point, I've saved you probably weeks of work with what this beautiful looking build is.

(Y/N) pushes Zephyr off of him while growling in anger.

Zephyr Breeze: A-Anyways, you guys got paint right? I was thinking maybe we touch this up with some nice rainbows on it, if ya know what I mean. Maybe a little bit of a blond pigment, but I mostly want this to have rainbows on it.

(Y/N) then holds a hoof up to his ear while showing sarcasm.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Oh, hang on, Zephyr. I just got a call from someone named, I DON'T GIVE A FLYING-

A hoof from Fluttershy then covers (Y/N)'s mouth before he could finish that outburst as he looks towards Fluttershy who gave him a look that said that he needs to calm down.

Fluttershy: Okay, okay, okay. . . Thank you (Y/N) (L/N). I will take over. Zephyr, let's go!

Zephyr Breeze: Wait, we still haven't-

Fluttershy: Now!

She said guiding him the way towards the exit and as she did, she looked back towards (Y/N) who gave Fluttershy an annoyed glare while shaking his head while his shy girlfriend gave him the same sheepish grin with a embarrassed blush like the two mares as she knows that she was responsible for this too.

The siblings were now moving through one street's hustle and bustle with Fluttershy in a visibly sour mood and it is now later in the day meaning that they were also running out of options.

Zephyr Breeze: Aw, come on, sis. Admit it. I put at least a little bit of effort in that one. You've gotta admit that.

Fluttershy: You didn't even do what we said! You just fooled around with the stuff!

Before she could get any more angry than she already was, Fluttershy takes a deep breath before turning away from Zephyr.

Fluttershy: Well, I guarantee there won't be any fooling around on the next job.

Zephyr Breeze: Next job?

Right on cue, Rainbow swoops down overhead and past them. He gets the daylights scared out of him, but she stands tranquilly in place even as her mane and tail are blown wildly about for a moment and leaves swirl across the ground.

Rainbow Dash: That's right, Zeph! You're coming with me!

Zephyr Breeze: *smirks* You don't have to come up with some excuse to hang out with me, Rainbows! Let's just go for a fly and see where the day takes us~

Rainbow snarls to herself and touches down.

Rainbow Dash: We're going to Wonderbolts Headquarters. And I am gonna give you a job so simple and straightforward, not even YOU can weasel your way out of it!

After moving out of view, she flies quickly in to stare him down point-blank.

Rainbow Dash: *quickly* And the second you try, I'm gonna zap you with a storm cloud! Got it?!

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, I got it~

He throws a foreleg around Rainbow Dash pulling her close to him.

Zephyr Breeze: I can already feel the electricity between us~

Rainbow Dash: (*frustrated sigh* (Y/N). . . Fluttershy. . . Help me. . .)

Fluttershy is left with no words to describe the sleazy Lothario tactics, but she somehow works up a humoring smile for the incensed Rainbow.

Back at Fluttershy's cottage living room, a piece of paper that she picked up goes into a nearby trash can. It is one of several that litter a blanket spread over her couch—no bonus points for guessing who put it there and ditto for the self-aggrandizing photos on the wall and end table. The rest of the junk is swept into the can with a wing, and she sets the disorganized throw pillows back where they belong on the couch. As she catches a fold of the blanket in her mouth and pulls the whole thing straight, the sound of the door opening cuts in.

Zephyr Breeze: Rainbow Dash is crazy!

Zephyr stands at the door with scuff marks all over his body. His mane and tail are charred, smoking, and standing straight out as if he had just stuck a fork in a light socket as clearly Rainbow made good on her threat.

Zephyr Breeze: Okay?! She expects me to do stuff right when she asks me to do it! It's insane!

Fluttershy didn't buy that excuse at all as she just bitterly responds.

Fluttershy: So you just quit? Again?

Zephyr then walks over and flops onto the couch.

Zephyr Breeze: Escaped is more like it. Besides, what was I supposed to do?

Fluttershy: Keep trying? Finish something properly for once? Maybe that way, you'd actually find something you like to do!

Zephyr Breeze: That all sounds fine for your friends, but it's just not me.

Fluttershy: Then I'm sorry, Zephyr, but I don't think you can live here.

Teeth lock on the blanket and fling it away and instantly Zephyr starts to shiver, but he stops upon realizing that she is not buying the act one bit.

Zephyr Breeze: Fine! I'll just go live in the woods like my foreponies before me!

The carryall is grabbed up, a photo comes off the wall, and the lawn gnome is snatched away, angering Angel, who had been offering it a bowl of salad. He licks his chops at the prospect of more for himself, but Zephyr takes the food as well, leaving him to fall flat on his face as he leans in to eat. He strides away outside over the stream that runs through the property as Fluttershy watches him from the front door.

Zephyr Breeze: Guess the only breeze this zephyr can count on is his own!

Fluttershy could only her head sadly at this latest round of family dysfunction because as much as she loves and feels bad for doing this to her younger brother, she knew that this wasn't healthy for her or Zephyr to live by.

A little bit later, Fluttershy was in her cottage with (Y/N) and Rainbow Dash helping her out with cleaning up everything that Zephyr trashed up in her cottage. (Y/N) was using his magic to mop the floor while Fluttershy uses a dust pan for Rainbow Dash to sweep up trash into it. Fluttershy was still looking rather down about kicking her brother out, but Rainbow Dash reassured her.

Rainbow Dash: Aw, cheer up, Fluttershy. I know it was hard, but you did the right thing. You couldn't let Zephyr pull the same stuff on you that he's always pulled on your folks!

Fluttershy: I guess so. . .

(Y/N): If all that he wants to do is be lazy and have everypony do everything for him like they're his maid or butler then anypony would have a right to kick him out. You didn't nothing wrong at all, Flutters.

Fluttershy: *sighs* Maybe. . . Zephyr didn't ruin your little project too much, did he?

(Y/N): I spoke with Twi and she said that she's finding a way to take what Zephyr ruined apart so I can start from scratch again.

(Y/N) then got an curious look and he turns over to Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): Speaking of which, Dash, what did Zephyr do to try and escape doing any work with you around?

Rainbow Dash: *scoffs* I promised him that if he doesn't even do an ounce of work that I would zap his flank with a storm cloud. I gave him a simple task that involved just moving a couple of supplies around and guess what? . . .He was curious on what was inside rather than doing the job.

(Y/N): Guess there's no surprise there. Maybe living in the woods will teach Zephyr a thing or two about being on his own.

A burst of urgent cheeping draws their attention off to a bird perched in an open window. Fluttershy turns toward it with a smile.

Fluttershy: Oh, hello, Constance!

He tweets into her ear as she reacts with surprise.

Fluttershy: Oh? Oh, dear.

Her concerned look is met by a contemptuous grimace from Rainbow and a raised eyebrow from (Y/N) as whatever Constance told Fluttershy definitely meant that something was wrong.

In the Everfree Forest, Zephyr's plastic mane-styling practice head, now further marked with a purple hoof print. Zephyr's coat scuffs have been augmented with random spatters of mud, and the mane and tail charring have given way to blond tangles with leaves caught in them. Completing the air of general dilapidation are an excess of facial stubble and two violet eyes that have shrunken to half-deranged points.

Zephyr Breeze: See, Wigford? The Breeze needs nopony! We've got food, shelter. Just need to put the old kettle on. . .

He crosses to the cold fire ring as a dirty, battered cooking pot stands alongside. Getting the handle in his teeth, he sets it atop the accumulated tinder in the ring, then straightens up with two rocks held in his front hooves. These are tapped lightly together and tossed down, where they utterly fail to touch off a blaze; he leans down over the ring with a petulant glare.

Zephyr Breeze: Come on, sticky-sticky, make with the sparks!

His next brilliant idea is to clamp his teeth onto one end of a twig and bang the other against the pot a few times. This gets him nothing but a broken piece of wood and a capsized vessel that spills its contents into the ring. Letting the stub fall, he straightens up as now a self-portrait can be seen propped against a tree stump on this side of the campsite.

Zephyr Breeze: Ugh! What's a pony got to do to find a decent stick around here?!

He kicks the piece away, only for it to bounce up off the ring's stones and smack him in the nose. The mishap sends him into a sudden rage, and he begins to wreck the site piece by piece. Fluttershy, (Y/N), and Rainbow are a few yards away, watching through a gap in the trees.

(Y/N): Wow. . . It got worse than I thought. . .

Rainbow Dash: I know he needs to learn to do things for himself, but. . .

Fluttershy: Oh. . . I can't let him live like this.

With a final, feral yell, he bucks the main support pole of his lean-to, snapping it and causing the rest of it to collapse and bury him.

Rainbow Dash: Actually, I don't think he'd make it through the night.

Fluttershy lets her head dip slightly in resigned acceptance of her brother's total ineptitude at looking after himself. She steps up and prods a particular spot, and Zephyr's head breaks through with a gasp. After his eyes return to full focus, he takes in the sight of all three ponies now standing before him.

Zephyr Breeze: Fluttershy! Hey! I was just, um, cozying up in my sleeping bag! 

He pulls the scattered fronds farther over himself.

Zephyr Breeze: Ready to call it an early night! Such an exhausting day, y'know?

Nopony was buying this at all as they were watching everything the entire time.

(Y/N): Dude. . . It's noon. . .

Zephyr Breeze: You know me! Siesta. . .

A random branch topples over and clunks him squarely over the head, wiping out his artificial bonhomie and bringing him dangerously close to the verge of tears.

Zephyr Breeze: Ugh. . . I can't do this. I can't do anything.

Fluttershy steps over and lifts the branch away before sitting on her haunches and she pats her little brother on the head.

Fluttershy: Zephyr, you're smart and talented. You "could" do anything if you just tried!

Zephyr Breeze: And what if I give everything I have and still fail? Honestly, I think it's better not to try at all.

Rainbow Dash: But then you won't ever do anything.

Zephyr Breeze: I don't expect you two to understand. I mean, when have you ever failed? You've literally helped save Equestria, like, a dozen times.

(Y/N): And yet we still could've failed. Everyone fears failure, Zephyr.

Fluttershy: Sometimes you have to do things, even though you might fail.

(Y/N): And even if you do fail, if you're given another chance then try again! That's a part of life Zephyr. We succeed, we fail, but even so we ALL try to do our best because our efforts show that we're dedicated to what we do. . . even if we do fail.

Zephyr Breeze: But failing is the worst!

Fluttershy: And quitting doesn't feel much better, does it?

Zephyr Breeze: No.

Fluttershy: So here's the deal: You can come back with me, but you have to do EXACTLY what I say. No exceptions.

The humbled free spirit looks to her, Rainbow, and (Y/N), and finally resigns himself to it.

Zephyr Breeze: I will literally do anything you ask me if it means I don't have to stay here.

A hopeful smile passes between the three ponies.

(Y/N): Okay, you finally admitted that you have a problem, so that's a good start. Let's go.

(Y/N) uses his magic to levitate all of the leaves and branches off of Zephyr as Fluttershy helps him stand up and they all made their way out of the forest.

In a hallway, in the upper story of Fluttershy's cottage, she leads a freshly-cleaned Zephyr along the way as both (Y/N) and Rainbow bring up the rear.

Fluttershy: Okay, you know what you have to do, right?

Zephyr Breeze: Beg for help, then quit when I get frustrated.

He tacks on a goofy little grin, only to get a triple-barreled look of purest venom from Fluttershy, (Y/N), and Rainbow.

(Y/N): Zephyr!!

Zephyr Breeze: J-Just kidding! Total opposite of that. Got it.

The stallion was on the verge of a panic attack musters the courage to enter the door in front of them at Fluttershy's gentle gesture.

Rainbow Dash: You think he can do it?

Fluttershy:  Everypony has times in their lives 

♪ When their hearts are filled with doubt 

Zephyr finds his practice head and an assortment of mane care products set up at a vanity mirror.

Zephyr Breeze:  Frustration builds up inside 

♪ And it makes you want to shout 

Fluttershy, (Y/N), and Rainbow step in and guide him toward the counter.

Rainbow Dash: ♪ But if you just take that first step 

♪ The next one will appear 

His book of mane style photos is set down and opened.

Fluttershy, (Y/N), & Rainbow Dash:  And you find you can walk, then run 

♪ Then fly. . .! 

All drift slowly out of view as Zephyr regards himself in the glass and at an overhead shot of the room, they circle above him.

♪ Into the stratosphere 

They land to either side and give him an encouraging nudge.

♪ You've got to give it your best 

♪ So you can pass the test 

♪ Give it everything that you've got 

He begins to pick up implements from the counter.

♪ And we know you can win 

♪ You just have to begin 

Vertical panels slide in from above and below on either side of him, leaving the screen tiled with images of all four.

♪ Have to give it your very best shot 

Sweating bullets, Zephyr drops the comb in his teeth and pushes their panels out of view.

Zephyr Breeze:  There are times when you want to give up 

♪ When you think that you can't go on 

He backs up hastily before their unexpected advance.

Fluttershy, (Y/N), & Rainbow Dash: ♪ But if you fight through with all of your might 

♪ You will find that you can't go wrong 

Still sweating, he eyes the head's crazy-quilt style and takes up his comb in his mouth to try and bring a little sense to it.

♪ That you could do it all along 

Fluttershy:  Everypony has times in their lives 

♪ When their hearts are filled with doubt 

(Y/N) & Rainbow Dash:  But if you just give it your all 

♪ You'll start to work it out 

Zephyr then plies a pair of scissors with gusto as bits of fake hair fly back at him.

Zephyr Breeze:  And I know I can't give up too soon 

♪ Get myself in the zone 

The clippings pile up near his book of photos.

♪ And I find I can walk, then run 

Fluttershy, (Y/N), Rainbow Dash, & Zephyr Breeze: ♪ Then fly. . .! 

Zephyr Breeze:  I can do it on my own 

He punctuates the end of this line with a little grunt of pride, after which three vertical panels slide in to show (Y/N), Rainbow, and Fluttershy.

Fluttershy, (Y/N), & Rainbow Dash: ♪ You can do it on your own 

These are pulled away to give a view of the mirror and Zephyr then holds up the mannequin head with a mare's style that is a bit rough around the edges, but still shows an honest effort and a decent bit of potential on his part.

Zephyr Breeze:  I can do it on my own 

♪ I can do it on my own 

He then regards with work with a proud smile.

Zephyr Breeze: I did it! I actually finished something! By myself!

Rainbow Dash: And it looks exactly like it's supposed to.

(Y/N): See? It wasn't too hard. Nice job, Z.

Fluttershy: I knew you could do it, Zephyr.

Zephyr Breeze: I didn't! But I do now. Thanks for believing in me, sis.

Fluttershy: That's what big sisters are for.

Rainbow Dash: So, Zeph, now that you've accomplished this, what's next?

Zephyr Breeze: Anything I want! I mean, the sky's the limit, right?

The three other ponies cheering section gives him a hard look, which does wonders to tamp down his momentary flare of manic energy.

(Y/N): Don't get ahead of yourself, dude. . . This is just ONE task that you got done on your own. . . Try sticking with it for now before going another route. . .

Zephyr Breeze: R-Right, right. I gotcha, (N/N).

It's been about a month ever since Fluttershy, (Y/N), and Rainbow Dash have helped Zephyr out with his problem and with their help, Zephyr decided to go into mane therapy training to see if he could properly get the job now that he has practiced a bit. Just like that month ago, (Y/N) and Rainbow Dash were invited again to Fluttershy's home to have dinner with her parents to which they were more than happy to attend to.

Rainbow Dash: Thanks for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Shy! Ha! It was great as usual.

(Y/N): We always love to visit whenever.

Mrs. Shy: Thank you, dears, for not giving up on Zephyr.

(Y/N): It was a hard task for sure. . . but even if he's still rough around the edges, we think that the experience that we taught him should definitely make him become a better pony than who he formerly was.

Rainbow Dash nods in agreement before Fluttershy walks over to the table.

Fluttershy: Have you heard from Zephyr? Is he doing well?

Mr. Shy: I tell you, he's a brand new pony! So full of drive and determination.

Rainbow Dash: Heh, that's great.

And here he comes, throwing the front door open and parading in. He has donned a dark gray mortarboard cap and graduation gown over a white dress shirt collar and red necktie, and a red stole hangs around his shoulders. The next line is delivered in his original boisterous manner.

Zephyr Breeze: Guess who graduated from mane therapy training~?

The cap is pulled off and scaled across the kitchen to land on Rainbow's head at a very cockeyed angle as she laughs and flips it back from her eyes as both (Y/N) and Fluttershy grin.

Rainbow Dash: Hah, awesome!

(Y/N): Great to hear, Z!

Mr. and Mrs. Shy cross to him.

Mr. Shy: Congratulations, son!

They embrace as Rainbow Dash puts the cap back on Zephyr's head and (Y/N) comes up to share a high five and bro hug with Zephyr.

Mrs. Shy: You look so handsome!

Fluttershy: I'm so proud of you, Zephyr.

Zephyr Breeze: It was only a matter of time before they recognized my true genius!

A squint-eyed, sidewise look from the big sister prompts him to dial down the bravado.

Zephyr Breeze: But actually doing the work probably helped, and I wouldn't have if it weren't for you.

They both embraced each other for a moment before breaking apart.

Fluttershy: Oh, I just gave you some encouragement. You did this on your own.

Zephyr Breeze: And honestly, right now I feel like I can do anything. . . except find a place.

He then pulls both of his parents closer.

Zephyr Breeze: I can still crash here for a few days, right?

These two are rather taken aback, but both Fluttershy and Rainbow react with good-natured "here we go again" smiles with Fluttershy adding an eye roll, (Y/N) sighs with a weary smile, and Rainbow Dash adds a little shake of her head.

Chapter 10 End.

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