Chapter 4: Gauntlet of Fire

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It has been a couple of days ever since (Y/N) and Rarity took their little road trip with Pinkie Pie and her big sister, Maud. After the trip, (Y/N) asked Rarity if there were any caves in Ponyville that they could possibly explore and no doubt did Rarity know of some that they could both explore in. Of course when Spike found out, he wanted to come along too since he claims that he wants to help, but really he just wants some jewels to eat. Despite knowing his true desires, the two of them let Spike come along anyway.

Several gems are seen embedded in a rock face and these become enveloped in a magic glow and are pulled loose as the caster was Rarity, who she along with (Y/N) were wearing hard hats as (Y/N) wore a yellow one while Rarity had hers accessorized with her Cutie Mark and a large blue bow. Them and Spike are in a cavern as he holds a couple of baskets full of precious stones, one which had silvery shiny gems and the other one had assorted ones. The area is only illuminated by the headlamp on Rarity's hard hat.

All three of them aim a frightened look above them to see a cluster of cluster of bats hanging upside down from the ceiling. Each has its claws clamped onto a projecting jewel, and Rarity's beam dissipates just short of reaching them with its full intensity while (Y/N) was trying his best not to look up as much as possible.

Rarity then swivels her head intently to look in Spike's direction and the gems she has just harvested land in one of the baskets with the faintest clink. He licks his chops at the idea of being able to turn them into a gourmet meal.

Rarity: *quietly* The last time I was here, I woke them and ended up with a mane full of bats!

(Y/N): *shudders* *quietly* Don't even say that. . . I almost DIDN'T want to come down here, but. . . I got desperate with wanting what I'm looking for.

(Y/N) then looks over to the side and sees some pointy silver looking gems to the side as he smiles before tip-toeing over to them and he uses his magic to pull them out before dropping them into the other basket that Spike had in his grasp.

(Y/N): Titanium. Also, thanks for helping the both of us out with carrying the gems we collected, Spike. Who knew having a basket holder with you is so useful?

Spike just salutes with his right arm.

Spike: Leave it to your guys' best dragon partner to be of assistance anytime of the day.

He then looks back down at the baskets with sparkles in his eyes.

Spike: Especially when the reward comes with something delicious~

He said licking his chops again which (Y/N) deadpans at Spike for while Rarity rolls her eyes before exploring deeper in the cave.

(Y/N): Spike, Rares and I are using those gems for something important. You're not going to make any of those your next meal for lunch. Speaking of which, we better hurry since I want to be only partially late for the lunch date that Twilight scheduled with Celestia and Luna.

Spike: What? Aw, come on. At least let me have some for helping you guys out. How about we split some of your titanium with me?

(Y/N): Why the titanium?

Spike: Those will make THESE taste extra salty and crispy.

He said pointing to some of Rarity's basket as (Y/N) looks at him with an annoyed look before rolling his eyes with a sigh.

(Y/N): Alright, fine. What exactly is the "split" we're talking about here?

Spike: I'm thinking. . . 90/10 split.

(Y/N): Oh, wow. That's actually pretty generous of you.

Spike: Yeah, you're the ten and I take my ninety off the top.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from this before he smirks down at Spike.

(Y/N): Uh, I don't think so!

Spike: Alright, what's your plan then?

(Y/N): You get fifteen!

Spike: Seventy!

(Y/N): Twenty!

Spike: Seventy-five!

(Y/N): Dude, you're going the wrong way. . .

They both glared at each other before getting smirks on their faces before they pointed at each other while yelling the same thing.

(Y/N) & Spike: Fifty-fifty!

Spike: You happy?

(Y/N): No, you happy?

Spike: No!

(Y/N) & Spike: *nods* Deal!

Both of them then proceed to do a brotherly hoofshake as they Spike balled up his claws into a fist and they both hoof bumped and proceeded to make wavy motions with their arms before pulling each other into a bro hug.

Rarity: *quietly* Will you two keep it down?! You're going to wake up the bats!

She said letting out an exasperated sigh before floating some more gems out of a rock.

Rarity: *quietly* Oh, for once I wish unicorn magic wasn't so. . . luminescent!

(Y/N) goes over to collect some more titanium in an area as well and things were going well. . . before a bright gleam from Spike's direction causes pair after pair of beady black eyes to open. Both him and Rarity look back towards Spike to see that he was indeed glowing very bright which alarmed both of them.

(Y/N): S-Spike, Spike! T-T-Turn that off quickly!

Rarity: You'll wake the bats!

Spike: Ugh, I can't!

He scratches madly at himself as all this did was get a pained groan out of him. A gasp came from the mare, while the male alicorn's eyes shrink to points before slowly looking upward. . . and the bats come down in a swarm thick enough to be a tidal wave as the camera cuts to the entrance of the cave and the only thing that was heard was squeaking bats and the high-pitched scream of (Y/N)'s voice.

(Y/N): *high pitched* KYAAAAAAAH!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

At the Castle of Friendship in the dining room, Twilight and Princesses Celestia and Luna are seated around the table, on which a spread of pastries and tea has been laid out.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm so glad you two could come! Sorry if (Y/N) is a little bit late, he said that he had an important errand to run with Rarity before coming back.

Princess Celestia: *giggles* I'm sure that whatever important business that (N/N) is on, he'll take care of it and make sure that he'll still make quality time for us as well. We weren't able to catch up with him during our time during the Crystal Empire besides. . . well you know. . .

Twilight Sparkle: Do you still feel bad that you weren't able to help him when he needed it?

Princess Celestia: A little. . . but it couldn't be helped. We know that none of us were expecting a storm like that to be of great power.

Princess Luna: Nor the titan that came out of the sky.

Twilight Sparkle: *smiles* What matters now is that we were able to take care of it and nopony was badly hurt during the incident, including us. That's what (Y/N) would tell me after all.

All three of them let out some giggles from the little gossip that they were having about (Y/N).

Princess Luna: I do hope the young prince does come back soon. We so rarely get a chance to relax and just visit.

Princess Celestia: There's usually some crisis we have to deal with. Somepony always needs our help. But today—

Rarity: *in the distance* HEEEEEEEELP!!

They all look towards a set of closed doors which burst open to admit Rarity and (Y/N). They were both still wearing their hard hats and are now good and filthy, with Spike riding on (Y/N)'s back. (Y/N) was panting with the look of fear in his eyes while Rarity levitates Spike off of him who was still glowing and scratching himself.

Rarity: Twilight! There's something wrong with Spike!

(Y/N): Tia? Luna? Perfect! We need some answers, pronto!

They both gallop in as Rarity sets Spike down on a patch of tabletop as her magic clears the dishes and sets him down on his back. Spike continues to glow and scratch.

Twilight Sparkle: What's wrong?

Spike: *grunts* I don't know! Nngh! All of a sudden, my scales just started glowing and. . . burning!

(Y/N): Is this natural for dragons because that looks pretty painful.

Princess Luna: Little is known about dragon culture, but this is a phenomenon we've seen before. It is the call of the Dragon Lord.

Princess Celestia: Dragons glow whenever the Dragon Lord has need of them in the Dragon Lands.

Spike: Great. . . H-How do I make it stop?!

Princess Luna: The only way to end the summons is to answer it. You must journey to the Dragon Lands and see what is expected of you.

Hearing the sound of this causes (Y/N) to smile as this sounds like not just the call of the Dragon Lord, but the call for a new adventure.

(Y/N): Sounds like we're heading across the border then. I've been to Griffonstone and Yakyakistan, what's going to stop me from traveling to another patch of land in Equestria.

Rarity: B-B-But the Dragon Lands are full of. . . dragons! And they're ghastly creatures!

That assessment earns her a very funny look from the one in the room. She shoots him an embarrassed little grin and crosses to him while lifting his chin.

Rarity: Oh, oh, not you, of course, Spikey-wikey. But remember that rotten Garble?

Spike: *gulps* How could I forget? He would have burnt us to a crisp if you weren't there.

(Y/N): Uh, who's this Garble that you guys are speaking of? Considering what I'm hearing already, I take it that he has some beef with my little bro, Spike?

Rarity: Oh, that's right. . . You couldn't watch the dragon migration with us that one time because you were busy with an audience with Mayor Mare those few days. You don't know the half of it, dear! This Garble is a complete brute to Spikey-wikey! Making him do things that are completely out of character for him! Teasing him about his cute little size and personality! It's a miracle that those foul scaly bullies didn't catch our faces!

Spike: Tell me about it. Luckily I was able to protect Peewee's life that day.

(Y/N): Oh, that's right. The baby phoenix! It's been awhile since you've even brought him up. You know how he's been?

Spike: I haven't been able to see him a lot lately, but I'm sure he knows that I'm thinking about him.

(Y/N): Well, despite that. . .

He punches two of his hooves together with a fierce smile on his face.

(Y/N): When we all get there, I'll be able to teach those goons not to mess with my friends, especially my little bud, Spike!

Spike raises an eyebrow when (Y/N) says this before his eyes widen and frantically shakes both of his hands and head.

Spike: No! No, no, no! (Y/N)! No fighting!

Now it's (Y/N)'s turn to raise an eyebrow as he looks at Spike confused.

(Y/N): No fighting? I'm not gonna cause a scene unless necessary.

Spike: No! I meant NO fighting at all! These are the Dragon Lands, (Y/N)! The moment they see you out there, we're all probably going to be toast! Even if it's self-defense, it's best that we try our best to not do anything physical. Or as a matter of fact, not bring you with us at all.

(Y/N): What. . .?

Spike: I'm literally the only dragon that you guys are friends with and going back to the place where my species resides literally stresses me out already, but to get even more dragons hostile towards you guys is worrying.

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, Spike, now that I think about it, it may be useful to bring all of us along. And (Y/N) is not just going to be our fighting defender! He can also be our observer as well over the dragons!

She said getting awfully excited as both (Y/N) and Spike turn towards her with a confused look.

Twilight Sparkle: We are sadly lacking any information on dragon culture and customs. I could research them – maybe even write an article! This could be my chance to make a great contribution to the knowledge of Equestria!

She caps off this bit of excitement with a pleased grin, not immediately catching the quizzical looks coming her way from the rest of the group. When she finally takes notice, she shifts down a gear or three.

Twilight Sparkle: And be there for Spike, heh, of course.

Spike: Okay, that's so wrong on so many levels. And I don't want to draw any attention to me or you guys either so no! No fighting!

Twilight Sparkle: But (Y/N)'s skilled enough to handle any creature.

Spike: I don't care if he can or not. I'm the only dragon here who's friends with ponies and if any other dragon sees you, they may obliterate you guys on the spot.

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, but we're your friends and we're a team.

Rarity nods in agreement.

Twilight Sparkle: And (Y/N) is the fire.

Spike: Wait. . . so you're just going to use me to get into the Dragon Lands and let (Y/N) handle the hard stuff? . . .That's gross.

Spike turns around and pouts with his arms crossed.

Rarity: What?

Spike: You guys don't care about me. . . You're not my friends. . .

Twilight Sparkle: What?! No, no, no! Spike, Spike! (Y/N)'s not even that smart. He's always been reckless and impulsive.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from this before he glares nastily at Twilight.

(Y/N): Hey!! I'm right here!

Twilight and Rarity just ignore him and continues to reassure Spike.

Rarity: She's right, Spikey-wikey. We prefer you.

Spike didn't believe them as he deadpans at both of them.

Spike: *unenthusiastically* . . .Thanks.

Twilight Sparkle: Buuuuut. . . if we're being honest, when it comes to handling dire situations like guarding us from ruthless dragons, (Y/N)'s pretty powerful and useful.

Spike: *sarcastically* Yeah, Spike's pretty powerful and useful too.

(Y/N): Eh, is he though?

Spike: Okay, how much experience does Spike have in the Dragon Lands? A full day. How many experience does (Y/N) have in the Dragon Lands? Zero seconds.

(Y/N) tried to come up with a statement to argue with that and he thought about it a little more and considering that Spike is not only a dragon, he also had way more experience against dragons than he did, it would be best if Spike took the lead this time instead of (Y/N).

(Y/N): *rolls eyes* Fine! I'll try not to fight anyone, but I'm still going with you. I don't leave any of my friends behind and that includes you.

Princess Celestia: Be very careful. The Dragon Lands are particularly dangerous for ponies. It would be wise to be discreet.

Rarity: Ooh! I'm sure I still have the dragon costume we used the last time we snuck into the Dragon Lands! *giggles*

Twilight Sparkle: I think we might want something a little more practical this time.

(Y/N): If you guys were able to blend in with a dragon costume then I might as well do that.

Twilight Sparkle: What for?

(Y/N): In my opinion, it would be easier for communication that way. Especially if the worst case scenario happens and we confront one or multiple dragons.

Spike: Isn't the point of this to avoid confrontation. . .? And do you even have dragon costumes. . .?

(Y/N): Well. . . no. But I'm sure that I can find one around Ponyville somewhere since we really don't have much time for Rarity to make another one so soon. Trust me, Spike. You won't even be able to tell the difference of whether I'm here or not.

This doesn't get Spike's hopes up at all. In fact, all this did was make him even more nervous than he already was.

It didn't take too long, but the group had finally made their arrival to the Dragon Lands which was a volcanic region outside of the lands of where ponies reside as mostly dragons and phoenixes make their home here in this part of Equestria.

Spike is now seen sitting atop a rock surface and shivering with fear. His perch reveals that the upper face of an outcropping with two pairs of eyeholes cut into its front, one above the other. Rarity is in the upper spot of this camouflage, Twilight the lower. They are on a rocky, broken plain, and a gloomy gray sky stretches above them as animal growls and howls echo in the distance.

Rarity: Hmmm. . . Well, it may be practical, but this disguise isn't flattering in the slightest!

Twilight Sparkle: *quietly* It's not supposed to be flattering. It's supposed to blend in!

Spike: Shh! *quietly* Where's (Y/N) anyway?

Twilight Sparkle: *quietly* He was right behind us putting on that dragon outfit of his.

Rarity: *quietly* I'm honestly a little curious to see what kind of ensemble he got to try to disguise himself into this kind of atmosphere.

Spike: *quietly* Well, he needs to hurry it up! More and more dragons are gathering around here and I'm already getting stressed out with how many there are already around us.

(Y/N): Well, don't worry. . . cause THIS dragon is designed to look out for you.

Spike hears (Y/N)'s voice behind him as he jumps down from the rock to look behind himself and see what exactly what (Y/N) was talking about. However, the next thing that he saw from the male alicorn himself made his eyes widen as he looks up and blinks twice. . . before his reaction was to facepalm. . .

(Y/N) was wearing a red stitched dragon outfit that barely made him look unnoticeable and the worse part about this was there were no holes on the side either for his wings. To put it simple. . . he looked absolutely ridiculous.

Spike slowly dragged his claw down his face before looking up at (Y/N) while gesturing towards him with an awfully annoyed look.

Spike: THIS is your dragon costume?! What are you, nuts?! No dragon is going to fall of that!

(Y/N) frowns back at him.

(Y/N): This was the best that I could find in a short amount of time!

Spike: You look like you're trying to let a cragadile eat you! And that doesn't even look like a real dragon tail!

(Y/N): It's not supposed to look real! It's supposed to blend in!

Twilight and Rarity could hear the two arguing behind them as the violet alicorn smirks at Rarity.

Twilight Sparkle: Told ya.

Spike: It doesn't even look like you can fly in that thing, nor did that costume even come with dragon wings!

(Y/N): *deadpans* I'm looking at a dragon right now who doesn't even have wings. . .

???: Hey-hey, look! It's our old friend Sparkle-warkle.

Both of their eyes widen from this voice, especially Spike's as they both turn around to see dragons of varied shapes, sizes, and colors have already landed before a tall formation that has eroded into the rough shape of a natural throne, and a few more join them. All are lit up under the influence of the Dragon Lord's summons.

As one walks past the fake rock, here comes the surly red Garble with a couple of buddies. Garble was a teenage dragon with moderate red scales with a pale, light grayish gold underbelly and light amber wings. He had vivid gamboge spikes, and pale, light grayish olive eyes with dark purple pupils.

(Y/N) sees him along with some other teenage dragons approach the two of them as (Y/N) leans over to Spike.

(Y/N): *whispers* Is that the guy?

Spike: *groans* *whispers* Yeah. . . And what's worse is that he knows that I hang out with ponies now like you guys. . .

They both turn back towards Garble and the other dragons as the tall red dragon takes a look at (Y/N) and points towards him.

Garble: Ah, who's your friend, Sparkle-warkle? You got another dragon to join your gang of pony-loving losers?

Spike was then having a hard time wondering how Garble dumb enough to not see through (Y/N)'s dragon costume or feeling insulted for both himself and (Y/N). (Y/N) just glares at Garble and walks up to defend Spike.

(Y/N): Hey! For your information, "buddy", his name is Spike. So what if he's a guy who acts more like a pony than a stereotypical dragon? That doesn't make him any less of a dragon than he is.

Garble: Puh-lease! Hanging out with that little twerp is the worst decision any dragon could make.

Spike: It's nice to see you too, "Garble."

Garble's red face leans down into his.

Garble: I didn't say it was nice to see you. It's not. I don't like you.

He says this before shoving Spike aside from (Y/N) who looks back at him surprised before glaring back at Garble who proceeds to shove (Y/N) back as well.

(Y/N): Hey! Watch your claws, dude!

Garble: Oh, right. I almost forgot to mention. . . actually I made this quite clear as well. I don't like anyone who hangs around Spike either. Besides. . .

He then start waving a claw near his nose while pointing towards (Y/N).

Garble: You especially reek of pony breath.

(Y/N) growls in slight annoyance when Garble says this before he gets back up along with Spike who both just look up at Garble with peeved expressions.

(Y/N): (It's already getting hard to not blow a gasket on this guy and tell him to take a hike! No wonder Spike hates coming here. . .) Well, deal with it! Because maybe compared to you, I'm not afraid to embrace or accept the fact that Spike lives with, acts like, or is even friends with ponies like m-

Spike immediately nudged (Y/N) and gestures while shaking his head as he almost gave out too much information and it's already a miracle that the dragon costume is even working so for him to blow his cover would be beyond disastrous.

(Y/N): L-Like the ones w-we already know in Equestria!

Spike: *whispers* That's your best comeback. . .?

(Y/N): *whispers* Well, what did you want me to say?! You said not to start any confrontation and it's already getting difficult doing so!

They both then heard laughing from Garble and the other dragons as they didn't even need an indicator to know that it was clearly directed towards them.

Garble: What lame "pony" stuff you two talking about?

(Y/N) & Spike: None of your business.

Garble: Whatever. . .

He then hops onto the disguised rock that Twilight and Rarity were inside making (Y/N) and Spike's eyes widen. Inside the fake rock, Garble's weight has half-caved in the top, squashing Twilight and Rarity and eliciting a distressed moan from the latter. Both Spike and (Y/N) see the two from ground level before glaring back up at Garble.

Spike: Hey! That's my rock!

Garble: Oh, really? Then why aren't you sitting on it?

Laughter comes from the other nearby dragons while (Y/N) and Spike just deadpan up at Garble. (Y/N) just puts fake claw on Spike's head before turning them both around so they can ignore the dragon bullies.

(Y/N): Come on, Spike. . . They're not worth it. . .

Garble: Ha! Of course YOU would think that, wouldn't you? You're just as much of a wimp as Spike, chicken boy!

Hearing Garble say that directly to him made (Y/N)'s eyes widen before he quickly turns back towards Garble with a very vexed glare which Spike noticed.

(Y/N): Chicken boy?!

Spike: (Y-Y/N). . . Be cool!

Despite that it was hard for him to fly, (Y/N) could barely do so as he hovers up to Garble's level and gets up into his face.

(Y/N): Say that to my face, you limp noodle!

Garble: Oh, you gonna mock me? You're askin' for it, shortstack!

Both of them were getting ready to throw down, but not before it ends just as quickly as if slashed off with a knife when a colossal shadow falls over the group. Spike takes a very scared step back toward his pony friends, after which we now see an immense red-orange wing with a couple of splits in its webbing. The bones are covered in blue-gray hide, and they pull in to furl the wing partially. A massive tail is seen next, its tip and hide matching these colors and showing more rips and nicks. Darker diamond-shaped markings are visible on the tail hide as the appendage curls down to hang over the side of the stone throne.

The head is attached to these body parts straightens up into view: male, irregular yellowed teeth, broad horns that sprout from atop the head and curve down behind it to jut forward below the chin, a crown of jagged red crystals perched between the horns' bases. A thick gold band encircles one of the horns, which go from tan at the base to pinkish-red at the tip.

This is Torch, the Dragon Lord, and the lines on his forehead and around his eyes speak to his age. He opens his eyes to expose fiery red-orange irises and pupils that narrow to reptilian slits as he pulls in a breath.

(Y/N) and Garble stare up at Dragon Lord Torch for a second before giving each other nasty eyeballs towards one another.

(Y/N): To be continued?

Garble: Yeah. You're lucky that I'm letting you off the hook now that the Dragon Lord is here.

(Y/N) lands back down next to Spike and the other mares inside of the rock as they turn their attention towards the Dragon Lord. He speaks with a broad, gravelly Australian accent, his first line carrying enough force to shake the whole area.

Dragon Lord Torch: DRAGONS OF EQUESTRIA, HEAR ME!!! I have been Dragon Lord for longer than many of you can remember, and my reign has been extraordinary!!!

The short silence from the crowd of his former subjects irritates him.

Dragon Lord Torch: AGREE WITH ME!!!

They do so, shouting approval—except for Spike and (Y/N) who look at each other in confusion—and a chant of "Torch! Torch! Torch!" starts to float up. Torch lets it continue for a few seconds, then holds up a hand to silence them. Spike then notices someone up in the air right beside Dragon Lord Torch as he could tell from down below that the dragon was female.

Spike: Who is THAT?

Garble: It's Dragon Lord Torch, dummy.

Spike: No, next to him.

(Y/N) looks up with Spike and he sees that Spike was referring to a female dragon who was wearing a haughty expression as she had brilliant red eyes, moderate phthalo blue spikes, brilliant cyan scales with pale turquoise underbelly and wing membrane gradient of moderate indigo to light cobalt blue, she even had light apple greenish gray horns. This is Princess Ember.

Garble: That's his daughter, Princess Ember. I wouldn't even look at her if I were you, unless you want Torch to eat you!

This causes Spike to shake in slight fear and force down a gulp which (Y/N) notices as he pats Spike on the head before takes a glance back up towards Ember and while she had that haughty expression on her face, she didn't exactly look that enthusiastic either which made (Y/N) raise an eyebrow.

(Y/N): (Guess this marks the seventh princess that I know counting Flurry Heart and my mother. . . She seems. . . different from the other dragons Spike and I have seen so far though.)

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* This is fascinating! Dragons are notoriously reckless, but they do whatever the Dragon Lord says!

(Y/N) was able to hear Twilight as he turns his head slightly to her and shushes her with an annoyed look.

(Y/N): *whispers* Shhh! If I can hear you then you need to keep your voice down!

Twilight shoots him a deadpanned glare before they look back towards the Dragon Lord who continues to speak out to them.

Dragon Lord Torch: Unfortunately, according to dragon law, it is time for me to step down. Sad, I know.

He glares at the silent throng.

Dragon Lord Torch: BE SAD!!!

They do so, weeping and wailing for a moment before he resumes.

Dragon Lord Torch: This is why I have summoned you – to compete for the throne in the Gauntlet of Fire!

Cheers and whoops all around, but Spike grimaces and starts to sweat rivers, every fiber of his body quaking with abject fear while (Y/N) just stares upwards wanting to listen to more respectfully.

Dragon Lord Torch: Whomever has the strength and fortitude to retrieve this bloodstone scepter from the heart of the flame-cano will be crowned LORD OF THE DRAGONS!!!

He holds up this item in time with mentioning it which was a violet shaft topped by a large, vivid red gem, and dwarfed to the size of a toothpick by the colossal thumb and forefinger pinched around it. A flick of those digits sends the Bloodstone Scepter hurtling through the overcast skies to plunge neatly into a fractured summit that glows with a lurid red light from within.

Both it and the surrounding ocean are liberally studded with red crystal growths at crazy angles. A solid jet of flame roars skyward from the shattered upper end—this is the Flame-cano, and a red shock wave emanates out from it before the blast gives way to a tired dribble of smoke. The wave washes over the gathered dragons, extinguishing their glow, and Spike looks himself over with surprise when his own fades out as well.

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* When the scepter disappeared, the dragons stopped glowing! We are learning so much!

She floats up a notebook and quill and begins to write. Rarity then tries desperately to stifle an impending sneeze, triggered by the non-business end tickling her nose. Garble has kept his seat atop the ersatz monolith throughout all of this, and he and the other dragons in the vicinity are caught off guard by the sound of a very demure nasal explosion from within it.

Spike and (Y/N) look at each other with widened eyes before looking back at the teenage dragons before rubbing their noses, or fake nose in (Y/N)'s case as they try to cover for their friends in the rock.

Spike: Uh, excuse us!

(Y/N): Our sinuses. . .

Garble: Ugh, you even sneeze like ponies!

(Y/N): *rolls eyes* (*sarcastically* Yeah, I wonder how a dragon sneeze is any different. . . unless you count the times Spike accidentally spit fire out.)

Dragon Lord Torch: The Gauntlet is dangerous, for "I" designed it myself! Only dragons with my ferocity, strength, and determination will be able to finish. We will gather at the cliff when the sun is at its peak!

Spike then nudges (Y/N) who looks down at him.

Spike: I don't want to be Dragon Lord or dragon toast, and I stopped glowing, so let's sneak out of here!

(Y/N): Sounds good to me. It is the only reason we came here after all.

Spike then starts pushing the "rock" away toward whatever might pass for an exit out of this realm and (Y/N) walks right behind him, but Torch takes notice of both of them with a surprised grunt.

Dragon Lord Torch: Ah! Where do you think you're going, little dragons?!

The rest of them quickly clear out to one side or the other, leaving said little "dragons" very painfully exposed on the stony terrain. Spike stops pushing and they both turn back to face Torch.

Spike: (Seriously. . . how do these guys keep falling for (Y/N)'s ridiculous costume?!) Oh, uh, hi, your Lordship.

(Y/N): W-We just thought if it was okay that we forfeit this little competition and. . . head home?

Dragon Lord Torch: You don't get to leave unless "I" say you can!

As Spike just stands there, paralyzed with fear, Ember descends to stand next to him. She is perhaps twice his height when standing on her hind legs, and her voice suggests that she is only a few years older.

Ember: Dad, look at the tiny one.

She said patting his head which annoyed Spike a little.

Ember: He's just a runt. And I'm not sure what the wimp's excuse is, but if they don't want to compete then let them go.

(Y/N): (Wimp?!)

Dragon Lord Torch: The pint-sized one is rather tiny, heh-heh. I could squish him with my pinky claw.

And he drives the point home by extending that digit with another derisive laugh. (Y/N) and Spike try to join in the mirth, but a glare from Ember shuts them up in a hurry.

Dragon Lord Torch: That wasn't a joke. It was a fact. When I want you to laugh, I will say "BE AMUSED!"

Spike: Of course, your Lordship!

Dragon Lord Torch: And what exactly is your reason, other pint-sized dragon?

(Y/N): Uh. . . um. . . I-I'm not exactly one who is affiliated with a lot of dragon customs. . . a-and neither is my little bro here. . .

Spike: Exactly! It's another reason why neither of us should compete!

Dragon Lord Torch: *sighs* Hm. Very well then, little dragons. I release the both of you.

(Y/N): Th-Thank you! We won't annoy you any longer. Let's go, Spike.

Spike: *nods* Right.

He then takes a look in Ember's direction.

Spike: And also thank YOU.

A wink in her direction is met with a slightly disgusted eye roll. (Y/N) saw Spike try to flirt with Ember and he smirks before snorting with a playful eye roll. They both then proceed to get going as Spike continues to push the disguised ponies away and she darting toward her father. However, Torch snaps one huge hand shut to pluck her out of the air.

Dragon Lord Torch: Where do you think YOU'RE going?

The scaly palm is so huge that it might take three or more of her to reach from the wrist to the base of the middle finger.

Ember: To prepare for the Gauntlet.

Dragon Lord Torch: No, you're not. You're not much bigger than the two little runts I just sent home!

Ember then flies up to her dad's face annoyed that she can't compete.

Ember: But I'm smarter than most of these boulderheads and you know it!

Dragon Lord Torch: Being smart won't help you win this Gauntlet! It was designed for a big, strong dragon to win, because it takes a big, strong dragon to lead! Besides, I SAID NO!!!

Those three words pitch her backwards several yards as she rights herself in midair and glares at him with all the fury that a teenage daughter can drum up.

Ember: *growls* I hate when he does that!

She flies off in a huff. At ground level, where the contenders are trash-talking each other and psyching themselves up. A light violet female voices a scoffing laugh clearly about the competition.

Maar: Ha. When I become Dragon Lord, I will make burps an official greeting!

Barry: Ha, you? Please! When I win, I will pillage Equestria for all their pillows. Why should these ponies be comfortable while we sleep on rocks?

Garble pushes them aside before smacking a fist into another palm.

Garble: That's nothing! When I'm in charge, the first thing I'll do is get revenge on those puny ponies! They'll regret they ever crossed Garble! We'll take whatever we want from Equestria and burn the rest!

Apparently, the Ponyville crew overheard them as the two ponies inside of the rock gasp at hearing this.

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* Oh, my gosh!

Rarity: Ooh, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope that burping dragon wins!

Spike: None of them can win! Equestria's in big trouble if any of them are in charge!

(Y/N): Spike's right. It's clear that all of these dragons hate anything that has to do with pony stereotypes. If even one of them win. . . it may spark a war in Equestria and that's the last thing that we want. Knowing what Spike's already capable of as a dragon means that these guys will be tough to beat.

Twilight Sparkle: But what can we do?

Spike: There's only one thing to do, and only I can do it! I have to win the Gauntlet of Fire!

Spike said this with clear resolve which surprised (Y/N) while the other two mares voiced worried moans for their little dragon friend.

(Y/N): That's our only choice, but still. . . you against thousands of indestructible, fire-breathing dragons who all want to compete in getting the scepter so that they can Dragon Lord. . . I'm not the only one who thinks that this is kind of overkill, right?

Spike looks up at (Y/N) when he said that as he's got a point as the Dragon Lord even said it himself that he's tiny compared to all of the other dragons around him. He puts a finger to his chin before getting a fierce smile while looking up towards (Y/N).

Spike: Then I guess it's a great thing that you came after all, (Y/N). I won't be able to make it through there alone. . . but I'm sure with the one and only Hero of Equestria's help, this should be a challenge that I know we can get through.

(Y/N) looks at Spike surprised before smiling back at him with determination and they both share a hoof bump with each other.

(Y/N): I'm all in, buddy. You've always had a knack for getting yourself into trouble and succeeding in it. Who am I to argue?

Spike: I'll take that as a compliment. Your awful costume did came in handy with fooling every dragon. . . but I'd still suggest cutting out some wing holes since there's no way you'll have a lot of mobility in that thing.

(Y/N): No problemo. Torch said that we needed to meet at the cliff during the peak of the sun at noon, so we'll have plenty of time to get ready.

Twilight and Rarity then shake off their disguise to stand side by side.

Twilight Sparkle: Are you two sure about this? There has to be another way. It's too dangerous. Besides, Spike if you win, you'd have to stay here!

Spike: I know, but there's no other way to keep my friends safe.

Blue and purple eyes alike water up as their owners trade an apprehensive look, which shifts into quiet smiles and nods. Both blink away the tears before facing Spike again.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, if you're staying to compete, then we're staying to cheer you on!

Rarity: (N/N) love, you'll definitely make sure that Spikey-wikey will be okay guiding him through those mountains won't you?

(Y/N): Heh, when you've got Spike and I on a team together, the two of us become one troublesome duo that you shouldn't mess with. We may be small like those dragons said, but we pack a bunch of surprises.

The pint-size competitor aims a grateful smile up at him while his pony partner aims a confident smirk back at him.

On a cliff at the shore, Torch towers over the dragons gathered at the edge as he glares down at them including (Y/N) and Spike in the very front row. With the exception of them and Garble, nearly every one of them has donned armor of some sort.

Dragon Lord Torch: I thought I released you both, tiny dragons!

(Y/N): Well, we thought to ourselves and decided that maybe we should join the competition after all.

Spike: We are dragons after all.

Garble: Are you sure? You can't even fly!

The general reaction from the others is one of unbridled derision, but a green one whose body is mostly hidden behind gold/brown armor remains noticeably silent. All others follow suit when Torch begins to speak.

Dragon Lord Torch: All dragons are welcome to compete, but they do so at their own peril! Flying to Flame-cano Island is the first of many challenges you will face in your quest to find the bloodstone scepter!

The behemoth unleashes a roar and a gout of flame that barely clears the entrants' heads, startling them into a liftoff and flight toward the distant island. (Y/N), Spike, and Garble remain at the cliff's edge, the latter holding out a hand to shake towards Spike.

Garble: Good luck!

Spike reaches for the hand and it is yanked away.

Garble: Just kidding. I hope you two lose.

(Y/N): Come on, Spike. Let's just go already. I can't deal with this red clown.

Garble: We'll see who's clowning around after "I" get the bloodstone scepter first.

(Y/N): Oh, it's going to take a lot more than just brute force to get through into that volcano.

Garble: Of course, you'd believe that. With Spike on your side, you just got started in dragon kindergarten.

Spike: (Seriously. . . HOW does he not see (Y/N) through that ridiculous outfit?!)

(Y/N): Hey, just because that Spike's my friend AND smaller than me doesn't mean that I'm going to take that from you!

Spike: (Y/N)!

(Y/N) looks back down towards Spike who crossed his arms with an annoyed look.

Spike: Are you going to make idle chit-chat or trash talk all day or are you gonna help me get across that huge moat of water?! And for your information, "Garble" there's only one insignificant dragon standing here!

(Y/N): What, ME?! Cause I have this dumb outfit on?!

Garble: Outfit?

Spike: O-Outwit! He meant to say outwit. . . cause um. . . h-he doesn't believe that he can outwit all of the dragons!

(Y/N)'s eyes widen and he facehooves from Spike saying that as that clearly contradicts what he said before. However, the second he thought about what Spike said, his eyes widen and he looks back towards Garble with a forced fierce look on his face as he almost got their cover blown.

Garble: I don't why you guys decided to change your mind in the first place.

He then takes flight up into the air and turns back toward the duo one last time.

Garble: I can't wait to see the looks on your faces when you lose to me, ha!

He then takes off as both (Y/N) and Spike glare after him before Spike deadpans up towards (Y/N).

Spike: And no! That jab was meant to be towards Garble, not you! You're not even a dragon even if you look like one to them!

(Y/N): Okay, okay! Geez. . . Why are you being so weird?

This causes Spike to slap both claws to his face and let out a loud frustrated groan before glaring back up at (Y/N) while raising his voice.

Spike: I DON'T KNOW!! . . .Maybe the fact that I'm a baby dragon raised by ponies and surrounded by rebellious dragons that could possibly kill one of you guys is *through clenched teeth* making me feel a little weird!!

Spike snorts smoke out of his nose at the end of this clearly showing how angry he was as (Y/N) flinched while holding his hooves up in defense as he's never seen Spike so angry at him before.

(Y/N): Okay, okay. Shhh. Calm down. . . Just get on my back.

Spike does so as (Y/N) instantly takes liftoff afterwards and swiftly flies ahead making Spike hold on for dear life as he already knows that this is going to be a bumpy ride. (Y/N) smirks at seeing the volcano straight ahead before looking back towards Spike.

(Y/N): Okay, no need to be under pressure. We're just gonna go in there, get you to wield the bloodstone scepter, declare you the winner, and you won't have to think about us being in danger or the Dragon Lands that much anymore. Got it?

Spike takes a deep breath to regain his composure before nodding back with a smile.

Spike: Got it.

Rarity: Don't worry, darlings.

They both heard Rarity's voice as they both look down to see a mass of seaweed and driftwood to float into view below him. The strands are spaced far enough to allow a clear partial view of Twilight's and Rarity's faces.

Rarity: We'll be cheering you on from wherever we can poke our heads through.

Twilight Sparkle: You guys got this!

They poke their heads out to deliver a pair of encouraging grins, and both (Y/N) and Spike counter with one of his own. Before they can go much farther, a massive red and orange eel-like creature bursts up through the water to project a jet of water into the sky. (Y/N) and Spike freak out upon seeing this as (Y/N) flinches back a little.

(Y/N): . . .Well, nopony or dragon ever said it was going to be easy. It's alright though. I didn't want this to be easy anyway.

One dragon flyer is hit dead on and tumbles down, while another dodges to keep moving ahead. The beasts piston up and down, firing off their jets and hitting their marks. Garble who was flying takes a glancing hit. Thrown off balance, he pitches backward into the silent, gold-armored dragon as the latter drops like a rock, but Garble gets his bearings and darts away. The splashdown occurs only a few feet in front of (Y/N) and Spike, and the re-disguised Twilight and Rarity gape at the sight through their seaweed guise as the figure sinks slowly into the depths.

Spike: He's gonna drown!

Spike then jumps off of (Y/N) and takes a dive into the water making him, Twilight, and Rarity gasp.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike!

The patch of water has gone deadly calm in far too short a time, and it stays that way until a stream of bubbles begins to float up and burst. A shadowy figure rises after them, resolving into Spike and the mystery dragon just before they too make it up to the air. Spike heaves for breath, having towed this one up by the helmet, (Y/N) flies down and hauls up the two of them with his forelegs before taking them over towards the Flame-cano Island as Twilight and Rarity paddle after them.

The view splits horizontally and widens as if it were an eye opening—the rescued dragon's perspective. The view is of Spike, (Y/N), Twilight, and Rarity and their vision was blurry at first, but quickly coming into focus and the next words take a moment to reach full clarity.

Spike: Hey, are you okay?

He stands over the prone figure, whose green coloration has evidently been given way to be blue-green violet colors instead. The dragon had applied dye to themselves, only to have it wash away. As her spasming lungs force out a cough, Spike removes the helmet to expose their face. . . and each gasp upon recognizing the other.

The armored dragon was Princess Ember in disguise.

Spike: Princess Ember!

Ember: What do you think YOU'RE doing?

Rarity: Only saving your ungrateful scales!

(Y/N): *growling* Rarity, pipe down!

Stitching on nervous grins, (Y/N) and Spike move over a notch to block Ember from getting a clear view of the two half-hidden ponies. The maneuver has exactly zero effectiveness as Ember pushes them aside and moves closer towards the seaweed.

Ember: Did that seaweed just talk?

One good yank at the green fronds, and the white and light violet heads are fully exposed, the mouths curving up into a pair of tentative little grins.

Ember: Ponies?!?

(Y/N): *nervous laugh* They're not the only ones. . .

(Y/N) slightly removes the upper jaw part of the dragon costume to expose his head which only increases Ember's shock.

Ember: You're a pony too?! Wait! What are they doing here?!

Spike: They're my friends.

Ember: Friends? Dragons don't do friends.

Spike: Well, THIS dragon does.

Ember: Whatever.

She snatches her helmet back from Spike.

Ember: I don't care as long as none of you get in my way. I have a Gauntlet to win.

Spike: But I thought your dad said that—

Ember: I don't care what my dad said! I'll show him and every dragon who thinks I'm just a little princess there are better things than being big and strong!

A huffing exhalation startles her into silence and causes all ten eyes to flick upward in sudden apprehension. High overhead, a thick, spiky tail attached to a dark gray body heaves a boulder off a cliff to score a direct hit on Garble. The weight carries him down, bouncing off one of the red crystals that jut from the water, and it slams down onto the sand in front of the pony and dragon quartet, with him pinned underneath.

He strains to lift it free, without success, and Twilight quickly magics the seaweed back onto herself and Rarity, (Y/N) puts his costume back on his head, and Ember dons her helmet again. Spike, meanwhile, takes cover behind his only male friend of the ponies.

Garble: Don't leave me here, Spike!

Who promptly hurries over and rolls away the stone, at which point his foe voices a mocking laugh and stands up.

Garble: Ha-ha! Knew you'd do it. Your pony friends made you soft.

A tail sweep buries the little guy in sand, leaving only two irritated green eyes to glare out.

Spike: *sarcastically* Uh-huh. You're welcome.

Garble: For what? I didn't say thank you.

He stops short and sniffs intently at the air just above Spike's head for a second.

Garble: Wow, you even smell like ponies just like your other soft dragon buddy.

Another sniff as he glances in a different direction towards (Y/N) who was right in front Twilight and Rarity.

Garble: Actually, now that I think about it! I can smell your stench from over here, other dragon. . . which is kind of weird.

He lets his nose do the leading as Spike pushes his head out of the sand, and it leads him straight to the three undercover equines.

(Y/N): Uh. . . um. . . w-what are you talking about? Th-These scales are all mine. All dragon, no pony, hehe. . .

His nervous laugh does nothing to halt Garble as he sniffs the area directly in front of them, but does not catch sight of either face through the seaweed fronds before one gold-armored hand plants itself on his snout to stop him and Ember quickly steps right in front of the ponies.

Ember: *gruffly* Uh, that's just me. I, uh, robbed some ponies on my way over here.

Garble: Huh, I like your style. Have I met you before? You kind of look like—

Spike, now fully cleaned up, inserts himself between them.

Spike: My, uh, old neighbor! Uh, Sandy. . . Rockbeach!

(Y/N): (I would never fall for that if I was Garble, but considering he's dumb enough to barely see through my disguise, I'll take it.)

The sound of a distant impact is then heard as they all look back towards the beasts who knocked Garble down.

Garble: Stupid slingtails knocked me down! But I've wasted enough time making small talk. Get it? Ha-ha! Because you're too "small" to win this! I'm funny.

He said this as he laughs while poking Spike on the head before shoving him aside and walking off as both Spike and (Y/N) deadpan after him.

(Y/N): I'm gonna add that to my top 5 worst puns that I've heard.

Spike: Yours aren't that much better.

(Y/N): Hey! Wow, says you!

Both of them smirk at each other before Ember takes off her helmet and taps Spike on his shoulder to get his attention as Ember had a look on her face that showed she was not only thankful, but also confused.

Ember: Why did you cover for me? You could've had one less competitor.

Spike: I could ask you the same thing. You could've told Garble about (Y/N) and my friends.

Comes now the sound of a distant scream from overhead as the two look up in time to watch Garble dodging the anti-aircraft assault from the slingtails as other dragons are not so lucky.

Ember: Yikes. . . That looks rough. But that's what makes it a challenge.

Spike: Are you kidding? Those boulders are huge!

Spike then looks up at both (Y/N) and Ember before getting an idea in his head.

Spike: Hey, what if we worked together?

Ember narrows her eyes down at him suspiciously while (Y/N) looks down at Spike with a raised eyebrow.

Spike: Flying on (Y/N)'s costume hasn't exactly been comfortable or much of good vision either. You fly me up there, I'll help look out for boulders, and (Y/N) has magical strength strong enough to smash boulders to pieces! It'll be a triple threat!

(Y/N): *smiles* Hey! That's actually a great idea, Spike! What do you think, Ember?

Ember: Uhhhh. . .

Spike: You can consider it like a thank you for helping defend my friends from Garble.

Spike says this with a really bright smile and Ember was left at a lost for words as she turns away while blushing.

Ember: I-I. . . Umm. . .

Her stammering was cut off from Rarity voice suddenly coming out.

Rarity: Pssst!

Spike moves toward the conglomeration of aquatic foliage and limbs, only to see it collapse as soon as he touches it.

Rarity: *whispers* Spike! (Y/N)!

They look over to see a hollow tree stump with two pairs of eyeholes Twilight on bottom, Rarity on top as when they were using the rock disguise. A jutting limb waves to get his attention as (Y/N) jaw drops at the sudden change of disguise.

(Y/N): *whispers* How did you even make that so quickly?!

Twilight Sparkle: Does it really matter?

(Y/N) raises a hoof before sighing with an eye roll.

(Y/N): No, I guess not.

Rarity: *whispers* Are you two sure it's a good idea to team up with Ember? You don't know her too well.

Spike: I do know she could've told Garble about you, but she didn't. I think we can trust her.

(Y/N): Not only that, but she defended us TWICE actually. Not just from Garble, but also from Torch as well when he thought about forcing us to compete in the Gauntlet of Fire earlier. Dragons are known to us to be brutish and tough, but Ember clearly showed some empathetic attitude towards us and you guys as well since she didn't tear you girls to shreds on the spot.

Twilight Sparkle: You're right. Her behavior does seem contradictory to everything I've noted about dragons so far.

Spike: Hence, all the more reason why we should offer her our help. Our chances of winning are much higher with her around.

(Y/N): *smirks* You've certainly felt a lot more confident since we've met her too, bud~

Spike raises an eyebrow at (Y/N)'s tone of voice from saying that as he shrugs his shoulders.

Spike: What are you talking about? I just thought that having her around means better chances of keeping you guys safe, that's all.

Ember: Hey, you, little fella!

They both look then look back towards Ember who has clearly made up her mind.

Ember: I've thought about it, and your plan makes sense. Let's do it.

Spike: Really? Great! It's a deal!

The hand he holds out to shake gives her great pause, but eventually she pinches its forefinger between her own forefinger and thumb and works it ever so slightly up and down. The niceties observed, she lets go and brandishes her helmet to back him off a step.

Ember: J-Just so you know, this doesn't mean we're gonna pick flowers or exchange necklaces or whatever pony friends do.

(Y/N): I know that's what you dragons may think that we do, but it's not ALWAYS sunshines and rainbows with us. . . There have been a couple of surprises for us back where we live in Equestria.

This catches Ember's attention as she turns back towards (Y/N) and Spike.

(Y/N): In fact, I know you said that Spike's a runt, but he's actually done quite a lot for being just a tiny dragon. I'd say he's more of a tiny dragon.

Ember raises an eyebrow from this as she finds this hard to believe.

Ember: Really? How so?

(Y/N): This guy. He's been our little bud in many scenarios. He's a big hero in a part of Equestria called the Crystal Empire as he saved the ponies there, twice! Once from an evil king and another from a terrible accident. I even gave him a the title, O Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious. Hero of the Crystal Empire.

Spike puts both of his fists on his hips while striking a cocky smirk.

Ember: That's kind of a mouthful, don't you think?

(Y/N): Eh, it was something I came up with in under a minute. It's not just that though, but Spike's also pretty intelligent as he helped me figure out the real situation to a problem that was right under my nose when I didn't see it.

Ember's eyes widen from this and he looks down at Spike who nods in agreement to say that this was all true. She even looks towards the other mares who all smile and nod to approve (Y/N)'s story as well. Ember then looks back down at Spike before looking away with a conflicted look.

Ember: That's. . . honestly impressive actually.

She then takes a seat down still feeling conflicted as (Y/N) and Spike were confused on the sudden change in mood from Ember as Spike looks up at (Y/N) before walking up towards Ember and he sits right beside her.

Spike: Don't you have any accomplishments? I mean you are princess of the dragon lord after all.

Ember tenses up a bit from this question with a slightly annoyed look before she just sighs and shakes her head.

Ember: No. . . I don't. . . In fact, my father doesn't think that I can accomplish anything on my own.

Spike's eyes widen from this as he continues to listen to Ember.

Ember: In case you forgot what I said, I want to prove to my dad that I'm such so much more than some little dragon princess and that's what all of the other dragons think of me too.

Spike: (Princess Celestia had to go through something similar like Ember, but this is different. . . she has an inferiority complex.)

Ember: He said that it was designed for a big, strong dragon to win, because it takes a big, strong dragon to lead! I AM a big, strong dragon like the rest of them!!

She shouts this before standing up and and yelling in pure frustration and anger. . . before she turns and punches a boulder right next to them. . . and her strength was enough to form a huge crack on it making (Y/N), Twilight, and Rarity flinch in fear.

Ember: I can be like ANY other dragon in this dump, BUT WHY WON'T HE LET ME PROVE THAT?!

(Y/N): (I. . . am SO not ticking her off. . .)

Spike however, gets a serious look on his face as he walks over towards Ember and shakes his head.

Spike: Stop that.

Ember just glares back down at Spike who didn't even feel any fear from this as he just continued speaking.

Spike: I know your father may seem loud, aggressive, and extremely defensive on your choices, but. . . I'm sure he still cares. . . in his own way.

This causes Ember to calm down a little bit as the angry look on her face slowly disappeared by into a normal one.

Spike: Garble told me that if any dragon even looked at you, that your dad might eat them.

Ember just looks away while crossing her arms before rolling her eyes.

Ember: Can't blame him for assuming that. . .

Spike: But that's the thing. I'm only assuming this, but maybe he didn't want you to compete in the Gauntlet of Fire because he was concerned for your well-being. Sure, I doubt that he would admit that seeing how much pride he took being Dragon Lord in the first place, but why wouldn't a father care about his daughter?

Ember: So what? I'm able to look out for myself.

Spike: Not all the time. I nearly saw you drown in the water.

Ember glares and points down at Spike.

Ember: Hey! I. . .

Spike: I KNOW what's it like to feel like your inferior to everyone else. . . But you see, my friends were able to tell me that every member or creature in the place has value. No matter who they are or how much they do compared to others.

Spike said gesturing towards (Y/N), Twilight, and Rarity who all smile in response to his words. Ember looks away for a second before back down at Spike who smiles up at her.

Spike: I know we don't really have much more to talk about this, but you should at least think about it. I'm sure if your dad sees you win the Gauntlet of Fire, you'll make him proud.

Ember's eyes widen from this kind of verbal support as she almost blushed in response as no dragon has ever gave her such empathetic words.

Ember: (*shudders* What is it with this little guy?! Why am I feeling so warm and fuzzy?! Dragons aren't supposed to feel that way! Pull yourself together, Ember!) Yeah, sure. . . whatever. I'll. . . at least try to remember that. . . doesn't mean I will though.

She said crossing her arms and turning her head away and all Spike did was just smile in response as like father, daughter, and many other dragons, she doesn't like sharing or showing feelings. (Y/N) then walks up to them and changes the subject.

(Y/N): I know we were pretty much able to make small talk, but we should going! While most of those dragons aren't really getting past the boulders, some are still nearly up at the top! We should execute our plan right about now!

Spike and Ember look at each other before getting serious looks and nodding in response.

(Y/N): Everyone ready?

Twilight Sparkle: Good luck. We'll meet you at the top.

Spike then hurries on over and leaps onto Ember's back and while she felt slightly embarrassed doing this, she knew that this was the only method of transportation via air that Spike had anyway. Ember looks back towards (Y/N) as they both look upwards and get determined glares on their faces before they both spread their wings out and rocket on straight upwards.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As they both fly straight up the mountain of the volcano, they already see a couple of boulders getting rained downed towards them. (Y/N) glows his horn and flies on up ahead as he immediately puts magic energy into his rear hooves to kick one away before he does a backflip kick to knock another one out of the way.

Ember looks back towards Spike who points straight ahead to guide Ember towards the small opening that (Y/N) has made for them. She flies right past him and seeing that they were able to get through the lowest part of the mountain made (Y/N) smile. Spike looks back down towards (Y/N) and his eyes widen before shouting back at him.

Spike: (Y/N)! Heads up!

(Y/N) looks behind himself to see that some other boulders that were being thrown by dragons were coming from the opposite direction as well which made his eyes widen in fear as he dodges one of them before he begins to rapidly swiping his energy powered leg in circles around himself and forming several small shockwaves which travel horizontally towards a pair of another set of boulders.

One of them got pushed back in the opposite direction to hit another dragon while the other split into smaller pieces. (Y/N) then proceeds to fly back upwards towards Spike and Ember as the former looked back towards (Y/N) and gave him a thumbs up in which (Y/N) nods in response to with a smile.

They were getting higher up on the volcano which meant that the intensity was getting higher for them, but working as a team they looked like they were able to handle it as they dodge and weave past both a rain of boulders and the poor saps who have been hit dead on, and in short order they are cruising past the slingtails' cliff. Up and up they go, Spike spotting an incoming launch from their six-o'clock position.

Spike: Pull up! There's one coming on both of your tails!

Both of them yelp as they do as Spike said as they both ascended even higher. The rock hurtles toward the camera as the two still on the move as a fresh one is lobbed up.

Spike: Ember, go left!

She does so as it is a clean miss, but a couple of other dragons go down for the count.

Spike: (Y/N), boulder incoming from your right!

(Y/N) gets a hoof ready as he uses a magic powered hoof to swat it away, sending it back far down towards the shore that they were originally on.

Garble, who was up ahead, catches sight of Spike, (Y/N), and Ember beginning to close in on him, as he was approaching the mouth of a broad, high-ceilinged cave on one clifftop. The scarlet delinquent flies into the blackness, while (Y/N) and Ember comes in for a landing and Spike hops off Ember's back.

(Pause Music Here)

Spike: So what do we do now?

Ember: I think we go through there.

Two other contenders have barely made it inside before a mighty jet of flame erupts from within. Once it ceases, they flap slowly out—whimpering, smoking, and nicely charred from head to tail. Spike, (Y/N), and Ember trade nervous glances, suddenly very worried about their personal safety, but are interrupted by a yelp from Rarity as they look to the side the fake trunk now standing alongside them.

Rarity: Oh, that looks scary! I mean, you can do it!

(Y/N): Boy, that was intense already.

Spike: But we were able to make it through because all three of us worked together.

Ember: U-Um, about that. . . Spike?

Spike turns towards Ember to look up at her and give her his attention.

Ember: I wouldn't have made it this far without you. *smiles* So I guess, if you want to, we could keep working together.

Spike smiles back at Ember, who quickly realizes what she just said as she catches herself and crosses her arms while looking away to put on her tough girl tsundere act again.

Ember: I-I mean, just until we get through that tunnel.

Spikes just gives Ember a thumbs up in response to that.

Spike: Okay!

(Y/N): Yeah, Spike makes an excellent supervisor for us, so why not? *smirks* Though maybe he should ACTUALLY try fighting his way through this time.

He chuckles while Spike gives (Y/N) an annoyed look before he gives an angry grunt back towards him while putting his fists on his hips. Ember actually noticed Spike's reaction and she actually gives a slight smirk back liking this little brotherly relationship that (Y/N) and Spike have as she looks towards (Y/N) before walking up to him.

Ember: You know, that's some talk coming from someone who's the only fake dragon out of us. Let's be honest here, out of the three of us. . . YOU would be useless in lava.

She says this while smirking and giving (Y/N) a competitive look while the alicorn jaw drops in response to this. Spike even let's out a quiet "Oooh!" was no way he could counter that considering how true that is as dragon's scales are indestructible meaning that they would be able to survive in lava. (Y/N) then gets a competitive glare himself before he pushes his head back trying to imitate Ember's look. It was Spike's turn to chuckle from this before he points a thumb forward.

Spike: Come on! Let's get moving!

Twilight Sparkle: We'll be right behind you!

(Resume Music Here)

(Y/N), Ember, and Spike were now on the move through the crystal-studded interior of the cave. A crash is then heard as they all hit the brakes, surprised. A zoom out puts them and a couple of other dragons at the entrance to a new chamber, blocked by sets of stalactites and stalagmites that repeatedly slam together like a set of jaws. The camera then cuts to behind this bunch and frames several unfortunates who are clinging for dear life to the rocky projections as they piston up and down as these victims clearly had incredibly bad timing.

Spike, (Y/N), and Ember all trade a determined nod, and Spike jumps onto Ember's back for the takeoff as (Y/N) flies right ahead of them. (Y/N) uses magic to stop some of the spiked stalactites that were slamming together for a few seconds. This was just enough for all three of them to swerve and pivot to avoid the chomping formations, cycling both horizontally and vertically now.

Garble is not far behind them, clearing the hazards with ease until getting pinned in a vertical set as he strains ineffectually to get loose, but can only glower after his three prime opponents as they reach the exit from this funhouse. Spike is now moving under his own power again. One last heave pops Garble free, and he thuds down to the cave floor on his face, the impact doing nothing whatsoever to improve his attitude. He is on his feet and racing after them in a trice.

The trio were now jumping and ducking their way through a passage in which huge crystal spikes punch back and forth at crazy angles. The baby dragon pauses to catch his breath, but the respite is short-lived as he gasps and dives ahead to knock Ember away from a spike that comes down from the ceiling. Once he is sure that neither of them has been skewered by the thrust, he helps her to her feet and all three of them push on.

Garble, who climbs over one spike only to get immediately plowed away by another. It retracts from the wall it has just thrust into, exposing a fresh, dragon-shaped hole in the stone face, and he emerges with a woozy groan to hit the floor.

(End Music Here)

They all were finally out of this huge tunnel as when they exit, they see that before them is a multi-tiered expanse of lava pools, with streams overflowing from higher to lower levels. They are distracted by a relieved sigh that sounded like Rarity as they look to the side and see two broad stalagmites now poking up from the floor nearby. The separate pairs of eyeholes pick out Twilight in one, Rarity in the other.

Rarity: Oh, you made it! Oh, we were so worried!

All three just smirk in response to this.

Spike: About us? *scoffs* That tunnel was cake!

He immediately gives the lie to this boast by keeling over in a dead faint.

Ember: Wait. How did you two get through?

(Y/N): I'm not gonna sugarcoat it this time. . . Considering what I did to get us through up the volcano and through the tunnel, I wouldn't be surprised if they used pony magic to get through the tunnel as well.

Before either of the interlopers can come up with a plausible response to (Y/N)'s little explanation, a sudden tremor nearly shakes them off their hooves. Rarity cries out in surprise as she slowly totters toward the brink.

(Y/N): Rarity!

Spike: Don't worry! I've got her!

He barely makes it in time to pull her back from a spurt of molten rock. A few more panic-stricken exclamations give way to coherent sentences. Ember reaction to Spike's small rescue was utter surprise to see that Spike who was a dragon like her put himself at risk to save one of his friends.

Rarity: Oh, thanks, Spike!

(Y/N): Yeah, nice save, dude.

Spike: *sighs* It was nothing.

Ember: Nothing? You just risked everything to save her! And they're putting themselves in danger just to support you!

Spike: Well, that's just what friends do. Don't you have anyone who looks out for you?

Ember: Not really. Unless I count you.

Ember then realizes what she just said as she gains an icy look before turning away annoyed.

Ember: Which I don't! Because we were only helping each other get through the tunnel, and now we're through the tunnel, so that's it.

Spike: Wait, what do you mean?

Ember: Well, there's only one winner, one scepter, and one Dragon Lord. So I guess it's every dragon for themselves.

Hearing this, Spike suddenly felt deflated as Ember just clearly implied that she wants to take the rest of the journey on her own.

Spike: Oh. So we aren't really friends?

Ember: Maybe if we were in Ponyland, but like I said, dragons don't do friendship.

She lets her wings carry her off over the lava pools without another word, leaving her former dragon friend to aim a hurt gaze toward the ground. (Y/N) noticed Spike's hurt expression as he walks over and places a hoof on his shoulder. As Ember flies away, she turns her head slightly with a conflicted expression before she just shakes her head and continues flying with a thought in her mind.

Ember: (No! This is for the best! We're not friends. . . even if Spike did cover for me a bunch of times. . . understood how I felt or. . . even saved me.)

Ember just sighs internally as she really was having a hard time trying to determine if she really did consider Spike her first friend that understood her. Back with the gang who were at the exit of the tunnel, Spike still had a downtrodden look as he takes a seat.

Spike: Wow. . . I can't believe she ditched me.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, man. I'm sure she didn't mean all of that.

Rarity: Oh, believe me, love. I think you and Spike are better off without her. She was only looking out for herself. She's just like all the other dragons, Spike.

Spike: She's not, though. I know it. She saved me, even when she didn't have to. I don't care what she says. That makes us friends.

(Y/N) smirks before sitting down and crossing his forelegs.

(Y/N): What makes Ember so special to you though, hmm~?

Spike: What? N-Nothing, I just. . .

He rubs the back of his head while blushing a little as it went away just as quickly.

Spike: I just felt like we had a connection and compared to other dragons that I've met here in the Dragon Lands, she's been the most different out of every other one that I've seen, especially Garble.

(Y/N): True. . . but are you sure it's not anything more than that, buddy~?

Spike: Why are you so concerned about how I feel towards Ember?

(Y/N): Well, I-

Twilight Sparkle: You two are getting off topic here! Forget Ember! She's gone now! You two need to start focusing on getting past that huge moat of lava.

Both (Y/N) and Spike turn around and they look to see that there was a huge lake of lava right in front of them. While flying was an option to what Ember just did a minute ago, it definitely wasn't going to be that simple as they see that straight up ahead, a couple of lava geysers shoot up from the area which meant that getting past here was going to be even harder than the swim that they took at the beginning of the competition.

Spike: We've been getting deeper and deeper into the Flame-cano, so I'm sure we've got to be close to the scepter after getting through here.

Spike then smirks up at (Y/N) while crossing his arms.

Spike: The only problem here is that I can just swim across this place perfectly fine, but like Ember, you're useless around lava. Especially since it'll roast that stupid costume of yours.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Gee, thanks for the concern.

(Y/N) then looks around the area and notices a few large and loose stalagmites around the area which made him put a hoof to his chin before getting an idea.

(Y/N): Though maybe I don't need to fly or try to swim across the lava. . . I think I've found something that could get both of us across just as efficiently.

Spike: Really? What's that?

(Y/N): We go lava surfing. I've been snowboarding before and Double Diamond taught me a thing or two about skiing as well. This should be no different. The rocks around this place are all standing on top of molten lava anyway, so we won't have to really worry about sinking.

Spike thinks. for a little bit on (Y/N)'s plan before he nods and smiles in response to this.

Spike: Worth a shot, I suppose.

(Y/N) then walks over to a nearby piece of hard terrain and puts magic into his hoof before punching the rock hard enough for it to break and before the pieces could spread, he grabs a ton of them in his magical grasp before sticking them on towards each other tightly.

He then dips them into a small lava pond in front of them in order to get them to mesh together and in no time, they got themselves some small hard stone boards that looked to be just the right size for both of them. Seeing that they've got themselves some method of transportation across the way, (Y/N) and Spike smile at each other.

Twilight Sparkle: Be careful, (Y/N). Spike may be able to float in lava, but you can't. If you slip and fall, we won't be able to haul you out.

(Y/N): Heh, you guys worry too much. Spike said that tunnel was already a piece of cake, so this should be just as fun. Right, buddy?

Spike: Of course you would say that, but yeah. Let's go!

Both (Y/N) and Spike get on their respective boards before crouching down with fierce looks.

Spike: Here goes nothing!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The two then kicked themselves off of the platform and prepared themselves for a bumpy ride across the lava. They had to bounce off multiple small sections of lava before they finally made it down to the molten river as it caused a huge splash of red hot liquid to spread. Spike nearly lost his balance on the board when he was trying to get himself to land, but he was able to quickly catch himself and stand back on two legs while spreading his arms out to keep his balance.

(Y/N) and Spike then smile at each other before they both look up on ahead to see a couple of geysers burst from the ground which made their eyes widen. Spike exclaimed a little, but (Y/N) gets a serious look on his face as he goes to swerve around the geysers with Spike following right behind him. The lava geysers that shot up into the air also spread out of the molten liquid about which (Y/N) looks up and notices with a smile.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Cool! It's raining fire!

He says this, but one drop of lava hit part of his costume which nearly melted a hole inside of it. (Y/N) sees this with widened eyes as he quickly pats the spot that got burned vigorously while sighing in relief which he got it taken care of.

(Y/N): I guess a little bit of air conditioning wouldn't hurt either. . .

Spike: Hey, (Y/N)! Check this out!

Spike then quickly swerves around quickly in one direction in order to make huge wave of lava that (Y/N) gets out of the way of as this splatters onto a wall. (Y/N) smirks back at Spike as he maneuvers over towards him and then proceeds to make a huge wave himself that splashes right over Spike and all that he does in response to this is chuckle as the two were apparently having a lot of fun lava surfing with each other.

They then looked on straight ahead with slightly worried looks to see that the lava area was getting more turbulent and was getting ready to flow a lot faster. (Y/N) gets a serious look as he gets beside Spike and pulls him closer towards him.

(Y/N): Hold on! It's about to get a lot more bumpy!

They both held on tight as when they reached these rapids, they immediately go airborne, but they were able to hold on as best as they could to not only prevent themselves from falling in, but also getting splashed by a large amount of lava especially for (Y/N)'s sake. The downward slope then only got worse as they were both speeding up dangerously fast which made Spike's eyes widen and worry.

Spike: Whooooa!

They were to get launched up into the air as they see that they're trail of lava was about to come to an end by an upward slope straight ahead as (Y/N) grabs Spike with his magic and hoists him up onto his back before looking back at him with a smirk.

(Y/N): Hang on tight!

Suddenly, they both get launched up into the air as Spike was grasping both of his claws on (Y/N) while he jump and did a couple of backflips while holding onto the front edge of his rock like a skateboard before doing an upside-down trick by sticking both of his rear hooves up into the air.

(Y/N): Whoo! Cowabunga!!

They soon got launched straight over towards the next section of the cave as (Y/N) jumped off of the small rock platform that he used before landing perfectly on all four of his hooves and Spike jumped off of him with his eyes swirling while trying to keep his balance on both of his hooves. After a second though, Spike shook his head silly and gave a thumbs up to (Y/N) to tell him that he was perfectly fine and okay.

(End Music Here)

Spike: Wow. . . I haven't had an adrenaline rush like that in a while. I'll admit that was really fun. Almost makes me want to do that again. . . but was doing that aerial trick really necessary?

(Y/N): Hey, it got us to move past all of that magma and onto the next part of the gauntlet. That's what matters.

Spike: *smirks* Says you. I'm surprised you're not roasting in that outfit yet.

(Y/N): Oh, trust me. . . I'm actually sweating a lot in this thing, but not enough that it'll give me heatstroke.

All three of them then look up to see what area that they were in now and they see that they were in a deep fissure or crevasse carved into the mountainside, spanned by passages high and low and marked by the glowing mouths of caverns. Hazy sunlight shines in from the far end and both (Y/N) and Spike were standing on a natural bridge of all of this. Another relieved sigh from Rarity catches (Y/N) and Spike off guard as they look behind themselves to see that Twilight and Rarity who were still disguised have already caught up with them.

Rarity: Woo, that was dangerously stressful! You two definitely had us break a sweat or two!

(Y/N): You guys just keep appearing out of nowhere. . . I know you guys probably just used magic to get across that entire lava lake, but still. . . I felt like we really shoulda saw you guys coming.

Twilight Sparkle: I've been wondering how close we are getting to the scepter, so I decided to use a little sense spell to see how close we are getting towards it. I tested it and apparently I could sense where the scepter actually is. It's through here. . . but it looks like a labyrinth to get through all of this.

Spike: She's right. I can't really tell a pattern from all of these, but I can say that all of these different pathways looks different from each other.

(Y/N): In that case. . . lead the way and we'll follow right behind you, tiny Dragon Lord.

(Y/N) gets a smile at the end of this while Spike looks back at him surprised, thinks for a second, before looking back up at (Y/N) while nodding.

Spike: That sounds. . . That sounds good! Follow me, everypony!

All of the group had gotten their legs in gear again as they've been going around the area for little bit. . . only to end at the same stretch of territory, with Spike now leading the way at ground level. (Y/N) looks up at this view with a confused look and so do the other mares as it looked familiar like the last time that they've been there.

Twilight Sparkle: Is it just me, or have we seen this crevasse three times already?

(Y/N): Beats me. Spike said there's a pattern, but all of these different pathways look the same to me. We're not looking hard enough around.

Spike then looks to the side and his look turns to one of surprise as he points in a direction.

Spike: Except for this one! Look!

Stubby violet legs carry him ahead with all speed, the ponies following, and they halt at one end of an arching span. They have now arrived at a vast interior chamber, glowing an ominous orange with the lights of fires hidden behind the mineral growths from floor and ceiling. The remaining path twists and turns through its ascent to a small plateau topped by a mass of red crystals.

Spike: We made it!

(Y/N): Nice job, little dude! After going through all of that back there ever since the start of the interior of the Flame-cano, you can now rightfully claim your prize and win the Gauntlet of Fire for us.

Spike: I can't believe I'm the only dragon to make it this far!

???: You're not!

All eight eyes turn fearfully toward that voice as it was none other than the coward, bully, cad, and thief Garble standing at the entrance to this cavern. He gets in Spike's face in much less time than it takes to yell for a bouncer.

Garble: And I'm not losing to a puny pony-loving dragon like either of you!

Garble then grabs Spike by his head spines before unceremoniously hoisting off of his feet. (Y/N) gets an angry look on his face as he stomps his hoof to get Garble's attention.

(Y/N): Hey! Put my best dragon friend down if you don't want a knuckle sandwich, pal!

Garble: Cool! I like my knuckle sandwiches a lot more spicy though!

(Y/N): Wait, what?

Garble then turns towards (Y/N) and breathes fire straight at him which (Y/N) was not prepared for as he yells out in fear and this got all over his entire costume as it was now covered in flames around his entire body and he starts panicking by jumping, shaking his body, or even rolling.

(Y/N): Whoa! Hot, hot! Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!

(Y/N) then finally teleports out of his terrible disguise as he picks it up and throws it over the bridge to get rid of it as there was no way to get water inside of a place like this. (Y/N) sighs in relief that he didn't get burned, but he suddenly still smelled something else roasting.

He look behind himself to see that his flank was on fire which made him yelp as he grasps it before sitting down on his rump and does a funny itchy dog impression to put it out before standing back up on all fours.

(Y/N): Phew! Now I REALLY don't wanna know what it's like to have lava through on a pony's body as I've already felt dragon smoke and now dragon fire. . .

Garble: What the. . . A pony. . .?!

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from this as he slowly turned towards Garble to see that he had an extremely shocked look on his face before he scowls before looking towards Spike.

Garble: That explains a lot from the moment you came here!

Spike: *deadpans* You know. . . for a dragon who claims to be better than me in every way, you're pretty dimwitted for not seeing through that ridiculous outfit sooner. . .

Garble just rolls his eyes before he just tosses Spike off of the edge as he goes screaming while (Y/N) gasps in shock.

(Y/N): Spike!!

He however gets no time to try and save his best friend as Garble immediately tackles (Y/N), grabs him by the head, and slams him down on the surface of the bridge as he grunts in pain from this. Rarity and Twilight cry out in horror from both (Y/N) getting pinned down and Spike falling to his doom.

Rarity: *yelps* We have to do something!

Twilight then looks upwards and her eyes widen.

Twilight Sparkle: Look!

Rarity does so as next she sees some dragon coming down towards Garble. . .

It was Ember as she swoops down to hit Garble broadside and plow him away to solid ground so that he knocks Twilight and Rarity over like bowling pins. He loses his grip on (Y/N), and Spike who was still falling almost fell to his doom, but two blue-green dragon claws clamp onto his midsection and carry him off. Spike sees that Ember rescued him and (Y/N) as he smiles brightly at her.

Spike: Ember! I thought it was every dragon for themselves!

She lands and sets him down as (Y/N) walks up right beside him.

Spike: Why did you save us?!

Ember: That's what friends do! And I am. I mean, WE are. I never should have left you back there. Agh, please don't make me talk about my feelings!

(Y/N): No need! We're thankful for the save!

Twilight and Rarity were over lying dazed and halfway out of their capsized stalagmites as Garble noticed both of them.

Garble: What the?!

He lands in front of them, startling them upright and awake in one terrible instant, and lets his mouth curve into a savage grin. Snarling softly, he begins to back them up across the cliff as one of Twilight's rear hooves touches the edge and dislodges a few pebbles. Spike, (Y/N), and Ember, who have stopped partway across the path leading to their goal noticed the mares in trouble as both (Y/N) and Ember get serious glares on his face as (Y/N) spreads his wings out.

Ember: Spike! Get the scepter!

(Y/N): We'll buy you as much time as we can!

Spike charges on ahead as both dragon and alicorn double back to save the mares in trouble. As Garble was getting ready to probably do just about anything he wanted to try and harm the girls, (Y/N) shouts at him.

(Y/N): Hey, tomato can!!

Garble turns around to see (Y/N) and Ember aiming the angriest glares that they could towards him.

(Y/N): You really wanna test me?! Question: How do you tick off an alicorn?!

He then makes his eyes glow (F/C) and this meant that (Y/N) was done playing around now.

(Y/N): Answer: Mess with his FRIENDS!!!

(Y/N) then charges magic in his entire body before both him and Ember charge towards Garble while yelling out in effort. (Y/N) put magic into his rear leg before he comes up and does a roundhouse kick to knock Garble up towards a wall. Ember then flies over to pin him against a wall, back first.

The red dragon looks past her and spots the violet one closing in on the crystal mound as his fury renewed, he manages to throw Ember aside and dart in. Before he can get a finger on Spike, though, a (F/C) streak makes him fall to his back as Garble shakes his head before glaring over towards (Y/N) who lands on the wall before zeroing back in towards Garble prepared to give his promise to him of giving him a knuckle sandwich.

However, Garble blocks his attack with his fist and throws him over to the side in which (Y/N) proceeds to land on the bridge. He launches himself towards Garble again as he ducks under a claw swipe that he took before he kicks him in the belly to stun him before backflipping and he lands two more kick combos into his face.

Garble gets ready to attack back and retaliate, but not before he is yanked back hard the princess dragon now has him by the tail and is hauling him up, up, and away. Spike is now close enough to the plateau to see the Scepter resting among its chaotic conglomeration of crystals.

Garble counters Ember's strike by locking both hands around her throat and hurling her and himself to the ground. (Y/N) gets ready to try and save Ember, but not before Garble sees him coming and smacks him away with his tail as (Y/N) lands down on his back. Spike glances between the Scepter and the fight, and lets a new, unshakable resolve take hold in his mind.

One nimble leap carries him back to the brawlers as Spike quickly helps (Y/N) to his hooves and points towards Garble who was still trying to choke Ember.

Spike: (Y/N), toss me as hard as you can towards Garble!

(Y/N): *smirks* Sure!

(Y/N) then flies up while hoisting Spike up with his magic. Spike curls himself up into a ball before (Y/N) dunks him down with (F/C) energy around him and straight towards Garble and it was a dead bullseye at his face as Garble covers his entire face clearly in pain of that brutal team attack that (Y/N) and Spike pulled off.

Clawed violet fingers dig into the stone and hold on for dear life as Garble starts to force Ember back with them challenging each other's strength once more.

Garble: I'm sick and tired of you all helping each other! Dragons don't do helping!

Ember: THESE dragons do!

(Y/N): And I may not be a dragon myself, but any dragon who is a friend of Spike's, makes them a friend of mine!

He fires a magic blast at Garble which stuns him and allows Ember to scramble up and over his head, she gets a firm grip and flips him over her back. He lands dazedly on his own in front of Twilight and Rarity, who applaud this display of camaraderie skillfully combined with finesse and force.

The festivities are cut short by the laughter and chatter of many approaching dragons, and both quickly levitate their stalagmite disguises back over themselves. Just as Spike loses his hold, Ember's hand lances into view to grab his and drag him up to resurface with her and (Y/N) as the latter points towards their goal.

(Y/N): Go finish this, little bro!

At their encouraging smiles, Spike runs the last few yards to the plateau, bounds up over the crystals, and regards the Scepter. The green eyes widen and an awed little moan escapes his throat as he puts a hand to the shaft and lifts the prize free, pointing the bloodstone at its head over the cavern.

The great gem emits a brilliant red fire, which washes over Spike's body, and his pupils briefly dilate to the point that they nearly fill his eye sockets. He now shifts his grip to hold the Scepter upright, and it sends a jet of flame toward the ceiling.

Outside of the cavern, a red pulse washes over the entire space, followed by a blinding white glare that washes out the screen. Several dragons were watching Flame-cano Island from the surrounding ocean as the energy and shock wave pour from the warped summit even at this distance.

Inside the cavern, the late arrivals can only watch in stunned silence, but Garble takes advantage of the light show to start sneaking up on Ember.

Spike: Leave her ALONE!!

Garble instantly shifts to total confusion as he walks past her and (Y/N) to see Spike holding the scepter.

Garble: What? You?!? You have the scepter?! But that means that you're. . .

Ember: The Dragon Lord.

(Y/N): Dragon Lord Spike specifically.

Ember takes a bow as the others copy her gesture, even (Y/N) thought it'd be respectful to take a bow for his best friend who is now the new Dragon Lord. Garble was the last one as he only reacts with a reluctant groan.

Garble: *reluctantly* Dragon. . . Lord. . . Spike. . .

Spike: That's right! Uh. . . Now, go start your long journey home. And give every dragon you see on the way a hug. Don't tell them why.

Garble: Awww! But that'll be super embarrassing!

(Y/N): *smirks* After everything you've done today, I'd say that's a fair first order of business.

Spike: Yeah! Plus, I command you to do it! You better be lucky I won't say ponies too!

He said pointing the scepter towards Garble. Grumbling at top volume, the defeated upstart heads for the exit but stops to hug a rather large one first. It breaks out into a big toothy grin.

Garble: I can't believe this. . .

Spike then crosses over towards Ember and (Y/N).

Ember: Dragon Lord Spike. Hm, has a nice ring to it.

Spike however passes the scepter over towards Ember.

Spike: Dragon Lord Ember sounds a lot better.

Red flames lick over her body as she takes hold, just as they did to him when he picked it up. She is caught more than a bit off guard by the handoff.

Ember: What? No. You're the Dragon Lord now.

Spike: The Dragon Lord is whoever brings the scepter back to your father who you'll finally be able to prove that you're capable of such an accomplishment! Besides, you'll make a great leader. I was just doing this to protect the ponies. But I know you'll protect them just as well as I would have.

Ember: You sure about this?

Spike: Absolutely. My home is in Equestria with my friends.

Ember: *smiles* Well, you'll have at least one friend here too.

The smile disappears as he darts forward to hug as much of her as he can grab.

Ember: What are you doing?

Spike: It's called a hug!

Ember: Oh. I don't know if I like it. But. . . *smiles* okay. (I would say no to any other dragon who would do this to me. . . but maybe not this one. I. . . like him. . .)

The embrace tightens as she blushes with an embarrassed smile and gives his head a few indulgent pats. (Y/N), Twilight, and Rarity were all watching this heartwarming scene from a distance as (Y/N) smirks while Twilight and Rarity let out an "Awww!" at the sight as it appears these two may just become more than friends.

(Y/N): *whispers* You girls thinking what I'm thinking~?

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* Oh, yeah~

Rarity just giggles at (Y/N)'s question.

Torch was sitting alone on his rough throne under the perpetually gloomy sky. He is shaken out of his funk by a gleam from behind him. The source proves to be the Scepter in Ember's grip as she leads the rest of his subjects down from the clouds. All of them have removed whatever armor they were wearing. Torch regards them with sheer disbelief before looking towards Ember surprised.

Dragon Lord Torch: Ember? YOU?

Ember: I know you didn't think I could do it, but I did.

Dragon Lord Torch: I expressly told you NOT TO DO IT, because you're not—!

Ember: I'm not big and strong. I know. But you know what? I won anyway. So maybe it takes more than just being big and strong to be a good Dragon Lord!

Grunts and nods of agreement from the crowd lead him to soften his attitude greatly.

Dragon Lord Torch: I was wrong, Ember. You might not be big, but you are strong and smart, and perhaps that counts for more than I thought. And you will make an excellent leader.

She perches on the tip of the horn that protrudes upward from the end of his snout.

Ember: Thanks, dad.

She then turns to the dragons and tries to imitate his shouting order.


Puzzled grunts came in response to this as Ember just smiles.

Ember: Just kidding! That's not gonna be my thing.

Now Torch lets go with a belly laugh.

Ember: Dragons, hear me! I present to you our new Dragon Lord, Ember!

Enthusiastic cheers rise as she slowly hovers off his face and waves to her new subjects. The celebration gets a monkey wrench thrown into it when Garble wings into view and hugs the end of the massive blue-gray snout.

Dragon Lord Torch: Hm? What is the meaning of this?!

Garble: I can't tell you!

Ember allows herself a chuckle at this unexpected side effect of Spike's one and only royal order. Speaking of Spike, he suddenly came back into Ember's mind as she just couldn't stop thinking about how much he has helped her today.

Ember: (Spike's more than just a runt. . . He helped me and looks out for his friends. . . I'm one of them and I can respect that, but. . . I hope I get to hear from that little fella some other times. . .)

Ember then realizes what she was thinking about as she shakes her head and gains back a serious look on her face.

Ember: (O-Only in his case though, not mine! I-I don't need to ask Spike anything in order for him to know that we're friends!)

Twilight, (Y/N), Spike, and Rarity were now on the road for home, the two mares having shed their stalagmite covers.

Twilight Sparkle: You did well, Spike. With Ember as Dragon Lord, the ponies will be safe and you've gained us a powerful ally.

Spike: And a new friend!

Twilight Sparkle: Plus, Ember said I could write to her anytime I had questions about dragon culture! With this much information, I'll be able to write a whole book on dragons!

Rarity: And I gained tons of ideas for a new line of camouflage clothing! I think I'll call it "Camo-Maud"!

All of the ponies shared a laugh from this and so did Spike, but the little guy had a slight conflicted expression in which (Y/N) immediately noticed.

(Y/N): What's going on, Spike? You don't feel as proud as you should be! You won the Gauntlet of Fire, made a new dragon friend, and saved all of the ponies in Equestria! Come on, dude! I'll even give you some more of my titanium back home too! You deserve it!

Spike: Eh. . . I don't know, what's going with me. It's like. . . for once I don't really think that I want to leave the Dragon Lands. I'm not hungry either. . . or tired? Maybe after all of that, I'm coming down with something.

All three ponies halt to a stop with sly smirks on their faces as Spike walks ahead of them.

(Y/N): Ohohoho~ We know "exactly" what you've come down with, little dude~

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, you're in the "L" word~

Rarity: Ooooo~ Spike's got a crush~

The moment Rarity says this, Spike stops with eyes widen as he turns back towards the three with a surprised and flustered look as he blushes.

Spike: Wait! On Ember?! N-No! No way!

(Y/N): Come on, Ember's gotten under your scales. Admit it.

Twilight Sparkle: After everything you two have been through this whole time, it'd be preposterous not to assume that.

Rarity: It was so adorable seeing you two hug after all, darling~

Spike: No! No, no, no, no, and no! You guys are so dead wrong!

He proceeds to waddle off in annoyance as all three of them either giggle or laugh as Twilight and (Y/N) share a high five.

Twilight Sparkle: Denial is the clincher, Spike!

Rarity: Spikey-wikey is in love~

(Y/N): Spike and Ember sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G~!

Spike: *smirks* Ha ha. Real mature guys. . .

(Y/N): *chuckles* We're just teasing, dude. It's up to you honestly whether you like Ember or not even if you don't want to admit it. Despite that, you're not Dragon Lord, but you still make a pretty good leader, Spike. You lead us all through there the entire time and knew exactly what to do.

Spike: *smiles* It was no problem at all. Especially when I had my best partner, the Hero of Equestria by my side. Things never get dull whenever we go out on an adventure.

(Y/N): Yeah, totally!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N) claps his forelegs together and he then proceeds to do a little dance with Spike doing the same around him before the Hero of Equestria flies up and spins around before pumping his hoof while him and Spike give a wink towards the camera while Twilight and Rarity smile brightly at them before the view fades to black.

Chapter 4 End.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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