Chapter 7: A Hearth's Warming Tail

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Starlight Glimmer's P.O.V.

So, I guess it's that time of the year again, huh? Most ponies I hear call it, "the most wonderful time of the year". What am I talking about? Heart's Warming Eve, of course. It's a time where ponies spend time with their friends and family, endeavor in some fun family traditions, and most notoriously exchanging gifts! Hm? . . .You don't call it that? What do you call it then?

. . .

. . .Christmas? That. . . well, I guess other worlds have a different terminology, so I'm not too surprised by that. Anyway, Hearth's Warming celebrates the anniversary of the day the three pony tribes collectively joined together and founded Equestria with the ancient princess, (M/N). Sure sounds wonderful, huh? Well. . . for most ponies, it would be, but for me? Uh. . . let's just say I'm not particularly fond of the holiday. Not because of what the holiday is, but more of just my personal experience. My family's a bit complex, that's the best way I could describe it.

. . .

. . .You want me to elaborate don't you? *sigh* Well, alright. Let's see. . . Where do I begin?

Equestria, 6 years ago. . .

As you guys already know, my home is Sire's Hollow, a great place for many. . . but a huge prison made of loneliness for me. Things did get worse the more that Sunburst wasn't around to help me with my magic studies or even to just be the only friend that I could be happy around. My dad still keeps homeschooling and treating me like I'm a foal which didn't exactly help me from isolating myself from others.

So as most of you probably know by now, I lived in Sire's Hollow. It's a good place for most ponies, but me? Well. . .it was more of just solitary confinement, to say the least. It wasn't easy for me to thrive without Sunburst by my side. I didn't have any other ponies to turn to aside from my dad. I was homeschooled with a guy saw me as a foal no matter what my age was, and that didn't help much with my social life.

Yeah, it sounds bad, I know, but I guess it's good that I had my dad to spend time with, even if it wasn't a complete family. Still, it was hard for both of us without her there with us. You thought (Y/N) was the only one living with grief? I lost my mom when I was just a filly, so I never had a real family to celebrate Hearth's Warming with. In fact, I didn't celebrate it at all for years, but I'm trying to make the best of it now. I'm grateful for the family I do have, and I don't want to bring it down with memories of my past family.

Me however. . . I was just walking and passing by with a deadpanned frown on my face while levitating books and coffee that I clearly got from the library. I had on a purple scarf and purple beanie with a cyan puff on the tip.

So, let me talk about one of those days. It was a day Sire's Hollow was covered in snow from top to bottom, but it evens out with all the festive decorations the ponies spent time working on days prior. Speaking of ponies, some of them were still in the process of decorating their own homes with a little bit of help here and there. Foals were playing around with the snow. You know, like building snowponies, snowball fights, stuff like that, and then there were some ponies asking for charity donations.

As for me, I was kinda the Negative Nancy out there with the scowl I was walking around with. I was coming out of the library with some books and coffee which was pretty much my daily routine. Only difference being the fact that I was wearing a purple scarf and a beanie of that color with a cyan puff on the top.

Yeah, my life was kinda boring, but in that time, I'd grown to accept that fact. Anyway, on my way, one of those charity representatives approached me. Wasn't. . .really sure why nor was I particularly interested in so.

Cheerful Mare: Happy Hearth's Warming, dear. Would you be so kind as to donate to all the less fortunate ponyfolk that can't celebrate this gracious holiday with us? A good deed can come full circle, you know.

The mare winked at me after that last sentence. Now, in these days, I wasn't particularly welcoming of strangers, but I knew I'd have too much shame to be cold to her, so. . .I forced a smile.

Young Starlight Glimmer: *nervous laugh* U-Uh, normally I-I would. . . but I don't have any bits on me at the moment. I-I just used them to get the stuff that I'm holding currently.

Cheerful Mare: *smiles* That's perfectly okay! I'm sure that whoever you're giving all that pleasant stuff to will be happy that you got it for them!

Young Starlight Glimmer: (Yeah. . . me. . . but for whatever reason. . . I don't feel any happier. . .)

Cheerful Mare: Anywho, I hope I didn't waste your time! Have a Happy Hearth's Warming!

Young Starlight Glimmer: Ehe. . . Thanks. . . *mumbles* I guess. . .

I walked away from her as the mare continued to solicit her service around the area. Sort of made me leave with a gag. Truth be told, I did have some bits on me, but. . .I didn't feel like giving them away. Yeah, not really the friendliest pony around, but somehow all those ponies managed to put up with it.

I was hoping I'd get home after that, but. . .I was met with a snowball hitting me square in the face. My aggravated scowl melted the snow across my eyes as I searched for the snowball's origin. Shortly, I saw a couple of foals laughing at me with a unicorn filly holding another snowball with her magic. I was still kinda mad, but I figured I could spare a few moments to penetrate these jerks.

However, as soon as I levitated up a snowball. . . I was hit in the back of the head by another one. I turned around only to discover another group of foals doing the same thing. I wasn't sure what was going on, but after a few glances between the two groups of foals, it hit me. . .I was standing in the middle of a snowball war.

Young Starlight Glimmer: (Oh no. . .)

Before I could react, I was pelted by a bunch of snowballs, causing me to drop all my stuff. Within seconds, I was a covered in snow, and an Earth pony colt then walks by carrying a picnic basket with him. He looked up at my buried figure and an idea popped in his head. He placed his picnic basket down, and then dug inside to place a couple of raisins where my eyes were. . . and then placing a carrot where my nose was.

He claps his forelegs together in joy before trotting off and the moment he did, I used my horn to melt all of the snow that was on me. I was livid with a wet mane from the melted snow. I shake my head to get my mane properly back in place and dust some snow off of my back. I levitated my stuff back up, dusting the snow off of that too, and continued on home.

Once I reached the front porch. . . I noticed the front steps buried in snow, so there was no way for me to go in safely. While I could just teleport in, I didn't want to do that with all of the delicate stuff that I was carrying. Conveniently, there was a shovel right beside the porch. I pick it up with a deadpanned frown and dig all of the snow off of the stairs and door. It was like Celestia knew how I was feeling and wanted me to stay outside.

Finally, I was able to walk inside of my home and the first thing that I did when I walked in was sit on a couch near the windows. I decided to pull out one of the books I carried back with me, and surprise, surprise, it was an enchantment book. . . from it's contents it had something about Cutie Marks. . . I'm sure you know where this is going, right?

As I open the book, lit a candle, and took a sip of hot cocoa to peacefully read in pure silence, my dad apparently had heard me come inside as he peeks his head to see where I was. He smiles at me before trotting on over to me.

I lit a nearby candle with my magic for lighting and then opened the book. Yeah, I could've used magic as a light source, but it'd be hard to focus on holding the book if I had to manage lighting in between. I took a sip of my coffee, hoping that I could read peacefully in silence, but. . . unfortunately, I didn't live alone at that time.

Firelight: Starlight, sweet pea. Why aren't you playing outside? How could you study for something on a day like Hearth's Warming Eve? Sire's Hollow is now a Sire's "Winter Wonderland", hmm?

He laughs at his own joke as I just deadpan up at him clearly not finding the corny joke funny before I stare back down at my book with a bored expression.

Young Starlight Glimmer: Yeah. . . I wasn't really invited to any "Hearth's Warming" activities. . . not that I care.

We then both get startled by a snowball that hits the window and slides down the glass.

Young Starlight Glimmer: And partly because of that too. . . I already know that Hearth's Warming is a holiday, it was the time where Equestria was first made, and it's why we're all still existing to this day. . . so what's more there to learn about? Besides, there's something that I've been studying a lot recently that I'm interested in, so I'm not worried about Hearth's Warming right now.

As I continued to read the book, my dad stares at me with a blank expression before chuckling to himself while putting a hoof to his chin.

Firelight: My, Starlight. You really have grown, haven't you?

My eyes widened from this as I look up at my father thinking of something rather exciting in my head as my dad always treats me like I'm a tiny filly, so I don't hear him say those words everyday of my life. In fact, it almost made want to smile.

Young Starlight Glimmer: (Oh, thank Celestia! Is he finally going to let go of the fact that I'm not a tiny foal any longer and starting to really mature?!)

Wait for it. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

And there he goes, pinching my cheeks with his both of his forelegs which made my eyes widened in shock.

Firelight: It feels just like yesterday that we brought you into this tiny house. I mean look at those dimples and chipmunk cheeks of yours. . . Oooh! I'm sensing a new nickname for you, sweet pea~

I groan loudly while glaring up at my father who is acting like he can't even see that I'm not enjoying his overaffection one bit.

Young Starlight Glimmer: *muffled* Dad, quit it!

He doesn't listen to me at all as he just boops my nose to which I rub with my hoof before he nuzzles my left cheek some more with a hoof to which I respond with growling annoyance. However, the words that come out next weren't something that I was hoping to hear for a long, long time.

Firelight: If only your mother was still here to see just much your cutesy-wutesy little face has grown into the face of a young filly I still have here to this day.

The moment that he said that one word in that sentence, my face shifted slowly from annoyance to melancholic. Now that was something that my father didn't fail to notice as take this from me. . . We're both stubborn, but we're not uncompassionate. . . well, at least I'm not entirely for right now. . .

Firelight: You know. . . I. . . do still have that one Hearth's Warming book that she read to you as a foal if you want to see it. . .

I look at my dad before back down towards the book that I was currently levitating on Cutie Marks and as much as I want to keep reading this book right now. . . My mentality was entirely on looking into the past as I miss my mother so much right now. . . She can't be with us anymore and I may never know when I'll even have the last chance to remember her by something. . .

Young Starlight Glimmer: S-Sure. . .

My dad then trots out of the room for a second to which I wait patiently for him to find what he was talking about. As he does, another snowball hits the window to which I furrow my eyes in response to as I walk towards the window and stare outside to see ponies in winter outfits mingling or just enjoying the snow in general. But you all knew that I was a bitter unicorn back then so I just narrow my eyes at this sight before closing the curtains shut.

I sit back down on the couch putting a hoof to my cheek in boredom before I hear my dad come back over as he was levitating a small book for foals and while I hated being treated like one. . . there's a reason this specific book holds a special place in my heart. . .

My dad levitates the book over to me to which I levitate over to myself and I look at the front cover of the book. I blew some dust off of it and I look down below on the cover with a sad look. The reason this book is so special. . . is because this book was made specifically from my mother, Aurora Glimmer.

What? You really thought that (Y/N) was the only one that lost a parent that was so special to him? The moment that he told me that he lost his mother to which he had a great relationship with. . . it struck me that I really was a lonely filly with social anxiety without Sunburst to help me through it.

He was. . . a lot more lucky though. . . I. . . *sniff* I lost my mother when I was over 5 years old. . . so. . . so definitely not long. And for those years, each Hearth's Warming, she would read this book to me that had to do with reindeers with special magic. Of course I would be interested in something like that even as a foal. My dad then sits beside me and wraps a hoof around me wearing a sympathetic smile.

Firelight: Sometimes things aren't as fair as we want them to be. Aurora was so young, had her life ahead of her. . . and to just have all of that life thrown away due to illness. . . it does make me wish she were still here. . . especially to see you. Everything here reminds me of her. . . including you, you know that, sweet pea?

I slowly look up towards my dad who smiles down at me before pecking me on the head.

Firelight: She may not be here to see you, but I'm definitely able to still see her inside of my one and only, little filly that Aurora and I brought into this lovely world.

*sigh* Define "lovely" dad. . . I sigh before walking off of the couch and looking towards a hearth that we have.

Young Starlight Glimmer: I know that ponies say that the ones you care about most aren't really gone unless you remember them. . .

I then sigh once again more sadly while looking towards the ground.

Young Starlight Glimmer: But it still hurts. . . especially on days like these. . . I. . . I almost don't even want to think about her because it just reminds me that mom's gone. . . *mumbles* similarly to how Sunburst left me. . .

My dad then gets up from the couch and lifts up my chin to make me look at him.

Firelight: I still mourn over her loss too, sugar plum. Even on special holidays like today, but the important thing is that we never forget that she was here for both of us especially you~ She helped knit your little blankey~ Played with some your cutest little toys that we still have for keepsakes~

I rolled my eyes. . . however this time I can't really blame him considering that I was only a foal around the time that I got to spend the little time that I had with my mother. He then levitates over a photo that showed me as a foal along with mom and dad. . . and that did nearly make me shed a tear with a small smile. I knew what my mother looked like to this day.

Firelight: And of course we can't forget family photos~ What better to know that Aurora is still here with her looking straight at both of us right now?

You know. . . as much as this is suppose to be a small heartwarming moment for me and my dad. . . this all just reminds me that I can't help myself, but keep looking into the past. . . A key factor on how I ruled Our Town too. I guess looking back on the past too much has left me to just feel like unless we're all the same, nopony would ever have to leave their friends or family.

He then places the photo back down before looking back over towards me as I just continued to have a blank expression on my face.

Firelight: Well, I believe that's enough of keeping you from your little Hearth's Warming reading. In case you change your mind, it is still late in the afternoon after all, which means that it's not too late for you to go outside and have some Hearth's Warming fun in the snow.

Young Starlight Glimmer: *deadpans* Pass. . .

Firelight: Suit yourself, sweet pea. I'm always right here if you need me. *chuckles* Oh, who am I fooling? I'm not going anywhere when I've got a sweet young filly to take care of on my own.

He then tries to pinch my cheeks again to which I quickly block with a hoof and gently swat away.

Young Starlight Glimmer: Don't! P-Please don't. . .

He chuckles to himself as upbeat as ever and perhaps that's something that he got from my mother. She was always so energetic and according to my dad, she acted like she was a filly sometimes more than she was an adult. Guess you can inherit a lot of things including personality from your parents, hun?

He trots off out of sight and as he did, I walked back over to levitate up the same book that I was studying on a moment ago regarding Cutie Mark magic. As I flip through the pages, I hear commotion going on outside as I look out of the curtains that I closed from the window and see that ponies were gathering around to join in to sing some Hearth's Warming carols.

I sigh annoyingly at this as I already know that my peace and quiet time is not coming anytime soon as I now wish that these walls were soundproof. I sit back and regard the pages that I was currently looking through until I spot one tiny detail that caught my eyes.

Young Starlight Glimmer: "Blank Flank is only a derogatory term to ponies without Cutie Marks." "Cutie Mark removal has been performed in the past by mages such as the great Star Swirl The Bearded and Mage Meadowbrook." "Ponies who have their Cutie Marks taken away when they already have one will not be harmed in any sort of way." "It only hinders one's special talents useless, making them only have their basic bodily functions."

Hearing all of this information get processed into my head gave me an idea. . . a rather extremely AWFUL idea as my face turned from shock. . . to probably the most unsettling smile that one could possibly make. . . well Pinkie Pie could probably outdo- Never mind! You know what I mean!

I look back up towards our family photo and put a hoof towards my chin as I was also thinking about my time with Sunburst before that was taken away from me as well. It then struck me to know exactly what I was going to do in the future when I get the chance and also perfect my magic while I'm at it too.

Young Starlight Glimmer: Yeah. . . You're right, dad. . . Life isn't fair at all. . . *smirks* but what if I were to make it all fair for all in Equestria~? No one will have to worry about losing each other ever again~

And as you know. . . this was the start of my journey to create everypony equal. While it may sound like I want to have good intentions. . . it definitely was the opposite.

For a very long time up until (Y/N), Twilight, and all of the others who I met came into my life, I didn't really see anything wrong with what I was doing at all. I was making others happy being equal, I was happy that they were equal too, but I was just keeping my true self a secret all of that time. . . *sniff* Now I realize that. . . I'm. . . *sniff* I'm. . .

*sobbing* I'm just so lonely. I just want to be loved for who I am. I just want to have a big family again like I did when I was a toddler. . . with my mother and my father. . . It's. . . It's why I resent Hearth's Warming in the first place. . . I lost my mother. . . I lost Sunburst. . . Wh-What. . . What more can I lose at this point. . .? *sniff* And now, it comes down to me asking one last question. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

Will I ever truly be able to *sniff* let go of my past losses. . . *sniff* and have a brand new family that I can be happy with again?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Third P.O.V.

Present Day. . .

Yep, it is that time of the year for everypony all around Equestria to celebrate the season that they all love which is the joyful holiday of Hearth's Warming Eve. The beautiful town of Ponyville is looking perfectly festive already for the holiday as houses and the town hall were covered in snow.

It is early evening, and ponies dressed for the cold are hard at work putting up decorations and lights for Hearth's Warming Eve. A wagon pulls away from the camera, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders riding in the back.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ponies: ♪ Ponies' voices fill the night ♪

♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

The pullers turn out to be the parents of Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Lemon Hearts levitates a mistletoe sprig over herself and a stallion and gives him a kiss on the cheek as they both blush.

♪ Happy hearts so full and bright ♪

♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

The topmost spire of the Castle of Friendship was topped with a bow as a Pegasus wraps around it with a ribbon.

♪ Oh, what a sight ♪

♪ Look at the light ♪

Another one adds a red ribbon to an unmarked candy cane as Octavia Melody directs a group of carolers.

♪ All for tonight ♪

♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

Rainbow Dash flies past, towing a cloud and behind its trailing edge, the view wipes to a hovering Fluttershy directing the work with hoof signals.

Fluttershy: ♪ Clouds arranged so they're just so ♪

Three other Pegasi each set one near the spire.

Pegasi: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

Rainbow Dash: ♪ Gonna make some awesome snow ♪

She bounces from one to the next, setting off the flurries.

Pegasi: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

They rest stood side by side on a cloud, watching more lights go up over a path.

Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash: ♪ The chill wind blows ♪

♪ Making a show ♪

♪ Snowflakes aglow ♪

Three fillies build a snow pony as three mares work on decorating a tree.

Ponies: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

A Pegasus loops past, hauling a length of red and green-striped cloth that fills the screen. It is pulled away, as we now go to the edifice's well-bedecked entrance hall. At ground level, the ponies are hard at it, and Twilight Sparkle flies a wreath across overhead.

Pinkie Pie, wearing jingle bells around her midsection, plunks a stocking cap on Cranky Doodle Donkey's head.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ A day that's filled with songs to sing ♪

Ponies trot past, bringing a surprised smile to the old face.

Ponies: ♪ Ding-dong, ding-dong-ding ♪

Applejack has brought in a pie cart and is unloading it alongside a table set with Sugarcube Corner goodies, brought by Mr. and Mrs. Cake.

Applejack: ♪ Cakes and pastries we shall bring ♪

Lights are strung up among the many bells.

Ponies: ♪ Ding-dong, ding-dong-ding ♪

Berry Punch gets a steaming mug of cider ladled up from a pot in the nearest fireplace and wastes no time in sipping away.

♪ We're so busy making merry ♪

♪ Windigos should all be wary ♪

Stallions: ♪ As our mighty voices carry ♪

Minuette and a Pegasus haul in a tree by wing and telekinesis.

Ponies: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

Rarity is then seen seated on her haunches next to bolts of fabric and stitching a snowflake pattern onto one piece with a needle held in her aura.

Rarity: ♪ Decorations we shall make ♪

Banners are quickly strung from one column to the next.

Ponies: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

The finished product which was a stocking cap finds its way onto a stallion's head.

Rarity: ♪ Perfection you just cannot fake ♪

Up at the top of a Christmas tree, Derpy Hooves flies in with lights around her neck, an ornament in her teeth, and a star-shaped topper on her head.

Ponies: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

Rarity: ♪ Not one mistake ♪

♪ Don't let that break ♪

The ornament hits the floor and shatters as instant exasperation came from Rarity as she facehooves.

♪ Oh, goodness' sake! ♪

Derpy gives an embarrassed smile and shrug.

Ponies: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

A wreath-carrying Pegasus mare flies up past the camera, the view wiping behind her to the closed front doors. These swing inward, pushed by two other flyers, to make way for Big Mac and the wagon-load of presents he is bringing in.

Ponies: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once a— ♪

♪ Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve ♪

Granny Smith pops up and begins tossing gifts, flattening one pony.  Next, Derpy gets a brainstorm and sits on the uppermost bough of the tree to top it herself.

♪ Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve ♪

♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again! ♪

With the song now over, we cut to the balcony overhead all of the ponies celebrating in the castle as everypony seemed to be in the holiday spirit of celebrating Hearth's Warming Eve. . . well, all except one.

Starlight Glimmer steps into view at the rail, not exactly seeming to be in the holiday spirit as she had a frown on her face while looking down above all of the ponies. She sighs before she anticipates Derpy leaning herself too much on the tree as she nearly topples over, but the star ornament that was on her head falls down making everypony gasp.

The star nearly hits the floor. . . until a (C/C) hoof reached out and caught it just in time which made everypony sigh in relief as it was none other than (Y/N) who had saved this tiny ornament from being ruined. He smiles before flying back up to the top of the tree to which Derpy moves out the way for him.

(Y/N) pats Derpy on the head before he places the star on the very top of the tree and he proceeds to use magic to wrap a couple of tiny lights around it and turns it on to emit a bright yellow radiance to which everypony around awes at. (Y/N) smiles at his work before he looks down at all of the ponies who are gathered in the castle.

(Y/N): Thanks for coming everypony to Twilight and I's Hearth's Warming Eve party here at the castle! While there are still decorations getting set up for everypony to enjoy the special holiday today, we still can't thank you all enough for taking time out of your evening to not just celebrate with us, but also help our friends too. Enjoy your time on the festivities, desserts, mingling, and even getting to share gifts! Happy Hearth's Warming everypony!

Everypony around the castle cheers in response to this announcement as the girls in his harem look up at (Y/N) with bright smiles. Starlight Glimmer however just stares at (Y/N) with a blank look as even hearing that joyful spirit didn't put her in the mood. (Y/N) then flies down towards his mares.

Applejack: Looks like y'all really were preparing for somethin' like this, sugarcube.

(Y/N): Well, honestly, Twilight was the one who orchestrated this entire party. I actually just gave her the idea. I told her that this was my first Hearth's Warming here at the castle, yet things were looking kind of empty around here. She agreed with me and thought that we would throw a big party for everypony around Ponyville. Of course, this wouldn't be a party at all without my five other favorite girls to help out too.

Rarity: Oh, darling. As if we would ever say no to an invitation like this.

Pinkie Pie: Saying no to a giant holiday party invitation is like saying no to Hearth's Warming Eve! I could scream it all day if I wanted to! HEARTH'S WARMING EVE!!

She said hopping up into the air with a giant yell that made everypony around look at her for a quick second before they smile at Pinkie Pie and go back to their business.

(Y/N): *winks* And that's a Hearth's Warming Pinkie folks to all of you!

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy laughed from this while Rarity and Applejack rolled their eyes with small smiles on their faces from that.

Fluttershy: It still is really sweet that it was an invite to all of the ponies in Ponyville, (Y/N). I think everypony is going to enjoy it here.

(Y/N): Oh, I'll be making your evenings better by the end of tonight. The very first thing that I thought of when you guys were coming over were definitely presents. I've already got them stashed somewhere, but I'm not giving them out until later.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow for a reason to why (Y/N) said that.

Rainbow Dash: Wait, hold on. Didn't Twilight tell you a couple of days ago-

(Y/N): No presents? I know, I know. But I just couldn't help myself. I'm not a pony pleaser, but Rarity's not the only pony who knows that generosity plays a big role in Hearth's Warming.

Rarity giggles from this statement as (Y/N) continues.

(Y/N): Besides, giving gifts is an important factor in Hearth's Warming, so why not?

Applejack then goes to wrap a hoof around (Y/N) and pull him in close.

Applejack: Well, we'll be mighty excited for what ya got us this year, hun. No doubt that we'll love it.

Starlight apparently overheard the entire conversation that (Y/N) was having with the Mane 7 as she gets a rather dejected look on her face from hearing on how (Y/N) was giving gifts to his harem. While she was a little envious, she didn't really care that much since she wasn't even in the Hearth's Warming spirit.

She then looks back up to see (Y/N) flying up in the air, levitating up a couple of decorations as some other ponies were helping too. When he places a mistletoe sprig in the air, he notices Spike quickly running past him while carrying a candy cane in his claw as (Y/N) smiled at him before he sees Twilight flying over towards him.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)~

She doesn't say anything else as she flies over and gently grabs (Y/N)'s face to smooch him on the cheek to which the prince responds with an embarrassed blush on his cheeks, but he tried his best to look tough.

(Y/N): Wow, Twi. . . How long were you even waiting to surprise me with a quick move like that?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, you have been a big help, I kind of overheard something about presents, and I saw you trying to set up a mistletoe. Should I go on?

(Y/N): *smirks* Nah, you'll probably give a longer explanation about it from start to finish that's going to last the whole night.

Twilight playfully rolls her eyes from this while shaking her head.

(Y/N): And for your information, that surprise kiss wasn't that smooth.

Twilight Sparkle: *smirks* Oh, really?

(Y/N): Really.

Twilight Sparkle: And I suppose you can do better?

(Y/N) gives Twilight a half-lidded smile as he took that as a challenge.

(Y/N): Is grass green? Is snow white? Is water wet~?

(Y/N) then proceeds to quickly wraps his hooves around Twilight's body surprising her before he tips her over, and presses his lips onto hers to which some ponies around the area sees with some surprise too. Twilight stares at (Y/N) with glowing red cheeks, a bit shocked from being so forward and doing this in public which was rather reckless, but she couldn't help, but just melt into the kiss as she closes her eyes, kisses him back passionately, and placing her hooves on (Y/N)'s cheeks and started caressing them.

Some ponies around let out an "Awww" seeing (Y/N) and Twilight making out under the mistletoe as they thought that it was rather romantic to see a prince and a princess being so romantic with each other.

However. . . Starlight who saw this from the upper balcony as well. . . her reaction was a look of horror as her mouth drops open in pure shock and she was trying to hold back tears too as she was both jealous and bewildered to see that all of this is happening on a holiday to where she isn't even so excited about in the first place.

When both the prince and princess end their little makeout session, they both look at each other with embarrassed smiles on their faces before they slowly descended back down towards the ground while holding hooves with each other. They looked around the area with smiles to watch everypony around celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve in their castle. However, (Y/N) got a confused look as there was definitely one pony that he hasn't seen the entire time that all of them were down here.

(Y/N): Hey. Aren't we missing one? You know a certain student of ours?

Twilight Sparkle: Starlight? Now that you mention it, it has been quite a while and I haven't seen her since everypony around came inside of the castle.

Spike: What are you guys talking about? She's up there.

(Y/N) and Twilight look at Spike who was carrying a present to see him pointing up behind himself and they both look up to see Starlight looking down at all of them and her eyes widen when she sees that all three of them have spotted her. They both smile up at her and gesture for her to come down and join them. However, Starlight responded by furrowing her eyebrows and she turns around and walks away which surprised (Y/N), Twilight, and Spike.

They all look at each other as they definitely didn't expect that kind of reaction when there is a Hearth's Warming Eve party going on inside of the castle. Thinking that they need to go up and see what's wrong with her, the trio trotted off to go upstairs and see what's the matter with Starlight.

As Starlight was trying to walk off feeling pretty moody, she immediately runs into (Y/N), Twilight, and Spike making her stop in her tracks surprised.

(Y/N): Hey, Star. What's going on with that Un-Hearth's Warming Eve-like look?

Twilight Sparkle: Aren't you excited to spend your first Hearth's Warming Eve here in Ponyville?

Starlight Glimmer: I was thinking I might just skip it.

That declaration draws a stereo gasp of undiluted shock from prince, princess, and assistant alike, and the bottom of the gift box falls open to let a candy cane plop down on the carpet.

Spike: Skip Hearth's Warming Eve?!

(Y/N): Why would you want to do that?! It's a holly jolly holiday! It's why we gathered everypony here to celebrate it at the castle!

Starlight then starts pacing around thinking to herself.

Starlight Glimmer: I just find it all a little silly. It's mostly a day dedicated to presents and candy, isn't it?

Spike: And why would you deny yourself presents and candy? That's crazy talk!

Twilight's magic takes hold to drag him away as now both her and (Y/N) step up to the plate.

Twilight Sparkle: I THINK what Spike means to say is Hearth's Warming is about more than presents and candy. It's a time to spend with friends and family when we celebrate a very important day in Equestria's history.

(Y/N): The day that my mother founded Equestria and united the three pony tribes.

Starlight Glimmer: I think to most ponies, it's just an excuse for silly songs and fun, not a day to remember some old story.

She walks on ahead of them as (Y/N) and Twilight look at each other feeling conflicted. However, a moment of quick thinking on Twilight's part leads her to whisper something into (Y/N)'s ear to which he listens carefully and quickly smiles at as once Twilight finishes, he nods before teleporting himself in front of Starlight's path, startling her to a halt.

(Y/N): Then maybe you just need to hear a different type of Hearth's Warming story to really understand why it's such an important holiday for us ponies to celebrate.

Starlight Glimmer: Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns sing songs around a hearth to fight back an eternal winter caused by the mythical windigos? Ha! Every foal and filly knows that story.

Twilight then comes up right behind her.

Twilight Sparkle: Not that one. A classic holiday story that (Y/N), Spike, especially me know that's my personal favorite, "A Hearth's Warming Tale"!

Spike: Oh, I love that one!

He throws a hopeful grin at the less-than-enthused unicorn. (Y/N) then wraps a hoof around Starlight surprising her.

(Y/N): What do you say, Star? At least don't spend your Hearth's Warming Eve all alone here without your friends to help you through the evening.

Starlight Glimmer: What about managing your party though?

(Y/N): Our friends are already helping us take care of everything, so I'm sure they'll manage just fine without us for quite some time. Come on, Star. It's your first Hearth's Warming here. You shouldn't waste it being by yourself.

Starlight looks at (Y/N) before looking back towards Twilight and Spike who both nod in agreement with him. Starlight's never had a Hearth's Warming Eve like this before and she was kind of hoping for it to stay that way. However, (Y/N) parts from Starlight and raises up a hoof in front of Starlight to which her eyes widen at as she recalls their unbreakable promise that they made to each other. She sighs before hoof bumping (Y/N) back while managing to at least give him a small smile.

Starlight Glimmer: Alright. . . I already know only (Y/N) (L/N) isn't going to leave somepony to spend their Hearth's Warming alone. And I guess it's not like I have anything better to do anyway.

Twilight Sparkle: Great! Come on. I know where the book is in our library.

In the Castle library, Twilight's magic field pulls a book loose from a shelf and floats it away, steering it toward herself on a couch nearby. Spike sits in between her and (Y/N), and Starlight is across the way in one of two armchairs, facing her across a low table stacked with books. A reading lamp on a pole glows warmly.

(Y/N): The story of A Hearth's Warming Tale is quite similar to a holiday book that I read back when I was on Earth. It was called, "A Christmas Carol".

Starlight Glimmer: So what exactly are both stories about anyway?

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)'s story revolves around an old human who hated his holiday back on Earth. However, this is the story of a powerful unicorn named Snowfall Frost, who hated Hearth's Warming Eve. It all began many moons ago in Canterlot. . .

The scene undergoes a wavering dissolve to a winter nighttime cityscape full of holiday decorations and gently glowing windows. Ponies hustle and bustle in all directions, their general manner of dress suggesting the Victorian era in English history as the architectural style reinforces this impression.

Twilight Sparkle: Every home in Canterlot was filled with holiday spirit.

However, there was one particular building that sports only a couple of lit windows and exactly zero festive paraphernalia.

Twilight Sparkle: Every home. . . except one.

At cluttered worktable inside, a small weight is levitated onto one pan of a balance scale, evening it out against a rock in the other. The stone is floated away and the camera zooms out to frame Snowfall Frost, portrayed by Starlight. She wears a magenta formal jacket over a white shirt, a pair of tiny pince-nez glasses with light orange frames, a dark purple collar band behind a ruffled white ascot, and white spats on her rear hooves. Her forelock is in the divided style that she or rather, Starlight used at both ends of Season 5.

Twilight Sparkle: It was said of Snowfall that she was almost as studied as Star Swirl the Bearded.

Snowfall pivots partway toward the camera with the rock still in her magical grip, she crosses this workroom toward a caldron heating in the fireplace. An open book rests on a stand near the hearth, shelves of bottles and books stand at the walls, and tumbles of literature litter the floor. She magically flips pages and peers closely at one that shows a pictorial equation: rock plus unicorn horn magic equals gold, an alchemical transmutation. This fireplace, and every other one seen in the story, uses glowing orange crystals rather than flames as a source of heat and light.

Freeze frame, with the colors partially fading and going white around the screen edges.

Twilight Sparkle: "Almost," since everypony knows that Star Swirl was an expert at everything from transfiguration, dimensional calibration, teleportation—

Spike: We get it!

(Y/N): What is this? A Hearth's Warming Tale or Star Swirl's history book? Carry on.

Twilight Sparkle: Right. The point is, Snowfall was also a powerful unicorn.

Said unicorn moves closer to the cauldron, now seen to contain a bubbling green mixture.

Twilight Sparkle: She wanted to be perfect.

The rock, now suspended just above the surface, begins to sparkle and turn gold from top to bottom as she grits her teeth with the effort of the spell.

Twilight Sparkle: Anything that got in the way of that was a waste of time.

Such as the clangor of a bell being rung outside. She cries out in surprise, letting the rock drop and the spell dissipate so that it is its old mineral self by the time it shatters on the floor. Outside on the street, three stallions pass, ringing hoof-held bells, as she glares from a closed upper-story window.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Well, that batch is ruined. Snowdash!

The pony in question, played by Rainbow Dash, flies into the workroom. Snowdash wears a violet vest over a long-sleeved light yellow shirt and a red-orange bow tie. The sleeves are held by violet garters and cuffs, and each foreleg spots a dark purple sock with a hole at the hoof's front edge. Her mane is cut short and parted in the middle, but her tail is as unruly as ever.

Twilight Sparkle: Snowdash was Snowfall's loyal assistant.

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): What do you need?

Snowfall Frost floats a broom over towards her before crossing past her.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Get this mess cleaned up. Those foolish ponies were ringing those blasted bells outside the window and I lost my concentration!

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): *mumbles snarkily* Whoa, ponies actually enjoying Hearth's Warming Eve. Where did they get that crazy idea?

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Today is nothing to celebrate. Hearth's Warming Eve is a menace. A dangerous day for all of Equestria.

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): Dangerous?! It's awesome! It's the day we remember how the legendary (M/N) united unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies to come together in friendship to defeat the windigos!

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): That silly legend is the problem! *mocking* Telling everypony that "singing songs and being nice" will solve anything? I've spent years studying magic, and that's not how it works.

She adds a stomp on the end of this to hammer the point home.

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): I think you might be missing the point.

Snowfall teleports over and leans into her face so hard that Snowdash flops onto her back.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Work hard, learn, and use your skills to better Equestria. That's a worthy goal for any pony.

She then backs off before returning to her table and she floats up a mortar and pestle.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): *sarcastically* But, by all means, if you want to go home early, ignore all of the work you have, and spend the rest—

Snowdash, hunkered down to sweep the rock fragments up into the dustpan held by the handle in her teeth. She instantly drops gear and pops into the air during this line.

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): SWEET!

She bugs out, leaving Snowfall to voice a disgusted groan and watch her race down the street as a babel of cheerful voices floats up.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): I HATE Hearth's Warming Eve! All of Equestria would be better off if we just skipped the day altogether.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): ♪ Happy Hearth's Warming, they say in the street ♪

Closing the curtains with magic, she paces back toward the fireplace and up and over a stack of books.

♪ Happy Hearth's Warming, they think they're so sweet ♪

♪ Words said so often that they lack any meaning ♪

She then floats a couple of containers off a shelf.

♪ Why should I join in when I could be intervening? ♪

She then crosses the room again while retrieving more ingredients.

♪ Everypony loves this cursed holiday ♪

A sweep of one foreleg clears the worktable, and a cup is thrown down and various liquids are poured in, their colors merging to a sickly green.

♪ But would they be better off with it out of the way? ♪

The concoction belches up a cloud of vapor that fills the screen, and she emerges with the cup in her magical grip to approach the camera.

♪ Well, okay ♪

She peeks out of her front door and uses her aura to yank off the wreath that has been hung on it.

♪ Say goodbye to the holiday ♪

She then ducks back in with it, slams the door, and walks down the block.

♪ With my magic, I'll erase it ♪

Remove the bows that a mare has been hanging up over the windows. Elsewhere, a joyful Pipsqueak receives a doll from his parents.

♪ The greatest gift that I give today ♪

She strolls by, plucking it from his grip.

♪ And everypony will have to face it ♪

Now she watches the goings-on from her balcony.

♪ No more little games for you to play ♪

She is now seen having several stolen items under her power.

♪ After you say goodbye to the holiday ♪

She wheels toward the house and she enters, dumping the loot and slamming it shut. A moment later, she is at the fireplace and floating the items up.

♪ Goodbye, Hearth's Warming, you had a good run ♪

♪ Goodbye, Hearth's Warming, it's over, you're done ♪

Everything splashes into the caldron at once, triggering a wisp of vapor within which the ghostly images of a wreath and gift float up.

♪ Finally set free from your forced celebrations ♪

A glare from her sends them tumbling away.

♪ No need to reply to your trite invitations ♪

Pace the floor, levitating a calendar whose top page shows a wreath as this is ripped away.

♪ Calendar shorter by a single day ♪

Several bottles float off the shelves to hover nearby.

♪ Is my magic up to the test? ♪

A quick flip of book pages, stopping at the transmutation spell she was trying earlier.

♪ Time to see, I can't delay ♪

Back to the caldron as the stoppers are pulled and the components poured in.

♪ Say goodbye to the holiday ♪

♪ Prepare the spell, no hesitation ♪

She leans over the brew, letting the sluggishly bubbling surface reflect her determined visage.

♪ All memory shall fade away ♪

A cloud of blue vapor rises, forming into two windigos that drift toward the camera.

♪ See Equestria's new transformation ♪

The specters are then seen looming large and circling above her.

♪ No more shall anypony say ♪

♪ Happy Hearth's Warming. . . ♪

A devious giggle, and the camera zooms out slowly as she raises her forelegs in triumph.

♪ . . .after today! ♪

The windigos plunge back into the caldron, and she steps up to gaze into it with a look of fierce pride.

♪ After today. . . ♪

She then walks back over to the caldron while beaming savagely.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Once the spell is cast, all of Equestria will be better off, and they'll have me to thank for it!

Starlight Glimmer: Wait a minute. . .

We cut back to the Golden Oak Library as Starlight interrupts for a quick question. Spike has even procured a mug of hot chocolate.

Starlight Glimmer: Snowfall doesn't like Hearth's Warming Eve so she decides to cast a spell to get rid of it altogether? That seems a little extreme.

Spike: Says the pony who tried to make everypony the same by replacing their Cutie Marks with equal signs.

(Y/N) glares down at Spike before bonking him upside the head with a hoof to which Spike grunts in pain before rubbing his head.

Spike: Ow!! What did I do?!

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Maybe go back in time ten seconds ago using the Cutie Map and you'll see. . .

Twilight had a glare on him too before she turns her head back towards Starlight.

Twilight Sparkle: I THINK what Spike is trying to say is that everypony has their reasons for doing things. Even Snowfall. And if I could continue the story, we might just find out what they are.

Spike: Proceed.

Twilight rolls her eyes good-naturedly and turns back to the book.

Twilight Sparkle: "Snowfall was all set to cast her spell that would erase Hearth's Warming Eve for all time. . ."

Back inside of the story, we see the same exact frame that Snowfall Frost was at with her evil look before Twilight continues on with her narration.

Twilight Sparkle: ". . .when a voice from the hearth caught her attention."

Normal color and motion resume with the start of the aforementioned voice which belongs to Applejack and reverberates slightly in the space.

Applejack?: You sure you wanna go through with this?

Caught totally off guard, Snowfall sucks in a little gasp as a green apple floats up from the caldron.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Who's there?

The fruit pops in a burst of droplets and is followed by the translucent, pale gray-tinted head of the blond workhorse rising from the pot. Her hat has had some stitching and a snowflake pin added, and her mane is in two braids. She is. . .

Applejack?: The Spirit of Hearth's Warmin' Past, that's who.

The unicorn mage boggles at the new arrival, who rises fully out of the caldron and drifts down to a four-point landing. Her clothing consists of a long-sleeved white blouse under a sleeveless dress styled with a fringed hem, the sleeve cuffs, neckline, and skirt all carry snowflake accents.

With a little grin, she starts to back Snowfall up across the workroom.

Applejack (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past): And you and me have got to have us a little chat.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): A spirit?!

She then skeptically passes a hoof through her chest.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): I didn't cast any spirit summoning spell. What are YOU doing here?

The Spirit then passes right through Snowfall from front to back.

Applejack (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past): You don't think a spell like that would get by without some powerful forces noticin'? You've got our attention, Snowfall Frost, and we've got some pretty strong opinions on this spell of yours.

The ethereal contact causes bits of Snowfall's mane and tail to stand up on end briefly and throws a good shiver into her. The Spirit then stops to gaze out the window.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): We?

Applejack (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past): They'll be along in a bit. For now, it's just you and me. Let's get a move on. We got a ton to see and barely any time to see it.

This last pronouncement is accompanied by a top hat floating onto the holiday hater's head magenta to match her jacket, dark purple band for the one at her collar. It moves on its own, as Snowfall's horn is not lit.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): *chuckles disdainfully* I'm not going anywhere. I've got a spell to cast, and I DON'T need a history lesson about Hearth's Warming Eve.

Applejack (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past): We aren't goin' to the past to learn about the holiday. We're goin' to learn about "you."

With one deft throw of a lasso, she proves herself just as adept at roping as her present-day counterpart perhaps even more so, as it flies toward Snowfall Frost under its own power. The loop snags its target around the midsection, and she is jerked toward the window with a cry of surprise.

The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past soars out to trot through the night, while the yelling Snowfall is hauled along on the end of the suddenly animate rope. Motes of light and bursts of vapor appear around the pair, and an aurora borealis forms in the clouds. The reverb is gone from the Spirit's voice when she begins to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Applejack (Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past): ♪ As a young thing, life sure is somethin' ♪

A flash of white fills the screen and fades to show them descending toward a small village.

♪ You go makin' choices large and small ♪

They circle a large tree, which shrinks down to a sapling before they land. A faint glow suffuses Snowfall's form.

♪ Always growin' like a seedlin' ♪

♪ And playin' is like dreamin' ♪

Stop on the last hill before the village. The lasso is gone from Snowfall's midsection.

♪ And before you know it, big and tall ♪

♪ And every little bitty choice you make ♪

They make their way down the road and among the houses, all tricked out with simple Hearth's Warming finery.

♪ Sends you down a path to who you are today ♪

♪ So let's take a little trip down memory lane ♪

They watch as three foals across the central square to rendezvous with a filly who can only be Snowfall's younger self, wearing a sailor-suit dress and hat—this trip has gone into the past. She rears up happily at their arrival.

♪ And see just what the past has to say ♪

Aw, look how cute you were. Looks like you're not too upset it's Hearth's Warming Eve either.

A string of lights are being hung up by Young Snowfall Frost's magic and tilt down to the four foals. She begins floating gifts out of a nearby cart to give to the others.

♪ The seeds of the past ♪

♪ They grow pretty fast ♪

Snowfall Frost regards the tableau glumly.

♪ Just look at who you were back then ♪

Young Snowfall Frost hustles by, floating a box of decorations; she and it pass through the adult unicorn's insubstantial image.

♪ The seeds, as they grow ♪

♪ Look what they can show ♪

♪ Reveal the truth time and again ♪

Both glance off to one side, the camera panning in that direction to pass through a sudden blaze of blue-green light. Behind this, the view wipes to a schoolhouse classroom, which Young Snowfall Frost is entering with her box in tow. Setting it down, she begins to float and hang up items. However, we then see the edge of a dark gray garment and a gray muzzle set in a disapproving frown advance into view in front of her. This was a unicorn stallion with a gray coat, lined face, gray-black cloak over a severe suit jacket in a slightly lighter hue, straight, lank, dark gray mane and tail, and deep magenta eyes. This was Professor Flintheart.

Professor Flintheart: Just what do you think you're doing, Snowfall?

Young Snowfall Frost has inadvertently hung an ornament on the end of his horn. Flintheart speaks with a gravelly British accent and an utterly humorless tone.

Young Snowfall Frost: Decorating the classroom for Hearth's Warming Eve, Professor Flintheart!

Professor Flintheart floats the ornament away.

Professor Flintheart: You said you wanted to learn to be a powerful unicorn, did you not?

Young Snowfall Frost: I do!

Professor Flintheart: And what is the way that one becomes a powerful unicorn?

The youngster clears her throat and gathers herself proudly to recite from memory.

Young Snowfall Frost: *clears throat* Work hard, learn, and use your skills to better Equestria.

The tiny little filly grins as we Snowfall Frost herself with the Spirit right beside her. The latter throws a cocky smile to the former, who lets her mouth and ears droop dejectedly at having heard the old adage come out of her own mouth. She manages a weak grin before Flintheart resumes his drubbing of the filly.

Professor Flintheart: And how do these help you to learn magic?

Young Snowfall Frost: I want to be strong enough to stop windigos and help ponies!

Professor Flintheart: That's just a story we tell little ponies. Real magic takes time to learn.

The merest flick of effort is all he needs to crush the ornament and drop its shards into her box, much to her dismay.

Meanwhile, at the castle library, Spike was eyeing the book, and then shifted his gaze to (Y/N) and Twilight.

Spike: You know, I. . . I think I can relate to Snowfall Frost, but for me it was Santa Pony.

Starlight shoots Spike a questioning look while (Y/N) hit him with a deadpan. Upon seeing (Y/N)'s reaction, Twilight panics and attempts to get him to dismiss it.

(Y/N): You're. . . You're kidding, right? You're really gonna compare Snowfall's experiences to the moment you discovered the truth about Santa Pony?

Spike: Uh. . . truth about Santa Pony?

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), please! Please stop talking!

(Y/N): You mean you didn't know? Spike, you honestly think a pony would be able to travel all over Equestria in just a few hours?

Twilight facehooved in frustration while Spike took a moment to process (Y/N)'s words.

Spike: Hold up, are you implying that. . . Santa Pony isn't real?!

His shocked gaze melts to slight irritation as he shot Twilight a dirty look.

Spike: I should've known! No wonder I never got coal on Heart's Warming Eve!

Starlight Glimmer: Wait. . . you "wanted" coal?

Spike: I was taught they could be crushed into diamonds, and those are slightly more flavorful than gemstones.

He then shoots a glare back at Twilight.

Spike: Unless. . . "that" was a lie too.

Twilight Sparkle: N-No, Spike. Coal can be converted into diamonds, but the process has to be structured a certain way. A-Anyway, let's just get back to the story. . .

Back on scene, Young Snowfall Frost gazes up at him with big sad blue eyes as his field pulls down a bow and drops it back in.

Professor Flintheart: It's your choice. Spend your time learning to become a powerful unicorn or play with your toys and make nothing of yourself.

Exit the straitlaced instructor, every hoof clacking decisively against the floorboards as Young Snowfall Frost could only stand on four of her hooves crushed.

Applejack (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past): ♪ Then some distress, words so careless ♪

♪ Standin' there, you don't know what to do ♪

The pinkish-violet face hardens and she walks off past the two visitors.

♪ Feelin' helpless, you can't make it hurt less ♪

The other three foals playing outside are seen through the window, and zoom out to frame her looking on morosely.

♪ So you go and change your point of view ♪

They gallop toward her and as she glowers, turns away, and magically yanks the shade down.

♪ And in that moment, though you didn't know it ♪

Inside, the decorations hit the trash can and book and quills land on the desks.

♪ Your defenses set up walls you built to last ♪

Young Snowfall Frost bends her entire mental focus to the new pile of heavy reading.

♪ Leading to the pony you've become today ♪

♪ And the spell you're about to cast ♪

♪ It all comes from your past ♪

Snowfall Frost: ♪ The seeds of the past ♪

♪ We grow up so fast ♪

All four blue eyes fill with tears as Young Snowfall Frost pauses to wipe hers clear, then glares anew at her books.

♪ Some hurts never go away ♪

Applejack (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past): ♪ The seeds, as they grow ♪

♪ This we can't let go ♪

♪ All tied to this one holiday ♪

The screen splits horizontally and expands as we now see the caldron on Snowfall's fireplace in her perspective, back in the workroom. The image gradually comes into focus, and the camera cuts to her standing before the vessel. The ethereal glow around her form is gone, and she hitches in a little breath and looks fearfully around the place. Not another soul is present, living or otherwise.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Spirit? What am I supposed to—

She loses her power of speech upon looking off to one side, and she steps cautiously that way as the camera zooms out slightly. The thing that has caught her attention is a colossal present nearly twice her height and as wide as she is long.

After a long, tense moment, the top of the box bursts open, instantly shredding the ribbon and paper, and a blast of confetti and streamers rains down over the workroom as a black silhouette with white-glowing eyes stands up from within with forelegs spread wide. The curly forelock instantly gives this one away as Pinkie, but details of her outline suggest a fur-trimmed garment.

Pinkie Pie?: *reverberating* Snowfall Frost! It is I. . .

The lights come up on the pink nut as she leans down over the edge of the huge box. From this angle, a yellow robe trimmed with paler fur at cuffs and collar is readily visible, along with a cotton candy circlet nestled in her mane and studded with assorted candies.

Pinkie Pie?: *reverberating* The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents!

Snowfall backs up a step, then collects herself enough to be confused.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Um, don't you mean "Present", like the time?

The Spirit instantly zips down to her, revealing a candy-cane-striped belt with a piece of candy as a buckle, and holds up a stuffed bird doll.

Pinkie Pie (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents): No! Toys, Hearth's Warming doll. . . Here, want a cupcake?

She ducks back and forth to give one of each to Snowfall: the bird, a crude looking pony doll, and the sweet treat. The unimpressed unicorn ends up holding all three in her magic.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Fine, "Presents".

She then dumps all of these objects into a trash can.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): All of the pointless things ponies waste their time on.

The Spirit then hops across to the trash can to pull them back out.

Pinkie Pie (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents): Oh, Snowfall, it's not what the gift "is" that matters, it's what the gift "means!"

Snowfall Frost then puts a hoof to her face wearily.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): It doesn't "mean" anything. It's just stuff!

Pinkie Pie (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents): Exactly!

She then cuddles the cupcake lovingly.

Pinkie Pie (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents): Sometimes a cupcake means "I love you!" Or a toy means "Hi, how're you doing?"

She then tosses a book over her shoulder.

Pinkie Pie (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents): Sometimes a book means "Your mane looks amazing!" And sometimes a scarf means. . .

Wrapping it around her neck, she finds herself at a rare loss of words for a second.

Pinkie Pie (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents): Well, a scarf usually means you look cold. That one's easy.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): I don't understand anything you're saying.

Before Presents can explain any further, she undergoes a series of full-body jitters and shudders that float her clear of the floor.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): What's happening to you?!

Pinkie Pie (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents): My Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents Sense is going off! That means a song is coming on~!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Skip to 1:00)

Reaching up past the top edge of the screen, she pulls a new scene down like a windowshade. One very surprised unicorn finds herself being shoved out her front door and toward the camera by the hyperactive spirit. The screen fades to black as her face fills the screen, then snap immediately to the pair proceeding down a street filled with revelers and a few floating presents.

Pinkie Pie (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents): ♪ Take a look at everything around you ♪

A piled-high dessert platter is set on a cart and hauled away.

♪ All the smells that surely will astound you ♪

She bounds over to a group setting up decorations, then returns with a wreath to hang around Snowfall's neck.

♪ Open up your heart, it will surround you ♪

♪ In the magic of Hearth's Warming Eve ♪

A shivering, raggedly dressed mare revealed to look like Twinkleshine floats a mug of hot chocolate to her, and the camera zooms out to show Snowfall and the Spirit watching.

♪ The little things that make it better ♪

Foals sing carols for an elderly mare at her doorstep.

♪ Little ponies spreading cheer ♪

Presents gives each of the next three items to a different recipient.

♪ Give a toy, a hug, a sweater ♪

♪ Memories that last all year ♪

Snowfall tries to sneak away, only to find The Spirit right in her way as another escape is similarly cut off, and the pink mare shows off a gift in each of the three named sizes.

♪ The present's always filled with presents ♪

♪ Large, medium, and small ♪

A flick of her hoof causes tap shoes to appear on the rear hooves of Featherweight, who leans on a crutch and shivers in the cold.

♪ Sometimes the most important things ♪

♪ Aren't very big at all ♪

Mare and colt go into an eight-bar tap dance, first separately, then together, after which the camera tracks around a properly bewildered Snowfall and stops as she finds the Spirit beckoning to her from outside a brightly lit window.

♪ What a party, there's so much to see here ♪

Snowfall Frost decides to hesitantly approach her.

♪ Can't believe you didn't want to be here ♪

Inside the glass, showing a lively gathering within, their reflections slowly fade from the surface. Near the back of the room, Snowdash is laughing with Flutterholly and Merry, portrayed respectively by Fluttershy and Rarity. Patterned white dress with green trim for the yellow mare, with part of her mane in a coiled braid atop her head and red gown and hat with purple sashes for the white one.

♪ You'd have had a blast, I guarantee here ♪

Inside, Snowdash gathers the other two into a hug.

♪ This is the spirit of Hearth's Warming Eve ♪

Now inside, our Spirit of the Presents pulls a mug of cider for herself, clunks it with that of another stallion, and both drink.

♪ Cider's flowing, this is living ♪

She dances on a stage on which Octavia bows a violin and Vinyl Scratch works a gramophone and the unicorn wears a set of earpieces similar to those on a doctor's stethoscope.

♪ Come on and feel the beat ♪

A unicorn stallion floats a present to a mare, who passes it to the Spirit, who tosses it onto a giant stack.

♪ Life is better when you're giving ♪

Snowdash gives a box to another pony, who tosses it over so that it balances on Presents's nose as she flicks it up to the pile.

♪ Each time you do it feels so sweet ♪

Now she pops up here and there from the accumulation of boxes, eventually appearing at the summit and surprising Snowfall greatly.

♪ The present's always filled with presents ♪

♪ So come on, open your eyes ♪

♪ Spend time with ponies just like you ♪

♪ And watch your spirits rise ♪

A shift, and her precarious perch tumbles apart so that she surfs down on the topmost box as the avalanche blacks out the screen.

♪ The present's always filled with presents ♪

♪ Take a look around ♪

One lands neatly in front of Snowfall; it trembles a bit, and the Spirit bursts out and bounds away.

♪ The reason for the holiday ♪

♪ Is quite easily found ♪

♪ Yes, the reason for the holiday ♪

♪ Is quite easily found ♪

She holds the last word out as the camera zooms out to an overhead shot of the entire party, then pops up right in front of the camera.

♪ And the reason is to be with your friends! ♪

She throws out a load of confetti and as it disperses, the view wipes behind it to a close-up of a beaming Twilight on her couch.

Twilight Sparkle: *imitating Pinkie Pie* And the reason is to be with your friends!

Her expression shifts into one of puzzlement as (Y/N) and Spike were trying to hold in a laugh while Starlight smirks at her from the other side of the table.

Twilight Sparkle: What?

Starlight Glimmer: You know you're doing your Pinkie Pie voice, right?

Twilight then blushes while smiling sheepishly.

Twilight Sparkle: *blushes* I was not!

But she chooses to hide her face behind her book. (Y/N) and Spike looked at each other with stifled laughter, but the stallion could barely hold in anymore as he starts speaking while laughing at the same time.

(Y/N): *laughing* What am I even suppose to say to that? That's Pinkie folks or That's Twilight folks?

When Twilight gets rid of her blushed face, she lowers the book back down.

Starlight Glimmer: So, what happens next?

(Y/N): Seems like somepony really gettin' into the story now, huh?

Starlight Glimmer: How can I not? I never heard of this story even as a filly and it's just so hard to not relate with how much Snowfall Frost feels about Hearth's Warming. I'm really starting to get it the more I listen.

(Y/N): Well, hold your rump down and keep your ears clear because we're about to get to the best part~

(Y/N) said this with a grin while rubbing both of his forelegs together in excitement.

(Y/N): Twi, if you don't mind?

Twilight Sparkle: "Well, the party was—"

Spike: Wait!

(Y/N): Oh, come on! This is my favorite part of the story, Spike!!

Spike: I know, I know, but can we take a quick break? I need to refill my cocoa.

(Y/N) rolls his eyes along with Twilight as the latter groans.

Twilight Sparkle: *groans* Fine.

Spike then darts into the hallway and Twilight steps to the threshold.

Twilight Sparkle: But hurry up! We're almost to the best part!

It took no more than a few minutes as Spike climbs back up onto the couch, freshly recharged mug in hand, and he blows to cool off the contents.

Spike: Okay, I'm ready.

(Y/N): About time. Let's see it to the end now.

Up comes the book, and a wavering dissolve shifts the action back to the shindig.

Twilight Sparkle: The party was in full swing.

We dissolve back into the party that was taking place as Snowdash is seen with a dejected look on her face before Flutterholly and Merry step through to meet with her.

Rarity (Merry): Snowdash!

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): *listlessly* Hey, Merry.

Rarity (Merry): Why, whatever is the matter, darling?

Fluttershy (Flutterholly): Was it the eggnog? Oh, I knew I put in too much cinnamon!

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): Oh, no, the eggnog was awesome, Flutterholly, I'm just mad at somepony who was complaining about how awful Hearth's Warming Eve is.

Rarity (Merry): I don't suppose that pony's name starts with "Snow"?

Fluttershy (Flutterholly): And ends with "Frost"?

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): She said Hearth's Warming Eve is just an excuse to party, and we would all be better off spending time working to make Equestria a better place.

The entire crowd gathered around and heard this as they all start booing at the claim that Snowdash said that Snowfall Frost said. During this round of derision, The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents and Snowfall Frost are both outside again, the latter staring dumbstruck as the former gives her a knowing nudge and wink.

Rarity (Merry): What does Snowfall think a better Equestria looks like?

A vexed Snowdash then makes her forelock match Snowfall's and donned a pair of pince-nez glasses.

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): *mocking* Ponies working hard, learning, and using their abilities for the benefit of Equestria.

The two on the floor giggle at the impression, but the genuine article is genuinely chastened at least until a snowball smacks against the windowpanes, barely missing her. Young laughter rings through the night as a trio of foals were having winter fun in the street.

One puts the finishing touches on a snow pony, while another shakes off snow from the hit delivered by the third. A newly annoyed Snowfall is seen in the fore. The next two lines are slightly muffled by the windowpanes.

Rarity (Merry): It looks like we've got everything on Snowfall's list right here.

Fluttershy (Flutterholly): I think a perfect Equestria looks a lot like a Hearth's Warming Eve party.

Behind Snowfall Frost, the curtains are pulled shut to cut off as she turns away. Tears begin to well in her eyes. Here comes The Spirit up alongside, her mouth curved into a knowing smile.

Pinkie Pie (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents): Me too! Too bad it's going to be the last one ever! Ever! Ever! Ever!

She repeats the last word three more times, her voice steadily decreasing in volume as she backs into a thick patch of fog that has begun to roll in which scares Snowfall.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Spirit? What do you mean? What's going to happen?!

The fog has now thickened enough to blot out all details of her and the houses. She slowly backs up through a thinned patch as the ground under her hooves is now blanketed with snow, and an unforgiving wind howls across the drifts. The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents is gone.

Snowfall Frost comes up short upon noticing that a tendril of the vapor is winding its way around her form, and a longer shot picks out a hooded silhouette that stands perhaps three times her height. A horn juts from the head bent down toward her, and the thickened fog is issuing from the hem of the cloak that covers every bit of the towering form except for two dark, shod, raised forelegs within the folds.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): A head-on shot of the apparition, seen from over her shoulder, picks out the barely visible shape of a crescent-moon brooch at the throat. The voice, when it comes, is an otherworldly, reverberating variation of Princess Luna's.

Princess Luna?: I am the Spirit of Hearth's Warming Yet to Come.

She spreads her wings on the end of this blowing a gust of snow at Snowfall Frost as the unicorn shields her face for a second.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Are you here to show me what future Hearth's Warming Eves are like?

Princess Luna (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Yet to Come): No, for there are no more Hearth's Warming Eves for me to show.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Why not?

The dark figure straightens up to full height, eyes burning white under the hood.

Princess Luna (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Yet to Come): You will succeed in erasing the holiday, as you wished.

She lights the end of her horn, fully illuminating her face. The added light shows the color of her cloak not as a solid black, but rather as the same dark blue-violet of her coat, with black patches on hood, collar, and haunch to match the background of her Cutie Mark.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): And what happens?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Skip to 0:24)

Zoom in between and past them, toward a scattered few chimneys and rooftops that protrude from the frozen expanse, and pan slowly along the ravaged cityscape. The odd reverb is gone from the spirit's voice now, but her words still echo slightly.

♪ I see a cold wind blowing through ♪

♪ I see days neither fun nor free ♪

Snowfall turns fearfully toward her and backs away from an accusing hoof toward the edge of a cliff.

♪ I see a future caused by you ♪

♪ I see a path not meant to be ♪

The unnerved unicorn gets even more shaken up by a snowy gust of wind that roars up from the abyss behind her. Now The Spirit swirls her front hooves in the air to generate a wisp of vapor that resolves into a spectral Pegasus mare and stallion who dance above the snow.

♪ The future should be filled with magic ♪

They bow to each other.

♪ Dreams and wishes brought to life ♪

She leans into view in the fore, the scene darkening behind her.

♪ But the days ahead are dark and tragic ♪

♪ No time for hope when all is strife ♪

The dancers dissipate at her gesture as now she leans down over Snowfall.

♪ Whatever might have been ♪

♪ All the dreams that ponies share ♪

♪ Because of you, Snowfall Frost ♪

♪ Now the future is a cold nightmare ♪

Two windigos swoop down from the clouds and arc back upward.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): Windigos?! They aren't real! It's just a little filly's story!

Princess Luna (The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Yet to Come): They are all too real, Snowfall, and your actions will allow them to return. The future of Equestria shall be bathed in a blanket of eternal snow!

Snowfall Frost looks on horrified as the windigos circle through the unceasing blizzard.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): No! I never meant for this to happen! I didn't understand! I didn't see how important Hearth's Warming Eve was! Please, spirit! I haven't cast the spell yet! Is there still time?! I'M SORRY!!

She covers her face with her front hooves as her last two words echo through the night.

Fade in to a close-up of her in the same position, with the floorboards of her workroom replacing the snowdrifts now. She uncovers her eyes and, after a moment to confirm that she is no longer lying in the middle of an apocalyptic winter storm, dares a look around the place while propping herself up on her forelegs.

She opens a window to the sound of a ringing bell, the holder is a stallion, one of several grown ponies and foals gathered in the street below. Snowfall regards them with newfound joy.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): There's still time!

She ducks back into the workroom clearly having something better planned than her former sinister one.

The party that The Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents took her to visit is seen and stop on Flutterholly and Merry. They start toward the door at the sound of a knock and just behind Snowfall, now standing at the door, as they open it and regard her with sudden shock.

Rarity (Merry): Oh, my.

Fluttershy (Flutterholly): Snowfall Frost?

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): I was hoping I wasn't too late for the party?

She then shyly floats up several presents into view.

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): I brought gifts.

There comes the scratch of Vinyl Scratch's gramophone needle being yanked off the record, and the over-flying Snowdash is so floored that she spits out the mouthful of cider she has been working on. She has rearranged her mane back into its usual style and ditched the pince-nez glasses she used to imitate her employer.

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): Boss?!

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): I was wrong earlier, about Hearth's Warming Eve. It's not all about singing and presents. The singing and presents are all about celebrating the ponies in our lives. The ponies we should listen to more often: our friends.

The blue face comes over in an accepting smile. Snowfall then distributes wrapped goodies to Flutterholly, Merry, and Snowdash with her magic.

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): Wow.

Balancing her gift on a front hoof, she rips the paper away with her teeth to find a corked bottle showing a label marked with a yellowed, creased clipping of. . .

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): Dragon toenail? Uh. . . thanks?

Starlight Glimmer (Snowfall Frost): *smiles sheepishly* I was in a hurry. I'll do better next time.

Rainbow Dash (Snowdash): Ha. You kidding? No one's ever given me dragon toenail before! It's awesome! Now come get some eggnog!

She flies off and returns with a mug.

Twilight Sparkle: "And from then on, it was always said of all the Hearth's Warming Eve celebrations, Snowfall's was the Hearth's Warmingest."

Back to reality as the story was finally finished and Twilight closes the book shut.

Twilight Sparkle: "The end".

Her magic closes and lowers the book.

(Y/N): *sighs* A festive story as always.

She and (Y/N) hops off the couch to cross the room, followed by Spike, who leaves his mug on the table. As Twilight walks over to put the book away, (Y/N) walks up to Starlight.

(Y/N): Thanks for letting Twi and I read you a brand new Hearth's Warming story, Starlight. There are more that I like too such as "The Harmony Express", "How the Griffon Stole Hearth's Warming", or even "The Night Before Hearth's Warming".

Twilight Sparkle: Though as much as we would read those for you as well. We have a party to get back to downstairs.

(Y/N): You're welcome to join us if you want to, Star. It's up to you.

As prince, princess, and dragon head for the door, Starlight looks at all of them exiting before looking down deep in thought and doubt. While she has never really been too excited about Hearth's Warming for many years growing up, hearing the story that both (Y/N) and Twilight read her made her really think hard on if that should change this year.

She's been abandoned, became a dictator, fought her former enemies and became their students and friends. . . but she realizes that none of that compared to something that she gained legitimately after all of the years of feeling like she's been alone. . .

Starlight turns back to the door to where the trio exited while thinking about the events of A Hearth's Warming Tail and realize that these weren't just her friends anymore. . .

They were her family. . . A real one that she actually was given and deserved. The thought of it all made her smile just a little bit as she contemplates joining the party one last time. . . before taking her leave out of the library as well.

On the balcony on which she watched the festivities before, she steps onto it from the nearest doors, magically opening them, and props her forelegs on the rail for another look. (Y/N) and Twilight is now among the merrymakers, a mug of cider held in Twilight's aura while (Y/N) was eating a piece of fruitcake, and they look up toward Starlight.

(Y/N): Well, well, well. Looks like tonight we're going to have the whole gang after all.

Twilight Sparkle: Welcome to the party! Happy Hearth's Warming, Starlight.

Starlight Glimmer: *smiles* Happy Hearth's Warming, guys.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Starlight trots down the stairs to the entrance hall and accepts a mug offered by Rarity.

Starlight Glimmer: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is filled with presents ♪

♪ Some take you by surprise ♪

She taps it against Twilight's.

♪ A story shared by your good friends ♪

♪ That makes your spirits rise ♪

She walks by the Apples' pie cart, no longer carrying the drink, as Applejack flips one onto the pile from her head, then passes a pile of gifts presided over by Pinkie and Rainbow. A jingle bell is tied to the end of the fluffy magenta forelock.

♪ Sometimes you just let go of the past ♪

♪ Enjoy the present while it lasts ♪

Rainbow Dash then flies across to plug two strings of lights together and lift them off the floor.

♪ And really it's not that much to ask ♪

♪ With good friends by your side ♪

Behind the multicolored tail, the view wipes to the upper reaches of the hall. Strings of crystal lights wink on at all heights as the camera tilts down including the ones wrapped around Derpy's midsection. Still perched atop the tree, the cross-eyed Pegasus literally glows from one end to the other due to both these lights and the star topper on her head. Starlight then gets a loop of jingle bells placed around her neck.

♪ Now it's time to celebrate ♪

Ponies: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

She magically passes a cupcake to Apple Bloom from the Cakes' table.

Starlight Glimmer: ♪ All together, feeling great ♪

Ponies: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again ♪

Rarity then floats a holly sprig and nestles it by Fluttershy's ear to which (Y/N) surprises her quickly with a peck on the cheek making the Pegasus blush while Rarity giggles.

Applejack and Pinkie flip items off their heads to each other a cupcake, which Pinkie catches in her mouth, and a small gift that lands on Applejack's head.

Starlight Glimmer: ♪ Can hardly wait ♪

♪ We'll party 'til late ♪

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Spike gather, the dragon gulps down the contents of a gift bag filled with gems.

♪ Our favorite date ♪

Ponies: ♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once a— ♪

♪ Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve ♪

♪ Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve ♪

♪ Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again! ♪

With the song ending, (Y/N) glows his horn (F/C) before shooting a small blast into the air that immediately explodes like fireworks and everypony around cheers as this Hearth's Warming party has definitely been one that everypony in Ponyville will remember. Seeing all of the happy faces around especially his six mares plus dragon and student, (Y/N) gestures in a direction.

(Y/N): Okay, who is ready to open some presents from your one and only stallion~?

Pinkie Pie: Ooooh! Me, me, me! I call dibs in opening the first one!

She bounds over (Y/N) to hop into the room behind him to go and find her present to which Rainbow Dash responds with widened eyes before smirking.

Rainbow Dash: Nuh-uh! If anypony is seeing their gift first from our stallion, it's going to be me!

She flies after Pinkie to race her to get to open and see her present from (Y/N) first. Fluttershy giggles Rarity deadpans while shaking her head and Applejack rolls her eyes as the Earth pony and unicorn smirk at each other before following after them and Fluttershy follows right behind. As (Y/N) watches them go inside, Twilight walks up beside (Y/N) with a smirk on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: You just couldn't help yourself, could you?

(Y/N): Asking me to not spend even a single bit for you guys on Hearth's Warming Eve? That's one of those challenges to where I can barely have any self-control.

Twilight then looks away rather sheepish for a quick second.

Twilight Sparkle: Welllll. . . you're not the only one. . .

(Y/N)'s eyes widened from this as he turns to Twilight surprised.

(Y/N): Are you telling that you got me a gift when it was you who clearly said, "no presents this year?"

Twilight Sparkle: I. . . kind of predicted you would, so. . . *whispers* I left yours in your room when I called you to help put the decorations up.

(Y/N) continues to look at Twilight surprised before smirking back at her.

(Y/N): Remind me how I was able to meet such a crafty princess like you?

Twilight Sparkle: *giggles* Happy Hearth's Warming, sweetie.

Twilight kisses him on the cheek before walking over to join her friends in opening the presents that (Y/N) got for them. Little did he know that Starlight overheard them just a little bit and while Starlight still felt a little bit jealous of seeing (Y/N) and Twilight be so cute together. She couldn't help, but smile as she knows that while she isn't part of (Y/N)'s harem, she is proud to be his friend and part of his family. She walks up to him with a nervous smile.

Starlight Glimmer: You know. . . I consider you to be a pretty lucky pony.

(Y/N): *smirks* What? To have nine mares to share my love with? Yeah, no denying that, Star.

Starlight Glimmer: Well, they're not just your girlfriends. I've observed the way you all treat each other, and. . . I think it goes without saying that you got yourself a family.

(Y/N): *chuckles* You act like you don't have one either. You're a part of this "family" as much as they are. Maybe not in the ways they are, but. . .that doesn't make you any less special than them.

Starlight Glimmer: *nods* I know. . .

Starlight and (Y/N) observer the Mane 6 and Spike digging into the gifts the prince picked out for them. Pinkie was met with a cupcake with swirls mixing of pink and (F/C) colors. She giddily jumps as she stuffed it into her mane, earning a couple chortles from the rest of the group.

Starlight Glimmer: I feel a little silly for not figuring it out sooner. I mean, from the Hearth's Warming story, the party, and this. . . I definitely should've figured it out sooner.

(Y/N): Hey, it's nothing to beat yourself up over. Not everything comes to you in the moment.

Starlight Glimmer: I guess. . . though, the way you treat those mares is. . . really heartwarming.

Her gaze falls to the ground while (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at her.

(Y/N): Was. . . was that a pun? Are you doing puns now?!

From his tone, Starlight could feel a shockwave of terror course throughout her body. She lifted her head up and waved her hooves to dismiss it.

Starlight Glimmer: U-Uh, i-it wasn't intentional, I swear!

(Y/N) remained still for a moment before his serious expression shifts to laughter, leaving Starlight in a confused state.

(Y/N): Haha. . . I'm just playing with you, Star.

Starlight huffs, puffing her cheeks out and crossed her hooves. She quickly jerked her head away from (Y/N).

Starlight Glimmer: Not funny, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Aw, come on. Don't pout, Star.

Starlight Glimmer: You made me get all discombobulated! I'm not looking at you!

(Y/N): Well, if you won't turn around, guess I'm gonna have to toss this Heart's Warming present.

Starlight lifted one brow as she side glances back at the Prince. Though, upon fully processing his words, she turns her full body around to face him.

Starlight Glimmer: Hold on, are you saying that—

(Y/N) smirked as he closed his eyes, and within a matter of seconds his horn flowed. Almost instantly, he conjured a cyan, lilac, and purple present only a few feet in front of him. The color pallete of the wrapping paper indicated that it was meant for the mare next to him. Starlight was speechless, unsure how to feel about it.

Starlight Glimmer: *voice breaking* Y-You were. . . y-you were thinking. . . of me?

(Y/N): Well, you're not exactly an easy mare to forget, and I'd feel terrible if I didn't get you a present.

(Y/N) slowly passed the present over to Starlight, the mare still in awe from the presence of the present.

(Y/N): Happy Hearth's Warming, Star.

Starlight takes the present as she silently took a moment to observe it. A smile creeps its way onto her face, followed by a stream of tears falling down her cheeks. Using one of her hooves, she wipes them away.

Starlight Glimmer: I. . . I can't believe it. I haven't received a gift in like, ages!

(Y/N): Was the last one you got from Sunburst?

Starlight Glimmer: No, the last one I got was. . . from my parents. They were the only ones that ever gave me a gift on this holiday. I just. . . Thank you, (Y/N).

Hearing that made (Y/N)'s heart melt as he definitely knows the feeling of receiving a gift for the first time from an actual friend that you made.

(Y/N): This is your new home, Star. . . And your new family. I hope you love all of it.

(Y/N) turns away from Starlight as the unicorn mare looks down at her gift before back up towards (Y/N) who was getting ready to join in seeing his girlfriends' reactions to seeing their gifts, but as he walked away. . . He wasn't prepared for what Starlight did next. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

As she kisses him on the cheek, (Y/N)'s eye popped open in shock and his face turned completely red as while he was used to this when it came to his harem, he definitely wasn't expecting that from his own student. (Y/N) continued to stand in place frozen when Starlight was done as she looks away with a small blush before walking off to join the others.

When (Y/N) got a hold of himself again, he stares after Starlight before chucking sheepishly while rubbing the spot that she kissed as he can clearly see now that Starlight likes him and if he was being honest. . .

He kind of likes her too.

When Starlight walks into the room where the other mares were, she sees with a smile that they were still opening presents as Fluttershy opens hers to find an animal caller to which she regards with complete excitement. As Twilight levitates hers up, Starlight walks up right beside her, floating her present right in front of her to which Twilight sees with surprise before she smirks.

Twilight Sparkle: I had a small feeling he was going to surprise you with yours sooner or later.

Starlight Glimmer: Well, only (Y/N) (L/N) can plot such a "heartwarming" Hearth's Warming. . .

Twilight raises an eyebrow at the pun to which Starlight rubs the back of her head knowing that was just as corny as when she unintentionally said it earlier.

Starlight Glimmer: I came up with that by accident. . .

This causes both of them to chuckle.

Twilight Sparkle: Well. . . What do you think of your first Hearth's Warming Eve party here in Ponyville, Starlight?

Starlight Glimmer: From all of the other ones that I've experienced. . . this one. . . is definitely the best!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Starlight then does her victory dance again as she levitates herself up into the air and twirls around with her present floating around her as Twilight joins in with by doing a quick spin in the air before landing on the ground while spreading her wings out. Starlight finishes with a little backflip in the air as the two of them wink at the camera before the screen fades to black.

Chapter 7 End.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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