Chapter 10

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Rainbow Dash's POV
It had been about 3 sunrises since the gathering. Even though Pinkie was disappointed she couldn't go, I didn't mind. After all, napping is my favorite pass time. Well, other than being fast! I smiled at the thought of running, and without hesitation, bolted out of camp.
Everything around me was a blur, my fur whipping behind me has I ran faster. Suddenly, I tripped on what felt like a root, and stumbled down the hill I wan running across. My body splashed harshly in the river that marked the end of Windclan territory. I immediately got out of the water and shook my fur.
"Didn't like the water much?" I jumped a little as I whipped my head to see a tom standing in front of me. He was a muscular brown tom with many battle scars, especially on his face.
"Who are you?" I asked casually. He chuckled and purred a deep soothing purr. "My name is Scarface. I'm from Riverclan." I dipped my head. "I'm Cyanpaw." "Nice to meet you, Cyanpaw." He said.
"T-thanks..." I stammered, my pelt growing hot.
"Hey, why don't you meet me here tonight? I'd like to get to know you better." He mewed. "O-ok." I replied.
"Good, see you then." He then bounded off deeper into his territory, but not before flashing me a handsome smile. I sighed happily. As much as I hated to admit it, I was looking forward to see him that night, when normally I wouldn't feel that way with any other pony. I felt warm and tingly, and... Happy. What is this feeling?
Ok, major shizzle is going down! Bet you didn't expect that! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahem. Anyways, I wrote this chapter differently than I normally would since I don't add much detail, but I did it, mostly because I know that some of you are dying of Fangirl Itis. But it only lasts about 24 hours or so... Anyway, I can just imagine the look on one of my friend's face because I added my OC Scarface, and for people who RP with me and her, you know that hell will break loose XD Anyway, next chap is RD's POV again, since I haven't torchbearer you enough XD anyways, the wait is gonna be wooooooorth iiiiiit!

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