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OH. MY.GOD. I AM ALIVE ONCE MORE TO CONTINUE WRITING THIS STORY! Do people actually still read this? *shrugs* whatevs. POINT IS IS IM STILL UPDATING BELIEVE IT OR NOT! Now I'm going to be honest, after I got over writers block, I procrastinated working on this book, and I even lost interest, but after reading through the comments and such I Finnally decided to update :3 also I plan on fixing the errors in my chaps and I will edit them n such. Anywho's, ENJOY!
Chapter 15
(Redleaf/Applejack's POV)
I looked around. 'Surely there must be something I can use!' I thought frantically. I spotted a tree with branches that led to the other side of the fence where Fluttershy was taken. 'I can use that to jump over the fence!' I realized.

I climbed over each branch, and when I reached to the top of the fence, I jumped over it to the other side.

Before any two-leg had the chance, I quickly hid, not wanting to be captured like Fluttershy. I carefully moved around the house, looking for something that I can go in and out of. It was tough since most of the possible openings were either closed or out of reach.

When I went around a corner of the house, I spotted a window closer to the ground. I darted towards it. And luckily for me and Fluttershy, it was open. I jumped through the window, looking around.

"Fluttershy!" I called. "Fluttershy? Are you there?" It was silent.

I was about to call again, but before I could, two cats walked towards me. It was Dinx and Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy! Thank goodness your alright!" I said, resting my head on her shoulders. As I did, I gave a brief glare at Dinx, and even though he did noticed it, he ignore it.

"Now I can get you out of here!" I said happily.

I went back to the window and was about to leave when I noticed Fluttershy didn't follow me.

"Fluttershy? What's taking so long? C'mon!" I frown. "F-Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy took a deep breath and sighed. She slowly walked towards me. At first, a faint spark of hope flickered in my chest, but it quickly died afterwards.

"Listen applejack. I know you want me to go back with you, but I can't!" Fluttershy said.

"What... Why?" I said, confused.

'Fluttershy needs to come back! Me, her, and the others need to stop the chaotic magic discord released in order to save the cats!' I thought to myself.

"It's not that I don't want to go back with you, it's just... Well...I can't live like them!" She said.

"I know their ways are different Flutters, but-"

"No Applejack!" Fluttershy interrupted. "They hunt and eat animals that I love and take care of! They fight over land and cats die because of it! Everyday of their lives is a struggle, and they always risking their lives! I can't handle that life applejack! I just cant!" Fluttershy said, blinking back tears. Fluttershy sighed.

"And so, that's why I'm a kitty pet now."

"What? But Fluttershy! Those cats need us!"


"h-Huh?" I said, confused.

"They need YOU. They need Twilight, and rarity, and rainbow dash, and pinkie pie. But they don't need me. I can't do anything to help them. I'm just the one that holds everyone down..." She said.

"I've made up my mind, and there is nothing you can do or say that'll change my mind" Fluttershy  said.

I sighed sadly. As much as it frustrated me that she wouldn't return, and as much as I wanted to argue with her and change her mind, I couldn't. It wasn't worth it. "Ok Flutters... I guess this is goodbye then.." I said.

"I'll miss you" I add.

"You'll visit me, right?" Fluttershy asked, her kind smile showing for the first time since we came here.

"Of course I will." I said, smiling, holding back my tears. "Goodbye Fluttershy" "Goodbye Applejack"

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