Disappear...and Free (OneShot)

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Saeran Choi just a normal high school boy. He have normal life, normal family and so on.

He has once thought that his life will never chance, maybe there will be, but he think that he can slove it easily.

However, that just when he was too young to understand how life chance suddenly.

Saeran is a type of people who don't talk much, or don't want to get close to anyone, even his twin brother.

Saeyoung Choi never understand what his brother think about, and he never understand what Saeran want to do. He do love his brother, thought, but he know that the more he come closer, the more Saeran move away, so he have no choice but to stay away from the distance that his brother want.

That what Saeran is it. From when he grow up to now. However, life always chance, and frome the day he come to high shcool, everything have change his usual life.

It is a nice evening, however, Saeran still stay at classroom, while his brother has gone home.

He wait for all of the student have gone, so that he can quitely go to the music room. He has been there for a week. Well, because, there is something special there...

Saeran come there from the moment he go through the music room

There is one day, Saeran are fall asleep while in class. Because last night he didn't sleep much, and the reason why he can't sleep that because his brother make so many noise while he sleep, and Saeran can not awake him.

So now, the time Saeran waked up, there is no one there. He and his brother are in diffrent class, so perhaps Saeyoung do not know that Saeram haven't came home yet.

"Oh god.." Saeran mumble "I think mom will mad at me if I get home late!!"

Saeran stand up in hurry. He pick up his bag, then leave. While he leave, he pass through the music room, and there, he hear the sound of piano.

Saeran very suppries. Everyday he walk pass the room, but there is no one here. Also, he hear everybody said that there is no one use this room anymore, because many year ago, there are a sudent die in here. No one know why he die, but everyone guess that he study too much and while he try to relax, he can not control his mind and then, Saeran think about the bomb that exploded.

From that, every evening, there are some student who go home late hear the song from the piano from the room that student die. When he still alive, he is a famous pianist, and maybe from that reason, he have too much show that make his mind become uncontrol, and then, he die because he is too tired.

But, if that student love to play piano too much, so why he die?

So maybe, because of that reason, he come back the place he die in every evening, to play piano forever.

However, it just a rumor, and Saeran are not interesting in mystery story, but now...

Saeran for the first time, he fell scared, but also excited, don't know why.

Saeran touch the door, and open it quitely, then he put his head inside.

There is a boy, with a blond hair, purple eyes, wearing uniform of the school, is playing piano.

The first think come to Saeran's mind is..

"Oh my god! He look so beautiful!!"

He is a man, and a man praised a man...Ok, Saeran just praised him, and there is no more out of that..

However, he really beautifull, and he play the song so well. What it is name? Ah! Childhood Memory! By Bandari.

Saeran actually very like music, especially instrumental music, and this song...he hear on his phone many time, but hear by the pianist, by the real sound come from the piano, he think he can stand here for an hour, if that student didn't stop and look at him with a suppries eyes.

"Oh...Hello?" Saeran said with embarrassed voice.

"Oh..." his voice like from a far distance "You can see me? Not suppirse much..."

Saeran look confused. Did he hear something wrong?

"Excuse me, but what do mean when you said that?"

"Ah well...Not thing but..." that student give a sigh "I not belong here anymore..."

"What do you mean?? And...What your name??" Saeran are more confused

"Oh, me? My name is Yoosung Kim...and like I said, I don't belong here anymore..."

Saeran feel his body rigided. He now know why Yoosung say that. He try to say to him that he had die...

"So...the rumor is true..." Saeran say slowly "You are real..."

"Real?? Me!?!" Yoosung smile "I don't think I really have a real body or just...well, I don't know what to say more..."


"You are not the only that saw me..." Yoosung smile "Before you, there are another guy..."

"Oh. Who is him?"

"Do you want to know? You want to know it so badly?"

Saeran think that not a good idea. Well, at least that student are not die because in many story, you will be possessed by ghost, and Yoosung is...well...not here anymore..

"Yeah well, I think I don't want to know much...However, I feel so sorry for you...You play so well!! I very love it!!" Saeran said with a happy voice "Well...I think that you have been hear this many time.."

"You're right!" Yoosung laughed

So weir that dead people have a cheerful laugh..

"Childhood Memory? Do you love that?"

"Yes. How about you?"

"You ask the right person!"

For the first time, Saeran talk a lot, and he feel like he can talk for an hour! Yoosung know a lot about instrumental music, and the voice of Yoosung so real that he think he still alive.

Yoosung look don't have any scar or anything to show that he have been kill. He just like a normal student...

However, Saeran have a question..

"So...Yoosung...I want to know that...why are you still here? Why don't you just...you know.."

Yoosung smile dissapear. Saeran really want to slap his mouth!! Really!!! Because he has destroyed the best moment...

"Why I am still here?" Yoosung mumble "I...I don't know..."

"I am so sorry for ask you that question!! Please don't possessed me!!"

"Why do I have to that?" Yoosung laughed "It's normall that you ask me like that!! Don't worry!"

"Well, I think I can breath now..."

"Ha ha, yeah...and I think you should go home now! It is late!"

"Yes..." Saeran look at Yoosung "Tommorow...Can I meet you?"

"Just come here...You are wellcome here!!"

"Also that strange guy?"

"Yes..but don't worry! He went here when you are in class, so you won't meet him! Oh and...What your name?"

"Ah, it is Saeran Choi!"

"Yes, Saeran! See you tommorow!"

So from that day, Saeran become Yoosung friend. Although he never see the other guy, but he didn't care much, because he can spend time with Yoosung.

After school, Saeran always come to music room, listen to the sound of the piano, which are play by Yoosung.

Saeran can't take his eyes off Yoosung, when he was playing piano. The light from the sun are falling on Yoosung's body, and illuminated the beauty of Yoosung.

Saeran can see his sadness, but also the happiness. Yoosung when not on the piano or in the piano are the same, but the beauty chance a lot.

When he not play piano, he so innocent and adorable, but when he play, he like he have many personality inside him, and they are all together make a great song, and this make Saeran feel like he don't have any conected to Yoosung

However, Saeran just realize that he can connect him with Yoosung, if he play like Yoosung, which mean...

"You can play violon?!" Yoosung say in cheerful voice, his eyes widen "Why don't you tell me soon?! Now you won't be alone anymore!!"

"What you mean??"

"I don't want you sit there, with a lonely side appear, and I feel very sad that I make you feel lonely..."

"Yeah well..."

"Don't worry! You won't be lonely anymore!!"

Yoosung's smile make Saeran feel better. Saeran love Yoosung's smile so much!!! He can think about it everytime!!

But, today Yoosung look a bit sad

"What happend, Yoosung?"

"He didn't come here...anymore..."

"The other guy?"


"Hey hey..." Saeran come close to Yoosung "I still here with you, right? Don't be sad!!"

"Yeah but...I just scared that...you will....leave me to..." Yoosung smile weakly "I think too much, right?"

"Yes! Cheer up!!"

Saeran so happy to see Yoosung smile, however, he feel a little jealous with that guy. He don't know why, but like he is the first one to know Yoosung had made Saeran feel like his heart is full of black.

Saeran think he had fall in love with Yoosung, not because he is a pianist, but because he is so lonely...and so...lovely...with a smile that always make Saeran think he still alive...

But....will he ever dissapear?

"You come home late, again.." Saeyoung say, look at his brother "Where have you been?"

"Why do you ask?" Saeran said

"Well. First, if you do same thing in many time, they will notice you!! Second, I am your brother, and don't deny it!!"

"Well, I can't deny the second one, but the first one.."

"Hey hey, I know what time you will get home, Saeran! You can't hide it from me!!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever..." Saeran look pass his brother's laptop, and his eyes start widen "You are writing a poem?!?"

"Yeah, well..."

"Oh my god!! My brother are sick now!!"

"Hey!! It's not like that!! It's just...." Saeyoung sighed "I have a crush.."

The silient pass through the room, and Saeyoung are ready to shut Saeran's mouth up!!



"What is the name of that unlucky girl?"

"Don't say that!! It just....Well, you don't need to know!! And don't border me!!"

Saeran chuckle, and he think if he tell everyone in school, it will make a scandal!! Well, because Saeyoung is the hottest guy at school, which mean he have many girl who in love with him, and now, he have a crush...

Saeran sure that these girl will have a broken heart soon...


Saeyoung Choi just want to sleep, but hey, this is Math class, and the teacher will punished anyone who fall asleep or talking or doing something else, not for this subject.

Saeyoung seem like he is going to pass out very soon, but when he look at the watch, he feel his energy are back. Because the class will end in 3 second...

"Ok class, remember...."

Saeyoung can't hear the whole sentence, because he have quietly and quickly go out of the class. Lucky that he is at the end of the classroom, so the teacher didn't noitice him.

Saeyoung run, as fast as he can, through the hall, and there he find the music room.

He have to run fast, or else, he will be caught by his fan.

Unlike Saeran, Saeyoung very popular, because, he is funny, intelligent, very easy going and have a bright smile.

However, Saeyoung might agree that he is funny, smart but for the bright smile, he think that Yoosung Kim should receive it!

Saeyoung remember when he get out of the classroom in the middle of the leasson, on the third week after the week of the begining of term, and he is so tired because last night he have to do homework so much, so now he want somewhere to sleep. A place that no one will come.

Saeyoung then think about the music room, the place where he hear it rumor. So he decide to go there, not just for sleeping but also to see if there is a ghost.

When Saeyoung get there, he feel weird. Because there is no dust in this room, not a single.

Saeyoung very suppires, but then, he suddenly feel like the air are getting colder.

"So..." he mumble "There is ghost here?"

Saeyoung look around the room, and when his eyes look at the piano, he think his mounth have open very big.

That student sit there, just look at the piano with a sad eyes. He didn't play, he just...just look. That's all...

Saeyoung didn't see that boy before, and when he first come here, he think he didn't see that boy sat there...


The boy started at the sound of his voice. He look at Saeyoung, and his face very suppirse, his eyes widen

"You...You can see me?!?" he stammer.

"Umh..Yes, I can..." Saeyoung scrtached his head "Are you...really a ghost?"

"That's the reason why I ask you..." that boy smile "I have been here for a long time..."

"For a long time...You must be Yoosung Kim, the student who die in here?!?"

"Yes, I am...but why do you know?"

"You know about the fact that you no longer here but you don't know about the rumor about you?!" Saeyoung suppirse "Wow..I can't believe it...You are...well, neve mind, just forget it!!"

"Yes..." said quitely by Yoosung "I just realize that I have been die for a long time...and...I never get out of here..."


Yoosung just silent, but Saeyoung feel like Yoosung really want to cry, if he hadn't die, yet.

Saeyoung come close to Yoosung, he want to touch him, but people can't touch a ghost, so he just stand there, and he said with a graceful voice

"I am so sorry because I make you sad...By the way, my name is Saeyoung Choi..."

"That's ok, you don't need to said sorry.." Yoosung smile "I never think that people will see me...You are the first one, Saeyoung..But why you are here?"

"I want somewhere to sleep..." Saeyoung said

"You don't have class?"

"Nah, it's Literature class, and it is very boring~" He look at Yoosung "Can I sleep here for a while?"

"Go ahead!"

"And...umh...If I didn't wake up, so...could you wake me up?"

"Sure!" Yoosung laughed "I don't go anywhere, do I?"

Before he deep in to his dream, his mind still have the picture of the smile of Yoosung...It is so bright and...beautiful...and a little sad...

Everytime he come here to sleep, Yoosung always there, give a wellcome smile to him, and always wake him up.

Yoosung is a dead person, but why Saeyoung still feel the warm from him? He love to be with Yoosung, and he love to talk to Yoosung.

After meet Yoosung, Saeyoung have listen to many instrumental music, because Yoosung have introduce him many song, and each song are so good that he can't take his eye from it.

When he listen to the song, he always think about Yoosung. You can say it so straigh to think like that, but for him, it is normal, and a little of...he don't know what to say about that, maybe it is....Love?

Saeyoung slap himself. He like Yoosung!! Because he is so...so...so...

"Oh come on!!" Saeyoung shout at himself "He just a friend!!"

Did Yoosung really is?

Saeyoung don't know, and he have to find out...


Saeyoung know how to play guitar, so one day, he wait for the lunch time, so that he can come to the music room, and play for Yoosung. Everytime he play, Yoosung's eyes look so excited and happy

"You play very good, Saeyoung!! What that song?"

"Million Rose. Do you like it?"

"Why do you ask that?!" Yoosung laughed "I very love the song!"

"I glad you like it!"

Day by day, and Saeyoung think he really fall in love with Yoosung. He love the way Yoosung is, he can't deny his feeling. He fall for Yoosung, like fall into the deep ocean. He think there will no one can see Yoosung, so that he can have Yoosung for his own..

However, there is the day he that hear a shock new..

"Hey Saeyoung!! Yesterday I met a boy..."

"Oh~who is he?" Saeyoung ask, and don't know why he feel jealous inside.

"His name is Saeran Choi!! And he know very well about...Saeyoung!! Are you ok??"

Saeyoung's face is a little white, but when he see Yoosung's worried face, he decide to hide the feeling.

"Not thing! You don't need to worry!!"

"Yeah but....Saeyoung...Your face show that you know Saeran..."

"Nah, I just suppirse that there are another one can see you..."

"Yes. I am suppirse too" Yoosung still look worry "Are you sure you are ok?"

"Why don't you believe me? I feel my heart is broken~~" Saeyoung teasing Yoosung

"I believe you!" Yoosung laughed "Oh but, Saeran are have same last name as your"

"There are many people who last name is Choi, so don't worry!"

But Saeyoung does. From that day, he watching Saeran in secret. He realize in every evening, Saeran will come home very late. And he tell their parent that he have join the club at school. But Saeyoung know that Saeran are lying. Because he know his brother never ever want to go to the place where too much people, and there is one reason for him to stay at school...

Saeyoung don't know why he feel so jealous, like there are someone know his secrect, or like someone try to steal the things he love away from him..

What if Yoosung fall in love with Saeran? No! Saeyoung is the one who meet Yoosung first!! So Saeran can't steall Yoosung from him!!

But....life always change...

Saeyoung try not to show much his emotion, and if he can't hold it, he will write a poem.

He truly have a crush and deep inside his heart, there are a skip beat when he think about Yoosung.

But he knew he can't hold it anymore, so....he know this is stupid but, he need time to think and clam down...

That why he decide not to meet Yoosung...

Today, he didn't come to Yoosung's place, and now, at home, he feel very regret, because he scared that Yoosung migh be sad..

"But he have Saeran there!!" One part of his mind thought

Saeyoung can't describe how he is feeling right now. This feeling are a mess!! He just want to do anything else, but Yoosung's sad face...

Oh god...what can Saeyoung do now??


Both twins are in silent. There are only the sound of the paper that Saeyoung write on, the sound of the paper on the book that Saeran read.

"Hey Saeyoung..."


"Have you ever feel like...You love someone, and you don't want that person being know by someone else?"

Saeyoung stop writing, he look up, and look at his twins, with widden eyes. Saeran turn off the music, took off the headphone, and the twins face each other.

"Why do you ask?" Saeyoung said

"You have a crush, and so do I. I just want to know...because, right now, I feel...I don't know what can I say now.."

Saeyoung just sit there, his eyes still widen. Then, Saeyoung start to laugh, and that make Saeran suppirse, also a little of angry

"What it is Saeyoung? It is funny for you to laugh at me like that?"

"You want to know why?" Saeyoung stand up, glare at Saeran "I know where are you go at evening, Saeran!! You go to the music room!! You go there to meet Yoosung!!"

"How do you know Yoosung?" Saeran also stand up, also glare at his brother "You...You are the first one, who meet him, aren't you?!!"

"Yes I am.." Saeyoung grind his teeth "And you know what? I-ALSO-LOVE-HIM!!!! I should be the one he love!!"

"It is not only you could have him!!!" Saeran shout "Oh right, why can he love a person that make he sad?!?"


"He very sad that you didn't come, big brother!!!" Saeran said "And you know what? I am there for him!! I always there for him!!"

The twins glare at each other, then...they both sighed...and they both sit down, with a tired face

"I can't belive that both of us are fall in love with Yoosung..." Saeyoung said.

"Yeah...that's because...why he is so innocent? Why he is so...adorable.."

"A smile that make people feel warm and peaceful.."

"Also make people feel like they can talk about themself...with no distracted.."



What Yoosung think about them? And, what the reason that locked Yoosung here?

They have to find out..


Yoosung just sit there. He always look at the piano...

Time pass by...and he still here...He don't know why he still here...and he don't know why he don't find a way to escape. There are something are holding him here...

He can't remember what it is, or what had happen to him.

He just know that, when he open his eyes, he already at here. He can't touch the door or the windows. He can walk in the room, but can't go outside.

He just stay here, and no one know about him...except Saeyoung and Saeran.

Both of them are very special for Yoosung. He don't know why he think this but...he feel like no one else can replace them. Like no one else could make him feel so happy and peaceful like them.

Although Yoosung don't know if they know each other, but he wish that if they do, they can be a best friend...

Or if they are brother, they will know each other well and help each other.


Day by day, both Saeyoung and Saeran didn't come here, and Yoosung don't know why...

Saeyoung...he leave without a message..

Saeran...he has said he will be here forever...

Life always change...Yoosung think that there is something has change, inside both of them. Yoosung also feel the change inside his heart.

Dead people usually don't feel anything, but Yoosung know that, inside him, there are an emotion, an emotion that he think he can't hold it. It will explode when it need.

Yoosung don't know if this feeling is real, but he know that when time pass by, both of them will forget him...and he can't escape...Thinking about it make him feel sad

He need to find out the reason make him stay here.

But now, he feel very lonely...and did Yoosung just imaging? Or his tears really falling?


What is the thing you would do most to stay late at school?

Fighting? No! They will call your parent and you don't want to goodbye your phone or something else.

Sleep in class? No! Teacher just say at you once and go to another place.

Not doing homework? Yes!! Yes!!! You will be penalized, and you have to the homework that you haven't done about..10 time...

"That will be a perfect idea..." Saeyoung said

"Yes....and if mom know, prepare to explain first, bro!"

"Why me?"

"You are come first!"

"Ugh! I will say the bad word if you don't stop now!"

"The twins! Do you notice where are you now?"

Jaehee Kang, the manager of the teacher at school, look at the twins with a witty eyes. Because the twins are now penalized.

"Sorry Ms.Kang!"

There are just only two sound in this room, one belong to the paper that the twins writing on, and the other one belong to the book that Ms.Kang read.

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door, and musical teacher, Makira Chikosu, came in.

"Oh my. Why you two are here?"

"They don't do there homework.." Ms.Kang stand up "Makira, I going to take the coffee, so can you watch them for me?"

"Yes, honey." Ms.Chikosu smile "You own me this one!"

"I will buy your favorite dessert!" Ms.Kang smile before she go out.

Well, Ms.Kang and Ms.Chikosu are a couple, they already marry, and have two kid. Ms.Chikosu just use her mother name while she go to work, but when she go outside, she is Makira Kang. However, that's not the main point!

The twins look at other. Their plan has succesed!!

Before, they have been searched information about Yoosung, and eventually found out Ms.Chikosu is Yoosung's sister, actually, sister-in-law. But after the dead of Yoosung, Ms.Chikosu didn't become a scientist, she become a musical teacher because of her brother-in-law.

So, the twins think that, the reason that holding Yoosung maybe something between Ms.Chikosu and Yoosung. You say they just go straight to her, ask her what had happened, but Ms.Kang are there for 24/24, so you can't get close to her lover..

The twins look at each other, noded, and all together said

"Ms.Chikosu! We want to talk to you!! It's about Yoosung Kim!! Your brother-in-law!!"

Ms.Chikosu look up very fast, because she is so suppirse.

"Why suddenly you two..."

"Well, I don't know if you believe but..."

They tell about Yoosung, but they don't say their feeling for him, because they don't want anyone else know..

Ms.Chikosu's eye open, then close, then open. Her mouth can't close, and her face are full of pain.

Silent for a while, then Ms.Chikosu said in slowly

"Kids...I really want to believe you...if my brother really here...But!! No one have seen him!!"

"But we do!!" Saeran said "We do see him!! Yoosung have been here for a long time, and he can't escape!! He even don't remember the reason why he still here!!"

Ms.Chikosu become silent. The twins wait, and they think their breath are out for many time, but they keep waiting

For an hour, then Ms.Chikosu sighed. She stand up, look at the boys with a gentle eyes

"I very love Yoosung, because he is the best brother of me. Although we not have the same blood, but Yoosung always take care of me, always be there when I need..."

"And you know what? The time I realize that I am less, the hold world like fall at me...Mom, Dad and friends are get away from me. They look at me like...like I am a virus....Yeah, like a virus..."

"But...Yoosung always there. He not hideous at me, he not stay away from me. He help me, and he give many funny joke to cheer me up..."

"Mom and Dad are put too much expectation on Yoosung, and they want him to focus more about piano. He is too stress that he have to use sleeping pills to sleep. He use it in everynight!!"

"People say that no one found anything that make him die..." Saeyoung said "But you are saying.."

"They hide it from you!" Ms.Chikosu said in angry "My mom and dad!! They give the money to the police so that the dead of my brother become a rumor!! They want him to become popular like that!!"

Saeran remember there is a day, that a group of student are talk about the music room, and Ms.Chikosu, with unhappy and angry face, for the first time, shout at the student. And he remember how her tears want to fall out...She very love her brother..

"I can't believe that he had die, in that day..." Ms.Chikosu start to sob "And, umh, if you ask why he is still here, I think because of this..."

Ms.Chikosu pull out the table drawer, she pick up an extravaganza, and give it to the twins.

"People saw this on the piano where he die. A song..."

The twins look carefuly to the lyrics, then, Saeyoung found something.

"This song is for you, Ms.Chikosu.."

"Yes..." Ms.Chikosu said in slowly "When Yoosung play piano, I singing. We are a perfect sound...I know this is for me, but I haven't hear the instrument of the sound so I don't know if I sing right..."

"And...the reason he still here...he still worry about me..." Ms.Chikosu start crying, mumble "Stupid brother!! What a big stupid brother!! That's the reason why I can't hate you!!"

The twins look at the song again, and said

"Well..we think we can do it!! We can play the instument..."

Ms.Chikosu look at the twins, then said

"You two are in love with my brother, right?"


"If you don't, you won't make the plan to meet me. You won't have an angry face when you hear the story.."

"A friend can be!!"

"No! Same emtions, but for love, the emotions are more clealy than a friend. And your eyes can't lie!"

Both twins are blushing. They can't said anything.

"And...I want to join with you...I want my brother leave in peace.."


The door open, and Yoosung very happy to see both Saeyoung and Saeran. But, there is a women behind their back...and she look so families...

"Yoosung!!" Saeyoung said in happy "Oh, I miss you so much!!"

"Get back, brother! He saw me first!!"

"I older than you!! And I am the first!!"

"Hey hey, stop fighting!" Yoosung smile "So, you two are friend, right?"

"No! We are twins!"

"What!?? Why don't you said that early??"

"Because we both fall in love with you!! And we are getting jealous at each other!!" The twins glare at each other

Yoosung's mouth widen, his face is blushing a lot

"I am so worry that you two have trouble...Because...I can't get out this place...but! Seeing you two like this, I feel really happy!! Really!!"

The twins can't hold their breath. Why Yoosung smile so bright and adorable!!

"Where is he?" the woman suddenly ask "Why can't I see my brother?"

Yoosung look carefully at the women, and he can't believe his eyes.

"Ma...Makira...You...you are...."

"Hey Yoosung...we know the reason why you are here..." Saeran put the song on the top of piano "The song...and the care of you for Ms.Chikosu...You feel regert that you hadn't told her to live a happy life. You feel regert that you hadn't played the song for your sister, to cheer her up and to give her an advance that.."

"Everything will be alright, as long as you still have someone that love you most..."

Yoosung can't move, and...they see his tears come out. He look very relief, and happy.

"Yoosung...if you really here..." Makira said "I...I want you to know that...I have find someone that I really love..." she sob "You always care for me!! I so selfish that I just think about myself and I don't know you still here!! Still worry for me...Why? Why you are so..."

She cry louder, and Yoosung huge her, tears also went out.

"I know...I know that I am a stupid brother...I know.."

Saeyoung and Saeran just stand there, because, they don't know what to say now..

For a long time and at last, Yoosung will sleep well from now on...they know how to help him now...However, there is a problem.

They don't want him dissapear, but, if they let him dissapear, he will be free...forever...

And their love...will come with him, will burn along with his grave...

But they can't so selfish to keep him like this...If they really love him...they have to let him go, because, the rescue is the best solution for a human when they had reached the dead...

"Hey, Yoosung...Can you play this song?"

"Ye..Yes..." Yoosung wipe his tears "At last, I can play for the sister I love..." he look at the twins, smile "...and for the two that I care and care for me..."

The twins didn't answer. Ms.Chikoku has stopped crying, but her voice still hoarse

"Let's do it! I want my brother free from now on..."

The song appear.

They don't know how long they have been play. They just keep play the song, until they reached the end of the song...and Yoosung...has already dissapear.

But they can still hear the sound of the piano, but not come from the one in front of their eye. It come from somewhere, somewhere far away this place...

"He...he has been free...." Ms.Chikoku said "And...how are you two now?"

"Painfull..." Saeran mumble "My heart...really hurt...I think I gonna have a heartattack..."

"I feel like I have missing something..." Saeyoung touched his chest "I think my heart has been cut off a big hole..."

"I know..." Ms.Chikoku look at the sky outside the window "He won't happy to see you two sad."

There are something that Ms.Chikoku don't know. Before Yoosung dissapear, he has said to the twin

"I am so happy to have you guys here, but sadly, I have to go now...Please, promise with me, that you guys have to live! Live a happy life!!"

"Time by time, everything will become a memories. Remember me as your happiness moment!! I love you guys! You guys, if found someone that love you much, please take care of them, don't because of me that you lost them!!"


They know the time will past, but right now, they feel so painfull. They just sit there...

"Look at us....So terrible..."

"I hate when I love the one that my brother also love!"

"Me too!"

They look at each other, then laugh weakly. They have lost all of their enery, and they don't know what to do now...

Suddenly, their eye start widen. They can feel there is someone huge them. A warm and real body...They can't believe in their eye...

Yoosung 's body so warm...and it is like he still alive. Their tear went out, and if you see how they look like now, I can say that they cry like a baby when he first meeting the world.

"It's ok...Don't cry..."

They can feel his tears on their face. They raise their hand, to touch him, but look again...Yoosung...is not here...

But the twins can see his smile, a smile just only for them, and Ms.Chikoku...

"Goodbye, my best brother....I wonder if we can meet again..."

"Goodbye my first love...we are so happy that you are a part of our life...and we promise to you.."

"...and we wonder...if we can meet again...will you be with us, forever, Yoosung?"


Yoosung Kim is free now.

Saeyoung and Saeran Choi have to keep going. They can't let the past holding their future. But deep inside their heart...there will always have a place...just for Yoosung Kim...

______The end______

Author's note:

My English is very bad! If you don't like the story, that's ok! Because this is all I can do now.

Anyway. This fic is a present for my babe, Yoosung Kim. Happy birthday to you, Yoosung!! I really love you 💚💚💚💚

If there any mistake, please tell me, so that I can improve my skill!

Thankyou for reading my story!!

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