[MMD] Who R U {Skybrine}

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Insert catchy hook here


Fun Fact #1: Let's get out with the obvious first.

There's a story behind this.


Adam and Alesa are together and live under the same house. Adam I'd obviously is a Herobrine Hybrid. One night, Alesa is awoken by ruckus going on in her house. She gets out of bed and realizes Adam is gone. Scared, she ran out of the bedroom and into the living room.

What she saw frightened her.

The entire room was a mess. The wallpaper peeling off, parts ripped out of stuff, and the shaking creature in the middle of it all.


Alesa slowly walked up to Adam, hoping he was okay.

"Adam..?" She asked with a shacky voice.

Adam's head spun around quickly, making eye contact with Alesa's eyes. Alesa couldn't believe what she saw.

It was Adam with black eyes and small yellow pupils, searching her face. What horrified her more were the golden tears streaming down his face.

She has never seen this part of Adam. She has never known this part of Adam.

Adam growled as he stood up and look at her.

Alesa took steps back as Adam took steps forward.

She began to hyperventilate and took out her phone dialing 911.

Adam knocked the phone out of her hand, making her yelp.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Send someone please!" Alesa yelled, hoping the phone caught her voice.

"What seems to be the problem?"

Adam pushed Alesa down on the ground, him hovering over her. She screamed from fear, hoping it was just a nightmare.

"They're on their way."

Adam's golden tears dripped onto Alesa's face. The contact of the tear feeling as cold as ice.

Insanity seemed to be flowing through Adam as he tried choking Alesa. Alesa grabbed his hand and managed to push it away. Adam growled.

"Jű§þ øņə đřøp ôf błøœđ" Adam spoke, his voice sounding distorted and deep.

Alesa tried shoving him off her, but he was too strong. Adam's hands became claws as she slashed at her face, sadly not reaching it.

Police sirens could be heard from afar.

"Adam, I don't know you anymore!" Alesa cried.

Adam ignored her statement.

"You're not the one I love."

Adam stopped from attacking her after those words. He stop slashing and got off her. Alesa scooted away in panic.

Adam still had his horrifying texture, "I'm sorry..."

Alesa took deep breath, angered and disgusted, "who are you?"

Adam looked up at her. She flinched once their eyes met.

Adam cried more golden tears as he witnessed the woman he loved fear him.

"Tell me the truth!" She yelled.

Adam stayed silent, knowing it's too late to say anything. Any word that were to pour out of his mouth would only lead to more devastation.

The sirens grew closer and Alesa ran out of the house, grabbing her phone on the way.

Adam stood up and cried.

He was back in control, but the damage has been made.

Not only did he ruin his house, he ruined his relationship with her.

The red and blue lights from the police car flashed from outside.

Nothing mattered anymore.

Foot steps could be heard getting closer.

There's nothing he can do.

Shadows appeared from the corner of a hallway.

They should might as well take him.


You're welcome, I wrote a free story for you.

I didn't put the he goes to jail part in the written version because it's obvious. What do I write? "They throw him in the cell bars and he lives Sadly ever after."

Nope, so that's the story.

Fun Fact #2: The meaning of the video now since it didn't happen like I put in the story.

The sudden silhouette of Alesa that appears is Adam reminding himself of the words that haunt him which were "Who are you." Or "Who R U." Whichever you prefer.

As well as "Tell me the truth."

The video obviously shows his outcome which is in jail and he with the cop cars outside flashing their light.

I like to think the song is like a conversation of Alesa and Adam.

Alesa is the beginning part, then to Adam, then- let me just get the lyrics.


Who are you?
Who are you when you're alone
Tell me the truth
Are you the same
When the crowd is all but gone
Cause I wanna hope (???)
I want a love that will stand the test of time
And I won't break
And give you everything
If you're never truly mine
Tell me the truth (repeat)

Obviously Adam is thinking of everything that happened as the cops approached him.

That's this song.

That's this story.

I'm sorry if my explanation didn't make sense xD

Fun Fact #3: I edited I'm the sirens silly.

It didn't come with the song or motion.

Didn't they sound great?

I don't think I have anymore fun facts for this videooooo....


Fun Fact #4: Alesa being in the same spot of Adam kind of blocked the eyes and Amulet from glowing.

You can see it happen in the beginning. It only happens in the beginning.

Fun Fact #5: I was going to put police people in one scene of the video, but ended up not doing so because lazyness.

And the fact I couldn't find good mmd cop models.

Only like sexy Len cop and Tits galore Miku cop.

But I didn't want them.

So, there's that.

Now I think that's all the fun facts.

If I think it'd more, I'll add them later.

Love y'all :D

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