Alucard x Miya

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(This is a request- feel free to request other ships.)
The heroes are in school.

Alucard's POV
As I sat down, the teacher walked into the class, but the teacher was a substitute. "Good morning class," Mrs. Alice said, "I don't have a class right now, so I'm your substitute!" Apparently, our actual teacher didn't show up to school, and no real subs were available... So Mrs. Alice is here to cover us.

"I would like for all of you to get into groups to complete some complicated math problems."

I glanced over at Miya. She didn't have many friends, so I wonder who she would go to. Miya looked at me and blushed, and I turned away, feeling... Something. Something called love...

"Your teacher won't come for a few weeks- I don't know why," Alice continued, "so I want each group to wear a certain color for me to identify names more easily."

I walked over to Miya. She looked at me. "Would you like to be my partner for those weeks?"

Miya shrugged and said, "I'm not sure about that... What will be the group color in this case?"

I looked at her outfit, which was blue. "Blue will fit. I have a blue jacket at home." I only wear that blue jacket on special occasions (usually I wear red), but I guess it is worth breaking a habit if I can be with Miya... (One of Alucard's skins had red, I forgot just which one...)

"Blue? W-wait n-no... I can wear red, I have a nice red outfit (Miya's Queen of Banshees or whatever it is called now.)

I smiled. "Oh no Miya... You look nice this way..."

Miya blushed a little. "T-thanks? You look nice with red though."

"Eh, I like my blue jacket anyways."


"So we're partners?"

"Yep." Miya smiled and my heart skipped a beat.

"Alright then, let's work on some math..."

The next day...

I walked to school, wearing my blue jacket, when I saw Ruby.

"Good morning Ruby!"

Ruby turned around and, when she saw me, she ran right up to me, fast as lightning.

"Alucard! Good morning to you too!"

"Have you seen Miya?"

"Miya? Is she why you're wearing your special blue jacket?"

"Yeah, that's about it."

"You two are partners in class, right? I saw you two talk yesterday- it's so sweet!"

I stared into her green eyes. They showed pure excitement. "Yeah... So, have you seen her?"

"Of course! She is wandering around the field behind the school. Class doesn't start until ten minutes later, you should keep her company until then."

"Alright Ruby, thank you!" I said as I made my way over to where Miya is.


Miya turned around. "Why, hello Alucard. Good morning."

"Good morning to you as well."

"Why are you here?"

I hesitated. I'm here because I love her, and so I want to see her... But what would Miya think if I told her that? She will think I'm weird, duh.

"Umm... I'm just checking on you to she if you've changed your outfit... I, uh, was afraid you would wear something different..."

Miya laughed. "Of course I wouldn't. Why would I?"

I shrugged. "I don't really know what I was thinking..."

"Haha... That's alright."

"He he... I'll go now..."

"Wait!" Miya stopped me, "Remember how I told you yesterday that you looked nice with red?"


"Seeing you today, I think you look better in blue..." She said this quietly, as if embarrassed if someone else heard it.

"Oh, uh, thanks! I would wear this more often if you want."

Miya smiled. "I sure do want you to... But it's your choice, not mine."

"I feel like wearing this every day, then."

Miya and I went silent for a while, but soon enough, Miya broke the silence.

"Oh my, Alucard... Class is going to start!" She panicked.

"Calm down Miya... We can still make it there in time," I said calmly as I frantically grabbed her arm and ran to our class.

I turned to look at Miya a couple of times as we rushed- she was blushing, and I turned away from her as soon as I felt myself doing the same.

A minute later...

We made it to class a few seconds late, but Mrs. Alice was not satisfied.

"Alucard," she said as she grabbed two forms, "and Miya... Come with me outside the class."

"Yes ma'am..." Miya and I both said quietly as we followed our teacher.

"Do you realize that you two are late?" Mrs. Alice asked us.

"Y-yes, but..." I started to respond, but Mrs. Alice interrupted me.

"But you were only a few seconds late, right?"


"I know, and so the two of you won't receive a big punishment. All that both of you need to do is fill out this form," she handed a form to each of us, "and write a paragraph telling me why you were late and how you won't let this happen again."

"Yes, ma'am," I said. Miya just nodded.

"Alright then, I'll go help the rest of the class now. When you two are done, just put the form on the desk at the back of the room."

When Mrs. Alice left, I glanced towards Miya. She saw me look at her and smiled. "Did you need a pencil?"

"Oh... Uh, yes... Do you have one I can borrow?" I didn't realize she was still gonna speak to me, so I guess I sounded kind of weird.

"Yep, here you go." Miya handed a pencil to me, and I took it. "Thanks, I'll return it soon as I'm done with this."

"Nah," Miya responded, "you don't have to- I have too many pencils anyways."

"Okay then... Thank you, Miya."

We spent a few minutes writing, then I turned to Miya. "Miya?"

Miya turned to look at me. "Yes? What is it?"

"Miya, I'm sorry..."

She looked mildly surprised. "What are you sorry for?"

"If I didn't have that conversation with you before school started, you wouldn't be late and you wouldn't have to do this boring assignment..."

Miya just chuckled and looked straight at me. "It doesn't matter, Alucard. This is only the first time I was late to this class."

"Still, it was a tardy. Will you accept my apology?"

"Of course, Alucard. I most definitely will."

Later on, in science class...

"Miya?" I got Miya's attention.


"C-can you help me with these laws of physics? I don't fully understand them." I asked her that because I wanted to be closer to her.

"Sure. Should I help you right now?"

"I asked our teacher and she said we can go outside while you teach me."

"Okay, let's go outside then."


"Alright Alucard, which law do you have the most trouble with?" Miya asked me.

"Miya..." I started saying, "I brought you outside so we are alone. I still need help with these science things, but I have to admit something... Something I've been trying to hide for quite a while now."

"Well, what is it?" Miya looked confused.

"I guess I've made it obvious already, but... I-I love you!

Miya did not look that surprised. I gave her a confused look.

"Yes Alucard, you've made that obvious, but I... I love you too."

My expression changed from confused to surprised, and then I decided it was best kept as happy. "You do?"

"Wasn't it obvious? I thought it was," Miya said, slightly concerned.

"Well if that's the case, you are better at hiding those feelings than me."

We stared at each other until a bee buzzed in front of me. I screamed and jumped back a bit, and the bee flew to a nearby flower.

Miya saw my reaction and giggled. She is so cute this way. I scratched the back of my neck, blushing.

"So Alucard, do you still need my help with these science-y things?"

"No, I don't need it."

"You don't?"

"I want it. I want it so I can be near you more often because of my love for you."

"Aww... You're so sweet," Miya leaned over and kissed me. I kissed her back despite being surprised.

When we got back inside the classroom, Mrs. Alice was outside of the classroom talking to the principal, and our classmates were cheering and clapping. Apparently, they saw what had happened through the window.

"This is so sweet!" Layla exclaimed.

"Sure is, but not as sweet as you, honey," Clint responded.

Layla was silently blushing.

"Miya!" Ruby leaped in front of Miya, "I'm so happy for you! You got a boyfriend!"

Miya didn't respond. She just patted Ruby on the head because she was taller than the wolf huntress.

Ruby turned to me. "Oh, and Alucard! I'm happy for you as well!"

"Thanks, Ruby."

"You're welcome!" Ruby leaped back into her seat.

Miya and I walked back to our seats and sat down. While Mrs. Alice made her way back inside the classroom, I smiled at Miya, and she gave a beautiful smile back.

If you prefer Aluby, I will make a chapter about them someday.
If you want another ship or a second chapter of Aluya, just tell me.

Have a nice day!

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