A Little Story for the Stine Family (Gusion/Lesley)

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(Continuing from the Harley/Nana Chapter)

Warning: OOC-ness and maybe diverting from the actual story (hey this is a fanfiction so I might as well change the plot to my own XD)

Disclaimer: Mobile Legends and its Characters belong to Moonton. Pic belongs to its owner...which is not me.

As Lesley left the engaged couple, she went into a nearby café and spied on the two of them. A smirk was plastered on her lips.

Her eyes was still focused on the pair, whether they are holding hands, having their faces blush a deep shade of red, or whatsoever.

Though, slowly her devious smirk slowly changed into a genuine smile, as she remembered the rocky path that she had to walk on with her mischievous brother.

She remembered how she lost him when Harley was teleported to the Land of Dawn, when she finally got the news and prepared herself to search for him.

She remembered how she started her journey, with all the obstacles that were on her way, from demons, wild creatures, until a certain "obstacle" in the form of a dagger-wielding young handsome man, which is a pain in the *** for the magenta-haired sniper.

Well, in terms of combat, he had outclassed her with his self-proclaimed perfect combination of might and magic. And his looks are also a part intimidating to her, in some way...

Apparently her search bore her a fruit. After weeks or months of search, she finally found her brother in Eruditio, where he stayed for a while. She was glad, but at the same time was a bit pissed off with her brother, and forced him to go home.

Sadly, they were already too far away, and Lesley have no choice but to stay also.

Months passed again, and it looks like destiny began to prank her again as she repeatedly bumped into the person that had been her obstacle for several times.

Only, he didn't seem to be hostile to her, and instead he tried to be on her side, using his demeanor. With the name of Gusion Stine, with his renowned Holy Blade, and the perfect combination of might and magic...at least as he claims, he had captured the talented sniper's attention.

For a long time.


"You seemed like something's on your mind. Are you okay, dear?

Lesley's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound that was already too familiar for her.

"What brings you here, Gusion? How do you know I'm here? Have you finished your work?"

"I was actually going to ask you, it's unusual for you to go here alone while you actually went with your brother and his fiancé. And I have finished, thank you very much."

Gusion then took a seat beside the magenta-haired sniper. "So, what's with you? Where's Harley and Nana?"

Lesley didn't answer orally, she just pointed her fingers at the direction of the window, in which the young coupke could be seen.

"Oh, interesting. Are you doing what I think you are doing right now?"

"You know the answer, Mr. Stine..."

"Haha, stoic as always." Gusion chuckled. "For you doing something like this, this is quite contrary to what your brother had reacted to our relationship, don't you think?"

Those words of course triggered Lesley's mind.


Life's becoming an adventure as Gusion became a part of Lesley's life, or at least when it comes to Harley.

Harley, despite his mischievousness, is actually a protective younger brother (though maybe some doubted him and just thinking that he is a spoiled kid). He wanted Lesley to stay away from trouble. That's why he never allowed Lesley to go on dates, in which Lesley responded that she would never do so.

So, when Harley learnt that Gusion had entered their life, he had a vengeful (oh wait not that, that belongs to a certain purple yam), I mean...he had a clear resentment to the said young Holy Blade wielder, and always try to separate him from Lesley.

Which at a certain time, actually pissed the sister off.

Gusion's reaction? He just stayed cool.

A few years had passed and Harley started to step into his early adulthood. He was still protective towards his sister, but then he can't just stop her from her date with Gusion, because of one other person that had changed him.

Since he was on his late teens, while he silently watched the suspicious love life of his sister, he found himself fell for the same boat.

Apparently, a certain cat elf, who had been his friend due to some circumstances, had taken his interest, he just thought that Nana was someone important to him.

That it hit him, that should be how his sister had been feeling for the young Holy Blade-wielder.

So, he stopped getting in his sister's way, and supported their relationship, though, his protectiveness come in the form of intimidation towards Gusion, in case he had hurt his sister.



"Eh...ach...sorry, I spaced out for a bit." Lesley replied. "Maybe you're right. I just can't help it. The two looks cute and I won't like for myself getting in their way."

"But, either way, it ended happily for all of us, didn't it? We tied the knot, and soon it would be your brother's turn. Isn't that beautiful, dear?"

Lesley didn't say anything. She didn't have to since both of them knew the answer.

"By the way, both of them already left."

Lesley turned to the spot where his brother could be seen, only to be greeted by other people substituting them.

"Darn it. It's your fault, Gusion!"

"Hey, calm down, didn't you forget about their schedule? We can just meet them there, or do you want to go somewhere?"

"Maybe we could just go home. I know you're exhausted after your work."

"Don't worry, I'm still okay."

"No, I'll pass, don't want you to strain yourself for me, 'cause you already did."

"Well, can't help with that." Gusion chuckled, before putting his right hand to Lesley's abdomen.


"I can't feel it yet, but sooner or later..."

"Just do it at home. I don't want people to watch us."

Gusion just chuckled, and held her hand instead as they walked back to their home.


Just a forced GusLey to accompany my HarNa one-shot. But somehow I felt something good after writing this shot. Gusion/Lesley is a very popular ship even in my family, so I decided to try making one too.

A few chapters left then I might be inserting more randomness and probably I'll be open for requests.

Please Read and Comment, if you like this shot you can vote, or not if you don't like it. I'm not expecting too much anyway.

Thank you and see you soon!


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