Change might not be that Bad (Hanabi/Chou)

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So, I checked the 7th chapter and decided to continue my one-shots. But that doesn't mean there will be no ask 'n dares at all. It's just, I will focus on one-shots and randomness in this book.

This one is an unusual pair I wanted to try, that is Hanabi/Chou. I hope it's not that bad.

(Inspired by The Adventures of Ruby in YouTube and Mobile Legends High School by Umbrella_sama

Chou is in his rework form.


"There you go, Chou. You might look better with this hairstyle and clothes."

"Wow, thanks Lance!" Chou replied gleefully. "I wonder if with this better looks, I can finally got a chance with a girl..."

"About that..." suddenly Lance interrupted him. "There's something more than just changing your appearance if you want to win the attention of the girls."


"Why don't we go to Saber's? I hear he's quite the epic when it comes to romances of sort."

"How do you know about that?" Chou asked the noodle-haired swordsman

"Well, just something I observed upon his relationship with his girlfriend. He used to be single like you too, so maybe he could give you advice, possibly."

"...I don't think that's the real case here. He was single before, but he was not hated by the girls out there, unlike me."

"At least just let him tell you. That concern can follow afterwards." Lancelot replied before leading Chou into Saber's home.

---At the same time, in another place in the Land of Dawn---

"Haya-kun, this is embarrassing!"

"I just can't help it, Kagi-chan. Your face is so cute that I want to see it much closer..."

"D...Dame da yo! Kore wa...hazukashi-desu! Yamete kudasai!"

A kimono-clad girl and a dark-clothed ninja was sitting under the tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G...

Whoops...wrong sentence

---Please Stand By---

A kimono-clad girl and a dark-clothed ninja was sitting under a tree. From what could be seen, they were possibly talking to each other, or maybe having fun. Though that doesn't explain why the ninja's face were very close to the girl's, and the girl's face becoming redder...

They probably didn't know, or maybe they knew but they chose to ignore it, that someone was watching them from the bush.

" dare you..."

A black-haired girl was watching from the bushes. Wrath of Jealousy was ultimately visible on her eyes, that saying she was pissed are still not enough.

Moments passed, along with the fire of jealousy burning in her, a cold, painful tears also rose up inside her trembling eyes. The painful stream quickly extinguish the fire, and she was left pained and heartbroken.

With low-spirit, Hanabi began to walk away from the couple, and wandered across the forest. Eyes down, and drowned in the same cold but hot at the same time, tears that had pooling on her eyes.

Cold for her body as it streams down from her eyes, but hot for her heart that it started to burn a hole in it.

She was still focused on what she had seen before, not noticing that it may cause bad effects on her, because she couldn't see where she had gone.

So, she might not know that she was walking...onto the edge of a cliff...

And fell her doom.


...If not for a hand which suddenly grabbed hers.

Hanabi gasped, looking up at the hand which had been her savior.

And noticed that it was just a hand without its body...

---Please Stand By---

She looked up at the hand, and to the person who had been her savior.

Looking at him for short while, she didn't know him until the next time she observed his face that she recognized the man.

"Grip tight! I'll pull you up!"

With her strength, Hanabi gripped the hand. In an instant, she was pulled up from the cliff.

"That was reckless of me. Thank you for saving me, Chou."

"Oh, you're welcome, Hanabi." Chou replied. "By the way, are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. I could take care of myself." Hanabi replied. "Anyway, what's with your hair?"

"Oh, this? I just thought my hair was a bit messed up so I asked Lance to restyle it."

"Noted." Hanabi said.

Chou was about to leave before he noticed something's wrong with her.

"Your eyes is red."

"Eh, really?"

"Yeah, and your cheeks are a little puffed."

"It's nothing."

"Hanabi, are you crying?" Chou asked very blatantly, earning a little surprised and a little annoyed expression from the scarlet flower.

"I'm not."

"You are, Hanabi." Chou replied softly. "Why? Is something troubling you?"

Hanabi began to get annoyed from the questions.

"It's none of your business!"

"Are you sure? I could help you if you wanted to."

"No, and I don't need your help!" Hanabi exclaimed and began to walk away.

"If that's the case, I can't force you. I'm not in a position to do so. But remember, you can always come to me if you need my help!"

That sentence stopped Hanabi in her tracks for a moment. But she continued walking away after that, and fast, expecting Chou to chase her.

Much to her surprise that he didn't. Instead he just stood there with his smile plastered on his lips.

Which shook the kunoichi for a moment.

She knew from her friends that Chou is someone who has a trait that makes girls stayed away from him. His smiles are usually perverted and he usually asked for something in return after his help. This caused girls to go away from him, leaving him depressed or something.

And yet, what she had seen from him was a total opposite. He didn't ask her anything, his smile seemed genuine and sweet, and he didn't get depressed when she left him like that.

Almost like he is really willing to help her, and believed that she really needed his help.

Is this really the same Chou that her friends used to hate?

For the next moments, her thought were just filled with him, much to her confusion. Her broken heart stopped aching, but it was way off before it could be mended.

"Maybe a little visit to Chou won't hurt."


So, what will actually happen? Find out in one of the chapters after this (it might be not the next chapter, but who knows?)

Sorry for the unclear plots, or probably some clichés.

Thanks and see you soon!


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