Chatroom #6

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---Gossip Chatroom---

Nana: Who, me?

Lesley: Yes, you!

(This really sounds like kids' conversation XD).

(All 5 active girls in the chatroom except Nana): *Putting up asks*

/MiyaAsk Why some people played using you but also using my build?

Layla: You mean like MM Nana or something like that?

Alice: Come to think of it, you're right.

Nana: That should have been asked to the players, not me. But I liked using MM build so I can be like Miya nee-san

Miya: N...Nee-san?

Lesley: That means older sister...

Miya: Oh right! So that means Nana wanted to be like me? Then why don't we train together again next time? It's been a while since we did so.

Nana: Of course!

Layla: Miya is a kind big sister.

Miya: Shut up, Layla.

Miya: /answered

Ask answered!

/AliceAsk Can you ruffle Harley's hair for me?

Lesley: Oooo good request 😁

Nana: But Harley would be mad if we messed up his hair, right?

Layla: I don't think he would if you are the one doing that. You're so cute that Harley would probably just pulled you into a kiss instead 😏.

Alice: Or probably he would guide you into a room...😏😏

Miya: Stahp! No R-18! Harley might not do something that extreme though. Right, Nana?

Nana: A...Aa....

Miya: Great...she was shocked now...

Alice: /answered

Ask answered!

/LaylaAsk Do you have any love rival?

Miya: U seriously don't know? That's pretty unlikely for a gossiper like you

Alice: Yeah, I'm shocked.

Nana: Uh well...Harley is a popular boy so of course I had a lot of rival. Angela and Lolita used to be two of them.

Lesley: Right they are, but Lolita is not a threat anymore since she was already married to Bruno, and Angela is now getting closer to Diggie, so that technically means Nana has no more rivals.

Nana: Actually no. Harley is also popular amongst his fangirls who watched his performance.

Lesley: I'm sure Harley will still choose you.

Nana: 😊

Layla: /answered

Ask answered!

/LesleyAsk Is Harley treating you kindly?

Nana: >///<

Alice: Ooohhh...

Layla: Awww...what a luck to have Lesley as soon-to-be-sister-in-law, Nana...

Miya: So, what's the answer, Nana?

Nana: What can I say? Harley has treated me so well...even though he was extremely busy, he always had time for me.

Layla: Oh God...just be married already!!

Lesley: Noted! If you say so, then I will personally give you my greatest blessing. May the two of you live happily ever after 😊.

Nana: >////////////<

Lesley: /answered

Ask answered!

All asks had been answered, finding new player to be asked.

Player found: Miya

Miya: Wise choice...

Layla: Oh...really? Then let's ask...

Miya: You wouldn't dare!

All five active girls in the chatroom except Miya: *Putting up Asks*

/LaylaAsk (actually by RubyWolfie) What do you think of Alucard and Estes? Who will you choose as a boyfriend?

Miya: I really don't get why you asked this, Layla, since you know the answer.

Layla: I'm just curious! I know you are engaged to Estes but there's a possibility that you might actually have your heart set on brother...

Nana: No, Miya is devoted to Estes, I believe that. Their engagement was pure of their love to each other.

Lesley:'re so grown up!

Alice: I can't believe this is the same cute cat elf which used to act like a kid.

Miya: Well, Layla, Nana is right. I already chose Estes and I don't regret it.

Layla: Alright then. See ya at the wedding XD.

Miya: >////<

Layla: /answered

Ask answered

/LesleyAsk Can you recall your first kiss with Estes?

Layla: Oh my Gord! Good question, Lesley!

Lesley: *chuckles*

Alice: Hehe...

Miya: D...Do I really have to tell the full story.

Lesley: Normally yes, but let's just cut to the important points, like where, when, or even how?

Nana: I could help answering that!

Miya: No...let me answer it by myself, Nana. (*ahem*) So, our first kiss was already four years ago, under the full moon on the forest where Irithel used to live.

Lesley: Didn't Irithel and Leo see you?

Miya: No, they had moved to Japan with Hayabusa and Kagura.

Nana: But I saw them 😁.

Miya: Yeah...I was really embarrassed.

Alice: Then, like Lesley's third question, how was the kiss 😏?

Lesley: /answered Nahh...give her a break already.

Ask answered

/NanaAsk I really wanted to study more from Miya nee-san!

Miya: Well that's not a question...

Nana: Only want to say that. So can you teach me more, Miya nee-san?

Miya: Sure

Lesley: What an admirable big sister.

Miya: Aren't you one yourself, Les?

Nana: /answered

Ask answered!

/AliceAsk How mqny children would you like to have with Estes?

Layla: That's pretty bold...

Lesley: Not a bad question though

Miya: R...Really I haven't thought that far >////<.

Nana: Just answer, Miya nee-san. I'm also curious how many children will call me with Aunt Nana...

Layla: Ooooohhh...

Lesley: Good job, Nana.

Miya: Um...probably two or three is enough? I don't know if I could bear more than that...or most important IDK if I could take care of more than three.

Alice: Well...we'll be expecting little Estiyas really soon XD

Miya: >////<

Alice: /answered

Ask answered!

All asks have been answered! Finding new player to be asked.

Player found: Layla

---To Be Continued---

You can leave some asks for Layla here! I'll take 3 at max since there's already 1 question from RubyWolfie


---Random Chat---

Kage: Huff...Huff...

Lolita: What's wrong with you, Kage-san?

Kazato: He was just tired after his IELTS Exam...he had his speaking test postponed for an hour and he's tired of waiting that long without actually doing anything.

Irithel: Ah...I see...

Chang'e: Q...Quick! Run! Roger's coming (*Run*)

Roger: What now...

Kage: Sorry, my smurf recently used Chang'e as its new main so she was somehow hyper...

Zilong: Noted.

Kage: Anyway, is Lunox here?

Lunox: (*walking with the Twilight Orb*) I'm here, what is it, Kage?

Kage: (*Suddenly hugged Lunox*)

Selena&Belerick: WTFFFFF!

Lunox: (*Blushes, also confused as f-) Why so suddenly?

Kage: Thanks for giving me my third maniac!

Miya: Isn't that quite usual?

Kage: Yes, in A.I. But I almost hardly ever achieved maniac or savage in Classic/Rank mode...let alone using a I think it's quite special.

Layla: Ohh...but too bad...why didn't you kiss Lunox, why just hug her?

Selena: *Preparing her Abyss Mode*

Kage: I'll save it until Lunox gave me a Savage...I hope it would be very soon...

Lunox: (*still blushes*).

Kazato: Speaking of which, can you follow me to my room, Irithel? I got something to discuss with you.

Irithel: Okay.

Kage: 😏😏

Layla: 😏😏

Natalia: 😏😏😏😏 (*camera ready*)

Kazato: Don't gimme that's not what you think!

Kage: Even if it is, I won't stop you. Both of you are legal so...okay...

Kazato: Stfu...

(*Kazato and Irithel went inside Kazato's room*)

Kage: Why am I thinking that they are doing R-18 inside...


Irithel: So, what do you want to discuss?

Kazato: Well...IDK what to say, really. It's just my winrate using you is always dropping thanks to cancer users.

Irithel: Yeah, I know. Does that mean you don't want to main me again?

Kazato: No, even the opposite. I wanted to main you more often, I love you both on the battlefield and in life, but if it costs the winrate...

Irithel: (*hugging Kazato*) The choice is back to you, Kazato. I know you played well using me, and those losses are just pure bad luck because know...toxic players...It's your choice. I don't mind if our winrate drops, as long as you are contented in using me. You entered our universe to find happiness and leisure, not stress, right?

Kazato: I...Irithel...

Irithel: I can barely say those words. I don't know if that is helpful or not.

Kazato: That helped me much. Thank you. (*leans forward*)

Irithel: (*captures Kazato's lips, accidentally emits moaning sounds*)


Kazato: Whaaa....You lied, Kage! You said you won't stop us.

Kage: I only said I won't stop you. It doesn't apply to anyone other than me though. So Mr. Thief right here stopped you instead.

Claude: (*Prepares Ult*) OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU!

Kazato: Nani?


Yeah, that happen. My winrate using Lunox and Irithel drops to 50% Thanks to toxic feeders and afk players. Even though I got MVP...but if the game is still lost, then it will be rather useless. But still, I will do my best in using my mains XD.

Thank you and see you soon!


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