If You're the Reason (Saber/Fanny)

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Requested by HiPeoplelolm

I know it's been a while, forgive me.

Everyone knows I shipped Saber/Karina, but I promised I'll take requests too. And Saber/Fanny is also shipped by many people so why not?

So here we go! Though I'm sorry for the poor quality of this story.


Even if I am against my own

But I will do it

if the reason is you.


"For Moniyan's sake...how many times have I told you? Do not endanger yourself, sister!"

"And? You think I can't protect myself? Don't you believe in me, Tig?"

"I know you can, but..."

"Then it's all settled! What's the problem then?"

"It's just...we can't risk losing you, Fanny. We have lost enough people, I don't want to lose my sister in addition."

"Now you underestimated me again! Big deal, I'm leaving!"

"Fanny, wait!" The ironclad warrior could only watch as his sister stormed out the castle into the dangerous open area.

Well, it's not that dangerous, at least for him, and he know it's not for Fanny too.

It's just the extremely bad weather. To both him and Fanny, it was nothing, just a mere rain.

But will you really say like that to an extremely cold and fierce storm with winds that might probably flew your picnic table away? Well I don't think so.

However, even though he knew how strong her sister is, Tigreal knows very well that both of them are human, and so they are very prone to the power of Mother Nature, and that is the main concern of him.

Though, even he had to let her go. He just hoped the best, letting a new, delicate power that blossoms inside the said sister to take effect.


"Urgh, what's wrong with brother Tig... he never stopped me like this." Fanny grumbled as she flew using her cables throughout the path. "I don't understand, he never stopped me when I went out on a date with Saber, or even a sleepover with him is also permitted, so why does he act like this while all I am going to do was to cure him while his family is out?"

Fanny continued to grumble angrily along the road. The destination was not too far, at least when using her "transportation means".

But then Tigreal's worry come surfacing, as suddenly a very strong gust of wind was blowing against her direction, with momentum hard enough to almost sent her backwards. And it's not even the only problem.

The rainwater it carries was not eventually a normal rain. It was so cold that it almost formed ice spikes. This is quite the bane of almost all humans who are strolling outdoors.

However, she isn't fazed. She knows the colder the rain and wind struggling against her, the more she wanted to pass through and reach her destination.

After all, one person is in need of her care, and she had promised too, at least to her own heart.

For him, for the one who is waiting for her, for the one as precious as her own life, she will not back down.

Even at the cost of her own.


"Okay let's see...the key should be here...oh here it is." Fanny thought as she rummaged her own pockets to find Saber's house's key. Apparently Saber's family had given her one spare key, a big proof that she had been so trusted.

She unlocked the door, letting her pink jacket down and hung it on the stand, and quickly made her way to Saber's room.

Where he was lying in wait.

"You're late." Saber said monotonously, but his face stated another tone as a soft smile plastered on it.

"Well, better late than never." Fanny said, grinning.

"And drenched. I could faintly see your undergarment lines."

"That better keep left unsaid, pervert." Fanny said as she punched the said boy. "How was your sickness?"

"Much...much better than before, Thank you." Saber said. "How about you yourself? Looking at the drenched clothes you're wearing, I assume you flew your way here."

"That's pretty obvious."

"Seriously, on this weather? It rained a storm so hard that it can freeze you like Aurora's passive, you know?"

"And here I am, neither frozen nor sick, especially after seeing you being fine. I couldn't ask more." Fanny said, grinning again.

Saber kept smiling, but a little part of his heart knows something is not right.

That grin was unnatural.

"I think I'll be taking a glass of water..." Saber said as he got up.

"No, stay still, let me take it for you." Fanny said as she ran towards the kitchen.

Saber could only watch as his "caretaker" moved quickly toward the said direction.

"Well that's Fanny for you. She would always be pretty much like that."

Then a sound of broken glass startled him.

"W...What's that?"

He collected up enough power to get up and exited his room, only to find out the said girl sprawled on the floor, unconscious...


He mustered enough stamina and approached her body, holding her forehead

"W...Whoa....that's a high temperature. She definitely forced herself across this unfriendly weather..."

He began lifting her body and carried her towards his room

(since they had no guest rooms, don't think of any different reason).


"W...Where am I?" Fanny said as she slowly opened her eyes, to be greeted by a familiar ceiling of Saber's room.

"Wait, if this is Saber's room, then..." She realized after checking around that she indeed is on Saber's bed, with a dry set of clothes, which is different from her usual.

"Why am I the one sleeping here? I should have been taking care of Saber, but..."

"Ah, you're awake." A voice came out from the doorstep, and it was very obvious whose sound that is.

"S...Saber? But..." she looked at her surroundings again, confirming what she wanted to ask him."

"You passed out on fever, turns out that the weather affects you greatly." Saber said. "And that was my mother's clothes."

"O...oh..." Fanny confirmed, but had her cheeks blush red when she realized a scenario.

"And, no, it's my mother who changed your clothes, not me, of course." He said, smirking.

"Well you owe me your life if you did though." Fanny said.

"Truth to be said, though. You're such an idiot. Why are you forcing yourself to take care of me even though this kind of result might happen? I was extremely worried...no...my family was extremely worried, you know?"

Fanny saw the earnest worry of Saber's face, confirming how much he had worried about her.

"That's obvious. I had promised and so I will not hesitate, especially if it's you as the reason here."


Saber knew the hotheadedness of his girlfriend, but then he knew how much she had really done her best.

"And, if the cost is your own life, you really sure about that?"

"What if I do?"

"Then you really are an idiot." Saber said as he scooted closer to her.


His face was close to her. "If the reason is you, and your life, I might as well do the same thing."

He touched her lips with his own, smiling as he did so.

"Well, looks like both of us are idiots" Fanny said.

"Yeah, two idiots whose life is for each other."


Aaaaand there it is... So classic and so predictable... Forgive this incompetent writer...

I'll be posting another random or maybe the continuation of "It Splits", let's see if I had the idea and time.

Thank you and see you soon!


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