Important Heroes in Account: Kitazawa_Rikka 's "Career" Pt.1

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Konnichiwa, minna-san!

Hier spricht Kitazawa Rikka, heute möchte ich eine Erzählung sprechen.

---Please Stand By---

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Hello everyone!

Kitazawa Rikka speaking here! Today I want to tell you a story.

So actually it should have been Kage to write this. However since his ML IGN is my name, so he forced me to write this. Oh for goodness sake.

Btw he's in the supermarket for restocking his green tea and aglio olio seasoning supplies, and also buying lunch since there's a promotion (Kage is very perceptive to promotions and discounts XD) on some lunch menus.

So what am I going to tell you?

So at this occasion, I want to tell my impressions to some important heroes in the "ML Career" of the account with the name: Kitazawa_Rikka, or we should say as our first ever account. (I got a smurf named Nishina_Aomori, but that will be discussed next time.)

So without further ado, here's some hero impression inside the career.

(Don't expect too much from me since I'm still in Master Rank).

1. Balmond

Now everyone might probably ask, why not Irithel in number 1? Well actually this sequence is not sorted from the most favorite heroes, but rather the very first picks since I played the first time.

So, when I first joined ML, I always played with mah cousins and brother, so of course I was forced into Tank role, and Balmond is my choice. From there I knew nothing about this game, so my equipment build is rather bizarre: Sky Guardian Helmet, Berserkers Fury and Twilight Armor (IDK if the name is right or not, but you know that 1200 Hp + 50Hp regen). And I also added more HP regen stuffs and that is quite annoying actually. I played berserk and very tanky without looking at his HP.

Balmond is quite good for a beginner. I used his 2nd skill to farm. But now I seldom used him anymore except on a few occasions, and even that I used Fighters build already on him. His ulti is wow, accompany that with you shouting : "AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!!" and you will find yourself dancing to the tune XD.

2. Layla

The first ever Marksman I chose. And my mental was still tanky at this time so yes, you can use the Tank Layla pun here because that was what exactly happened that time.

With her also, I learned for the first time to use Scarlet Phantom and Haas Claws (before this I only focus on Berserkers Fury and Sky Guardian Helmet (OMG LAYLA IS REALLY A TANK) XD), and slowly I removed the use of Sky Guardian Helmet on Marksmen, and changed into the three main equipment: Scarlet Phantom, Haas Claws and Berserkers Fury.

She was great, but since my gameplay is still like a Tanker, you know how this will go.

3. Freya

I learned to recharge for the first time and got her for free. The first fighter I ever choose (I never chose Zilong surprisingly). My gameplay is still tanky, but now I started to be aware of Spells and HP. Here I still equip her for berserking attack, no defense or speed increasing. Only after a heavy scolding from my brother and after around 15 games, I learned the build of balance (Att, Def, Spd).

My combo using her was quite effective, but only on weak players. Yeah I'm a noob, forgive meh.

4. Odette

Even though I used Eudora and Lunox most, Odette is the first ever Mage I had chosen on my first gameplays. With her I learned the Mage basic build with my own changes.

So at that time my build is like: Lightning Truncheon, Glowing Wand, Fleeting Time, Magic/Holy Crystal, Blood Wings and one random magic item. I managed to hold out, but even so Odette is not a damager (at least according to me), so my build is a bit ineffective.

It was then when I studied one by one of the equipments and her skills, I began to change my equipment again. I never used Glowing Wand again on her and changed it into Concentrated Energy, u know that Spell vamp thingy whatsoever.

Her Ulti is the most annoying for me. Especially on Brawl matches XD.

5. Hylos

This is the second tank I bought. And here I learned the uniqueness of "Unique" effects. I first built him for attacking with 6 Glowing Wands, only to find out that the burning stays around 2-4% only.

Looking at this, I totally changed the build and modified it from the recommended set. At that time Hylos is the "stuck hero" for me, because I will be always forced to use him when I played with my brother. And then he'd be like: "Go in front and use your ulti when I commanded."

He's a Helcurt user.

And I just obeyed him, even sacrificing myself to turrets multiple times, and at one time I do so and he got a Savage with Helcurt.

I deserve a thanks for that. But...okay he thanked me...but I bet he had already forgotten about that and keep blaming me for not tanking for him.

His 2nd skill is like my favorite. At the battlefield I used him to even steal some kills XD.

He's now my main tank.

6. Yi Sun-Shin

The second Marksman I bought, and my brother protested me on why buying him while he already had in his hero list. He said that I should buy another Tank, or he might give compensation by me buying Lesley. But I had almost never played Lesley and never knew about her gameplay so yeah...whatever.

Using him, I learned my brother's build style for him, and introducing the "Swift Boots" thingy. Also that Corrosion Scythe, I used that for the last.

I used him almost always on Melee mode XD. Better damage and stuff. Though I still sucked if compared to my brother.

7. Irithel

I got her from Lunox' Determination Quest. This MM is great even though I didn't know how to use her. At the "all hero" event, I used her five times and got 2 win/3 loss. Even until now the record is still 7/4. Nevertheless, her existence in the account's owned hero list had made us, especially Kazato, leap in joy (See the previous chapters).

We began to train much using her, she had even replaced Yi Sun-Shin and Layla as our marksman choice. We will always choose either her or Miya.

And with some help from my cousins, they trained me on how we used her actually overpowered Ulti, her 1st skill and so on, her 2nd skill was not too much used by me, except in ganking and pursuing XD.

Of course, if you see the previous before previous chapter, she had made us impressed by scoring a Savage for us, our first Savage with this account.

And of course that strengthens our Kazato's fondness to this jungle heart XD.

Actually there are more Heroes. And some of them even actually should be placed between some of the listed heroes above. But we will continue that next time.

So, thank you and see you soon!


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