ML X RO Mobile Randoms: A Visit to Payon Cave (Part 1)

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Random...yes...just random

Anyway...ML and its chars belong to Moonton. RO M and its chars belong to Gravity (and Black Cat Studios), and Xuanlu belongs to Ia_Suarez.

Hope this didn't suck. I didn't proofread since I'm extremely busy recently.

--Kage's HQ a.k.a. Mansion---

Kazato: It's been awhile now...Hello everybody!

Miya: Hello, Kazato-san! You're by yourself?

Layla: Yeah...somehow that's rare...oh...and how's Irithel doing?

Zilong: And I think you could come up with another question other than expected from our go'ship'per.

Layla: 😅

Kazato: Irithel is fine, thanks for caring about her. In fact, it's just a few more weeks before she gave birth to a baby boy.

Miya: A boy?

Layla: Seems like there will be a Nishina heir soon.

Zilong: Certainly.

Miya: Speaking of which...where are Kage and Rikka?

Kazato: What do you think? *smirks*

Alice: My guess...Kage is having a know...Mmphh...

Moskov: I don't mind myself, but you're ruining the innocence of others. Stop it, Alice.

Harley: O...kay...that's a bit unlike Mr. Grumpy Yam...

Moskov: Say somethin', Kid?"

Harley: Uhh...*Stuck on the wall by Moskov's spear*

Alice: Maybe you should've been thinking otherwise. I was just going to say a steamy bath...

Moskov: That's unlike Kage. He never cares too much about his own hygiene.

Miya: do you know that?

Moskov: His brother told me.

Layla: Brother? Kage has a brother?

Miya: Duhh...he had told us about him already...

Layla: Oops, my bad.

Zilong: So...where is Kage and Rikka?

Kazato: Well, both of them are going cross-dimension to Midgard's Payon Cave.

Freya: Midgard?

Zilong: You know Midgard?

Freya: Duhh...I'm a Valkyrie...I could bet there are some like me there too...

Zilong: Oh...could you take me there one day?

Freya: Sure...

Xuanlu: Can I join too?

Freya: Why yes, of course...

Alice: There goes away the planned date with Freya, Zi...

Zilong: I...I never said it was a date...besides I already have a fiancee...

Miya: Um...Alice...Zilong?

Zilong: Hmm?

Xuanlu: *Annoyed and Angered face, Dark Aura surrounding her*

Zilong: should've not said that, Alice...

Xuanlu: *Plays a melody of pain (or jealousy?)*

Zilong: Aaaaahh!!! Stop it!!!


Freya: So, I wonder why Kage and Rikka went to Payon Cave...

Kazato: I'm surprised you don't know, Freya, especially if you are a Valkyrie...

Freya: What? It's been a while since I visited my home. Besides the Midgard I knew could probably be different from the ones they are going.

Kazato: Well, can't argue with that.

Layla: Anyway, Kazato.

Kazato: Hmm?

Layla: Your answer?

Kazato: Oh...about the reason why Kage and Rikka went to the cave? Well it won't make sense if it was just the two of them. However, if someone else joins...

Miya: Y...You mean that Sohee ghost called Aigo?

Kazato: Certainly.

Freya: !

Kazato: I think Freya finally got it.

Freya: Why didn't I realize it sooner...

Layla: Realize what?

Freya: Of course that makes sense...Payon cave is a home for Sohees...

Zilong: So...does that mean Kage would release Aigo back to her habitat?

Kazato: That's a possible reason. But, looking at Kage's deep affection to the ghost (and vice versa), that's probably not it.

Layla: How about finding Aigo's parents for asking their approval know?

Miya: Hmm...

Freya: That's possible...

Kazato: No, even though that seemed plausible, but they just wanted to take a little vacation...the three of them...I actually wanted to join them, but they refused, saying that I should stay to take care of Irithel.

Xuanlu: They really supported your relationship...

Kazato: Yeah, I'm very grateful to them.

Freya: Speaking of which...Kazato...I know this is random and unplanned for...but...(*whisper*)(*whisper*)

Kazato: *deep-in-thought look* I'll consider it.

*At one of the rooms*

Lancelot: Odette, Beautiful Odette... how do I look? (*shows his new clothes Odette bought him*)

Odette: As I expected, you look very handsome in least if you act like a gentleman.

Lancelot: Aaand... don't I always act like one?

Odette: Some of the time you just act like...sorry if I should say it...Gay.

Lancelot: Whaaaat?

Odette: That's what the others are saying though. But I know you deeper than them. I know the real you.

Lancelot: The real me?

Odette: Yes, the one that will have a special place inside me...I mean my heart.

Lancelot: *Totally not getting any weird thoughts* Ah...Beautiful Odette...Arigatou

Odette: *Smiles* Bet you learn that from Hayabusa.

Lancelot: Well...probably...

The two of them are closing in...before the door is opened suddenly.

???: Oh my, I am not interfering anything, right?

The couple is shocked to see a figure very familiar to them.

Lancelot: G...Guinevere?


---Cross Dimension---

---Ragnarok M Universe---

---Payon Cave 2F, Payon, Midgard---

Kage: *Stood near a bunch of Sohees surrounding him* I'm in heaven...

Rikka: Cut it out,'re very creepy.

Kage: Hahaha...just kidding.

Rikka: Speaking of which...*looks at Aigo* Truth to be told...this is the first time I saw a group of Sohees talking to each other.

Kage: The same goes for me...though...I wonder what they are talking about...they couldn't be gossiping around like most women do, right?

*Insert Layla sneezing back at the HQ*

Rikka: Who knows? You want to join them?

Kage: Tempting, but no...let her have her own time.

???: Miss Rikka!

Rikka: Hm?

*Two figures appeared in front of the mage.*

Rikka: Sabrina? Luce? Why are you here?

Sabrina: I should have asked the same to you.

Luce: Be more polite, Sabrina! *Turns to Rikka* Actually, we're just trying to find some Zargons from the Nine-Tails here.

Sabrina: Well, just like she said. Now what about you, miss?

Rikka: *Smiles* Just accompanying my brother on a little vacation.

Luce: Your brother? *Looks at Kage* You didn't look alike enough to be siblings though. But let's just slip with it. So...what vacation?

Rikka: *Points at the Sohee group*

Sabrina: What does that mean? Sohee sightseeing or something?

Kage: That sounds quite silly for the Sohees...

Rikka: Says the one falling in love with them...

Sabrina/Luce: *gasps*

Kage: Hey! Don't tell them!

Rikka: Oh look, she's back.

*The four turns to see one of the Sohees approaching them*

Sabrina: *Prepares Katar* (in previous chapters she wields daggers, but now she changed into katars for offensive purposes) Is this Sohee hostile? If yes let me shred her...

Luce: Wait!

*Aigo approached them closer then clings...onto Kage of course*

Sabrina: Eh?

Luce: Luckily you didn't attack her...

Rikka: Yeah, sorry for not telling. This is Aigo, my pet Sohee. However I used a kind of spell that makes her thinking that my brother is her master.

Sabrina: There is a spell like that?

Rikka: Well...

Luce: Why did you do that?

Rikka: Just to shut him up...I'm tired to hear his imaginative annoying lines about being with her...

Sabrina: But Sohees are about...crazy and desperate...

Luce: I'd rather call him "enchanted".

Rikka: Don't blame him...he was unsalvagable...

*Suddenly a portal emerges from their position*

All: *Readied weapons*

*Three figures slumped down from the portal, one is a winged Valkyrie with blue hair and a kind of swordsman set, one is a female songstress with brown hair and a harp, and one is an ironclad warrior with a spear*

Rikka: H...How did you three get here?

Zilong: *Gets up, looking at the others* Where are we?

Xuanlu: U...Uh...what is this place?

Freya: *Looks at them too* I guess...we owe them some explanations...


So, three people from ML Universe are teleported into the RO Universe...let's see what awaits them there.

Thank you and see you soon!


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