Random: Pushing Ranks and Sinking Ships

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Kage and Rikka speaking! You could hazard a guess by yourself as if why Kazato is not here with us.

So, this day was practically a hectic Mobile Legends moment we might remember. And here we wanted to share you another randomness chapter about today.

1. Sinking Ships- AluBy vs NaLey (HarNa, but I think HarNa is a bit redundant since it could also stand for Harith/Nana), by Kage and Rikka

Okay, so two of my ships had been sunk (actually might be more but nvm): Alucard/Ruby and Harley/Nana. But I swear I will still create fictions featuring these two.

So now, these two aren't my best ships, but I shipped them hard. However if I had to admit, my reaction to both of the sinking was different. I wasn't too bothered much when AluBy sunk, but I was outrageously depressed with the sinking of NaLey. Why?

First things first, AluBy sunk at the Valentine's 2018. At that time, I haven't played the game yet and I haven't got many ideas about ML. It was then I met with many AluBy fanarts and fics and suddenly I too felt a loss.

However, NaLey's case is different. I had joined ML and had shipped them from my first moments in the game. So the loss/sunk was impacting greatly on me. NaLey was a cute ship and Moonton just ruined it again.

And moreover, I'm practically anxious that this sinking might take effect like domino, I mean with Nana going with Harith, Harley might be paired with some others like Angela or Lolita, which again sinks more of my ships. Good Lord...I swear I'm going to crack every Moonton's ships even if that is the last thing I must do.

Okay, forget about it. That's just me rambling.

2. Rank Pushing- 10-15 consecutive Ranked games without pause. By: Kage

Don't say I'm exaggerating since this really happened this morning.

So my first cousin (IGN: Ironshaver) forced me to push rank starting yesterday, and since we managed to score only little victories, he ordered me to push rank this morning since they had a holiday from school.

And this morning, along with my second cousin (IGN: randevous455), we pushed our ranks. My first four games used the combo Aurora/Claude/Franco, with me using Aurora, Ironshaver using Claude and randevous using Franco.

Why didn't I use Irithel, Lunox, or Miya? Well this is an Elite/Master Ranked games so MMs are pretty much booked already, and Lunox doesn't suit the combo since I might actually act as a Crowd Controller instead of Damager. Aurora's freeze and 2nd skill suits my playing style so I used her.

The fifth game was the last ranked game I played using Kitazawa_Rikka. The combo was changed into Freya/Claude/Franco (I changed into Freya since my last game with Aurora earned me a Bronze).

Why last? Because after that game, I ranked up to GM V, while randevous was still stuck in Elite II, which means a ranked game team is impossible. As such, since Ironshaver is still in Master and keep forcing us to team-up for ranked. I changed into Nishina_Aomori, my smurf.

The next five-ten games ended all in victory. The combo stays Freya/Claude/Franco, with Claude getting a Savage on one of our games. (Too bad none of us actually recorded it XD).

With that, Ironshaver went up to GM V, Nishina_Aomori and randevous both went up to Master III.

Though, one achievement that surprised me is my second cousin's. He had been inactive from ML for around two or three months already, and he was actually a Gusion/Fanny/Haya user. But his Franco skills...OMG... I just can't speak. 20 Games, all victory. Instantly went climbing to Top Locals...IDK what to say.

Anyways, Thank you for reading my random unnecessary ramblings. I gotta catch up with my stories and projects, but it would be harder for me to find free times since starting today (until a number of months forward), I'll be informally tutoring Math to some of my younger friends. Well, a good way to earn a little pocket money and keep my brain from forgetting the materials.

See you soon!

Kage and Rikka

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