mobile phone

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today our group are talking about the advantages and drawback of the mobile phone.

We agree that mobile phone has lots of function.Such as surf the net search tool dictionary , calendar and cacelator etc.

But u don't think that is good enough.because it also has some drawbacks.

it wastes of material ,because some of people may have more than 1 mobile phone , pepole may use the function of mobile to do some not illegal things.

The main drawback is the nuclear, it may affect us and it is harmful. Nowadays people spend lots of time in using the mobile phone .

So, it is unhealthy





Comment by kit@2c May 8, 2008 @ 6:21 pm


Hey! Firstly, let me ask some question- do everyone of you have your own mobile phone? When did you it? Do you afraid that the radiation of the mobile phone will affect your health?

I remember that when I had my very first mobile, my mother worried a lot. She was worried that the radiation of my mobile phone would affect my health. She didn't allow me to put the mobile phone in my pocket. She didn't let me to use the mobile phone more than 15 minutes. . .

To tell me own experience, I just want to bring out the topic 'the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone'.

A mobile phone gives us a way to communicate with others. We can chat with friends whenever we like! If you are too lazy to dial a number, you can also tell your 'little secrets' to your friends by sending a sms. We can also find that some of us keep sending sms during lessons! But I am not going to mention his or her name . . .

By the time, technology being improved, mobile phones have more and more functions, like mp3 player, video player, camera and so on. . . Mobile phones are the tools to entertain us.

Between 1980s and 2000s, the mobile phone has been an expensive item used by business elites to a personal communications tool for the general population.

Base on my research from the website, wikipedia: Around 80% of the world's population enjoys mobile phone in 2006. This figure is expected to increase to 90% by the year 2010.

We wash our hands after using toilet but will you wash your hands after using your mobile? Bacteria on the keypad are more serious and fatal to human health than bacteria in the toilet.

In the other hand, we often find some news about the traffic accident cause by mobile phone. Some careless drivers use the mobile while they are driving and oblivious of the traffic safety.

There are advantages and also disadvantages of mobile phones. Will you stop using mobile phone because of its radiation? Will you purchase the far out mobile phone because of its unique function?

Do you think there are more advantages or more disadvantages? The co-founder of Apple Computer, Steve Wozniak said 'Read more books and try to wide your imagination. Try to solve the problem by yourself!' I think it just depend on you.

At last, hope you can weigh the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone and use your mobile carefully and properly. Try to solve the problem by yourself. Thank you!

Comment by alex May 30, 2008 @ 9:00 pm


Good morning, everyone. Before I start talking my topic, I want to ask you some questions. Do you have some electric appliances in your pocket or schoolbag now? I think everyone will use it to book some take-away lunchboxes. Yes, I am talking about mobile phone. However, why do you buy it? Just to follow the trend if teenagers? Just for sending SMS to your friends? Or for other reasons? Therefore, I am going to talk about "The advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone" today.

Nowadays, there are many different kinds of mobile phones in the market. Many people use mobile phones too, such as students, old people, and adults and so on. The size of mobile phone becomes handy and small. It has many colors like red, purple or even gold or silver. It is colorful. The brands of mobile phones are countless, such as Song Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung, Nokia and LG. Different brands of mobile phones shoe different personalities. We have the clamshell, slider and touch screen. They are all stylish. There are more and more functions in mobile phones, such as taking photos, surfing the Net, sending or receiving SMS, listening to music etc. Mobile phones are useful and trendy.

Once I heard of a piece of news that because a man talked on his mobile phone for too long, then the battery burned and exploded his pocket suddenly, in a hole. This accident reminds us that we should not use the mobile phone for too long, and let the mobile phones had a rest.

People use mobile phones because they can connect with each other every time and everywhere, so they can save time to find each other. In addition, they think mobile phones are convenient. They can take photos, surfing the Net and playing the games. Mobile phones are an entertainment when we are bored.

However, mobile phone has some disadvantages. If we always talk on mobile phones, our human relationship becomes bad. Mobile phone has radiation. It disturbs our brain. If we still send SMS all the time, we may get astigmatism easily.

On the other hand, we need to pay large amount of money for the mobile phone. Students may spend lots of time to play the games and SMS. This will disturb our studies. The term test and exam result may become poor.

Although mobile phones are keeping us advanced nowadays, we should not always change the style of mobile phone and pay lots of money on them. Although there is lots of advantage on mobile phone, the disadvantages do influence us a lot. So we try not to use our mobile phone all the time! Thank you!

Comment by Angel June 1, 2008 @ 8:47 pm


Good morning everyone,

I would like to discuss with you about a tool that most of us have, mobile phone, which is so important to our daily life.

Mobile phone provides us a lot of convenience. We can connect or being connected, anywhere and anytime, even when we are going out. It is why we call cell phone as 'mobile phone'. This convenience greatly improved the quality of our life. My family need not to worry while I am out since I can be contacted any time. However, how about you are being called while you are enjoying movie? It seems that we have less freedom on managing our own time. In addition, mobile phone also disturbs us a lot. I hate it when the others mobile phone ring in a concert or people talk loudly with their mobile in library. It is also dangerous when people talk with mobile while driving or crossing the road.

On the other hand, it cannot secure its 'convenience' all the time. Mobile may not cover all areas, such as basement or rural areas. The most fluctuation is that mobile cannot work when there is connection jam under emergency.

Beside convenience on phone conversation, mobiles phone has a lot of supplementary functions, for example, camera, dictionary, or even radio. It also provides us with a lot of choices on models, colors, and styles. Due to these rich functions and attractive new models, mobile has become very popular. People buy new phones just because of their attractive new models. Besides wasting money, it also causes electronic pollution.

Mobile phone is useful, but it may also be a harmful tool! It is known that radiation from mobile handset is harmful to our brain. It may cause brain cancer even it is still under proof. Furthermore, due to its convenience, people used to talk with mobile phone, rather than having face-to-face connection. It greatly hurts our human inter-relationship.

I think that mobile phone is a constructive tool for our daily life if we can use it properly. Thanks you.

Comment by jenna June 3, 2008 @ 4:35 pm


my comment is,this is very useful to me.I think this is also very useful to others.

Comment by arulraju July 17, 2008 @ 9:13 pm


i too have a mobile phone but i think it to be a real menace.ya sometimes we need it but actually its a wastage of money and time both.

Comment by rumana July 31, 2008 @ 1:13 am


the big problem caused by mobile is that some people try to disurb other using fake simcard or thy behave immoraly with girls throug fake sim connection.crimes are promoting more through cell phone.Cyber bullying is another big problem.

Comment by farooq khan August 14, 2008 @ 4:55 pm


8yGood idea.5t I compleatly agree with last post. edc

паркет и ламинат 9t

Comment by ламинат August 25, 2008 @ 2:24 am



Comment by noname August 27, 2008 @ 12:26 pm


Anything that releases vibration,radiation has potential of harming people especially if the radiation is the person or a part of his is frequently exposed to it.

I say this with all honesty that my sitting with LAPTOP .like the cell phone is having an itchy effect on my eyes presently.I only hope there could be more discoveries that will promote ergonomics of use of these vital ICT equipment.

Comment by femi Olayera September 10, 2008 @ 11:30 pm


I think mobiles are necessity.Because if there is an accident on a road you can dial the emergency number to get help rather than just ruinng to the telephonebox,what would you do if u can't find a telephonebox>

Comment by Prasanth October 14, 2008 @ 2:31 am



Can available at any time any where,

Can commnicate any incident or accident instantly


According to a letest research the rays between two mobile phones (one caller and one receiver) can boil an egg in 65 minutes. Imagine what it can do with the proteins of your brains when you do long calls.

Comment by Tahir Mahboob October 16, 2008 @ 3:52 pm


yh mobiles r gr8

Comment by memeh October 27, 2008 @ 10:48 pm



• you can carry a mobile phone with you so you don't miss important calls

• if you are lost, you can call for directions

• if you are in an accident, you can call the police or ambulance - and if the phone has a camera, you can take pictures of the accident

• you can listen to music, text, play games when you're bored

• most mobile phones have a calculator and a phone book

• you can use a mobile phone to call your customers or boss if you are running late to a meeting


• mobile phones can be expensive

• they can damage your ear

• sometimes the reception is poor in some areas, limiting your connectivity (you can't talk underground or on planes)

• people use bluetooth and the camera in bad ways

• people use the phone while they are driving, and this can cause problems

Comment by Andreiiux November 7, 2008 @ 9:15 am


Hi,that's an interesting debate about mobile phone.In the one hand I do agree that mobile phone is extremely useful for every body ,every one knows that however we may catch lots of drawbacks from it.So my question is why some people don't get rid of using it although its drawbacks?

Comment by Fafah January 22, 2009 @ 9:40 pm


hi1 its a good conversation on mobile.i as a teenager do feel that mobiles hamper our life.we cant pay attention towards our studies.they cause harm to us by excess of of radiations n hence it is a totally useless thing for a teenager.thank you!

Comment by rutuja January 29, 2009 @ 11:24 pm


sometimes i call my mobile phone that is my heart, my closest friend , because of it's importanceness i feel that i cannot live without it.

Comment by khadhy February 16, 2009 @ 11:50 am


sometimes i call my mobile phone that is my heart, my closest friend , because of it's importanceness i feel that i cannot live without it.

Comment by khadhy GN.Fuvahmulah February 16, 2009 @ 11:53 am


Mobile phones are really very important in our lives that we cannot think our life without them. It is a long-range, portable electronic device used for mobile communication. Mobile phones are affordable, easy to use and comfortable. They manage our every task in office or in our home. They are not just the communication medium but also the computation medium. They are equipped with the high-end features and specifications that it really makes us feel great in having them in our hands.

The mobile phones have become crucial part of our life.there are facts which prove this. They have replaced the wrist watches or our alarm clocks at home as we can see time in them wherever we are and can even know the time of other countries and set according to it. We can also set the alarms in them.

• They have become a kind of portable electronic diaries for us. In them we can easily write daily schedules, contacts of friends or clients, appointments, notes and they even remind us of the important events or meetings. Thus the mobile phones are useful in offices mostly.

• When you are stressed you can listen to the music from in-built music player. You can entertain yourself while you are on the move as they help in reducing stress levels and frustration. The music player are simple as well as sophisticated because in the latest splendid mobile phones the music players can support audio of different formats such as MP3, AAC, WMA etc. and now you do not have to search for the different players. You can get everything in one mobile handset can also listen to the radio with the perfect sound quality.

• Various mobile phones are coming with the high resolution megapixel cameras ranging from 1.3 to 8 megapixels. They are replMobiles phones have intruded in our lives and have made their own unique stand. Once considered as a luxury is now the thing closest to our hearts. Mobiles have even replaced the wristwatches people now find it easier to see the time in their mobile phones. Mobiles phones have become the personal dairies for many. A mobile phone acts like your mother and wakes you up in the morning; it is your reminder that keeps you updated of all your meetings and important events. Calculator and notes section has made the mobile phone your personal assistant. Mobile phones because of their varied multi-function capabilities have replaced many other devices.

When you are stressed and need some music to soothe your soul then just turning on your music player on your mobile will work for you. Now a day's most mobile phones have a music player or an FM receiver. This will ensure that you won't get bored at any point of time. Phones have also popularized the camera feature. Now point-and-shoot imaging has been rediscovered with the mobile phone camera.

However Studies have shown mobile phone radiation does produce biological changes in humans - such as changes in brain temperature and activity as well as blood pressure changes. Others accumulating evidence indicate that microwave radiation from mobile phones may cause serious diseases and disturbances in the physiology. This includes an increased cancer risk and genetic damage, disturbed brain function and other effects. Moreover mobile phone while driving is a distraction that brings risk of road traffic accidents.

In conclusion, i believe although there are disadvantages of using mobile phones the advantages are more.They have completely intruded in our lives and have made their own uniqe stand.Once it is concidered as luxury is now the thing closest to our hearts.

Comment by khadhy GN.Fuvahmulah February 16, 2009 @ 12:07 pm


Mobile phones have now become the new world wide phenomenon; they are used all over the world for multiple purposes. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones. The original use of the mobile phone is used to contact people from afar. Nowadays mobile phones are fully equipped with multiple functions such as Bluetooth, camera, SMS, games and much more. It is now a part of our everyday lives; you can see people wherever you go either talking or texting. But these great gadgets have numerous disadvantages. Mobile phones are extremely useful in case of any emergences, example your car crashed...before you would have probably had to run a mile to find the nearest phone booth, but now you can just use your mobile call the police or ambulance. But, mobiles are causing lack of exercise, instead of going to see your friend, you can just call them. The question everyone is asking now is: Is the mobile good or bad?

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