The First and Exciting Day.

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The sun was shining as a two-tailed fox woke up from a good dream. It was the first day of school, and the most exciting and anxiety filled day. She was already prepared, just needed to pick out a fancy outfit.

"Hmm, what should I wear? A skirt would be nice. Ooh, and maybe a pink shirt will do!" The orange fox put on the clothes and grabbed her backpack and binder. She did a deep breath and stepped out of the door. As soon as she did, she realized that her badge was missing.

"Whoops, can't be forgetting that, now can we?" She asked herself as she put the badge around her neck. It took her at least 10 minutes to walk to the highschool, since she didn't live far away. The school bell rang as she entered the building. She pulled out her schedule and looked at it, confused.

"Do you need any help, ma'am?" A pink and white bunny asked. She was wearing a light-blue snowflake dress with white high-heels and a blue hair band.

"Umm, yes." The fox responded, a little startled from the voice. "Do you know where room 111 is?" She asked.

"In fact, I do. Here, I'll take you there." The bunny held out her hand.

"Oh, thanks." She took her hand and they walked down the hallway together. On the way, some of the other students stared at the female fox, whispering things to their friends.

"Here we are! My name is Mangle. If you need any help, just ask your teachers, okay?" Mangle asked.

"Okay. I'm Tilly, by the way."

"That's a nice name. I'll be in the front office if you need me. Bye!" Mangle walked down the hallway, stopping and talking to other students on the way.

Tilly just stared at the door leading to her first period class: English. She opened the door, and just looked in the room. There was a cream and orange bunny at a desk. She was scribbling notes on a clipboard.

"Umm, hi." Tilly wispered. The bunny heard and stood up and sped walked to the door.

"Oh, hello there. I'm Mrs.Vanilla. It's nice to meet you. What's your name, sweetie?" Mrs.Vanilla asked.

"I'm Tilly Prower. Is this an English class?" Tilly entered the room. She noticed another cream and orange bunny like Mrs.Vanilla.

"Yes, it is. Cream, sweetie, come meet your new classmate." Mrs.Vanilla said.

"Okay, mommy." Tilly looked at the bunny who she assumed was Cream.

"Hi! I'm Cream! Nice to meet you!" Cream hugged Tilly without knowing what she was doing.

"Umm, can I please take my seat, not to be rude or anything." Tilly asked politely.

"Oh, sorry." Cream let go of Tilly and skipped back to her seat and started to draw.

At least 20 minutes passed and the tardy bell rang. Tilly was so nervous that she started to bite her bang.

"Okay, class, since this the first day, we're going to get to know each other. Let's start with that group over there." Mrs.Vanilla pointed to the far left corner where four hedgehogs were sitting.

"I'll go first." A light-blue hedgehog stood up. "My name is Sonic the hedgehog. My favorite things are running, chili dogs and destroying badnics!" Sonic then sat back down. Everyone else started to clap. Then a black hedgehog with red stripes on his quills stood up.

"Do I really have to do this, miss?" He questioned.

"Yes you do." A bubble gum pink hedgehog said in response.

"Fine. I'm Shadow the hedgehog. I like to do nothing. Can I be done now?" He asked again.

"Just sit down already. My turn!" The silver-white hedgehog stood up happily. "I'm Silver the hedgehog and I can pick up things with the help of my telekinesis powers!" Then Silver picked up his pencil using his telekinesis. There was 'Ooh's and 'Ahh's going on all around the classroom.

"Okay. Me next! I'm Amy Rose! And it's nice to meet you all. I like to bake, cook and, umm....." Amy was thinking of what to say next.

"Collect my franchise." Sonic finished Amy's sentence.

"Sonic!" Amy blushed.

"Thanks. Next group?" Mrs.Vanilla pointed at the middle left table. This went on untill the bell rang. Tilly walked to her locker to get her gym clothes when someone bumped into her.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The student ran off before Tilly could respond. All she saw was an orange two-tailed fox running down the gym hallway.

"Hmm, maybe he's in my gym class...." Tilly thought to herself as she traveled down the gym hallway.

As Tilly changed into her gym clothes, she overheard some students talking about her. One of them, she saw, was a brown squirrel.

"Don't you think we had enough freaks at this school? Then this one had to show up. I mean, just look at her! She's a disaster!" The squirrel past by Tilly saying that loud enough so she could hear.

"And who are you talking to?" Tilly asked with an annoyed tone in her voice.

"Hey, that's rude! Talking to a CCP(Cute, Cool & Popular) girl like that. And by the way, I'm Sally. I just adore your little outfit. Where'd you get it from? The garbage?" The other girls started to snicker.

"No. I got it from a store....." Tilly responded, walking out the locker room.

"Whatever. Come on Mackenzie." Sally grabbed a yellow hedgehog's arm and they walked to the gym floor.

"This place is huge! And they have bleachers inside the gym? I'm excited just to scream!" Tilly was walking around, observing the gym and all its contents. Then she found the two-tailed fox she was sort of looking for.

"Hey!" Tilly waved, getting the orange fox's attention. "Have I seen you somewhere?"

"Huh? Oh, you're the one I bumped into. I'm really sorry. I was in a rush. I'm Miles Prower, but my friends call me Tails." Tails hid his two tails, thinking she might make fun of him.

"But, why do they call you Tails?"

"You see,...." Tails uncovered his tails. "I have two tails. Everyone makes fun of me because of them." Tails' ears drooped.

"Well, I have two tails also."

"Really? I feel better already. Umm, you never told me your name."

"I'm Melody Prower, but you can call me Tilly." Tilly blushed slightly.

"I like your name. Wait. Where's the teacher?" Tails looked around the gym. There wasn't a teacher in sight.

"Hey, guys." Amy walked over to the two foxes. "What are you talking about?"

"Umm, nothing." Tilly blushed.

"Well that's fine. Can I see you for a minute?" Amy grabbed Tilly's arm. They walked to a group of other students. When they saw Amy, they waved.

"Guys! Listen for a moment!" Amy announced. "Meet the newest member of our group, Tilly!"

"Umm, hi?" Tilly said shyly.

"Hi there! I'm Blaze. I see you have two tails like Tails." Blaze said, observing Tilly.

"I'm Tikal. It's nice to meet you." Tikal shook Tilly's hand.

" I'm Rouge the bat. I really love your outfit! Where'd you get it from?" Rouge questioned.

"A fancy store." Tilly smoothed the wrinkles from her skirt.

"Looks nice!" Amy complimented. "You can sit with us at lunch."

"Okay. Is there anyone else who hasn't met me yet?" Tilly asked politely.

"I think you mean the boys. Don't worry dear. You'll meet them eventually." Rouge explained.

"Is he your friend?" Tilly pointed at Tails, who was playing with his tails.

"Sure he is. Tails is just a little scared. That's all." Tikal said. "Why did you ask?"

"Aww! Someone's got a crush on Tails!" Amy blurted.

"I do not!" Tilly blushed. "It's just that....I'm worried about him...."

"There's nothing to worry about. He'll be fine. Come on! We'll walk with you to your next class." Blaze offered.

"Well, I have Algebra...." Tilly said shyly.

"Whoa, whoa whoa! Wait, you mean Math." Rouge corrected Tilly.

"No, she means Algebra alright." Amy said, looking at her schedule. "Don't worry. You girls get to your classes. I'll walk with Tilly."

"Okay. Bye Amy and Tilly!" The girls said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

"Here it is! Now, I gotta get to class, so good luck!" Amy left in a hurry.

"Bye..." Tilly sighed as she went in the classroom. She noticed a few familiar faces, along with others. She sat next to Tails, who was writing something down in a notebook.

The tardy bell rang as soon as a blue hedgehog ran in and took his seat. But the teacher saw.

"Excuse me, Mr. Sonic. You are tardy." She said slowly.

"How can I be tardy? I'm the fastest thing alive! I have time for everything." Sonic talked back.

"Whatever. Okay class, today we're gonna be learning how to solve a two step equation. So take out your notebooks......" She rambled on, talking slow.

"Hey, watch this!" A green hedgehog said as he made an airplane and threw it at the Algebra teacher.

"Hey! Who did that?" She asked, and turned around.

"Sonic did it." The green hedgehog pointed at Sonic.

"I didn't do nothing! Honest!" Sonic said.

"Scrouge, was it you?" The teacher looked at Scrouge with narrowed eyes.

"No, Mrs. Sapphire. It was her!" He pointed at Tilly.

"What? I wouldn't do that..." Tilly mummbled.

"Scrouge, go to the principal's office. Now." Mrs. Sapphire pointed out the door.

"Fine. But the evidence will all point to her!" Scrouge lied as he left.

"Okay, now back to solving this two step equation......"

After Math was Science. Tilly walked happily to that class, recently discovering that she had almost all the classes with Tails, her secret crush. Tilly walked in the science room and sat her binder and books down. She sighed and started daydreaming about her and Tails. It'll be so a dream come true! She thought. The classroom filled up quickly with students, and unfortunately, Tilly was sitting next to Sally, one of the CCPs.

"Oh hi there! What's your name?" Sally asked, being all friendly.

"Why should I tell you?" Tilly responded.

"Because I asked. And I always deserve an answer."

"Well...I'm Melody Prower, but you can call me Tilly..."

"Tilly.......What kind of name is that?? Just a stupid nickname....." Sally looked away from Tilly.

Sonia gave that nickname to me.......when we first met. Tilly thought. "It's not a stupid nickname....." She mumbled.

"What did you say?" Sally said, turning around.

"I said, it's not a stupid nickname. My friend gave it to me."

"Your friend? Why would anyone be a friend with a freak?"

"I'm not a freak! I'm just born this way!"

"Yes you are a freak! You and Tails!"

"Look, just because I have two tails, doesn't mean that I'm a freak. I'm actually glad to have two fluffy tails."

"Well you shouldn't! Cause you're still a freak!" Sally ended the argument.

I'm not a freak. I'll show you...... Tilly thought. It's bad enough that I have to sit next to you.

"Tilly! Over here!" Amy waved at the lunch table she and her group were sitting. Tilly walked over and sat with them.

"Hi guys..." Tilly said, sounding sad.

"Is something wrong?" Tikal asked.

"No...everything's fine..." She picked at her food.

"Tilly, there's something wrong. I can just tell by the look on your face." Amy said, scooting closer to her.

Tilly sighed. "Fine. I'll tell you. You know that squirrel, Sally? She called me a freak....." Her ears drooped.

Rouge gasped. "Oh, no she didn't!"

"She did....and made fun of my nickname....."

"Huh? Tilly's not your real name?" Blaze said.

"No. It's Melody...."

"Ooh! Melody! Nice name! I bet you can sing! Or hum!"

"No, not really....." Tilly looked around the lunch room and saw Tails. She blushed a bit. "Um, should I go meet the guys?"

"You're better off with them meeting you." Rouge said. "Trust me, I know."

"Okay..." Tilly started to eat her lunch. Sonic just happened to 'trip' his way over to Amy's group.

"Hi girls!" He said with a smile.

"Hi Sonikuu!" Amy smiled back.

Sonic rolled his eyes. "Nice to see you all. Who's she?" He pointed at Tilly.

"Oh, that's Tilly. She's gonna be hanging with us for a while." Tikal filled Sonic in.

"Okay. Seems nice of you to do that. I'm pretty sure that Tilly will fit in just perfect." Sonic said.

"Yeah. She even has a crush!" Amy giggled. Tilly flushed.

"I don't have a crush!" Tilly looked at Amy a little mad.

"Really? Who?" Sonic questioned.

"I think it's Tails...." Rouge looked at the direction Tilly was looking.

"Oooh! You and Tails do make a cute couple!" Sonic teased.

"I do not have a crush on Tails!" Tilly hid her face in her tails.

"Aww! You're so adorable! And so is Tails! I swear, you two would be a cute and adorable couple!" Sonic smirked.

"Shut up already!" Tilly said, hiding her face even more.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop. So, I don't know if I introduced myself to you or not, but I'm Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog." Sonic introduced himself.

"Hi Sonic...." Tilly didn't look up at him.

"Sonikuu, I think it'll be best if you go back to your own group." Amy said.

"Aww. Okay, Ames." Sonic gave Amy a hug before going back to his group.

"Well, now what?" Tilly asked, picking her head up.

"Maybe you should talk to Tails." Blaze suggested.

"Okay." Tilly stood up and shyly walked over to Tails, who was sitting by himself.

"Hi Tilly. I thought you was sitting with Amy's little group." Tails said.

"I thought I'd check on you. You looked lonely sitting by yourself."

"Yeah, but....I just don't wanna get picked on..... Those CCPs are always bullying me..... They keep calling me a freak."

"You're not alone. They were calling me a freak and made fun of my nickname...."

"Tilly's not your real name?"

"It's Melody.....Melody Prower......"

".............Wait......are we related??"

"I don't know....but it feels weird for us to have the same last name....."

"I know! I just really hope not...."


"Melody, er, Tilly, I um......sorta have......"

"Tilly! It's time to go now!" Amy called Tilly.

"Okay! I'll be there in a sec! Sorry Tails, I gotta go." Tilly hugged Tails and ran over to Amy.

She hugged me......Tails thought, blushing.

(After school.....)

Tails said to meet him outside here.....I wonder where he is? Tilly thought, sitting on the bench. I wonder what he was going to say back at lunch. I think he likes me.... Her thoughts were interrupted by Sally and her little sidekicks.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here!" Sally said, smiling evily.

"It's that freak you told us about back at lunch." A light purple bunny said.

"I know her! She was the little prick who was taunting me when I was younger!" A sky blue one tailed fox commented.

"What do you want now?" Tilly said, annoyed.

"We found your little boyfriend." Makenzie pointed at the flag pole, and Tails was tied up in the rope.

"He's so cute when he's helpless." Sally said. "Maybe you'd like to join him..."

"You need to stop picking on him! He's not a freak! And neither am I! Just because we're born with two tails, doesn't mean that it's a disadvantage! And you, Vixen..." Tilly pointed at the sky blue fox. "You was the one who taunted me! You made me feel like I was a nobody! And you still say the same old thing! 'She tried to kill me!' 'She taunted me my whole life!' That was the complete opposite! You tried to kill me!!" Tilly yelled at them, panting a bit. "And now you're hurting Tails. Just look at him!" Tilly pointed at Tails, who was screaming for help. "He's just a fox who's very intelligent and can fly with his twin tails. He's not a freak, so stop calling him that!"

"My my. You got a big mouth. Why don't you make like a tree and leave?" Sally said.

"No. I'm not leaving." Tilly stood firmly on the concrete.

"Why not? You can't do nothing about it. You're weak and pathetic. You cry over little things. You have no friends. Just face it, Tilly. Nobody likes you. You don't have a purpose in life. You're a mistake. And a total freak." Vixen looked down at Tilly.

"How many times do I have to tell you??" Tilly started to loose her temper. "STOP CALLING ME A FREAK!!!!!"

"Aww! Is the widdle foxy mad?" The light purple bunny said, making cute faces.

"THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!!!" Tilly pushed the CCPs out of the way and untied Tails.

"Thanks, Tilly. I didn't know you could stand up to these bullies." Tails smiled.

"That's because she can't. And neither can you! So why don't you two make like a bee and buzz off?" Vixen spat..

"No. No matter how many times you try to bring me down, I always get up. Wanna know why?" Tilly's fur turned dark orange.

"Sure. Tell me. I'm all ears." Vixen pretended not to care.

Tilly laughed. "I'm not gonna tell you. You're gonna find out. Right now."

"Um, Tilly? I don't think you wanna pick a fight with these girls....." Tails warned.

"Listen to the fox boy. He's trying to save you from doing this." Sally said.

"Don't worry Tails. I'll teach them a lesson they'll never forget....." Tilly smiled evily.

30 minutes later.....

"So, next time you wanna call me a freak, remember this moment." Tilly walked away, her fur turning back yellow orange. Tails stood there, wide eyed.

"Wow.....I didn't know you had it in you." Tails said, astonished.

"Me either. Hopefully they've learned their lesson. Or I'll have to teach them again." Tilly smiled. "Um, what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

" bout I show you?"


"Just stay still." Tails wrapped his hands around Tilly's waist.

"Um, Tails? What are you-"

"Shh." Tails put a finger on her mouth. "Just close your eyes." Tilly did as he said. Soon after, she felt something press against her lips, and realized Tails was kissing her. So she kissed back. Eventually they broke apart for air.

"Tails, I......" Tilly was speechless, but Tails seemed to know what she was thinking.

"I know. I love you too." Tails hugged Tilly tightly. " wanna sleep over at my house?" He offered.

"Sleep over? Mind if I live there?"

"Not at all!" Tails smiled.

"Thanks!" Tilly gave him a peck on the lips and rushed to her house. Tails stood there, amazed at the things that happened today. I can't believe I have a girlfriend already.....

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