Chapter 10: Pine Tree

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Dipper POV

When I woke up, tied to a chair and my life being threatened and Bill hissing in my ear to relax...I finally relax and Bill took over. I could only hear what was going on because the closest mirror was in the bed room of this cabin. Then the bomb exploded and I felt like I was in a mist then coldness and I couldn't breathe. I shot up and relies that I was in the lake. I looked around and I could see the house on fire and Mabel coughing up the lake.

I'll let you handle this...comfort isn't my thing and she is a doll in distress.

Thanks Bill.

That is what I'm here for.

"Mabel!" I gasp as I swam up to her. "Mabel are you alright?" I hug her shaking body. She hugged me back tightly, "Dipper! Oh Dipper that was terrible." She sniffles. "Shsh, everything is alright. Calm down my shooting star, everything will be alright."

Shooting Star huh? I like that name. It fits her.

"Dipper we could have been killed and...oh my gosh! We just killed two people." Mabel gasp and she started to cry even more. I brush her wet hair, "Shshs, Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine."

"How could it be fine! We just killed two people!"

If the coppers doesn't find you.

"Mabel don't worry about it. Let's just get out of the lake and just go home." I replied gently.

"So the coppers don't find us?" Mabel shivers.

"So you don't catch a cold!" I reply.

I then helped Mabel out of the lake. We were both shivering, wet and shaking from what was going on. I got into the car and hot wire it.

"H-How a-are you-u ab-ble to d-do th-that?" Mabel stuttered as she was in the shot gun seat. "D-don't w-orry about it." I shiver as I started to drive away.

Once you get Shooting Star you got to get rid of this bucket.


You sound unsure.

I just...

It's something new? Well this is what being a mobster is like. You deal with your enemy and you bop them off, gain the dough, fight for the top of power. You deal with these things all the time. How are you liking it? The thrill and the rush of getting involve. Wasn't it exciting?

I pause for a moment.

It was...interesting...and yes there was a thrill but Mabel almost got hurt...killed in fact. I couldn't live my life with her dead or her life in danger.

Shooting Star's life is always going to be in danger as a tight baby vamp doll. Men are always going to after her and as a great niece of Stanley Pines and soon to be known as the twin sister of Dipper Pines. She is always going to be in danger but you can't worry about her. You and her are 20 and you need to separate...go in your own ways! She can sing her heart out in the bar and you can be a mobster. Life goes on! She will sing her heart out and find a young fella and they are going to have a happy family. You will get the dolls to crawl to you, the fame and the glory, the dough...everything will be yours side by side with you great uncle. Your life will be perfect and so where hers. You don't need to worry about her no more.

Bill I'm not sure.

Trust me on this.

How? How could I trust you on this when my sister's life is always in danger?

Kid, you can't always protect them. People die all the time. That is life kid. You can't let people hold you back...and plus...if you become a huge mobster then no one will ever think about hurting your sister. They will bow down to you. Just think about it. They wouldn't dare to hurt you or your sister. man would want Mabel.

No I'm sure a fella would want Shooting Star. A nice tight fella would love your sister by her beauty and voice. They wouldn't mind that her twin brother is a big shot mobster.

Bill now since I'm thinking about this...I'm not sure.

You can't back down Dipper. You are already in and now you got to follow through.

Bill I'm not going to risk my sister's life like this! I just can't. I could never forgive myself if she got hurt.

So what!

Mabel is important to me!

I thought being a mobster was also important to you.

It is! Was...I don't know! But what I do know is that Mabel is more important.

Then I started to get this painful head ace and my vision started to blur up.

Listen boy and listen closely, you are going to follow through with this. I'm here to make you into a mobster and I'm not here to chat with you it is more as I'm the teacher and you are the student. So....let's start the real teachings.

Mabel POV

We drove back to the house. I notice how Dipper was. He was shivering but seems really focused. Then he seems to wince as we were half way there, like he was getting a sudden head ace. "Dipper." I ask. Dipper didn't respond. Dipper seems to be in so much pain. "Dipper." I ask again, more louder, and still nothing. I touch his shoulder, "Dipper are you alright?" Dipper didn't say anything. He just tightens his grip on the wheel and it seems that he was having a hard time trying to focus on the road. "Dipper? Dipper!" I tried shaking him. Then I notice on the road, we were on the wrong side of the road and a car was coming straight at us. "Dipper!" I screamed out.

Then Dipper looked up, like snapping out of something. Then he swerves out of the way and we were in the right way. "Dipper are you alright?" I ask, "What the heck happened?!" Dipper shook his head, like he was still trying to shake something off, "Don't matter...fine...just fine."

"Dipper it wasn't just fine! We nearly got hit! Dipper you don't look so well either" I protested.

Dipper just shook his head, "Don't worry."

"Dipper talk to me." I reply touching his shoulder.

"I am! Mabel everything is fine."


"Mabel just drop it."


"Dry up Mabel! Do something worthwhile in your life and pipe down!"

I was in shock. Dipper never said anything like that before. I remove my hand from his shoulder and I was silent and hurt throughout the rest of the way.

We drove up to the bar and I open the door but notice that Dipper stayed in the car, "Are you coming?" I ask. "I got something to handle. This bucket is a way for us to get in even more trouble. Just get inside, clean up and don't talk about what happened alright?" Dipper ordered in a snappy tone. I nod slowly and I close the door sadly. Then I watch Dipper drive off.

Dipper POV

Bill, why did you make me do that?

I didn't do that you did that yourself.

I would never say that to Mabel. You made me do that.

You're welcome.

How could you do this!

I'm the teacher and you are the student. I'm done having things your way with me on your back, well now...I'm in charge.

At this point I only have partly control of my body while Bill controlled that other half. Bill was the one that snap at Mabel. I was fighting for control. I thought Bill was too weak to take control he even said so. Each second Bill was slowly taking full control.

I...Bill....I don't know...drove the bucket to this place out of town and dump the car. There was many other cars around the place. It seems like a car dumb....literally.

"Are you seriously going to make me walk this far?" I ask out loud.

"Don't worry boy we aren't going to walk that far." Bill replied through my mouth.

"Where is this place anyway?"

"Just a place where I usually dumb cars when I was completely in charge. Some men that I know will take care of the car and I know a way to get a new bucket. What kind of bucket do you want kid?" Then my hands went to my hips.

I tried pulling my hand down but I only manage to pull one arm down. "Argh, what do you mean." I mumble. I gave a smirk, "Well it is a deal practically. Bring in a car and pick one up, a brand new car and I think they own me one but what to be nice and I was wondering what car would you like. Trying to be a nice host."

"Yeah right." I mumble. Then I kicked myself, "Ouch! What was that for?" I whine. "Oh quiet your whining!" Bill hiss, "Let's just move on here." Then I started to walk, unwilling of course.

"You aren't getting away with this Bill." I muttered.

"Oh Dipper there is much that you don't know!" Bill reply through my mouth.

We...I guess...started to walk through, "So again, what kind do you want? I just want to see your taste." Bill asks as we stop. I look around. "Anyone?" I ask.

"Anyone of them. Doesn't matter but if I were you Dipper choose something swell to show off your dough...well in this case it isn't dough but people might think that you got dough. That is why mobsters have such great and many cars. Deals like this would get you good deals on cars for free." Bill reply.

I look around, "That one." I pointed. It was this nice blue one and it looks new. I felt a smirk came across my face, "Ah a blue pine tree? That is its nickname...ha! Pine Tree."

"What so funny?"

"Oh nothing I just found a new nickname for you Pine Tree."

"Pine Tree?"

"WELL you did pick the pine tree car and nicknames come from where what car you get, and every car has a nickname. The car I used to have given me a nickname...the One Eye Demon they used to call me. So since you have the 'pine tree' car then your nickname shall be Pine Tree."

"Then why call Mabel Shooting Star? She doesn't have a car."

"Well she is a baby vamp....just let me call people who I want to call!" Then I slap the back of my head....which wasn't me really. "Ouch!" I mumble. Then I walk over to the blue car and went to the hood and prop it open, "Looks to be in good shape and what a swell car it is. Good choice Pine Tree." Then Bill/I reach under the coolant and there were the keys. "A swell car indeed." Then Bill/I got to the car and got in the car.

"Is that it?" I ask as the door close.

"Just about. Don't need to worry Pine Tree this has been about my....80th car trade? I'm guessing around there."

Then the car started and started to drive towards the gate then Bill/I got out of the car and walk to the office window. A man pokes his head, "Where do you think you are going with that pine tree?" I gave a smirk, "Ah Big Gun, long time no see."

"Who are you I may ask?" He grunted.

I lean against the desk, "Pickles sounds tasty don't they?"

The man pauses for a moment and folds his arms, "Shouldn't it be smell?"

"Not if you can't smell then it sounds." Bill reply. The man gave a smirk, "What kind of Big Cheese?"

"The with the most mold there is. One Eyed Demon type of cheese. Quite tasty it is?"

The man just pauses and seems to be in shock, "I thought that cheese was gone."

I gave a dark smile, "Oh you will be surprise how people can just be gone one moment but comes back in the next. Be ready Big Gun."

The man gave a nod. Then Bill/I tap the table, "See you later Big Gun, the car is in slot 618." Then Bill/I walked back to the pine tree car and drove off.

"Well Pine Tree, you just got your first deal of a car, nickname, car, murder, and a way to your new life. Welcome to the deal of being a mobster...part one."

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