Chapter 17: Sneaky Angel

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Mabel POV

I was singing on stage when I saw Ford entered with this other old man. They were holding something but I couldn't see it. I continue to sing and look for Dipper. Dipper didn't come with them. I wonder where he could be. I was done with my songs and everyone clap. I turn back, "I'll be right back Fisher." Fisher nod and then face the rest of the band, "five minutes fellas." I then went through the tables to Ford and the old man. They were sitting at a seat together, "Hello Ford, who is your friend?" I ask behind him.

Ford and the old man jumped, mainly Ford. "Um uh...Mabel! Um...this is Mcgucket." Mcgucket tip his hat, "Nice to meet ya'll doll!" Ford seems a bit nervous, "Yes, this is great niece."

Mcgucket grabs my hand and kissed it, "Nice singing doll! You are the bee's knees around here. I heard many things about you." I smiled, "Thanks." Then Mcgucket release me. I then face Ford, "Ford where's Dipper?"

"Oh! Uh...talking...with some other friends. Don't worry Mabel." Ford quickly replies.

Something was unsure about it. I nod my head. As I was doing that I saw this thing gleam in Ford's coat. I saw was my mirror. "Ford! You found it!" I gasp as I reach in and pulled out the mirror. "Mabel! No!" Ford grabs my hand. I was startle. His grip was so tight and I could feel him shaken. "Ford." I gasp. Then everything seems to be on a standstill, just staring at each other's eyes. "Ford let go of me." I ordered, it was in a shock and small voice but I made sure my point was clear, "Give me my mirror. Did you take it?"

Ford went pale, " didn't take it."

"Who then? Dipper? Are you trying to cover for him?" I ask.

Ford shook his head slowly, "No....Mabel just give me the mirror."

I yank my hand but Ford still held tight, "Ford let go! It's my mirror. My mother gave it to me. You can't just take it for me. Ford I need it."

"M-Mabel please..."

"Please what?" I question. I was running out of time and patience. Ford took my mirror and now he isn't giving it back. Ford opened his mouth but then close it again and quickly. Then Ford release me. "Thank you." I said coldly but pleasant. Then I walked away with my mirror tightly around my hand. I then headed to my dressing room. I close the door and sat in my seat in relief. Relief to sit down and relief to have the mirror.

"Mabel!" A voice called out. It sounded like Dipper.

"Dipper?" I muttered.

"Yes Mabel! It's me! Mabel down in the mirror!"


"The mirror!"

I raise the mirror and looked in it and gasp, dropping the mirror to the ground. Luckily it landed on its back and didn't break. "Ouch!" Dipper mutters, "Mabel! Don't do that!"

I was shaken up. Dipper was in my mirror! "D-Dipper?" I question.

"Yes! Mabel it's me!" Dipper pleaded. I reach down and picked up the mirror, "H-How are you in there?" Dipper sighs sadly, "It's a long story Mabel. I got into this mess with Bill's gang."

"Wait what? Bill? Like in William Cipher? Ford's old gang?" I question.

Dipper nod, "Yes. You see Bill is dead right....well his left hand man Gideon and some of his friends did something to me that ended up having Bill come back to life and living in my body. At first we were sharing and he went in to help me...with fights and gambling."

"Wait so that one night, that was Bill. That game was Bill and the kidnapping thing was Bill also?"

Dipper nod, "Yes. Then...Bill kicked me out and trapped me in your mirror. Mabel he is up to something big."

"Wait you are here and he's in your body. So the few times I saw you was really him?"

"Yes! Mabel I'm not sure how you got this mirror but you got to get me out of here! You know how Bill...William...whatever! You know what he can do. He is up to something big...."

Then there was a knock on my door. I gasp and I open a drawer and stuff the mirror inside and then this man came in. "Sorry to barge in...Miss Pines." He said. He was a young fella with brown hair that has a hint of red in it and a beard that leads to a goatee. He wore a nice suit with a fedora. I stood up, "Oh it's nothing." The man looks around, "Who where you talking to?"

"Oh...myself...don't worry." I reply. The man shrugs and just came in, closing the door. "You may not know me but I don't mind. Name's Alex...Alex Hirsch." He brought up his hand. I then shook it. He had a nice smile. I felt welcome to him...unlike any other fellas. "What brings you here Mr. Hirsch?" I question. He chuckles, "Just call me Alex please." I nod my head. Then Alex walked a big, "I've been listening to you sing. You are really amazing."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Well, you see doll I work for a huge company that is spread across America. Maybe you heard of it...the Golden Palace?"

I gave a gasp, "The Golden Palace?! Really! I love that place. I always wanted to go in there but it is really packed and guarded."

Alex gave a chuckle, "Of course, got to be careful. Big company has lots of dough and that spells out trouble. Well doll, I was wondering if you want to work for me at the Golden Palace. I want you to sing at the Golden Palace here in Gravity Falls and soon...if people like you so much....maybe New York."

"N-New York! Are you joking?" I gasp.

"Of course not!....not at this part...I am a jokester but at this point. Doll you are an amazing singer...I'm surprise how well you are as a small town baby could become a baby vamp. You got skill that I need and want." Alex smiled.

I started to blush, "Really?"

Alex nod, "Yes. So what do you say? Do you want to work for me at the Golden Palace?"

I gave a smile and nod, "yes! I would love to! Would my family come to visit?"

"Of course! They can come and visit! Stanley, Stanford, and Dipper Pines! Of course!" Alex smiled. I was a bit startle, "How do you know their names?" Alex pats me on the shoulder, "Don't worry. I know everyone in Gravity Falls. I know everyone! Trust me, I just know what they look like and names. You know...for the Golden Palace. Only certain people can go in there." I nod, "I understand."

"Great! Now I would like to see you in the Golden Palace tomorrow night." Then Alex looks at his watch, "I mean tonight...ha! Time passes when you are having fun. You better get some sleep doll. It just passed midnight and at my place I want you to sing at 5:30 to 3 in the morning but you are allow to have many breaks of course. There is a time schedule; I'll give it to you when you come at 5:30. Don't worry about your band...I got one for you." Then Alex reaches and kisses me on the cheek, "See you later doll and welcome to the Golden Palace." Then Alex left.

I pause for a moment...just stun. I couldn't believe it. I was going to work with Alex Hirsch to be a singer at his huge company. Then soon...I'll be in New York...maybe...but there will be a chance!

I then open the drawer and pulled out the mirror. "Dipper! Dipper!" I cried out. Then Dipper appeared, "What! Mabel! Mabel what is going on?" "Dipper I just got a new job! At the Golden Palace with Alex Hirsch!" Dipper was surprise, "Really? Mabel....I...I'm happy for you."

I notice that Dipper got a big sad. "Dipper..." I started but Dipper stop me, " are moving on and that is all that matters....well right now Bill matters."


"Mabel we can talk about this later." Dipper stops me.

I sigh, "Your right Dip. So continue please."

"Alright so Bill is up to something...I'm not sure what. I can't hear everything in this mirror. I can phase out and hear everything but can't see or I can completely phase out and walk around the mirror maze that is around here and I can't hear or see anything on the outside world." Dipper explains.

"So Bill is up to something bad. What can we do?" I ask.

"I don't know...but there is more bad news." Dipper reply. He looks sad and tense. "Ford is in it."

"What!" I gaps.

"Mabel, Ford is with Bill. They are working together on this. You can't trust him!"

I started to panic a bit, "W-Well what do I do!? Bill is in you, Ford turned, and who knows who else. Dipper what do I do?"

Dipper sigh, "To be honest Mabel I have no idea. This is one pickle we can't get out of. Mabel it's all my fault. I dig too deep and now I'm bringing everyone that I love into this dark hole."

"Dipper it isn't your fault. You didn't know." I said.

Dipper slowly nod, "Sure."

I looked at the mirror, "Do you think there is a way to get you out of here? Or something for you to go back to your body so you can kick Bill out. Anything to fix this problem."

Dipper thought for a moment then his eyes widen, "The book! The magic book!"

"Magic book?" I question.

Dipper shook his head, "No time to explain. The point is...the magic book is what got me in here. There's got to be something that could get me out of here."

"Where is the book?"

Dipper then groans, "Ford has fact he made it."

I sigh, "This isn't going to be easy isn't it."

"Of course it isn't's dealing with mobsters...they don't play well."

I nod my head, "Alright. So get the book from Ford and find a way to get you out of the mirror then we will go from there." Dipper nod, "yes but be careful Mabel. These people don't play nice." I nod, "I understand. I guess I better place the mirror in a safe place, in case Ford tries to get it back. He didn't want me to have I know why." Dipper nods, "Good idea." I looked around. Then I remember my secret place. I then went up to this loose board in the wall. "You should be safe here, alright. Don't make any noises." I advise. "Don't worry Mabel." Dipper assures me, "Just that you need to be safe." I put Dipper in the hole, "I'll try." Then Dipper disappeared in the mirror as I put the board up.

I then headed back to the stage. Fisher came out, "Mabel! Glad you're here. We got to go!" "Fisher I" I didn't get to finish because Fisher grabs me and yanks me to the stage. "Fisher I can't, not now. I'm tired Fisher." I pleaded. "Just come on doll. One more song....alright I lied...about three more songs." Fisher reply.


Then the lights came on the stage. "Oh boy." I muttered. Then the music started to play. I sigh as I started to sing. I watch as Ford got up from his seat. I quickly looked away like I wasn't watching him. I knew that he was going after the mirror and I got to make sure that he doesn't know that Dipper is in it. I watch as Ford disappears. I then look at Mcgucket. I bet that he is part of the gang. He watches me with a smile on his face and clapping his hands. I then saw it. The book on the table that Mcgucket and Ford were sitting at.

I then finish the song, which was a fast and up beat song. I turn my head, "Do a slow one Fisher." I hiss. Fisher was confuse, "What?" I roll my eyes, "Just do what you are told to do sap!" Fisher shrugs, "Alright doll." Then he and the rest of the band started to play a slow song. I knew what I had to do to get the book. I started to sing the slow song. Then I step away and step to a table that was in front of the stage. The men all gasp with wide eyes....oh boy...and even whistle and pleaded, come here doll face, no over here baby, come one doll.

I just ignored them and just continue to sing then I came down from the table, still singing, and walked over to Mcgucket. Mcgucket was sure surprise and enjoying this. I lean against the table and got close to Mcgucket, singing my sweet voice. Then I felt my hand touch the book, which was on the table. I then tap Mcgucket's nose and then backed away with the book in my hands. I quickly turn around, still singing and making me less obvious that I had the book. The men were loving this. To make this seem like a show I went to other fellas and tap their noses then I work my way up to the stage then ended the song. Everyone cheered, clapped, and even stood up.

They started to whistle and calling me baby, doll, and so on. I hid the book behind me. I then took a step back. Fisher grabs my arm, "What is the book? Pick pocketing?"

I jerk away, "Don't worry about it Fisher. Now if you excuse me. I'm done for the night. My dogs and grams hurt. I've been standing all day. Plus my voice is starting to hurt and I need to rest it so I can sound swell for the Golden Palace."

Fisher was surprise. "Wait you got a job! At the Golden Palace! That's the bee's knee's Mabel!"

"Thanks Fisher," Then at the corner of my eye I notice Ford had come back and he was working his way through the drooling men to get to Mcgucket. "Now I must leave." I reply quickly. I kiss him on the cheek, "You've done well." Then I made it back stage with the book tightly in my hands. I then ran to my dressing room. I notice that things were everywhere because Ford went through it but I don't care. I don't have much time at all. I set the book down at the desk and went to the board in the wall and pulled it out. The mirror was still there. I then pulled out the mirror, "Dipper! Dipper!" I cried out in a hush voice.

Dipper appeared, "Mabel did you get it?" Dipper asks.

I nod as I went over to the book, "We don't have much time before Ford gets here. Can't lock the door since someone broke it."

"Hey! I was trying to save you."

"And I thank you for that."

I then set the mirror down next to the book as I ran through the pages. What weird things were in the book but I couldn't focus at that now. "Mirror...anything about mirrors." I muttered. "There's got to be something."

"Oh there isn't anything you can do Shooting Star."

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