Chapter 19: The right guy

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Bill POV

I headed back to the bar. "She's in her room" I reported. Stanley shook his head, "A baby like her shouldn't get all worked up over things like this. Oh well, it is something new I guess. I don't understand girls." Wendy laugh, "Oh please Stan! You know about dolls....they will tell you everything you just got to listen." I gave a smirk...true about that. I was glad that they wouldn't believe Shooting Star about me and Ford. Couldn't risk blowing this now. Luckily Shooting Star doesn't know about the Golden Palace or everything....would be gone.

I clap my hands, "Well since that is all done I guess, Ford don't we have to go someplace?" Sixer nods his head, "Yes we do Dipper. See you later." Then we started to head but Stan stop us, "Now be back for Mabel's performance you two. It would mean a lot to her." I gave a smile, "Stan I would never miss her performance. She's my twin sister. I would never miss it for the world."

Then both me and Sixer left. We got into the car and drove off to Mcgucket's place.

"Got the guns ready?" I demanded. "We are attacking tonight you know that right?"

Mcgucket nod his head, "Of course! Of course! They are being sent as we speak. They will be at the Golden Palace....well in front of it with the rest of your gang." I gave a dark smile and face Sixer, "Sixer this day we will make history. Bill Cipher has come out of the dead and came to take over the Golden Palace. We will have control of all of the Golden Palaces around the world. We will have the small cities in our hands and all of the world's largest cities. Sixer we will be at the top...once and for all. I'm glad I'm able to do this with you Sixer. You are like a brother to me."

Sixer nod, "I'm glad too. I don't know what I was thinking about leaving in the first place. You are like the real family to me. You accepted the interest of magic and you taught me magic. We have fun and you give me glory."

"Ab-so-lute-ly!" I reply.

"So what is the plan?" Mcgucket asks. "I know bring the guns to the gang and they know what to do."

"Well once you deliver the guns...I need another favor for you...something that I think you would enjoy." I reply.

"What's that?"

"Blowing somethings up."

Mcgucket gets a wide smile, "Really!"

I nod, "Yes we need less coppers and just having you blowing up...oh I don't know like the water tower or a few other places...that would bring less coppers into this situation."

Mcgucket jumped up and down, clapping his hands. "Hot dawg! This is going to be fun!"

"Yes, so I need you to blow up at least three places. Separated them so the coppers have to run all over the place and make sure they are far from the Golden Palace."

"Yes sir William!"

I gave a dark smile, "Nice working with you Mcgucket." I then tip my hat to him and both me and Sixer left. Then we drove up to our base.

"Alright fellas we got some bad news." I reported. "There was a rat in our gang."

"What!" they gasp.

"Don't worry...he's gone now." I reply.

"Who was it boss?" Bobby asks.

"Gideon." I reply.

Everyone was surprise. "How did you know?" John asks.

"Doesn't matter how I figure it out. The point is the rat is gone. It's a good thing too because our plan is going to happen tonight."

"What!" They gasp.

I nod, "Yes. You see Pine Tree's sister got a job at the Golden Palace and guess who's in Pine Tree's body?" They cheered. Then Frankie got to his feet, "Boss are you sure about this? Would it really work? The plan that we've been planning for years? I'm not saying no hot dawg but it seems too good to be true!" I chuckle, "oh Frankie. You see Alex has hired Shooting Star and only family could see her. Sixer can go and me because I'm her in brother's body. So us two could get in. We can let you in."

Everyone chuckle. I then looked around. Trying to see if the real rat would make a face about this. Then I saw Baby Face. His face seems to be different than the others. Everyone was happy while his was tightness. I then gave a dark glare.

Mabel POV

After an hour I poke my head out of the door. To make sure that Bill and Ford were around. I then went out. I knew Wendy and Stan wouldn't believe me...but what out Soos? He always cared and believes me. I then quickly went out, with the book in my hands. Soos did tell me about Ford and his gang in the first he has to believe me. I went around. Then I saw him cleaning up my dressing room.

I enter and close the door, "Soos we need to talk." I reply. Soos stop what he was doing and saw that something was wrong, "Mabel what's eating you up?" I went up to him, "Soos you were right about Ford and Bill."

"What do you mean?" Soos asks.

I quickly explain how Bill took over Dipper's body and trap Dipper in a mirror and Ford is a part of the whole thing. Soos looks at me. "Soos I'm not going crazy! It's true! It's what really happened." I pleaded, "Soos you got to believe me!" Soos grab my shoulders, "Mabel...doll, listen I do believe you." I smile with relief, "Thank you Soos. Now you got to help me."

"I'm going to help you...but you got to help yourself. They are after what you were telling me now. They are going to kill you and I just know it. You aren't safe here Mabel." Soos reply, "You got to leave Mabel...go to the Golden Palace. That place is protected by coppers and nobody can just go in or out. Can you do that?"

"What about Dipper?" I ask. "I know the spell that could release him from the mirror. We need to get him back." Soos nod, "I know but we don't know where Bill took him."

"Bill said that Dipper isn't in this building so Dipper is somewhere else. Maybe with that old man." I started.

"Oh that one girl." Soos added. I look at him, "What girl?" "Well when I went inside your dressing room last night, Ford, Bill, and this one girl was in there....Pacifica! Yes that was her name." I thought back. Trying to think if I know a Pacifica. I shook my head, "I don't know who she is. So we lost Dipper." Soos pat me on the back, "Mabel we haven't lost Dipper. He is just gone in the moment. Don't worry Mabel. We will get him back. I'm sure they aren't going to kill him." "How can we be sure?" I ask.

"Just trust me Mabel. They won't kill him." Soos reply, "Now I want you to go to the Golden Palace and hide out there....arh...can't tell Stan. He's out doing his own things with his gang. I'll try talking to Wendy. I'll keep an eye out for Bill and Ford and I won't say a thing. I'll let them kill me first before they could get information out of me."

I nod, "Alright but what about Dipper?"

"We will find him Mabel...soon. Right now your life is important right now. You just got to hid until this cools down a bit. I'll see if I can figure out who Pacifica is and then we can break in and get Dipper back. I promise we will get him back and free him from the mirror. Mabel I promise." Soos reply. I nod my head, "Thank you Soos." Then Soos kiss me on the forehead, "Be safe doll. Take the book with you and be safe." I nod then I ran out. I walked to the Golden Palace.

I got to the front, there were two guards at front, "Whoa doll, who are you?" "Names Mabel, Mabel Pines. I'm the new performer." I reply. They look at the list, "You're early Miss Pines." I shrug, "I know. I just thought I can look around and check out my new work place?" They nod, "Alright you can enter." I then walk in and was amazing.

The whole place was large and tall and fancy. There was even a water fountain in the entry way. There was fancy rugs, fountain, and chandeliers. Then Alex came up, "Ah Mabel!" Then he hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. "I know I'm early Alex..." "No, no, you're fine. This is great. You can look around and drool for a few hours then focus on singing tonight." Alex smiles. I smile, "It is really a beautiful place." Alex gave a proud smile, "Why thank you."

"Now I can't show you around, I'm sure you can figure it out and if not then I'm sure the other workers could help you." Alex reply. I nod. Then he hand me a name tag, "So people know that you work here." Then he pats me on the shoulder, "Welcome to the Golden Palace Mabel." Then he left. I looked around. There was many doors to go around. I know the Golden Palace was a hotel, bar, casino, and show place. All Golden Palaces around the world are like that. It is so fancy and amazing.

I walked to the show part at least so I know where I am going. The show room was huge and amazing. There was row after row after row of tables with seats. There was even a second level. There wasn't a show going on but there were still people around. There was a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and meet with this young woman. The young woman had a sweet and smiling face with brown hair with a hint of red in it. She looks like Alex.

"You must be the new singer, Mabel Pines." She smiles. Then she stuck out her hand, "My name is Ariel, Ariel Hirsch." I gasp, "You're Alex's sister." She chuckles, "Well twin sister to be exact." I gasp, "No way! I have a twin brother also. His name is Dipper."

"Twins huh? Is he around, I would love to meet him." Ariel asks.

I bit my lower lip, "No."

"Is something wrong?" Ariel asks.

I shook my head, "No...nothing is wrong. Why don't you show me around?" I ask. Ariel gave a smile, "Of course! I'll show you the dressing rooms and you can get the feels with this place. It's a doll's dreams." Then she grabs my hand and she lead me down the steps, "So is your brother coming tonight at least." Ariel asks me. "Uh...Maybe." I reply. Honestly I know there is a high chance that Bill who is in Dipper's body will come but the real Dipper....I have no idea. "I hope so. I heard from Alex that he found you and find you amazing and young. He needs a young face." Ariel explains.

"Aren't you young?" I ask.

Ariel chuckle, "I am but he needed a rooky to make business...more interesting. People been saying that they wanted a new face on stage and so here you are!"

I nod my head, "Well I'm glad that I'm able to do this. What do you do around here or do you just come and go as you wish since you are the sister of Alex?" Ariel gave a smile, "Both. I sing a little and just here for support to my brother. Plus the free food." I chuckle. Then we enter to the back. There were many mirrors, tables, and chairs. There was also a woman there. A bit older.

"Susan." Ariel smile, "Meet Mabel. She is our new singer."

Susan got up to her feet, "Well it is nice to meet you Mabel." Then Susan notices the book. I watch her eyes looked at it. I held the book close to me. Susan looks away from the book, "So you are the new rooky I guess." Susan continues. Ariel nods her head, "Yes. Any way Mabel this is going to be your mirror." Ariel pointed to a mirror, "Decorated in a way that you want, it doesn't matter." Then there was a knock on the door and a young fella came in. He had dark black hair and he looked to be really his early 20s. "Sorry, but Ariel they need you on the food. Joey is making a fuse about how the food is being presented and Alex is gone and well you are the second in comment in a way." the young fella reply. "Sure thing Joseph." Ariel reply, "Susan..." "Sorry can't Ariel. I got other things to do. Sorry that I can't show the new doll face the place." Then Susan left.

"Joseph..."Ariel asks, "Do you mind showing Mabel around?" Joseph gave a shy smile, "Um.....sure.....I guess." Ariel smile, "Great!" Then Ariel left as Joseph step in. "Hi I'm Mabel." I smiled. Joseph gave a shy smile, "Joseph but you can just call me Joe. Ariel just calls me Joseph because it is my full name but I like to be called Joe." I gave a smile, "Alright Joe do you want to show me around."

Joe gave another shy smile, "Um...sure."

We started to walk around. I learn how shy Joe could get around me. "Joe are you afraid of girls?"

Joe shook his head, "No...just very pretty dolls."

I blush a little.

We spent an hour just walking around; really it was more as talking. I don't know I was starting to get this feeling about him. He seems really nice. Other fellas would just attack me...this may seem that I'm attacking him. He seems a bit timid around me but he was so sweet. I learn that he is the youngest out of 6. He has three brothers and two sisters. They moved around all over the country. They've been around. Joe told me funny stories that his siblings had done to him during the move around the country. My favorite one is when they jump in a lake and they were all cover with mud...because the lake was really a mud hole. Then when they tried to get to their house...their parents wouldn't let them in because of all the mud so they spray them down with a hose.

" be honest I never really meet anyone like you. I don't know if that is a good thing or not." Joe reply. I smile, "Same. It's strange. You aren't like any other fella that around here." Joe laugh, "Cause I'm not a city boy. I'm part of the country not city. City boys want to drink and have the ladies all over them. Country boys want to drink. Sure we care about the ladies but it is different from the city and country." Joe explain. "For me, I'm one of those people you believe to you should only stick with one woman then you can get together. I think people shouldn't jump to girl to girl. It causes too much problems. I learn that from my older brother Gorge."

My eyes widen, "I believe that too! I think that there should only be one man and one woman and they can get together after they are married."

Joe smiled, "Me too. I always believed that...that is how my parents where. Then the mistakes from Gorge and Phil I learn how important it is."

Call me crazy....but I think I found the right guy for me.

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