Chapter 7: Pig and Darkness

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Dipper POV

I didn't get to see the game since there was no mirrors in that back room so during that time I just went around mirror to mirror just checking out the area. It is weird but at least I heard some of the songs. Nobody dared to touch Mabel, not even go near her. Bill did well. Now that was a great question, who is Bill? I know he was a mobster before the Big Sleep but what kind? A powerful one or one of the lower ones. I knew his name is familiar I just can't place my finger on it.

Then I watch as Bill, in my body, came out of the back room. I went up to a mirror where he could at least hear and possible see me. "So how did it go?" I ask. Bill turns around, "Oh hey there partner, don't need to let it eat you. I handle it perfectly. Oh I do miss a game of poker."

"I can see you dolled up." I pointed out.

Bill looks at himself. "Oh yeah well you always want to make a good impression and I saw these clothes laying around so why not?"

"Great so how did they...I don't know...handle it?" I ask.

Bill gave a proud smile, "Don't need to worry about it! I won at most rounds and you great uncle seems impress, the same with his palls. You are looking swell."

"Really!" I ask excitedly.


"Atta boy! Now can I have my body back?"

"Of course partner."

Then everything went black and when I open my eyes I was in my body and Bill was in the mirror. "So how did you in joy the mirror world?" Bill asks, tucking his hands into his slack pockets. "Interesting." I reply.

"What's interesting?" Mabel came up. I turn around and I saw Mabel behind me. "Ah! Mabel stop doing that! Are you trying to bop me with the heebie-jeebies?" I ask her. Mabel gave a small smile, "Maybe?"


"I'm just joking!"

I gave a smile and Mabel continues, "So what is interesting?"

"Oh! know what, I don't remember." I reply. "Just a thought came to my head and I thought it was interesting."

"Why are you all dolled up?" Mabel asks.

"Oh! Um....Would you believe me that I played cards with Stan?" I reply.

Mabel looks at me, "Really?" I grab her by the shoulders, "Yes Mabel! Isn't it amazing! I actually played card with Stan!" "What game?" Mabel asks. "Uh." I stuttered. "Texas Hold'em." Bill reply through the mirror. "Texas Hold'em! That is the game!" I reply.


"Your welcome partner."

Mabel was surprise, "Cool. Now Dipper I want you to promise me something."

"Sure! Anything!" I replied.

"I know you want to get into the mobster thing and well now since you are playing cards with Stan, he might test you with bopping people."

"Augh! Not one of these dolls." Bill mumbles. "They will say, 'oh please don't kill it isn't nice' or 'oh no I don't need my man to get killed' or 'oh please don't, you will hurt yourself' and so on. There are going to be dolls like that Dipper. I warn you."

"So?" I questioned.

"Well I..."

"Mabel." A voice interrupted her. I turn around and I could see Ford behind me.

"Well, Well, Well isn't Stanford Pines. He's looking pretty good." Bill sneer.

"What?" I questioned out loud.

"I wasn't talking to you Dipper." Ford replied as he came up, "Mabel I need you to help me with something. I hope I wasn't interrupting anything important."

Mabel opens her mouth to say something. "Interrupt her before she tries to stop you from becoming a mobster!" Bill ordered quickly.

"No." I interrupted, "You can take her, that's fine. We were just talking. Nothing important."

"Atta boy." Bill encourage.

"Alright. By the way Dipper you look nice." Ford pointed out, "What's the reason you are all dolled up?"

"I was playing Texas Hold'em with Stan and some of the gang." I reply proudly. Ford was surprise, "Really?" "Yep." I replied. Then I step away from Mabel, "If that is all then I must go. Catch you latter." Then I left to my room. It was getting really late.

I then went to my bathroom, "Bill." I called out and Bill appeared in the mirror, "What did you mean about Ford?" I ask. "Oh nothing too important, in fact not important at all! I just know him when I was back and alive. Don't need to worry about it at all." Bill replies.

"How did you know him?" I ask.

"News Dipper. Now aren't you getting tired?" Bill replies.

I gave out a deep yawn.

"You should get some sleep. Got a big day ahead of us tomorrow." Bill ordered.

"What plans?"

"Don't need to worry. Just get some sleep! Trust me pall."

I nod, "Alright." I then got undressed and ready for bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was on my piano making sure it was in tune. Then at the corner of my eyes I could see Wendy talking to someone. It usually doesn't mind but she was hiding, not really well, or she wasn't hiding for me. I turn my head to get a better view and I could see Wendy with...Robbie? The dealer?

Then a hug tackled me, "Dipper guess what!" It was Mabel. Mabel releases me and I turned around, "What is it?" I ask. Mabel seems really happy. "Alright so you know how I always wanted a pet." Mabel started.

"Ever since you were 8." I added.

Mabel nods, "Well 7 but who is keeping track. The point is...well when Ford wanted to talk to me we went out on a small ankle and we talked a bit."

"How does this deal with pets?" I questioned. Mabel places her fingers to my lips, "Hush child! Let me continue!" I move her fingers as Mabel continues, "Well the point is we go to talking and he was saying how a doll like me need to get out more."

"Again how does this deal with the pet?" I ask again. Mable place her whole hand to my lips, "And he said that I'm a young 20 year old girl and since men aren't easy he though I can use a pet."

I tried moving Mabel's hand but she wouldn't let me and continues, "And so he got me a pet."

I yank Mabel's hand away, "I didn't understand that talk at all. To be a young doll to get a pet? Doesn't make sense."

"Alright I left out some details but that doesn't matter to you. The point is I got a pet!" She cheered. "What kind?" I ask.

"You guess."

"Uh....a cat?"

Mabel shook her head and smiles, "Nope, guess again!"

"Uh...Gee...Mabel I don't know."

I could have guess but how jumpy Mabel is...she was going to explode with excitement. So just go on with it.

"Ah you are no fun wet blanket!" Mabel gasps. I roll my eyes, "Just tell me." "Alright!" Mabel jumped then she grabs me by the arm and yanks me off of the piano bench and drags me down the stage and into her room.

"Ah Mabel! What is it? Don't tell me it's a dinosaur!" I gasp. Then she opens the door, "Tada!" I then saw the surprise was a pig. The pig was this pink color with dark pink color spots and was cubby and has that chubby little face that I know Mabel loves. "A Pig?" I questioned. Mabel nods excitedly, "I always dream of one! Isn't he just adorable! His name is Waddles."

I gave a smiled and just shook my head, "Oh Mabel." Mabel grabs my arm, "Come on! Waddles want to meet you!" Then she drags me to the pig, "Ah Mabel...I don't.." "He isn't going to bit you! Silly you." Then Mabel made me pet the pig. "He's chubby and squishy." I reply. Mabel hit me on the arm, "He isn't squishy! He is huggable!" I rub my arm, "Alright, whatever you say."

Then Mabel jumped to my shoulder, "Oh!! Do you want to take him for a walk with me?"

"Mabel really an ankle? With a pig? In a city? Are you fried?" I ask.

Mabel hit me on the arm again, "Ouch! Would you stop doing that!" I protested. "Well stop being mean to Waddles and me and I'll stop hitting you." Mabel reply, crossing her arms. "Well I don't think taking an ankle with a pig in a city isn't the wises thing to do." I reply.

Mabel sigh, "Alright what about an ankle between us? It's been a while since we walked together." I smile, "I would like that."

Mabel smiled, "Alright let me change out of these show clothes and get into outside clothes." "I'll wait for you by the stage." I reply as I left the room. I went back to the bar part. I saw Wendy and Robbie. Are they still talking? What are they talking about?

They are goofy.

No. Her and Robbie? I don't think so. I'm guessing they are friends.

Are you sure? Cause I know those least from Robbie. Can't see the red head's.

Wendy...and I don't think that they are really a thing. Really a bar tender and a Mobster's card dealer for games? I don't think so.

It doesn't have to make since. It's love Dipper. Lots of things you got to learn boy.

Then Mabel came up to me, wrapping her arms around my arm, "Ready!" Then we headed out to the street.

"So Mabel what do you think about Wendy and Robbie?" I ask.

"Wendy and who?" Mabel asks.

"Robbie. That fella she was talking to in the dark corner." I reply.

Mabel shrugs, "Don't know. I really didn't see and plus I don't know this Robbie."

"Well Robbie is Stan's card dealer for his poker games." I reply.

Mabel shrugs, "Who knows. I think they can have a love life."

"Oh yeah!" I scoffed.

"Oh is someone stuck on Wendy?" Mabel giggles.

I shove Mabel, "No! I'm not goofy! Wendy isn't my style. I need a doll Mabel not a dame."

Mabel then got back to wrapping her arms around mine. "Alright, I believe you."

We started to walk down the nice street. Then as we were passing by an alley way someone grab my by the arm and yank me in, separating me from Mabel. One arm was wrapping around me tightly while the other one was covering my mouth.

"Dipper?" Mabel asks in a scared voice, staying in the street. "Get in here doll unless you want your brother to meet the Big Sleep." Another voice hiss, not from the man that held me. I tried squirming away but the grip tightens. I tried talking to Mabel to tell her to run but it turns out all muffled gasps. It was a dark alley way and they brought me away from the street and light, so Mabel couldn't really see but I could see her. She was scared and didn't know what to do.

"Get in here doll!" the other man hisses again. Then Mabel slowly and shyly walked in the alley way.

Bill! Bill!

"Well, Well, Well, look at these two." The other man replied as be grabbing Mabel by the arm, "One scream out of you and we will bop your brother." "So these are the ones?" my man asks. I could see the other man reach into his slack pockets and pulling out two photos. "Pos-i-lute-ly"

"Hot dawg!" my man replied.


What!? Sorry I mirroring around...oh I see. Let me in.

I tried to relax my mind but I just couldn't. Fear was taking control.

Ah! I can't!

You got to relax your mind for me to get in! Try again!

"Now baby you listen to me, see that Boiler over there." the other man hiss to Mabel, "Get in the back seat and don't do anything." Mabel nods her head scarily. The other man then brush Mabel's cheek, "Ah don't worry baby doll, I'm not hurt you and neither would my friend....but remember one slip up and I'll bop your brother to Big Sleep to great him there."


I'm trying! He is treating Mabel and I can't think straight right now!

Stop thinking!

"Now start walking doll." The other man replied. Mabel shakily walked out of the alley way. I tried to squirm out.


I'm trying!

No you aren't! You are trying to do this on your own. You can't. Dipper let me in!

The other man walked up to me with a devilish smile. Now I could see his face. It was black hair with a black mustache. "Now listen to me closely boy, you are going to be a treat for us. I didn't want to say thing in front of your doll sister. You are going to be worth a lot of dough." He sneers, "And just to let you know, one slip up from either you or your sister...I'll bop you. Now I wouldn't dare to hurt that doll but you, I don't care so I can do whatever I want to do."


"Now, have a nice sleep." The dark haired man reply as he pull out a rag then he stuff it up to my mouth and nose and everything went dark.

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