#15- Atelier Graphic Contest

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I saw roses and I was in. I love red and royalty and everything, and while these days I feel as if my graphic skills aren't getting better or progressing, I really wanted to enter this contest because of how inspired I was by the prompt. 

Anyways, they said I could use a faceclaim, so I decided on the actress Deepika Padukone from one of her movies. She just has such an elegant way of portraying a character, I thought that she would be the perfect center for this cover.

However, the cover also had to be light, so I didn't go as dark as I would have wanted. 

Without any further words, here is my final submission!

The link, as always, is linked here ------>

I also came up with a darker version!

However, I will not be submitting this because I don't think it fits the guidelines.

The lighting and the rose branch crawlers were completely done by hand, so I'm extremely proud of this.

Thank you for the opportunity, and have a great day!

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