#37-Ace Graphic Contest Entry no. 2

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Welcome again to this chapter of Mochi's Graphic Portfolio!

The Prompt for this round of the Ace Graphic Contest (hosted by _loveyourself000) was to choose one of the 7 sins to make a cover on.

The 7 sins are: Wrath, Lust, Pride, Greed, Envy, Gluttony, and Sloth.

Personally, I thought I related to Sloth the most, so I went ahead and chose that. Here is my entry!

A quality link has been placed here for your convenience----->

And resources, of course ------->

I love this. I truly think that this is one of my best graphics, if not my best, to this date.I've already seen some of the other entries for this contest, and I know my chances of winning are less than ideal, but I'm just super happy, because this turned out amazing and I have 0 regrets!

Now for the explanation:

Sloth. Laziness. Ignorance of something when you can act upon it due to one's own lethargy. Here you see a woman obviously lounging on a chaise lounge while her house is slowly overtaken by insects and arachnids. Cobwebs always struck me as a sign of abandonment, and she's abandoned her dwelling in favour of sleeping.

She has a little moth problem, as you might be able to see, and the house looks very dinghy. All of this is a sign of laziness. Especially the sunlight streaming in, which was a last minute addition on my part, reminded me of late mornings when I feel lazy and don't want to open the curtains, except she's like this all day long. 

Now, the text kind of covered it up, but if you zoom into the bottom, maybe you can see the creepers and vines crawling up her chair? There's also one going into her eye. Yeah. This is why you need to clean your room, kids. 

Alright! That's it for today! Thank you for the opportunity and have a rad life.

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