#58-Jelly Graphic Contest Entry no. 2

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So at the end, I decided to remake the second cover. 

I chose to keep the color scheme, the basic genre/title, but I kind of changed the style in the process, so instead of being a collage, it's a typical faceclaim cover with a face and background. 

I hereby summoneth two links here ----->

Wow. So this was a journey. 

First of all, I forgot the name of/keywords for the faceclaim, which I did want to keep the same throughout the graphic. Thankfully, upon searching 'asian faceclaims' I found him! So three cheers for Mochi for this one.

I was kind of scared that this wasn't related enough to the original graphic, which is a collage scheme, other than the badly edited crown and title. So I added some flying map pieces as homage to the background of the collage. The gold detailing on the shirt is also edited, like the shoulder details for the before graphic was. 

Despite the simplicity, I like the font and the lack of punctuation. It's brief and simple and fits well with how messy the cover is otherwise. 

I'm kind of proud of this one! *insert Mochi doing happy dance*

Thank you for looking at my work! Have a nice loef. 

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