CHAPTER 19: Facing Turbulence

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CHAPTER 19: Facing Turbulence


Having Wooyoung willingly sit next to me in our English class brought a feeling of contentment over me. Unlike Biology class, where I basically took a sit beside him with his permission, the act of him choosing to join me in the vacant seat by me was a sign of slow progress. Whether it was just a one-time occurrence or something deeper, I didn't mind it at all.

Once the lecture came to an end, we both made our way out of the room and started our walk back to the dormitory in a comfortable silence. However, the sound of my phone ringing disturbed the peace. Groaning to my self, I briefly glanced at the caller before placing the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

Wooyoung stopped in his tracks and observed me with a concerned gaze, watching for any signs of discomfort. All I could was grant him a reassuring smile as I listened to one of the secretaries speak the reasoning for the call. Every one of my employees had been instructed to not call me unless it was a dire emergency, so I knew that the call had to be one. Otherwise, there would be hell to pay for such a lack of following rules.

"Mr. Choi, you are needed at Choi industries to finalized the paperwork for the company and the arrangements for the funeral."

"I'll be there in a hour." With a heavy sigh, I ended the call and placed the phone back into my pocket.

"Is everything okay?" Wooyoung asked curiously.

I plastered a smile and nodded. "Yeah, it's just that I need to go finish up some things for the funeral."

He nodded, directly focusing his eyes on his feet while biting his bottom lip nervously. " you want me to come with you?"

Instead of answering, I ruffled his hair gently and shook my head. "It's okay, Woo. However, I did say I'd be there in an hour, so how about we go ahead and eat together, hmm?"

"Okay," he looked up at me with hopeful eyes as he grinned, "let's do that. Is it alright if we have something small like dumplings?"

"Of course, dumplings it is. Come on, I'll drive us to a place I know that serves the best of the best."

Wooyoung nodded with an eager smile and with that, we redirected our walk towards my car.

I seriously need to pay attention more to his eating habits...

Hopping inside, I sped out toward one of my favorite restaurants that was conveniently located in the middle of the University and the agency. It had been years since I've visited the place, as the last time I ever step foot into the establishment was when I had my last date with Eunwoo. Part of me wanted to see if anything had changed, but another part of me wanted to at least try and make new memories.

The restaurant itself was small in size, yet extremely warm and cozy, a place where it was enough for school children to enjoy a full meal with the little allowance they had to spare. It quickly became one of my favorite places to visit, not only for the food, but for the welcoming atmosphere that radiated from the establishment itself. It didn't help that the owners themselves were so kind, allowing me to stop by at anytime just to either study and take a nap.

Especially since the owners were his parents...

Although, since his passing, his parents had moved to another city in Korea and gave shared ownership the restaurant to new owners, who took up the responsibility of providing the same meals as before. I hadn't stepped foot since the news of their departure, but deep down I knew they were still nearby.

"San? Are you alright?"

Blinking myself out of my thoughts, I glanced at the male beside me and smiled. "Yeah, sorry. Did you say something?"

Wooyoung shook his head. "You just looked like you were thinking about something. You don't have to talk about it, but I'm willing to listen if you want?"

"...It's nothing important. The place I'm taking you is somewhere I used to go all the time, and I was just thinking if the owners that I used to know would still be there, that's all."

"When was the last time you went? Surely they should still be running the place?"

I haven't been since high school...

Plastering a smile, I lied. "It's been like a year or so, but maybe you're right. All in all, I know that the food will be great."

That seemed to ease the male's concerns as a giggle escaped from him. "I hope so, because you're paying!"

"Who said otherwise? It is my suggestion to go here after all."

"I mean," he whispered while fighting back a blush from growing on his cheeks, "I was just joking.."

"Woo, it's on me. No worries, okay?"

Wooyoung nodded and smiled softly. "Thanks Sann- I mean, San..."

"You know it's alright if you call me Sannie..." I chuckled. "I told you I'm fine with it, as long as it's you."

"Yeah, well...I think I'll hold off on that until I earn the right to do so properly. So, whenever we get closer I guess." He grinned, focusing his attention on the passing scenery out the window.

Warmth grew in my chest as I felt a sense of admiration for the male next to me. However, a pang of guilt also hit me as I realized the extent of the matter. No one truly knew about Eunwoo other than Hongjoong, and even he didn't know the fully extent of our relationship.

Brushing off my worries, I let myself enjoy the little moment with him without focusing on the future act of possibility divulging the truth.


"This place definitely gives off a home-like vibe, and it's so busy..." Wooyoung said in awe, glancing around the room with a sense of wonder. We were currently seated in a booth across from each other while taking in the restaurant. Unlike the small place that I used to know, it had transformed into a bigger venue with more tables and staff, along with people lining up to enter and dine in.

I chuckled. "Yeah, it's definitely changed in comparison to how I used to know it to be. However, I doubt the quality of the food had any impact on it."

Our waitress came up to our table with a bright smile on her face before greeting us. "Welcome to Menten, my name is Suki. Are you two ready to order or do you need more time?"

Glancing at my phone quickly to keep my deadline is o leave in mind, I looked to Wooyoung who seemed ready to order. With a smile, I gesture for him to go first. "Go ahead and say yours."

"Alright, can I get spicy chicken ramen with fish cakes please and chicken dumplings?" He asked with a smile before taking sips of his water.

Suki nodded before turning her attention to me. "And you, Mr. Choi?"

My eyes grew wide in surprise before shifting into deep skepticism. "...I'm sorry, do you know me?"

"Well, not personally, but the owners here know you very well. They sent me personally to serve you!" She said proudly. "Told me to take care of you and your boyfriend to the best of my ability."

There's no way...

Wooyoung spat out his water before masking over his nervousness. "Um...Wow, San! You weren't joking when you said you used to come here often! Even the owners know you?"

Chuckling hesitantly, I cleared my throat. "Yeah, well...I'll just have the same thing he's having..and um...we're not dating."

Suki glanced between the two of us before nodding in understanding, gathering up our two menus swiftly. "Really..? Well, alright! I'll put the orders in and it should be out shortly."

We both watched as she walked away, leaving the two of us to sit in an awkward silence. The fact that the owners, who I desperately hope to not be who I assumed to be, thought that after all these years I would bring someone without even sparing a simple conversation or explanation rubbed me the wrong way. There was nothing wrong with Wooyoung or the speculation of us being in a relationship, but I would have more respect and manners to at least introduce him as such to them instead of just bringing him.

"San...are you okay?"

Nodding, I smiled. "I'm okay... sorry if the whole 'boyfriend' thing bothered you. That wasn't my intention."

Wooyoung shook his head and giggled. "That's alright. If anything, you should take it as a compliment that you manage to bring someone as beautiful as me here all alone."

"Oh really? Does that mean I can do it again?" I asked in a teasing voice.

I watched as a deep blush grew on his cheeks before he laughed it off. "Don't get too excited, we'll see how this goes first before making any promises. If the food is not up to par, then this isn't happening again. I'm a very tough critic when it comes to my ramen."

With a nod of approval, I sighed in mock disappointment. "Well, I'll just hope for more times like this. I have no doubt in the food here."

"Why would you even want to in the first place?"

"Can't friends hang out and share a meal once in awhile?"

Wooyoung's smile slightly faltered, something I took notice of as he nodded slowly. "...You're right, of course friends can do that."

I know you don't want to be just friends...

It wasn't long before Suki returned with our bowls of steamy hot ramen and dumplings, carefully placing each in front of us before smiling. "Enjoy!"

"Kamsahamnida..." We said in unison to her before breaking our chopsticks apart.

I smirked, leaning back in the booth chair with a proud face. "I want you to try whichever first and give me your opinion on it."

Rolling his eyes, I watched as he gathered a good amount of noodles on his sticks, carefully blowing the heat away before slurping up the bite. In an instant, his eyes grew wide as he looked up at me with surprise. "This is amazing!"

"So, that means I can bring you back here?"

"Fine," He sighed in defeat, "only if you're the one paying."

I chuckled. "Of course, of course. Let's just eat."

With that, we both enjoyed our meal together, the second one we happened to share.

And I plan to have many more shared meals together in the future...

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