CHAPTER 3: The Chaotic First Day

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CHAPTER 3: The Chaotic First Day


After spending the entire evening eating with Yeosang and his two friends, Seonghwa and Yunho, we reached back to the dormitory with enough time to not only dye my hair black, but also convince Seonghwa to dye his as well. Safe to say, Yunho was the right choice for the job. It also felt nice to have two new people I could consider as my own friends. Spending so much time with the three allowed me to enter my room without any sort of awkward conversations with my roommate, as he was fast asleep by the time I returned.

It was also hard to not notice that he was sleeping shirtless, exposing his defined muscles even more than I had wanted to admit.

Not wanting to disturb him, I discarded my shoes at the front and made my way to my bed, presetting my alarm to wake me ahead of time. With a simple close of my eyelids, I fell asleep instantly.

Before I knew it, it was Monday morning.

My first official day of classes.

My alarm began blaring loudly, causing the nameless roommate to groan angrily as I tried my best to shut it off.

"If you don't shut that thing off, I swear I'm going to kill you..." He muttered, placing his pillow over his ears roughly to block out the noise. "Hurry up!"

"I'm sorry!"


Finally finding the 'off' button, I sat up and fluffed my hair lazily. Glancing outside our window, I noticed the sun wasn't even out yet. However, in order to be on time for class, it was mandatory for me to be up at these ungodly hours. Checking my phone, I took note of the current time.


Hopping off my bed, I gathered my preset clothing choices and made my way into the bathroom. As soon as I stepped inside, the new black hair stood out to me, something I knew I would have to adjust to again after being blonde for so long. Smiling to myself, I quickly turned on the shower and proceeded to strip off my clothes while waiting for the water to heat up. It wasn't until I saw the mirrors fogging and took a few hand touches underneath to confirm it was to my desired temperature. Slowly stepping inside, I let my body relax under the hot stream of water.

Hot showers or baths were one of the few things that made me happy and feel more rejuvenated. Didn't matter what the time or what the weather was like outside, I'd always choose to have a scorching hot shower or hot bath any day. Using my vanilla-scented body wash only heightened the feeling of bliss.

Quickly finishing my routine, I grabbed my towel and dried myself off before getting out. My outfit was a simple white long sleeve shirt and a denim jacket, with matching denim jeans and white sneakers. I also decided to wear silver earrings and rings as accessories.

Breezing through my skincare and oral hygiene routine, I rapidly got dressed and with a final look of approval in the mirror, I smiled in satisfaction.


Opening the door, my smile dropped when I noticed the bare-chested roommate standing by the doorway with a smirk. He looked me up and down, taking in each inch of me deliberately slow before he bit his bottom lip. I could feel myself getting warm as he stared at me with his chocolate-brown eyes for what seemed to be minutes.

Rolling my eyes, I spoke up. "Can you let me through? The bathroom is all yours..."

"It's about time. Unlike some people, we have classes to get to."

Scoffing, I brushed past him and muttered to myself. "Asshole..."

"What was that?" The roommate asked loudly, raising an eyebrow.

"I said asshole!"

A soft chuckle escaped from his lips as he entered the bathroom. "No sweetheart, the name is San."

My head whiplashed towards the male and before I could respond, the bathroom door was closed. All I could do was ponder on the new revelation.


Grabbing my backpack and keys, I walked out of the dorm room with a bright smile, prepared to start the day. With the help of a couple of Graduate students in passing, I was able to find my first class in record time: Biology. There were a few students seated inside already, so I decided to enter and find the closest empty seat in the front. The Professor wasn't in yet, so I knew I was early.

Upon sitting down, I saw a blonde-haired boy with freckles and glasses in the seat to my right scrolling on his phone. He glanced up and smiled, introducing himself on cue. "Hi, my name is Felix."

Wow, his deep voice definitely doesn't match his face..

"My name is Wooyoung. Do you mind sharing your major is?"

He nodded with pride. "Engineering. I just have to take these pre-requisites before I actually enter my major. How about you?"

"Child development and Family studies." I answered proudly.

"Let me guess, you either want to be a teacher or a therapist?"

I laughed, finally seeing the Professor walk inside the lecture room with a crowd of students behind him. "Teacher. Definitely a teacher."

Felix smiled, leaning over to whisper in my ear. "You give off warm, lovable energy so I can see you as either, honestly. Whoever becomes your students, however, will have a hard time focusing on you..."

"Why is that?"

"Because you're gorgeous, that's why."

A blush grew on my cheeks, earning a deep chuckle from the male in response. The Professor cleared his throat, gathering the attention of all the students and silencing the small murmurs around.

"My name is Professor J. Please be sure to read your syllabus on your own time, as there is lots to learn and little time to waste. Understood?"

"Yes, Professor." Everyone said in unison.

As soon as he turned to the board to beginning writing, San bursted through the doors in a heavy pant.


Professor J eyed him, gesturing for him to take a seat silently before refocusing on his own task of writing. With a quick bow, San looked around for an available seat. Unfortunately, there was still one on the left of me that was the nearest to reach.

Please don't sit here... please don't sit here...

With a smirk on his face, I watched as he made his way over next to me, plopping in the seat without any hesitation. "Hi roomie."

I rolled my eyes, causing Felix to raise an eyebrow. "Wooyoung, he's your roommate?"

Dammit... he knows my name now...

I sighed. "Unfortunately, yes... Felix, this is San. San, this is Felix."

San grinned. "Nice to meet you Felix. Thank you for saying his name. Now I finally know it...Wooyoung huh..."

"Wait, you didn't know his name? How are you two even roommates?" Felix asked skeptically.

"Ahem..." Professor J cleared his throat, looking at us three skeptically.

"Sorry." I bowed, scowling at both males. "Can we pause this conversation, please?"

The two nodded in agreement, focusing their attention on the lecture in front of us.


Walking out of the lecture room, Felix and San stuck to both sides of me, engrossed in their own conversation about my beloved roommate assignment.

" two met yesterday and went almost 24 hours without even exchanging names?" Felix laughed loudly. "That's so crazy!"

San shrugged. "It was honestly not in my interest of sharing my name. Felt like too much work to do so, considering that I'd probably be in a different major than him."

"What is your major?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Art and Photography."

Well that tracks I guess...

Felix grew wide eyed. "Well, that's surprising..."

"Anyways, as lovely as this conversation is, my next class starts at eleven and I only have ten minutes to get there. I'll see you later Felix." I smiled, making my exit to find my Chemistry class.

"Bye Wooyoung! See you Wednesday!" Felix waved energetically.

"What about me? You're not going to say bye to me?" San asked with a smirk.

Rolling my eyes, I ignored him and continued my way through the crowd of passing students. According to one of the Graduate students earlier, Chemistry was in the next floor above. Therefore I needed to pick up the pace.

Speed walking to an empty stairwell, as soon as I stepped through, a hand grabbed the back of my jacket and pushed me inside.

"What the h-"

My voice caught in my throat as I realized it was San who pushed me. He backed me into a corner and leaned next to my ear, whispering softly. "I don't think you know how much I don't like people who ignore me Woo..."

His body smelled like a mixture of a cherry and wood fragrance, something I tried not to think about as he stood inches away from my face. It was a scent that I found intoxicating, but the limited amount of time to reach class was a much more pressing matter.

"San, l-let me go..."

He shook his head, trailing one of his fingers down my chest slowly, taking his time until he reached the waistband of my jeans. "You're lucky we have to go to class, or else I'd have to show you what happens when I'm annoyed..."

I felt my breath hitch as he stared deeply into my eyes, a small smirk growing on his face as he inched closer to my lips.

What is he doing...?

Finding a quick escape from his surrounding cage, I ducked underneath his arm and ran upstairs without looking back. With each step I took, I could hear him chuckling. Meanwhile, I tried my best to calm my racing heart as I ran to my next class.

Entering inside while trying to catch my breath, I saw Yeosang seated with a concerned look on his face. Another thing I noticed was that the Professor was staring at me with an amused smiled.

"Did you get lost sweetie?" She asked playfully.

Sheepishly, I nodded with a bow. "I did, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, that happens a lot. Please take your seat, class will start in a few."

Bowing once more, I made my way over to Yeosang and collapsed on a lab chair. He looked at me with a sad face. "Woo, I'm sorry. We should've checked out the classes beforehand last night."

"It's fine, I actually didn't get lost... my roommate almost made me late." I muttered.

"Wait, what?"

I nodded, scoffing irritably. "Apparently, the guy's name is San. So, the asshole has a name. Who would've thought."

While taking out one of my books, I failed to notice Yeosang's wide-eyed reaction to the news. He just sighed, patting my shoulder slowly. "At least try and get along with him now that you know his name. He is your roommate, after all."

"I know, I know. Is your roommate at least nice?" I asked curiously. A faint blush grew on his cheeks, causing me to squeal quietly. "No way... you like him?"

"Shhhh!" Yeosang covered my mouth with his hand. "I just think he's cute...that's all..."

I hummed. "Now I definitely have to meet him!"

"Good morning class! My name is Professor Jin! Before we start, Jung Wooyoung?" She asked, looking around the lab.

I raised my hand nervously, "Yes?"

"Can you report to the Advisor's office after this class? Don't worry, you will have enough time to get to your last class." She said with a smile.


Yeosang tilted his head with confusion on his face. "What's going on?"

I shrugged. "I have no idea..."

"Awesome! Alright class, let's just start with the basics for today as a refresher: The Periodic Table."

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