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The storm was in full power. Rain poured down in needle-like sheets, and thunder roared like a beast.

Matthew and Victor braved the slick, spiraling staircase, following where they assumed the monster was going.

Victor walked ahead of Matthew, held held high. His eyes seemed to glint with determination, a complete turnaround from his almost catatonic state of previous. The severe change in mood had startled Matthew.

Finally, they reached the top of the tower. It was exposed to the elements, and a short fence was the only separation from a gruesome death at the bottom of the river that ran by the tower.

Umbra stood stiffly, back turned to them. It appeared to have no idea Matthew and Victor had arrived on the scene.

"Umbra?" Victor whispered, his voice barely audible over the howling of the wind. "Umbra, can you hear me? Please, this is your last chance."

Umbra shuffled on its feet, arms twitching and convulsing like it had been electrocuted. Its face was contorted in what seemed to be pain.

Victor took a step forward, Umbra snorting in alarm. The wind made Victor's stance unsteady.

"I'm sorry, Umbra," Victor murmured, hiding his face in his hands, "This was a mistake. I know it hurts, but it'll be over soon."

"Victor," Matthew said in alarm, "Get back! It's dangerous."

Victor grit his teeth. "I know. That's why I have to do this."

"What are you talking about?" Matthew asked, his throat raw.

Victor threw himself at Umbra, tackling the beast. With a snap, the fence behind them broke. Matthew cried out, attempting to grab Victor's shirt collar, but it slipped through his fingers. The force of Victor's lunge made Umbra lose its balance.

Both man and monster fell into the watery depths.

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