Chapter 2: Bar Shootout

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Radio chatter or phone

Camera View



It is a quiet night in the streets of Roanapur where there were cars driving by the streets for a street light to turn green for the other cars to go as well.

The screen changed to see Y/n along with his brother Alex walking on the sidewalk with their casual clothing and jackets on, going undercover of the CIA while Y/n was explaining his last mission in the jungle to Alex.

Alex: So, you saw a woman with a Barrett 50 Caliber...

Y/n: Yep...

Alex: That she held it with one hand...

Y/n: Yep...

Alex: .... Okay... That has got to be the most weird story you have ever told me.

Y/n: So you don't believe me?

Alex: Yeah, I believe you, but... damn... the way she did to your team, it's horrible.

Y/n: When I find that purple haired bitch, I'm gonna kill her...

Alex: Hey, hey. Don't be getting into a battle you can't win.

Y/n: She killed my men. The entire Hitman squad, for what?! So she can go on a blood thirsty rampage like a fucking vampire?!

Alex: Y/n, just calm down, okay?

Y/n: (goes silent)

Alex: Look, let's find a way to cheer you up, okay? How about it?

Y/n: ... (sighs) Alright.

Alex: (pats right) There's my little brother. Come on, I know the perfect place to go.


First Person View

Y/n followed Alex to see where he is going to walk down the sidewalk of the city of Roanapur at night. Y/n and Alex quickly went across the street to get out of the way to avoid the incoming cars that were driving.

After a few walking, Y/n and Alex found a place, a bar called "Yellowflag", this is where Alex was taking Y/n to cheer him up.

Y/n: This is where you're taking me? A bar?

Alex: I know the owner of this place. I found it a while back. Come on, let's have a few drinks, maybe that'll get your mind off of stuff.

Alex entered the bar first and Y/n entered last to see a few people getting drunk, gambling, and so forth. Y/n saw that one of them had their guns out or on the table for him to quickly reach his 1911, but Alex stopped him.

Alex: Hey, easy. They're not gonna shoot you or us.

Y/n: Do they always have their guns out and on the tables?

Alex: The I hear it, this is a free bar, they can have their guns out. So, don't worry, their cool.

Alex went up to the bartender and Y/n followed him to meet the owner of the bar to get his attention.

Alex: Excuse me, good sir. Two glasses of your finest bottles, please.

The bartender then turned around to see Alex with a smile.

Bartender: Well, I'll be damned. If it ain't Alex!

Alex and the bartender shook their hands together for a second and let go.

Bartender: It's good to see you again.

Alex: Like-wise, Bao. It's been a while.

Bao: (notices Y/n) Oh, I didn't know you brought a guest. Who is he?

Alex: Bao, this is my brother, Y/n. Y/n, this is Bao, he owns the place.

Y/n and Bao shook hands together for a bit and let go.

Bao: Good to meet you, Y/n.

Y/n: Same here, Bao.

Alex: It's his first time here in the Yellowflag, don't worry, he's old enough to drink. Not his first time. Though.

Bao: Oh, yeah. You said you wanted some of my finest bottles right? Well, I got one that might interest ya.

Bao then got a special bottle of alcohol and placed it on the counter with two glasses poured some into them pass them to Y/n abd Alex.

Bao: It's on the house, for a member who entered here for the first time.

Y/n: Thanks.

Y/n and Alex picked up their glasses and made a toast.

Alex: To the fallen.

Y/n: To the fallen.

The two brothers clinged their glasses and drank to honor the fallen soldiers of Y/n's mission. Y/n set down his glass with half of his drink and sat down in the stool thinking about what happened during his mission.

He looked at his reflection of his drink to remember what happened at the mission where SHE killed all of his Hitman teams.

Hitman 7-4: RPG!!!


Hitman 7-5: I got you, I got you, 3-4...

(Shots of a 50 Caliber)

Hitman 7-4: Who the fuck is th-?!

(Head gets blown off)

Alex: (muffled) Y/n...? (Normal) Y/n.

Y/n snapped back in reality to hear people chatting in the background and a few across on his left to see a woman going all out on drinking her glass and another one who is male doing the same.

Alex: Hey, you alright?

Y/n: Yeah... I'm good...

Alex: Hey, listen... We'll get her, but for now, let's enjoy this while it lasts.

Y/n believed in his brother that they will get the woman who is responsible for his teammates' death and bring her to justice.

Y/n: Maybe you're right.

Y/n and Alex were enjoying their time in the bar, but that moment didn't last long. Y/n heard glass shattering and he turned around to see a few grenades rolling on the ground towards him....

Y/n: ..... GET DOWN!!!!

Y/n pushed Alex over the counter for him to quickly jump over the counter as well and the grenades exploded for the lights to go out and hear AK-74U fire rounds and started to kill the people inside the bar.

Alex: Y/n! You good?!

Y/n: (sits up in cover position) Yeah, I'm good! About you?!

Alex: I'm okay! Where the hell did these guys come from?!

Y/n: No idea!

Y/n and Alex were behind cover over the bar counter and hear that the counter was bullet proof. Bao really had tricks up his sleeve. Y/n got out his 1911 with a 15 round clip hidden in his jacket holster and Alex did the same, taking out his X16 side-arm.

Y/n: Looks like we're in for a gunfight!

Alex: Let's get evil!

Y/n and Alex peeked out of cover to take out the people who shooting up the bar for Y/n to hit one in the head and Alex to hit one in the body and in the head. Y/n and Alex kept on shooting their guns at the people that there was smoke covering the place to keep on shooting to see if they can hit any one of the men that were out there.

Y/n then ran out of bullets to get in cover to reload.

Y/n: I'm out, reloading! (swaps to a new magazine and press slide release)

Y/n peeks out again to fire his shots try and hit the hostiles that were outside, Alex ran out of bullets in his gun as well for him to get to cover.

Alex: Rotating mag!

Y/n gave Alex some covering fire for him to reload his gun, and got back up to peek from his cover to keep on shooting. One of the hostiles threw a grenade over the counter.

Alex: Grenade!

Y/n quickly finds the grenade and throws it back at the hostiles for it to explode on them for their bodies to fly from the impact.

Alex: Nice throw, brother!

Bao: Revy! If these assholes are your friends, then you better deal with 'em!

Revy: Don't know 'em.

Alex: Get down!

Y/n: (takes cover)

More of the hostiles outside kept on shooting the counter that was bulletproof.

Revy: Wow! You've bullet proof the bar, huh?

Bao: Yep! It can handle up to 50. Caliber!

???: Revy?!

Revy: I'm okay!

???: Benny?!

Benny: Miraculously I'm alive! (runs out to the back door with his down avoiding the bullets)

???: And Rock?!

The person name was Rock that Y/n hears him panicking, and talking about how he ended up here in this gunfight that he could barely hear him and the woman named Revy.

The shooting then stops for the hostiles to enter the bar to finish the remaining survivors.

Leader: Secure the building! I heard voices. And there's nothing I hate more than survivors.

Y/n: (checks ammo clip in 1911 and puts clip back in)

Revy: What a great line.

It was quiet for a bit, until that woman named Revy starts shooting the hostiles that were shooting up the bar while the lights were out. Y/n peeks out from his cover that he sees Revy with a smile on her face that she was killing all of them, either she was crazy or enjoying this.

One of them saw Y/n peeked out for him to shoot one guy in the head to drop down dead on the ground for Y/n to take cover behind the counter again for them to shoot their AK's at the counter.

Revy: Got 'em for ya, Dutch!

Y/n saw Revy did vault flip and took cover behind the counter again.

Alex: We're taking too much heat! We need to get out of here!

Y/n: I got an idea. Alex, provide covering fire. I'm gonna smoke these assholes.

Alex: I hope you know what your doing.

Y/n and Alex waited for the men that were shooting their guns behind the counter for them to run out of bullets in their guns to hear them click.

Alex: Now!

Y/n stood up and vaulted out of cover to shoot two guys in the head and charged at one in front of him. He was about to punch Y/n, but he grabbed his wrist, broke his right arm, grabbed his side-arm from his holster and shot under the guy's chin for him to choke on his blood, and Y/n threw away his side-arm, for the guy to drop down dead.

Y/n saw another hostile charging at him with a knife for Y/n to punch the guy in the face turned him around to use him as a human shield and grabbed his AK and starts shooting the guys from inside the bar.

Y/n kept on shooting with his now AK-74U and kept on spraying bullets like it's nothing. The guys from inside the bar shot one of their own that Y/n was using as a shield, they don't even care about that. Y/n kept on shooting the AK and kept on firing, but then he ran out of bullets to find a few magazines from the person he was holding him as a shield and reloaded his AK to cock the slide back and kept on shooting.

Dutch: That's our queue to get out of here!

Dutch and his other friends escaped while Y/n was providing cover fire for them to escape.

Y/n: Alex! Let's go!

Alex: Moving!

Y/n gave Alex cover fire for him to get to the back exit. Y/n took the rest of the ammo from person he was holding and pulled the pin on his grenade belt. Y/n pushed the body to the rest of the hostiles and ran out of the bar to through the back a d heard the explosion from inside.

Y/n and Alex moved out of the bar to see more of the hostiles and they killed most of them blocking their path. Right before they were about to get shot in the open by two more hostiles, a red 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner ran over the other hostiles and they dropped down dead.

The window rolled down to see that it was the same guy, Benny who was in the car.

Benny: Get in!

Y/n: Is there enough space for us?!

Benny: Well, there's enough space in the back, just for one more person!

Y/n: I ain't leaving my brother behind!

Alex: Don't worry, I'll hijack one of their vehicles! If I honk the horn, do not shoot me! I'll be right behind you!

Y/n: Alright, let me in!

Y/n opened the backseat door for Rock to scoot over where Revy and got in the car to close the door.

Y/n: Go!

Benny steps on it and drove off on the road to get on the highway, to head back to where they are going. Y/n kept an eye out if there was any hostile vehicles coming their way.

Y/n: I think we're clear. Anything on your side?

Dutch: Not a vehicle in site, we're clear.

Revy: No, wait. I see a car driving up.

Y/n sees what Revy was talking about, he sees a car driving up the highway behind them to see it was a hostile car. The person in the car honked his horns three times. Y/n realized that Alex was behind them and sighed in relief.

Y/n: It's my brother, no need to shoot.

Dutch: I was about to, but never mind.

Revy: Hey, Dutch. Bao was so pissed off he looked like a steaming pot. He said unless we pay him back he's gonna weld our assholes.

Dutch: (sarcastic) That's scary. I think I'm gonna cry.

Y/n: Well, those men did a lot of damage back there.

Revy: Yeah, no shit, sherlock.

Dutch: That reminds me, I saw you fighting back there. The way you did to one of those men, that was brutal. Where'd you learn shoot and fight like that?

Y/n tried to keep his cover hidden that he works for the CIA. He then lied to Dutch for what he is telling them.

Y/n: Basic training.

Dutch: You military?

Y/n: Ex-military, and my brother, as well.

Revy: Your brother?

Y/n: Yeah. He's also ex-military. His name is Alex, and my name is Y/n.

Benny: Well, good to have you on our side, Y/n. You just saved our asses.

Y/n: You helped me and Alex escaped. Maybe I should repay you guys one day.

Benny: You can do that soon. Right now, we need to lay low. They'll back soon.

Benny concentrated on the road to drive back to where they were going with Y/n in the back seat looking out the window.

Camera View

The view changed for the car to stop at the harbor to see an old World War 2 boat out at the docks for the rest to exit the car including Y/n and closed the door of the car to sling his AK around his back with the strap on it. Y/n turned around to see the car that Alex was driving stopped, turned off the engine and exited the car to close the door.

Alex reunited with his brother by jogging up to him and hugged him and let go to have a talk.

Alex: You alright?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm good.

Alex: You really did a lot of shooting back there, especially what you did to those guys, that was brutal.

Y/n: Well, I did kinda improvised.

Alex: I know, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Especially during a shootout.

Y/n: Fair enough.

Y/n walked with Alex to follow the rest of the group to see that they noticed the two brothers walking to the docks.

Dutch: So, this is your brother?

Y/n: Sure is.

Alex: Call me Alex.

Dutch and Alex shook hands together and let go.

Dutch: Pleasure to meet you. So, what are two brothers doing around here while there was a shooting going on at the Yellowflag?

Y/n: Well, we were just talking and walking down the streets and we decided to just hang out inside the bar, until shit hit the fan.

Alex: Damn right.

Dutch: You two by any chance got a place to stay?

Y/n: Well, no. I figured that shootout may caused a lot of attention, we might as well tag along with you guys.

Alex: I don't think that's-

Y/n: Alex, what if we get caught in the middle of the day or night and those bastards shoot up the place again? They're gonna find us eventually.

Alex: Well..... I guess you're right.

Dutch: Come to think of it, I think we can use some extra gunners. And you boys are right people for this job.

Y/n: Okay. So, what's the job?

Dutch: I'll explain everything inside. Are you two in?

Y/n and Alex looked at each for Alex to shrug his shoulders as "why not" sign.

Y/n and Alex: We're in.

Revy: Eh, what the hell. We can use some extra guns. Get on board, you two.

Revy and the others went on board the boat for Y/n and Alex to fist bump each other without looking and went on board the boat, as well.


Dutch explained to Y/n and Alex the information that he had on a disc that Rock has to get back to his boss from Japan and keeping it safe in the room where Y/n and Alex sitting on a couch while Dutch was explaining the situation.

After the meeting Dutch was explaining, he left Y/n and Alex to do whatever they want.

Y/n got up to take out an old-school flip-phone to dial the number to Laswell when he was checking that no one was around, just him and Alex. The phone then started to answer the call that was Laswell.

Y/n: Echo 3-4 to Actual.

Laswell: Go for Actual.

Y/n: Echo 3-1 and I have been doing some digging. Apparently, we've participated in a smuggling operation. This could lead up to the drug war that is going on. We're doing our best to not blow our cover, they don't know that we work for the CIA. We'll be able to get some intel we have on the Lagoon company.

Laswell: Solid copy, 3-4. Do your best to not blow your cover. If they do find out you're CIA, this operation is compromised. You have execute authority to use lethal force by any means necessary on those missions. We'll be in touch.

Y/n: Copy. 3-4 out.

Y/n hung up the phone to put away his phone in his pocket to look out the window where they are in now.

The camera zooms out of the inside and went outside to see the sunrise of a new day in Roanapur.

Meanwhile in London

(I do not own this video)

(Watch until the end for to be continued)

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