1 | Crown

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2372 Strilaxis 31, Reshpe

The auditorium's lights smacked Elred's eyeballs as soon as the tall, twin doors opened for her. Dozens of shard fairies clad in resplendent gowns and vests turned, varying shades of scarlet eyes following her every move down the aisle leading to the dais where the Queen of Helinfirth stood.

Elred swallowed the growing lump in her throat. Those eyes studied everything—her posture, the state of her periwinkle gown, the way her skirts flicked up in computed angles with every step she took, her hair, and most importantly, the necklace sitting at the base of her neck.

One of the maids who helped Elred get dressed a few hours ago couldn't stop staring at the drop-shaped diamonds sparkling along the gold-rimmed lace. Elred had suppressed a smile. Even she had been entranced by the sheer beauty of the Arnessian Jewel. Now, as she walked towards the spot she practiced to be in, she lost count of how many slightly-parted mouths, bugged eyes, and tightly-clasped hands greeted her.

She tamped down the growing pride in her gut. It's not going to help anyone if she flaunts her privilege. From the corner of her eyes, she watched Erlan Valkalin's mouth twitch with hate as he ducked his head when she passed. The corners of her mouth itched to do the same. Erlan's whole family, an offshoot from Elred's cousins to her mother's side, had been squirming to get the throne for the longest time. Not to mention his sons were the most obnoxious fairies Elred had ever come across in her entire existence.

Much like the expensive diamond slung around her neck, everyone had their eyes on the throne. Everyone wanted to be the main ruling family as if being a Valkalin wasn't enough. Besides, since the great matriarch of the clan first siezed control over Abshire, and in turn, Helinfirth's royal capital, the Valkalin clan had doubled in size. Elred turned her attention back to the dais and at the sparkling sequins decorating the Queen's dress.

Today was an important day not just for the clan, but for Elred's immediate family too. It's important she didn't mess anything up. If she did, it wasn't just the crown she and her family were saying goodbye to. Elred suppressed the shiver rushing down her spine. With a thousand eyes on her this morning, it's impossible to tell where it came from.

The lights from the chandeliers seemed brighter than ever, flushing the whole room in a white ambiance to rival the sunlight filtering through the thick glass walls. Purple petals from bouquets of forsaga littered the floor in hazy circles around the foot of the podium they were placed in. Around the room, a sweet, honey-like smell wafted, assaulting Elred's nose and reminding her of her favorite delicacy.

Her heels clacked against the glass steps flanking the raised platform in the middle of the room. The red carpets spread over her designated path barely muffled the noise. Elred's skirts swished past her ankles when she turned to face the Queen of Helinfirth who waited beside a frosted glass case. Elred didn't smile. Not when the Queen's face was set as hard as stone. Well, good morning to you too, Mother.

As they had practiced for weeks, Elred matched her mother's stance and dropped into a curtsy. Her eyes traced the embroidered patterns on her mother's skirt before coming to rest on the crown glinting atop her pale blond hair.

"Elred Valkalin, a servant of the shard fairies, stands before you today to receive her noblest duty," the Queen turned to the fairies assembled before them as intended. "All rise for the oath."

Clothes shuffled. People muttered under their breaths. Chairs squeaked against the polished glass floor. The Queen's eyes hardened but she didn't frown. She didn't smile either. Her expression was stuck somewhere between feigned passiveness and mild annoyance.

"By the gods of Umazure and the Great Goddess, do you swear to uphold the duties this crown will bring?" the Queen asked.

Elred ducked her head. Despite hearing this oath over and over, it still set a heavy stone of dread in her stomach. "I swear."

The Queen turned to the glass case beside her and waved a hand over it. A soft gasp filtered out of Elred's lips as the glass disappeared into her mother's palm. And there it was: the Abshire Crown, passed from heir to heir in their own inauguration ceremonies. Elred's breathing be came heavy. After a years of waiting, it was finally here. It was finally her time.

Slim fingers lifted the crown from the velvet lining it sat on. The Queen strode closer to Elred. "Do you, Elred Valkalin, swear to protect the people of Helinfirth with all your might?" she said.

"I swear," Elred answered, lowering her head towards her mother.

The heavy metal of the crown felt cold against her scalp as the Queen affixed it on her head. "Then rise, Elred of the Valkalin Clan of Abshire," the Queen said. "The Sovereign Heir to the Crest of Helinfirth, Bearer of the Abshire Rose, and the Crown Princess of the Valkalin Family."

When Elred did, respectful applause filled her ears. Somewhere in the atmosphere, a thick cloud hovered. Elred pursed her lips in a tight-lipped smile and accepted the applause with a gracious wave. The air shifted beside her and she felt her mother's hand on her shoulders.

"To celebrate this glorious event, we will be hosting the Feast of Reflection eight weeks from now, and this time, the Crown Princess will be at the head," the Queen announced. A chorus of gasps, giggles, and cheers erupted from the audience. "May we have a bountiful season and a year blessed by the gods. Avraja!"

"Avraja!" came the resounding reply. More applause as Elred strode away from the platform and moved to exit the auditorium. After the twin doors close behind her, that's the only time she could relax. She would need a long nap after all this. Perhaps a bucket of luuro as well.

Then, when she had her fill, she'd go back to work. Eight weeks sounded like a long time but they would fly by if Elred wasn't paying attention. The crown grew heavier and heavier with every step she took back to her rooms. The Feast of Reflection. It was the only rite of passage expected from the Crown Princesses in their first year.

Elred clenched her fists. If she's only asked to plan a glorified party, then it's a party they would get.

She'd make sure of it, for her and her family's sake.

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