6 - Of Letters and Friends

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People heading for the floo and door alike, Molly accepted the farewells tossed her way as she began the work of cleaning up her home after yet another Order meeting. Sighing as she stood up and straightened out her back, she wondered if she and Arthur should look into a new home. This little townhouse barely held her, her husband, and Arthur's nephews on a good day in the summer, but when there were Order members and their children running about as well? Or the other times throughout the year when families needed a place to stay between having their homes razed and finding a new one? Undetectable Extension Charms became a must. However, Molly was beginning to feel they weren't enough anymore and that it might be time for a move to a bigger home.

Maybe a house in the countryside would be nice; one with three or four bedrooms and another sitting room to use. At least then Robert and Horton could have their own room to share when they stayed over in the summer instead of having to share with little Wilber. But now was not the time to think about a new home. That'd be best discussed with Arthur a little later. After they finished cleaning up and opened a bottle of wine to relax.

Pushing a lock of hair back behind her ear, Molly went to collect a set of cups scattered on the coffee table when a shadow cast itself over her work. Looking up, she saw Lily Potter.

The poor woman was pale, making the shadows beneath her eyes all the more ghoulish. "Hello, Lily," Molly greeted kindly as she paused once again in her cleaning.

Fiddling a bit with her sweater's sleeve, Lily seemed to become someone much younger. She looked more a schoolgirl than a married woman to Molly, and knowing what she did from talking with her brothers, she even knew that was true. The poor girl was only twenty. When it became clear Lily would not be forthcoming in why she'd come up to her, Molly inquired, "Is there something you want, dear?"

Blinking, Lily gave a sheepish smile before taking a breath. "Seeing as this is going to be my and James's last Order meeting. I wanted to say goodbye," she whispered. "You have been exceptionally kind to me these past days and I'm sorry I won't get to speak with you again until the war is over."

"Then you two chose going into hiding, then?" Molly questioned for clarity as she searched the younger woman's face.

"Yes," Lily replied, mouth quavering ever so slightly. "We'll be in hiding for who knows how long."

Molly's heart went out to her fellow woman. "Lily…" she said.


"Just because we're saying goodbye doesn't mean you have to be a stranger, alright? Write me as much as you like and need, I'll be here, dear," she told her, hoping that Lily would accept her offer.

Green eyes shimmered with tears as Lily smiled and nodded. "Thanks, Molly."

"Good, I look forward to hearing from you soon," Molly replied warmly before continuing to clean her home as Lily was taken away by the bespectacled man Molly recognized as her husband, James.


Dear Lily,

Merlin, time flies, doesn't it? I can't believe it's taken me this long to get back to you! Christmas is next week and you wrote to me at the end of November! How are you Lily? How is James and little Harry? I'm sure he must have accomplished so much by now!

I remember when Wilber was a baby, it was while Arthur and I were watching him that he took his first steps! His mother was a bit upset about that, but we made up for it by getting the tyke to walk her way when she came to pick him up.

It's good hearing the sweaters aren't going to waste at your home! My older nephews, Robert and Horton don't wear theirs too much as they think they're "dorky." But, I suppose they are getting to be teenagers and think most things connected to family are. At least Wilber enjoys it still. Some days, I hear it's all he wants to wear in the winter.

I'm quite touched you'd give me your son to raise over his godfather and feel so close to me. I suppose trying to reach out to Petunia did not go well, then?

Do you have any special plans for Harry's first Christmas? I know you can't get a tree, but maybe you'll be passing down some family traditions? I know that I've treated Arthur's nephews to some Prewett traditions–like making our own garland for the Christmas tree and making a batch of gingerbread men for Santa.

Surely, as you're busy (and quite possibly more than me!), I don't expect to hear from you right away, but still I hope we'll get a Christmas card as I'm attaching one to the letter for you.



Dear Molly,

Thanks for the Christmas Card, Molly. You, Arthur, and your brothers looked very jolly. I trust you got ours.

I can't believe how quickly time goes here, either. I remember before Harry was born, it was so slow! A day felt like a week in hiding. But, now, it seems like no time at all. In fact, James and I have been discussing whose name Harry will be saying first. He thinks it'll be Dada, of course, but I think my little boy will be saying Mumma first. After all, I talk back to him much more than James does when Harry gets in a cooing mood!

As for Petunia, it's hard to say, she sent us a Christmas card with her husband and son along with a rather ugly vase. But, I suppose, it counts as a good sign if she's sending me a gift. Merlin knows I didn't get one last year!

For Christmas Eve, Sirius, Remus and Peter stopped by. It was quite nice, we had a ham and they sang Christmas carols for Harry. It was quite the show! Of course, everything with them is a drama or comedy, but it's yet to get old. Especially with Harry, who's not used to their antics yet. Before we went to bed, I had Harry help me put out cookies and milk for Santa. He's still too little to be of much help, but I had him put down a carrot for the Reindeers on the coffee table. I'm glad I washed it before I let him have it, because the instant I gave it to him, he put it in his mouth!

I can't say he liked it too much. His expression was adorable, though.

Tomorrow's New Year's Day, so, happy 1981, Molly and I hope to get a letter from you again soon!



Sitting side by side, heads bent close as they decorated cookies for dinner, Molly found herself taking the sprinkle holder from her young nephew when she saw him dumping them on an unfrosted biscuit.

Putting on a smile when the boy gave her a confused look, she took a bit of frosting on her finger and wiped it on his nose. "No, no, dear! Frosting then sprinkles!" Molly told Wilber with a laugh.

The boy grinned goofily as he reached up to clean the frosting from his nose. "Sorry, Aunt Molly!" he apologized. "The sprinkles are my favorite!"

Still grinning, Molly looked to and fro with exaggeration before whispering, "They're mine too! If only I could put them on more than just biscuits!"

The boy put his hands to his mouth and giggled. "Even peas, Aunt Molly?" he asked.

"Ye-" but she cut herself short when she saw her Floo flare to life with a call. Getting up, she wiped her hands on her apron and approached with a mix of trepidation and curiosity.

When she recognized the person calling as fellow Order member Dorcas Meadow, she smiled. "Well, hullo there, Dorcas! It's been a while? How are you, dear? You really must come over soon for dinner it's been so long!" she chattered.

The woman, however, did not smile back. Instead, she just frowned. "Molly? Would it be okay with you if I came through your Floo? I have some news I want to share with you and… I think this is something I should tell you in person," Dorcas Meadows told her, brow dimpled with pain.

Cheer abandoning her, Molly knew exactly what the woman was going to tell her. Someone was dead or gravely injured. Someone she cared for. "Is it one of my brothers?" she asked. "Did Fabian or Gideon-"

"Both of them died," she blurted. "I'm sorry."

"I–no, no need to apologize. Thank you for telling me," Molly whispered as she turned her back to Dorcas. Tears already gathered in her eyes as her heart constricted painfully, Molly barely noticed little Wilber pass right by her. She hardly even registered the young child taking charge of things and telling Dorcas goodbye before she felt his young arms wrap around her waist.

"It's okay to cry, Aunt Molly," he said in a whisper. "Mummy says so."

Hugging the little boy close, Molly sobbed gratefully into his soft hair. "Oh, Wilber!" she whimpered. "The boys! The boys!"

"It's okay, Aunt Molly. It's okay," he soothed.

Fifteen minutes later, when Arthur came home, after being notified himself about his brother-in-laws deaths, he found a wobbly smile stretching across his lips.

He should have known that sweet little Wilber would have known just what to do to comfort Molly until he could get home. "Molly?" he called gently.

Boy in her arms, Molly turned. "Arthur!" she wailed, eyes desperate and so very broken.

Not wasting a moment, the man swept forward and hugged his wife hard. Things, once again, had been turned on their heads. But he knew, just like every time before, they would find a way to grow stronger from this.


Dear Lily,

I'm sure you've heard by now, but Fabian and Gideon are dead. I had to help plan the funeral with my parents. It had to be the worst time in all my life trying to help pick out their caskets, gravestones, and planning their eulogies. My parents wouldn't listen to me and thought they knew more about the two even though they had all but stopped seeing them after they finished Hogwarts.

If I didn't have Arthur on my side, I don't know what I'd have done. My mum listened to him a little more than she did me, but my father would not speak to either of us. The funeral, though, Lily. You should have seen all the people that came. Gideon's girlfriend sat with us and even got up to give a speech about him and Fabian. It was so lovely and did more to show them for the men they were than I ever could have if I'd tried to do the same.

I wish Gideon had gotten to propose to her like he'd been planning to, I would have adored her for a sister-in-law.

Lily, I don't know when I'll be writing back next, but, please, do not think I'm abandoning you. I just need some time. Even more time than I've already taken at this point. My brothers were the dearest family I had and now they are gone.



Dear Molly,

I have heard about Fabian and Gideon. I don't begrudge you for wanting time to process it, either. I've lost a great many friends, Sabrina, Marlene, and Edgar. To add your brothers to that list hurts much more than I like to dwell on.

Seeing as it's summer, now, I hope your nephews are helping you and Arthur through this hard time. The oldest one, he must be nearly fourteen now? I'm sure they knew Fabian and Gideon just as well you did. From what I understand, having family close makes the pain easier to handle. It does for me, at least. I can't tell you how many dark moods Harry has swayed me away from. When he isn't the one causing them, anyway.

Him and James accidentally broke the vase Petunia gave me for Christmas. I know it was something we could easily fix, but it still bothered me quite a bit. I couldn't even say if I wanted it fixed at that point. It felt like a metaphor for our relationship, ugly and fragile. I almost wanted it to stay shattered, just so I could use it as an excuse to break my relationship with Petunia. In the end, James convinced me to fix it. I'm not sure I'm glad for it yet, but I look at the pictures of Petunia I have, the two I have of her son and I wish so badly for him to have what his mother and I don't with Harry.

Unfortunately, I don't see that happening, but if James and I ever have another child, they'll be best friends with Harry if it's the last thing I do. I won't see what happened between me and my sister repeated. I won't!

Harry's crying in the other room, and James is busy getting some much needed sleep, I'll have to leave this letter off here. I hope the next time I hear from you we'll have something happier to share.



Dear Lily,

Here we are, and it's mid-October, Horton and Robert are both at Hogwarts, Wilber has the chicken pox, and Viola has announced she's pregnant! It's the happiest news we've had in months. We're all so excited for the baby. It looks like it'll be another little boy and Ignatius has expressed an interest in naming his son after his father, Septimus.

Arthur has gone on a raid this past week, Benjy Fenwick, as atrocious as it sounds, was blown to pieces on the mission. While I'm sad that he has died, who I really care about is his children. The daughter is Hogwarts age, but the son's little more than a toddler at this point. I worry for Benjy's son, he's so young and his grandfather is half-blind. I just can't see that being a good combination for either of them. I sent the daughter, Mimi, a letter to let her know, as I promised her over a year ago, my home is her home if she wants to come here or if her little brother does. I haven't heard back from her, but I hope at least she believes me and will come to me if she needs me.

I'm relieved to hear James talked you out of leaving the vase broken. Even the most ugly things can become beautiful, Lily. Family is precious as well. Take it from me, dear. I know how awful it is to be so far estranged from family that you have little communication and no feeling besides contempt and distaste for them. I hate to think of you reaching that point of feeling with your sister, Lily. There's no coming back from that.

Seeing as I don't know when next I'll hear from you, I'll wish you a happy Halloween now, and I have attached a little crochet pumpkin hat for Harry to wear for the occasion!



Happily humming along to the wireless as a bit of early day's sunlight streamed in from the window, Molly sighed in contentment. This was the kind of morning she lived for, the kind where the sun was bright and welcoming, her husband was reading the paper in the next room and a little boy was sleeping in one of the spare bedrooms upstairs, which made for a perfect excuse to make smiley pancakes.

Smiling to herself, Molly realized this was the most at peace she'd felt since her brothers' deaths in August. It seemed she was finally starting to move past the terrible event and maybe, if she were ever so lucky, life would take on a taste of the normality that had been missing from it for some time.

Pouring the batter onto the skillet, Molly turned to reach for the chocolate chips when her fireplace came flaring to life with a call. The woman turned away fully from her cooking and answered it with a grin when she saw Dumbledore's familiar face. "Hello there! What has brought you calling this morning?" she asked.

His blue eyes lightless, the old man said gravely, "Molly, we have some bad news."

A/N: Thanks for reading and please vote and comment!

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