A New Project

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(A/N: The song in the media is "Centuries" and does not belong to me. If you wanna hear the full song, go to YouTube as, sadly, I couldn't find a full version with bill in it that would show up.)

"Told ya I'd see ya soon!" He chuckled. "You-you're r-" "Of course I'm real! What did you think I was, a figment of your dreams!?" He cut off. "What do you want Bill?!" Dipper said, finally. "Why, just to meet the newbie of course! I've gotta meet her some time.." Bill put his hands on his hips, obviously making an attempt at a smug look. "Why are you here Pinetree?" I, of course, thought little of the nickname, thinking that Bill was referring to Dipper's hat.
"Anywhoo, I'm Bill, Bill Cipher" The triangle put out his hand, waiting for me to shake it. I hesitated, this corn chip was obviously far from human. But, before I could even think of touching his hand,"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." It was Dipper. "Trust me when I say that, whenever someone shook that hand, nothing good ever came out of it." I trusted Dipper so, I dropped my hand and, seeing that the dorito had come closer to me, backed away a couple steps. "Hey! Don't jump to conclusions, Pinetree! I was just trying to make a good first impression on Molly here" Ok, now I was not comfortable around this guy. I continued to back up a bit and Bill, noticing this, turned to me. "Hey! No need to be afraid Moll!" "She has every right to be afraid of you, you insane dorito!" Mabel finally spoke up.
The mystery twins and Bill started to bicker like toddlers fighting over their favorite toy. I let them do this for a minute or so and then, eventually got tired of it.
"Stop!" Everyone turned toward the sudden outburst and went completely silent. "Dipper, Mabel, I appreciate that you're trying to protect me, but, I can handle this." I said, putting a hand on each of their shoulders.
Dipper contemplated whether he should let me face the talking pyramid, but, after realizing that I've been in situations like this before, gave in, and I confronted the being of my dream.
"What do you want with me anyways?" I said, keeping my composure as unfeeling as possible. "I was thinking, maybe we could make a deal. I have-" "No.." I cut him off. "But I didn't finish-" "No, I am not making a deal that some creature that I've just met came up with." I looked over my shoulder at the twins, whose faces became contorted into an expression of awe, and winked at them. I turned back to the demon and, after thinking a bit, continued. "What about if I propose a deal to you?" Bill looked at me, interested, "I'm listening..." "What if I try to reform you. If I succeed, then you won't cause the people of Gravity Falls any more harm.." "And if you fail?"... I hadn't thought about that. "If I fail..." I looked at the ground "...I will become your puppet for all eternity, and you can do whatever you please with me..." Dipper and Mabel gasped. "Molly, you can't do that! Do you have any idea what he's capable of?" I turned to Mabel,"Guys, you know that I've never failed a project like this before, I'll be fine, trust me.." Dipper put a hand on Mabel's shoulder and I turned back around.
"So, do we have a deal or not?" The demon's hand suddenly became engulfed in blue flame as he put it out to me,"...deal."

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