Some Things Never change

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(The song is the piano cover of "Every Time We Touch" and it's absolutely beautiful! Please, play this at the end so as to get the full experience or play this while reading. Either way works!)

Molly's POV: The next day was parting day. I always hate parting day. It's the day when I let the creatures I've reformed go back into the wild and live freely again. Sure, they'd come visit me once-in-a-while, but it's still sad to see them leave, especially creatures like Bill.
I was heartbroken to say the least, and, by the look on Bill's "Face", he was too. "Why do I have to leave again?" Bill asked pleadingly. "Because," I replied,"my job here is done, you're reformed." "But, what if I'm still evil, a-and you can't detect it?!" "Bill," I shook my head, smiling sadly, and punching him playfully in the arm,"I've done this enough times to know when a creature has changed, we've been over this." Bill hovered there for a second, then floated slowly out the door.
I watched from the doorway, smiling and waving sadly, as he made it to the treeline. Before he could go into the dark and shady trees of the forest however, a tree suddenly burst into flame. The triangle turned back towards me, a smirk playing on his face, as I stared in awe at the tree, now smoking and being licked fiercely by red hot flames.
"Oops," Bill started,"I may or may not have "Accidentally" set a tree on fire!" I blinked, then rolled my eyes and smirked as I said the most life-changing words of my life. "Come here." Immediately, the flames extinguished and I was engulfed in a bone-crushing hug. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUU!!" "Can't...Breathe...." "Oops, sorry!" He chuckled as he ended the hug, held my hand, and we walked, er, floated back inside my house.

(A/N: WHEEELP, THATS THE END! I hope you guys enjoyed!!

Should I make a sequel?


These are legitimate questions.

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ALSO: Check out my OTHER books!

Ask or Dare Molly and Bill!

Ask or Dare Courage!

Ask or Dare Gregory!

Spelling Errors that Really Tick Me Off!

and, my second most popular book:


Thanks for reading guys! I hope you enjoyed!


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