Chapter 1: The Norm (Pt 1)

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*In a desolate wasteland, a human-like figure was walking through a desiccated and garbage-filled street listening to music on her walkman*

*It was a young teenage girl with long messy brown hair, cornflower blue eyes with a unicorn horn and pegasus wings wearing a dirty grey dress with white, dark grey, light pink and pink polka dots, this is our main protagonist, Molly*

Molly's walkman (muffled): Shot through the heart and you're to blame- darlin' you give love a bad name

*Molly noticed some garbage ahead and using her magic, collected up the garbage and compressed it into a cube before hoisting it up onto her back and started walking again*

Molly's walkman (muffled): An angel's smile is what you sell

Molly's walkman (muffled): You promise me Heaven, then put me through heck

Molly's walkman (muffled): Chains of love got a hold on me

Molly's walkman (muffled): When passion's a prison, you can't break free 

Molly's walkman (muffled): Oh, you're a loaded gun, yeah

Molly's walkman (muffled): Oh, there's nowhere to run 

Molly's walkman (muffled): No one can save me

Molly's walkman (muffled):The damage is done

Molly's walkman (muffled): Shot through the heart and you're to blame

Molly's walkman (muffled): You give love a bad name (bad name)

Molly's walkman (muffled): I play my part and you play your game 

Molly's walkman (muffled): You give love a bad name (bad name)

Molly's walkman (muffled): Hey you give love...a bad name

*Finally, Molly reaches the top of a giant mountain of garbage cubes and places the garbage cube on it with the rest*

Molly: There we go *notices something shiny in another garbage cube* oh hello what's this?

*Molly yanks on whatever was in the cube to get it out before she finally gets it out revealing a rusted hubcap*

Molly: Hm, alright that's a good find *looks at the sun in the far distance*

*She noticed the sun was getting close to sunset, so she strapped the hubcap to her back with the other things she's found and paused the song on her walkman*

Molly: *clicks her tongue* Okay, another hard day of work completed...*turns to a little glowfly who she named Alya* ayla *holds out her arms*

*the glowfly chirps and flutters into her arms before molly spread her wings and flew down from the trash mountain, and onto the ground starting the journey back home*

*As the young girl continued walking, we get a better look at the land she's walking through. trash was EVERYWHERE, desolate waste as far as the eye could see, giant skyscrapers make of trashcubes covered the land, haunting structures buried within the trash and all in complete shambles*

*Still she remained wandering, onto an empty trash-filled highway before she looked down at her glowfly friend and nodded and the glowfly chirped back and she continued walking*

*Halfway through their walk, molly noticed her little glowfly friend was chirping unusually and that meant only one thing...she was hungry*

Molly: Uhp- you hungry alya?

*Molly pulled some of her rations and fed it to Alya who let out a happy and satisfied chirp before molly continued to walk and hold Alya*

*Molly passes by some billboards before she walks down a deserted overpass and makes her way up to a collapsed bridge ramp which is where her home sits, a rundown unit transport truck, it wasn't fancy but it was a lot better than sleeping outside in the toxic weathers*

*When she reaches the rear end of the truck, she pulls a lever which causes the back to lower, revealing the truck was full with doohickeys, knickknacks and many other things she thought was cool*

*Once the back ramp was lowered she walked into the truck and pressed a button on a connected powerstrip making the christmas lights molly hung around on the ceiling to turn on as molly began to hum a little song*

*Then she waltzes down the center isle and turns on her makeshift TV before she puts on a movie titled "Hello Dolly!" and she continued humming*

Molly: Okay let's take a peek at the new stuff *unstraps the hubcap from her back and places the other stuff on the ground before she looks on at the hubcap* hmm *places the hubcap on the bottom shelf before picking up a spork and rubix cube* ahh what beauties I've found

*Molly places the rubix cube on one of shelves before she places the spork in between the forks and spoons*

Molly: Now *picks up a lighter* I know the perfect spot to put you *presses a button by the rack of shelves, causing the shelves to rotate until it stopped at some more of her collections, placing the lighter in her pre-existing lighter collection* there we are! *starts to walk off*

*However a new song (It only takes a moment) started playing on the screen which strangely made her stop and walk back to the TV, she stood there, mesmerized by what she was seeing and pulls out her walkman and presses the record button to record this new song*

*As she continued watching, she took note of the two people holding hands and she interlocked her fingers together and looked down at them and that was when something struck her like a truck...loneliness*

*Outside, Alya was flying around and noticed molly stepping outside and sat on the ramp looking a bit melancholy...she looked up and saw some stars peeking in through the polluted night sky...she remains still before she pressed the play button on her walkman as the song began to play...and molly began to sing that song*

Molly: And that is all...that love's about

*The stars disappeared in the smog and a warning sound came from her horn as it was flashing, taking note that a sandstorm was coming but still she continued to sing though she started to prep for the sandstorm coming her way*

Molly: And we'll recall...when time runs out...

*Molly started to close up the ramp but noticed alya was still outside so she stopped it and whistled for her glowfly friend to come inside and she did before molly closed up the ramp completely before she got alya settled down for bed*

Molly: That it only took a moment...

Molly: *yawns* To be loved a whole life...*lays in a dog bed that was on one of the bottom shelves while pulling a tattered blanket over her before gently rocking herself to sleep...unaware of a single lonely tear falling from her face*...long~

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