Igniting the Spark (Part 1)

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*a scrapbook is shown opening*

Molly (voice-over): For as long as anybody can remember there were 6 musical creatures AKA My species; the ali-human

Molly (voice-over): Each ali-human has been around for decades and decades to come!

Molly (voice-over): You see we're represented for 6 different tribes; Techno, Funk, Classical, Country, Hard Rock and my tribe Pop

Molly (voice-over): We were all a team but then we all got separated and forgotten each other...but then we all reunited! thanks to my mother QUEEN POPPY!

Molly (voice-over): So we live in trollstopia but right now we're on a retreat so we can catch some R&R

*then the camera pans out and we see molly reading the scrapbook to her sisters*

Molly: And that is exactly what we're doing today!

Shadow: Um thank you for the recap sis but uhh we were all there *points to where she and the other ali-humans are* see? that's us

Molly: I know shady but come on this is the first time we ever got some rest and relaxation don't you wanna let loose and run wild?

Shadow: Uhh actually i'm- *notices a baby bunny holding her leg* Oh! well hello there little bunny! where are your parents? don't worry i'll take you to them *scoops the baby bunny up and flies to find its burrow*

Beatstar: Uhh is that the same shadow who plays rock music?

Luna: Well she's taken a bit of an interest in animals

Molly: What?! but i thought rock trolls were ruthless, rule-breaking and edgy! why isn't shadow like that?

Lavender: Well sugar not all of us are born the way they want to be, if she wants to help animals she can

Molly: Hmm

Luna: Oh no here she goes...

Molly: Girls...come with me

*in a dark room*

Molly: Okay girls in order to make shadow think and or act like a rock troll WE need to ignite her spark

Luna: This is gonna go so wrong in so many ways...

Luna: So...what do we do to make shadow like a rock troll?

Molly: Simple! we teach her the ways of a rock troll and in order to do that...we need val, petra and demo

Lavender: Uh sis, we're like 4 years away from becoming teenagers and you STILL need help from adults?

Molly: Hey they're more responsible than me! what am i, not responsible?...don't answer that

Lavender: *groans* What i'm sayin' sis is that you gotta stop being dependent on adults and start making your own decisions

Lavender: You're 14 years old! so start actin' like one!

Molly:...Oh alright we'll do it ourselves...but aren't we all 14 since we were all born on the same day?

Lavender: Don't go off topic here...

*back with shadow*

Shadow: Here you go little bunny

*shadow places the baby bunny down at its burrow*

Shadow: Next time don't try to wander so far from your burrow *pets the baby bunny's head* now i gotta go, later

*Shadow flies off*

Shadow: Now to go find my sisters


*Molly was hiding behind a tree*

Molly (whispering): Okay ladies as soon as shadow lands we'll ignite her spark

Lavender (whispering): A'ight sis but promise us this ain't gonna backfire

Molly (whispering): Sis when did my plans ever backfire?

Lavender (whispering): oh no reason

Molly (whispering): OH! here comes shadow!

Shadow: Girls? where are you?

Beatstar: Hey shady

Shadow: Oh hey beatstar! have you seen the others?

Beatstar: Nope they're probably hunting

Shadow: But not the innocent animals right?

Beatstar: Of course not the innocent animals! come on this is our sisters we're talking about! they wouldn't hurt a fly!...unless it was a predator

Shadow: Oh thank trolly, 'cause get this i brought the cutest little bunny boy back to its burrow

Beatstar: *gasps* Oh, no way!

Shadow: Yes way! oh you should've seen him! he had such floppy ears, a wiggly little nose and SUCH A FLUFFY COAT!

Beatstar: Oh my trolly he sounds like a total cutie!

Shadow: I know right?!

*Beatstar and Shadow giggle*

Shadow: Anyway i was thinking maybe we could play some rock music together? i mean we haven't spent much time together since our separation like decades ago

Beatstar: Oh sure, that'd be amazing!

Beatstar: You think after our sisters come back we can preform for them?

Shadow:...Hair. freaking. yes!

Beatstar: Come on let's get ready!

*Shadow and Beatstar head off to go find some guitars*

Molly (whispering): Ladies...set the stage because Operation; Get shadow acting like a rock troll is a go *smirks*

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