F*ck You Timmy!

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In history today I was talking to my classmates Heather, Emma, and Lucas about a worksheet we were completing about Canada's history, which was fill in the blank, and one of the blanks was the number of pairs of socks women had made for soldiers or something, which happened to be 101. However, Emma read it wrong and thought it said 101 socks, not pairs, and she became very incredibly aggravated.

so she just turns to the three of us who sit in a row behind her and goes, "Why 101 socks?! 101?? Because it would be like, 50 of you get a pair of socks! You get a pair, and you get a pair, and you get a pair, but f*uck you Timmy! You only get one!"

We were all in stitches. XD

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