John is a Cannibal Chicken

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Yesterday I was sitting in English class in 3rd period with Connmaster2323 and we had some serious word screw ups. Both of us did, but I think the worst one was this one:
John: I forgot my book again Ella.
Me: Geez, John. I'm gunna have to keep an extra book in my locker for you aren't I? *laughs*
John: No! *hits my shoulder and laughs*
Me: Read one from the book case on the wall. *points*
John: Yeah, I'll have to. *scans the book case* Heh, maybe I'll read Teenage Soup for the Chicken Soul 3.
Me: *stares at him* Uh...
John: What?
Me: Are you a cannibal? Or a chicken? Or a cannibal chicken?!
John: *thinks* Oh my god...
Me: *laughs*
John: I meant Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. 3.
Me: Yeah, cuz one bowl of teenage soup isn't enough! *laughs*
John: Ella shut up... *groans and laughs*
Our English teacher: *stares*

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