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Hey guys, it's Ella here. And I just wanted to post a quick update.
Lately I feel like I have been offending some people, a while they may think it's intentional, it's most definitely not. I don't know if this is just me and no one has actually been offended by me lately, but I'm going to apologize anyways.
First off, I want to apologize to NotAFanOfIt . For two reasons. One is that I feel like I've been kind of rude to her lately. Some things I've said and done, while not intentional to come across the way they did, may have af fended her. Especially the last few days and in a chapter I posted recently. She had posted a chapter similar to the one I posted and some of the points were similar and kind of seemed to go against each other. I didn't mean for that to happen, honestly. I just did. Even though we have a bunch in common, some of our opinions aren't the same. But I'm sorry anyways, Paige. If I did offend you or anything, I'm sorry and I didn't mean to.
I'm also sorry for not getting the next chapter of TSYST to you...but you already know my reason for that.
Another person I want to apologize to is TheOwlsGirl . Mainly, this is because I feel like I've kind of been ignoring you lately. I don't mean too, like I said before, I've been a lot quieter lately as I'm not doing so well. I'm just not as talkative so this in no way means I'm intentionally ignoring you, I'm not. I promise. I'm sorry if you thought I was.
The last person I'd like to apologize to, even if he won't read this, is CamoDude1 . There have been some things going on lately and I know we've been mad at each other off and on. But I've been mad at you for something that you can't control, so I'm sorry I was even mad in the first place. It was wrong. Glad we already sorted it out though buddy.
Anyways, the only other things I have to say right now is sorry to you guys. I haven't been updating much and the updates I have posted have been a lot like this. So to make it up for all the sadish, kind of mopey and ranting cheaters, I'm going to try and post a bunch of funny ones in a row. Anyways, thank you to those of you who actually read this. And again sorry to those individuals whom I tagged. It might've just been me, but if it wasn't, I really am sorry. Forgive me?
Until next time, Bookies! -Ella :)

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