Damn Daniel...(different senario)

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Okay so most people who know me know that I'm a rep soccer player, and I'm a goalie. Now before anyone goes: "Oh your not a real soccer player then, you just stand around and don't work!"
Don't. Go. There. That's totally not true and we work just as hard as the players do, trust me. It's not easy you know. But that's a rant for another time. Anyways...
So yeah, I'm a goalkeeper. I was at a group training session the other night with players from all the teams in the club for a session called Keeper/Striker. It's a lot of fun and it's one of the only times I see my friends from other teams.
So in particular, my friends from keeper are a few people. A girl named Megan and two boys named Josh and Johnathon, who are my age. Then there's my friend Abby who's one year younger, and Daniel, who's two years younger. But to be honest we don't even notice the age difference so... There are more goalies I'm friends with, they just don't go to this session.
Anyways so first all the goalies train together in a group, or a few small group with goalie coaches. My group my Daniel, Abby and I, and Johnathon joined at the end. The coach we were with was consistent with the shots with everyone but Daniel. With Daniel, the shots would just go anywhere and everywhere. Then eventually we were all together doing a different drill, and Daniel always got shots too corner, bottom corner, bar down, off the post...etc. They are very difficult to stop. And it wasn't because he deserved it. I mean he's a super nice kid and he's pretty good so...Yeah anyways this had me and Abby already laughing.
The second half of the session we are with the strikers, competing against them. Abby an I were paired up in a net with Daniel in the one across from us. Me and Abby got it pretty easy, not many hard shots. But Daniel got pounded. Shit after shot after shot, not to mention hurting his rest an getting many shots to the face and other painful areas...
And people say it's not hard to be a keeper. This has a point to it, I promise.
Anyways yeah, by the end, Daniel was so out of it, he was just done. Me and Abby couldn't help but laugh at our friend, the look on his face was priceless.
After the coaches talked to us we went over to find Daniel to talk to him. Found him on the other side of the field , holding his wrist, looking half dead. We started laughing and he just rolled his eyes at us. So we went up to him and looked at each other, and in unison we were like: "Damn Daniel..."
And Daniel goes: "More like Dead Daniel..."
He laughed but it turned more into a groan so I turned to Abby like, "Damn, Daniel's damn dead..."
Daniel just laugh-groaned again, "Ugh will you two shit up...?"
"Nope," Abby says.
We all laughed.
But then I dropped it. "But seriously. Are you alright?"
Then it went on from there. Yes all that painful rambling had a point. It would have been a lot shorter if I had already told you guys about soccer, and the way it works and my friends there in a previous chapter so I had to do it here. Sorry if this got boring so thanks if you are still here! Virtual cookies for all of you! Lol.
Anyways, we all found this quite funny and I hope you guys at least found it somewhat enjoyable so...until next time Bookies! -Ella :)

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