Double Trouble

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My younger cousin, Ryan, came over yesterday, he's 10 I think, with my Uncle and his girlfriend. My family had just got back from shopping for school supplies and my sister and I were just organizing our binders. They kind of just walked up to the door and everyone jumped up to greet them because we don't se them that often.
Anyways, Ryan, Abbey (my sister), and I were sitting on the couch talking about school when Abbey said something about her backpack from the previous school year. I don't remember exactly what she said but this is what Ryan heard: "I emptied out a drunk monkey."
What? 😂
We probably laughed for five straight minutes.
Ryan actually came over to me a few minutes later to see how tall he was on me but I'm over a foot taller still. Then he tried to tickle me. But he's really tiny, like thin I mean, so I just picked him up and started tickling him. Then threw him back on the couch.
I walked into the kitchen thinking that was over but he followed me and tasered me, and ran away laughing.
I ran after him and got him from behind, and Abbey came from the other way and tickled him until he fell o the ground laughing. He was squirming on the ground yelling, "DOUBLE TROUBLE! ABORT MISSION! HELP!!"
My whole family was in stitches. 😂

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