Happy Surprise!

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Okay so as I said in the last chapter, I had no exam today so I was bored out of my mind. This morning I practiced hair tutorials...which I sucked at...
Then they boys, meaning jeff_graham30 , CamoDude1 , and Lex were all hanging out and James and Jeff were talking in our group chat in iMessage. They invited me to hang out but I couldn't get someone to drive me the fifteen minute drive to James' house, so I had to stay home.
After talking in the chat for a while, Jeff said they were going out, and then the chat was vacant.
Then I was really, really, bored.
I decided to make cookies and then I sat down to do my nails. I was about halfway done a second coat when I heard the doorbell ring. I could see the door from my spot at the kitchen table so I glanced quickly. I debated whether or not to answer the door, but stopped short when I saw someone waving. I really had to look closely, but after a minute I realized it was Lex waving at me. I didn't believe it at first, but then I opened the door to see Lex, James, and Jeff there smiling at me.
I was shocked to say the least.
They had biked for an hour and half, all the way down to my house just to see me for a little while because they knew how bored I was and wanted to see me because I couldn't see them.
I let them in and we hung out for a little while and then they left again.
But I'm just so happy. That was an amazing surprise, it made my day lol. Aw what sweethearts. <3 Love you guys.
Anyways, so that was my day. What did you guys do today, Bookies?
Until next time! -Ella :)

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