I'm Not Random (Tag)

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Alright so hello there everybody! It's is time for yet another tag! I was tagged by wolfess21 yet again, so thanks for the tag! :) Let's get started!
Rain or snow?
Um...that's actually a difficult one. I don't really like rain it's all dreary and gets you wet and stuff. Since I live in Canada I know how annoying snow can be though too. Yes, it's pretty and all but it gets annoying after a while. Plus, after like a week or so it turns all brown and yuck, plus it's cold and hard to get around. Yeah yeah, call me unCanadian all you want, but I'd rather rain.
Favourite quote?
Gosh, I have too many. Lol. Um one would probably be:

I definitely try to do this even though I know I can't please everyone. My other favourite is in the media at the top. I might post some chapter of this story with just some quotes and why I like them. I don't know. Should I?
Are you on Facebook?
No. Sadly I'm not, but I wish I was allowed to have an account.
Do you know what Nightcore is?
Another question: who doesn't?
If you do, the what's your favourite Nightcore song?
Okay well honesty I haven't listened to any Nightcore versions of stuff in a while, but a while ago I was a huge Camp Rock nerd, so my favourite is probably It's Not Too Late by Demi Lovato. Oh and now that I think of it, the Nightcore version of Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding is good too.
What % are you in as you write this up?
*Checks* Uh... 66%. My phone is charging though, lol.
Where are you from in the world?
I know I've mentioned this before, but I'm a proud Canadian! :)
What's your birthstone?
My birthstone happens to be amethyst.
If you could be born in any month, what month would you be born in and why?
Well, I'd like to be born in July or August, honestly. I was born in the winter and I always wished I could do something with my friends for my birthday as a young kid, but there was never much choice of what to do in the winter. In the summer you can do so much, assuming the weather is nice. And don't get me wrong, I don't mind the cold that much, but I like the summer heat just as much as everyone else. I hate the winter blues.
If you could live in any anime world, which world and why?
Sorry, but I don't watch anime at all. Unless you count Pokemon. Then Pokemon.
Horses or Cats?
Catsssss!!!! (Sorry Paige).
Dogs or Bunnies?
Uh...I love both, but dogs.
Do you have fun doing these tags?
Well, I don't get very many of them so when I do, yes, I do enjoy doing them. :)
Okay so that was the last question. I'm not gunna tag anyone else because In lazy and it's late so...yeah. Sorry. Another update on my Hunger Games fanfiction. It probably would have been posted already if I hadn't of been dumb and left my notebook at Paige's...So sorry about that guys, but I'm not gunna post until I have a few more chapters done. Sorry but that should be pretty soon so don't worry. And if you are waiting for an update on The Insiders, that's in the works too. Don't worry I haven't forgotten about that story. Thanks for reading this Bookies! Until next time! -Ella :)

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